All about the benefits and harms of turkey meat. The benefits of turkey for the human body Is it possible to eat turkey meat

Turkey meat is a valuable food product. It is a supplier of complete protein to the human body.

Its protein is easily and completely absorbed by both adults and children.

What are the general beneficial properties of turkey meat for the body, what are the harms and benefits of turkey fillet for men, women and children? Let's get into all the details!

Composition of turkey meat

Turkey is rich in protein, contains a small amount of fat - their ratio in meat is 2:1, and there are no carbohydrates in the composition.

Calorie content of 100 grams is comparable to beef- approximately (depending on the part of the carcass) 195 kcal per 100 g of product, but poultry meat is more fully absorbed.

The main composition is enriched with a large amount (2 times more than in beef), vitamins of group B, PP, minerals (, sodium,).

Cholesterol, which is found in any meat, is found in small quantities in turkey. and in a form beneficial to the body.

Beneficial features

What are the benefits of turkey meat? This product is recognized as dietary doctors of all medical specialties.

Poultry meat is more easily included in metabolism, its composition enriches the body with useful substances. Useful for the prevention of painful conditions:

  • iron contained in red meat prevents the development of anemia;
  • magnesium strengthens the heart muscle;
  • phosphorus, the content of which approaches the amount present in fish, promotes absorption, and therefore strengthens bones and teeth;
  • sodium maintains a balance with potassium, which supports the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • vitamins B, PP strengthen the nervous system, regulate the transmission of impulses along the nerve trunks;
  • the protein component strengthens muscle mass, hair, skin, mucous membranes;
  • Turkey cholesterol is not deposited on the walls of blood vessels and prevents the accumulation of harmful lipids coming from other products;
  • the balanced composition of meat and its organic nature for human perception reduces the risk of complications from diseases when limited consumption of animal proteins is recommended;
  • The product is very useful in the fight against obesity: eating turkey meat with leafy vegetables and salads provides complete nutrition with a reduced calorie content and a feeling of fullness for a long time.

Turkey meat is not contraindicated for pregnant women and. Its complete dietary protein helps new life form correctly.

What's healthier - chicken or turkey? Let’s figure it out together with the “Live Healthy!” program:

As it is

There are many ways to cook turkey– every housewife experiments with the product and creates her own dishes.

  • For very young children, carefully ground meat puree is prepared with the addition of broth;
  • elderly people can use it in the form of pate, soup with meat broth;
  • Turkey stew is not contraindicated for most consumers; variations with seasonings and alternating side dishes make this dish popular;
  • completely healthy, active people can afford roasted turkey, sometimes even with the skin on – it contains cholesterol, but its quantity is optimal;
  • classic cooking - baked turkey whole carcass, often stuffed (prunes, citruses, and other fruits, mushrooms or vegetables);
  • You can use turkey meat for shish kebab and barbecue.

Turkey meat fits into the norms for consumption of protein products of animal origin in general: 1 g of protein per 1 kg of human weight.

Therefore, taking into account the intake of proteins of animal origin and from other products, 100-200 g of turkey meat per day is sufficient.

The nutritional value depends on the part of the carcass and on the cooking method. Dark leg meat fried in oil is more nutritious, while breast meat, steamed or baked on a grill, is less nutritious.

How to preserve quality

The healthiest meat is chilled. It can be stored for no more than 1-2 days in the refrigerator, so prepare turkey meat right away.

After cooking and cooking The shelf life of the product is also limited to two to three days at low temperatures.

Long-term storage

But not all regions offer freshly slaughtered poultry. Fresh frozen is quite suitable. Freezing is used and, if necessary, the product can be preserved for a long time.

The freezers of household refrigerators cope with the task - frozen carcasses are stored in them.

The main storage rule: Thawed product cannot be re-frozen. If the carcass is removed from the freezer and thawed, it is not recommended to put it back - there will be a significant decrease in taste and beneficial properties.

Defrosting meat naturally is beneficial. For example, in the evening, move the carcass from the freezer to the refrigerator. Overnight there will be enough thawing to cut the carcass.

For quick defrosting use a microwave oven.

The most undesirable method is immersion in water to thaw the product. Many useful substances dissolve in water; the taste of such birds is worse.

Before storing chilled poultry for freezing housewives usually cut up the carcass and store it not entirely, to be used not at once, but in parts.


Following several rules when cooking turkey meat will allow maintaining the gastronomic attractiveness and consumer usefulness of the product:

  • for making broth meat, cut into small pieces, is placed in cold water, brought to a boil, the foam is removed and cooked until tender, salted 10-15 minutes before the end of cooking;
  • if the purpose of cooking is boiled meat, and not broth or soup, it is better to cook it in a large piece, immersed in boiling water, into which roots (root, parsnip, etc.), pepper and salt are added during cooking, and after cooking, cooled outside the broth, cut into portions before serving;
  • bake and fry meat It is recommended to cook in a very hot frying pan for a short time - until a golden brown crust forms, and then, if the layer of meat is thick, bring it to readiness in the oven, and salt it immediately before serving;
  • stewing of the product carried out in a minimal amount of liquid, under a lid, with the addition of seasonings and vegetables.

The best turkey burrito recipe from Yulia Vysotskaya and the “Eating at Home” program:

Danger and contraindications

Turkey intolerance is rare, this phenomenon rather belongs to the category of curiosities, therefore there are few contraindications to eating the meat of this bird.

You need to be careful and eat turkey meat only with a doctor's permission in case of severe kidney disease when protein consumption is generally contraindicated.

Sometimes you should not eat meat if you have pancreatic dysfunction and other organs.

Introducing it into the menu will enrich the diet and provide new gastronomic sensations. The composition of the product guarantees the preservation and enhancement of health.

In contact with


Turkey meat has long been considered the highest quality and healthiest type of dietary poultry meat. Turkeys are bred in many countries, including ours. Therefore, the beneficial and harmful properties of turkey meat have long been studied by many specialists.

Features and breeding

Turkey is a fairly large poultry from the pheasant family. Its homeland is America. The Aztecs also consumed turkey meat; it was their only poultry. In the 16th century, these birds were brought to Spain, and after some time they began to be bred in England, France and throughout Europe.

Turkeys are considered the largest poultry. Their live weight reaches: for males - up to 35 kg, for females - up to 11 kg. These birds have a wide tail and strong, long legs. On the head and neck they have specific skin formations in the form of corals, and in males a fleshy appendage hangs from the upper part of the beak, which reaches 12-15 cm when the bird is excited. The plumage of turkeys can be bronze, white and black, depending on the breed and varieties.

Turkey in modern society is considered a very valuable type of meat and ranks second in consumption after chicken. Turkey meat is of very high quality in the USA, much higher than in any other country.

In our country, the main breeds that are bred are North Caucasian White, North Caucasian Bronze, Black Tikhoretsk, White Moscow, Fawn and White Broad-breasted.

Application of turkey meat

Turkey meat is very widespread in cooking. Turkey is a very tender and lean meat that does not require special culinary skills. A lot of dishes are prepared from it: it is fried, boiled, stewed, baked and added to salads. Turkey breast is stuffed with vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, and nuts. In many European countries, a stuffed Christmas turkey, baked whole for Thanksgiving, is quite popular.

Escalopes are prepared from this type of meat, which are marinated in oil, lemon juice and spices. Turkey kebab is incomparable, for which breast and thighs are suitable.

For those who do not like the smell of roast turkey, it is recommended to put boiled or fresh vegetables or nutmeg inside the carcass before cooking it.

Boiled new potatoes, boiled rice, French fries, boiled or fresh vegetables are very suitable as a side dish.

Turkey is served with dry white wine.

In our country, this bird is not widespread, as it is heat-loving. However, despite this, this meat is sold in many grocery stores both frozen and fresh.

The benefits and harms of turkey

Turkey meat is very healthy, as it has dietary properties. This bird is bred in many countries, and therefore its benefits and harms have long been studied and proven by experts.

The benefit of turkey meat is that it contains a lot of vitamins A and E. It has a very low cholesterol content, which allows it to be very easily absorbed by the human body.

Turkey contains a large number of microelements: calcium, iron, potassium and so on. The great benefit of turkey is its protein content, which is very necessary for the human body.

This meat contains much more sodium than veal and beef. The beneficial properties of sodium contained in turkey are that it helps increase plasma levels in the blood and ensures normal metabolic processes in the body.

Turkey meat is also useful because its fat content is moderate and promotes the normal absorption of an element such as calcium, which plays a very important role in the formation of bone tissue. For this reason, this type of meat is recommended for the prevention of various diseases.

For a long time, nutritionists have been discussing the benefits and harms of turkey, each time proving that it contains more iron than beef or chicken. Many doctors prescribe turkey meat to patients with anemia. There is also an opinion that turkey meat can prevent the appearance of cancer.

  • for small children as complementary food;
  • pregnant women, for whom folic acid contained in this meat is important;
  • nursing women;
  • those suffering from insomnia, for whom tryptophan contained in turkey has a hypnotic effect;
  • those suffering from depression and stress;
  • people who experience heavy physical activity.

Turkey meat contains phosphorus, which is the same as in fish. It is also rich in vitamins A, B2, B12, PP, B6, calcium, potassium, magnesium, iodine, selenium, manganese and sulfur.

Turkey meat has almost no contraindications. It can only be harmful if it is stale or of poor quality. Therefore, when choosing meat, you need to be careful to get the maximum benefit and not harm.

To summarize, we can say that turkey has almost no harmful properties. However, it should be remembered that people suffering from kidney disease or gout will not benefit from turkey meat, since it contains a large amount of protein. Such patients need to limit their consumption of this meat.

Also, due to the large amount of sodium, hypertensive patients are advised not to add salt to the turkey during cooking. Otherwise, the harmful properties of turkey will outweigh its benefits.

It is worth noting that turkey liver can be harmful to those who suffer from kidney failure or gout.

If you decide to buy turkey meat, then you need to decide in what form you want to buy it, frozen or fresh. Today supermarkets offer a large selection of:

  • whole turkey;
  • cut into pieces;
  • sirloin;
  • in the form of minced meat;
  • You can buy drumsticks, thighs, wings, breasts and offal separately.

When choosing this type of meat, you need to pay attention to the carcass, which should be plump, meaty, the legs and breast should be thick.

The skin of the carcass should be light, with a yellowish tint, moist and without spots.

If you want your turkey to be the most delicious, you need to determine its freshness by pressing your finger on the carcass: if the dent is immediately restored, then the meat is fresh, and if it is not restored, then you should not buy it.

Store fresh turkey meat in the refrigerator in a plastic bag only if you plan to cook it soon. Turkey cannot be stored for a long time, no more than a day. If you defrost meat, you need to cook it immediately, since at room temperature microbes begin to multiply quite quickly in it and when re-frozen, they will remain there.

There are a lot of recipes for cooking turkey meat. It is fried, baked, boiled, stewed and smoked. This meat is also steamed. This type of meat makes cutlets, canned food, pates and sausages very tasty. Very often, turkey is included in baby food.

Each country uses its own methods of preparing turkey meat dishes. So, for example, in the UK they cook turkey stuffed with berries and mushrooms. In France, a turkey carcass is stuffed with truffles, mushrooms and rosemary, and before serving, the finished dish is topped with a creamy sauce. Italians stuff turkeys with oranges.

Turkey eggs are very useful, and the down and feathers of this bird are used to make clothes and stuff pillows and blankets.

It takes quite a lot of time to cook this type of meat in the oven. When cooking it, you need to preheat the oven to 200 degrees and bake the turkey for about 3 hours.

But it doesn’t take long for turkey meat to cook. To do this, you need to put it in cold water and cook for half an hour. If you are preparing a second course, then the meat can be put in boiling water and cooked for about an hour and a half. When foam forms, it must be removed. It should be noted that during cooking the carcass shrinks and loses up to 30% of its liquid.

If you are going to fry the turkey, then you need to salt it on all sides and, if desired, rub it with garlic and black pepper.

In order for the meat to be juicier, it must be greased with sour cream and, during frying, poured from time to time with the fat formed during the frying process. This takes about 2 hours. In order for it to cook, you need to turn it over. You can tell if the turkey is done by piercing it. If clear juice comes out, we can assume that the meat is ready.

Turkey meat is used in cooking in many countries around the world. This is a dietary product with a rich chemical composition and high taste. It can be prepared in various ways: boiled, fried, stewed, baked. What is the benefit of this wonderful meat for humans and how to cook it correctly we will tell you in this article.

What does turkey meat contain?

The calorie content of 100 grams of product is 189 kcal. The same amount of turkey meat has the following nutritional values:

  • water (63.52 g);
  • carbohydrates (0.06 g);
  • fats (7.39 g);
  • easily digestible protein (28.55 g);
  • ash (18 g).

This protein content allows us to talk about turkey meat as the most suitable for dietary and baby food.

The legs (11 g of fat per 100 g of product) and poultry skin are considered to be the most nutritious and contain the most fat. Cholesterol and other substances that are not very useful for the body are deposited in them. Breast has the least amount of calories - it contains 0.84 g of fat per 100 g of product. A complete protein provides a person with the necessary set of fat-soluble vitamins and a set of amino acids better than cheese.

The rich vitamin composition is presented:

  • fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E;
  • water-soluble vitamins B1, B2, B3 (PP), B4, B5, B6, B9 and B12.

These vitamins have great positive effect on the human body:

  1. In the body, vitamin A plays a role related to the processes of reproduction and growth, support of immunity, vision function and restoration of epithelial tissues.
  2. Calciferol (vitamin D) has antirachitic properties. Calciferols participate in calcium metabolism in the body: they promote the absorption of calcium from the digestive tract and its accumulation in bone tissue.
  3. Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant, participates in the biosynthesis of proteins and the most important processes of cellular metabolism.
  4. B vitamins are involved in all basic processes of the body: they influence metabolism and participate in neuro-reflex regulation.

In addition to proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins, elements play a major role in the human body. To date, more than 70 different macro- and microelements have been found in the tissues of the body. Of these, about 36% are present in turkey.

Minerals contained in meat (per 100 g of product):

  • calcium – 14 mg;
  • iron – 1.1 mg;
  • magnesium – 30 mg;
  • phosphorus – 223 mg;
  • potassium – 239 mg;
  • sodium – 103 mg;
  • zinc – 2.5 mg;
  • copper – 0.1 mg;
  • manganese – 0.6 mg;
  • selenium – 29.8 mcg.

Turkey is useful for people of all ages precisely due to its rich composition. For children, it provides the supply of all the substances necessary for active growth, for adults and mature people it allows them to establish a balanced diet, and in later life it replenishes the elements missing for the full functioning of the body.

Did you know? The turkey's DNA is identical to that of the Triceratops, a herbivorous dinosaur that lived 65 million years ago.

Taste qualities

The taste of the carcass is determined by what the bird was fed. Therefore, many people prefer to buy carcasses from farmers rather than in stores. Broth or soup with such meat is very aromatic, stimulates appetite, increases energy levels and invigorates.
Each person's taste preferences are individual, but turkey is considered to be a more delicious and tasty meat than chicken, beef or pork.

What are the benefits of turkey meat?

The set of macro- and microelements, as well as vitamins, creates a number of unique properties:

  • accelerates intracellular processes and metabolism in the body;
  • prevents the risk of anemia;
  • has a positive effect on the functioning of the myocardium and circulatory system;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • replenishes the amount of calcium in the body and forms the skeletal system;
  • protein, as a source of natural protein, helps in the development of muscle mass.

Turkey meat is included in dietary and therapeutic nutrition for those who recovering from illness. Positively affects the functioning of the stomach.
Turkey-based broth replenishes strength, saturates the body with useful substances, and strengthens the immune system. It is often used as a means of preventing and treating respiratory viral diseases, influenza, and sore throat. The most delicious and healthy broth is obtained if you add roots (,) and herbs to it. After taking the broth, a person’s well-being significantly improves.

Did you know? The biological role of microelements in the life of the body began to be studied only in the first half of the 20th century. The first microelement whose deficiency in the body was noticed was iodine.

For adults

All substances that enter the body of an adult have regulatory, restorative or supporting functions. The number of functions is determined by the set of macro- and microelements and their interaction with each other. Turkey meat saturates the body with energy, gives a boost of vigor and ensures a good psycho-emotional state. Regular consumption of it strengthens the immune system, protects the body from the influence of stress factors, and ensures good quality sleep.
Calcium and phosphorus strengthen the bone apparatus, prevent the development of stagnant processes in bone tissue and other pathologies. Selenium present in meat maintains the balance of hormones and improves the functioning of the body's endocrine system. It has a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, removes cholesterol plaques, and prevents atherosclerosis and other vascular diseases. Turkey can be eaten by diabetics due to its low glycemic index.

Potassium necessary to ensure intracellular processes. Potassium compounds help remove excess fluid from the body. Potassium metabolism disorders lead to dystrophy, kidney and cardiovascular diseases. Sodium is also necessary for intracellular metabolism. It affects the state of short-term memory, the muscular system and intestinal activity.

Important! Children (up to 1.4 g per day), pregnant women (up to 1.5 g per day) and nursing mothers (up to 1.8 g per day) need increased amounts of calcium.

For children

Turkey is a very healthy food for children because it hypoallergenic and has high nutritional value for a growing organism. The benefit lies in the supply of protein, which will be used by the body for the development of the muscular system and potassium to strengthen the skeleton and prevent diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Turkey can be introduced into the diet from 8 months of age as the first meat supplement. Turkey is included in baby food at least 2 times a week.

The benefit for children also lies in its ability to strengthen the immune system and promote body growth. Ideal for gaining muscle mass protein found in meat. With a lack of protein, the body feels sluggish and chronic fatigue syndrome appears. Turkey helps prevent anemia, increase vigor and physical activity. Strengthening the skeleton with potassium and fluorine is also necessary for the child's body.

For athletes

For people with intense physical activity and athletes, turkey meat is a possible source of energy and protein recovery. Turkey contains about 30% easily digestible protein, a small amount of cholesterol, and an essential set of vitamins and minerals, which makes it the main type of meat in sports nutrition. Thanks to the content of various proteins, it allows you to quickly gain muscle mass. A rich vitamin and mineral complex makes turkey the best choice of meat on an athlete's menu.
Turkey provides:

  • rapid recovery of the body after heavy physical activity;
  • strengthening the skeleton;
  • increasing endurance;
  • burst of energy.

Important! Turkey can provide protein for athletes who cannot use the protein due to lactose intolerance (the protein is synthesized from it).

Is it possible to eat

The main advantages of meat are low calorie content and high nutritional value. Hypoallergenic dietary meat can be eaten by all categories of adults and children, including athletes, those losing weight, and women during pregnancy and lactation.

During pregnancy and lactation

Useful for the diet of pregnant women primarily as a source iron and protein. Turkey has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, normalizes digestive processes, stabilizes metabolism, and speeds up metabolism. A set of B vitamins in 100 grams of product is 60% of the daily requirement of vitamins of this group for a pregnant woman.
Contained in it folic acid ensures the correct formation of the fetal nervous system, and also has a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state of the woman herself. The recommended amount in a pregnant woman's diet is 100-150 grams per day.

As a source of magnesium, it supports not only the nervous system, but also the functioning of the genitourinary system of a pregnant woman.

Important! Turkey is an ideal product for a woman during lactation. This is especially important in the first month of a baby's life. Cow's milk is excluded from the woman's diet during this period in order to avoid allergic reactions in the baby to its presence in the mother's diet.

When losing weight

A well-designed diet must include animal protein. Some amino acids the body needs are found only in meat and are not synthesized artificially. Turkey is a light type of meat and is therefore excellent for dietary nutrition.

When cooking, you can easily control its calorie content:

  • removed the skin - calorie content decreased by 1/3;
  • If we used breast meat, the calorie content decreased even more.

At the same time, the food does not lose its taste. While low in calories, turkey is a source of healthy vitamins and minerals. The nicotinic acid contained in it controls the cholesterol level in the blood and promotes the breakdown of existing cholesterol plaques, and also prevents the formation of new ones. For those losing weight, it is important that this meat has no carbohydrates and very low fat content.

Use in cooking

Meat is very popular not only because of its great benefits, but also because of its taste. The product can be prepared in various ways: frying, stewing, steaming, baking, boiling. It goes well with any side dish: vegetables, pasta or cereals. Its exceptional nutritional value allows it to be used in baby food and diets for those undergoing a period of rehabilitation after illness.
Can be used as ingredient in meat salads, filling for pies, base for broth and in the form of sausages, sausages, cutlets etc. Turkey served with white wine. Creamy sauces go well with it.

What they cook in different countries of the world

Every country has its own culinary traditions, including the preparation of turkey dishes.

Roast turkey is prepared for Christmas in many English-speaking countries. The British serve it at Christmas with a vegetable side dish. In the USA they stuff it.
Turkey is the main dish of Thanksgiving Also in America, this bird is the main decoration of the Thanksgiving table. Canadians serve poultry with cranberry sauce.

How long should you cook?

Before boiling the meat, it is cut into portions along the grain. After this, the product is doused with boiling water to preserve its juiciness during further cooking. During processing, the skin is removed.

Different parts of the carcass are not cooked equally:

  • fillet – 30 minutes;
  • legs – 60 min.

If the turkey is cut into large pieces, then they need to be cooked longer (about an hour). If during the cooking process you add 1 small carrot, 1 onion and spices to the water, the boiled meat will have a brighter and richer taste.
Boiling fillet for baby food has a number of features: after boiling the first broth for 10 minutes, drain it and continue cooking, pouring a new portion of water over the meat. This procedure will help get rid of excess fat and harmful substances.

What goes with it?

In cooking, turkey can be combined with almost any product. The reason for this is its taste neutrality. When boiling meat, it is often added.
For frying, a classic set of spices is used: onion, garlic, pepper. When baking, you can use (in addition to onions, garlic and pepper), paprika,.

Cooking secrets

Cooking different types of meat has its own secrets.

Marinating and baking:

  1. Time spent in the marinade is 2 days. After marinating, the turkey is washed so that marinade particles do not spoil the skin during baking.
  2. Before baking, the legs and wings are foiled to prevent burning.
  3. Start immediately before baking.
  4. In the oven, the turkey is cooked at a temperature of +180 degrees.


  1. Before boiling, you need to pour boiling water over the product (this will make it juicier).
  2. Boil the bird along with roots and spices - this will add taste and aroma.


  1. Boiled pieces for salad are lightly fried.
  2. Fillet pieces are fried on all sides for 5-10 minutes. The legs are fried on each side for 15 minutes. To make the fillet juicier, after frying, you can simmer it for 10 minutes in a small amount of broth or marinade.

How to choose turkey meat when buying

The most delicious meat comes from a young turkey (3-4 months). Her weight at this age ranges from 5 to 10 kg. Freshly slaughtered poultry has elastic and dense meat, the skin is smooth, light, and not slippery. A carcass weighing more than 20 kg may be a bit tough; such a bird may be quite old. Its meat will remain tough even after several hours of cooking.

This publication contains reliable, comprehensive information about the dangers and healing properties of turkey meat. It describes in detail which parts of the body contain this or that composition, what energy value they have, in what cases they are introduced into the diet and when they are excluded from it. A short summary table is provided at the end of the article.

Benefits for human health

You need to understand which part of the carcass we are talking about. Discussed in the article are the sternum, drumstick, and thighs. The neck and sacrum do not count due to the increased fat content. The evaluation criteria will be:

  1. Nutritional value (calorie content).
  2. Vitamins.
  3. Amino acid set.
  4. Impact on people's well-being.
  5. Blocking pathologies (provoking them).
  6. Recommendations from medical practitioners (if prescribed).
  7. Restrictions on use (if incompatible).

This product at one time replaced beef and pork where it was not originally available (in America).

It is distinguished by an extremely low amount of fat (energy value - 120 kcal). This makes it necessary in the diet of professional athletes. Complex proteins ensure long digestion, which results in individuals consuming turkey using the same amount of energy as they would without eating it.


  1. Vitamins A, D, E, B1, B2, B3, PP, B4, B5, B6, B9 and B12. The set itself demonstrates the need to introduce it into the diet of a healthy person.
  2. Amino acids: tryptophan, threonine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, cystine, phenylalanine, tyrosine, valine, arginine, histidine, analine, aspareginic, glutamine, glycine, proline, serine.
    The presence of each substance provides the body with the necessary substances.


The absence of excess fat, the presence of proline and other amino acids makes this product valuable for those who care about the condition of the epidermis and subcutaneous tissues. From this perspective, it contributes to:

  • maintaining skin moisture;
  • the ability to regenerate (recover from burns, injuries, cuts, etc.);
  • resistance to ultraviolet radiation from the sun.

With regular use, one acquires a strong enough immunity to resist the invasion of infectious diseases.

To the list of benefits you need to add improved condition of nails and hair. Horny tissue gains greater strength thanks to calcium, potassium and phosphorus. This also applies to bone tissue. Strengthening strength does not go against elasticity.

The immune system

By eating 100 g of such meat daily, a person is able to sufficiently resist airborne infections (colds, respiratory infections, etc.). The benefit of the product lies in its high selenium content, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.

Turkey meat and physiology

The product is indispensable for athletes, especially bodybuilders. Minimum fat cells – maximum protein compounds. Protein is difficult to digest, which is compensated by sufficient calorie content (30.1 g of protein per 100 g). Due to this, muscle mass increases with consumption and the presence of physical activity. The subcutaneous fat layer is burned.

Turkey meat, brain and nerve function

Warm broth causes drowsiness due to its ability to affect the central nervous system due to the presence of tryptophan, an amino acid (AA), which is taken only from the outside and is not produced by human organs. The neurotransmitters melatonin and serotonin are key organic derivatives of the body that contribute to increased brain activity, as well as increased tone and energy.

Disease Prevention

Regular (not necessarily daily - see “Harm” of turkey meat below) consumption can prevent:

  • oncological pathologies;
  • cold;
  • neuroses;
  • muscle dystrophy;
  • caries;
  • decreased immunity;
  • cognitive disorders;
  • cholesterol surges;
  • the appearance of excess weight;
  • lack of stamina;
  • rapid muscle and emotional fatigue;
  • pancreatic dysfunction;
  • other.

All of the above applies to the breast muscle of the turkey, but cannot in any way be applied to its other parts.

When consuming “tasty” parts of a turkey carcass, you need to be aware that the skin, subcutaneous and intramuscular tissue fibers are fatty, and their composition cannot be considered a standard of dietary nutrition. Perhaps the most favorite dish has the following quality indicators:

  • energy – 150 kcal;
  • proteins – 16.0 g;
  • fat – 9.0 g.

The indicators are logical if you evaluate the work and load on the muscles. The sternum works continuously, and therefore the muscle fibers contain the fewest calories.

The lower leg is in constant activity to maintain balance (even at rest). The turkey thigh only works when necessary to perform actions. Fat deposits accumulate in the tissues, which are needed as an energy reserve. It is necessary to eat them correctly or exclude them from the diet only under the supervision (on the recommendation) of a nutritionist.

Like any product, turkey is introduced into a child’s diet (especially in the first 12 months) under the supervision of an experienced pediatrician. Turkey meat is considered safe from the point of view of allergists, as it is a hypoallergenic product that does not cause a positive reaction.

The presence of the product in the mixtures will provide the baby’s body with everything it needs. Self-preparing complementary foods does not guarantee the safety of the child’s health, due to imbalance and insufficient sanitary conditions. Nutritional properties and the absence of the possibility of making a child obese also work in favor of the product. The exception is personal intolerance. This is an individual quality that does not always depend on genetic predispositions.


The main source of troubles associated with the consumption of turkey meat is the production of semi-finished products. We are not talking about dry freezing. Health is harmed by the use of special preparations, which must remain marketable for a long period.

The situation is aggravated by the use of all kinds of flavor enhancers, flavorings and other compounds introduced into the composition of minced derivative products. The result is a risk of developing disorders and diseases:

  1. Obesity. Despite the dietary qualities of poultry, semi-finished products in the form in which they are produced can lead to this outcome.
  2. Heart disorders. Again, this is all due to chemistry, which is aimed at long-term preservation of the product.
  3. Infertility. This effect is based on the constant use of large quantities of low-quality food. Like any organic matter, turkey muscle tissue is prone to decomposition over time. As a result, substances are formed that can cause disorders of the reproductive system - in both men and women.
  4. Dystonia. It is rather a symptom that is neutralized immediately after changing the diet. But during a period of excess, destabilization of blood (arterial, including) pressure is possible.
  5. High cholesterol levels. This effect is possible under the condition of consuming low-quality food products and excessive quantities. It matters which parts of the carcass are introduced into the daily diet.
  6. Oncology. Again, we are talking about the final products of unscrupulous manufacturers, who introduce into the composition chemical elements that are incompatible with turkey meat and are not absorbed by the human body.
  7. Excessive sleepiness and loss of alertness (concentration). This is possible due to the presence of tryptophan, which reduces brain reactions with constant consumption.
    In addition to possible side effects, there are also outright prohibitions.


People suffering from gout are unable to sense taste. The fact is that the protein component aggravates the situation. The same is observed in patients suffering from acute renal failure. And those who already have disorders of the cardiovascular system should consult with their doctor before sitting down to the festive table.

Again, if a patient is diagnosed with high cholesterol, he should think twice and seek medical advice. Excess can even lead to anaphylactic shock, from which it is impossible to recover on your own. It is important to understand what part of the carcass you are eating, whether you have removed the skin from it, whether you are overeating and whether you are thirsty after eating it.

Cooking and health

There are many ways to cook. “Spanish chicken” (as it is called in some sources) can be:

  • sauté;
  • cook;
  • grill and grill;
  • stew;
  • steam.

It should be taken into account that the properties of the dish vary depending on the degree and type of heat treatment. Boiled and steamed dishes have virtually no contraindications, except for gout, hypertension and kidney failure. Grilling and grilling do little to spoil turkey meat. Here a ban may be intolerance to smoke.

Fried (sautéed) and baked foods should be handled with care. They are far from lean, especially if we are talking about a whole turkey with crispy skin. Overeating threatens deterioration of well-being, weakness, and fatigue even for healthy people. And for those who have suffered hepatitis, pancreatitis, gastroduodenitis, etc., such dishes are included in the list of prohibited foods.

It is recommended to eat turkey along with vegetables. This refers to crops with green fruits. Greens (parsley, dill, basil, lettuce, cilantro, etc.) will also promote digestion and facilitate the absorption of protein compounds, which abound in the main dish. Without the proper amount of fiber, turkey meat can be a real challenge for the stomach and intestines, especially if we are not talking about breast meat.

You can increasingly find turkey meat on supermarket shelves. It is presented in the form of whole carcasses, packaged parts of meat, breasts, wings, thighs and, of course, minced. Buyers have begun to increasingly prefer turkey meat over chicken, although the price is much higher. This is explained by the fact that turkey meat has a large number of beneficial properties and is very beneficial for the human body.

Protein can be found in all types of food, including fish, eggs, milk and vegetables, but turkey meat is a particularly good source.

What is healthy about turkey meat, how healthy and harmful it is, now we will look into this in more detail.

Nutrients in Turkey

Turkeys are a common species of poultry from the chicken and pheasant family, which is descended from the wild turkey. The bird has a varied diet, eating grass, clover, alfalfa, berries, plant and tree seeds, acorns, beetles and grasshoppers. Therefore, meat has great nutritional value and, accordingly, is very useful for humans. By including it in our diet, we saturate the body with vital substances.

The benefits of turkey meat are undeniable; it contains complete protein and a complete set of amino acids necessary for the human body. He has:

  • phosphorus, copper, iron, potassium, calcium, zinc and magnesium,
  • as well as B vitamins (B, B2, B3, B4, B6, B7, B9, B12), H, Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids.

11 Health Benefits of Turkey Meat

  1. Strengthens the nervous system

    Turkey meat is less fatty than other types of meat (pork, duck) and it is very rich in quality protein. Everyone knows that a lack of protein leads to muscle weakness, absent-mindedness, nervousness and lack of energy. By eating good poultry meat, we eliminate the risk of these symptoms and strengthen the nervous system, magnesium and phosphorus help us with this.

  2. Improves brain function

    Turkey meat contains an alpha amino acid called tryptophan. It is not produced by the human body and must come from outside, in this case from poultry meat. And tryptophan, in turn, promotes the formation melatonin and serotonin, very necessary substances for the brain that improve brain function, relax and improve mood. By consuming turkey meat, we take care of the quality of the blood vessels in the brain and its functioning in general.

  3. Strengthens bones

    Thanks to the vitamins and microelements it contains, in particular calcium and phosphorus, it helps strengthen the skeletal system. Eating a small piece of poultry meat can replenish the body with necessary and beneficial substances, strengthen bones and protect the body from many diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Meat is very useful both at a young age and for older people.

  4. Normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland

    Turkey and its beneficial properties normalize thyroid function. Just one serving of meat contains half the daily value of selenium. Selenium maintains hormonal levels and prevents the thyroid gland from functioning and protects it from many dangerous diseases.

  5. Resists cancer

    Turkey meat has beneficial cancer-preventing properties. The selenium it contains protects the immune system very well, as strong antioxidant What are antioxidants and what are their beneficial properties for the body? Content of antioxidants in food products. Is it worth taking antioxidants in pharmaceutical preparations? it fights the carcinogenic activity of free radicals. Thus, it protects the human body from many cancers, such as malignant lesions of the prostate, bladder, lungs, stomach, esophagus and many other organs.

  6. Improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system

    Another benefit of turkey meat is that the vitamin B12 it contains reduces the level of homocysteine, which is responsible for all cognitive changes. Meat contains niacin, which actively reduces bad cholesterol and normalizes “good” cholesterol. Reducing cholesterol and normalizing blood pressure due to the low calorie content of the product is an excellent support for the healthy functioning of the cardiovascular system.

  7. Helps in weight loss

    For those who want to lose excess weight, nutritionists recommend normalizing metabolism and improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The high concentration of nutrients and vitamins, such as B3 and B6, which are present in poultry meat, greatly helps obese people easily lose extra pounds. Turkey meat accelerates metabolism, normalizes intestinal motility, eliminating the formation of toxins, constipation and other unpleasant symptoms of gastrointestinal dysfunction. Poultry meat is included in the diet.

  8. Strengthens muscles

    People involved in sports or physical labor are recommended to consume poultry meat, as it contains high quality protein. Turkey breast is very healthy; many steamed dishes are prepared from it, combined with vegetables, fruits and other healthy ingredients. Meat helps you easily endure physical activity, makes the body resilient, strengthens and builds muscles.

  9. Good for men

    Turkey meat is very beneficial for men's health and for enhancing sexual activity. Frequent use of this useful product will lead to increased potency and libido. In addition, turkey meat has a positive effect on reproductive health.

  10. Beneficial for children's body

    Pediatricians in all countries include poultry meat in baby food from the age of 6 months. Meat is anti-allergenic, is well absorbed in a still fragile body and provides it with protein, which will help strengthen the musculoskeletal system and teeth. If a child’s weight gain is poor, many doctors recommend adding turkey puree to the baby’s diet.

  11. Increases hemoglobin

    For people weakened by illness, as well as children with poor health and low hemoglobin, turkey meat is what they need. A simple broth made from turkey giblets or neck will improve the health of the patient, and the liver will significantly increase hemoglobin. The fastest way to increase hemoglobin is boiled buckwheat with liver and pomegranate juice.

What is healthier, chicken or turkey?

Nutritionists unequivocally state that chicken and turkey meat are dietary meats and each of them is very healthy. Chicken can be eaten daily and does not pose any threat to human health and figure; it is an excellent source of protein and other useful elements. Chicken broths are considered medicinal; they restore strength lost during illness and strengthen the immune system. Chicken meat has more calories than turkey meat, but this does not make it less popular among chicken lovers.

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People who eat turkey meat rarely have a bad mood because the tryptophan contained in the meat produces hormones of happiness - endorphins Endorphins are “happiness hormones” that the body produces on its own. The article provides non-medicinal ways to increase endorphins in the body.. And balanced fatty acids make turkey meat an ideal product for losing weight and athletic people leading a healthy lifestyle. Anti-allergenic poultry meat is good for children; it can be consumed by hypertensive patients and diabetics, since it has little fat and bad cholesterol, and even more protein, amino acids, calcium and phosphorus than chicken.

The table below provides macronutrient comparisons between different types of roasted chicken and turkey. The main difference is that chicken breast contains slightly more calories than turkey breast, and dark meat chicken provides more calories than dark meat turkey. The amount of macronutrients is similar between chicken and turkey. However, the calorie (and fat) content is higher in dark and white meat.

Micronutrient Comparison Chart

The vitamin and mineral content of chicken and turkey meat is very similar. These foods are good sources of iron, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, niacin, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12. There are no significant differences in micronutrients between chicken breast and turkey breast, or between dark meat chicken and dark meat turkey. However, dark meat is the best source of zinc, and white meat is richer in niacin.

100 g serving Chicken breast

(fried, without skin)

Turkey breast

(fried, without skin)

Dark chicken meat

(fried, without skin)

Dark meat turkey

(fried, without skin)

Iron 1 mg 0.7 mg 1 mg 1 mg
Zinc 1 mg 2 mg 3 mg 4 mg
Magnesium 29 mg 32 mg 23 mg 27 mg
Phosphorus 228 mg 230 mg 179 mg 212 mg
Potassium 256 mg 249 mg 240 mg 227 mg
Niacin 14 mg 12 mg 7 mg 7 mg
Vitamin B6 0.6 mg 0.8 mg 0.4 mg 0.4 mg
Vitamin B12 0.3 mg 0.4 mg 0.3 mg 2 mg

So which is better?

Because chicken and turkey are so similar, the best choice for you really comes down to taste preference and price. Both meats are excellent choices as sources of nutritious, high-quality protein.

How to choose and store turkey meat correctly

When choosing meat products, it is best to pay attention to farm or homemade meat. It is still natural and no pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics or other substances that could be harmful to health were used when raising poultry.

The meat should have a healthy and beautiful appearance and when pressed with a finger, the dent should immediately return to its original position. Meat is heat sensitive, so after purchasing it, it should be cooked immediately or stored in the refrigerator or freezer. Once cooked, turkey can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than four days.

Contraindications to eating turkey meat

There are very few harms and contraindications for eating turkey meat. It, like all other products, should not be abused, especially

  • people with kidney failure and gout patients.
  • For people susceptible to hypertension, doctors recommend do not salt the meat, since it already contains sodium.
  • Research shows that large amounts of tryptophan can make you drowsy.

A turkey may not look that big, but it contains about 150 bones, which is slightly less than the number of bones in humans (206).
It's funny but true - just like people, turkeys can die from a heart attack. This was discovered when many turkeys died from the shock and noise of jets flying overhead.
An interesting fact is that turkeys cannot raise their heads during rainstorms; a turkey can even drown when it rains.
Turkeys and peacocks have similarities, and turkeys also extend their colorful feathers and dance to attract the opposite sex.