Delicious fried navaga in a frying pan. A great everyday dish with average calorie content

It would seem that there is no dish simpler than navaga fried in a frying pan, well, maybe just scrambled eggs. But this only seems so at first glance. It’s delicious, but not so easy to prepare, but there’s nothing to say about fried navaga. After all, almost every type of fish has its own cooking tricks, and navaga is no exception.

Calorie content

I immediately warn those who are watching their weight.

The calorie content of this Far Eastern fish is high - about 140 Kcal per 100 grams of product.

So if you have problems with overweight, this fish is for you. You can easily eat it in the morning, during the day, and in the evening without any problems for your figure.

Far Easterners know that the fresher the navaga, the more difficult it is to fry it.

The steamed fish literally falls apart in the frying pan. Therefore, unlike, it is better to slightly freeze steamed navaga before frying, and not to defrost frozen navaga completely.

Well, since residents of not all regions of our country can afford steamed fish, you and I will learn how to fry this frozen fish.

Cooking in a frying pan

This recipe is simple, but has its own peculiarity. First, we need to defrost our fish a little so that we can clean it. When we do, we’ll leave the head, but in the case of navaga, in order not to suffer while removing the gills from frozen fish, I suggest cutting off the head right away. Then carefully cut the belly and remove the entrails. Navaga has practically no scales, so it is enough to wash it thoroughly. Then we will cut the fish into pieces according to your taste. It should be noted that Fried fish delicious regardless of size, so make any.

Pour flour into a medium plate, add a teaspoon of salt to the flour and mix well. You can fry navaga by rolling it only in flour, but I want to suggest you dip it first, so it will turn out juicier.

To do this, beat 3 eggs in a small bowl. Take pieces of fish, then dip in egg, roll in flour again and place in a very well-heated frying pan with vegetable oil. We will fry on both sides, over medium heat. open lid until the fish is well browned.

If the navaga caught is large and the pieces are very thick, then place the fried fish on a plate and send it for 6 minutes. Hot, juicy, fried navaga with a golden brown crust, and with potatoes, and with tomato sauce! Real jam! I recommend decorating ready dish lettuce leaves, as in the top photo. Bon appetit!


  • Frozen navaga - 1 kilogram;
  • Flour - 1 glass;
  • Chicken eggs - 3 pieces;
  • Salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • Vegetable oil - 100 - 150 grams.

Most often, fish from the cod family are sold frozen and already cleaned. We cut off the fins and tail with scissors. We remove the black film from the belly of the navaga. ( photo 1).

Wash and dry the fish (800 grams). Small navaga can be fried whole. Large fish it is necessary to cut into pieces of approximately 100 - 150 grams.

Pour 5 tbsp into a deep plate. spoons of flour, add 1 teaspoon of salt to it.

Beat eggs (4 pcs.) into a second plate. There is no need to beat the eggs, just stir them with a fork and get a leison.

Bread the navaga in flour on all sides.

Dip the fish in the leison. Let the fish hang so that the excess drains onto the plate.

Then we dip the navaga again in the lezone.

Once again bread the fish in flour. In total, navaga must be breaded in flour - 3 times, and dipped in eggs - 2 times.

Pour 80 grams of vegetable oil into the frying pan and turn on medium heat. Place the navaga in a frying pan and fry it on four sides until golden brown.

In about 10 - 15 minutes, the fish will have time to fry well inside.

Navaga fried in a frying pan - ready!

Enjoy your meal!

Navaga is an inexpensive fish belonging to the cod family, with good taste qualities. You can prepare navaga in many ways in various ways. I'll tell you how to cook navaga stewed with onions and carrots. The recipe is universal - you can cook pollock, for example, in this way - and it will be delicious, believe me.

How to cook navaga in sour cream with onions and carrots

A small lyrical digression: a distinction is made between northern and Far Eastern navaga. The Far Eastern navaga is larger, but the northern navaga is a small fish, whose weight rarely exceeds half a kilogram. I tell you how to cook northern navaga. Although this is not particularly important: these two types of navaga taste absolutely the same.

Note: I recently posted at the end of the article video about how to cook navaga, which, I think, will be a good addition to the article. The process is slightly different from what is described here, but not very fundamentally. So - look, compare, and choose the best option for yourself.

Ingredients needed to prepare navaga:

Gutted navaga, without heads – 2 kg;

Large onions – 4 pcs.;

Carrots – 3 pcs.;

Sour cream – 0.5 cups;

Olive oil;

Salt, black ground pepper, dried parsley - to taste.

Cut up and stew navaga in sour cream with onions and carrots

1. Before cooking, of course, we clean and rinse the navaga. The fish has no scales, so cleaning it is very easy. And if you bought gutted carcasses without heads, then all that remains is to finish the internal cavity of the abdomen and trim the fins and tail. I usually trim the feathers off the fish with kitchen scissors.

2. Cut navaga into portioned pieces. I was dealing with small fish, so I just cut it in half. If you want the size of navaga like mine, you can cook it whole - it’s just that it will be problematic to put it compactly in a container for stewing.

3. Salt the fish pieces outside and inside, sprinkle with pepper and leave for about half an hour.

4. Pour oil into a deep frying pan with a thick bottom, heat it on medium power, then roll the fish in flour and lightly fry on both sides, then put it in an empty container.

5. Cut the onion into quarters of rings or half rings, if the onion is small, grate the carrots coarse grater. Sauté vegetables in oil until half done.

Note: To cook vegetables, I use the same oil in which I fried the fish, since it is saturated with the smell of fish and it would be a shame to simply throw it away. But before that, I filter it to remove burnt flour residues.

6. Place half of the vegetables from the pan into an empty container.

7. Pour half a glass of sour cream, add a tablespoon of flour, dried parsley, lightly salt, add water to a full glass and stir. Actually, when preparing navaga, you can use exactly the same filling that I use for stewed cutlets.

8. We place the navaga tightly in the frying pan on top of the vegetables, and also place a layer of vegetables on top of it.

9. Fill the fish sour cream sauce, close the pan with a lid, bring to a boil and simmer until tender over low heat.

Well, now you know how to cook navaga in sour cream with onions and carrots.

Well, if you have absolutely no time or don’t have much desire to bother with cooking, but want fish, you can just, there’s also step by step video. It will turn out quickly, simply, cheaply, but believe me - very tasty.

Bon appetit!

How to cook navaga. Step by step video

Probably everyone knows cod fish. But not every cook has cooked navaga from the cod family at least once in his life, although it is famous for its tender, juicy and aromatic meat, in which there are practically no seeds. Let's fill the gap!

Brief description and history

Navaga lives in cold waters. There are northern and Far Eastern varieties. It is known that previously navaga was sent to the capital in winter on open sleighs directly from the place of catching. This served as a guarantee that delicious fish will not be thawed and then frozen again during the entire long journey. In the old days, the capital’s kitchens also used pickled navaga (see recipe below) as an excellent cold snack with strong alcohol.


The dietary meat of this fish contains many vitamins and microelements. It is non-fat, low-calorie, does not contain small bones. Excellent for following various fish-based diets, goes well with vegetables and potatoes, can also be eaten on a fast day, when consumption is allowed fish dishes. Fish liver, which has a high concentration of healthy fatty acids, is also valued.

What can you cook?

Almost anything can be prepared from this fish: its meat does not spread when fried, does not fall apart small pieces in fish soup, fillet looks good in jellied and marinated form. Fish turns out great baked in the oven or cooked in a slow cooker. Now let's move on to practice!

Navaga. Recipe for cooking “on the pillow”

This is a very simple way to cook fish. We will need: navaga fillet - kilogram, half a kilo onions, spoon olive oil, a set of spices for fish, salt. Some people prefer to add a little vinegar for acidity.

Peel the onion and cut into half rings. Wash the fish and cut into small pieces. Now put the onion in a large frying pan with a tight lid, pouring oil over it. Then - on this pillow - pieces of fillet. Season with spices. Cover with a lid and cook over low heat until the fish is cooked (usually about 20 minutes). Just before the end, remove the lid from the pan to allow the water to evaporate. This fish is good served with mashed potatoes and cucumbers. Decorate this delicate dietary dish with parsley sprigs. Both beautiful and tasty!


The recipe for making navaga fried in batter has gained popularity among experienced chefs and ordinary housewives. This dish can be prepared quickly and easily. We will need: navaga fillet - 1 kilogram, oil for frying, salt, flour and eggs for batter.

First, from flour and eggs, adding milk or water, prepare the dough for the batter. You need to do it the same way as for pancakes (so that it drips and does not fall in pieces). Let's pour batter in a bowl. Prepare the fish: cut into small pieces, add salt and pepper. Dip each piece of fish into the batter and throw it into a frying pan with boiling oil. There it turns brown very quickly. As soon as this happens, use a special spatula to catch the navaga and throw the following pieces into the oil. The same recipe for making navaga rolled in flour and eggs: simply dip each piece of fish in a beaten egg and then in flour. Next, fry in boiling oil in a frying pan.


To prepare it, you need lightly salted or pickled navaga. The recipe is quite simple to follow and does not require large quantity ingredients and your time. We will need: half a kilo of navaga, 200 grams of fresh and the same amount of pickled cucumbers, 100 grams of mayonnaise, green onions and parsley - a bunch.

Cut the navaga into cubes, remove skin and bones. We cut cucumbers - both of them - into cubes. Chop the greens. Mix all ingredients, adding mayonnaise. Some professionals advise putting in this salad also boiled eggs(three hard-boiled ones are enough for this amount). If necessary, we also cut the eggs into cubes. Such delicious salad- Very good snack before main courses. And since it’s salty, it goes well with cold vodka!

Secret: you can cook marinated fish yourself. To do this, you need to make a mixture of vinegar, wine, roots, spices, then put pieces of navaga in it for several days. In the old days, before marinating, the fish was also pre-fried a little, for a special taste.

In the oven

The recipe for cooking navaga in the oven is accessible even to a novice cook. We do everything simply. Preheat the oven to 180. Place the prepared vegetables - onions, carrots, potatoes - on a greased baking sheet (the quantity is arbitrary, but such that it is enough to cover the working surface of the dish with an even layer). The next layer is laid navaga. The recipe does not require any special skill from us: we coat the top of the fish with mayonnaise or egg (to form golden brown crust) and - into the oven, for about half an hour. This dish can be served without a side dish, using vegetables cooked with fish.

Navaga in a slow cooker. Recipes

  1. For a couple. We use the “rice/fish” steaming mode. And we place the fish on a “diet” bed of vegetables. Prepares quickly - no more than 20 minutes.
  2. Fried. We use the frying mode. Cook the fish dredged in flour until crispy. Bon appetit everyone!

The Far Eastern nurse navaga is also called vakhnya. It lives only in the seas of the island region, the northern reservoirs of our country and near the coast of Japan. And for more than half a century, navaga has remained at the top of the main catch of Sakhalin fishermen.

The Sakhalin endemic is also popular among housewives and cooks. True, everyone who prepares vakhnya is faced with its main feature - high allergenicity. But experts note: navaga actively produces an allergen only when boiled, so it is better to fry or stew it. To prevent your hands from itching after cutting navaga, you need to clean it with gloves under running water.

Navaga fillet is low-calorie, contains a lot of protein and useful microelements. It is no coincidence that she is loved in Japan, a country where healthy eating became a cult.

How is it prepared, Sakhalin vakhnya? We offer Top 10 recipes.

Recipes from chef Alexander Besedin

Navaga in batter

You will need: navaga fillet - 400 g, salt, half a lemon, ready-made batter (Ottogi company) or homemade batter - 200 g, flour 200 g, mineral water- 100 ml.

Cut the fillet into small pieces, sprinkle with salt and water lemon juice. We dilute the batter mineral water. Dip fillet pieces into flour, then into batter. Fry on hot frying pan V vegetable oil.

Tempura from navaga

You will need: navaga fillet - 400 g, half an egg, a pinch of red pepper, sugar, salt, onion and bell pepper to taste, a handful of batter flour.

Beat the fillet, onion and bell pepper in a blender until smooth. Add salt, sugar and red pepper. Lightly sprinkle the minced meat with batter. Fry in a hot frying pan in vegetable oil.

Recipes of Sakhalin housewives

Fried navaga(the simplest and most popular way to cook fish)

We cut up the fish and clean it. Mix flour (or breadcrumbs), roll in the navaga and fry on both sides in a hot frying pan in vegetable oil.

Navaga stewed in sour cream with onions and carrots

We clean the navaga, wash it, trim off the fins and tail, and cut it into small pieces. Salt, pepper and lightly fry in small quantity vegetable oil.

Chop the onion, grate the carrots on a coarse grater and fry them in a separate bowl until half cooked. Transfer half the vegetables into a deep frying pan or saucepan, add half a glass of sour cream, a tablespoon of flour, dried parsley, lightly salt, add a little water. Then place the fried navaga tightly on the vegetables, and the remaining vegetables on top. Cover with a lid, bring to a boil and simmer until tender over low heat.

Navaga dried(express method)

We wash the fish and gut it. Let's prepare the brine. You can check whether there is enough salt by dropping an egg into the solution. If the egg floats, there is enough salt. Place the fish in the brine and leave for 7-8 hours. Afterwards we soak the navaga in fresh water in two hours. We put the fish on paper, let it dry for a couple of hours and hang it up.

Navaga dried

This recipe is popular in Japan and Korea. The cut fish is washed and soaked for several hours in soy sauce. Afterwards, the navaga is washed and hung to dry.

Navaga under marinade

Cut the chopped navaga into small pieces. Salt, pepper, roll in flour, fry in vegetable oil, cool and add marinade. To prepare the marinade: cut the carrots into strips, the onion into rings, fry in vegetable oil for 10 minutes. Add tomato paste, Bay leaf, cloves, cinnamon to taste, cover with a lid and simmer for 15-20 minutes. Then add 9% vinegar, broth or water, boil, season with sugar, salt and cool. Pour the chilled marinade over the navaga.

Navaga cutlets

Pass the navaga fillet (without skin) through a meat grinder, mix with bread soaked in milk, add salt and pepper and pass through the meat grinder one or two more times. After this, add softened butter to the fish mixture and mix well. We form cutlets, roll them in breadcrumbs and put them in a frying pan to fry.

Navaga fried in dough

Prepare the dough. In a bowl, mix flour and salt with two tablespoons of vegetable oil, then dilute with warm water (1/2 cup) so that there are no lumps. Fish fillet cut into pieces, salt, pepper, sprinkle with herbs and pour over the juice of half a lemon. Add a spoonful of vegetable oil, mix and leave for 15-20 minutes. Dip the fish pieces into the dough and fry in hot vegetable oil in a pan.

Fish solyanka from navaga

Cut the navaga fillet into pieces. Finely chop the onion and fry it lightly in a saucepan on vegetable or butter, add tomato paste and simmer for 5-6 minutes. Then put the fish, sliced ​​pickles, chopped tomatoes, bay leaf, a little pepper into the pan and pour it all hot fish broth. Salt and cook for 10-15 minutes.

And here you can watch the story of “Our Day” about Sakhalin vakhna and dishes made from it