Corn cooking time. How to cook mature corn

Corn on the cob is a favorite treat for children and adults. You can boil, fry or store in jars for the winter!

The easiest thing is to cook! How to properly cook corn so that it is soft and juicy? The entire process of preparing this simple snack takes from 30 to 45 minutes, depending on whether the corn is young or not. Young ears are characterized by white or pale yellow, for old people bright yellow. Let's get started.

  • Corn: 2-3 cobs;
  • Salt: 2 teaspoons.

We clean the corn cobs from leaves and fibers and rinse them with a stream of warm water. In my case, they were quite long, so I cut each corn in half.

Pour water into a saucepan, put the cobs in and cook over medium heat for 30-45 minutes, depending on whether the corn is old or young.

You can serve the corn either with salt or grate it yourself to taste. This is such a simple dish.

Recipe 2: cook corn on the cob (step-by-step photos)

  • 4 ears of corn
  • salt to taste
  • butter,
  • grated cheese,
  • spices, herbs - optional

First, you need to remove the leaves and tufts of hair from the corn cobs. It is advisable to use young (milk) corn for cooking, and it is preferable to cook it on the day of purchase.

Place half of the washed leaves, separated from the fruit, on the bottom of the pan, and place the corn on top. If the corn does not fit in the pan, you need to cut the cob in half. Cover the vegetables with the remaining leaves and pour clean cold water so that it is 2-3 cm higher than the leaves. The leaves add ready-made dish pleasant aroma.

Cook the corn after boiling (with water at a low boil) for about 10-15 minutes until the grains are soft. If you are cooking old corn, you can increase the cooking time to 1.5 hours (depending on the hardness of the fruit). It is very important not to salt the corn before and during cooking, because... the grains may become hard.

After cooking is complete, remove the boiled corn from the pan and let it cool slightly. Rub each cob with salt and butter to taste and serve hot. Bon appetit!

Recipe 3: How to Boil Corn on the Cob in a Saucepan

Many people love freshly boiled corn. How delicious it is to get boiled corn and eat the whole cob straight hot, then you can go for a second and a third, because it’s impossible to stop here. The recipe for deliciously cooked corn is very simple - for cooking you need to choose only young cobs, since old corn takes much longer to cook and does not taste as appetizing.

When choosing corn, pay attention to the grains. If crushing the grain is quite simple, and the color of the grains themselves is closer to white than yellow, then such corn can be safely cooked. Another sign of young corn is light hairs; the darker the hairs, the older the corn. Young corn cooks quickly and is different delicate taste and extraordinary softness.

  • corn - young cobs;
  • water - enough to completely cover the corn.

Place the cobs of corn along with the leaves in large saucepan. If you don't have a large saucepan at home, you can break each cob in half.

Pour in cold water and cook over high heat. Do not salt the water! Bring the corn to a boil, reduce heat, cover loosely with a lid and cook until tender. During cooking, corn usually changes color to bright yellow.

Only very young cobs (unripe corn) can remain creamy in color, but at the same time be edible (in such cobs the grains are not large and the cobs themselves are also small in size).

Young corn is cooked for 20-30 minutes. The older the corn, the longer it needs to be cooked (cooking time can reach 3 hours). During cooking, you can taste the grains to see if they are ready. Pull out the cob, cut off a few kernels and taste it.

Recipe 4, step by step: how to cook corn on the cob

Before you cook corn, you need to choose it correctly. Fresh cobs can be recognized by their dense, green leaves. Without them, it’s better not to buy corn at all. The grains under the leaves should be arranged in dense rows and have a light yellow tint. Black, damaged areas on the grains indicate pest damage to the corn. It is not advisable to use such cobs for food.

  • corn on the cob – 6 - 8 pcs.;
  • water – 4 l.

Remove all the leaves from the corn cob, so to speak, strip it. Separate the long hairs - stigmas. They can be washed, dried and used for medicinal purposes.

The cooking container must have a thick bottom. It can be enameled, cast iron or aluminum pan large diameter. Place some of the washed leaves on the bottom. Fill the entire bottom with leaves. The more leaves you use when cooking, the juicier and more aromatic the heads of cabbage will be. After cooking, discard the leaves.

Place corn tightly on top. If the cobs do not fit entirely into the pan, then they must be cut or broken into pieces. Cover it with another layer of leaves.

So, alternating corn and leaves, fill the pan.

No salt is added during cooking. This way the heads of cabbage will taste sweeter, and salt also makes the grains denser and harder to bite. Pour cold water over the corn in a saucepan. Water should cover the contents by 2 cm.

To prevent it from floating, you can place an inverted plate on top (my mother did this). And I just close it with a lid. Let's cook.

How long to cook corn depends on its variety and degree of maturity. Cooking time is always counted after the start of boiling. It is enough to boil young corn for 15 minutes. Yes, exactly 15 minutes, this has been verified. After it’s cooked, I let it sit in the pan for about 30 minutes.

Fodder, hard cobs require the longest heat treatment. The more saturated color have grains, the longer they need to be cooked. Typically from 40 minutes to two hours. You can check the readiness of the corn by breaking off a few kernels and tasting them.

Serve boiled corn hot. You can pour it with oil, brine, sprinkle with cheese or pepper. And we mince it simply by rubbing it with salt.

Recipe 5: quick cooking of corn (with photo)

  • sweet young corn – 5 pcs.
  • salt – 0.5 tbsp. l.
  • water – 4-5 l
  • dill, vegetable oil - for serving

The corn should be cleared of the green “cocoon” and “hair”. It's not that hard to do. You can then trim the hard tail and soft spout with a knife so that the cobs fit into the pan.

Pour corn cobs clean water, to put on medium heat, cook for 30 minutes, counting time from the beginning of boiling. If the corn is sweet and young, then this time is enough to cook it, but if it is fodder, then it will have to be cooked for about an hour, and possibly longer, and it tastes far from the same as the sweet variety.

10 minutes before the corn is ready, it is advisable to add salt to the pan, otherwise you will then need to salt each cob when serving.

Sprinkle slightly cooled boiled corn with chopped dill, lightly salt and pepper, and also pour a small amount sunflower oil. Boiled corn is ready!

Recipe 6: pickled corn on the cob for the winter

Delicious preparation for the winter. This corn can be served as a side dish for meat and vegetables. You can lightly fry the corn in a grill pan or on the grill. AND delicious side dish on your plate.

  • Corn on the cob 5 pieces (I have 2 liter jars)

Marinade for 1 liter:

  • Salt 1 tablespoon
  • Sugar 3 tablespoons
  • Allspice peas 3 pieces
  • Black peppercorns 3 pieces
  • Carnation 3 buds.
  • Water 1 liter
  • Vinegar 9% 2 tablespoons

I cut the corn into discs and boiled it. Place the boiled corn in a sieve and allow excess water to drain.

Prepare the marinade, add vinegar, salt, sugar, and spices to the water. Place on the fire and bring to a boil.

Place boiled corn in sterilized jars and fill with hot marinade. Screw the lids on the jars. Wrap the jars in a blanket and leave until the jars cool completely.

It’s nice to open this kind of corn in winter and remember the warm summer.

Recipe 7: Canned Corn on the Cob

  • 1 kg unripe young corn

For the marinade:

  • 1 liter of water
  • 2 tbsp. salt
  • 2 tbsp. Sahara

In each 0.5 liter jar:

  • 2 tbsp. vinegar
  • Bay leaf
  • peppercorns - to taste
  • 1-2 pcs cloves

Clean the corn and rinse thoroughly.

Place in a saucepan, add water and boil for 3-5 minutes.

In each jar we put cloves, peppercorns and bay leaves.

Place the corn tightly in jars and add vinegar.

Preparing the marinade for canned corn on the cob. Pour water into the pan, add salt and sugar, bring to a boil.

Pour marinade over corn.

Sterilize for 30 minutes. Roll up the lid.

Recipe 8: Roasted Corn with Brisket Slices

Usually housewives simply boil the ears of corn in salted water, and then salt them and serve them. But today we suggest you cook roasted corn with slices of brisket or slices of lard. This unusual combination sweet and tender corn and fatty brisket will open for you an unforgettable and incredible taste, A bright aroma and the rich color will not leave anyone indifferent.

  • corn 4 pcs
  • salted water 2 l
  • butter 4 tbsp.
  • thin lard or brisket 100 g
  • vegetable oil 1 tbsp.
  • salt 1 tsp

Remove the top green leaf-like wrappers and “corn hair” from the corn cobs, trimming the top and bottom parts of the cobs if necessary. Place the cleaned corn in preheated water. Be sure to salt the water to your taste and cook under a closed lid for 10-15 minutes.

In a frying pan, fry thin, tender slices of lard or brisket until golden brown.

Remove the cooked lard (brisket) from the frying pan. Add butter to the resulting fat in the pan and melt it. Place the corn cobs cut in half and salt them on all sides. Fry the corn cobs for 4 minutes on each side.

The very first, young corn does not need to be cooked. Just fry it in a frying pan with melted butter for about 15 minutes. Serve the dish with fried lard.

Bonus: Oil for greasing corn cobs

  • butter - 50 g;
  • ,,,,

Today we invite you, together with us, to carefully understand and remember how to cook corn. How to choose and cook for real delicious corn, bringing us and our children only pleasure and joy.

At first glance, identical cobs may actually turn out to be completely different in taste, which depends on the type, variety of corn and its degree of maturity. Without delving too deeply into the variety of varieties, all corn can be divided into two main types: food or sweet and regular feed, which is intended mainly for animal feed. You can eat both food and feed corn. Some “gourmets” like the harsh and less sugary feed varieties even more, but still it is food corn that has the best taste, because its juicy sweet grains simply melt in your mouth. For cooking young food corn early varieties will need from 15 minutes to one hour, while forage and late varieties you will have to cook for two to five hours.

How to choose corn

It is best to choose freshly picked ears of young edible corn for cooking. You should buy unhusked corn, since the natural “wrapper” will indicate not only the freshness of the cob, but will also prevent it from drying out prematurely. First of all, bright green leaves and slightly damp, cool “antennae” will help you identify young cobs. If the leaves begin to turn yellow, it means that the corn was picked a long time ago and may have already lost some of its juiciness.

So that there is not a single doubt about the quality of the purchased product, you can carry out a simple ripeness test: at the very base, press one of the grains with your fingernail: if it turns out to be soft and juice comes out, then everything is fine. in perfect order– this is young, so-called milk corn. The tougher and drier the seed, the riper and older the cob.

The degree of corn ripeness affects not only the cooking time, but also the taste of the product. The fact is that when corn dries, the sugar inside the grains begins to turn into starch, which deprives it of its aroma and sweetness.

How to cook corn on the cob:

1. You can cook corn in several ways by known methods: in the microwave, double boiler, multicooker. We will cook on the stove.

2. We clean the cobs from leaves. We wash the bottom leaves and place a few pieces on the bottom of the pan.

3. Then we fold the whole cobs, breaking very large ones into two parts.

5. Cover the pan with a lid and bring to a boil.

6. After boiling, reduce the heat. Cook over low heat until done.

7. How long to cook corn depends on the degree of maturity. This can be from half an hour to 2 hours. To find out for sure, we take out one ear of corn, remove the grain from it with a knife and taste it.

8. Drain the water, transfer the cobs to a large plate, sprinkle salt on top, grease with oil if desired and serve hot to the table as independent dish or as a side dish.

How long to cook corn?

The cooking time is calculated from the degree of its ripeness; corn cobs can be divided into 3 types of maturity: slightly unripe, ripe and overripe.

1. If the corn is pale yellow in color and tastes very soft and juicy, it is enough to cook such cobs for about 15 minutes after the water boils.

2. Yellowish color indicates her medium degree ripeness, when you taste the raw cob it is juicy and starchy. The cooking time for this type of corn is about 30 minutes; this type of maturity is considered optimal when cooking corn.

3. Pronounced yellow seeds indicate its overripe state. Such cobs are tough, and sometimes very tough. They should be cooked for 60 minutes to 2 hours.

More on how to boil corn on the cob

Cooking corn optimally in thick-walled and deep dishes(better - a cauldron or cast iron) with a tight-fitting lid. Cooking boiled corn in a pressure cooker gives good results. My favorite method is boiling unhusked corn on the cob. At the same time, it is laid out in a bowl and filled with water to a level of up to 5 cm above the layer of corn. This cooking method makes the grains as sweet and juicy as possible.

You can also cook corn with peeled cobs. Secret proper cooking in this case, the corn leaves are laid out on the bottom of the dish, then the cobs are placed and covered with the remaining leaves on top. This is done so that the corn kernels do not come into contact with the cooking utensils.

Cook the dish only until the grains soften, which is checked by piercing them with a fork. Cooking for too long, as well as cooking in salt water, makes corn on the cob too tough. It is better to lightly sugar the water during cooking and add salt only after cooking.

The dish must be served freshly cooked, as the corn is not as tasty after it cools. For juiciness, you can rub the peeled cobs with butter. It is better to salt boiled corn not with fine, but with coarse salt; you just need to lightly rub the grains with it.

How to cook milk corn

Let's try to boil our first, juiciest and most tender milk corn. For this the recipe will do only very young corn, the kind whose softest kernels, when crushed, are released onto the finger a large number of juice Peel four ears of young corn from leaves and stigmas, and then rinse thoroughly in running water. Boil three liters of water in a deep saucepan. Don't add salt! Dip the prepared cobs into boiling water and bring to a boil again. high fire. Once the corn cobs float to the surface, reduce the heat to medium, cover the pan and simmer your corn for 5 to 10 minutes. After this time, immediately remove the corn from the water, drizzle with melted butter, sprinkle with salt and serve. Do not overcook young milk corn! From unnecessarily long cooking it can get tough.

How to cook mature corn

Mature corn differs from very young corn much more bright taste and aroma, but such corn should be cooked longer. Remove leaves and stigmas from four ears of corn. Don't throw away the leaves! Soak the shelled corn in cool water for one hour and then rinse thoroughly. If necessary, cut each cob crosswise into two halves. Boil three liters of water in a deep saucepan, add half the corn leaves, bring to a boil again, add the cobs and bring the water to a boil again over high heat. When the water boils, reduce the heat to medium, cover the pan with a lid and cook the corn for 40 - 45 minutes. Once the time is up, add salt to taste and the remaining leaves. Cook everything together for another 15 - 20 minutes. Ready corn Remove from the water, drain slightly, pour in butter and sprinkle with salt. Serve immediately.

How to cook corn in the oven

Tender young ears of corn can be boiled by placing them in the oven. When prepared in this way, they turn out extremely aromatic and tasty. Grease the baking dish vegetable oil, place four whole ears of corn in it, not peeled from the leaves. Top up hot water so that it covers the cobs halfway. Carefully cover the dish with corn with foil and place in an oven preheated to 200⁰ for 40 - 120 minutes, depending on the degree of ripeness of the corn. Remove leaves from the finished corn, pour melted butter over it, sprinkle with salt and serve.

How to cook corn in a double boiler

Corn cooked in a double boiler turns out to be very tasty and tender. You can steam both de-leafed and unshelled corn. Corn cooked with leaves is much more flavorful, but requires a little more time to cook. Pour enough water into the steamer, grease the rack with butter and place the ears of corn on it. Close the steamer tightly and cook the corn for 30 to 40 minutes until tender. While your corn is cooking, prepare the sauce. Melt 15 gr. butter in a small saucepan, add 50 g to it. crushed walnuts and a pinch of ground cardamom. Stir quickly and remove from heat. Place the finished corn on a dish, pour over the fragrant nut butter and serve. Serve salt separately.

How to cook corn in the microwave

If you are short on time, delicious boiled corn can be prepared in microwave oven. Soak young corn cobs without removing leaves for an hour in cool water. Once the time is up, transfer the corn cobs to a plastic bag, add a couple tablespoons of water and seal tightly. Place the bag in a microwave-safe bowl and poke a couple of tiny holes in it to allow excess steam to escape. Bake in the microwave at maximum power for 10 - 15 minutes depending on the ripeness of the grains. Remove the finished corn from the bag, remove leaves and stigmas, grease melted butter and sprinkle with salt. Prepared this way in a fast way The corn turns out to be very aromatic and tasty, but it should be served immediately; once it cools down, your corn will lose most of its taste.

How to cook corn depends on many factors. To be able to enjoy juicy and aromatic pulp product, it must be correctly selected, processed and prepared. Depending on the variety and freshness of the product, this can take from 15 minutes to 2 hours (sometimes even more). The process itself is not complicated, you just need to take into account its specifics and adhere to a number of rules.

You can boil the component not only in a saucepan; anything that can be found on home kitchen: steamer, oven, multicooker, pressure cooker and even microwave. And for those who are wondering how to cook soft corn, it is recommended to study the methods of boiling the product in milk or cream.

How to choose the right corn?

Even old corn or fodder varieties of cereal can be cooked deliciously if you handle the manipulation with all responsibility. True, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort on this. In order not to create unnecessary troubles for yourself, when choosing a product you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. We choose cobs that are not too long with perfectly even rows of light yellow or cream-colored grains.
  2. To check the quality of the product, you need to separate one grain from the cob, break it or cut it. The appearance of milky white juice is an indicator of the youth and freshness of the component.
  3. Particular attention should be paid to the product of the Bonduelle variety. It retains freshness longer than other analogues, so even after several days or even weeks of storage it can be boiled in the same way as dairy products.
  4. There is another way to make sure that you got your hands on fresh product, to do this, the head of cabbage should be broken in half. It’s good if its cut is whitish, light and moist.
  5. To distinguish sweet edible corn from feed corn, you need to examine its tendrils. They should be tender and light, not dense and brownish.

Initially not the best quality product it is difficult to bring to an optimal state, even if you strictly follow the recommendations on how to properly cook corn. But there are chances, you just need to choose the optimal option for influencing the workpiece and clearly withstand required quantity time.

Traditional way of boiling cobs

At home, corn lovers most often use classic version boiling the cobs. It is simple and accessible; it allows you to process young and old products so that they are juicy.

  • Processing should be carried out immediately after purchasing or collecting cobs. Wash them, clean them of dry and dirty leaves. We remove clean green leaves, just like the tendrils, but do not throw them away.

Advice: Do not immediately pour out the broth in which the product was prepared. If you cannot eat all the cobs at one time, then this liquid can be used to store them. True, in any case, in a couple of hours taste characteristics the dishes will start to deteriorate.

  • In a saucepan with thick walls, line the bottom with leaves, then put the cobs and fill them with cold water. Place leaves and tendrils on top again. We wait until the mixture boils, then reduce the heat and tightly close the container with a lid.
  • Particular attention should be paid to how long to cook corn, depending on its initial characteristics. Fresh food products and slightly stale cobs of the Bonduelle variety will be ready after 15 minutes in boiling water. For a fodder variety, 2 hours may not be enough.
  • After a set time, we check the component for readiness and act according to the circumstances. Sometimes you have to add water several times until the corn is cooked. In this case, you need to use boiling water.

You shouldn’t immediately take out the finished product; if you let it sit in the pan for another 10 minutes, it will turn out really tasty and juicy. Only after this do we take out the ingredients, rub them with salt and spices, grease them with butter and serve.

How to cook a product in a double boiler, oven, pressure cooker, microwave?

What kind of devices cannot be found on modern kitchens. And they all make the process of boiling corn at home easier. To prepare the desired dish and not have to control it every minute, you should use the following approaches:

  • Double boiler. Place the washed cobs in a steamer bowl along with the leaves and tendrils. You should not sprinkle the workpieces with salt, as many people do. Because of this error boiled corn It often turns out to be dry. There is no need to process the product for a long time. Fresh products and cobs of the Bonduelle variety will be ready in 10-15 minutes. It will take about 40-45 minutes to boil old or feed products.

  • Oven. Grease a baking dish with butter, lay out the cobs, and pour boiling water over them. Place in an oven preheated to medium temperature for 40 minutes, evaluate the result and, if necessary, cook the dish.

  • Pressure cooker. Milk corn or Bonduelle products should not be boiled this way; you can overcook them quality component. But this is the best option when frozen or feed products need to be softened as much as possible. Soak it in water and cook for at least 40 minutes.

  • Microwave - option with water. The main thing is that the products are fresh and young. Place it in a container with water, cover with a lid and cook for 45 minutes at medium power. If necessary, add boiling water to the bowl.

  • Microwave - dry approach. A real salvation for those who want to know how to quickly boil corn. Divide the cob into 2-3 parts, cover with leaves and cook in own juice for 5-7 minutes at medium power.

Subsequent processing is no different from that provided for traditional cooking. Ready product rub with salt, oil and spices, serve.

How to properly process dried corn?

To prepare dried cereal deliciously, you should perform the following manipulations:

  • In a saucepan, combine dried corn kernels (50 g - about 1 cob) and water. The liquid should cover the mass by 1-2 cm. Immediately add a little salt and spices.

Tip: Frozen products should first be defrosted, otherwise they will not allow the liquid to boil for a long time, which will negatively affect the final result. Moreover, the defrosting conditions must be natural (without hot or cold water, microwave).

  • Bring the mixture to a boil, keeping the lid open. Then close the lid, reduce the heat and wait just a minute. Let the mixture sit for 10 minutes, after which it needs to be put on the stove again.
  • We continue this way for 2 hours, gradually adding boiling water so that all the moisture does not evaporate.

Before cooking pre-dried corn, you can soak it in cold water for 5-6 hours. Then you won’t have to insist on it while cooking, you just need to keep it on the fire for an hour.

Features of boiling the product in milk and cream

To cook very tasty familiar product, you can do the following:

  • For 4 ears of boiled corn, take half a glass of milk, heavy cream, dry white wine and two tablespoons of butter.
  • Remove the grains from the already boiled cobs, add milk and cream, and cook for 10 minutes after steam appears.
  • Melt the butter and add to the corn. After 10 minutes, add wine. After the same period of time, add salt, spices and seasonings to taste.
  • Leave the mixture covered over very low heat for another 10 minutes and serve as a separate dish.

Even boiled corn is a source of many nutritional components and useful substances. It is perfectly absorbed by the body, rarely causes allergies and goes well with other foods. It can be served both as a side dish and dessert. In the latter case finished product You don’t need to add salt, but rub it with sugar.

Boiled corn is perhaps one of our favorite summer delicacies, which is loved not only by children, but also by many adults. In the summer, this “queen of the fields” is as popular as ice cream, melons and watermelons. During the season at seaside resorts, boiled young corn is perhaps the most popular product. To please yourself with freshly prepared delicious corn at home, you will need a little time and knowledge of a few secrets, which we will share with you today. Below we tell you how to cook corn correctly and tasty.

How to choose the right corn on the cob for cooking

Not all corn on the cob is suitable for cooking and eating. When buying corn at the market, be sure to check what type of corn the seller is offering. Find out if this variety is a fodder variety. All you have to do is try a couple corn grains– fodder corn will not be sweet and tender, rather it will taste like raw potatoes. It is food (sweet) corn that is good because it has a pleasant and sweet taste. Well, and, of course, the corn must be of milky ripeness - this is evidenced by the milky white or light yellow color of the grains, as well as their juiciness and softness. This kind of corn does not have to be cooked for a long time - only 15-30 minutes and amber delicacy will be ready. Early varieties of corn ripen at the end of June, beginning of July. Later varieties are harvested in August. Late varieties of corn are grown for storage, so they are removed from the fields at a more mature stage than early ones. The grains of such corn will be harder, and they will have to be cooked for quite a long time - from one hour or longer.

For cooking, it is better to choose freshly picked young ears of edible corn. It is better to buy unhusked corn, since the natural “packaging” allows the grains to last longer and prevents them from drying out quickly. Green leaves and wet corn silk will help you identify young cobs. If the leaves of the cob are yellow, it means that the corn was picked a long time ago and may have already lost its juiciness. But, as a rule, slight yellowness of the leaves is acceptable, because such cobs are still quite young and juicy. When purchasing, peel back the leaves of the cob a little and look at the kernels to make sure the corn is not old. And so that there is no doubt about the freshness and quality of the purchased cobs, you can test for ripeness - at the base of the cob, press your fingernail on one of the corn grains and if it turns out to be soft and juice comes out, it means that this is young or milk corn. Accordingly, the harder and drier the grains, the riper and, accordingly, older the cob. The degree of maturity of an ear of corn affects not only the cooking time, but also its taste. When corn dries out, the sugar inside the kernel turns into starch, which takes away its sweetness and tenderness. However, mature corn also has good taste, which is loved by many connoisseurs of this product. Some people prefer mature corn young, because it is more filling and can replace even a full meal.

How to properly and tasty cook corn on the cob

There are many ways to cook corn on the cob. Different nations It is prepared in different ways, depending on the climate and cooking capabilities. But the traditional method of preparation, after all, is boiling corn.
So let's look at different ways to cook corn at home.

First of all, you need to prepare the cobs for cooking. Most people boil their corn de-leafed, but leaving some of the leaves and stigma on the cob will make the finished product juicier and more flavorful. There is another cooking method, when raw corn cleaned completely (the leaves are easier to remove when raw) and put in a saucepan along with leaves and corn silks, which can be placed on the bottom of the container.

The corn kettle needs to be wide and deep enough to accommodate whole cobs without breaking them. Cleaned corn cobs should be placed at the bottom of the container directly on the leaves. Leaves can also be placed on the sides so that the corn does not come into contact with the walls of the dish. Fill the pan with water until the corn is completely covered. We also place leaves on top of the corn and add stigmas, which will make the corn sweeter and more aromatic. The cobs should be cooked over low heat so that they retain their nutritional value. Cooking time depends on the degree of maturity of the cobs - from 15 minutes to 40 minutes. If the corn is very old (mature), then it may need to be cooked much longer - about an hour or two hours.

During cooking, you need to periodically check the corn for doneness. Make sure that the corn is completely covered with water at all times; if the water has boiled away and the cobs have opened, you need to add water (but only boiling water). There is no need to salt corn while cooking., because salt slows down the cooking process and accelerates the release of water from the grains, which makes the finished product less juicy and tasty. But, if the corn is not sweet enough, you can add a little sugar during cooking. This will not spoil its taste in any way. The cooking process must be carefully monitored to prevent excessive boiling of water or overcooking of the product.

How long should you cook corn on the cob?

Cooking time for corn when boiling depends on the maturity of the cobs. Young corn is boiled for no more than 15-20 minutes. More mature cobs will need to be cooked longer long time. Old (ripe) corn is cooked for more than an hour. You can cook corn in a slow cooker much faster.
It's best to check the corn while cooking to see if it's done. To do this, pinch off a grain from time to time and taste it, checking its readiness. If the grains become soft and juicy, then the corn is ready. You should not remove the corn immediately from the boiling water; let it cool a little right in the water where it was boiled. If corn is removed directly from boiling water, it may shrink and lose its appearance. After the corn has cooled slightly in the pan, you can remove it and serve it while it is still hot. Remove the cobs from the pan, let the excess water drain and rub with salt. In addition to salt, corn can be coated with butter and various spices.
The remaining uneaten corn can be stored in the same water in which it was boiled, but no more than 3-4 hours, at a temperature of 60-70 °C. Boiled corn can be stored longer in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days.

How to cook corn in a saucepan, in the microwave, in a slow cooker, in milk

There are many more different ways preparations sweet corn- it can be baked, fried, baked over coals, cooked in a microwave, double boiler, multicooker, etc. In every country where maize (corn) is grown, people cook corn according to their own recipes and each of them deserves attention. In the old days, when people did not have utensils to cook food, people threw corn into the fire and got a finished product that was as good as taste qualities modern dishes from corn. In order to improve the quality of the prepared dish, people came up with the idea of ​​adding various flavorings- herbs, spices, coconut milk, and then the usual taste traditional dish acquires new unusual and spicy notes. Although, at first glance, it seems that the queen of the fields is so good and perfect in taste original form that it does not require any additions or additives during cooking. However, we suggest you try others, including unusual recipes cooking corn at home, each of which is good in its own way.

  1. Corn on the cob cooked in a slow cooker or pressure cooker

To cook corn in a slow cooker, remove the leaves from the young cobs and place them in a special bowl. Next, you need to fill them with water and put leaves on top. You can cook corn in the “Vegetables” mode; if you choose the “Beans” or “Soup” mode, then set the time to 15 minutes for young cobs and 20 minutes for old (ripe) cobs, no more.

Cooking corn in a pressure cooker is no different from cooking it in a slow cooker. Cook the cobs over low heat for 15-20 minutes, depending on the stage of maturity of the cereal crop.

  1. A quick way to cook corn in the microwave

To quickly cook an ear of corn, you need to take a paper towel, soak it in water, then wrap it around it. corn cob and microwave for 5-8 minutes. In this way, you can cook both peeled corn and the “dressed” cob.

  1. Boiled corn in a steamer

When steaming corn, its beneficial substances are preserved to the greatest extent. During normal cooking, some of the substances go into the water. Corn cooked using a steamer retains more vitamins that are destroyed during cooking in boiling water. In addition, steamed corn tastes sweeter and retains its juiciness to a greater extent. The cooking time for steaming young cobs is slightly longer than with regular cooking and ranges from 25 to 35 minutes.

  1. Corn baked in the oven

Another less popular, but very interesting way cooking corn in the oven. There are at least two ways to bake cobs in the oven -

  • roasting shelled corn
  • roasting a whole cob

Wrap the peeled corn in foil with a piece of butter, place on a baking sheet and place in an oven preheated to 200-220 °C and bake for about 10 to 20 minutes. The grains will not dry out, and the corn will taste amazing!

Unpeeled cobs are baked a little differently. Before baking, cut the corn cob a little on one side and put it in cold water for about half an hour. Then place the corn on a baking sheet and bake at a temperature of 200-220 °C. After half an hour flavored corn ready. Enjoy!

This method requires a little more cooking time than traditional way, because milk slows down the cooking process. So, to cook corn in milk, take:

  • 5-6 ears of corn.
  • two liters of milk;
  • 30 gr. Butter;

The peeled corn is placed in a saucepan, poured with milk and a piece of butter is added. You can also dilute the milk by half with water, but add more butter. Rub the finished corn with salt and serve.

  1. Caribbean boiled corn

You will need:

  • 5-8 ears of young sweet corn,
  • 3 stalks green onions (or 1 stalk leek)
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
  • 2 cups coconut milk
  • 1 tablespoon chopped parsley
  • 1 large clove of garlic
  • 2-3 sprigs of thyme (optional)
  • 1 habanero pepper (can substitute chili pepper)

Place the peeled corn cobs in a wide saucepan and add the remaining ingredients. Cover the top with leaves from the cob and fill with water with the addition of coconut milk. Cooking time is the same as for the usual way cooking time – 15 minutes. This kind of corn does not need to be rubbed with salt, as it should have a sweet taste. But, this is not for everybody. If you wish, you can salt it.

Video “How to cook delicious corn - Caribbean recipe”

How to store boiled corn

The corn season is behind us, but you still want to enjoy the golden delicacy. On help will come freezer. To freeze, you need to place the peeled cobs in bags (preferably in a vacuum) and freeze. Preparing this corn couldn't be easier - just take it out of the freezer, throw it into boiling water and cook until tender. After boiling time fully cooked frozen corn is 20-25 minutes. We also grease the finished corn with vegetable oil, rub it with salt and serve.

What are the benefits of corn?

Corn is not only tasty, but also very nutritious and healthy. food product– a real storehouse of vitamins and microelements! It contains calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, amino acids lysine and tryptophan, polyunsaturated fatty acids, ascorbic acid, as well as vitamins E, B, PP. To provide the body with everything necessary substances, it is enough to eat 40-50 grams of boiled corn per day (about half a whole cob). Thanks to high content fiber, corn will cleanse the body of toxins well and improve intestinal function. Regular use corn is an excellent disease prevention of cardio-vascular system And oncological diseases. The biologically active compounds contained in corn help normalize metabolic processes in the brain and improve memory. Corn nourishes and restores nerve cells, and also affects the formation of muscle fibers. .post-navigation

Contraindications for eating boiled corn

Despite all beneficial features queen of the fields, there are some contraindications or restrictions for the use of this product.

What you should not forget when eating corn:

  • The calorie content of a cooked corn cob is higher than the calorie content of a raw one. This should be taken into account by people on a diet.
  • Boiled corn contains a lot of sugar, so people suffering from diabetes mellitus This product should be used with caution.
  • Boiled corn is contraindicated for certain digestive pathologies and the pancreas in particular.
  • It is not recommended to give boiled corn to children under three years of age, since corn kernels are often indigestible in young children.
  • You should not overuse boiled corn, as it can cause indigestion (clogging) of the stomach, especially in young children.

Despite the existing contraindications, boiled corn is still one of the most safe products. The nutritional value its big, so in summer season Do not deprive yourself of the pleasure of enjoying this excellent product.

Corn - healthy and nutritious product. It contains vitamins, microelements, saturated and fatty acids.

Corn is a good prophylactic for cardiovascular diseases, normalizes metabolism, promotes the removal of toxins and waste from the body and has many other advantages.

And all you need to do is eat 40-50 grams of corn a day to supply your body with everything useful substances which it contains. You just need to cook the corn correctly, otherwise all the valuable substances will easily disappear!

How to cook corn?

In summer you can often find corn sellers on the street. But you don’t know how the “queen of the fields” was prepared and whether it retained its nutritional value. And it will be much better if you prepare it yourself at home, because it’s not at all difficult to do! How to cook corn at home?

How to choose the right corn?

First you need to buy corn and there are some secrets here. There are quite a few varieties of corn: there is feed corn, intended for animal feed, and food corn, intended for human consumption. Therefore, when buying corn, ask, if possible, where it was grown: on a personal plot or in the fields and for what purposes.

Please note that the cob is not peeled from the wrapper and stigmas - this will prevent the corn from drying out, and it is much better to cook it in this form. It is also worth selecting cobs whose greens are not frayed or dried out. This suggests that the corn was stored for a short time and it retained its properties.

To ensure that the corn is soft when cooking, you need to take it only when it is milky fresh. Young corn is much tastier than ripe corn, because... The process of converting sugar into starch has not yet completed in the grains. Ripe corn– tasteless and not aromatic. Bite into one grain, breaking it off at the very base: if the grain is soft and there is water inside, it means the corn is young and can be safely purchased. The tougher and drier the seed inside, the riper the cob.

How long to cook corn?

It would seem such a simple question: how long does it take to cook corn? And there are several answers. Depending on the type of corn - different time her preparations. If the variety is early (early ripening), then it should be cooked from 30 minutes (for milky freshness - 10 minutes) to 1.5 hours. If you purchased late varieties of corn or fodder (this also happens), the cooking time will take from 2 hours to 6. That is, young fresh corn It cooks much faster than the old one.

How long to cook corn?

The most convenient way to cook corn on the cob is a thick-walled and deep dish with a lid that fits tightly to the dish. It can be a cauldron or a cast iron pot - the main thing is that the dishes heat up evenly. The heat during cooking should be low - this way the corn will be better preserved. nutrients.

Before cooking, rinse the cobs thoroughly, remove dirty leaves, but do not peel clean ones. Place the unpeeled corn cobs in a bowl, pour 3-5 cm of water on top of them and put on fire. To keep the corn soft, do not add salt to the water when cooking.

Since the degree of maturity of the cobs is predetermined, you already know how long the corn will cook (if young - from 10 minutes, mature - 2-3 hours). Color and smell are not an indicator of the readiness of corn. Readiness can be determined by taste. When the time is up, try one grain. If the grain is easy to chew and soft inside, then the corn is ready.

It is best to eat freshly cooked corn. Cooled corn doesn't taste as good. Just make sure that it stands for a while so as not to get burned. The finished cob can be greased with butter and sprinkled with salt to taste.

How to cook corn in a double boiler?

Many people don’t even think that corn can and even should be boiled in a double boiler. After all, from classic cooking cobs in water, steamed corn is juicier and more rich taste. The secret is simple - the nutrients and sweetness of the corn do not go into the water, but remain in the product.

Pre-clean each cob of leaves, stigmas and tendrils, rinse, and then place in a steam basket. Each steamer comes with instructions with a sign indicating how long each product needs to be cooked. As a rule, corn is cooked in a double boiler for 10-15 minutes. When serving, rub the corn with butter and salt.

How to cook corn in the microwave?

Take milky fresh corn. Before cooking, it must be washed and cleaned of hairs and leaves. Break or cut the cobs in half, but if your container can accommodate whole corn, this is not necessary.

How to cook corn in the microwave?

Place the cobs in a bowl, add water so that the corn is completely hidden under it, and cover with a lid. Set the timer for 45 minutes at a power of 800 watts. From time to time it is necessary to monitor the water level in the dishes; if there is not enough, press pause and add more.

The second method of cooking corn in the microwave is much simpler, you just need food bags for microwave oven. Also peel and rinse the corn, put it in bags, and tie it so that the air in the bag does not escape. Set the timer for 7 minutes at a power of 800 watts. When the time is up, the corn is ready!

How to cook corn in a pressure cooker?

If the cobs are young, then they cook almost instantly in a pressure cooker. Wash the corn and, without peeling it, place it in the pressure cooker. Add enough water so that the corn is completely immersed in it; you can refer to the instructions for your machine. Cook the cobs for 10-15 minutes (if the corn is old - 40 minutes). Serve the corn hot, rub with salt and butter.

How to cook corn in milk?

Wash and clean the cobs thoroughly before cooking. It is more convenient and faster to cook corn in a microwave or pressure cooker. Place the cobs in a bowl, pour in milk, there should be about 0.5 cm of milk on top of the corn. Add 50 grams of butter. Cover with a lid and microwave for 30-45 minutes.

There is another way to cook corn in milk. Take milky corn, wash it, peel it and separate the kernels from the cob. Boil the grains in milk until soft. Add butter. You can serve this corn yourself, just first drain the milk and salt the corn. Or, without draining the milk, add lightly toasted wheat flour(2 tablespoons), season with salt and boil, stirring.

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