Profitable food business: butter production. Oil production technology

Butter, along with bread, meat, cereals and some types of vegetables, is socially significant product nutrition. Modern industry uses several technologies for its production, which make it possible to obtain oil with different taste properties and fat content.

Butter is one of the most important products in the human diet, which is popular all over the world. Its main advantages are high nutritional value, the presence of a large number useful substances and naturalness. Despite the development food technologies, production butter still requires use today natural milk and not a single product in the world can act as its full-fledged substitute.

One of the oldest foods in the world

Methods for producing butter were known in Ancient India more than 3 thousand years ago. At that time, the product was created in an artisanal way using exclusively manual labor. The first industrial equipment appeared only at the beginning of the 19th century. It was developed by Italian masters who sought to simplify the scheme for obtaining high-fat dairy product. Technology gradually improved and by the middle of the 20th century, butter became similar in characteristics to modern butter.

Butter production technology

The essence of all currently known methods comes down to isolating milk fat. In modern industry, this task is performed by thermomechanically converting cream or churning it. The latter method allows you to get very tasty and useful product, however, it has low performance. Oil production technology using high conversion method heavy cream used by most modern enterprises, it requires a minimum of labor costs (almost all operations are performed in semi-automatic or automatic modes), which leads to the low cost of the final product.

In general, the production process can be divided into the following stages:

  • Reception of milk;
  • separation;
  • normalization of cream, removal of various odors and tastes;
  • pasteurization;
  • maturation;
  • churning or thermomechanical transformation;
  • packing and packing.

Reception of milk

In Russia, raw materials of 1st and 2nd grade are selected for the production of oils. The latter type of milk may have a specific smell, taste defects and some other disadvantages. In Europe, butter is prepared exclusively from raw materials of the highest category. In the process of acceptance cow's milk Samples are taken for analysis, after which the laboratory issues a conclusion on the characteristics of the supplied raw materials and permission to use them for production purposes. On last stage mechanical impurities are removed and the milk is transferred for separation.


The operation is performed at a temperature of 35-40 °C, which is achieved by heating the product with a tubular heater. The essence of the method is to place milk in a rotating drum, which helps separate the cream. Before stopping, place in the separator skimmed milk, which forces the cream to the surface.

Normalization of cream, removal of various odors and tastes

Modern methods of butter production require the use of cream with the same fat characteristics. Therefore, before churning, the fat content is normalized. To do this, use a special bath in which cream, skim milk and buttermilk are placed. To increase the fat content, cream with a higher mass fraction of fat is sometimes used.


To prevent bacteria contained in milk used for butter production from causing rapid spoilage of the cream, pasteurization is carried out. The essence of this procedure is to heat the mass to a temperature of 92-95 °C in winter period and 85-90 °C in summer for 15-20 minutes. During the specified time, most microorganisms are neutralized, due to which the shelf life of the cream increases by 3-4 times.


The hot mass is cooled to 2-8 °C in a bath, which was used for normalization and pasteurization. A rapid decrease in temperature occurs due to continuous supply into the jacket cold water and smooth mixing of the mass. Maturation occurs in a natural way during settling. In this case, part of the milk fat hardens, forming clumps, which then break down into butter grains. The ripening process is accelerated by reducing the temperature to minimum values ​​and through continuous mechanical mixing.

Oil production by churning method

The conversion of cream into butter is carried out in butter making machines. They are movable metal or wooden (already practically not used) cylinders. When rotated, the fat particles crystallize, turning into oil grains. The process stops when the buttermilk starts spattering.

After this, the resulting grains are washed several times. Thanks to this procedure, butter acquires additional stability during storage. Rinsing also removes any remaining buttermilk. At the next stage, the oil is salted with pre-calcined salt and mechanical restoration grains The resulting mass passes through special squeezing rollers, due to which a continuous oil layer is formed, ready for further packaging and packing.

Thermo-mechanical cream conversion method

The main feature of this technological process for oil production is the use of raw materials with a high mass fraction of fat. The cream passes through an oil former, in which, under the influence high temperature and mechanical loads, fat crystallization occurs. The process lasts several days, after which the product is ready for packaging.

In accordance with Russian standards, oil can be produced from fermented or butter cream with varying amounts of fat. The resulting varieties are identical in nutritional properties and differ only in organoleptic qualities.

Butter is nutritious product, without which it is difficult to imagine full breakfast any person. Is it made from cow's creamed butter, which is common in many grocery stores? In fact, the technology for producing a real creamy product dates back to ancient times, when our ancestors made butter with their own hands without the help of powerful equipment.

Production technology

Not many people know that the first butter appeared 3000 years ago in India. The industrial production of this product was founded in Italy - it was there that, at the beginning of the 19th century, mechanical devices were invented for the production of a fatty product, which became the ancestor of butter. What oil is made from is known to everyone today. It is worth noting what exactly was considered the pride of domestic manufacturers.

The quality of this product depends on several factors. There is not a single ingredient or technological process that can be replaced with any analogue. The quality of raw materials, control at each stage of production, strict adherence to technology - all this together allows us to obtain high-quality creamy product.

How is butter made?

On a scale industrial production Both first and second grade milk can be used. In many European countries, there is no such thing as second-grade milk at all, but domestic producers successfully use raw materials that have obvious disadvantages for the production of butter. Moreover, this does not contradict sanitary and hygienic standards.

How is butter made? The production of this high-calorie product is quite complex. technological process, each stage of which is extremely important and requires compliance with all standards. The ultimate goal is the concentration and release of milk fat. IN industrial scale Butter can be produced in two ways:

  • Mechanical beating 35-40%.
  • Conversion of heavy cream (70-85%).

The first method allows you to obtain a better and tastier creamy product, however this method does not allow achieving high results in terms of productivity.


Knowing what oil is made from, you can begin to study one of the technologies for its production. First of all, high-quality raw materials, that is, cream, are cooled and kept at a temperature from +2 to +8 ° C. At this time, the cream ripens, its viscosity increases, as well as the formation of specific fat globules, which will subsequently become the center of fat crystallization. More low temperature allows the cream to ripen faster, and mechanical rotation further speeds up the technological process.

Then the high-fat raw materials are placed in oil press drums, which are ordinary wooden barrels or rotating metal cylinders. Mechanical shocks contribute to the formation of oil grains, which are essentially crystallized particles of oil fat. As soon as the buttermilk begins to splatter, the rotation process stops and the washing of the oil grain begins. To increase the durability of butter, calcined salt is used. After this, the entire mass is passed through special squeezing rollers, through which a fairly dense and homogeneous layer is formed, ready for packaging, packaging and storage.

Converting High Fat Cream

The essence of this method is to convert an oil-in-water emulsion into a water-in-oil emulsion, which occurs using thermomechanical processing. This process produces high-fat cream with a fat content of 72.5% or 82.5%, respectively. After this, the cream is passed through an oil former, due to which it acquires a specific structure characteristic of butter. This technology makes it possible to obtain a creamy product that differs in many respects from butter obtained by churning cream.

After all the manipulations have been completed, the butter must “ripen” - it is kept for several days at a temperature of +12-16 °C to complete the crystallization process.

Surely many have noticed that when room temperature the butter seems to be “spreading” - this is the result of non-compliance with the temperature regime.

Real butter

Having figured out what butter is made from, we can identify several main characteristics of a high-quality creamy product. Choosing it in a store is not so easy, since most labels have the same inscription - “pasteurized cream”. In fact, there is a special gastronomic classification of real butter, based on which the following types are distinguished:

  • A traditional product with a fat content of 82.5%.
  • Amateur butter, the fat content of which is at least 80%.
  • with a fat content of at least 72.5%.

All other percentages are water and not a large number of buttermilk Only experienced producers know how to make butter not only tasty, but also healthy. The technology for producing such a product is directly related to those methods that were used long before the advent of mechanical units. Even during the Soviet Union, high quality products were marked with the GOST sign, which has now been replaced by R 52969-2008. This designation indicates that the contents of the package will please pleasant taste familiar since childhood.

Cooking at home

Today it is rare to find a family that does not care about their health and proper nutrition. Depends on the quality of the products wellness and strong immunity, which is why many strive to buy only high-quality food or prepare it themselves. How to make butter at home? The answer to this question is provided by Jamie Oliver's recipe, which suggests easy way production of high-quality creamy product.

The following ingredients are required for preparation:

  • Heavy cream - about 400 ml. The fattier the starting material, the more oil the final result will produce.
  • A small amount of calcined salt "Extra".
  • Mixer.
  • A charge of positive emotions.

The process itself is not complicated. The main thing is to choose high-quality cream with the highest percentage of fat content.

Technology for making homemade butter

Before you do homemade oil, you need to prepare a fairly deep (preferably metal) dish. First of all, you need to thoroughly beat the heavy cream using a mixer. This is performed at maximum power of the equipment for 10 minutes. Then the creamy mass should rest a little, after which the process is repeated again.

Literally after 15 minutes you will notice that liquid cream turned into a small amount of butter. The liquid obtained as a result of whipping must be drained and continue mixing the cream at high speed. As a result of whipping three times, you should get something vaguely reminiscent of butter. This is not the end of the technological process yet.

Using a regular spoon, the butter is collected into a lump and left for some time to “ripen”. After some time, it should stand out from this mass excess liquid. After this, the butter is laid out on parchment and salted, folded in half, kneaded again. This procedure can be performed several times for more thorough mixing.

Homemade butter is ready. 400 ml heavy cream (33%) should yield about 150 grams of butter.

A few more facts about butter

Unlike how a creamy product is made, it requires careful adherence to each stage of the technological process and High Quality all ingredients. Only a real creamy product spreads softly on bread, does not crumble, and has a rich yellow and has a pronounced taste and aroma.

There are several more types of butter, in addition to those indicated just above. For example, there is also a creamy product with fillers that improve its organoleptic characteristics.

Not only cow's milk and cream are used to make butter. Buffaloes, goats, sheep, yaks and even zebu (in India and African countries) - all these animals are a source of natural raw materials, which will become the basis for butter.

Butter is a popular and sought-after product on the market. Therefore, a business in its production can become very profitable. A variety of devices and installations are used to produce oil. You can buy oil-making equipment of different performance levels from domestic and foreign brands.

Types of main equipment

Two types of equipment are used: devices for preparing raw materials for the technological process and devices with the help of which the technological process is carried out. For preparatory operations, various containers and starter containers are used. The cream matures in containers, and sourdough is produced in fermentation containers.

Devices that take part in the production of oil can be periodic or continuous. In batch butter makers, cream with a fat content of 30-40% is churned. And oil producers operating continuously ensure the production of the product in a flow.

Oil producers different types may differ:

  • design of working mechanisms,
  • way of influencing raw materials,
  • oil production mechanism.

Butter production diagram depends on which method for its manufacture is chosen. In batch equipment, oil production takes place in two stages:

  1. Oil grains are formed from fat globules.
  2. An oil layer is formed from oil grains.

In continuous equipment, oil production occurs in a stream.

Butter can also be made at home small quantities and industrially.

The technological scheme for producing butter at home or at a small production site and at a large production site is significantly different. To make butter in small quantities, the method of whipping cream is used.

When making butter by converting high-fat cream, the fat phase is concentrated during separation. Normalization of humidity is carried out before thermochemical processing of raw materials.

It is necessary to take into account that the mass fraction of fat in cream must correspond to the proportion of fat in butter. The cream fat emulsion is destroyed during thermochemical treatment, and then milk fat crystallizes.

The production line for the production of butter consists of the following equipment:

  • separators;
  • deodorization devices;
  • normalization baths and long-term pasteurization;
  • oil formers;
  • pump;
  • homogenizer-plasticizer;
  • tank with a volume of about 10 cubic meters.

On the equipment market you can now buy different production lines, but I especially want to pay attention to effective and relatively inexpensive equipment for the production of oil from domestic manufacturers, these are “OTICH”, “Tetra-OTICH”, “Alfa-SBT”.

To produce a kilogram of butter with a fat content of 82%, you need 17 liters of milk with a fat content of 5% or 29 liters with a 3% fat content. If you want to make the final product cheaper, enter vegetable fats. The same equipment is used for the production of spreads as for the production of butter.

The cost of equipment for making butter can depend on various factors. But production lines must be selected taking into account production volumes and the quality of the equipment itself. To ensure uninterrupted operation of the devices and get maximum results, you need to ensure professional maintenance of this equipment and its correct operation. Therefore, when organizing the production of butter, qualified craftsmen, technologists, and workers will be required.

You can watch a video on making butter

From this article you will learn about all the nuances of opening a business for the production of oil, as well as about investments and profits from this business.

Any entrepreneurial business begins with writing a business plan, which outlines the goals of creating a business, the necessary organizational measures, as well as the amount of investment and expected profit.

A business plan for the production of butter is necessary for further management of the enterprise with minimal investment and maximum benefit.

Often, an entrepreneur looking for investors needs to draw up and present a detailed business plan to potential investors. A business plan can present an analysis of the profitability of a given enterprise and its further development strategy.

Equipment for the production of butter

First you need to select and buy equipment for the production of butter. The cost of the relevant equipment directly depends on the scale of the products being manufactured.. A small workshop can produce about 100-200 kg of product per shift.

A butter production line is a technical complex necessary for the corresponding production. The production line for creating butter consists of:

  • Separating machine;
  • Pasteurizing equipment;
  • Oil press machine;
  • Homogenizer;
  • The bath in which the normalization process takes place;
  • Containers intended for storing raw materials.

However, often an entrepreneur will need to purchase additional equipment - freezers for storage, as well as equipment for packaging and packing products.

Butter production lines

There are a large number of complex lines on the market designed for creating butter. The higher the line productivity, the higher its cost.

Here are some of the most popular specialized lines:

  1. Production line P8-0LF-01 – price from $45,000, Molmash, Russia.
  2. Line for the production of oil A1-OLO-1 – MNPP Tehmo LLC, Russia.
  3. OLMas-Pro line – Protemol LLC plant, Russia.

High-quality equipment can be purchased both in Russia and ordered from China.

Butter production technology

When implementing, an entrepreneur must understand the chosen field. Therefore, before starting a business to create butter, you need to know how butter is made and what is needed for it.

How is butter made in a factory? On the scale of a small workshop, butter is made in two ways. The main methods of producing butter are churning cream, as well as converting high-fat cream. The second method is most often used and takes less time..

At the initial stage, when receiving and separating dairy raw materials, these methods for producing butter are indistinguishable from each other. Then the cream (fat content 35-45%) is pasteurized. Afterwards, the technological process of butter production is carried out according to the chosen method.


Cream (pasteurized) goes through a cooling stage and is left until completely “ripened” at a certain temperature (2-8 degrees).

The speed of “ripening” of the product is directly related to how low the temperature was - the colder it is, the faster the raw material is ready for processing.

After “ripening,” the cream is poured into oil drums, where, through constant rotation, oil grains—fat crystals—are formed in the raw material. After the formation of oil grains, the raw material is washed.

To keep the oil longer, add calcined salt to the mixture.. Then the raw material is squeezed out in rollers, where the mass is transformed into a homogeneous layer of finished oil.

When producing cultured butter, the mass is fermented after pasteurization, but the remaining stages of butter production remain unchanged.

Converting Heavy Cream

The butter production technology in which cream is converted is based on thermochemical processing. First, the heavy cream is poured into a butter press, in which the raw materials are thickened to the consistency of butter.

The raw materials “ripen” for several days. The temperature at this stage is 12-16 degrees. The finished product must retain its shape at above-zero temperatures.

If this did not happen, then the temperature regime was violated during manufacturing. Also finished product should not crumble.

Raw materials for butter production

What is butter made from? The product is based on milk fats, which may contain various flavoring additives. Most often, butter contains cream from cow's milk. However, the oil can be made from different types raw materials:

  • cream (cow's milk);
  • cream (buffalo milk);
  • cream (curd whey);
  • a mixture of milk plasma and fat;
  • a mixture of baked milk and plasma.

It should be remembered that milk for butter must have the appropriate quality, because the quality of the butter depends on this.


At the enterprises where butter is created, several types are usually produced of this product. GOST R52969-2008“Butter” is a document against which the quality of the corresponding product is verified if it was made from milk.

If the product composition contains additives, then the quality is verified by GOST R52970-2008"Butter with fillers." According to these standards, it is determined how butter is made in production.

Types of butter

  1. Traditional – with or without salt, sour cream or sweet cream. Fat content – ​​82.5%;
  2. Peasant – fat content 72.5%;
  3. Sandwich – fat content 62.5%;
  4. Amateur – fat content 80%;
  5. Tea - permissible level fat content is 45.5%;
  6. Dessert (fat content 62%) with the addition various ingredients(berries, fruits, coffee, etc.);
  7. Honey – fat content 57% and 52%;
  8. Delicacy (fat content 62% and 55%) with the addition of seafood, mushrooms, meat;
  9. Snack bar (fat content 62% and 55%) with added vegetables;
  10. Chocolate (fat content is 62%).

Sales and advertising

The payback period for any project is related to how successfully the sale of the product was organized. The product must attract the buyer not only by quality, but also by bright packaging, advertising, etc. Among the components of a good advertising campaign:

  • bright packaging;
  • installation of advertising paraphernalia (outdoor advertising, banners, etc.);
  • holding promotions and tasting events in large stores;
  • rental of a personal pavilion for selling products.

If the production of butter as a small business is to generate adequate income, then when selling the product it is necessary to cooperate with wholesalers.

Required documents

Before you need to think about the scale of the sale. To open a mini-factory for the production of butter, which may only employ family members, it makes sense to register an individual business. If the entrepreneur has sufficient start-up capital, then you can open an LLC.

When registering, a fee is paid to the state, and the appropriate OKVED code is selected. This type of business corresponds to the code OKVED 10.51.2“Production of butter, ghee, butter paste, milk fat, spreads and melted cream-vegetable mixtures.”

The workshop must pass certification by inspection control, which will determine the quality of the product, compliance of the product with the declared names. The accompanying documents, a separate batch of goods, etc. are inspected. Then a license is obtained, which allows the production of the product to begin.

Necessary steps to start a business

  1. LLC registration.
  2. The reporting package template is filled out.
  3. A complex of acts and production conditions is studied.
  4. Creating a business plan.
  5. A room for the workshop is selected and equipment is purchased.
  6. Certification procedure.


Since the creation and storage of butter in production requires certain conditions, care must be taken in choosing and equipping the premises. The room in which it is planned to create a workshop must be quite spacious - 60-150 m2.

However, it must be remembered that the premises should contain warehouses, as well as rooms for workers.

A mini workshop for the production of butter should be located in a basement, with running water, hot and cold water, as well as with sewerage. To ensure the safety of products, production temperatures must be set to sub-zero temperatures.

The room should have good ventilation with air humidity up to 80%. The room is equipped with electrical wiring designed for 380 volts. The floor and walls should be tiled with easy-to-clean tiles.


Hired employees must be well aware of how butter is produced, what quality requirements apply, etc. Three shifts of employees are required for a 24-hour production process. Each shift should have two workers and one foreman.

First of all you need to find good technologist , who knows first-hand how butter is made. The number of personnel can be as follows - 4 workers, 1 technologist, 1 laboratory assistant, 1 director, as well as an employee responsible for sales and advertising.

To optimize business processes, it is possible to outsource accounting. In this case, the entrepreneur can concentrate on running the business.


The production of butter is one of the most promising projects, since such a product is always bought and under any conditions.

The payback period directly depends on the number of sales, the volume of investments, as well as the cost of the product. First you need to calculate the cost of producing butter.

  • acquisition of the line - about $45,000.
  • installation and delivery of the line – $4,500.
  • purchase of refrigeration equipment - about 9000 dollars.
  • purchase of a packaging machine - about $5,000.
  • rent (taking into account that the fee is calculated at $2.5 per 1m2) – from $150.
  • salary of employees (8 people) – about $4,000.
  • other expenses - $5000.
  • creating a stock of products - about $17,000.

In total, you need to invest about 89 thousand dollars in your business.


A medium-sized workshop can produce about 500 kg daily. The number of shifts per month can reach 22. If the cost per 1 kg of oil is set at $3, the revenue will be about $33,000. Accordingly, the percentage of profitability of such a business will be about 15%, and the payback period will be six months.

Butter today is one of the most common and universal products food, which can often be seen in the refrigerator of our compatriots. Accordingly, we can say with confidence that the demand for it is very high. In this regard, the production of butter can be an excellent business idea, even despite quite high competitive activity. After all, truly high quality and delicious product will always find its consumer at an affordable price. We propose to talk further about how to organize such a business.

Registration of a legal entity

First of all, you should decide on what scale you will produce butter. So, you can organize a very small business, in which members of your family are employed.

Accordingly, in this case it will be enough to register yourself as an individual entrepreneur with a simplified taxation system. If you have sufficient start-up capital or plan to use investor funds, then it makes sense to open an LLC.

Permitting documentation

Butter is included in the list of goods subject to mandatory certification. Therefore, without such a document, it will not be possible to start production. In addition, since you plan to produce food products, you will need to bring the workshop and storage facilities for raw materials and finished goods into compliance with certain SES requirements.

Butter production technology

The production of this food product is possible in two ways: the method of churning cream and the method of converting heavy cream. We invite you to learn more about each option. But first it should be noted that the first two stages - receiving and separating milk - are the same for both methods.

Then the process of pasteurization of cream with a fat content of 35 to 45% occurs, during which extraneous microflora is destroyed and deodorization is carried out. The subsequent stages differ radically depending on the production method.

Creaming method

Pasteurized cream is cooled and kept for some time at a temperature of 2-8 degrees Celsius. This is necessary for the product to “ripe”. Moreover, the lower the temperature, the faster this process proceeds.

The cream is then placed in churns, which are rotating wooden barrels or metal cylinders. As a result of mechanical shock, the formation of oil grains occurs, which consists of crystallized particles of fat contained in milk. After this, the churning process is stopped.

Then the oil grain is washed once or twice. To increase the stability of the oil during storage, calcined salt is added to it. After this, the mass is passed through squeezing rollers, as a result of which a dense, homogeneous layer is formed, which can only be packaged and packaged. It is worth noting that the technology for the production of fermented butter is no different from the steps described above, with the exception that after pasteurization it is necessary to carry out ripening.

Heavy cream conversion method

This method of manufacturing a product is based on the process of thermomechanical processing of raw materials. At its first stage, cream with a high fat content is obtained, which is then sent to the butter former, where it acquires a structure characteristic of butter. Without going into theoretical details, it should be noted that the consistency of such a product differs significantly from that produced by churning.

To complete the process of making oil, it must undergo a maturation process. To do this, it is kept for several days at a temperature of 12-16 degrees Celsius. It should be noted that if the finished product “spreads” at room temperature, it means that at the final stage of its production process the temperature regime was violated. However, at the same time the nutritional value does not decrease at all.

Equipment for the production of butter

Since most businessmen organize the production of this product on an industrial scale, let’s consider what you will need to purchase to implement the method of converting heavy cream:

Separators (separate cream with medium fat content into high-fat ones) - cost from 80 to 200 thousand rubles.

Vacuum deodorization units (remove foreign tastes and odors) – 600 thousand rubles.

Normalization baths (install the necessary mass fraction moisture) – 150 thousand rubles.

Bath for long-term pasteurization – 150-800 thousand rubles.

Cylindrical and plate butter formers (make butter from cream). The price range of this equipment is very wide and depends on performance (from 150 thousand rubles to 20 million rubles).