Delicious fillings for pies. Poppy seed filling: many recipes

Almost every housewife tries to learn how to bake hot and rosy pies. This is both a festive table decoration and simply a very tasty dish for the whole family. There are a huge variety of fillings for pies. However, meat is the most popular. It can be prepared from different types of meat, including a mixture of them. For example, the filling made from pork and beef mixed in equal proportions is very tasty.

Preparing the filling always begins with preparing the meat. The selected piece must be thoroughly washed, freed from bones, if any, and from its fragments.

From boiled meat you can form a filling - purely meat or with the addition of various fillers.

Classic boiled meat filling


500 g boiled meat,

1 carrot,

1 onion,

3 tbsp. spoons of vegetable oil,

5 tbsp. l. broth,

salt and ground black pepper - to taste.

How to cook:

    First you need to grind the boiled meat in a meat grinder or blender. In the absence of them, you can simply chop it very finely with a knife.

    Then grate the carrots on a coarse grater, cut the onion into small cubes and fry them in heated vegetable oil in a frying pan.

    Frying should continue until the vegetables acquire a golden hue.

    As soon as the onions and carrots reach the desired state, add boiled meat to them and fry the filling for about three minutes.

    The mixture should be thoroughly mixed, salt and pepper, and then gradually pour 5 tbsp into it. spoons of broth.

Raw minced meat filling


500 g minced pork or a mixture of pork and beef,

1 onion,


ground black pepper and salt - to taste.

How to cook:

    The onion needs to be peeled, chopped into small cubes and fried in butter until translucent.

    Then add minced meat and fry the mixture until a crust forms.

    During frying, the minced meat must be constantly stirred and kneaded with a fork to prevent the formation of lumps.

    Finally, you need to add pepper and salt to the filling and simmer it for about 10 minutes under a closed lid.

    This filling can be varied by adding chopped boiled eggs, herbs or fried mushrooms.

    If, despite stewing, the filling turns out to be dry, you can add moderately juicy fresh vegetables to it, for example, bell pepper or finely shredded cabbage, or a tablespoon of medium-fat sour cream.

In addition, light grains, such as rice, can be added to meat fillings. It goes well with pork filling. Boiled potatoes, mashed into a puree, are sometimes added to the beef.

But no matter what filling is used, it should only be placed on the dough when it has cooled.

Poppy seed filling is traditionally used in many baking recipes. Pies, buns, rolls and all kinds of cookies are prepared with it. It is also often used as a filling for pancakes or added to porridge. A traditional Ukrainian recipe is kutia for Christmas. Today it is extremely easy to prepare such pastries!

How to prepare poppy seeds

In its raw form, poppy seeds, which is how they are sold, cannot be added to baked goods. It is pre-prepared, processed and only then added to rolls and buns.

How to prepare it correctly to make a delicious filling?

The preparation process consists of several stages:

  1. Steaming the grains. This is very simple to do - just pour 100 grams of poppy seeds with a glass of boiling water or hot milk (this will make the filling more tasty). In this state, the grains should be steamed for some time (from half an hour to 12 hours);
  2. After they have swollen well and steamed, they need to be boiled. First drain the water that will remain after swelling. Cook in boiling water for 40 minutes over low heat. During the process, you can add sugar, butter, honey or dried fruits;
  3. As soon as the grains are cooked, they must be crushed using a blender or mortar.

Only after such a long process can poppy seeds be added directly to the dough or placed as a filling. Raw grains can only be sprinkled on buns when baking.

How to make a classic poppy seed filling

In order for raw grains to turn into an appetizing and tasty filling, they must be cooked correctly. There are many recipes, but this is the classic and simplest option. It can be used for pies, buns and all kinds of rolls.

  1. Inspect poppy seeds and remove moldy, bad specimens;
  2. If there is a damp smell, the grains should be slightly dried in a dry frying pan;
  3. Using a sieve and a large container, rinse the poppy seeds with warm water. This will wash away all the dust and dirt. Hollow seeds will float and will be easy to remove;
  4. Pour boiling water over and cook over medium heat for 1 minute. After this time, you need to strain the grains and let them stand for a while. Thanks to this, they will swell well and it will be easier to work;
  5. The next step is grinding. This is easiest to do with a blender. Some stick to tradition and grind poppy seeds in a mortar. But this is a very long way. An alternative could be a meat grinder with a fine grid, through which you will need to pass the grains 2 times;
  6. The mass will be ready as soon as all the grains are crushed and acquire a whitish color;
  7. Add granulated sugar and stir the filling again. You can bake!

How to make a very delicate poppy seed filling for baking

This method will allow you to prepare a particularly delicate filling for rolls. Thanks to this recipe, the poppy seeds open quickly and grinding them into a soft mass is much easier.


  • poppy – 250 grams;
  • sugar - half a glass;
  • egg;
  • dried fruits - optional.

Time spent: 25 minutes.

Calorie content: 340 kcal.

  1. Pour the grains into a deep saucepan with a thick bottom;
  2. Pour boiling water over them so that the water level is a finger above the grains. Give them 15 minutes to brew;
  3. Pour sugar into a saucepan and cook the whole mass for 5 minutes over medium heat;
  4. Add the egg and dried fruits and beat the whole mass well with a blender for 3-5 minutes.

Poppy seeds with honey for buns and pies

This filling is very simple to make, but thanks to its ingredients it turns out very aromatic and sweet. It is perfect for any baking.


  • poppy - 150 gr;
  • honey - 5 tbsp. l;
  • 1 raw protein;
  • milk - 125 ml;
  • water.

Calorie content: 360 calories.

Holiday option

This option is perfect for baking that is being prepared for an important event or holiday. The aromatic filling will make any pie especially tasty and memorable.


  • poppy seeds – 1 cup;
  • nuts and raisins – 0.5 cups;
  • lemon juice – 2 tsp;
  • honey – 50 g;
  • vanillin – 5 gr.

Cooking time: 1.5 hours.

Calorie content: 360 calories.

  1. Pour boiling water over the entire poppy seed and let it cool;
  2. Pour off all the liquid and strain;
  3. Grind it with a blender or mortar until a thick, uniform mass;
  4. Grind nuts and raisins, add vanillin to honey;
  5. Mix all ingredients;
  6. Pour in lemon juice, but make sure there is no excess liquid.

Poppy-apple filling

Baking with such a filling turns out juicy and it is important to cook it correctly, otherwise the pies may not hold their shape and spread.


  • poppy seeds – 1 cup;
  • milk – 200 ml;
  • honey and ghee - 2 tbsp. l;
  • sugar – 100 g;
  • raisins – 100 gr;
  • crushed nuts – 0.5 cups;
  • lemon zest – 80 g;
  • apple (sour variety).

Cooking time: 40 minutes.

Calories: 390.

  1. Steam the poppy seeds, drain the water and puree in a blender along with nuts and raisins;
  2. Mix all products (except apples) and place in a deep saucepan;
  3. Stirring constantly, let the mixture boil and remove from heat;
  4. While everything is cooling, peel and core the apple;
  5. Grate the apple and add it to the mixture;
  6. Mix and add to pies.

To ensure that the poppy seed filling turns out just right, you should know the following tricks:

  1. It is necessary to add already cooled filling to baked goods;
  2. It’s good to add finished poppy seeds directly to the dough;
  3. Instead of a blender, you can use a regular coffee grinder;
  4. The longer the poppy seeds are ground, the thicker the filling becomes;
  5. You can grind the grains immediately with sugar;
  6. It is best to soak the grains overnight, this will make it easier to grind them.

Baking with poppy seeds is easy. If grandmothers prepared poppy seeds by hand all their lives, would it be difficult to make the filling with it in a blender?

The hut is red not in its corners, but in its pies.
Folk saying

Pies were originally a festive food; even the name comes from the word “feast”. Over time, pies became commonplace: people took them with them to work and on the road. And now, when fast food has filled everything and everyone, there is nothing better than mom’s homemade pie. The cub can have a snack for school and can be taken to work. A good pie is not only an airy soft dough, but also a delicious filling. Poorly prepared pie fillings can ruin the whole project if they turn out to be too dry or too runny. There are several rules for preparing excellent, delicious fillings for pies and pies, but first, a little about the principles of preparing the base, the pies themselves.

. The dough for pies and pies must be “live”, that is, sour, yeast, sourdough or prepared with sour cream, yogurt, whey, mash or beer. True, both puff pastry and unleavened dough look good in pies.
. You can add rye flour, second-grade flour or bran to the pie dough - this will not only improve the taste, but also add benefits to your pies.
. Vegetable oil is added to the dough for pies with vegetable and fish fillings, for pies with meat - beef kidney fat, for kulebyak and poultry pies - butter and ghee.
. Less eggs and butter are placed in the dough for unsweetened pies, kneading fairly stiff dough to make pies with plenty of filling and a thin, dry crust.
. The dough for sweet pies is more rich, fluffy and thick, since the sweet filling tends to eat away at the dough.
. The dough must rise at least twice, and each time it must be thoroughly kneaded and kneaded. This is necessary for better baking and good taste, as well as to eliminate the sour taste of yeast.
. In order for the bottom layer of dough to rise well and bake, the dough for a closed pie must be divided into two unequal parts, with the larger part placed down, the filling placed on it and closed with the smaller part.
. For kurniks and kulebyaks, which use 2-3 types of fillings, it is important that the bottom layer of dough does not get wet, so the fillings in these pies are placed in layers, layered with thin pancakes. In this case, it is advisable to place a drier porridge filling on the “bottom” of the pie, and a fish or meat filling on top.
. All types of fillings are placed in pies boiled or fried, previously cooled. The only exception is the filling made from raw fish, in which case the baking time is approximately doubled.
. Pies can be open, closed and semi-closed (lattice). Meat filling, fish, poultry, mushrooms, eggs, rice and onions are commonly used in covered pies. But fillings that contain enough moisture (cottage cheese, cabbage, jam, apples) are great for open or lattice pies.
. It is recommended to add a little salt to the filling - this is done so that the finished pies do not seem bland.
. It is good to add a little starch to the filling for sweet pies so that it does not spread or leak.

Pie fillings can be very different. Traditional fillings for Russian pies are usually prepared from one product. It can be any porridge, meat, mushrooms, fish, jam or fruit. Modern housewives love to prepare complex fillings so that they are not only tasty, but also healthy, nutritious, and so as to surprise everyone. We bring to your attention several recipes for delicious fillings.

Boiled beef filling. Boil the meat until half cooked and cut into pieces, as for goulash. Under no circumstances should you pass boiled meat for filling through a meat grinder; this will make the filling dry, and the dough under it, on the contrary, will be raw and unbaked. Fry pieces of meat in rendered beef lard with plenty of onion, chop with a knife, add pepper, nutmeg, and salt. You can add finely chopped boiled eggs. Before pinching the pie, add 1-2 tablespoons of strong broth to the filling.

Pass the meat through a meat grinder, mix with fried onions, fry in a frying pan, add salt. Season with pepper, parsley, add chopped hard-boiled eggs. You definitely need to add some kind of sauce, cream or strong broth to this filling so that it doesn’t dry out. This filling is good for pies and pancakes.

Chicken and cheese filling. Cut the breast or all the chicken meat as finely as possible, simmer lightly in butter, add onion, pepper, salt, and cool. Mix with grated cheese.

Chicken stuffing with potatoes, canned peas and corn. Boil the peeled potatoes in salted water and mash. Boil the chicken, separate the meat from the bones, and chop finely. Peel the sweet pepper, finely chop it, rinse the greens and also finely chop them. Mix pieces of chicken, herbs, peppers, potatoes, add peas and corn, salt if necessary, add pepper and a raw egg, mix well.

Fish fillings can be very diverse: fresh, boiled, salted, canned fish, with rice, onions, eggs - there are many options.

Herring filling with nuts. Finely chop the onion and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. Peel the hard-boiled egg. Pass the salted herring fillet, apple, walnuts, egg and fried onion through a meat grinder. Season the minced meat with cream and mix thoroughly. This filling can also be used to make pancakes.

Clean fresh fish from bones, rinse and mince. Finely chop the onion and fry in vegetable oil. Wash the greens and chop finely. Mix minced fish with herbs and onions, add raw egg, salt and pepper, mix well. This filling is good for both pies and dumplings.

Salmon filling. Cut the prepared lightly salted fish into thin slices. In a blender, beat processed cheese, sour cream, lemon juice, chopped dill. Lay out the filling in layers - first the cream cheese, then slices of fish on top. You can use salmon. This filling is ideal for pancake pie.

Fish and rice filling. Cut any fish fillet into pieces, place in a pan and simmer with a small amount of water and vegetable oil. Grind the finished fish, mix with boiled fluffy rice, add a little white sauce, salt and pepper, add chopped herbs. Mix well.

Fried fish filling. Mash the fried fish fillet with a masher, mix with onion, pepper and salt, add herbs.

Raw fish filling. Cut the fish into small pieces, mix with chopped onion, pepper, salt, add a raw egg and mash thoroughly with a wooden masher. The layer of this filling should not be more than 0.5 cm.

Filling with whole raw fish (flounder). Remove the entire fillet from the flat fish, place it in the pie without cutting, sprinkle with salt and pepper. You can put fried or raw onions on top.

Red salted fish filling. Cut the fish into thin slices and place in the pie on top of the buckwheat or rice porridge filling or between two layers of filling. Don't skimp on the seasoning!

For Russian pies, they should be crumbly and contain a lot of butter so that the pies are not dry. Rice and millet can be cooked in milk. Fried onions, hard-boiled eggs, and mushrooms are added to the buckwheat porridge filling. You can add fried onions, hard-boiled eggs and mushrooms to the rice filling if the filling is not sweet, or raisins, dried apricots, sugar, and a raw egg for sweet pies. Cottage cheese and pumpkin are added to the millet porridge filling.

Mushroom pies are very tasty and satisfying.

Salted mushroom filling. Finely chop the salted mushrooms, add fresh chopped onions and vegetable oil.

Dried mushroom filling. Soak dried mushrooms, boil, finely chop, mix with chopped onions and buckwheat porridge. Fry the mixture in oil.

Peel the mushrooms, rinse, chop and fry until half cooked in oil, add salt and cool. Cut the cheese and apple into small pieces, peel the pepper and cut into thin strips. Mix all. This filling is also suitable for making pancakes.

. Wash fresh porcini mushrooms, blanch for 5 minutes, cut into thin slices and fry. Mix with fried onions, add a spoonful of flour, mix thoroughly, pour in a little water and heat, stirring constantly, until boiling. Salt and pepper.

Fillings from vegetables and fruits can be very different, everything is limited only by your imagination and taste.

. You can prepare pies with fresh, stewed, sauerkraut - according to the season and as desired. Chop fresh cabbage finely, add salt, and let stand for at least an hour. Then lightly squeeze out the juice, add butter, finely chopped eggs and consume immediately. You can first simmer the cabbage in a saucepan under a lid over low heat, add vegetable oil and fry a little so that the cabbage remains light. Cool, add onion, herbs, ground black pepper and mix with chopped eggs. Squeeze the sauerkraut, chop finely, simmer a little, add onions and mushrooms.

Sorrel filling. With this filling you can make delicious pies with a sweet and sour filling. Wash, sort, finely chop fresh sorrel and sprinkle with sugar to taste. Grind thoroughly. To prevent the filling from spreading, you can add a little starch to it.

Dried bird cherry filling. Grind the dried bird cherry into flour in a coffee grinder, boil it in a small amount of boiling water to form a thick dough-like mass, add sugar or honey.

Dried apricot filling. Sort the dried apricots, rinse, add boiling water, and boil a little. Place on a sieve, cool, chop finely, mix with sugar.

Poppy seed filling. Rinse the poppy seeds well, add to boiling water, and boil for 3-5 minutes. Then dry the poppy seeds, grind them in a mortar or mince them 2-3 times, add sugar or honey, a raw egg and mix.

Carrot and raisin filling. Chop carrots and simmer in milk. Place on a sieve. Add raisins. You can add hard-boiled, finely chopped eggs and salt, then the filling will be unsweetened.

. Rinse any dried fruits well, pour in a small amount of boiling water and steam. Chop finely, add sugar, honey or molasses, a little ground cinnamon and cloves, boil a little with 1 tbsp. white wine, cool. Can be mixed with a small amount of fluffy rice.

Jam filling. You can use any jam for the filling. It should be well cooked, thick, with a thick viscous syrup. Pies with jam are often made into lattice shapes, and spices are added: for stone fruit - star anise, for apple - cinnamon.

Raw apple filling. For this filling, apples of sour and sweet and sour varieties are taken. Apples are peeled and seeded, cut into flat slices, sprinkled with powdered sugar and cinnamon and allowed to stand for 15-20 minutes. This filling is good for puff pastry pies.

Pies with cheese You can make them from any type of cheese, but with feta cheese they are probably the tastiest. To do this, the cheese is crushed, mixed with butter and finely chopped green onions.

As you can see, the popular saying “You can wrap everything in a pie” did not appear in vain. Pie fillings can be made from almost any product. Your imagination and love can create a wonderful treat, healthy and tasty, from an ordinary dish. And your household will be happy to take with them to school or work not the usual sandwich, but a delicious, hearty mother’s pie.

Larisa Shuftaykina

The pie filling and dough make up the base of the pie. Pie fillings divide baked goods made from pie dough into sweet and savory pies, with sweet and savory fillings. The method of preparation and type of dough automatically divides recipes for pies into fried pies and baked pies - pies with or without filling.

Recipes for filling pies are as varied as the imagination of the housewife who decided to cook the pies. There are no authentic recipes for filling pies, there are only successful combinations of products, and as a result of mixing them you can get the most delicious filled pies. To prepare fillings, it is easy to combine different products, each time improving the taste of a simple filling and discovering new taste sensations after the next pie eaten.

DoughVed advises. At home, fillings for pies are often prepared taking into account the tastes of the whole family. To please every member of the household, we advise you to make several types of fillings from a variety of products and as a result get pies with different fillings.

Delicious fillings for pies: what are they?

If you want to eat a delicious golden brown pie, then try to knead it and fill it with delicious filling. What are the fillings? Here are the most delicious options for savory fillings for pies (salty) and sweet fillings:

  • Jam is the fastest option. Too liquid or better thicken so that the filling does not leak onto the baking sheet when baking the pies. As thickeners with jam, it is enough to mix 1 tablespoon of starch - corn or potato starch, breadcrumbs or ground nuts.
  • Fruits and berries are considered the simplest fillings for sweet baked goods made from traditional yeast. Fillings for pies made from fresh berries and fruits are popular at any time of the year; recipes become especially relevant with the onset of summer and berry season.

The dough is filled with absolutely any berries and fruits; the following are ideal as aromatic and spicy additions to apples, pears and plums:

  • cinnamon;
  • vanilla;
  • nuts;
  • chocolate.

Who didn’t eat sorrel pies as a child? Fresh sorrel with sugar in pies tastes like berries. The sorrel filling for pies is prepared quickly; the fresh leaves of the green plant are very tender and juicy by nature. If you increase the cooking time for the filling, the sorrel in the pies becomes too soft. Just sprinkle the sorrel with sugar, and the filling for fried pies is ready.

No less delicious sweet pies can be made with rhubarb and banana filling. The banana must be cut into pieces, put banana pieces on the dough, sprinkle with chocolate and wrap in a pie. Bake a quick banana pie in the oven or fry it.

A sweet pie, the taste of which is impossible to resist - filled with condensed milk for pies. To get an original combination with condensed milk, you can mix nuts, dried fruits or cookie crumbs. , Fudge candies are also wrapped in dough. Sweet pies are dessert pastries that go well with tea.

Unsweetened fillings make the pies filling and more nutritious, especially during Lent. Lenten fillings are prepared from legumes, cereals, cabbage and potatoes. As a meat filling, the following is wrapped in dough:

  • sausage, sausage, sausages and smoked sausages;
  • fried minced meat with onions;
  • boiled meat in pieces: chicken, beef, pork;
  • ham;
  • by-products: liver, lung, heart or kidneys;
  • Meat and meat products in the filling themselves are not as tasty as when combined with onions, cheese, and boiled eggs.

Unsweetened filling for fish pies is popular among lovers of homemade savory baked goods with a salty filling. The most popular version of fish pies is filled with canned fish. Any canned food, in its own juice or in oil, except sprats, is suitable for filling pies. You just need to add onions and boiled rice to the crushed canned food, and the quick filling is ready.

How to make pie filling at home

The pie is not much different in terms of and. Pies, like , . To improve the taste of finished filled pies, you should know the secrets of preparing the most delicious filling, which complements the dough and enhances the taste of a freshly baked pie.

  • The fillings for fried pies and pies baked in the oven are made the same in composition.
  • The filling is wrapped in the dough when chilled.
  • Sweet fillings are placed in pies with preliminary preparation - apple filling, often sorrel, rhubarb. Always when preparing poppy seed and pumpkin fillings, the main products first undergo heat treatment.
  • Without preliminary preparation, jam, marmalade, marmalade and fresh berries are used.
  • In unsweetened pies, butter, cut into pieces, is often added to make the filling richer. While the pies are baking in the oven or frying in a frying pan, the butter will melt and the filling will turn from dry to very juicy.
  • Lenten fillings are given juiciness by adding vegetable oil, taking into account the thickness of the pie filling used.
  • The dough for pies is chosen depending on the type of filling. With unsweetened dough, the dough is made with water, milk and kefir, both with and without eggs.
  • With sweet dough, a yeast-based sweet is often prepared, taking into account the amount of sugar in the dough and filling.
  • Pies with savory fillings made from yeast dough are tastier in the oven hot from the heat or warm; when hot, they are juicier and fluffier.
  • Pies with a sweet filling made from puff pastry or yeast are best eaten warm; hot filling made from jam or hot chocolate can easily get burned.

Let's move on to the most delicious options for preparing the filling, they will help you find out the composition of the filling, the most successful combinations, proportions and how to prepare the pie filling correctly. Fillings for pies - recipes with photos are the most delicious. Unsweetened filling for pies is always in trend, so let’s start our review of the best filling options.

Filling for potato pies

20 minutes to prepare

10 minutes to prepare

110 kcal per 100 g

The potato filling recipe is good for fried pies made from yeast dough. Potatoes are the simplest component of the unsweetened filling; the filling consists of the simplest ingredients: butter, onions and potatoes. Potato pies are hearty, equally tasty fried in a frying pan or baked in the oven from any dough.


  • potatoes – 4-5 pcs.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil for frying – 4 tbsp;
  • butter – 50 grams;
  • salt, ground black pepper.


  1. Peel the potatoes, cut into pieces and boil in salted water until tender. Drain the water, mash the boiled potatoes with a potato masher or puree them with a blender.
  2. Finely chop the onion and fry in a frying pan with vegetable oil until golden brown, add butter at the end of frying.
  3. Season the mashed potatoes with fried onions, salt and pepper. Mix the potato filling and let cool. Wrap the filling in the dough and bake the pies on a baking sheet in the oven or fry in oil in a frying pan.

The filling for pies with cabbage is very tasty

The filling with fresh cabbage for pies is very tasty; fresh white cabbage with a boiled egg makes the filled pies especially juicy, soft and very tasty, filling. Cabbage filling with egg is suitable for open pies in the oven and fried in a frying pan.


  • white cabbage – 300 g;
  • chicken eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • onions - 1 onion;
  • ground black pepper;
  • table salt – 0.5 tsp;
  • vegetable oil – 3 tbsp.

How to cook

We clean the cabbage from the top leaves. Shred the cabbage into small strips using a knife or shredder.

Boil shredded cabbage in a small amount of water until soft. Place in a colander. Chop the onion into thin small pieces and fry in a frying pan with oil until slightly golden brown.

Boil the eggs hard for 10 minutes. Cool and cut into cubes. Add cabbage to the onion and fry the vegetables for 5 minutes, add salt and pepper.

Place the eggs into the cooled cabbage and fill the pies. We bake them or fry them. We use yeast, yeast-free or ready-made puff pastry for pies with cabbage and eggs; the filling is very tasty with any dough.

Cabbage filling for yeast dough pies

Yeast dough, as our grandmothers believed, is the most suitable for pies. Cabbage with fried mushrooms is another delicious filling for pies. You can use canned mushrooms - pickled champignons - or take and fry fresh mushrooms.

  • fresh cabbage - a small fork;
  • canned mushrooms – 200 g;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • bulb;
  • butter – 50 grams;
  • salt;
  • black pepper.


Lightly fry finely chopped onion in hot oil. Add carrots, grated on a medium grater.

Place the shredded cabbage in a frying pan and add two tablespoons of water. Simmer the cabbage with onions and carrots under a closed lid over low heat until the water evaporates and the cabbage becomes soft.

Place sliced ​​mushrooms into the cabbage, mix the filling and taste. If necessary, add salt and pepper.

Fill yeast dough pies with cooled cabbage and mushrooms. If you use a Lenten dough recipe, then the pies can be baked, fried and eaten during Lent.

Sauerkraut filling for pies

Sour sauerkraut for the filling takes longer to prepare fresh, but from sauerkraut the filling for pies is sour, aromatic and tasty.

Will need

  • sauerkraut – 500 g;
  • carrots – 1 piece;
  • bulb;
  • tomato paste – 1 tbsp;
  • butter – 30 g;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp;

Cooking method

Sauerkraut requires preliminary preparation. If it is too acidic, it must be soaked in cold water, leaving for about 60 minutes, then rinsed with clean water and squeezed the cabbage thoroughly with your hands.

Cut the onion into cubes, chop the carrots on a coarse grater. Heat a mixture of oils in a frying pan and fry the onions and carrots.

Add the sauerkraut to the frying pan and simmer, covered, until it settles. Add tomato paste, mix the filling and fry with cabbage for another 10 minutes.

Place 1 tablespoon of sauerkraut into the rolled out yeast dough and fill the pies. As soon as the dough is suitable after modeling, you can proceed and fry in a frying pan, bake the pies in the oven and serve piping hot to the table.

Filling for pies with cheese


  • hard cheese – 200 g;
  • fresh dill – 50 g;
  • chicken egg – 2 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise – 1 tbsp;
  • salt and ground black pepper to taste.

Step-by-step preparation

Grate the cheese on a coarse grater and hard-boiled eggs. Finely chop the greens. Mix cheese with eggs, herbs and mayonnaise. We wrap the filling in puff pastry or yeast dough.

Filling for meat pies

To prepare a juicy meat filling you will need the following products:

  • beef and pork meat – 500 g;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp;
  • salt - half a teaspoon;
  • ground black pepper.

How to make meat filling for pies

We pass the meat through a meat grinder with one onion and pieces of butter. Finely chop the second onion and fry in vegetable oil.

Add meat and spices to the onion, mix and fry the mixture until the meat is cooked. Before filling the pies, let the filling cool.

Chicken filling for pies

To make the filling for pies from chicken, you can use any part of the bird: chicken breast, thighs, legs or chicken legs.


  • chicken pulp – 400 g;
  • hard cheese – 70 -100 g;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp;
  • spices for chicken;
  • salt and ground black pepper.

Cooking steps

We separate the chicken meat from the bones and skin. Cut the chicken into 1 cm pieces. Saute the finely chopped onion in oil until the pieces are transparent.

Add chicken meat to the onion and mix. Prepare the filling for about 10 minutes. Then season with salt, spices and pepper.

Let the chicken cool and prepare the cheese by cutting it into small cubes. Mix the cheese with the meat, and the chicken filling for the pies is ready. Yeast or yeast-free puff pastry is an excellent choice for baking pies and frying.

Minced meat filling for pies

It’s easy to turn boiled meat into minced meat, and you’ll get a juicy filling for minced meat pies, it’s homogeneous and doesn’t spill out when you bite into the pie.


  • boiled meat – 500 grams;
  • bulb;
  • carrot – 1 pc.;
  • broth – 5-7 tbsp;
  • vegetable oil – 3 tbsp;
  • salt and ground black pepper to taste.


We twist the meat into minced meat. Grate the carrots on a grater with large holes and chop the onion. In a heated frying pan, saute the onions and carrots in oil.

Add the minced meat to the vegetables and fry the mixture for about 3 minutes. Pour in the broth, season with salt and pepper. The filling should be juicy, but thick; we adjust the thickness of the minced meat by adding the broth in which the meat was boiled.

Recipe for liver filling for pies made from yeast dough

Pies with liver filling will be loved by all family members. When preparing family pies, chicken liver, beef, pork and turkey liver are suitable for filling. Pre-soaking the liver in milk will help get rid of the specific smell of the liver.

  • chicken liver, beef – 300 grams;
  • potatoes – 1 kg;
  • bulb;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • sunflower oil – 3 tbsp;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • salt and ground black pepper to taste.

How to cook

Wash the liver and remove films. With chicken we cut off the fat, with beef we remove the bile ducts with a knife. Fill with water and place on the stove. After boiling, reduce the heat and boil the liver for about 20 minutes until cooked.

In a separate pan, boil the peeled potatoes in salted water, cutting the vegetables into pieces. Drain the water from the boiled potatoes.

In a frying pan, fry the onion, cut into pieces, and carrots, grated on a coarse grater, in a mixture of oils.

Combine liver, potatoes and fried vegetables, season with salt and pepper. Using a blender, grind the mixture into a homogeneous mass that looks like liver pate. We wrap the filling in the dough and make pies for baking in the oven or frying in a frying pan.

If you don’t like to bother with kneading yeast dough, buy puff pastry to prepare the filling for this recipe.

Filling with liver for pies

Liver filling for pies is very easy to prepare and tasty, especially if you know how to cook it. Liver is the name given to offal, but many people think that liver is liver. For the liver filling, you can take the lung, add the heart, tongue, kidneys, or limit yourself to the most accessible offal - pork lung and pork liver.


  • light – 500 g;
  • liver – 200 g;
  • bulb;
  • carrot;
  • hot milk (water) – 50 ml;
  • vegetable oil – 50 ml4
  • salt and pepper to taste.


Cut the peeled onions and carrots into thin pieces and fry with oil in a frying pan. Wash the lungs and liver and cut them into smaller pieces. We place the offal with the vegetables and continue to fry until fully cooked - this will take about 30 minutes.

Season the cooled liver mass with salt and pepper and puree with a blender. If the liver filling is too thick, dilute it with milk or hot water.

Light filling

Both pork and beef are good for pies. Light pies are simple and tasty, light goes well with rice, this filling is very filling and budget-friendly.


  • light boiled – 300 grams;
  • boiled rice – 200 grams;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • bay leaf – 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil for frying;
  • salt and ground pepper.

Cooking steps

Before preparing the pie filling, pork lungs or beef lungs must be soaked for several hours in cold water to remove blood from the lung. We change the water several times during soaking.

We wash the lungs and cut them into large pieces. Place in a saucepan, fill with water, after boiling, add bay leaf, salt and boil for 1.5 hours until tender. Let cool.

Boil the rice and fry finely chopped onion in a frying pan with butter. Grind the lungs in a meat grinder, add rice, salt, pepper to the filling and mix. Fill the pies with the finished filling.

Sausage filling for pies in the oven

Preparing the filling for sausage and cheese pies does not require any special culinary skills. Simply place the sausage in the dough and wrap it with cheese. Boiled, ham or half-smoked sausage is suitable for filling.


  • sausage – 200 g;
  • hard cheese – 200 g;
  • greens optional.

Cooking method

Cut the sausage into thin slices and slice the cheese. Roll out the dough (puff pastry or yeast dough), place a circle of sausage in the center of the dough and cheese on top. We pinch the edges of the pie in a circle or form triangular patties. A few minutes of wasted time, and pies with juicy filling are on the table.

Green onion pie filling

Green onions are an incredible topping. With green onions, the filling is prepared simply and quickly; pies with onion filling turn out juicy and tender. Try the spring version of filling pies with green onions and fresh wild garlic.

  • green onions - a large bunch;
  • wild garlic or green garlic – 30 grams;
  • Suluguni cheese – 200 g.


Wash the greens, dry them and finely chop them. Grind the suluguni on a grater with large holes. In the middle of the dough flatbread, place a spoonful of herbs and grated cheese on top, wrap the filling in the dough and make a pie.

Filling: egg with green onions for pies


  • chicken egg – 7 pcs.;
  • green onions – 100 g;
  • butter – 2 tbsp;
  • salt, ground black pepper.

How to cook

Boil the egg for 10 minutes from the moment it boils. Transfer to cold water. When the eggs have cooled, we begin preparing the filling. Cut the eggs into cubes, green onions into thin rings.

Mix eggs and onions, season the filling with salt and pepper, and pour melted butter over it. Mix and fill the pies.

Filling for pies with rice and egg

Unsweetened filling with rice and egg is the simplest filling option for homemade pies. Rice and egg make up the base, but you can add fresh green onions and fresh herbs to it.

Will need

  • egg – 3 pcs.;
  • rice – 100 grams;
  • butter – 30 g;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Boil the egg hard and cool in cold water. In a separate pan, cook the rice until tender. Add oil to the rice and stir.

Chop the peeled eggs into cubes and combine with rice, sprinkle with salt and pepper. The filling is ready. With this filling of rice and eggs you can prepare baked and fried pies from yeast dough. But with rice and an egg, the filling for fried pies made from yeast dough is very tasty.

Filling for pies with rice and onions

The rice filling is prepared in various ways. If you make it correctly and with fried onions, it will turn out juicy and very tasty. When using yeast dough for pies without adding eggs, the pies will be ideal for a lean diet.

  • rice – 200 g;
  • onion – 200 g
  • favorite spices;
  • vegetable oil – 3 tbsp;
  • salt and ground black pepper.

Cooking steps

Wash the rice and cook until tender, drain the excess liquid from the rice. Fry the onion with vegetable oil until golden brown. Add rice, salt, pepper and spices to the pan.

Stir and cool the finished filling. Place a tablespoon of filling on the dough flatbread and pinch the edges of the pie.

Mushroom filling

The mushroom filling is prepared quickly from salted mushrooms and canned champignons. For yeast pies with fried mushrooms, you will have to work a little longer to prepare the filling.


  • salted mushrooms – 500 g;
  • rice – 50 g;
  • bulb;
  • carrot;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt and pepper.

Cooking method

We wash the salted mushrooms from the brine and chop the mushrooms into cubes. Brown the onion and carrots in oil in a frying pan. Add the mushrooms, cover the pan with a lid and fry the vegetables and mushrooms for 10-15 minutes.

Boil the rice until tender and combine with mushrooms. Remove from the stove and cool the mushroom filling. Wrap it in dough and form a pie with your hands, bake or fry.

Filling for potato and mushroom pies


  • potatoes – 500 g;
  • fresh champignon mushrooms - 500 g;
  • onion - 2 heads;
  • sour cream – 200 ml;
  • butter;
  • salt and black pepper.


Boil potatoes in their skins. Puree the cooled and peeled potatoes in a blender or grind in a meat grinder. Add half the sour cream to the potatoes and stir.

Chop the onion thinly and finely. Wash and dry the mushrooms with a paper towel, cut into thin slices. In a frying pan, fry the onion in oil, add the mushrooms. Fry until excess liquid leaves the mushrooms. Season with salt, pepper and pour in the rest of the sour cream.

After 5 minutes of simmering, combine the mashed potatoes with mushrooms. The mushroom and potato filling tastes very juicy and aromatic.

Fish filling for pies in the oven made from puff pastry

Fish filling is usually prepared from boiled fish. An option for a quick fish filling is filling from canned fish. For oven-baked pies made from puff pastry, the filling of fish and yeast dough makes the best and most delicious combination.


  • boiled fish (pink salmon, pollock or hake) – 500 g;
  • onions – 2 heads;
  • chicken egg – 2 pcs.;
  • butter – 30 grams;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt pepper.

How to cook

Boil the fish in water until tender, cutting into large pieces. We take out the fish, separate the meat from the bones, and cut into pieces.

Chop the onions finely and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. At the same time, cook hard-boiled eggs. Cool the eggs and chop with a knife. Mix fish, eggs and onions. Add salt, pepper and melted butter, mix.

The unsweetened filling prepared according to this recipe turns out tender and aromatic; for greater nutritional value of the pies, the egg can be replaced with rice, boiled lean fish with fatty canned fish.

From unsweetened fillings we move on to sweet options. Pies with sweet filling are baked goods from childhood, we offer our favorite options, like our grandmother’s in childhood.

Sweet fillings for pies made from yeast dough


  • rhubarb;
  • sorrel;
  • fresh berries;
  • frozen berries;
  • fruits;
  • sweet vegetables;
  • jam;
  • condensed milk;
  • nuts;
  • cottage cheese.

With a liquid filling, the dough becomes soggy, the pies tear while baking in the oven, and the juice leaks onto the baking sheet instead of giving the pies juiciness. Sweet fillings for pies made from yeast dough, prepared with liquid jam, have the unpleasant feature of leaking out of the pies.

The starch filling will thicken liquid jam syrup or berry juice in sweet pies. The starch will turn the juice into a thick jelly, and the filling will not leak out of the pie. In addition to starch, liquid jam, marmalade or marmalade can be thickened by adding pectin, gelatin, semolina or.

Jam filling for pies: recipe with starch


  • apples – 600 g;
  • granulated sugar – 2 tbsp;
  • butter – 50 grams.

Delicious way to cook

Peel the apples and remove the seeds. Cut the apples into cubes. Melt the butter in a frying pan and add the apples to the boiling oil. Fry the apples over medium heat for no more than 3 minutes, add sugar. If the fruit has released a lot of juice, increase the heat. Keep for a few more minutes and remove from heat. Fill pies with cooled caramelized apples for baking in the oven.

Dried fruit filling for pies

From dried fruits, apples and pears, you can take dried apricots (apricots), prunes, use dried fruits from compote, dried raisins for filling. Fruit filling made from dried fruits is healthy and very tasty. Dried fruits go deliciously with puff pastry; yeast dough with dry yeast or kneading dough with live yeast harmonizes well with dried fruits.


  • dried apples, pears (dried fruits for compote) – 200 grams;
  • dried apricots – 50 g;
  • prunes – 50 g;
  • seedless raisins – 50 g;
  • jam – 50 g.


Wash dried fruits under running water and soak until the fruit softens. After soaking, rinse and let the water drain. Grind dried fruits through a meat grinder. Add jam to the fruit mixture and mix the lean filling to obtain a homogeneous mass.

Filling for poppy seed pies

Poppy filling is ground poppy seeds with sugar. With poppy seed filling, pies, pies, buns and rolls are the most delicious.


  • dry poppy – 100 grams;
  • granulated sugar - half a glass;
  • water – 250 ml.


Poppy seeds are usually very dry. To soften the grains, pour boiling water over the poppy seeds. Leave the grains to swell for about 60 minutes. Drain the water from the poppy seeds. Grind the grains using a mortar, blender or pass through a meat grinder. Add sugar to the poppy seeds. Mix the sweet filling.

Pea filling for pies

Pea filling is a lean filling for pies. Peas replace beans, large types of peas Chickpeas, pea flour.


  • dry peas – 1 cup;
  • bulb;
  • vegetable oil.
  • salt, ground black pepper.

How to prepare unsweetened lean filling for pies

We cook pea porridge from peas. To speed up the process, pre-soak the peas in water for about 5 hours; you can leave them overnight for the peas to swell. Cook the peas in water until the grains become soft.

Fry the onion with oil in a frying pan. Puree the peas using a blender, season with fried onions, pepper and salt. Mix the pea filling thoroughly and place 1 tablespoon in the center of the yeast dough. We make pies with lean, unsweetened filling.


What is more important - the dough or the filling? Let's avoid arguments, but at the same time learn how to prepare such amazing fillings that no one will doubt the correct answer to this question!

Do you think pies are delicious, but banal? Do you think there’s not much room for improvement in this matter? Do you think that you have mastered a couple of recipes and completed your personal minimum task? You are wrong many times! Pies are art. You can cook pies for a month and not repeat yourself, not fall into monotony, not slide into…. Don't believe me? But in vain! Look, here's a topic for you - filling for pies: 15 sweet and the same number of savory fillings - consider the plan for the next 30 days already ready. And if you also include different types of dough in it... In general, you are guaranteed pie heaven!

15 savory pie fillings

1. Mushrooms

Simple champignons, royal white mushrooms, playful honey mushrooms, simple chanterelles - by and large, almost all mushrooms are suitable for being hidden in pies. The most important point is that you need to understand that mushrooms must already be fully cooked before being wrapped in dough (with the exception, of course, of those types that can be eaten raw).

And yes, mushrooms without onions are boring - don’t forget that. In addition, you can mix them with potatoes, eggs, beans, and meat.

2. Meat, sausage, ham, boiled pork

If you simply stuff meat into the dough, you are unlikely to get tasty pies, no matter how expensive the original product is. But if you mix it with cheese or fried onions, eggs and herbs, add bell peppers or a little cauliflower, it will turn out very good!

Meat is satisfying, but, as a rule, quite dry, so it is necessary to dilute it with something juicy and neutral. Boiled beef and lots and lots of fried onions are a classic filling for pies. Chicken fillet and cheese with herbs is almost the same classic. In general, it is quite possible to mix any type of meat with any vegetables and cheeses, and it will be great. The main thing is not to be afraid of experiments.

Don’t forget that, among other things, meat (as well as boiled pork, ham or sausage) in the filling for pies goes well with mushrooms, beans, potatoes, and cereals.

3 eggs

The most common hard-boiled eggs can be chopped into cubes and mixed with fried onions, salt and pepper. Nothing extra, but how delicious it turns out! Surprisingly, this filling for pies subtly smells of mushrooms.
Eggs go well with green onions and rice. They can be mixed with a small amount of bacon, meat, fish, vegetables, and herbs.

4. Liver

Who doesn't love liver pies? Everyone loves liver pies! Yes, sometimes there is a disdainful attitude towards this filling, however, most often it is only due to the fact that in industrial conditions the liver comes out of low quality and of a suspicious composition. However, if everything is done at home, carefully and with pleasure, if the kidneys, heart, lungs, and liver are well washed and thoroughly cleaned, the filling will be amazing.

And don’t be greedy - add lots and lots of fried onions: it will be juicy and aromatic!

5. Potatoes

Boiled potatoes, mashed, mixed with cracklings, onions, peppers, tender and aromatic - in general, the number one filling for pies! Baked goods with such a center turn out tender, soft, do not go stale for a long time and remain very tasty until the last day.

It is worth noting that if you want to diversify this filling, you can add mushrooms, meat, liver, cheese, and broccoli to the mashed potatoes.

6. Stewed cabbage

Regular white cabbage is wonderful in pies! Cut into thin strips, fry and simmer, add salt and pepper. Actually, science is not complicated. If you want a more interesting option, try adding tomato paste, fried onions or carrots, and some finely chopped prunes to the filling.

For a more luxurious option, make sautéed cabbage with sautéed bacon, smoked sausage or ham.

7. Sauerkraut

Sauerkraut is often looked down upon as a simple product, and rightly so! After washing it and stewing it in vegetable oil, mix the mixture with a boiled egg and lingonberries - you have an incredibly aromatic, interesting-tasting, amazing filling, non-standard, original and healthy.

Pies with sauerkraut are, of course, not an elegant haute cuisine dish, however, simple food often turns out much tastier than any restaurant delicacy, don’t forget this. And don't neglect the sauerkraut!

8. Fish

No, no, we’re not talking about salmon and trout, although, of course, they are wonderful in pies. Let's take a completely budget hake or a slightly fattier mackerel, boil it and disassemble it into “spare parts” - separate bones, separate fillets. Mix the resulting meat with lightly fried onions, add salt and pepper to taste, season with sour cream or thick cream - and that’s it, you can make pies!

Hard-boiled eggs, dill, parsley and green onions, a couple of spoons of rice and spinach, mushrooms or potatoes won’t hurt at all, you know.

9. Canned fish

Don’t have a couple of fish in the freezer, but want pies with fish filling? No problem, take the canned food out of the pantry, drain the oil, mix the sardinella sardines with a boiled egg and fried onions and get an excellent filling. Budgetary, but at the same time quite worthy.

10. Peas

It's simple - thick pea puree inside, garlic sauce outside. Nothing complicated, not a single expensive product, but what an incredibly beautiful and incredibly wonderful result!

11. Greens, spinach

Of course, if you are a special fan of various herbs, simply chop the greens, spinach, sorrel, pour boiling water over them and, after mixing everything with a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil and salt, stick it into the dough.

However, you can go the other way. The same herbs and in the same huge quantities can be combined with a small amount of boiled eggs or cottage cheese - it will turn out incredibly tasty. And useful.

12. Cheese

Perhaps cheese by itself is not the best filling for pies, however, combine it with other ingredients and the result will be mind-blowing. The best option is to mix it with caramelized onions, and it is not necessary to take high-quality Russian or expensive cheddar as a base; ordinary processed cheese is also quite suitable.

In addition to onions, cheese is combined with eggs, ham, sausage, and herbs. It can be added to meat, fish, vegetables, but if you are in the mood for a predominantly cheese filling, limit yourself to eggs, herbs, and onions. Oh, yes, add black pepper - it fits perfectly with the company.

13. Rice

Not, of course, not alone - rice itself is quite boring and banal. But if you add finely chopped green onions to it, chop a couple of chicken eggs with a rustic orange yolk, and sprinkle the whole thing with black aromatic pepper... this will be the filling! Toppings for everyone!

If desired, eggs can be replaced or supplemented with boiled meat, liver, and canned fish.

14. Beans

Yes, beans are an excellent filling for pies. If this product itself seems heavy and uninteresting to you, try mixing it with mashed potatoes, fried onions and carrots, mushrooms, and meat.

By the way, a very unexpected, but very interesting option is a sweet filling of beans and poppy seeds. We’re not talking about that now, but you can tick it off in your mind.

15. Buckwheat

Uh-huh, completely unconventional. But very, very tasty! Buckwheat porridge should be mixed with finely chopped hard-boiled eggs, seasoned with a spoon of vegetable oil, salt, pepper and herbs. A great option for filling pies!

If you have the time and desire, eggs can easily be replaced with boiled liver and twisted through a meat grinder (oh, how fragrant!) or meat (oh, how satisfying!).
And by the way, here’s another unexpected ingredient for you - pickled cucumber (preferably a barrel one). Not with meat and liver, but with an egg - amazingly delicious! You'll be stunned.

15 sweet fillings for pies

1. Cottage cheese

One of the most common filling options for pies. Cottage cheese gives softness to the finished baked goods - it imparts its own moisture to the dough, making the products especially tender and tasty.

Cottage cheese goes well with raisins, small pieces of apples, it is wonderful with cinnamon and vanilla. Do not forget that for the best result, the fermented milk mass should be mixed with a chicken egg or yolk - this way the filling will be solid and will not spill out of the pie.

2. Jam, jam, marmalade

It is only at first glance that it seems that hiding jam in a pie is a matter of a couple of movements. In fact, preparing such products requires a certain skill and skill. Considering that the consistency of preserves and jams is usually thinner than standard fillings, it is necessary to further thicken the sweet fruit and berry mass. To do this, you can take crackers or nuts. If you don’t want to “darken” the taste of the jam with additional flavors, mix the filling with starch - it will thicken it during heat treatment, however, during molding you will have to tinker to keep the jam in the dough.

If the filling is very liquid, first drain the syrup from it. Starch can be replaced with gelatin dissolved in water.

3. Fresh apples

Oh, how apple pies smell! It seems that there is no more beautiful aroma than the thick smell of Antonovka, stretching like a viscous trail throughout the apartment...

You can put a large piece of apple in the pies, you can cut the fruit into cubes. It is worth adding a little sugar to the filling - as a rule, even sweet varieties give sourness after heat treatment, so additional sweetness will not hurt. Do not forget that due to the large amount of iron, apples quickly darken - if you are not satisfied with such anti-aesthetics, sprinkle the finished filling with lemon juice.

To diversify the standard apple filling, you can add cinnamon, a little grated chocolate, nuts, poppy seeds, raisins, orange or lemon zest. In addition, apples go well with pumpkin, pears, cherries, blueberries, currants, and apricots. Completely unfamiliar to us, but a very interesting and worthwhile option - apples with ginger. Those who like to experiment can try mixing apples with grated carrots.

4. Currant

Currants on their own inside pies are certainly delicious, however, this berry reveals itself best in the company of chocolate. Black beads should be washed and dried, and then mixed with finely chopped chocolate, adding a little sugar if desired. Lovely juicy filling, fresh, summery and delicious.

A special “zest” is to add finely chopped mint leaves to the filling for currant pies. Amazing!

3. Strawberry

In the process of baking or frying pies, strawberries will give a lot of juice, so before hiding the berries in the dough, you must mix them with starch. For the same reason, you should choose small strawberries rather than cutting large berries into pieces.

Strawberries are very pleasant with cottage cheese, rhubarb, chocolate chips, cherries, raspberries.

5. Raisins, dried apricots, prunes and other dried fruits

Luxurious, believe me! The result is a kind of candy in the dough - sweet, amazing, colorful.

Dried apricots, raisins, prunes, dates, dried cherries, dried cranberries and other berries and fruits must be scalded with boiling water and dried, after which you can grind them into minced meat using a meat grinder or blender, or chop them finely by hand. As a result, you will get a plastic mass that can be formed into balls and easily wrapped in dough.

If desired, you can add coconut, orange or lemon zest, fresh apple, and nuts to the dried fruit filling.

6. Nuts

Come on, inspect the pantry cabinets - there are probably some nuts lying around there. Did you find any walnuts? Great. Have some hazelnuts? Great. Have you taken the almonds out of the bins? Overall great. We put all this wealth into a blender bowl, fill it with hot and thick sugar syrup and get an excellent filling for pies. True, with one “but”.

The nut mass itself is, of course, unusually tasty and rich, however, it is quite heavy and dense. To make the filling more tender, nuts can be mixed with raisins or dried apricots. This mixture goes well with cottage cheese, grated apple, whipped egg whites, and honey. In addition, the nut filling for pies can be flavored with bright-tasting alcohol, lemon zest, or cinnamon.

7. Poppy

Poppy filling for pies is a luxury, nothing less! Boil the beautiful blue-black seeds in a small amount of milk, and then pass through a meat grinder several times. Add sugar to taste - you're done, you can make pies.

The poppy seed filling goes well with chopped nuts, raisins, and dried apricots. In addition, it can be combined with curd, apple, and nut fillings.

8. Bananas

A completely non-standard option, not usual for our latitudes, nevertheless, it has the right, if not to a full-fledged existence, then at least to periodic visits to your home.

It is typical that after baking, sweet and often even cloying bananas acquire a persistent sourish taste, so this is worth taking into account. Obviously, a simple solution is to add sugar to the filling, however, in this case it is better to use sweet yeast dough, and it should be rolled out thinner.

To prepare the filling, bananas need to be peeled, cut lengthwise into slices, and then chopped into cubes. If desired, they can be sprinkled with vanilla sugar or mixed with natural vanilla.

Banana pies are best served warm - after cooling, the sour taste intensifies and the filling darkens.

9. Cherry

Cherry is one of the classic filling options for pies. This berry produces very bright-tasting, aromatic baked goods. To prevent juice from leaking out of the products, starch must be added to the filling.

The cherries should be washed and pitted. Sprinkle with a small amount of sugar mixed with starch (for half a kilo of berries you need to take 70-80 g of sugar and 1 full tablespoon of starch (15 g).

When forming pies, you should pay special attention to carefully sealing the edges of the dough - when cooked, cherries release a lot of juice, which tends to run out.

10. Pears

Pears are rarely used as a filling for pies - and completely in vain! Fragrant, tender, delicious, magical - these are the few words that characterize this option.

The recipe is simple - peel, remove the core, cut into pieces. Pear goes perfectly with vanilla. A very, very worthy option is pear with coffee (ground, a little, just for flavor). Nuts, poppy seeds, and coconut flakes will help you further diversify the pear filling.

11. Plums

Very autumn filling! Plum pies smell of the last warmth, October tartness and the caress of rare sun rays.

To prepare the filling, select dense fruits, scald them with boiling water, remove the peel, remove the pit and cut into small pieces. Be sure to add a little cinnamon and sugar to the plums.

12. Custard

Tender, affectionate, velvety - this is about pies with custard! There are no special secrets, take as a basis any recipe according to which you cook this miracle, just prepare it in a thicker version than usual - solely for the convenience of forming pies. If you don't want to make the custard plainer in taste (due to additional flour or starch), you can cook regular custard and then freeze it in ice cube trays: such cubes are easier to hide in the dough than a liquid mass.

Don’t be greedy and add a little chopped almonds to the custard - the pies will turn out incredibly fragrant!

13. Sorrel

Yes, yes, in the minds of most people there is a belief that sorrel is a plant for borscht and salads, but not for sweet pies, however, sometimes it is worth fighting your stereotypes and just resolutely taking a step towards the unknown.

Before hiding the sorrel in the dough, it is recommended to wash it thoroughly, dry it, cut it into narrow strips, and then lightly simmer it in butter (be careful not to overdo it - the sorrel can quickly turn into a mushy puree). You should not mix the resulting mass with sugar - it will flow quickly: it is better to put a small amount of granulated sugar on the dough, then lay out the sorrel, sprinkle sugar on top again, then cover with the dough.

Try making pies filled with sorrel on curd dough - it will not “overwhelm” its taste like, for example, yeast dough, but, on the contrary, will highlight it to its advantage.

14. Condensed milk

Slaaaadco! Maybe even too sweet, but when it comes to pies, any sensible thoughts must fade into the background and give way to pleasure.

Unfortunately, only boiled condensed milk is suitable as a filling - ordinary white, standard and most familiar, it simply will not stay inside the dough, and it will run away at the molding stage, never reaching the frying pan.

If desired, condensed milk can be mixed with crushed cookies (any of your choice - from the pretentious “Savoyardi” to the budget “Zoological”.

15. Chocolate and candy

Oh, how much kids love this pie filling! Place a piece of chocolate (black, milk, white) on a piece of dough, cover and seal. As easy as pie!

It’s very, very good to add berries to this option - strawberries, raspberries, and currants go well with chocolate. For those who are older, you can sprinkle a little instant coffee on the filling.

Of course, there is no need to talk about any sophistication or usefulness in the case of candy filling, however, try saying the expression “pies with candy” in front of your children - when you see how the eyes of your boys and girls light up, you will cast away all doubts. “Korovka”, any toffee, chocolate bars and even caramels - pies with sweets turn out crazy delicious!

Well, are you ready to start a marathon of making pies with a variety of fillings? Get inspired, charge yourself with positivity, get ideas and share your favorite options in the comments. Delicious pies to you!