Black rowan wine with the addition of vodka. Homemade chokeberry wine with cherry leaves - recipe, photo


Wine from chokeberry - this is noble alcoholic drink, which even a beginner in winemaking can prepare at home, since the recipe we propose to use is very simple. And although the process of making wine is quite lengthy (it takes about two months), the effort is still worth it! As you know, chokeberries ripen in September, which means you will have time to make wine from them in time for the New Year. And then aromatic homemade wine will become a highlight festive table. Representatives of the fair half of humanity will especially love it. You'll see, ladies will ask again and again to renew the wine in their glasses.

Prepare noble drink we will not add ingredients such as yeast and vodka. All processes of fermentation and acquisition of strength will occur naturally. This means that such homemade chokeberry wine will not do you harm, only benefit! For example, a small amount of this wine will help reduce high blood pressure arterial pressure. And in general, chokeberry berries have a lot of useful properties. Only here in fresh You most likely will not be able to eat the berries, since they are quite sour. But as wine they taste simply wonderful. By enjoying it you will get everything beneficial features fresh berries!

We won’t torment you any longer with long conversations about the wonderful homemade chokeberry wine, but let’s proceed directly to the step-by-step photo of the recipe for its preparation.


Cooking steps

    In order to make chokeberry wine, we need about 10-12 kg of berries. So we collect the harvest and bring it home. Just don’t rush to wash the rowan right away. This absolutely cannot be done. The fact is that the surface of the berries contains special yeast bacteria that contribute to the fermentation of wine. Without them, making this drink is simply impossible! In addition, keep in mind that these bacteria also die when low temperatures. Therefore, it is necessary to catch the fellow rowan berries before frost. In addition, those berries that you have carefully frozen for the winter are not suitable for making wine. In general, this rule applies to all fruit and berry wines. Don't worry about dirt on the berries. It will eventually precipitate, and we will completely remove it during the filtration stage of the drink.

    So the first one preparatory stage passed, which means you can proceed directly to preparing chokeberry wine. 7-12 days of the first stage begin. To begin with, you need to crush the berries thoroughly so that they release the juice. You can do this by hand, or you can pass the rowan through a meat grinder or food processor. Here the choice is yours. If you mash the berries with your hands, then act as carefully as possible, otherwise the kitchen, and even your clothes, will not be washed.

    Now you need to add sugar to the resulting mass. For 1 kg of berries you should add about half a glass of sugar. If these proportions are observed, you will end up with dessert wine. Dry wine Chokeberry berries make it too sour and too sweet – also not for everyone. You should be very careful with the proportions of sugar in the drink, as if it is in excess, the taste will be irreparably spoiled. But you can add sweetness to the wine later. However, more on this later in the recipe.

    After adding sugar to the wine, you need to mix it thoroughly. You can do this directly with your hands. In general, wine really loves the touch of human hands. Then the container with the future wine should be covered with a lid and left to ferment for a week. It is advisable to place this workpiece in a warm place. However, temperatures above 25 degrees are undesirable. During the fermentation process, the wine will need to be stirred and carefully monitored so that it does not become moldy. Otherwise, the taste of the drink will be spoiled.

    A week later, or perhaps a little later large quantity After some time, the berries will swell well and float to the top. If you place your hand into the product, a foam characteristic of the fermentation process will appear. These signs will indicate that it is time to proceed to the next stage of preparation.

    We use our hands to catch the pulp from the future wine and squeeze it thoroughly. You should not use kitchen devices such as a juicer for this purpose, since it will quickly clog and the liquid output will be very small. After removing the pulp, pass the wine through a sieve. In this case, it is not necessary to remove all impurities from the wine. They will go away during the final filtration. Do not throw away the pulp, but put it in a separate container. We will still need it.

    Now the rowan wine should be poured into glass jars. In this case, two five-liter jars were needed.

    Let's deal with the pulp. We will send it for re-fermentation. So, fill the pulp with a glass of sugar and fill it with a liter cold water, but not tap water, it’s better to take a proven bottled one. Then you need to mix everything thoroughly. The pulp should settle to the bottom and the water should rise to the top. After this, cover the container with a lid and leave it to ferment for about another seven days.

    Let's return to bottled wine. It needs to be closed using a water seal, which you can very easily make with your own hands. So, we need a regular screw cap and an outlet tube. In the center of the cover, using a drill, we make a hole equal in diameter to the cross-section of the hose.

    We thread the tube into the hole in the lid that we made. Now we need to expand the tube a little so that it fits tightly in the lid. To do this, we will proceed as follows. We insert the body of a regular ballpoint pen into the end of the tube that comes out from the inside of the lid and heat it with a lighter.

    All that remains is to put the lid on the jar and lower the free end of the tube into a suitable container of water. This way, the wine will not have contact with air, and excess gases will escape freely. In addition, the wine will not “suffocate”, as if using a rubber glove. Now we send closed jars with the future rowan wine in a dark place, preferably in a cool place (the temperature should be at least +18 degrees).

    Let's return to the pulp, which we previously mixed with water. It should ferment for about one to two weeks. We observe this mixture during the fermentation process. Under no circumstances should mold form on it. Therefore, we periodically stir the pulp, especially if it begins to float to the top. After a week or two of fermentation, we remove the pulp. Pass the resulting liquid through a sieve several times. If there are pulp particles in it, don’t worry. We'll get rid of them a little later.

    Remove the water seal from the bottles in which the wine ferments and remove the resulting foam from the surface of the drink. This can be done using a spoon or a small strainer.

    We mix the liquid that previously fermented with the pulp with rowan juice, which is in bottles under a water seal. Then we close the bottles again with a water seal and send them to a dark and cool place.

    Over the next month, you will need to remove the foam that forms on the wine once a week. In addition, the wine will need to be filtered. To do this, it will be enough to pour it from container to container, leaving a little wine with sediment at the bottom. As a result, the impurities in the drink should become less and less. In addition, once a month you need to carry out special filtration of the wine. To do this, you need to pour it through thin tube. It should be located slightly above the container into which you will pour the wine. A thin and high stream of the drink will be well ventilated, which means that the wine will acquire that special taste for which we love it.

    After a month of active fermentation of the wine, you will need to stimulate this process once every two weeks. To do this you need to add to the drink ammonia at the rate of one drop of ammonia per liter of wine. This procedure has a positive effect on the activity of the necessary bacteria, and the wine acquires a slightly stronger strength.

    After a month of active fermentation of our rowan wine, it should be thoroughly filtered more often, at least once every two weeks. Please note that sediment is no longer just dirt, it is bacteria that have done their job. It is imperative to remove them, as they will adversely affect the taste of the finished drink.

    After 1.5-2 months from the start of preparing the wine, it should contain less and less sediment, and it should also become lighter and more transparent. However, this will only be possible if you carried out the procedures according to all the rules, that is, if the wine fermentation process took place under a water seal, the drink was systematically filtered, as well as its aeration. In addition, you should definitely feed the bacteria with ammonia and observe hygiene when preparing wine (all utensils and utensils should be washed with soda and then dried well).

    If rowan wine becomes lighter, it means that it is approaching the final stage of its preparation. This is already a young wine from which you can take a sample. The drink should taste more sour than sweet. However, the sweet notes should be noticeable. If the taste of the wine is still sweet, then you need to carry out the procedure of aerating it twice, as described in step 14 (special filtration of the drink). If this manipulation did not save the situation and the taste of the drink did not change, it means that the strength of the finished wine will be lower than intended, and the fermentation process has almost stopped.

    After two months have passed since the start of preparing the wine, when it has become completely transparent and only a light cloudy coating forms at the bottom, you can sweeten the drink. To do this, just one tablespoon of sugar per liter of wine is enough. By changing the proportions up or down, you will get more or less, respectively. sweet drink. However, do not rush to send sugar directly into wine. Sweetening does not occur in the same way as in the case of, for example, tea. Required amount sugar is placed in a cotton cloth or in a cotton bag.

    The bag with sugar at the top should be tied with a string or thread, as shown in the photo below. Then we put it in the wine. The bag should be close to the surface of the drink. So, we fasten the string or thread, thereby fixing the position of the bag of sugar. We install a water seal on top of the bottle. Leave the wine in this position for about a week. During this time, the sugar should dissolve completely. After a week, be sure to make sure that the sugar has dissolved and remove the bag from the wine.

    So we got to last stage making wine from chokeberry. It should be poured into the containers in which you plan to store it. Just don’t cork the young wine tightly at first. It can still ferment a little longer, and therefore the gases released during this process can not only squeeze out the cork, but also cause the bottles to burst. Only cork tightly when you are 100% sure that the rowan wine has fermented. That's all. You can enjoy and taste.

    * The total time for preparing chokeberry wine is about two months, and the yield of the drink from 10-12 kg of berries is approximately 6-7 liters.

Chokeberry (chokeberry) begins to ripen in early September, and the harvest can be harvested in about a month - during this time the nutritional value culture is only increasing. The fruits of chokeberry are considered medicinal and are widely used in medicinal and culinary purposes. So, from these berries with dark red pulp and sweetness, a little tart taste, it turns out excellent jam, jam, jelly, juice, compote and even wine. Regular use such useful preparations Helps lower blood pressure, activate liver function and strengthen the immune system. Today we will learn how to make chokeberry wine at home - without yeast, with cherry leaves, apples autumn varieties, from fresh and frozen berries. In our selection you will find simple step-by-step recipes with photos and videos of making homemade chokeberry wine of different strengths. Thick and rich, this drink will decorate the holiday table and perfectly complement the taste of your favorite dishes.

Dessert wine from chokeberry at home - recipe without yeast, with step-by-step photos

In our latitudes, several varieties of chokeberry are grown, which make excellent dessert and fortified wines. The technology for making this healthy alcoholic drink at home is extremely simple - even a novice winemaker can master the process. Today we will make homemade dessert wine from chokeberry without adding yeast, and for clarity, we offer a recipe with step by step photos. Of course, you will have to be patient, because fermenting the wine will take at least two months. However, the result is worth it - at the New Year's festive table you will be able to raise a glass of an exquisite ruby ​​drink with a subtle intoxicating aroma. Enjoy your tasting!

Necessary ingredients for making homemade wine from chokeberries:

  • chokeberry – 10 – 12 kg
  • sugar – 6 – 7 glasses
  • water – 1 l

Step-by-step instructions for the recipe for chokeberry dessert wine without yeast - at home, with photos:

  1. To prepare wine, freshly picked black rowan berries do not need to be washed - otherwise they will be washed off beneficial bacteria, necessary for the fermentation process.

  2. We pass the prepared chokeberry through a meat grinder or crush it with our hands - the berries should release juice. In the latter case, be careful not to splash clothes and kitchen walls with stubborn stains.

  3. Pour sugar into the resulting berry mass - about ½ cup per 1 kg of chopped rowan. When adding sugar, you must strictly adhere to the recipe, because an excess of the sweet ingredient at this stage can hopelessly ruin the wine. Mix with your hands, distributing the sugar throughout the mixture, and cover the container with a lid. Then we place the future wine in a warm place for fermentation - at a temperature of no more than +25 degrees. Leave the container with wine for about a week, remembering to stir periodically.

  4. After the specified time, the chokeberry berries should swell properly and float to the surface. If you place your hand in the berry mass and foam appears, this will be a signal for the next stage of preparation.

  5. We select the pulp from the fermented liquid and squeeze it thoroughly - it is best to do this with your hands. Place the remaining berry pulp in a separate container and set aside for now. We pass the wine through a sieve.

  6. Pour the strained chokeberry wine into glass jars - according to our recipe, you will need 2 containers with a volume of 5 liters.

  7. Now let's return to the remaining pulp - fill it with sugar (1 glass) and pour in a liter of cold bottled water. Then you need to mix thoroughly, cover with a lid and leave for a week to ferment again.

  8. We close the wine jars with a water seal, which can be purchased in a store or made with your own hands - from a regular screw cap and an outlet tube. Place the sealed jars in a cool, dark place.

  9. The pulp sent for re-fermentation needs to be passed through a sieve a couple of times.

  10. Now remove the water seals from the cans and use a spoon to remove the foam from the surface of the drink.

  11. We add the liquid that formed after straining the pulp into the jars and close it again with a water seal. We send the bottles to a cool, dark place.

  12. Over the next month, we regularly remove the foam, and also periodically filter the wine - pour it from one container to another. In addition, once a month you need to pour rowan wine through a thin tube, under which a separate container is placed. This filtration will provide the drink with a special unique taste and absence of impurities.

  13. To activate the activity of the “necessary” bacteria, add ammonia to the wine - one drop per liter of drink. We repeat the “injections” every two weeks.

  14. After a month of fermentation, you need to increase the frequency of filtration - once every 1 - 2 weeks. The procedure will significantly improve the taste of the drink.

  15. New wine acquires light shade, and the taste becomes sour. At this stage, you can add sugar - at the rate of a tablespoon per liter. To do this we place required quantity sugar into a linen bag, which we then tie with a rope and lower into a jar of wine. We close the water seal and wait about a week until the sugar is completely dissolved, after which we remove the bag.

  16. Home wine Pour chokeberry into bottles and leave uncapped for a while - the drink should be completely fermented. That's it, you can start tasting!

How to make wine from chokeberry berries at home - a simple video recipe

Chokeberry has an extremely positive influence on the functioning of the digestive organs, thyroid gland and liver. In addition, due to the content of anthocyanins in its composition, chokeberry berries significantly reduce the risk of cancer. Wine and other products made from this unique natural raw material fully absorb all its healing properties. How to make wine from chokeberry berries at home? A simple video recipe will reveal all the secrets and subtleties home winemaking– at the end you will get a healthy alcoholic drink with unusual taste and aroma.

Homemade chokeberry wine with cherry leaves - recipe, photo

To prepare chokeberry wine according to our recipe with photo, you will need cherry leaves, which give the drink richness and a pronounced taste. For strength, you can add vodka to chokeberry wine, and with sugar the drink will become sweet and delicious.

List of ingredients for the recipe for homemade fortified wine from chokeberries and cherry leaves:

  • chokeberry berries – 100 gr.
  • cherry leaves – 100 gr.
  • sugar – 800 gr.
  • water – 0.8 – 1 l
  • vodka – 0.5 l
  • citric acid – 2 tsp.

The procedure for making wine from chokeberry berries and cherry leaves at home:

  1. We wash the chokeberry berries, sort them and place them with cherry leaves in enamel pan. Fill with water and boil for 10 minutes.
  2. After boiling, add sugar and citric acid and cook over low heat for another 20 minutes. If desired, you can add less sugar than indicated in the recipe.
  3. Cool the berry syrup, filter through a sieve and pour in vodka. The resulting drink is bottled and kept for a couple of weeks. Try it for your health!

Recipe for wine from chokeberries and apples at home, video

Homemade wine from chokeberries and apples has exquisite taste with a slight sourness, and the color is simply mesmerizing - bright and transparent. Prepare chokeberry wine at home using our video recipe. fresh apples, and you will delight your loved ones and guests with a healthy and divinely tasty drink.

How to make wine from chokeberries and plums at home - using a simple video recipe

Ripe plums pleasantly soften the “classic” astringency of chokeberry wine, giving a unique discriminating taste and aroma. How to make wine from chokeberries and plums at home? We stock up on berries and fruits, be patient and follow the simple video recipe.

How to make chokeberry wine at home? We have selected simple recipes with photos and videos of homemade wine from chokeberries - without yeast, with cherry leaves, apples, plums. Sticking to step by step instructions recipes, you will prepare a tasty and healthy alcoholic drink that will decorate any holiday table. Happy home winemaking!

Homemade wine is distinguished not only by its pleasant taste qualities, but also medicinal properties, especially if the drink is prepared without the use of vodka. The recipe for making chokeberry wine is quite simple, although it takes two months to prepare. However, this process is not only worth the effort, but even beginners can do it, since it does not require large quantity specialized utensils and special skills. Let's look at the features in the article.

The ripening time of chokeberry fruits occurs at the beginning of autumn. The peculiarity of this plant is the following - if you do not collect the fruits after ripening, they will remain on the branches until spring. Therefore, a natural question arises - when is the best time to harvest.

The quality of the resulting wine largely depends on the time when the berries were picked from the bush.

Wild wine yeast die at low temperatures, so it is extremely important to harvest rowan before the first autumn frosts in order to avoid the death of beneficial microorganisms.

For the same reason, it is highly not recommended to wash the fruits before preparing the drink, since most of the bacteria will simply be washed away, and without them the fermentation process will not begin.
Thus, best time The chokeberry harvest occurs around the second half of October. Depending on your region of residence, these times may vary.

Let's figure out which one kitchen tools We may need to make chokeberry wine at home:

It is worth noting that the easiest option for creating a water seal is to use an ordinary medical latex glove, in which a tiny hole is pierced with a needle in any finger. However, this is not entirely reliable way, since the smell of fermentation will be present in the room, and the future wine may “suffocate”.

Did you know? In ancient times, in Rus', wine was called the most various drinks, be it mash, beer or mead. Only representatives of the nobility drank wine directly, so it is difficult to say when exactly this drink began to be prepared. However, it is known for certain that it was from the moment the Crimean Peninsula joined the Russian Empire that winemaking became ubiquitous.

It is best to use a nylon or metal screw cap (it all depends on the neck of the bottle) in which a hole is made. It is necessary to insert a rubber hose into this hole, secure it securely and hermetically, for example, with glue, and lower the other end into a jar of water to prevent air from entering the bottle.
Nylon cover

In order to prepare such a drink from chokeberry, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 5 kilograms of chokeberry berries;
  • 1 or 2 kilograms of granulated sugar (depending on what kind of wine you want - dessert or sweet);
  • 50 grams;
  • 1 liter of water.
So that the quality of the future wine drink There was no doubt that it was best to use purified bottled water or, as a last resort, boil and cool it.

It is not recommended to wash raisins before use, since during washing, wild wine yeast, usually contained on its surface, will be removed from it, and this will negatively affect the fermentation processes.

The recipe for making homemade chokeberry wine is quite simple to follow. Let's consider the main stages of creating this aromatic drink.

Did you know? Chokeberry berries contain special yeast bacteria - wild wine yeast, which are necessary for the successful fermentation of wine.

Preparation of chokeberry berries. Harvest There is no need to wash it, but you need to sort it out. Bad Berries are thrown away, and all the rest are separated from the stalk, after which they need to be poured into a large container and carefully crushed with clean hands. Technology lovers can use a food processor or meat grinder.

Connection of components. Next, add sugar to the resulting puree of mashed berries and mix thoroughly with your hands to obtain a homogeneous mixture. Add a handful of raisins inside (they will improve fermentation). Mix everything again and cover with gauze, which will protect the contents from insects and debris.
In this state, leave the wort to infuse for about a week (from 7 to 12 days) in a relatively warm place, where temperature regime will be within +18–25°C. A decrease or increase in temperature can cause the fermentation process to slow down and stop.

Important! During the entire infusion period, it is necessary to stir the wort daily with clean hands to avoid the appearance of mold on the surface.

Juice separation. After about a week, you can begin the next step in making wine. You can find out quite simply whether the mixture is ready for this. - you will notice that the berries have already swollen significantly and risen to the surface of the liquid. In addition, if you dip your palm into the mash, a foam characteristic of fermentation will appear around it. This means that you can start next steps- separation of pulp from juice.

The pulp is collected by hand and squeezed out using gauze. Kitchen appliances are not very suitable for this, as they quickly become clogged and produce only a small amount of juice. The rest of the juice must be passed through a fine sieve.
All the resulting juice must be poured into a separate bottle (the container in which the wine will be prepared), but you should not throw away the cake - it will come in handy.

The juice you now have may contain small particles and significant sediment. This is not scary, and there is no need to remove it now - in the process of future filtration the wine will be purified.

The remaining pulp. It must be set aside for re-fermentation. To do this, add the remaining sugar to the cake and add water. Make sure that the water is quite warm, but not warmer than 30°C and not colder than 25°C, because at other temperatures the wine yeast begins to die.

The container with pulp must be covered with a lid to limit the access of light, and left for 5 days in a warm and dark place. During this entire period, you must remember to stir the mixture and drown any floating berries.
Water seal and its installation. The juice that was obtained before must be poured into a large bottle, where it will ferment in the future. It is necessary to install a water seal in the neck of the bottle to limit the access of air and remove excess gases.

The water seal can be either specialized or made by hand. If you are using a glove, pull it over the neck and secure it tightly with an elastic band or thread. Drill a hole in the lid that would correspond to the tube you selected. Insert the tube inside and secure tightly.

To do this, you can use glue or another method - from the inside of the lid, insert the empty housing from the handle into the end of the hose and heat it with a lighter. The outer end of the tube will expand and tightly close the hole in the lid.

Place the cap on the bottle. Dip the outer long end of the rubber tube into a jar of water - this is necessary so that gases leave the container, and the wine does not “suffocate,” and oxygen does not penetrate into the bottle.

Important! The short end of the tube on the inside of the lid should be as high as possible above the wine composition.

The bottle with the wort now needs to be placed in a warm and dark room. It is advisable that the temperature here be at least +18°C.

Second portion of juice. We extract it from already settled pulp, which we take out from the shelter. To do this, simply pass the mixture through a colander or sieve. This must be done carefully so that the drink does not turn out cloudy.

The spent cake is now subject to disposal.

Adding juice to the main container. To do this, simply remove the water seal, remove the foam on the surface of the liquid with a spoon and pour the juice obtained from the pulp into the main container, after which it is tightly closed again.
The process of active fermentation. It will last about 1.5-2 months. During this entire time, the wort will need to be filtered. The first month the procedure is repeated every week, and for the remaining time - every two weeks.

To carry out filtration, you need to remove the water seal, remove the foam from the surface of the liquid and carefully pour the wine from one bottle to another using a thin dropper tube, leaving all the sediment at the bottom of the jar.

The end of fermentation will be indicated by the disappearance of its manifestations - for example, bubbles will stop appearing in a jar of water, and the glove will deflate, and the liquid will become lighter in color.

When the fermentation process is over, you will need to strain the young wine through a straw for the last time, freeing it from any remaining sediment, and pour it into bottles intended for storage.

However, if you are not satisfied with the sweetness of the resulting drink, now is the time to sweeten it. You can’t just pour sugar into a liquid: it is placed in a clean piece of cotton fabric, tied with thread to make a bag, and dipped into a container with new wine.
The bag of sugar should not sink: secure it closer to the surface, install the water seal again and leave the wine to stand for another week. During this time, the sugar will most likely completely dissolve.

Now it's time to send the young wine to ripen.

Maturation of wine. When the drink is bottled, it’s time to send it to mature in some cool and dark place. A cellar or refrigerator is quite suitable for this. However, if you sweetened the wine at the end of the fermentation process, do not cork the bottle too tightly, as gases may be released during the week.

The product matures in 2 to 4 months, after which it becomes ready for consumption.

What can be combined with

To prepare a delicious fruit and berry wine, which is also very healthy, you can add other fruits or berries to the chokeberry. Pears and grapes go well with chokeberry.

Preparation of this drink with the addition of other fruits it is practically no different from the main recipe - the main thing is that their ratio to rowan is 1 to 1.

Video recipe for making chokeberry wine

During preparation, the fruits are cored and cut into small pieces, and the berries are ground or crushed to a puree consistency, after which everything is covered with sugar, and then the fermentation processes begin.

For an extraordinary aroma and interesting flavor, you can add cherry or cherry leaves to the fruit and berry mixture. The rest of the recipe is the same.

Wine prepared at home should be stored in a dark and cool place - preferably in a tightly sealed dark glass container.

The ideal storage room is a cellar. The temperature should be within +10-12°C, although for dessert wines Temperature increases to +13-14°C are permissible.

It is desirable that the humidity in the room be between 65–80%.
The lying position of the bottle ensures contact of the liquid with the cork, which prevents air from penetrating inside the container.

If all these conditions are met, homemade fruit and berry wine from chokeberry can be stored for about 5 years.

Important! Bottles of wine are placed horizontally, and it is advisable not to touch them during the entire storage period, since any shaking is stressful for the drink.

If you know some of the features of making wine at home, you can make a very tasty drink:

  1. Ideal container for making wine - wooden. It has pores through which the air necessary for the life of fermentation bacteria enters. However, in modern conditions its use is practically impossible, so the most the best choice - glass. It is acceptable to use plastic, but it can be toxic. And here metal utensils cannot be used under any circumstances, as it undergoes an oxidation process.
  2. Making homemade chokeberry wine without adding sugar is not recommended, since the berries contain very little sugar and a lot of tannins. Wine without sugar will be too sour and tart.
  3. The more sugar, the sweeter the drink will be in the end.. In this case, if you take 1 kilogram of sugar for 5 kilograms of rowan berries, you will get a dessert wine.
  4. Chokeberry pulp is prone to mold. Therefore mixing wine composition should be regular and frequent throughout the entire period, from mixing the ingredients to separating the pulp from the juice.
  5. The taste of a wine drink largely depends on its age. - excerpts. Therefore than more product will be stored in peace and darkness, the more rich the bouquet and taste it will have.

Homemade wine made from chokeberry has not only pleasant taste and aroma: it also has a beneficial effect on health - it normalizes high blood pressure for hypertension, improves the condition of blood vessels and the heart.

Chokeberry, as chokeberry is also called, is quite unpretentious plant, which does not require special care and still produces a good harvest. And its fruits are very tasty and healthy. It is for these reasons that chokeberry is one of the most favorite plants of many summer residents.

For the tincture, choose the juiciest berries that will give her incredible taste and aroma

Today we will talk about a fragrant and healthy drink made from its fruits. Chokeberry tincture can be prepared with alcohol or vodka, and only available ingredients will be used.


Chokeberry, included in every tincture recipe, can be either fresh or dried, only in the latter case it is necessary to put twice as much less berries. To begin with, the chokeberry fruits are sorted out, small ones are removed, as they will be too bitter and spoiled.

You can use vodka or alcohol as a base for the liqueur. Fundamental difference no, only if you take alcohol, then it must be diluted to about 40 degrees.

With vodka - a classic option

This chokeberry tincture with vodka is the easiest to prepare; There is nothing superfluous in it, but at the same time it turns out very tasty. Let's start cooking.

Prepare ingredients:

  • 1 kg of berries;
  • 1 liter of vodka;
  • sugar to taste (~300-400 g).

Advice! There is no sugar in this recipe. mandatory component, but if you like sweet liqueurs, then it will come in handy here.

Cooking process.

  1. Rinse the rowan, place in a colander to drain the liquid, and transfer to three liter jar.
  2. Pour in vodka - it should cover the berries by 2-3 cm.
  3. Add sugar, mix everything.
  4. Close the container tightly and move to a shaded place.
  5. Insist on room temperature for two months; Shake the contents of the jar once every 4 days.
  6. After the infusion time is over, filter the drink and pour it into bottles convenient for you.
  7. Seal containers tightly and store at room temperature in a dark place.

Recommendation! The berries that remain after filtering the drink can be reused - fill them with the same amount of alcohol and insist as the first time. The resulting drink will have a softer, but equally pleasant taste.

Spicy with vodka

If you add several buds to the chokeberry tincture dried cloves, then it will acquire new aromatic notes. Be sure to prepare this drink.

Prepare ingredients:

  • 1.5 kg of berries;
  • 1 liter of vodka;
  • 500 g sugar;
  • 3-4 buds of cloves.

Cooking process.

  1. Wash the rowan fruits, transfer them to a three-liter jar and crush them with a mortar.
  2. Add sugar, add clove buds, stir.
  3. Tie the neck of the jar with gauze and move it to a shaded place.
  4. Leave at room temperature for two days.
  5. Then add vodka, cover nylon cover and let it brew again; this time leave the liqueur for two months.
  6. Filter the finished drink and store in glass bottles; shelf life is about 3 years.

Honey with vodka

Chokeberry honey tincture with vodka has a mild, pleasant taste and is also very healthy.

Prepare ingredients:

  • 500 g of rowan fruits;
  • 500 ml vodka;
  • 30 ml liquid honey.

Cooking process.

  1. Rinse the chokeberry and transfer it to a jar.
  2. Pour in vodka, add honey.

    Advice! If you don’t have liquid honey, you can also use candied honey - just melt it in a water bath first.

  3. Mix the contents of the jar and close tightly.
  4. Transfer to a shaded, warm place and leave for 2-3 months, shaking weekly.
  5. Filter through cheesecloth and bottle.

From dried berries in alcohol

Chokeberry tincture in alcohol will be no less tasty than in vodka, but remember that its shelf life is limited to three months. After this period, the drink will acquire the characteristic taste and smell of alcohol.

Prepare ingredients:

Cooking process.

  1. Rinse the dried fruits and pass through a meat grinder.
  2. Transfer the berries to a jar - the mass should occupy 2/3 of the volume.
  3. Add sugar, add alcohol, stir.
  4. Transfer to a shaded place and leave at room temperature for 4 months.
  5. Filter.

By taking any of the above-described chokeberry tinctures, 50 ml daily, you can heal your body and strengthen it. immune system, since everything useful material from the berries pass into the drink itself. With it you can:

  • improve appetite;
  • normalize digestion;
  • reduce cholesterol levels;
  • normalize blood pressure;
  • strengthen the walls of blood vessels and improve their elasticity.

Important! Remember that the use of these drinks is contraindicated in case of hypotension and increased acidity stomach.

Consume chokeberry liqueurs in moderation and be healthy!

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Inconspicuous at first glance, chokeberry (chokeberry) berries are actually an excellent raw material for compotes, preserves, jams and other preparations for the winter. Black Rowan widely used in medicine due to its healing properties, as well as in winemaking. Chokeberry wine is delicious and healthy drink, which is easy to prepare at home.

Chokeberry berries begin to ripen at the end of August, but they are not yet ripe enough to make wine. Aronia should be collected in late September - early October. After the first frost, it will become soft and less tart; when crushed, it will release rich ruby-colored juice.

Chokeberry has low sugar content, so dry wines made from it are not very tasty, sour and tart. It is better to make dessert ones - with added sugar. Berries are not washed before cooking in order to preserve them. wild yeast, which are on their skin. If for some reason berry wort from chokeberry does not ferment; a handful of unwashed raisins is added to it.

Beginning winemakers should know that metal utensils are not suitable for preparing wine. Can be used wooden barrels, glass jars or food-grade plastic containers. You definitely need to purchase a water seal of any design or a medical glove in which you will need to make a small hole.

Simple step-by-step wine recipe

Due to the low sugar content of chokeberry (up to 9%), the wine turns out to be low-alcohol (no more than 6 degrees) and is poorly stored. Therefore, it is better to add sugar to the drink. To ensure natural fermentation, you can add unwashed raisins to the wort.


  • 5 kilograms of berries;
  • 1 kilogram of sugar;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 50–100 grams of unwashed raisins (optional).

1. Preparation of wort.

In an enamel bowl, mash the chokeberry with clean hands, trying not to miss a single berry. Pour half a kilogram of sugar into the rowan mass and stir until it is completely dissolved. Add raisins if desired.
2. Active fermentation of the wort.

Cover the vessel with gauze and place in a warm place for 3–7 days. At a temperature of 18–26 degrees Celsius - optimal for fermentation, during the first 24 hours, hissing will begin, foam will appear and sour smell. The fermented mass must be stirred several times a day to prevent mold from forming on its surface.

3. Straining the juice and working with the pulp.

When the pulp has separated from the juice and floated completely, it must be collected by hand and squeezed out. You can use a press. You will still need the cake, it needs to be put in another container. Strain all the juice through a fine sieve or gauze cloth.

Sprinkle the remaining cake granulated sugar(500 grams). Add warm water (1 liter), stir and cover with a lid. Leave for five days in a warm room. Every day you need to stir the wort and drown the floating pulp.

4. Installation of a water seal.

Pour the strained juice into a fermentation container. It is better to use a ten-liter jar, then there will definitely be enough space for another portion of juice obtained from reuse cake, and foam that will form during fermentation. Put on a water seal or a glove (with a punctured finger) and place the vessel in a warm place.

5. Obtaining a second portion of juice from the pulp.

After five or seven days of infusion, strain the new juice through a colander. There is no need to squeeze the pulp - this can spoil the quality of the juice and make it cloudy. You won’t need any more cake, it no longer contains any useful substances.

6. Combination of first and second pressing juices.

Remove the water seal (glove) from the ten-liter jar with the first juice. Add second juice. Shake the container so that the liquids mix. Return the bolt (glove) to its place.

7. Slow fermentation of juice.

The fermentation process lasts 30–50 days. Its completion is indicated by the absence of bubbles in the water seal for two or three days in a row (glove falling) and the presence of a dense sedimentary layer. The young chokeberry wine itself becomes much lighter.

If, after 50 days, the wine has not fermented, it must be drained from the sediment into another clean container. To do this, it is better to use a thin hose or tube with a dropper. And keep it under a water seal until it completely ferments. If this is not done, chokeberry wine will taste bitter.

After fermentation is complete, the drink must be drained from the sediment into another container and tasted. If necessary, add a little sugar, then leave for another week under the shutter. You can add vodka or diluted clean water ethanol– 2–15% of the volume of the prepared drink. It will work out fortified wine. It is tougher, but stores better. Finished wine from chokeberry, cover with a regular lid and take it to the basement.

8. Maturation and storage of wine.

In a cellar or other cool place with a temperature of 6-16 degrees Celsius for 4-6 months, chokeberry wine will fully ripen and improve the taste. Periodically, as sediment accumulates, it must be drained through a tube into a clean container. The completely clarified and settled drink can be bottled.

If chokeberry wine is kept in the refrigerator or basement, its shelf life will increase to 3-5 years. The strength of wine can reach 10–12 degrees, and when fortified with vodka – 14–16 degrees.

Often the wine turns out very rich and sharp. To get easier and nice drink many winemakers use this particular recipe. Moreover, when the pulp is double-squeezed, more useful substances enter homemade chokeberry wine.

Chokeberry lowers blood pressure, so hypertensive patients will benefit from drinking wine made from it, but in moderation, but people suffering from gastritis, ulcers and increased blood clotting should treat it with caution.

In October, when chokeberries ripen, don’t miss the opportunity to make wine from them. You are guaranteed to like it.