Grape jam - recipes with the aroma of summer. Grape jam - recipes from different countries

Grape jam is something. In a sense, something different than what residents of central Russia are used to understanding by the word “jam”. This is literally a sweet nectar that releases a bunch of endorphins from the first thoughtfully eaten spoon. There is some kind of southern magic in it. It's like concentrated sunshine. In general, you need to try this.

I make this jam in two versions, adding either walnuts or lemon-cinnamon. Now I’ll tell you about the version with walnuts, and I’ll post the recipe about lemon-cinnamon later, okay? The basic recipe in a nutshell was taught to me by my regular customer, a native Baku.

White sultanas of any size are good for grape jam (as a rule, they are on sale at least until late autumn).

To make grape jam, we will need:

  • 1 kg fresh sultanas
  • 750 g granulated sugar
  • 150-200 g walnuts (without shells)
  • Vanillin packet

Grape jam, recipe:

  1. Separate the sultanas from the branches, wash them thoroughly in a colander, and let the water drain from the berries.
  2. Place the grapes in the container in which we will cook the jam, sprinkle sugar on top, and let stand for about 2 hours (no longer needed).
  3. Turn on low heat and after boiling, cook for 40 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  4. Let the jam cool (at least 3 hours in an open cooking container), and then bring it back to a boil and cook over medium heat for 5 minutes. We repeat the procedure with cooling and subsequent five-minute boiling only 5-6 times until the desired thickness of the jam (make sure that this whole thing does not turn into churchkhela for you).
  5. Chop the walnuts with a rolling pin or knife, not too finely. Fry for a minute or two in a dry frying pan with constant stirring. Add them to the jam at the beginning of the 4th five-minute boiling, and a bag of vanillin at the same time.

After the fifth five-minute boiling, the jam is very thick, and when it cools, it will be even thicker. If you want the syrup to be thick, like caramel, boil it a 6th time.

How do you know that jam (any kind) is basically ready? Drop a drop of syrup onto a clean, dry saucer - it should not spread, it will remain a button, like a drop of dew. If the drop loses its shape or spreads, you need to cook it some more. If you cook the jam in small quantities for the next week and store it in the refrigerator, you may well not cook it until it reaches the perfect drop. And if you plan to store the jam in the cupboard all winter, you need to cook it as I described, plus, of course, sterilized jars and lids.

Grape jam is very simple to make, but it looks gorgeous, especially in small containers. So if you are expecting dressed-up five-star guests with twenty fingers in a fan - feel free to take out your handmade grapes and proudly say that not everyone can do this (and this is true - if you don’t know about the general principles of making jam from juicy berries), but only for a good housewife - this is a kind of Baku test for general culinary skills. Good luck in making jam, and more.

Grape jam, if made correctly, turns out very tasty and aromatic. It has great nutritional value due to the high glucose content in the berries. And grape jam syrup is great for soaking sponge cakes.

Grape jam turns out very fragrant


Grape 1 kg Sugar 1 kg Water 1 stack

  • Number of servings: 20
  • Cooking time: 12 minutes

Recipes for seedless grape jam

Varieties with a pronounced aroma are suitable for jam, preferably without seeds or with a small amount of them, for example, Muscat, Kish-mish or Isabella, or other varieties. The berries should be dense, whole, without spoiled places. Overripe and bruised grapes are not suitable for jam.

Cooking method

  1. Tear the berries from the branches, rinse and dry on a sieve.
  2. Cut the berries in half and remove the seeds. Place in a container for making jam.
  3. Add half the sugar to the grapes, stir and leave in a cool place overnight to release the juice.
  4. In the morning, cook syrup from water and the remaining half of the sugar. Let it cool slightly and immerse the grapes in it.
  5. Cook at low simmer until done. If the berries begin to settle to the bottom, you can turn off the heat.

Let the jam cool in the pan, pour into clean jars, cover with parchment and rubber band. Store in the refrigerator.

To make Kish-mish grape jam, you will need:

  • Grapes – 3 kg.
  • Sugar – 3 kg.
  • Water – 3 cups.
  • Vanillin – 1 tsp.

Separate the grapes from the branches, sort and rinse. Make a syrup from water and sugar, immerse the grapes in it and cook for a couple of minutes. Remove from heat and leave overnight.

In the morning, drain the syrup, boil it, and cook for 5 minutes. and pour it over the berries again. Leave them to soak for another 8 hours.

After this, cook until tender over low heat. The grapes should become transparent. At the end of cooking, add vanillin. To preserve grape jam for the winter, pour it hot into sterilized jars and close with airtight lids.

Grape jam with seeds

List of ingredients:

  • Grapes – 3 kg.
  • Sugar – 2.5 kg.
  • Water – 500 ml.
  • Lemon juice and zest.
  • Cinnamon – 1 tsp.
  • Carnation – 6-8 inflorescences.

Add sugar, cinnamon and cloves to hot water, cook the syrup for 10 minutes, strain. Immerse the berries in it and leave for 8 hours. Thanks to this, the grapes will be saturated with syrup and will not shrink during cooking.

Boil for 10 minutes. and leave again for 8 hours.

Add lemon juice and zest and simmer the jam for another 10 minutes. Place into jars and seal with lids.

This jam is especially aromatic thanks to the addition of spices and citrus fruits. Instead of lemon, you can use orange, and replace the cinnamon with mint.

In any of these recipes, you can combine grapes with other fruits and berries, for example, currants, gooseberries, apples. This will give the finished product a richer taste.

Grape jam is real magic that you can make a reality in your own kitchen! Everyone without exception enjoys this most delicate and incredibly healthy delicacy. Once you try it, it will be impossible to tear yourself away. Housewives will have to master a variety of recipes and delight their families with such an exotic treat every time.

How to make grape jam?

Typically, such desserts are prepared from raspberries, strawberries, currants and gooseberries, so the grape delicacy cannot be called traditional. However, this does not prevent many housewives and simply lovers of juicy berries from making such preparations on a truly industrial scale. Even those who do not live in the south and are forced to buy grapes at markets tend to stock up on a jar or two of aromatic jam. We bring to your attention a simple recipe for grape jam that will not leave you indifferent.

Berries are known for their amazing health benefits. After heat treatment they retain their properties and vitamins. The bunches contain a significant amount of potassium, which improves kidney and heart function. They also contain calcium, as well as sodium, magnesium and phosphorus. B vitamins will help improve the condition of skin and hair, and ascorbic acid strengthens the immune system. Black grape jam

Grape jam is cooked mainly over low heat. This allows you to preserve the maximum amount of useful components of the berries. If you are using slightly sour varieties, adding citric acid is not necessary. The fruits are boiled whole, cut, and even crushed into puree. There are also recipes in which it is recommended to put the whole bunch - for aesthetic purposes.

    1. Type of dish: winter preparation.
    1. Weight of the finished dish: 1.4 kg.
    1. Cooking time:
  1. Calories:

Ingredients for making grape jam

  • Grapes – 1 kg.
  • Sugar – 0.4 kg.
  • Lemon – 1 pc.

Seedless grape jam

    1. This jam is ideal for lovers of sweet dishes. The seeds give the delicacy a bitter taste, so it is better to take the berries without them. If this is not possible, simply remove the seeds from the fruits; this is not at all difficult to do.
  1. Each grape must be cut into two parts. Place them in a saucepan and cover with sugar. Pour juice from one lemon on top. The future dessert should be cooled in the refrigerator for four hours. Then it is placed on low heat and boiled for 20 minutes. If the treat turns out liquid, cook it a little more. After cooling, the jam is poured into jars and rolled up.

How to make grape jam with seeds?

    1. Type of dish: winter preparation.
    1. Subtype of dish: grape dessert.
    1. Weight of the finished dish: 1.6 kg.
    1. Cooking time: 2.5 hours.
  1. National cuisine to which the dish belongs: Russian.


    • Water – 1 glass.
    • Sugar – 400 g.
    • Grapes – 1 kg.
    • Citric acid – 5 g.
  • Vanilla – 2 g.

Cooking method

There is no need to add any flavorings to a preparation such as grape jam with seeds if you use berries of the Isabella and Lydia varieties. Their fruits have a bright natural smell.

The cooking process begins with boiling the syrup. You need to boil water and add sugar to it. Then cook the syrup for 15 minutes. When the liquid has cooled, place whole berries in it and place on the stove. Over the course of an hour, gradually increase the heat and cook the delicacy on full heat for the last 10 minutes. Add vanilla and citric acid to the dessert, pour into jars and preserve. Delicious jam from Isabella grapes will appeal to everyone without exception!

Green grape jam

    1. Type of dish: winter preparation.
    1. Subtype of dish: grape dessert.
    1. Weight of the finished dish: 1.5.
    1. Cooking time: 14.5 hours.
  1. National cuisine to which the dish belongs: Russian.


    • Grapes – 1 kg.
    • Sugar – 400 g.
    • Lemon juice – 70 g.
  • Vanilla essence – 5 g.

Cooking method

These varieties are also called white. Using light green berries, you magically get a golden-colored treat.

First, you need to cut the fruits in half and remove the seeds. Now you can grind them. Cover everything with sugar and put it in the refrigerator to infuse. After 12 hours, place the pan with the fruits on low heat and cook for 1.5 hours. Add lemon juice to the grape jam and leave on the stove for another 10 minutes. Finally, pour vanilla essence into the treat.

Thick grape jam “Kish-mish”

    1. Type of dish: winter preparation.
    1. Subtype of dish: grape dessert.
    1. Number of servings out: 14.
    1. Weight of the finished dish: 1.4 kg.
    1. Preparation time: 50 hours (including settling).
  1. National cuisine to which the dish belongs: Russian.


    • Quiche-mish – 1 kg.
  • Sugar – 400 g.

Cooking method

A dish like Kishmish grape jam will appeal to lovers of desserts with a thick consistency. You don't need any additional additives to enhance the taste and aroma.

Cover the berries with sugar and place in the refrigerator for two days. Then simmer them over low heat for 20 minutes. At this point, the preparation of dessert is considered complete.

White grape jam with walnuts

    1. Type of dish: winter preparation.
    1. Subtype of dish: grape dessert.
    1. Number of servings out: 20.
    1. Weight of the finished dish: 2 kg.
  1. National cuisine to which the dish belongs: Russian.


    • Grapes – 1 kg.
    • Cherry leaves – 3 pcs.
    • Sugar – 500 g.
    • Walnuts – 10 pcs.
  • Water – 1 glass.

Cooking method

Peel the berries and place them in a saucepan. Cover it with sugar and leave for 7 hours until the juice appears. Place the pan on the stove and turn on low heat. If there is very little juice, add a glass of water.

Place cherry leaves in a saucepan, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Then cool the treat and leave for 10 hours. After this, mix it with chopped walnuts and cook for another 10 minutes after boiling.

In addition to white and green grapes, jam made from black grapes is no less tasty.

Isabella grape jam: express method

    1. Type of dish: winter preparation.
    1. Subtype of dish: grape dessert.
    1. Number of servings out: 16.
    1. Weight of the finished dish: 1.6 kg.
    1. Cooking time: 10 hours.
  1. National cuisine to which the dish belongs: Russian.


    • Grapes – 1 kg.
    • Water – 1 glass.
  • Sugar – 500 g.

Cooking method

This technique will appeal to busy people who don’t want to spend a long time fiddling with berries. First you need to prepare the fruits, then make the syrup. To do this, pour water into a saucepan, add 300 g of sugar and place on the stove. Place the berries in the boiling solution and cook for 5 minutes.

The future preparation needs to be cooled, and then put back on the fire, add the remaining sugar and cook for another half hour. After this, Isabella grape jam will be ready for use or winter storage.

Grape jam for the winter

    1. Type of dish: winter preparation.
    1. Subtype of dish: grape dessert.
    1. Number of servings out: 30.
    1. Weight of the finished dish: 3 kg.
    1. Cooking time: 12 hours.
  1. National cuisine to which the dish belongs: Russian.


    • Grapes – 1.8 kg.
    • Sugar – 1 kg.
    • Lemon juice – 90 ml.
  • Lemon zest – 50 g.

Cooking method

The most delicious grape jam comes from wild varieties, for example, Isabella. The most labor-intensive process is squeezing the pulp out of the fruit. You won't need the skins; you can simply throw them away if you don't find any other use.

Let the pulp cook by turning on the stove at medium power. After bringing to a boil, wait 5 minutes. Add water if necessary. When the liquid has cooled, strain it through a sieve to remove the pits. Mix the semi-finished jam with sugar, juice and lemon zest. Bring everything to a boil and simmer for half an hour. White foam must be removed immediately, and it is best to stir the jam with a wooden spoon.

Jam from grape and currant leaves with apples

    1. Type of dish: winter preparation.
    1. Subtype of dish: grape dessert.
    1. Number of servings out: 15.
    1. Weight of the finished dish: 1.5 kg.
    1. Cooking time: 8 hours.
  1. National cuisine to which the dish belongs: Russian.


    • Apples – 0.5 kg.
    • Grapes – 0.5 kg.
    • Sugar – 0.5 kg.
  • Currant and grape leaves - 10 pcs.

Cooking method

Even the most picky gourmets will enjoy this unusual delicacy. To prepare it, first of all you need to peel and seeds the apples, chop them, place them in a saucepan, mix with sugar and put on fire.

When the sweet mixture boils, cover it with a lid and leave to cook for 5-7 minutes. Then cool the delicacy, add chopped leaves and vanilla to it, and then cook again. The fruits must boil for 10 minutes, only then will they be completely ready for consumption. It is better to eat this dessert right away.

Grape jam with lemon

    1. Type of dish: winter preparation.
    1. Subtype of dish: grape dessert.
    1. Number of servings out: 18.
    1. Weight of the finished dish: 1.8 kg.
    1. Cooking time: 14 hours.
  1. National cuisine to which the dish belongs: Russian.


    • Lemon – 1 pc.
    • Quiche-mish – 1 kg.
    • Sugar – 600 g.
  • Citric acid – 5 g.

Cooking method

When using very sweet or watery fruits, it is better to add products to the jam that regulate its acidity. This way the preparation will be safely stored all winter. Lemon is ideal as a preservative.

Cut it into circles, divide each of them into four more parts without removing the peel. Mix them with the quiche, add sugar and wait for the juice to release. As a rule, this process takes at least 5 hours. Then boil the mixture and cook for 10 minutes. Let it cool and cook again until it boils, and then do not remove from the stove for another 10 minutes. Let the dessert cool again and add citric acid, then cook for the last 5 minutes. Kishmish grape jam will delight you with its unique taste.

How to make jam for the winter?

A finished dish, such as black grape jam, is most often eaten by household members within a few days. But thrifty housewives strive to preserve the food for the winter, when family members are in greater need of vitamins. To roll, you need to rinse and sterilize the jars with lids. Pour the cooled jam into them and seal. Place the jars with the lids down and cover with a blanket. After a day, they can be transferred to a cellar or other storage place.

In winter, grape jam is served both as an independent delicacy for tea and coffee, and as an addition to more complex dishes. For breakfast you can make toast or sweet sandwiches. Jam and preserves are ideal for filling baked goods. They make amazing fruit drinks.

Grape jam for the winter at home: video

Jam, jam or jelly made from grapes are especially popular in the southern regions. In addition to its sweet and unique taste, this winter wrap is also healthy. It is prepared from selected grapes of various varieties with natural preservatives in the form of sugar, cinnamon or citric acid. The finished dessert is served as a filling for pancakes, cakes and pastries, or as an aromatic and tasty addition to morning tea.

Dark grape jam - a traditional recipe

To prepare several jars of homemade dessert, you need dark Isabella grapes from the first harvest, vanilla (20-25 g), clean water and granulated sugar (1 kg).

First of all, the grape bunches are thoroughly washed, then the fruits are separated and placed in a deep bowl. At the same time, prepare sugar syrup.

To do this, dissolve half the sugar in water, add a little vanilla and, stirring, bring everything to a boil on the stove over low heat for 10-15 minutes. until the sweetness is completely dissolved. Then they start cooking. The process is carried out in 2-3 doses of 30-40 minutes each on fire with breaks between them of 5-6 hours.

As soon as the syrup has cooled a little, pour it into a container with grapes and leave it all for 9-10 hours at room temperature.

In the third stage, you can increase the cooking time. With each cooking, add a proportionally divided amount of sugar that remains, stir well and dissolve it. The foam that forms is removed with a wooden or metal spoon.

At the end of the process, the remaining amount of vanillin is poured onto the tip of the knife and added to the puree, boiled to the desired consistency, to improve the taste and aroma. When preparing jam in this way from white grape varieties, a few cherry leaves are added to the pan during cooking, which help preserve the color.

The finished dessert is sorted into small glass containers, which are pre-sterilized along with the lids and rolled up until winter.

White grape jam with seeds - a healthy dessert for the winter

Many people prepare grape jam by first removing seeds from the fruit, but this requires a lot of time and effort. It is easier and faster to prepare grapes with seeds, especially if there has been a good harvest of white grapes. The taste of the jam is sweet and rich.

To make jam you will need:

  • selected grapes, white - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar and citric acid;
  • vanillin (optional) and cherry leaves.

The first step is to select bunches of grapes, removing broken or rotten berries from them. The remaining fruits are picked from the stem, placed in a pan or colander and washed thoroughly under running water. While they are drying, they begin to prepare the syrup.

In a suitable deep container, mix 500 ml of water with 2 cups of sugar and, stirring, bring the liquid to a boil and complete dissolution of the granules. Now the selected berries are poured into the syrup and boiled again for 5-7 minutes. Remove the grapes from the heat and allow them to steep in the original syrup for 5-7 hours under natural conditions.

As soon as the berries are infused, put the pan on low heat again and pour 4-5 large cherry leaves into it. Cook everything in 3 stages for 10-15 minutes each, with breaks of 5-7 hours each time, allowing the berries to brew thoroughly.

At the final stage, add a little vanillin and citric acid, remove the leaves and sort them into clean and sterile jars.

The rolls are also additionally sterilized in the oven or in boiling water using “grandmother’s” technology, tightly closed with lids, turned over and, after cooling, sent to a cabinet for storage.

Azerbaijani-style jam in the oven for the winter

Unlike traditional technology for making jam, this recipe involves processing grapes in the oven. The result is a tender-tasting roll.

To prepare grapes for the winter using this recipe, take the following ingredients:

  • green grapes, juicy varieties - 1.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar and fresh grape juice - 200 g;
  • cinnamon, almonds - 100 g each.

In addition to these ingredients, dried apricots, anise stars and other aromatic combinations are sometimes used. This will only improve the taste of the finished jam.

For preparation, it is better to take seedless varieties such as “raisin”, etc., so that the rolling turns out more tender and pleasant to the taste. Then the washed and peeled berries are completely covered with granulated sugar and left in a plate or bowl for several hours.

After this, carefully transfer everything into a special baking container, sprinkle cinnamon and dried apricots on top and pour in a small amount of fresh juice.

The baking dish is sent to the oven, which is preheated to 140-160 degrees, and left to bake for 3-3.5 hours. About an hour after baking, add peeled almonds inside. It is first peeled and filled with boiling water for 5-7 minutes.

During the cooking process, the jam must be stirred; in this case, in contrast to cooking in the traditional way, less foam is formed, but it is still removed with a wooden spoon or other suitable kitchen utensil.

Upon completion of the process, place the hot “casserole” into small glass jars and close with lids.

Grape jelly with sugar - delicious homemade jelly

To prepare classic jelly jam, you need a minimum amount of ingredients, namely: sugar, pectin and juicy grapes.

Almost any variety is suitable for rolling, but it is best to use more “wine” bunches with a pinkish or red tint.

The grapes are sorted, removed from the bunches and washed in water. Then pour the berries into a deep saucepan, add a little water and press it like wine using a metal or wooden crush.

After the formation of a homogeneous puree, you should put it on the stove, then turn on the heat and cook the resulting mixture for 30-40 minutes. Next, pour the contents of the pan into a kitchen sieve or fine colander and strain thoroughly. The finished juice with pulp is left for a day in the refrigerator or other cool room.

The next day, if necessary, re-strain if there are too many large particles in the mixture. After this, add 4-5 glasses of sugar to the liquid, depending on the volume obtained, as well as pectin or other natural thickener.

Stirring, cook the grape juice over low heat until it begins to thicken to the desired consistency. Check readiness one drop at a time on the tip of a knife - it should not drip.

Now the jelly is sorted into pre-sterilized, clean jars and the lids are rolled up tightly, but additional sterilization is also first carried out in a large vat of boiling water for 25-30 minutes.

Preparing fruits for the winter in jars - a simple way to preserve

Grapes, like other fruits or berries, can not only be boiled or baked, but also pickled for the winter in their own juice. The result is a healthy pasta, which is used as a base for fresh compotes or for preparing a variety of homemade desserts, as well as a flavorful sauce for a side dish with hot meat dishes.

For rolling, mainly sweet grape varieties with a dark shade are used. But if you decide to roll up the white bunches, then you should not forget about the cherry leaves, which help preserve the color of the canned berries.

From the ingredients for cooking for a 1.5 liter jar, take the following set:

  • selected grapes, ripe - 1 kg;
  • water, wine or apple cider vinegar;
  • salt, sugar (300 g), spices (cinnamon, cloves, etc.).

At the first stage, the grapes are thoroughly washed, overripe or damaged berries and twigs are removed and left to dry in a bowl.

In clean, pre-sterilized jars, place cinnamon and cloves step by step, and other spices if desired, and fill the container with grapes on top.

At the same time, mix water with the recommended amount of sugar and salt in a saucepan, bring to a boil and add a little fresh vinegar towards the end of the process.

The hot marinade is poured into the contents of the jars and after they are sterilized, the lids are rolled up and the preparations are sent for storage (before this they are turned over and wrapped in a warm cloth). Already 3-4 days after preparation, grapes are served in combination with baked meat or as a sweet addition to various pickles and salads.

Juicy “Chutney” from grapes - a recipe for sweet sauce-jam “Georgian style”

Even the most demanding gourmets will like this preparation. The result is a flavorful and juicy snack. It is served at the table as the main sauce for marbled beef in combination with red wine, medallions or other meat dishes and especially shish kebab.

For preparation, an assortment of several types and varieties of grapes is taken - green, red and black. In addition to the main berries, you will also need such products as:

  • ground cumin and mustard seeds;
  • oregano, chili pepper, ginger, cloves;
  • lemon zest and juice;
  • salt, sugar and vegetable oil.

In addition to these spices, you can additionally use dried oregano, dried apricots, and other spices. First of all, pour into a saucepan or metal pan a large number of vegetable oil and put it on fire.

The necessary spices are sequentially poured inside the container with oil - salt, ground pepper, mustard seeds, dried chili, salt, etc. All this is fried over low heat for 2-3 minutes, stirring constantly so that nothing burns.

The grapes are washed and excess twigs and berries are removed. Then the fruits are removed from the bunches and added to the spices in a saucepan. After 2 minutes, add a little water and lemon juice. Sprinkle all ingredients with prepared lemon zest and the recommended amount of sugar on top.

Simmer the contents for 30-40 minutes, stirring occasionally with a wooden spoon, which also removes the foam that forms during the process. Continue stewing until the liquid in the pan is reduced by about half.

At the end, add a little more citric acid and put the resulting sauce into glass jars and roll up the lids tightly. This dressing is stored either in the refrigerator or in a cool cellar for no more than 1-1.5 months from the date of preparation.

Dessert with walnuts - classic recipe

To prepare a classic dessert-delicacy from grapes at home, use the following ingredients for one liter jar:

  • dark grape berries - 0.5 kg;
  • shelled walnuts - 250 gr;
  • vanillin and regular sugar (350 g).

The grapes are carefully selected, twigs, overripe or rotten berries are removed, then the blanching procedure is carried out, placing the berries in boiling water for 5-7 minutes. This will make it easier to remove the seeds so that the jam has a softer taste. While the berries are blanching, prepare the sugar syrup. To do this, dissolve half of the prepared sugar in water and cook it over low heat for several minutes.

Then remove the berries from the water and place them in hot syrup, boil for another 5-7 minutes and then allow to cool and brew for at least 5-6 hours at room temperature. The pan with grapes is put back on the fire, peeled and chopped walnuts and 10-15 grams of vanillin are added inside.

Bring to a boil and cook for 30-40 minutes, stirring constantly. The final consistency of the grapes depends on the cooking time.

If you want to leave berries that are harder and denser in structure, then the cooking timer should be limited to 20-25 minutes and cook everything in a maximum of 2 stages; for a more delicate consistency, increase the time and cook in 3 batches for 30-40 minutes with breaks for complete cooling.

Now is the most fertile time to replenish winter supplies - of course, with jam, too. All kinds of recipes from a huge variety of fruits and berries seem familiar to us. But grapes are not on this list. It is often believed that only wine, raisins and compote can be made from grapes. This is a completely erroneous opinion. Grape jam is a magnificent dessert that will immediately win your heart and not only yours.

The main thing that is noticeable about grape berries is the abundance of juice and taste. Have you ever thought about the benefits of grapes? 100 grams of grapes contain 72 kilocalories and a large amount of carbohydrates. And this aspect is reflected in the nutritional value of these berries. In order not to occupy your attention too much, we will simply present you with a list of all the beneficial ingredients of grape berries:

1. Water;
2. Proteins;
3. Lipids;
4. Fiber;
5. Carbohydrates including mono- and disaccharides;
6. Polysaccharides;
7. Basic acids (tartaric, citric, oxalic, malic, etc.);
8. Salin.

And besides this, a large set of vitamins and micro- and macroelements will provide your body with the necessary energy, have a positive effect on health and improve well-being. And as a result, it will affect your mood in the good sense of the word.

Grapes are used not only in cooking. It serves as a base for the production of medicines and, of course, in the cosmetics industry. Grapes contain elements that resist cancer, kidney disease, and arthritis. Grapes are also used to restore damaged digestive system.

Grape nectar is a bactericidal, diuretic, laxative, diaphoretic and expectorant. Grape nectar also produces a strengthening and tonic effect on the human body, eliminates muscle sagging, and lowers blood pressure. Even doctors are not afraid to recommend grape nectar in the treatment of diagnoses of pharyngitis, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, uric acid diathesis, anemia, blood pressure, gout, this list can be further expanded.

Grape lovers are aware that each type has its own individual taste and characteristics. Naturally, this must be taken into account when preparing jam. Follow the recipes below and you will succeed.
The general rule for making grape jam is a small number of ingredients and a multi-stage and lengthy preparation process.

Prepare a dish from white grapes

So, what do you need to prepare:
1. White grapes – 1 kilo.
2. Sugar – 1 kilo.
3. Two glasses of water.
4. Half a teaspoon of vanilla sugar.
5. Half a teaspoon of citric acid.

Carefully wash the berries. Dry them. Then pick them off the branches and remove the grains. Of course, the latter is at your discretion, but it will be better if you don’t crunch the bones during the meal.

Tip: to make it easier to “cut” grape bunches, use blunt scissors for this purpose. This will help maintain the integrity of the berries.

The next thing to do is boil the steep syrup. Why take boiling water and add sugar to it. Boil like this for 10 to 15 minutes.

Let it cool. Place the grapes in the now cold syrup and start boiling again. So you have reached the mystery of making grape jam. At the initial stage, boil the ingredients for about an hour over low heat, after the allotted time has elapsed, increase the heat and then simmer over high heat for another 10 minutes. At the end, add citric acid and vanilla sugar. Mix well. So the jam is made. Now all that remains is to pour it into sterile containers.

The end of summer - the beginning of autumn is the time to harvest quiche. This variety is famous for its abundance of juice and unique taste. And perhaps the biggest feature that helped win crowds of fans is the lack of seeds. For jam, this is generally an invaluable characteristic. The berries do not lose their shape, and the taste becomes more elegant.

You will need the following ingredients:

1. Kish-mish - half a kilogram.
2. Sugar - 400 grams.
3. Half a glass of water.
4. Half a teaspoon of vanillin.

Sort out the grape berries. Discard the crushed or rotten ones, pick the ripe ones. Thoroughly wash the grapes in a colander under running cool water. Let the water drain.

Then bring the water in the pan to a boil. Add sugar to boiling water. Cook, stirring thoroughly so that the sugar melts thoroughly in boiling water. Pour grapes into the prepared syrup and simmer for two minutes. Then remove the pan with its contents from the heat. Then cover the pan with a towel and let it sit for about 8 hours.

After 8 hours, separate the syrup from the berries. It needs to be boiled and boiled for 5-8 minutes. Next, dip the grapes into the boiling syrup. Then remove the pan back from the burner and again let it sit at room temperature for about eight hours.

After the next eight hours, return the pan with grapes to the heat. Bring to a boil and continue until fully cooked. And this will happen when the berries settle to the bottom and become transparent. Now it's time to add vanilla. Mix your jam well. By the way, it's already ready. Transfer it to a sterile container.

Related video: Kish Mish grape jam

You shouldn’t worry too much about long “downtimes” because while the matter is infusing, the jam can be used to make jam from another type of grape.

The taste of this grape is difficult to confuse with another, and the berries themselves are extremely juicy. Of course, you have tried Isabella wine, just imagine what kind of jam can be made from this variety. Despite the fact that preparing such a brew will not take you a lot of time.

So, what kind of ingredients do you need to prepare for Isabella jam:

1. Isabella grapes - one and a half kilograms.
2. 300 milliliters of water.
3. 4.5 cups sugar.

Wash the grapes thoroughly, pick them from the branches, and leave them to drain.

To make syrup, heat water and add 300 grams of sugar. Boil and stir until all the sugar has dissipated into the water. Next, add grapes to the syrup and boil for another five minutes. Now you need to remove the pan from the heat. Wait until the syrup with berries has cooled and then start cooking again over low heat. Add the rest of the sugar and cook for about 30 minutes. That's all. Place your jam in containers that have been sterilized to begin with.

Often, all recipes contain instructions for removing seeds from grapes. This is quite a demanding matter. Therefore, we have found a recipe in which jam is prepared without removing the seeds. Moreover, the variety does not matter. Of course, there is a certain piquancy in the presence of grains in jam, but they are very healthy and contain ingredients that will act as preventive measures to prevent many diseases. Well, and not unimportant is the taste. Jam with seeds differs in taste from jam without them. Try it!

So, what do you need to create grape jam with seeds:

1. Grapes of any variety – 1 kilo.
2. Sugar – 1 kilo.
3. Half a liter of water.
4. Half a teaspoon of citric acid.

Wash the grapes well and remove them from the branches. Blanch them for about two minutes in boiling water. Then let the workpiece cool. Dip grapes that have cooled down into hot syrup. Boil for a couple of minutes, remove from the burner and then, when the jam has cooled, return it to the burner and again bring to a boil over low heat. So cook for a few minutes. At the end of cooking, add citric acid. Mix thoroughly until the citric acid is completely dissolved in the jam. Now you need to cool the jam again and then distribute it into jars.

Related video: DIY grape jam

Multivitamin or together with other ingredients

Many berries complement the ingredients well. And grapes are no exception. It perfectly complements multi-component juices, compotes, and jams. And there’s just a ton of all sorts of useful components.

Grapes and apples in one jam

This is already a classic. We remember the taste of apples and grapes from the cradle. The tandem of apple and grape is extremely necessary for people of all ages. It would be a big omission to ignore such a recipe. Every self-respecting housewife should try to “close” such jam.

So, what do you need to make classic grape and apple jam:

1. Ripe apples – 3 kilograms.
2. Grapes in bunches – 1 kilo.
3. Water – liter.

Wash and peel the apple pulp. Cut it into thin slices. Place the grapes and peeled apples in a saucepan and cover with water. Place on the stove and boil. Then reduce the heat and let it simmer for a couple of minutes. Then remove from the burner and let cool for four hours. After this time, return the pan to the heat and bring to a boil again over low heat.

In order for the jam to “survive” the winter and not “explode”, these actions must be duplicated with an interval of four hours for two days in a row.

After which you can safely roll it into sterile jars.

This is an extremely delicious jam recipe. It will surely suit your family's taste.

What you will need to make grape and walnut jam:
1. Grapes, no matter what variety – 1 kilogram.
2. Sugar – half a kilogram.
3. Water - a third of a glass.
4. Peeled walnuts – 10 pieces.
5. Vanillin and cherry leaf, the latter optional.

You need to start by preparing the syrup. Simply dissolve sugar in boiling water. Meanwhile, while the syrup is being prepared, prepare the grapes. Pre-washed and separated from the branches, they need to be blanched.

After this, the grapes should be combined with syrup. Then boil for at least seven minutes.
Remove the workpiece from the burner and let it cool at room temperature and set for 10 hours. This is necessary so that the ingredients are saturated with syrup. After 10 hours, return the pan to the heat. Boil it. Then add vanillin and finely chopped nuts. Boil for another 15 minutes and then remove from the stove. Now pour into containers. The jam is ready.

This is also a fairly common combination.
What you will need:
1. Pears – 2 kilograms.
2. Granulated sugar – 2 kilograms.
3. Grapes – 300 grams.
4. 1 lemon.
5. 300 milliliters of water.

Wash and dry the ingredients well. Finely chop the pears. Prepare a syrup with about half of what the recipe calls for and add grapes to it. Boil a little and add pears.

Now pour the remaining sugar into the jam. Boil the contents of the pan for about 60 minutes. At the very end, pour lemon juice into the jam. That's all you can do to roll up your delicious dessert.

Definitely, jam according to this recipe will be a favorite dessert in your family. Bring the exotic to your breakfasts.

What you will need to make grape and orange jam:
1. Big orange in singular.
2. Grapes – 1 kilogram.
3. Sugar – 1 kilogram.
4. 250 milliliters of water.

Boil water and add 300 grams of sugar into it. Wait for the sugar to completely dissolve, then pour the peeled and washed grapes into the syrup. Boil for a few minutes and leave to steep for 4 hours.

Then return the jam to the stove and bring it to a boil again, then add another 300 grams of sugar. Boil for at least 10 minutes. Remove from the burner. Leave for 10 hours.
The procedure will need to be repeated, adding the remaining sugar. At the very last stages of cooking, add orange juice. All.

Spicy grape jam

This recipe is unusual and spicy. Designed for gourmets or lovers of everything new.
You need to prepare:
1. Grapes – 1 kilo.
2. Juice of a large lemon.
3. 100 milliliters of water.
4. 800 grams of sugar.
5. Cloves.
6. A piece of cinnamon, about 1 centimeter.

Advice. Keep in mind that cinnamon and cloves are extremely aromatic and have a strong smell and taste. It's better to underreport than to overdo it. You can also use ground cinnamon. It’s just that in the form of bark this spice is easier to remove from the jam. This will help keep the jam clear and richly amber.
Prepare the syrup: mix sugar, water, lemon juice, spices.

Pick the grapes from the branches and wash them. Pierce the skins of all grapes with a needle from all sides. Then dip the grapes into the warm syrup.

The jam needs to be heated to 70 degrees about three times. This must be done in order to preserve the shape of the berries and soak them in syrup.

The next day, boil the jam and set aside for 24 hours. The next day, boil the jam back over low heat for about 10 minutes. Stirring regularly until the syrup becomes thick. Now add lemon juice. This will prevent the jam from crystallizing and keep the liquid clear. That's all. All that remains is to roll it into jars.
How to store?
Every housewife is careful about her work. And so that it does not go to waste, and the jam remains transparent, does not spoil and does not bulge the lid, you just need to adhere to certain conditions.

We talked above about how lemon juice or its dehydrated version acts as a natural preservative. The jam does not lose color or become very thick.

Canned grape jam for long-term storage should be stored in a cool, dark place. A refrigerator or crawl space would be ideal.

It is important how well you processed the container. It must be dry and sterile. The lids also need to be sterilized, no matter whether they are nylon or iron.

Jam loves dry places, so damp areas are best avoided.

That's all we wanted to say about grape jam. We will be very pleased if you even briefly remember us while tasting the magnificent grape jam in friendly company.