Harm and influence of beer drinks on the diet: can it be consumed? Is it possible to drink beer on the street: the law, drinking rules, amount of fines and recommendations

Beer is the most favorite drink containing alcohol all over the world. But if it is so popular, is it possible to drink beer in unlimited quantities and, moreover, every day?

Everyone knows the answer to this question, because beer alcoholism and a beer belly (in fact, an immense belly) immediately come to mind.

According to doctors who conducted research on a global scale, drinking beer in large quantities, especially daily, is a direct path to health problems, premature illness and death. This is a frightening conclusion. The foam one hits especially hard:

  • in the liver, up to cirrhosis. This is explained by the presence of fusel oils in the product;

Reference. Fusel oils are extremely unhealthy products that arise when... They have learned to get rid of them in alcohol, vodka and moonshine, but they remain in beer and cannot be removed.

  • violated hormonal balance, the amount of testosterone (male hormone) in men decreases, but the amount of female hormone estradiol increases. The result is a growing belly, baldness and difficulties in the intimate sphere. Moreover, it’s not only “impossible,” but I also don’t want to, since the attraction to the opposite sex decreases, and to the foamy sex it increases (see:);
  • and for women, excessive production of estradiol is fraught with trouble. Addiction to beer among young girls is especially dangerous, since the phytoestrogens contained in hops are already converted into estradiol in the body and increase sexual desire, which leads to early intimate relationships. But the same hormone leads to enlargement of the gonads, which in the future threatens female infertility. Therefore, while giving a lot of money to infertility treatment, some do not even realize that the reason for this is past daily teenage parties with a can (bottle) of beer in hand;
  • the kidneys suffer, which have to work hard;
  • alcohol kills brain cells, personality degradation occurs;
  • heart attack with stroke, ischemic heart disease can also be a consequence of excessive beer libations.

This is such a sad picture. But you shouldn’t immediately and forever give up a glass of cold, intoxicating drink; it also contains useful components. These are vitamins B, P, D, and minerals. So how much beer can you have?

Medical standards daily consumption are:

  • For men– up to 0.5 liters (large glass, bottle/jar). No more than 5 times a week.
  • For women– up to 330 ml (small glass or bottle/can) per day. At the same time, not every day, but no more than 3 times a week!

Important! These data do not mean that a man can consume 3.5 and a woman 1.650 liters of beer per week (plus the amount allowed per day).

On the day when you allow yourself a beer, please stick to daily value, only then you will not harm the body.

Naturally, there are situations in life when you really want to relax, looking at the sea splashing at your feet, or “unwind” at the end of the week. So if you break the “beer commandments” several times a year, nothing bad will happen. Occasionally a man can afford 1 liter of drink, a woman - 750 ml. Constant abuse brings harm.

Admission under special conditions

You can hear “kind” recommendations that beer can disinfect a wound, relieve stress, heal the throat, and breast milk increase...

But should you listen to such advice? Let's look at specific examples.

After tooth extraction

There are no arguments “for” here. And that's why:

  • When removing a tooth, anesthesia is used, which is incompatible with alcohol.
  • Doctors do not allow you to eat or drink for at least 2 hours not because you might get an infection. The body is designed in such a way that during swallowing for a short period of time in oral cavity a vacuum is formed, which can easily tear out a lump of caked blood from the torn gum, protecting against bleeding. And if you “suck” beer from the bottle, the vacuum intensifies.
  • As for “disinfection,” the matter is even more complicated. Beer is not strong enough to be disinfected, but it contains great amount yeast fungi, which will cause infection of a fresh wound. The consequences can be dire.

In the bath

Counts business as usual drink beer in the bathhouse. The argument is that it stimulates sweating, which means it helps remove toxins. In fact, any alcohol causes dehydration. Foam is no exception. And if young healthy body can cope with this, then for older people it can be disastrous.

Blood vessels dilated by alcohol dilate even more in the heat. As a result, the worn-out wall may not withstand it and burst. Well, if it’s on your shin, you’ll get away with a bruise. What if it's an artery near the heart or in the brain?

So beer should not be consumed internally, either before, in the steam room, or after the bath. Restore first water balance tea, and then drink foam.

But splashing a drink diluted with water on the heater is even useful. This steam has a beneficial effect on the lungs and skin.


Sometimes there is a temptation to buy a cheaper “promotional” drink, even though there is a day or two left before the end of the sale. Or even the expiration date has already expired, even though it looks and tastes like nothing. It is believed that when proper storage(which you can’t be sure of) you can still use it for a couple of weeks after the expiration date.

But there is definitely nothing useful left in it. But you can get poisoned, since harmful microorganisms easily develop in a yeast environment.

Milk after beer

If tolerated, milk will not cause harm. This “mixture” is even recommended for physical exhaustion - it helps recover and gain weight. Only they take “live” unfiltered beer, and the milk is not packaged, but natural goat or cow milk with high fat content.

After freezing

It happens that you put beer in the freezer to cool and forgot about it. Is it possible to defrost and drink? If this happens once, you can drink it, but the pleasure from it is questionable.

It changes the taste dramatically, and the gas bubbles almost completely disappear. All the “living” that was in it dies, as evidenced by the yeast sediment at the bottom. Therefore, it is better to pour it out.

Is it possible to have sour?

If we're talking about Belgian lambic or cherry beer is supposed to have a sour taste. But another thing is the one that has gone sour.

Do you want intestinal disorders? best case scenario or poisoning with all the consequences - at worst? Then drink. But anyone who cares about their health will not do this, even though they “feel sorry for the product.”

After beer kefir

If the body tolerates such mixtures, why not. Moreover, kefir is compatible with alcohol (it also contains, although in miniscule quantities). This lactic acid product helps you quickly return to normal if you have had too much.

Beer after cognac

There are cocktails in which beer and cognac are mixed. One of the most famous is called “The Devil’s Drink,” with the implication that only an enemy of the human race could suggest such a combination.

Don’t forget that you can’t lower the “degree”, and after drinking beer after cognac, that’s what we do, so wait severe hangover and a “square” head. Although everyone has their own tolerance...

After an abortion

If everything went well and no additional medications were prescribed, then a couple of days after the abortion you can drink beer, especially since it helps relieve the stress that is inevitable with such a life decision.

If we are talking about a miscarriage and further prescription of antibiotics, then there is no question of any alcohol for another week after the end of the course of treatment.

After Botox

The fact is that Botox is poison, just like alcohol. When a “meeting” occurs, intoxication and even hallucinations occur in the body.

If your throat hurts

A popular recipe suggests gargling with hot beer and even drinking a heated drink orally for a sore throat. It helps many, although intoxication comes much faster. The main thing is not to overdo it and not to heat it to the point of burning!

Beer after wine

Strongly not recommended. If you drink wine, then drink it. And by “adding” beer, you’ll be doing yourself a disservice.

Beer is rich in carbon dioxide (gas bubbles), therefore it greatly enhances the effects of alcohol on the body. You will quickly get drunk, and the next morning you will feel the “delights” of a hangover.

For children

Children love the taste of beer. Surely many parents remember how they gave beer to children’s little hands reaching for a glass of “water.” Hoping that the child will try and not want to, and then they cannot take the glass away without screaming.

But they laughed and forgot about it. It’s another matter if you give your child beer “a little at a time” to improve appetite. Such irresponsible behavior of adults becomes the start for the development of alcoholism in the future.

After a stroke

If you managed to survive a stroke and were lucky enough to recover from it, remember: forget about alcohol forever. Alcohol sharply dilates blood vessels and then sharply constricts them.

Many people are still convinced of the fact that the concepts of alcohol and diet are incompatible. This is not true: you can drink beer while losing weight. The myth that you get better from an intoxicating drink is based rather on the fact that along with it a person, as a rule, eats a lot of snacks (snacks), which differ high calorie content.

Various crackers, chips, and nuts often contain sugar substitutes, flavor enhancers, and preservatives, which cause weight gain. The high salt content in such snacks retains fluid in the body, hence the occurrence of extra kilos and swelling. The intoxicating drink itself has a low calorie content, only about 53 kcal per 100 ml (depending on the type of drink), which allows you to include it in the diet without compromising your health.

The benefits of beer

Drinking a foamy drink will not only help you lose unnecessary pounds, but also improve your well-being, appearance. The components included in its composition bring next benefit to the human body:

  • Yeast. They contain almost all B vitamins. They are known for the good regenerative function of nerve cells, skin, hair, and nails. B vitamins are actively involved in metabolic processes at all levels.
  • Alcohol. This product relaxes the body in small doses. Alcohol also activates metabolism when losing weight, which helps you lose weight faster.
  • Hop. Medicinal plant, which lowers cholesterol in the blood, successfully fights cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels. Thanks to the listed properties, hops have a positive effect on the whole cardiovascular system. In addition, the plant has calming properties and normalizes sleep.
  • Iron. Increases the level of hemoglobin (a complex iron-containing protein) in the blood, promotes the effective functioning and restoration of tissues and all organ systems.
  • Potassium. Responsible for controlling the processes of urination and fluid exchange, which is key point to regulate blood pressure, heart function and blood vessels.
  • Magnesium. Positively affects the reproductive system.

No diet program is perfect; they all have advantages and disadvantages. The undeniable benefits of beer for weight loss, which appear during... fasting days:

  • strengthening immunity;
  • saturating the body with vitamins and minerals;
  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • improvement of metabolic processes;
  • washing out sand, grinding stones if available urolithiasis kidney


There is also harm that beer can do on a diet. The following disadvantages of the beer diet regime are known:

  • increased appetite that is difficult to control;
  • possible swelling;
  • risk of gastroenterological disorders;
  • damage to tooth enamel.

Beer diet for weight loss

The essence of the beer diet for weight loss is that a person should drink about 1 liter of beer per day for a week, and it is necessary to limit oneself in food. The high content of micro- and macroelements in the intoxicated drink only partially covers daily requirement body. During the diet, in addition to beer, you are allowed to consume cereals, for example, oatmeal or buckwheat, lean fish, beef, mainly boiled, baked or steamed.

The beer diet for weight loss is not suitable for everyone. Her limited diet can provoke a breakdown, which will negatively affect the emotional and physical condition. In addition, most diets are aimed at detoxifying the body, while beer, on the contrary, loads it with toxic substances and other by-products, putting a colossal load on the liver.

The duration of the program is 1 week. During this time, on average, a person loses about 4 extra pounds. There are unloading techniques that last several weeks, but they have a negative impact on health. The frequency of the beer diet should not exceed 1 time per month. Before starting this diet program for weight loss, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

Basic principles of the diet

In order for weight loss to be as effective as possible, you must adhere to the following nutritional principles of the beer diet throughout the week:

  • drink no more than 1 liter of beer per day;
  • drink the drink very chilled;
  • eat no more than 100 g of permitted foods per day (except for fruit and vegetable days);
  • completely eliminate salt, sugar, carbonated and alcoholic drinks (except beer);
  • eat lean meat, fish, seafood, cereals as a side dish, non-starchy fruits, vegetables, a little vegetable oil(for dressing salads);
  • give up high-calorie snacks;
  • drink 1.5-2 liters of pure still water per day;
  • no more than twice a week (optional) drink a cup of unsweetened coffee and eat 10 g of dark chocolate;
  • repeat the weekly course of the dietary program no more than once a month.

Recommendation to drink foamy drink cold is associated with the human body’s ability to heat all incoming food and liquid to body temperature before starting the digestion process. This little trick provides passive energy consumption. To bring cold beer to body temperature human body spends about 40 kcal, and weight loss goes faster.

Authorized Products

As mentioned earlier, the beer diet is meager. With the aim of effective weight loss Throughout the entire diet program, you can only consume foods and drinks presented in the following list:

  • Fruits: apple, peach, tangerine, pomegranate.
  • Cereals and porridges: buckwheat on water, crumbly buckwheat(kernel), oatmeal on water, boiled wild rice.
  • Meat: boiled beef, beef tenderloin, rabbit.
  • Poultry: boiled, baked chicken, turkey.
  • Fish: boiled bream, sardines, trout, steamed salmon.
  • Beer: guinness, stella artois, Zhiguli, porter, light 1.8%, light live, dark.

Prohibited Products

Three main ingredients are completely prohibited during the beer diet: salt, sugar, fats. of various origins. It is recommended to exclude unhealthy high-calorie foods from your diet. For a week, you need to completely remove products from the following categories:

To achieve maximum results in losing weight, it is recommended to completely exclude products from the list above. Below is a more detailed list of prohibited foods during the beer diet:

Menu for the week

An important condition The beer diet program is a strict restriction in the consumption of food and the intoxicating drink itself. It’s better to opt not for a canned one, but for a live one, natural beer. It is recommended to use not light ones, but dark varieties, since they contain more vitamins and microelements. It is not advisable to drink beer at night, as the drink has a mild diuretic effect. Sample menu beer diet for a week:

  • Monday: 1 liter of dark beer, low or non-alcoholic (it is allowed to drink so-called diet beer) + 100 g of buckwheat (kernels) in water.
  • Tuesday: 1 liter of beer + 100 g of boiled beer chicken fillet.
  • Wednesday: 1 liter of beer + 100 g of boiled or steam fish.
  • Thursday: 1 liter of beer + 100 g boiled beef.
  • Friday: 1 liter of beer + unlimited non-starchy fruits or vegetables.
  • Saturday: 1.5 liters of beer.
  • Sunday: 1.5-2 liters of beer.

You can’t abruptly leave the diet program on beer. A quick return to your usual eating style can trigger rapid weight gain. It is better to gradually increase the amount of food consumed, adding foods from the prohibited list, if necessary. To maintain the results of weight loss, it is recommended to spend a fasting day on kefir or homemade yogurt no fillers.

Contraindications for the diet

Those losing weight recognize the effectiveness of the beer diet, but among them there are also ardent opponents of this method of losing weight. Many doctors are categorically against the use of a dietary program by men, due to the high content of phytoestrogens in beer. They cause hormonal changes in male body, which can lead to the formation of folds on the stomach and hips that are unusual for a man’s body. Beer is contraindicated for weight loss if:

  • alcoholism;
  • heart diseases;
  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diseases genitourinary system;
  • weakened body;
  • taking medications that are incompatible with alcohol;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • persons under 21 years of age.


Like anyone alcoholic drink, beer also needs to be drunk wisely in certain quantities and under certain conditions that do not harm our health. This is why many people wonder When is the right time to drink beer? We will answer it in this article.

Indeed, there is a theory that beer should not be drunk at absolutely any time and under any circumstances. And they concern not only those moments when it is dangerous for a person to be “intoxicated.” That is why doctors investigated in what cases can you drink beer, and so that it is beneficial for the body. Of course, when analyzing they proceeded from the advantages and disadvantages of this amber low-alcohol drink.

Pros of beer:

  • iron, magnesium and potassium content at the level orange juice(important microelements for the functioning of the heart and circulatory system);
  • one liter of beer contains 60% of a person’s need for vitamins B1 and B2 in one day;
  • citric acid, which is contained in beer, helps prevent kidney stones;
  • the content of phenolic compounds in beer prevents the occurrence of blood clots blood vessels which lead to heart attacks and strokes.

Cons of beer:

  • like an alcoholic drink, it puts a lot of strain on the heart;
  • reduces the production of testosterone, the main male hormone;
  • prohibited for use by pregnant women;
  • beer increases appetite, and a person wants to eat more;
  • people become addicted to beer as a sedative, and without it they can no longer relax.

Which beer to drink is healthier for the body?

Regarding its benefits for the human body, of course, it is better to choose live beer than a pasteurized product in stores. Live beer is usually stored in special kegs, the material of which prevents the foamy drink from absorbing foreign odors and tastes, and also protects it from ultraviolet radiation. Also especially useful will be unfiltered, unpasteurized beer, which retains much more trace elements and B vitamins. They provide beer with some medicinal properties. Particular attention must be paid to the date of beer bottling. The less time has passed since this date, the more useful it will be. amber drink. To prevent beer from spoiling and its beneficial properties from disappearing, it must be stored in the refrigerator during the day.

Should you drink beer after eating?

We are used to washing down every meal with some kind of drink, especially dinner. Quite often, our compatriots buy beer after a hard day at work to drink it after dinner. However, doctors, on the contrary, do not recommend drinking fatty foods with beer. For this it is better to use red wine. In this regard, it is also not recommended to drink beer outdoors when you are preparing barbecue. The foamy drink is best drunk on an empty stomach. It is recommended for people suffering from certain types of gastritis. Drinking beer on an empty stomach will help remove excess mucus and bile from the stomach and dry it out.

Should you drink beer after a workout?

All lovers of an active lifestyle and sports training should pay attention to the time of drinking beer. It is not recommended to drink beer a few days before serious sports activities (competitions) and during the day after sports training. The fact is that beer interferes with protein synthesis in the body. Accordingly, the beneficial effects of playing sports after drinking beer will be neutralized.

It is believed that beer is a low-alcohol drink that quenches thirst well. And there is nothing more pleasant, on a hot summer evening, to drink a bottle or two of cold aromatic beer, sitting on a bench in a square or park. And it’s even better in the company of friends in nature, and even with a barbecue or after a bathhouse with salted dried fish! Why do many people love beer so much that they cannot go a day without it?

What is beer made from?

Since ancient times, people all over the world have brewed and consumed beer. Beer is produced by fermenting alcohol and brewer's yeast with malt or hops. Beer contains water, ethyl alcohol, carbon dioxide, carbohydrates, substances containing nitrogen, yeast, and vitamins, minerals, and estrogens are present in small doses. Preservatives, stabilizers, and dyes are also added to beer to extend the shelf life of beer.

Is it good to drink beer?

Many people believe that beer is healthy nutritious product, which contains vitamins and microelements necessary for our body. Beer promotes the secretion of gastric juice and improves digestion. When drinking beer, a person's mood improves and it is easier for him to communicate with other people. With the help of beer, you can relieve stress, calm down, and relax. Beer calms nerves and improves sleep. Beer also has diuretic properties and helps our kidneys work, so it’s good to drink.

Is drinking beer harmful?

Everyone knows that drinking vodka is harmful to our body. There is an opinion that beer, since it is a low-alcohol drink, does no harm. It is known that during fermentation processes, compounds such as methanol, fusel oils, aldehydes. And vodka contains hundreds of times less of these compounds. For our body, for the vascular and nervous system, they are poison. They cause us nausea, vomiting, sneezing. A person’s brain vessels sharply dilate and his head begins to hurt, weakness appears, and his ability to move worsens. But in reality beer is not low alcohol drink. The strength of some brands of beer can reach from 5 to 13% vol.

Let's try to figure out why beer is harmful to our body.

Personal qualities of a person change

Beer contains hops. After drinking beer, a person gets drunk, relaxes, and over time can no longer do without beer. By gradually increasing the dose of beer, a person’s personal qualities change. He becomes stupid, angry, aggressive, pugnacious, deceitful, lazy. Various offenses and crimes are committed while intoxicated.

A person's appearance changes

Why is beer harmful for men?

As you know, beer contains plant estrogens, they are similar to hormones that form the female genital organs and mammary glands. If a man drinks beer every day, a substance is released in his body that suppresses testosterone production and estrogen levels increase. A man appears excess weight, the belly begins to grow, the mammary glands and pelvis increase in size. The number of sperm decreases and their quality deteriorates. If husbands like to drink beer in their families, difficulties arise in conceiving a child. Over time, men experience impotence, prostatitis and other diseases.

Why is beer harmful for women?

Women who abuse beer also experience changes in appearance. In women, hairs begin to appear above the upper lip - a beer mustache. The voice changes. He becomes more rude.

What do you usually drink beer with? With dried fish, salted nuts, kirieshka, and chips. Excess salt is known to retain water in the body, which leads to swelling of the face in the morning and excess weight. And you must admit that a drunk woman is not a very pleasant sight. She laughs stupidly, she is vulgar, she behaves inappropriately. Often drunk girls become victims of crimes. Just like in men, excess estrogen causes problems with conceiving a child. Infertility develops, various gynecological diseases and even cancer occur.

Is beer harmful for pregnant women?

For pregnant women, drinking beer is simply unacceptable. If you want to carry and safely give birth to a healthy baby, then give up beer, cross it out of your life. Alcohol adversely affects the formation of the fetus. A child may be born mentally and physically handicapped, premature, or with low weight. Pregnancy may end in miscarriage. During adolescence, the child will most often show the consequences of his mother drinking beer during pregnancy. Your child will be uncontrollable, irritable, and aggressive. It is likely that he will also be prone to alcoholism.

Is beer harmful for nursing mothers?

There is an opinion that beer increases the amount of milk in a nursing mother. If the mother drinks beer before feeding, the baby will be full and sleep long and soundly. Of course he will sleep because he will be drunk. By feeding your child poisonous milk, you will destroy his physical and mental health and teach him to drink alcohol. And your health will deteriorate and be destroyed under the influence of beer.

Is beer harmful for teenagers?

The beautiful beer advertisements that stream from our TV screens creep into the fragile minds of teenagers and destroy the opinion of adults that beer is harmful. What harm is this? After all, you can have a lot of fun with beer, cheerful company young and beautiful people, become successful, strong, rich.

And now the first bottle of beer appears in the hands of teenagers. With the first sips of beer, alcohol flows into the body, intoxicating and cheering the teenager. He feels like a hero, grown up, cool, brave. He picks on other teenagers, sorts things out, gets into fights, and commits various offenses. The teenager’s psyche changes, memory and ability to perceive new material at school deteriorate. A main harm beer is that the health of a teenager is destroyed.

Human health is being destroyed

And now about how beer harms our health.

Our heart is the main organ in our body. The heart acts as a pump, pumping blood. Blood supplies our body and internal organs, nutrients and oxygen.

Excessive beer consumption has a detrimental effect on our heart. You've probably heard the expression "bull's heart" or "bull's heart" more than once. beer heart" When a person drinks a lot of beer, the load on the heart increases, the heart muscle and heart walls increase in volume several times. The heart gradually becomes filled with fat. A person’s blood pressure rises, shortness of breath appears, heart contractions become more frequent, arrhythmia, coronary heart disease, stroke, and heart attack develop.

The stomach is an organ that stores and digests food. The lining of the stomach contains glands that produce gastric juice. Gastric juice contains hydrochloric acid.

If a person regularly uses a large number of beer, aggressive substances such as carcinogens, resins, dyes, ethyl alcohol irritate and cause inflammation in the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach. A person develops heartburn, bloating, pain, gastritis and ulcers develop.

The kidneys are the main organ of excretion. They remove urine, excess water, and harmful substances from our body. Regulate arterial pressure and perform many complex functions necessary for our body.

At excessive use beer, the acid-base balance is disturbed. The body produces more urine, the kidneys are forced to work harder to remove the effects of beer libations. Along with urine, useful substances and trace elements necessary for our body to function properly are removed from the body. Constantly working at high speed, the kidneys quickly wear out. A person develops various diseases kidney

The liver is the largest organ and plays an important role in our body. The liver performs many important biochemical functions. The liver secretes bile, which breaks down fats and takes part in digestion. The liver destroys viruses and microbes that enter our body with the blood. The liver regulates cholesterol metabolism.

What harm does beer cause to the liver? Beer contains alcohol, and alcohol is the main enemy of the liver. If you abuse beer, inflammatory processes occur in the liver, hepatitis develops and then cirrhosis.

The brain is the central part of our nervous system and consists of neurons. These neurons in the brain are formed into electrical impulses. With the help of these impulses, the brain controls our body and controls its functioning. The main function of the brain is thinking. With the help of the brain we make decisions and process information. The brain is responsible for our speech, memory, and coordination of movements.

How does beer harm our brain? It is known that beer contains alcohol, and alcohol has a destructive effect on the brain, causing brain cells to die. In people who regularly drink beer, thiamine in the body is reduced - this is a vitamin that affects the functioning of our brain. A lack of thiamine leads to severe damage to the nervous system. A person becomes forgetful, his memory deteriorates. And over time, dementia and memory loss occur. Coordination of movements is impaired and the person may become disabled. Our other organs also suffer from beer.

Family relationships and beer

In families where one of the family members is addicted to beer, many problems arise. Conflicts, quarrels, and sometimes fights often arise. Due to the husband’s poor potency, problems in sexual relationships are growing. A certain amount of money is spent on beer every day and there are shortages of money.

Is it possible to drink beer every day?

There is an opinion that using every day minimal amount beer, the person will remain healthy and not get drunk. But if you can’t go a day without beer, then this already indicates that your body requires its dose of alcohol. And this is already an addiction.

So can you drink beer? Is it necessary? Everyone decides for themselves!

Each alcoholic drink has its own culture of consumption. For example, cognac is drunk from wide, low glasses, poured little by little, and this is done after meals. Table wine refrigerate and serve at lunchtime.

How to drink and pour beer correctly? Is it possible for everyone or are there certain categories of people for whom the drink will only cause harm? Let's look at the nuances.

Let's start with the basics - how to open a bottle if you don't have it at hand special device, popularly called a “bottle opener”.

The Russian people are inventive, and therefore today there are several proven methods that will save you in a “critical” situation.

If in company

When several people get together, one bottle is not enough. Two bottles will come in handy - once you get the hang of it, you can successfully uncork a foamy drink using the container in which it is poured.

We grab one bottle by the neck, and position the second so that it rests on the teeth of the cap of the first. A kind of lever is formed. Give it a little push and you're done.

If at work

It so happened that the bosses suddenly left the office on Friday evening and there is exact information that it will only appear on Monday morning? Then you can use the surface of your own desktop.

You send a colleague to get a bottle, and then show him the figures aerobatics: rest the teeth of the lid against the countertop and slam the lid with an open palm. You can use your fist, but pressing with your palm should be enough.

Another way for office managers is this. There are usually a lot of drafts in any office. Ask your accountant or secretary for a couple and get started with the process. The paper should be rolled into a tight tube and slightly flattened. Then place the folded widow's tube under the cloves and pry. The bottle should open.

We organize home gatherings

Almost everyone has a lighter at home. Even if you don’t smoke, you probably find a use for this item: it’s usually used to light gas stove. Use a lighter to pry off the cap of a beer bottle.


Drinking alcohol on the street is, of course, prohibited by law. You can freely carry a corked bottle of beer in your hands, but you cannot open it: this is interpreted as an intention to drink and entails penalties.

But any outing into nature is a good excuse to refresh yourself with a bottle or two of a high-quality foamy drink. All those present will definitely have the keys to the house with them. You need to use them: using the key to pick up the lid, proceed according to the same principle as in the case of a lighter.

In general, the lack of an “opener” is not a reason to refuse a coveted bottle with cool, bitter-foamy contents. You just need to be smart and the beer is ready to drink.

How to pour beer correctly?

There is an art to pouring a foamy drink into mugs correctly. Some people like a thick layer to form on top. foam cap, while others prefer to do without it, because, naturally, in this case, a much smaller volume of alcohol will get into the glass.

To pour a drink no foam, you need to carefully tilt the glass at an angle of 45 0 and pour beer along the wall. The process must be done slowly, otherwise foam will still begin to form. Then also carefully turn the glass over to the correct position.

If you prefer to see foam in your mug, then do exactly the opposite. Pour the beer quickly, and when you return the mug to an upright position, do so at high speed. Then you will get real foam.

How much beer can you drink?

Strictly speaking, any amount of foam does not have the best effect on health, especially when it comes to people with chronic diseases. Although the drink is low-alcohol, it still contains a “degree”, so, of course, it cannot be offered to children and adolescents under 18 years of age.

However, provided that consumption standards are observed, a healthy adult can sometimes afford a glass or two.

According to a common myth, beer contains a lot of B vitamins, which have a positive effect on metabolism, so drinking the drink every day is beneficial. There is some truth in this: indeed, vitamins of this group, as well as minerals, folic and nicotinic acids, are present in beer.

But their number there is insignificant. To “saturate” the body, you will have to drink a huge amount of foam, and here there can be no talk of any harm: the liver and kidneys will not say “thank you.”

If you are an ardent fan of foam, then stay within the boundaries of this norm: no more than a liter per day for men and no more than 0.75 liters per day for women.

According to WHO recommendations, you can physically drink this much beer strong people young and middle aged. But this does not mean that you can allow yourself that much drink every day: as a result, the body will develop a habit, the result of which will be so-called beer alcoholism.

Drink beer no more than 3 times a week. The total volume of drinks should not exceed 4 liters.

Remember: alcohol in any doses should be consumed with great caution; you may not notice how it turns from entertainment and a way to relieve stress into an urgent need. Doctors impose an absolute ban on the consumption of such drinks if:

  • chronic pancreatitis;
  • serious heart disease;
  • exacerbation of gastric and duodenal ulcers;
  • liver diseases (including chronic hepatitis of any form).

How long does it take for beer to evaporate?

One fine summer evening you sat with friends over a glass of... outdoor cafe. And tomorrow you will get behind the wheel. How long should you exercise caution and refrain from driving?

The rate of weathering is not a constant value; it depends on many different factors:

  • gender of a foamy drink lover;
  • age;
  • body weight;
  • health conditions;
  • quantity and quality of snacks and so on.

On average, in a man of average build, alcohol vapors disappear at a rate 0.1 ppm per hour.

For women this figure is lower. They may sober up later as they have a normal rate of weathering - 0.8 ppm per hour.

If you drink only one bottle, the contents will be completely eliminated from the body. in 8 hours. So expect to drive around the city by car without fear for your license only the next morning after small party. If you have consumed 2 liters of alcohol, it will leave the body only after 13, or even 15 hours.

Three liters is a serious dose. It will take the body the whole day to get rid of the consequences.

If a person drinks only 0.5 liters, his blood already contains 0.5 ppm of alcohol. Special studies were carried out that showed: with such an alcohol content, the driver already loses the ability to accurately determine the distance to moving cars and the speed of their movement. At the same time, it seems to him that his reactions are not yet impaired; he believes that he can drive with full responsibility.

Note! The rate at which alcohol disappears from the blood is not affected by procedures such as a walk in the fresh air or a sauna. They improve overall well-being (and not always) and help morally, influencing subjective feelings.

How to remove fumes from beer?

An unpleasant consequence of long gatherings is a “trail” in the form of fumes. The reason for its appearance is acetaldehyde. The vapors of this substance are released along with exhaled air. And acetaldehyde enters the body from beer - or rather, alcohol decomposes to form this substance.

Any alcohol causes the appearance of acetaldehyde. The fortress does not matter here accepted drink: both weak beer and light beer have the same features as high-proof beer. Is it just concentration? harmful substance will be lower.

There are ways to get a person in order a little faster after drinking alcohol. Most of them have little effect on the actual rate of disappearance of the smell of fumes, but help the drinker to bring himself to his senses and regain clarity of thinking. Metabolism accelerates, due to this the “user” begins to return to normal faster, although not by much.

The methods are:

  • go outside, especially if it’s cold, it’s autumn or winter;
  • take a walk as energetically as possible;
  • go to the sauna;
  • take a cold shower (or a contrast shower);
  • dissolve 2-3 teaspoons of salt in a glass of water and rinse your mouth;
  • take several tablets of activated carbon with plenty of water;
  • take succinic acid;
  • eat a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • dine on sour cabbage soup;
  • drink plenty of lemon water or green tea.

“Walking” on the street helps because the blood vessels contract and unclench faster, therefore, the blood “runs” more actively. But the sauna brings dubious benefit because it puts a lot of stress on the heart. Temperature changes can sober up, but the blood vessels and heart may not be able to withstand it.

Vegetable oil coats the walls of the stomach, helping the body more easily digest the alcohol that gets into it. Activated carbon removes toxins. Water makes the kidneys work more efficiently, the body is “flushed”.

Does beer make you fat?

“Oh, what a beer belly he has!” — they say about a man who likes to discuss pressing problems with friends over a glass of beer. It is generally accepted that beer adds pounds.

This is not entirely true. 100 ml of foam contains only 30-53 Kcal. This is so little that even a strict diet, it would seem, should not prohibit a glass of beer!

But it's not that simple. You can actually get better from beer for several reasons. First, the carbon dioxide present in the drink bloats the stomach and increases the need for a snack.

Secondly, the snack itself is usually such that even without beer it will make anyone add a lot of extra pounds. What do we like to eat while sipping beer? Mainly everything harmful and high in calories:

  • chips;
  • salted nuts;
  • smoked meats;
  • sausage;
  • sandwiches;
  • pizza.

It is not surprising that after several years of such a “diet” a slender and fit man discovers that he has fat folds. Add to this a sedentary lifestyle - and here are all the reasons for the “beer belly”.

How and why to drink beer with sour cream?

However, not everyone is overweight. Some, on the contrary, cannot recover in any way - various hormonal disorders, hereditary constitutional features and stress have an effect.

In such cases (for weight gain), you should try beer with sour cream. Take 0.33 of any beer you like best and mix with 200 g of sour cream. There is a lot of sour cream useful substances, in particular, potassium, calcium, iodine, and they are best absorbed in combination with beer. Making a cocktail with original taste, you will help the body quickly and easily take from sour cream what it needs.

Just don't get carried away! Sour cream is a fatty product, and beer contains a lot of carbohydrates. It is hardly wise to keep weight on this combination for a long time.

Is it possible to drink beer while breastfeeding?

Breastfeeding mothers, like expectant mothers, are at risk for alcohol consumption. Any dose will be dangerous for pregnant women.

With breastfeeding women everything is a little simpler. Yes, alcohol passes into milk, causing the baby to:

  • sleep disturbance;
  • lethargy;
  • underweight.

But if you really want to drink a little, you can reduce the likelihood of undesirable consequences. To do this, drink half a mug in the first 20 minutes after you finish feeding. Then, at the next feeding, it will not have time to end up in the milk and will not enter the baby’s body.

There is an opinion that beer increases the volume of milk produced. But this is not true: alcohol simply causes a rush of milk in the mammary glands. This is a temporary phenomenon.

I spilled beer on my laptop - what should I do?

Remember, when you were a child, your parents always said: “You need to eat in the kitchen, the room and work table are not intended for this.” Of course, they were right - but you realize this, alas, too late, when the keyboard of an expensive laptop is already covered in foam from beer from an overturned glass. The damage will be about the same as from coffee. Only coffee is often sweet, which creates additional difficulties for computer technicians.

If beer gets on your laptop, you should first wipe it dry. Then disconnect from the network and perform an emergency shutdown by pressing and holding the power button. After this, if you have any experience with computer equipment, you can disassemble the laptop by unscrewing all the bolts and check whether beer has gotten inside.

If you have no experience, it is better to immediately contact specialists.

Can you give a dog beer?

Sometimes pet owners, wanting to please them, treat their pets with all sorts of goodies. In particular, they offer beer, thinking that it contains vitamins and yeast that are beneficial for dogs.

This is a very dangerous prejudice. Neither dogs nor cats should be given alcohol under any circumstances, although many dogs happily lap up the drink and quickly get used to it.

Alcohol contains substances that are toxic to the dog's body.. Ethanol(in any dose) and carbohydrates in large quantities found in beer that can cause irreparable harm animal. By the way, a dog, just like a person, easily becomes an alcoholic. Only, unlike the owner, she does not have the intelligence and willpower to stop in time. Vital organs suffer: liver, kidneys, heart.

Beer is considered to be a light alcohol that does not harm a person. But this statement becomes true only if moderate consumption, and, of course, not every day. Drink a glass of beer, no more, and try not to put fatty, salty, heavy snacks on the table. Then neither the figure nor the internal organs will suffer.

“Drink foamy beer to modern rhythms!” — advises the “Accident” group. If you are healthy and do not complain about your stomach and heart, treat yourself from time to time with a glass of clear drink, which perfectly relaxes, quenches thirst and unites any unfamiliar company. The main thing in any business is the golden mean!