Delicious tea with thyme. Classic thyme tea

The benefits and properties of tea with thyme were known to the ancient Greeks. The drink has won the honorary name “strength of spirit.”

The Greek sages believed that the drink restored mental strength. Healers admired it for its ability to heal, and magicians and sorcerers believed that the drug protected a person and home from evil spirits.

In Rus', black tea with thyme gained popularity as a drink from God that gives strength. It’s not for nothing that the grass was given the name “Virgin Mary”. In the mountains of the Caucasus and Crimea, with the onset of spring, women collected grass and prepared teas, decoctions, potions, and also dried it for the winter. Since ancient times, healers have noted the ability of tea with thyme to remove phlegm.

Tea with thyme and mint has a positive effect on nervous system, relieves stress and chronic fatigue. The drink is useful in the prevention of gastritis and colitis. It prevents colic, bloating and flatulence.

Tea with thyme is useful for people facing hypertension. The drink relieves spasms, dilates blood vessels, eliminates attacks of acute headaches and insomnia.

Tea can be drunk by children from 4 years of age as an anti-cold, anti-inflammatory and sedative. If a child suffers from insomnia, brew a cup of weak tea with thyme and mint.

All the benefits of tea with thyme are explained by the main component - the thyme itself. When brewing, the plant does not lose.

The healing properties of thyme tea

Tea with thyme is a means to restore strength, health and vigor. Black tea with thyme and oregano quenches thirst in summer, warms in winter, fills the air with a pleasant aroma and improves immunity.

For masculine strength

The drink is also called “strength of spirit” because it helps in treating men’s problems. 70% of men face the problem of sexual impotence, complaints of prostate diseases or urinary problems. Drinking tea helps to cope with the problem of weak potency. It eliminates burning sensation when urinating, pain in the pelvis and perineum, increases potency and normalizes lymph flow.

Tea with thyme during pregnancy

Compresses and drinking thyme tea have different effects on the health of a pregnant woman.

Pay attention to the dosage of thyme in tea. High concentrations of the plant can lead to miscarriage, cause bleeding or premature birth. Before use, consult your doctor.

Harm and contraindications of tea with thyme

The power of thyme tea in the fight against disease does not negate caution in use. Although contraindications are kept to a minimum, please note the exceptions.

Tea with thyme is harmful if you have:

  • myocardial infarction;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • progressive cardiosclerosis;
  • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • gastritis, gastrointestinal ulcers;
  • pregnancy.

To avoid negative consequences, read the right recipe drink

Thyme has been included in the collection of recipes of traditional healers for many centuries. This grass is rich healing properties and has a pleasant taste. Correct Application tea with thyme will help maintain health and prevent many ailments.


Thyme is known in Eastern medicine as the herb thyme. Thyme species are essential oil plants that contain a high content of phenolic compounds. Thyme is a small subshrub. The plant reaches a height of no more than 40 cm. The woody stems of a small bush can be recumbent or ascending. The stems are spread out at the base and have a “hairy” covering. Flowers are collected at the ends of the branches, and the leaves may have different sizes and shape.

This plant has a rich chemical composition:

  • essential oils (thymol up to 30%, carvacrol).
  • tannins;
  • mineral substances;
  • bitterness;
  • organic pigments;
  • gum;
  • oleanolic acid;
  • ursolic acid;
  • terpenes;
  • triterpenoids.

Thyme has found wide application in cosmetology, Food Industry and perfumes. Thyme leaves are a common spice in cooking all over the world, as well as in the distillery industry. The beneficial properties of the plant have earned it popularity in traditional and folk medicine. The health benefits of tea, decoctions and infusions with thyme are invaluable.

With all the abundance of its beneficial qualities, tea with thyme requires caution in use.

Since this drink is medicinal, it should be consumed in moderation.

Useful qualities tea with thyme open when proper brewing. So that the drink actually brings benefits and not harm, it should be prepared correctly, observing the proportions.

To brew one cup of tea with thyme, it is enough to use half a teaspoon of dried raw material. Thus, based on the volume of the teapot, you need to put the usual amount of black tea in it and correct amount thyme. The beneficial qualities of this infusion will become even more vivid if you add a little cinnamon, honey or mint to it. tea drink should be drunk immediately after brewing.

Possible harm from an overdose of thyme makes it undesirable for pregnant women. In addition, you should only purchase grass from trusted suppliers or collect it yourself. The grass itself contains no substances that are toxic to humans. But if it is collected in an unfavorable place, it is able to absorb its negative components.

Calorie content

Thyme herb calorie table:

100 g of dried herb contains 70 kcal, which is 4% of daily value. Properly brewed tea with thyme contains about 5 kcal per 200 ml of drink.


Thyme in tea can be harmful if misuse and overdose. The bitterness, carbohydrates and essential oils it contains have the following contraindications for use:

  • Women during pregnancy.
  • Children under 3 years old.
  • If you have thyroid disease.
  • Patients with stomach ulcers.
  • For liver and kidney diseases.

The nutritional value

The benefits of thyme tea are also explained by its nutritional value.

Table in mg per 100 g of thyme herb:

Vitamins and minerals

Table of vitamins per 100 g of thyme herb:

Table of mineral substances in mg per 100 g of thyme herb:

Mineral Content in mg per 100 g of product % of recommended daily value
Potassium(K) 609 24
Calcium (Ca) 405 41
Magnesium (Mg) 160 40
Sodium (Na) 9 1
Phosphorus (P) 106 13
Iron (Fe) 17,45 97
Manganese (Mn) 1,72 86
Copper (Cu) 0,56 56
Zinc (Zn) 1,81 15

Benefits and possible harm Many people worry about drinking thyme tea. If there are no contraindications, the likelihood of harming the body with this drink is minimal. At the same time, the benefits of drinking tea with thyme have been known since ancient times.

Thyme (thyme, thyme) is a very aromatic shrub or subshrub. Refers to essential oil plants. Distributed throughout the entire territory of Eurasia, with the exception of the tropical zone, it is also found in the North African region and Greenland. Counts great amount species. It has long been famous for its medicinal properties.

What are thyme leaves and stems rich in?

Thyme contains 0.1-0.6% essential oils, which are very helpful for colds. Main component essential oils, thymol (30%), acts as an excellent anthelmintic, disinfectant and analgesic substance.

It is also noted that the plant contains tannins, gum, resins, minerals, a small amount of natural dyes.

Did you know? The ancient Egyptians used thyme for mummification.

What are the benefits of thyme tea?

Are common beneficial features tea with thyme:

  • tones;
  • returns vitality to the body;
  • normalizes the nervous system;
  • relieves headaches;
  • restores appetite;
  • supports the immune system;
  • improves the condition of the skin and hair.

For women

In addition to the fact that thyme has excellent anti-cold and antiviral properties, he is also an excellent assistant in solving a number of gynecological problems. It can be prescribed when an inflammatory process is detected in the appendages, with, with uterine bleeding, at hormonal imbalances during menopause. It also helps get rid of, improves lactation, and is a good diuretic.

For men

Thyme is also indispensable for male body. He helps to overcome inflammatory and infectious processes in the genitourinary system, reduces swelling in prostatitis and facilitates urination. Minerals, which are part of the plant, stimulate the body's production of testosterone, which in turn eliminates erectile dysfunction. Also mineral elements affect the quality of sperm and can prolong the time of ejaculation.

Thyme is wonderful sedative, therefore, many sexual problems will be solved at a psychological level.

Thyme infusions help cope with alcoholism. Thymol, entering the body, causes it to reject alcohol, causing vomiting.

Did you know? Roman and Scottish warriors took baths with thyme before battles, as it was believed that the plant gave a man strength and courage.

Can pregnant women drink?

Pregnant women should be extremely careful when using thyme. Doctors have not yet been able to come to a consensus: is the plant beneficial for expectant mothers or harmful. Many believe that it can increase the tone of the uterus, which can lead to premature birth.

Therefore, only a doctor, based on the clinical picture of the pregnant woman, can decide whether she needs to take thyme, or whether it is better to abstain from it. Self-treatment with decoctions from the plant is contraindicated.

Potential Harm

Harm from thyme is possible if it is abused. Thus, excessive enthusiasm for decoctions and infusions from the plant may not calm, but, on the contrary, excite the nervous system, thereby provoking the appearance of insomnia and. It can also cause a decrease in blood sugar when combined with alcohol. When taking certain medicines You should consult your doctor about the compatibility of thyme with them, as it may affect the effect of medications.

In addition, you need to be sure that the plant is collected in an environmentally friendly place, away from the highway and industries, since thyme is capable of absorbing all toxic substances. And when excessive consumption decoctions, these substances will accumulate in the body, causing negative changes.


  • small children under 2 years old;
  • pregnant women;
  • people with serious kidney and liver problems;
  • people with ulcers, gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases;
  • people who have problems going to the toilet “in a big way”;
  • diabetics, heart patients, allergy sufferers, asthmatics;
  • people with thyroid problems.

How to brew tea with thyme: the best recipes

Herbalists are constantly arguing about the best way to brew thyme tea. Some say that the plant should be brewed alone, without additives, otherwise its beneficial properties will be lost. Others, on the contrary, insist that the addition of other medicinal plants enhances the beneficial properties of thyme. They only agreed on one thing. It is recommended to brew thyme in glass or porcelain teapots, pouring hot but not boiling water over the leaves.

"Classic" recipe

The classic decoction recipe is used for those accompanied by a dry cough, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, fatigue and insomnia. It is used both as a prophylactic against seasonal viral diseases and simply for maintenance.
To make a decoction, you need to take two teaspoons of dried thyme. Pour them into a teapot and pour a glass hot water(90 degrees). We wait 15 minutes and express. We drink a third of a glass three times a day.

Important! It is advisable to prepare a new decoction every day.

Green tea with thyme

This drink acts as a tonic and anti-inflammatory agent. Helps overcome digestive problems and alleviates colds.

To prepare the drink, you need to brew a regular green tea. Then add a pinch of dry thyme to it and leave for five minutes. If desired, you can drink it with honey or.

Black tea with thyme

Thyme added to black tea improves the tonic properties of the former. It is added in small quantities, so you can drink this tea in almost unlimited quantities. You can brew tea in a cup or teapot. Take a portion of the tea leaves and add a pinch of thyme. Pour the mixture hot water(90 degrees). Cover with a lid and wait five minutes. Decant and dilute required quantity water.


Dear readers, today I have a tea-fragrant article on my blog. We will talk to you about tea with thyme, about its beneficial properties, benefits for our health and what subtleties we need to know about contraindications. Many of us use thyme as a spice; its unique aroma not only improves the taste of dishes, it stimulates the appetite and reveals all its beneficial properties. But it is also very good to use this herb and simply brew it as tea.

I have already written about the use of infusions and decoctions for various diseases, but most easy to use This healthy plant is thyme tea. This tea will be a good helper for colds, will warm you up on a cold day, improve digestion, calm your nerves and relieve stress. headache.

Unlike decoctions and infusions, tea is prepared with a small amount herbs, so you can drink it like regular tea. For a glass of water, 1/4 teaspoon of chopped dried thyme herb is enough. What are the benefits of tea with thyme? Let's talk about this in more detail.

Beneficial properties of thyme tea

Tea with thyme is a simply wonderful drink; it has been used for a very long time for various diseases, and it is still very popular today. This tea will help cope with many ailments, let's take a closer look at its beneficial properties.

Tea with thyme can be drunk both warm and as a refreshing drink in warm weather, such tea:

  • has tonic properties, it is good to drink this tea during the season of colds and flu epidemics
  • relieves fatigue
  • calms the nervous system
  • used for neuroses and depression
  • relieves headaches
  • reduces muscle and joint pain
  • improves the functioning of the stomach and intestines
  • restores appetite
  • improves vision
  • useful for women's diseases
  • removes allergens from the body
  • improves the functioning of the immune system
  • relieves swelling
  • improves skin and hair condition

Collection of thyme. When to collect and how to dry thyme?

The grass must be cut either with scissors or a sharp knife, without in any case tearing it out by the roots. Thyme blooms for a long time: from May to September. If you harvest thyme yourself, then you need to know that it is best to collect thyme after the start of flowering. The special days for gathering are considered to be the church holiday of Trinity and the Dormition of the Virgin Mary. It is believed that at this time thyme has special healing properties. This applies to collecting thyme for tea. But for use in cooking, it is recommended to collect thyme before flowering in order to preserve all the beneficial properties of essential oils.

How to dry thyme?

Just like many herbs. In a dry, ventilated place, be sure to sort out the grass so that drying occurs evenly. You can also tie the thyme into small bunches and dry it that way. It should also be dried in a dark, ventilated area. Now let's talk about how to brew tea with thyme.

How to brew tea with thyme. Health Recipes

Black tea with thyme. Benefit for health

Many tea manufacturers add thyme to black tea to improve the taste and enhance the beneficial properties of the drink. How to brew this tea with thyme yourself?

It is very easy to prepare this tea at home. It is better to use a porcelain or glass teapot. Pour boiling water over it and drain the water. You can pour a little less tea leaves than you usually use. The water temperature when brewing tea should be 90 degrees. Next we add thyme (a handful, a sliver) fresh or dry. You need to steep this tea for about 7 minutes. You can add a slice of lemon to this tea, which will improve the taste of the drink.

A cup of tea with thyme, drunk in the morning before the start of the working day, will give you energy and improve your mental activity, will increase blood circulation.

If you have a cold, headache, or sore throat, you can drink black tea with thyme during the day or in the evening.

In addition, black tea with thyme is useful for indigestion, as it has an astringent and anti-inflammatory effect.

Green tea with thyme

Green tea itself has a lot of advantages; it is an excellent antioxidant that protects our body from aging, and when enhanced with thyme, it becomes truly medicinal drink, helping to cope with many ailments. Brew it in the same way as black tea, adding a pinch of herbs to the teapot.

Green tea with thyme relieves headaches, reduces inflammation, and improves general condition during colds. This tea is very useful for people with reduced immunity, after illness, for restoring vitality.

In addition, green tea with the addition of thyme has incredible pleasant taste and aroma, and if you add a spoonful of honey to it, it will be even tastier and healthier. Honey is best consumed as a bite.

Herbal tea with thyme

More great benefit bring for health herbal teas, which include thyme. The combinations can be very different, depending on what effect we want to achieve from tea with thyme. You can add peppermint, plantain leaf, oregano, fireweed tea, St. John's wort, valerian root, currant leaves, to thyme. lingonberry leaf and other plants.

If you don't like the taste herbal tea, add a pinch of regular black or green tea to it, the taste will be more familiar, and the benefits will not decrease

Tea with thyme and oregano

  • Tea with thyme and oregano is incredibly aromatic, tasty and healthy. To prepare it, mix thyme and in a ratio of one to two, take a teaspoon of the mixture to two glasses of boiling water, leave for 10 - 15 minutes and drink half a glass twice a day for headaches, problems with the stomach and intestines, and cough
  • For a cold with a cough and sore throat, add a tablespoon of oregano, a tablespoon of coltsfoot leaves and a tablespoon of raspberry leaves to a teaspoon of thyme. Pour a teaspoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water, let it brew and drink warm as tea.

Tea with thyme and mint

The combination of thyme and mint gives great taste drink and is very useful for people with stomach and intestinal diseases. To prepare it, mix thyme in equal quantities; to brew, take a teaspoon per half liter of boiling water, let it brew and drink half a glass before meals or instead of tea at your usual time.

Ivan – tea with thyme

It will enhance the effects of thyme and, which in itself has many beneficial and medicinal properties. The taste of this tea is unique, and its anti-inflammatory, expectorant, bronchodilator, and analgesic properties will help you quickly cope with viruses and infections during the cold season.

The combination of willow tea and thyme is not limited to the use of such tea only for respiratory diseases, it is successfully used as a diuretic for cystitis, migraines, and diseases of the genital area. Tea with thyme and fireweed (this is the scientific name of fireweed) is very useful for the prevention and treatment of prostatitis and prostate adenoma in men.

Let's consider other options for using thyme to make healthy and tasty tea.

Tea with thyme for vitamins

If you add currant leaves, strawberry leaves and rose hips to thyme, you will get a wonderful vitamin drink, which will help cope with any ailment, speed up recovery, and add vital energy.

Mix all the ingredients together, take a teaspoon of thyme, a tablespoon of the rest. For a glass of boiling water, take two teaspoons of the mixture, after 10 - 15 minutes vitamin tea he'll be ready.

Tea with thyme for cough

Tea with thyme is ideal for treating coughs; it thins mucus, improves its discharge and relieves inflammation. If there is no fever, you can add a spoonful of honey to tea with thyme. At elevated temperature It's better to add lemon or orange juice.

  • Mix a teaspoon of crushed thyme, marshmallow root and licorice root, brew a teaspoon of the mixture with two glasses of boiling water, leave for 20 minutes and take half a glass warm for colds.
  • Mix a teaspoon of thyme and coltsfoot leaves, add a tablespoon of dried raspberries. Brew boiling water, taking a tablespoon of the mixture per half liter of water.
  • Prepare a mixture of equal parts of thyme herb, elecampane root, anise fruit and coltsfoot leaves. Brew a tablespoon of the mixture with 1/2 liter of boiling water, strain after 15 minutes.

Tea with thyme during pregnancy. Thyme during pregnancy

Can pregnant women drink thyme tea? It must be said that during pregnancy, expectant mothers need to be very careful when taking any dosage forms, including herbs, so that they do not harm the child’s health.

This does not mean that you should stop using herbal teas, including tea with thyme. On the contrary, sometimes only herbs can relieve certain painful symptoms for pregnant women, without resorting to chemicals that are fatal to the child.

Thyme is one of the potent medicinal plants, so it is not recommended for pregnant women to constantly take tea with thyme, especially in the second half of pregnancy.

During a cold, a cup of tea with thyme will be very useful, but only after agreeing with your doctor at the antenatal clinic. And we must remember that thyme can increase blood pressure, and during pregnancy, blood pressure often increases. Also, under no circumstances should it be taken by pregnant women who have problems with arrhythmia or thyroid diseases. So once again we talk about our wisdom.

Tea with thyme. Harm and contraindications

Tea with thyme, despite all its beneficial properties, should not be taken long time. It would be right to drink this tea from time to time, but in no case exceed the dosage. Thyme is contraindicated for children.

Thyme is contraindicated for people with thyroid dysfunction, hypertension and serious heart disease.

You should not take tea with thyme if you have functional disorders of the liver or kidneys or if there is an exacerbation of peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum.

And for the soul, we will listen today Bach. Gounod. Ave Maria performed by Olga Basistyuk. Eternal music beautifully performed by a wonderful Ukrainian singer.

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A lot has been said about the benefits of plants, and most importantly, it’s true. Therefore, they are often used to treat certain diseases, as well as generally strengthen the immune system. In connection with the above fact, we should consider the most popular shrub, which occupies a leading position in application - this is thyme. It is used as additional component for tea. How far ahead of harm are they? And have any unpleasant consequences of drinking tea with thyme been identified?

Beneficial properties of thyme tea

The plant is popularly called thyme. It also has a scientific name: thyme. Thanks to his pleasant aroma and taste, it is often used in treatment and cooking. The dried collection “looks great” with meat dishes, and tea with thyme simply works wonders. Its taste is so remarkable that the pleasant aftertaste remains for a long time. But is everything so good with frequent use thyme?

Herbal tea can be drunk in large quantities in the treatment of radiculitis, inflammation of the sciatic nerve, to improve the absorption of food, for diseases of muscles and joints. If you suffer from a cough after colds, use thyme tea or infusion, as it has excellent expectorant properties. If a rash occurs on the skin, you can use a special decoction to treat the affected areas.

Important! The use of herbal tea should not exceed the permitted dosage. So, for example, an adult with normal build 2-3 cups of tea are allowed, with the addition of half a teaspoon of dried collection to each.

Harm from tea with thyme

There is no need to talk about the dangers of tea with thyme. If the dosage is observed, this drink only brings benefits. But experts strongly do not recommend pregnant women to take treatment with the plant. The following diseases are at risk:

  • thyroid diseases;
  • and duodenum.

These opinions differ, as does the statement that thyme tea should not be consumed by women during lactation. Some doctors, on the contrary, recommend drinking a cup of tea with thyme before feeding your baby, believing that this increases milk production. Others, representatives of medical professionals, talk about the dangers of taking the described drink because of the danger and harm to the baby.

Thyme is dangerous due to its allergic reaction, which can occur in a person even after drinking one cup of tea. In principle, prohibitions on drinking the drink are justified in the form of allergic reactions.

Important! After drinking thyme tea for the first time, pay attention to your skin and general condition. If you notice some abnormalities, as well as a slight rash, stop drinking the drink and consult a doctor for advice.

Benefits and harms for men and women

As already mentioned above, tea with thyme is prohibited for consumption by pregnant women (you can read in detail how to use it in our article). This is explained by the following

reason: women experience an increase in uterine tone due to the effects of thyme, which can lead to miscarriage or premature birth. As for the rest of the women, the presented healthy drink recommended for use during menstruation, since thyme can relieve pain and speed up the process of uterine dilatation.

Tea with thyme is recommended for use by women with diseases genitourinary system:, uterine and adnexal inflammation, in the presence of cysts, follicles on the uterus and ovaries. But its use is best done under the supervision of a doctor and only after consultation, especially if you plan to treat diagnosed diseases by drinking tea.

In men, tea with thyme not only has an effect on increasing potency, but is also taken to treat prostatitis. This effective drink, due to its composition, has an anti-inflammatory effect, which means a significant reduction in unpleasant symptoms.

Tea with thyme for children

The drink is not recommended for use by children under 3 years of age, due to the risk of an allergic reaction. Tea with thyme is useful for children as a cold medicine. If your baby gets his feet wet and starts sniffling, use tea. Just do not leave the plant in water for a long time. For children, it is enough to soak the collection in boiling water for 2 minutes, because thyme produces bitterness, and the child will refuse to drink the healthy drink. Don't forget to add honey. In combination with thyme, it will have an excellent anti-inflammatory effect. As a result, within a couple of days the baby will completely get rid of the symptoms of colds.

Use thyme for brewing correctly. You should not use the brewed herb twice, because when left in water for a long time, bitterness comes out of the thyme. This, firstly, is unpleasant, and secondly, it will lead to intoxication of the body and will be harmful.