Delicious lightly salted tomatoes in a saucepan, three-liter jar and bag: quick cooking recipes. Quick lightly salted tomatoes, recipe with photos

And in order to diversify your menu, sometimes you want not fresh, not pickled, but lightly salted vegetables. Lightly salted vegetables are much healthier than canned ones, since they are prepared without vinegar and citric acid. Lightly salted cucumbers are, of course, more popular, but let's try to cook lightly salted tomatoes. The snack turns out delicious, and lightly salted tomatoes can be prepared quickly - in 5 minutes, and no sterilization of the jars is required. However, I will make a reservation that 1-2 days should pass after cooking and you won’t be able to store such delicacies for a long time: firstly, you will eat everything quickly, and secondly, from long-term storage the vegetables become more salty.

Lightly salted tomatoes with garlic in 5 minutes

Small, approximately equal-sized tomatoes are suitable for this recipe.

Wash the tomatoes and carefully use a knife to cut out the top of the tomato into a cone. Place the tomatoes in a glass container or enamel pan.

Add ½ teaspoon of salt to each tomato.

Finely chop the garlic and stuff it into the cavities of the tomatoes.

Fill with cold water so that the tomatoes are covered almost completely with liquid, leaving only the tops with garlic.

Everything is ready, 5 minutes was enough for cooking, leave the tomatoes to salt at room temperature for 1-2 days.

I liked the taste of these tomatoes within a day, try it yourself. Once the tomatoes are salted, you need to store them in the refrigerator. If desired, you can add parsley or dill to the tomatoes along with the garlic.

Instant lightly salted tomatoes in a bag

Another simple recipe that doesn’t even require utensils, just 2 plastic bags are enough. To prepare lightly salted tomatoes according to this recipe, we follow the proportions.

For this recipe we will need:

– 1 kg tomato

– garlic – 1 head

- salt - 1 tbsp. l.

- sugar - 1 tsp.

- parsley or dill to taste

- for spiciness you can add a little chili pepper

It is advisable, as in the first recipe, to select tomatoes that are the same size and small.

Cut out the top of the tomatoes and cut the bottom crosswise with a knife.

Chop the garlic, you can leave the greens in sprigs. Stuff tomatoes with garlic and herbs.

Place the tomatoes in a plastic bag. Salt, add sugar.

Tie the bag and shake well so that all ingredients are evenly distributed between the tomatoes.

For greater guarantee, this package should be placed in another package and left alone for a day or two. After cooking, store the bag in the refrigerator or transfer the tomatoes to a convenient container.

Simple, fast and very tasty. Now imagine these tomatoes with boiled potatoes, and the desire to cook them will never leave you.

This simple recipe for quick-cooking lightly salted tomatoes will help you out not only if you didn’t have time to stock up on homemade pickles in the summer. It happens that in the midst of the winter preparation season in full swing, when jars of canned vegetables are rolled in one after another, sometimes you so unbearably want to eat something salty right now, without waiting for the arrival of cold weather. It is at such moments that simple and quick recipes for lightly salted vegetables come in very handy. It turns out that almost any vegetable can be lightly salted, the main thing is to choose the right ingredients for the brine. For example, the brine for preparing lightly salted cucumbers, to my taste, is completely unsuitable for tomatoes. And according to the option proposed below for quick preparation of lightly salted tomatoes, on the contrary, you can lightly salt not only tomatoes, but also peppers and cucumbers. The method is quite interesting and immediately won me over because the tomatoes really get ready very quickly. You can enjoy them within a day. After two days of inactivity, they taste closer to salty.


  • tomatoes – 1 kg,
  • onion – 1 pc.,
  • allspice – 3-4 pcs.,
  • black peppercorns – 3-4 pcs.,
  • garlic – 1 small head,
  • sugar – 2 tbsp. l.
  • salt – 1 tbsp. l. with a slide,
  • fresh herbs (dill, parsley, cilantro) - several sprigs,
  • water – 3 tbsp.,
  • vinegar 9% – 1 tbsp. spoon,
  • bay leaf – 2-3 pcs.

Note: for lightly salted tomatoes, it is better to take an enamel pan with a capacity of 2.5-3 liters so that the tomatoes can be placed in it in one layer. The enamel inside the pan should not have any cracks or chips. I use a stainless steel pan to pickle tomatoes. But I don’t store vegetables in it for a long time - every other day I transfer them to a plastic container.

How to cook quick lightly salted tomatoes

It is better to choose tomatoes for pickling that are strong, small and of the same size. If they also turn out to have tails (peduncles), leave them, do not tear them off. With them, ready-made tomatoes look more interesting and attractive, and they are more convenient to eat, because the tails are great for use as a handle-holder.

One more thing. Anyone who has already tried lightly salting tomatoes knows that they take longer to dry than the same cucumbers, for example. So, to speed up this process as much as possible, you need to pierce them with a toothpick in two or three places. If you need the tomatoes to be salted even faster, then we will do the following. Wash the tomatoes thoroughly and, after scalding with boiling water, carefully remove the skin. For convenience, you can make a shallow cross-shaped incision.

The tomatoes have been prepared and you can start making brine. To do this, first divide the garlic into cloves, peel it and place it in whole cloves in a pan. Add salt and sugar to it, add water and let the brine boil.

Let it boil for a couple of minutes - turn it off, remove from the stove, add vinegar and let the brine cool to about room temperature. The amount of salt and sugar can be adjusted to your taste.

Place tomatoes on this fragrant pillow.

Fill them with cooled brine.

Cover the pan tightly with a lid and put it in the refrigerator for about a day.

Then you can try! These tomatoes don’t last long in the refrigerator—a week or a week and a half maximum—so it’s better to lightly salt them in small portions.

During the season of ripening juicy tomatoes, many housewives start canning vegetables, but if you want something salty at any other time of the year, then there is an excellent solution. You can prepare lightly salted tomatoes, which are made in several ways, using different products (garlic, herbs, vegetables, spices). The process of preparing tomatoes is simple, the main thing is to stick to the recipe.

How to grind tomatoes

There are many options for how to prepare lightly salted tomatoes. To get fragrant, beautiful and very tasty tomatoes, you need to familiarize yourself in detail with the technology of the culinary process and strictly follow it. First, prepare all the ingredients, and then proceed directly to salting. Here are some useful tips to help you properly grind red fruits:

  1. To make vegetables more tasty and aromatic, they are salted in pieces (cut into 4 parts) or pierced with a toothpick in the area of ​​the stalk. In addition, they are better salted.
  2. Lightly salted tomatoes are made in glass containers, pans, and bags. It is convenient when the container is wide and spacious.
  3. To enhance the taste, you can stuff the fruits (red, green). Garlic, herbs (parsley, dill, onions, cilantro), cabbage, lettuce or hot peppers are often used as filling.
  4. After pickling, it is better to store tomatoes in the refrigerator, because this way they last longer. Another secret: to prevent the lightly salted appetizer from turning sour, the lid of the jar must be greased from the inside with mustard.

What varieties of tomatoes to choose

It is recommended to take firm, undamaged, unripe vegetables for pickling.. The “cream” variety, cherry tomatoes and similar options are perfect. You can harvest red, yellow and green fruits. The yellow ones are sweeter, while the green ones have a sour, piquant taste. It is desirable that all fruits for pickling be the same size and the same level of ripeness.

How much to salt tomatoes

The duration of pickling, as a rule, depends on the specific recipe, the desired result, the method of fermentation and the variety of tomatoes. The average cooking time for lightly salted tomatoes ranges from one day to several weeks. In some cases it will take about 1-2 months. For example, hot salting lasts 3-7 days, and cold salting lasts from 2 to 4 weeks. You can also prepare vegetables for the winter.

Recipe for lightly salted tomatoes

Today there is a wide range of recipes on how to prepare delicious lightly salted tomatoes. You can use green or red fruits for these purposes, use a variety of spices, seasonings, herbs, and other vegetables. It is customary to prepare the snack in a glass jar, but often a bag, large pan or bowl is used. The result is tasty and appetizing if you strictly follow the chosen culinary algorithm.

  • Time: 30 minutes (+ 24 hours for salting).
  • Calorie content: 34 kcal per 100 g.
  • Purpose: snack.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

The first way to prepare a fragrant, juicy and tasty snack is lightly salted green tomatoes. Sometimes the fruits are replaced with yellow tomatoes. Sugar is added to the marinade, so a slight fermentation occurs during the salting process, which allows you to achieve a piquant, spicy taste. The main thing is that the tomatoes are strong and undamaged. Lightly salted tomatoes are made relatively quickly - about 24 hours.


  • cream – 2 kg;
  • sugar – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt – ½ tbsp. l.;
  • water – 1.5 l;
  • garlic – 4 cloves;
  • apple cider vinegar (5%) – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • dill – 1 bunch;
  • chili pepper – ½ part;
  • ground black pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the vegetables well, remove the stems.
  2. Chop the garlic with a sharp knife.
  3. Pour the water into a bottle or large bowl. Add sugar and salt. To stir thoroughly. Then add vinegar.
  4. Place garlic and dill sprigs in a jar (leave a little).
  5. Distribute green fruits on top, pepper and add chili.
  6. Pour in brine. Add the remaining dill.
  7. To cover with a lid.
  8. Place in the refrigerator for a day.

Instant salted tomatoes

  • Time: 20-30 minutes (+ day).
  • Calorie content: 25 kcal.
  • Purpose: appetizer, pickle.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

To pamper your family with something tasty, you can make instant tomatoes with garlic and herbs. This homemade snack turns out very juicy, aromatic and incredibly appetizing. People fall in love with it from the first tasting. According to this recipe with photo, red or yellow fruits are lightly salted, the main thing is that they are undamaged and have a dense structure.


  • cream – 1 kg;
  • salt – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic – 10 cloves;
  • peppercorns – 4 pcs.;
  • water - liter;
  • parsley - 1 bunch.

Cooking method:

  1. Rinse the tomatoes thoroughly. Place them in boiling water for a couple of minutes and remove the skin.
  2. Chop the parsley with a knife.
  3. Place tomatoes in a jar and sprinkle herbs on top.
  4. Add pre-chopped garlic cloves and pepper.
  5. Prepare the brine. Heat the water, add salt and stir until it is completely dissolved.
  6. Pour the resulting liquid over the tomatoes.
  7. Cover the jar with a lid.
  8. Leave in a cool place for 24 hours.

With garlic and herbs

  • Time: 30 minutes (+1.5 days).
  • Calorie content: 30 kcal.
  • Purpose: pickles.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

A fragrant, delicate, excellent snack for all occasions - lightly salted red tomatoes with garlic and herbs. This option is suitable for a family dinner or a holiday feast.. Anyone who prefers spicy pickles will definitely love this dish. For a simple recipe you will need some ripe tomatoes, garlic, salt, granulated sugar and fresh herbs.


  • cream – 10 pieces;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • water - liter;
  • garlic – 8 cloves;
  • salt – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • dill - 1 bunch.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the garlic. Crush under pressure. Finely chop the dill. Mix in one container.
  2. Make cross-shaped cuts on both sides of the washed tomatoes. Fill with the resulting mixture.
  3. Place fruits in a large bowl. Pour a cold marinade of water, sugar and salt over them.
  4. Salt vegetables under pressure at room temperature. The appetizer will be ready in 1-1.5 days.

With mustard

  • Time: 30-40 minutes (+ 1.5-2 days).
  • Number of servings: 7-10 persons.
  • Calorie content: 33 kcal.
  • Purpose: snack.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Another interesting option for preparing tomatoes is to grind them with mustard. The recipe is simple and straightforward, so even a novice cook can handle it. If everything is done correctly, then within a day and a half to two days you will be able to please yourself with a fragrant, piquant appetizer made from ripe tomatoes. Based on the quantity of products, the pickle is designed for 8 servings.


  • dry mustard – 12 tsp;
  • vegetables – 8 kg;
  • salt – ½ tbsp.;
  • allspice and bitter pepper (ground) - ½ tsp each;
  • water – 5 l;
  • bay leaf – 6 pcs.;
  • black currant leaves - 5 pieces.

Cooking method:

  1. Place the cream in a large, deep container. Intersperse each layer with currant leaves.
  2. Boil water, add salt, then cool.
  3. Add mustard to the brine, mix thoroughly and leave until the marinade becomes clear.
  4. Pour over the tomatoes and place pressure on top.
  5. Salt in a cool place for 1.5-2 days.

Lightly salted tomatoes in a bag

  • Time: half an hour (+ 2 days).
  • Number of servings: 2-3 persons.
  • Calorie content: 23 kcal.
  • Purpose: pickles.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

An appetizing snack can be made in a plastic bag. This dish is classified as easy, quick and very tasty. For this recipe for lightly salted tomatoes, no marinade is used; the vegetables are pickled in their own juice. To enhance the taste of the pickle, you can add a little lettuce pepper.. When the tomatoes are ready, it is better to transfer them to a jar.


  • cream – 1 kg;
  • salt – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • bell pepper – 3 pcs.;
  • fresh herbs (any) - to taste;
  • black pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Purchase a durable bag with a zip fastener in advance (you can use a regular one).
  2. Place coarsely chopped tomatoes inside.
  3. Then add salt, pepper, seasonings to taste.
  4. Seal the bag well and gently shake the ingredients until combined.
  5. Place the preparation in the refrigerator for two days. Turn the bag over several times so that the lightly salted tomatoes are thoroughly saturated with juice.

Cooking recipe in a saucepan

  • Time: 30-40 minutes (+ 2 days).
  • Number of servings: 2-4 persons.
  • Calorie content: 32 kcal.
  • Purpose: snack.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Delicious, fragrant vegetables can be ground not only in a glass jar. A large saucepan is perfect for these purposes. This method is popular among housewives because it is much more convenient to put the tomatoes inside and take them out after cooking. Before you pickle tomatoes in a saucepan, you should prepare all the necessary products in advance.


  • vegetables – 8 pcs.;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic – 5 cloves;
  • salt – 1 tsp;
  • water - liter;
  • dill, parsley;
  • bay leaf – 3 pcs.;
  • hot, allspice.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the tomatoes and divide them into halves.
  2. Finely chop the garlic with a sharp knife and tear the greens into sprigs.
  3. Place half the herbs, pepper, garlic and bay leaves on the bottom of the pan.
  4. The next layer is cream.
  5. Boil water, add sugar and salt. When they dissolve, pour the hot marinade over the vegetables.
  6. Add the remaining greens to the rest of the ingredients.
  7. Cover the container with a lid or plate on top and press down with a jar of water.
  8. Lightly salted tomatoes will be ready in two days.

Stuffed tomatoes

  • Time: 40-60 minutes (+ 3 days).
  • Number of servings: 8-10 persons.
  • Calorie content: 20 kcal.
  • Purpose: pickles.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

To diversify your snack menu and treat your loved ones to something unusual, it’s worth bringing to life the recipe for lightly salted stuffed tomatoes. If you prepare a dish strictly according to the recipe, it turns out tender, juicy and looks appetizing when served.. For appetizers, the “slivka” variety is used - such tomatoes are easier to stuff, and they don’t fall apart when salted.


  • water – 2 l;
  • salt – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • cream – 3 kg;
  • carrot – 1 pc.;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • white cabbage - 1 fork.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the tomatoes well and cut off the caps. Remove the core.
  2. Grind the peeled carrots and finely chop the cabbage. Mix the products.
  3. Place the minced meat into tomato cups and carefully compact the filling.
  4. Place in a deep saucepan.
  5. Dissolve sugar and salt in cold water. Pour the contents of the pan.
  6. Place the pickles under pressure for three days.
  7. Transfer the finished pickled fruits to a clean jar, and strain the brine through a sieve or cheesecloth.
  8. Store lightly salted tomatoes in the refrigerator.

Tomatoes in Armenian

  • Time: 20 minutes (+ 3-4 days).
  • Number of servings: 2-4 persons.
  • Calorie content: 25 kcal.
  • Purpose: snack.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

The next recipe is spicy, spicy and incredibly tasty Armenian tomatoes. Even a picky gourmet will appreciate them. Lightly salted, quick-salted vegetables are easy to make, but the result is gorgeous. The cooking process takes a little time, but salting will take several days. Spicy, delicious lightly salted fruits are best stored in the refrigerator.


  • garlic – 2 heads;
  • cream – 1-1.5 kg;
  • parsley - a bunch;
  • salt – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • ground black pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Chop the greens and combine with finely chopped garlic.
  2. Cut the caps off the tomatoes (make small cuts, not all the way through).
  3. Place a generous portion of minced garlic and parsley into each cut.
  4. Place vegetables in a saucepan or large bowl in rows.
  5. Pour in cold brine (water + salt).
  6. Place under pressure for a day at room temperature. And then put it in the refrigerator for another two days.

Pickled lightly salted tomatoes

  • Time: half an hour (+ 4 days).
  • Number of servings: 3-4 persons.
  • Calorie content: 32 kcal.
  • Purpose: pickles.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

If you’ve run out of ideas, and your soul and body are asking for something salty, then lightly salted pickled tomatoes are the ideal choice. To prepare a flavorful snack, you need to have a minimum of available ingredients on hand and some free time. The recipe uses classic brine, cream variety and garlic to add piquancy.. The duration of salting is four days.


  • garlic – 5 cloves;
  • cream – 1 kg;
  • water - liter;
  • sugar and salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • bay leaf – 3 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the vegetables. Prick the tomatoes with a toothpick in several places.
  2. Cut the garlic cloves into halves.
  3. Place the tomatoes in layers in a saucepan, alternating with bay leaves and garlic.
  4. Boil water, add salt and sugar. Stir until completely dissolved. Let the brine cool (a little).
  5. Pour the warm marinade over the tomatoes. Ferment under oppression for four days.
  6. Store prepared lightly salted pickled vegetables in the refrigerator.

Quick tomatoes with horseradish

  • Time: 30 minutes (+ 3rd day).
  • Number of servings: 3 persons.
  • Calorie content: 35 kcal.
  • Purpose: snack.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

The next recipe is how to quickly make an unusual snack - tomatoes with horseradish. Lightly salted vegetables are moderately spicy and very aromatic. Fans of spicy dishes will simply be delighted. The snack dish takes three days to salt, and the preparatory work takes about an hour. In addition to horseradish, your favorite spices and fresh herbs are added to lightly salted tomatoes.


  • fresh horseradish – 1 root + leaf;
  • dill - a bunch;
  • vegetables – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • water – 1.5 l;
  • salt – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • bay leaf – 3 pcs.;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • black peppercorns.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the tomatoes under running water. Make punctures with a toothpick in each fruit.
  2. Place sprigs of herbs, a whole leaf of horseradish, and finely chopped garlic at the bottom of a deep bowl. Distribute vegetables on top.
  3. Dissolve sugar and salt in cold water. Add bay leaf, chopped horseradish root, pepper. Boil.
  4. Pour hot brine over the contents of the bowl.
  5. Keep covered (you can use a plate) for three days at room temperature.

Methods for pickling tomatoes

There are several methods by which you can make lightly salted vegetables. Let's look at the most popular cooking options:

  1. Cold salting method. Vegetables are poured with cold marinade, and a pressure is placed on top (often this is a lid, cutting board or plate, and a jar of water on top). This snack is salted in barrels, buckets, large bowls and pans. The workpiece should be stored in a cool place.
  2. Hot method. As a rule, the ingredients are placed in a glass container and then poured with boiling hot brine.
  3. Another option is dry pickling (without using marinade). Vegetables are placed in a pan or bag, generously sprinkled with salt and seasonings, placed under pressure on top or placed in a cold place.


The beauty of this snack is that you will get the pickles you want in literally 24 hours. Fans of the piquant taste of sour sauce and fresh tomatoes can take a sample in just 4 - 6 hours

Lightly salted tomatoes with garlic and herbs

This recipe does not require much effort or waste of precious time. The tomatoes are salted in jars, and after 24 hours you have a wonderful light snack. You can also serve lightly salted tomatoes with garlic and herbs with any vegetable or meat dishes.


  • ripe tomatoes - 0.5 kg
  • parsley and dill - a small bunch each
  • celery - optional
  • garlic - 3 cloves.

for 1 liter of brine:

  • water - 1 l
  • sugar, salt - 2 tbsp. l.
  • allspice and black pepper - 6 - 7 peas each
  • bay leaf - 1 - 3 pcs.
  • paprika - 2 tsp.
  • vinegar 9% - 2 tbsp. l.


Try to choose tomatoes that are small in size and fairly dense. The “cream” variety is ideal for this pickling. Wash the tomatoes and remove the green roots and leaves.

Place several sprigs of dill and parsley on the bottom of a prepared, well-washed jar. Add celery if desired.

Add the garlic cloves, cut into several pieces. Garlic can also be passed through a press or grated. But the cut pieces look better.

Place a few sprigs of parsley and dill on top.

All that remains is to prepare the brine and pour it over the tomatoes, garlic and herbs.

Add salt, sugar, paprika, bay leaf and pepper into a saucepan with water. Bring to a boil, pour in vinegar. Let simmer for 5 minutes. Cool the brine and pour it into a jar of tomatoes. Cover tightly and refrigerate for 24 hours. Then eat and enjoy

Recipe for quick lightly salted tomatoes

Cooked tomatoes according to this recipe will be ready to eat in 5 - 6 hours.

Take 0.5 kg of small ripe tomatoes. Wash them thoroughly. Now you need to blanch the tomatoes and remove the skin. Place the tomatoes in boiling water for 2 minutes and then immediately transfer to cooled water. After such procedures, the skin can be easily removed. Remove the attachment points of the stalk.

Take a liter, cleanly washed jar and carefully place the tomatoes, dill, and a couple of chopped garlic cloves. Use the amount of dill according to your taste. You can add currant leaves, cherry leaves or other greens at your discretion.

Prepare brine for pouring. Pour 500 ml of clean water into a saucepan or saucepan. Add a tablespoon of salt, a spoonful of sugar, a couple of bay leaves, 5 peas each of allspice and black pepper. Bring the brine to a boil and boil for 2-3 minutes. Remove from heat and pour in 3 teaspoons of 9% vinegar, stir.

Pour hot brine over the tomatoes and cover with a lid. When cool, put in the refrigerator. After 5 hours, the quick, lightly salted tomatoes are ready, you can take a sample.

Instant lightly salted tomatoes in a bag

It’s very simple to cook lightly salted tomatoes in a regular food bag.

Take 1 kg of ripe tomatoes. Rinse them. Using a sharp knife, cut off the attachment points of the stalk and place in a regular food bag.

Cut 4 cloves of garlic into small slices and put them in the bag too. Chop a small bunch of dill and add to the tomatoes.

Add 10 - 15 black peppercorns, a tablespoon of salt, a teaspoon of sugar. Sprinkle the entire contents of the bag with ground pepper, to taste.

Tie the bag securely and shake well several times to mix the contents.

To prevent instant tomatoes from leaking, place them in a second bag and refrigerate for 2 days.

Bon appetit!

Jul 21, 2017 admin

Lightly salted tomatoes prepared according to this recipe are aromatic and very tasty. They marinate very quickly and easily. You get a bright, juicy appetizer that will add the right accent to any dish and decorate the table. The recipe is almost classic; these are the tomatoes you probably savored as a child. Of course, lightly salted cucumbers are more popular than tomatoes, but to add variety to your diet, it’s worth cooking them. Moreover, the taste of the finished pickling is simply wonderful. In urban conditions it is difficult to make a lot of pickled preparations, but such quick tomatoes can be prepared all year round, even in winter.

quick recipe with garlic and horseradish

The advantage of this cooking option is that the tomatoes are cooked without adding vinegar. It is believed that it kills many of the “benefits” that fruits are rich in. It turns out that not only tomatoes, which prevent the formation of malignant tumors, but also horseradish, which is part of the pickle, benefit the body. It contains a considerable amount of vitamin C, which stimulates the immune system, potassium, phosphorus, iron and many other minerals. Horseradish is also rich in phytoncides and essential oils. It enhances the secretion process of the digestive glands. Garlic is a good antibacterial and antiviral agent. Therefore, lightly salted tomatoes are not only tasty, we can safely say that they are also healthy.

Garlic gives tomatoes a pleasant aroma and slight spiciness, dill and bay leaves complement the aroma composition. You can quickly salt tomatoes in jars or in a pan, as you prefer.

To ensure excellent tomatoes, use clean water, for example, water that has passed through a good filter or purchased. Choose quality tomatoes that are well-ripened, but without soft sides or other defects. Horseradish root is not always easy to find in the city, but still try to do it, because it gives tomatoes a wonderful aroma and taste.

After the basic parting words, you can move on to the main process - preparing delicious lightly salted tomatoes.