Gooseberry jam is a common recipe. Gooseberry jam, preparing the royal berries

Grapes are a fairly sweet berry that is quite popular in every corner of the world.

There are many varieties of delicious grapevine fruits. Blue and green grapes are quite common on many people's tables every year. It is eaten both fresh and canned.

The only drawback of large berries is the seeds.

In this regard, many people prefer grape varieties with small berries. We are talking about raisin grapes. It is completely seedless and unusually sweet.

This grape variety is used for culinary purposes in a similar way to other varieties. However, white sultanas are also distinguished by the fact that they produce golden raisins with a delicate aroma and taste.

On average, the calorie content of sultanas is 69 calories. Raisins made from sultanas are high in calories - more than 320 calories. It is worth noting that natural juice and natural unfortified table wine, which is made from this grape variety, have nutritional value.

The composition of grapes is very valuable, namely it contains sucrose, fructose and glucose. When overworked, a small amount of grapes will help restore strength.

One of the options for preparing grapes is jam, which turns out to be extremely tasty. The jam made from the sweetest grape variety, black sultana, is quite sweet.

Kishmish jam: recipe

To make jam you will need:

One kilogram of sugar;

One kilogram of grapes;

Four hundred milliliters of water;

Vanillin or cinnamon.

Cooking process:

We prepare syrup from sugar and water. To do this, put the water on the fire, and when it is already boiling, add granulated sugar in a thin stream, then stir thoroughly so that the sugar dissolves faster, and boil for a couple of minutes over low heat.

Now we sort out the sultanas, remove the damaged fruits and rinse them under running water.

It is better to cook sultana jam in an enamel pan, so put the grapes in an enamel pan, pour in syrup and put on fire. Boil for thirty minutes.

All this time, the jam must be thoroughly stirred and the resulting foam must be removed.

Cool, pour into jars and cover with lids.

Finally, it is worth noting that grapes and products made from them are completely recommended to be excluded from the menu for people suffering from diabetes. Grapes are also contraindicated for obesity, which cannot be said about dry table wines, where the sugar has already fermented.

We prepare delicious original grape jam for the winter, recipes with different varieties (with seeds, sultanas, etc.).

The end of summer is the time to make preparations for the winter, including jam. We are used to making it from almost all fruits and berries, but we undeservedly ignore grapes, from which we prepare only compotes, wines and raisins. But in vain: grape jam is a very tasty dessert that you will surely like.

Useful properties of grapes

The first thing we notice about grapes is their taste and juiciness. But have you ever wondered how beneficial it can be for our body? 100 grams of berries contain 72 kcal and many carbohydrates, which makes the grapes very nutritious. If we talk about substances that are beneficial to the body, we can simply provide a detailed list for clarity.

Grapes contain:

  • water;
  • proteins;
  • fats;
  • carbohydrates, incl. mono- and disaccharides;
  • dietary fiber (fiber);
  • pectin;
  • organic acids (tartaric, citric, oxalic, malic, etc.);
  • ash.

In addition, an almost full range of vitamins, micro- and macroelements will provide you with the necessary energy not only for health, but also for excellent health and good mood.

Grapes are not only a tasty berry, but also a source of beneficial microelements

Grapes are used not only for preparing delicious foods. It is used as a basis for the production of drugs for the treatment of many diseases, in the cosmetic industry. The substances contained in grapes help fight cancer, kidney disease, arthritis, and digestive system disorders.

The juice of this berry has bactericidal, diuretic, laxative, diaphoretic and expectorant effects. In addition, it tones and strengthens the body, increases muscle tone, and lowers blood pressure. Doctors prescribe it for diseases such as tonsillitis, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, uric acid diathesis, anemia, hypertension, gout and many others.

Jam from different varieties: several recipes

Grape connoisseurs know that each variety has its own taste and certain special qualities. Of course, this will affect the jam and how it is prepared. We offer you several recipes that will help you do everything right.

The general rule for preparing grape jam is a minimum of ingredients, but a rather long process consisting of several stages.

Some varieties of white grapes in the photo

Muscat white

White miracle

White grape jam

You will need:

  • 1 kg of white grapes;
  • 1 kg sugar;
  • 2 glasses of water;
  • 0.5 teaspoon vanilla sugar;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of citric acid.

Carefully wash the grapes, let them dry, and then remove the berries from the branches. If you consider it necessary, remove the seeds (preferably).

White grapes are great for making jam

Please note: to make it easier to separate the berries from the branches, use not very sharp scissors. This way the grapes will remain intact and not bruised.

Prepare thick syrup. To do this, boil water, add sugar to it and boil for 10-15 minutes.

Cool the syrup, put the berries in it and put it back on the fire. At this stage, the preparation of jam begins. First, cook over low heat for 60 minutes, then gradually increase the heat, and cook over full heat for 10 minutes. Finally add citric acid and vanilla. Mix thoroughly. Your jam is ready, all you have to do is put it into clean, dry jars.


This wonderful, tasty and juicy variety is just entering its harvest season, late August - early September. The special value of quiche-mish is that it has no seeds. This is very important for jam: the berries remain intact, and the taste becomes more refined.

Quiche-mish grapes do not contain seeds, so they are very suitable for jam.

To make quiche jam you will need the following products:

  • 500-600 g of grapes;
  • 400-500 g granulated sugar;
  • 0.5 glasses of water;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of vanillin.
  • Separate the berries from the branches, remove rotten and damaged ones. Rinse the grapes thoroughly in running water using a colander.
  • Boil water in a saucepan. add sugar and, stirring, cook until it is completely dissolved. Place the berries in the resulting syrup, after a couple of minutes of boiling, remove from the heat, cover with a towel and leave the jam for about 8 hours at room temperature.
  • Pour the syrup without the berries into another saucepan, boil it over low heat and cook for 5-7 minutes. While the syrup is hot, add the berries to it. Remove the pan from the stove and leave for another 8 hours.
  • Place the mixture over medium heat, bring it to a boil and cook until tender. The berries should become transparent and stop floating to the surface. Add vanilla and stir. The jam is ready, it's time to put it in jars.

Don’t be alarmed by the fact that this jam takes a very long time to prepare, with such long breaks. After all, while the berries are infused at room temperature, you can make jam from a different variety.

Delicacy from the Isabella variety

This variety is very juicy, it has a very unique, incomparable taste. You are probably familiar with Isabella wine, but now imagine what kind of jam you can make from such grapes! Plus, this recipe won’t take you much time.

Isabella grape variety

You will need:

  • 1.5 kilograms of berries;
  • 0.3 liters of water;
  • 4 and a half cups of sugar.

Separate the berries from the branches, rinse and drain excess liquid.

Pour water into a saucepan, add 300 grams of sugar, boil to make syrup. Place the berries in a boiling solution and cook over low heat for 5 minutes. Cool the workpiece, put it on low heat again. Add 3 cups of sugar and simmer for half an hour. That's it, the jam is ready!

Grape jam with seeds

It is most often recommended to remove seeds from grapes before making jam. As you know, this matter is quite complicated. Therefore, we suggest not wasting time on this activity, but making jam from any variety of grapes that has seeds. In addition, they give the dessert an interesting taste and contain substances that will help avoid many diseases.

Grapes of any variety will give the jam a certain color.

You will need:

  • 1 kg of grapes;
  • 1 kg sugar;
  • 0.5 liters of water.

Peel and rinse the berries. Blanch them in boiling water for two minutes and cool.

Pour hot syrup over the cooled grapes and cook in two batches. At the end of cooking, add half a teaspoon of citric acid. Remove the jam from the heat, and when it has cooled, put it in jars.

In combination with other products

Like many other berries, grapes go well with other products, resulting in tasty and healthy juices, compotes, and especially jam.

With apples

This classic combination is known to each of us since childhood. The alliance of apples and grapes is very useful for both children and adults. It would be unforgivable to miss the recipe for such jam. You will need:

  • 3 kg of ripe apples;
  • 1 kg of bunches of grapes;
  • 1 liter of water.

Wash and peel the apples, cut them into thin slices. Add grapes to the apples and add boiled hot water. Bring to a boil, turn the heat to low and leave to simmer.

When the mixture boils, remove it from the stove. Leave for 4 hours. After this, put it back on low heat and bring to a boil.

You need to repeat this procedure every 4 hours for 2 days.

With walnuts

This jam is very tasty and your family will definitely like it.


  • grapes - 1 kilogram;
  • sugar – 0.5 kilograms;
  • water – 1/3 cup;
  • walnuts – 10 pieces;
  • vanillin and cherry leaf optional.

Make syrup from water and sugar. While it is cooking, blanch the peeled grapes. Remove them, place them in syrup and cook for 7 minutes.

Sometimes variations of food made from grapes and nuts look very original

Remove the jam from the heat and leave at room temperature for 10 hours so that the berries are soaked and infused. Place the pan on the stove again, bring to a boil, add vanilla and peeled, chopped nuts. Boil for another 15 minutes and remove from heat.

With pear

You will need:

  • 2 kg of pears;
  • 2 kg granulated sugar;
  • 300 grams of grapes;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 0.3 liters of water.

Wash the pears and grapes and dry. Cut the pears into small pieces.

Boil the syrup and put grapes in it. After a few minutes, add the pears there.

Add the remaining sugar and continue cooking for about an hour. At the end of cooking, add the juice of one lemon.

With orange

This dessert will surely become a real decoration of the festive table.

Grape and orange jam - an incredibly tasty exotic dessert

You will need:

  • 1 large orange;
  • 1 kg of grapes;
  • 1 kg sugar;
  • 0.25 liters of water.

Boil water and add 300 grams of sugar to it. Dip the grapes into the resulting syrup and leave for 4 hours.

Place the pan with the berries in syrup on the stove, wait until it boils and add another 300 g of sugar. Boil for 10 minutes, remove from heat, leave for 10 hours.

Boil again, adding the remaining sugar. At the end of cooking, add orange juice.

Spicy grape jam

This is a very unusual recipe. This jam turns out spicy, fragrant and piquant. For it you need to take sweet seedless grapes, devoid of aroma, for example, white quiche.

You will need:

  • 1 kg of grapes;
  • juice of 1 large lemon;
  • 100 ml water;
  • 800 g sugar;
  • 3 buds of cloves;
  • 1 cm piece of cinnamon

Please note: cinnamon and cloves are very strong spices, it is better to add less of them than to overdo them. You can use powdered cinnamon, but it is easier to remove a piece of bark after cooking, so the jam will retain its amber transparency.

  • Make syrup from water, sugar, lemon juice and spices.
  • Peel the grapes and rinse them. Prick each berry in several places with a thick needle. Place grapes in warm syrup.
  • The jam needs to be heated to 60-70 degrees several times during the day. This way the berries will be completely saturated with syrup and will not burst during cooking.
  • The next day, bring the jam to a boil, turn it off and leave to steep for a day.
  • Now put the jam back on the stove, bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for about 10 minutes, stirring constantly, until the syrup thickens.

Your jam is ready, all you have to do is put it into jars. Lemon juice will help the jam not to crystallize and remain transparent.

Video about making grape jam with almonds and spices

Storage rules

To ensure that your jam is stored throughout the winter and does not become sugary or cloudy during this time, follow several rules.

As mentioned above, citric acid or lemon juice, as a natural preservative, protects the jam from trouble, prevents it from excessive thickening and preserves the initial amber color.

In addition, grape jam should be stored in a cool, dark place. A basement or refrigerator is good for this.

Citrus fruits will serve as a preservative for grape jam

It is very important that the jars in which you put the jam are clean and dry. It is best to pre-sterilize them along with the lids with which you will roll up the containers. If you intend to store them under nylon covers, rinse them thoroughly and dry them.

The humidity in the place where the jam will stand should be low. If this is a basement, take care of its cleanliness: no fungus, mold or other troubles. This applies to storing any products, not just grape jam.

We prepare delicious original grape jam for the winter, recipes with different varieties (with seeds, sultanas, etc.).

The end of summer is the time to make preparations for the winter, including jam. We are used to making it from almost all fruits and berries, but we undeservedly ignore grapes, from which we prepare only compotes, wines and raisins. But in vain: grape jam is a very tasty dessert that you will surely like.

Useful properties of grapes

The first thing we notice about grapes is their taste and juiciness. But have you ever wondered how beneficial it can be for our body? 100 grams of berries contain 72 kcal and many carbohydrates, which makes the grapes very nutritious. If we talk about substances that are beneficial to the body, we can simply provide a detailed list for clarity.

Grapes contain:

  • water;
  • proteins;
  • fats;
  • carbohydrates, incl. mono- and disaccharides;
  • dietary fiber (fiber);
  • pectin;
  • organic acids (tartaric, citric, oxalic, malic, etc.);
  • ash.

In addition, an almost full range of vitamins, micro- and macroelements will provide you with the necessary energy not only for health, but also for excellent health and good mood.

Grapes are not only a tasty berry, but also a source of beneficial microelements

Grapes are used not only for preparing delicious foods. It is used as a basis for the production of drugs for the treatment of many diseases, in the cosmetic industry. The substances contained in grapes help fight cancer, kidney disease, arthritis, and digestive system disorders.

The juice of this berry has bactericidal, diuretic, laxative, diaphoretic and expectorant effects. In addition, it tones and strengthens the body, increases muscle tone, and lowers blood pressure. Doctors prescribe it for diseases such as tonsillitis, catarrh of the upper respiratory tract, uric acid diathesis, anemia, hypertension, gout and many others.

Jam from different varieties: several recipes

Grape connoisseurs know that each variety has its own taste and certain special qualities. Of course, this will affect the jam and how it is prepared. We offer you several recipes that will help you do everything right.

The general rule for preparing grape jam is a minimum of ingredients, but a rather long process consisting of several stages.

Some varieties of white grapes in the photo

Muscat white

White miracle

White grape jam

You will need:

  • 1 kg of white grapes;
  • 1 kg sugar;
  • 2 glasses of water;
  • 0.5 teaspoon vanilla sugar;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of citric acid.

Carefully wash the grapes, let them dry, and then remove the berries from the branches. If you consider it necessary, remove the seeds (preferably).

White grapes are great for making jam

Please note: to make it easier to separate the berries from the branches, use not very sharp scissors. This way the grapes will remain intact and not bruised.

Prepare thick syrup. To do this, boil water, add sugar to it and boil for 10-15 minutes.

Cool the syrup, put the berries in it and put it back on the fire. At this stage, the preparation of jam begins. First, cook over low heat for 60 minutes, then gradually increase the heat, and cook over full heat for 10 minutes. Finally add citric acid and vanilla. Mix thoroughly. Your jam is ready, all you have to do is put it into clean, dry jars.


This wonderful, tasty and juicy variety is just entering its harvest season, late August - early September. The special value of quiche-mish is that it has no seeds. This is very important for jam: the berries remain intact, and the taste becomes more refined.

Quiche-mish grapes do not contain seeds, so they are very suitable for jam.

To make quiche jam you will need the following products:

  • 500-600 g of grapes;
  • 400-500 g granulated sugar;
  • 0.5 glasses of water;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of vanillin.
  • Separate the berries from the branches, remove rotten and damaged ones. Rinse the grapes thoroughly in running water using a colander.
  • Boil water in a saucepan. add sugar and, stirring, cook until it is completely dissolved. Place the berries in the resulting syrup, after a couple of minutes of boiling, remove from the heat, cover with a towel and leave the jam for about 8 hours at room temperature.
  • Pour the syrup without the berries into another saucepan, boil it over low heat and cook for 5-7 minutes. While the syrup is hot, add the berries to it. Remove the pan from the stove and leave for another 8 hours.
  • Place the mixture over medium heat, bring it to a boil and cook until tender. The berries should become transparent and stop floating to the surface. Add vanilla and stir. The jam is ready, it's time to put it in jars.

Don’t be alarmed by the fact that this jam takes a very long time to prepare, with such long breaks. After all, while the berries are infused at room temperature, you can make jam from a different variety.

Delicacy from the Isabella variety

This variety is very juicy, it has a very unique, incomparable taste. You are probably familiar with Isabella wine, but now imagine what kind of jam you can make from such grapes! Plus, this recipe won’t take you much time.

Isabella grape variety

You will need:

  • 1.5 kilograms of berries;
  • 0.3 liters of water;
  • 4 and a half cups of sugar.

Separate the berries from the branches, rinse and drain excess liquid.

Pour water into a saucepan, add 300 grams of sugar, boil to make syrup. Place the berries in a boiling solution and cook over low heat for 5 minutes. Cool the workpiece, put it on low heat again. Add 3 cups of sugar and simmer for half an hour. That's it, the jam is ready!

Grape jam with seeds

It is most often recommended to remove seeds from grapes before making jam. As you know, this matter is quite complicated. Therefore, we suggest not wasting time on this activity, but making jam from any variety of grapes that has seeds. In addition, they give the dessert an interesting taste and contain substances that will help avoid many diseases.

Grapes of any variety will give the jam a certain color.

You will need:

  • 1 kg of grapes;
  • 1 kg sugar;
  • 0.5 liters of water.

Peel and rinse the berries. Blanch them in boiling water for two minutes and cool.

Pour hot syrup over the cooled grapes and cook in two batches. At the end of cooking, add half a teaspoon of citric acid. Remove the jam from the heat, and when it has cooled, put it in jars.

In combination with other products

Like many other berries, grapes go well with other products, resulting in tasty and healthy juices, compotes, and especially jam.

With apples

This classic combination is known to each of us since childhood. The alliance of apples and grapes is very useful for both children and adults. It would be unforgivable to miss the recipe for such jam. You will need:

  • 3 kg of ripe apples;
  • 1 kg of bunches of grapes;
  • 1 liter of water.

Wash and peel the apples, cut them into thin slices. Add grapes to the apples and add boiled hot water. Bring to a boil, turn the heat to low and leave to simmer.

When the mixture boils, remove it from the stove. Leave for 4 hours. After this, put it back on low heat and bring to a boil.

You need to repeat this procedure every 4 hours for 2 days.

With walnuts

This jam is very tasty and your family will definitely like it.


  • grapes - 1 kilogram;
  • sugar – 0.5 kilograms;
  • water – 1/3 cup;
  • walnuts – 10 pieces;
  • vanillin and cherry leaf optional.

Make syrup from water and sugar. While it is cooking, blanch the peeled grapes. Remove them, place them in syrup and cook for 7 minutes.

Sometimes variations of food made from grapes and nuts look very original

Remove the jam from the heat and leave at room temperature for 10 hours so that the berries are soaked and infused. Place the pan on the stove again, bring to a boil, add vanilla and peeled, chopped nuts. Boil for another 15 minutes and remove from heat.

With pear

You will need:

  • 2 kg of pears;
  • 2 kg granulated sugar;
  • 300 grams of grapes;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 0.3 liters of water.

Wash the pears and grapes and dry. Cut the pears into small pieces.

Boil the syrup and put grapes in it. After a few minutes, add the pears there.

Add the remaining sugar and continue cooking for about an hour. At the end of cooking, add the juice of one lemon.

With orange

This dessert will surely become a real decoration of the festive table.

Grape and orange jam - an incredibly tasty exotic dessert

You will need:

  • 1 large orange;
  • 1 kg of grapes;
  • 1 kg sugar;
  • 0.25 liters of water.

Boil water and add 300 grams of sugar to it. Dip the grapes into the resulting syrup and leave for 4 hours.

Place the pan with the berries in syrup on the stove, wait until it boils and add another 300 g of sugar. Boil for 10 minutes, remove from heat, leave for 10 hours.

Boil again, adding the remaining sugar. At the end of cooking, add orange juice.

Spicy grape jam

This is a very unusual recipe. This jam turns out spicy, fragrant and piquant. For it you need to take sweet seedless grapes, devoid of aroma, for example, white quiche.

You will need:

  • 1 kg of grapes;
  • juice of 1 large lemon;
  • 100 ml water;
  • 800 g sugar;
  • 3 buds of cloves;
  • 1 cm piece of cinnamon

Please note: cinnamon and cloves are very strong spices, it is better to add less of them than to overdo them. You can use powdered cinnamon, but it is easier to remove a piece of bark after cooking, so the jam will retain its amber transparency.

  • Make syrup from water, sugar, lemon juice and spices.
  • Peel the grapes and rinse them. Prick each berry in several places with a thick needle. Place grapes in warm syrup.
  • The jam needs to be heated to 60-70 degrees several times during the day. This way the berries will be completely saturated with syrup and will not burst during cooking.
  • The next day, bring the jam to a boil, turn it off and leave to steep for a day.
  • Now put the jam back on the stove, bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for about 10 minutes, stirring constantly, until the syrup thickens.

Your jam is ready, all you have to do is put it into jars. Lemon juice will help the jam not to crystallize and remain transparent.

Video about making grape jam with almonds and spices

Storage rules

To ensure that your jam is stored throughout the winter and does not become sugary or cloudy during this time, follow several rules.

As mentioned above, citric acid or lemon juice, as a natural preservative, protects the jam from trouble, prevents it from excessive thickening and preserves the initial amber color.

In addition, grape jam should be stored in a cool, dark place. A basement or refrigerator is good for this.

Citrus fruits will serve as a preservative for grape jam

It is very important that the jars in which you put the jam are clean and dry. It is best to pre-sterilize them along with the lids with which you will roll up the containers. If you intend to store them under nylon covers, rinse them thoroughly and dry them.

The humidity in the place where the jam will stand should be low. If this is a basement, take care of its cleanliness: no fungus, mold or other troubles. This applies to storing any products, not just grape jam.

There is no doubt that raisin grape jam will appeal to all sweet tooth lovers. After all, such an original and incredibly tasty delicacy is prepared from sweet and aromatic grapes. The jam made from the black raisin variety has the most interesting taste. Its small berries, after even the longest cooking, tend to remain intact and resemble very beautiful amber pebbles that float in the sweetest syrup.

There is no doubt that raisin grape jam will appeal to all sweet tooth lovers.

The simplest recipe for sultanas jam

Ripe berries are picked from the bunch, washed thoroughly, and dried on a clean towel. Then the product is poured into the prepared container. For 1 kg of sultanas you should take approximately 400 ml of purified water and 1 kg of the most common sugar. Prepared berries need to be poured with boiling water for a few minutes, then drained. But to prepare the required amount of syrup you need to use different water.

Kishmish is great for jam, as it has no seeds.

In a separate pan, you need to boil a syrup from water and sugar, which should be poured over the grapes. The sweetest sultanas should lie in syrup for 7 hours. After this, the sweet water must be poured into a saucepan, brought to a boil and poured over the berries one more time for 12 hours. During this time, the grapes will become transparent and will be able to release juice, which is why there will be much more sweet and aromatic liquid.

After 2 treatments, the future delicacy must be put on fire and the jam should be cooked for half an hour. Then set the treat aside for about 2 hours. During this time, the grapes will cool down, and the berries themselves will be able to absorb a large amount of syrup. After this, you need to put the pan on the fire again and cook for 30 minutes. At this stage, it is recommended to add a small amount of cinnamon and vanillin to the aromatic sultanas in order to give the delicacy the most intense aroma. Completely prepared jam must be poured into pre-sterilized jars and sealed with lids.

The berries need to be separated from the bunch, immediately put them in a gauze bag and lower it into water with herbs for only 1 minute. Then you need to transfer the grapes to a previously prepared container where there is already syrup. Cook the berries, stirring constantly for 7 minutes. Then turn off the heat, cover the pan with a lid and let the resulting mixture brew for 8 hours. After this, you need to boil the grape jam, adding nuts to it. First you need to prepare the required number of jars into which the prepared sweetness should be poured.

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How can you make delicious raisin jam?

It is necessary to thoroughly wash the grapes.

This recipe requires more sugar. This will help make the grape delicacy more rich. The sweetness will get a very beautiful caramel shade. 1 kg of ripe product, which has a large amount of useful substances, must be placed in a clean container and filled with 2 kg of sugar. Mix the berries very carefully so as not to crush them. The resulting mass should be set aside for 3 days in a dark and slightly cool place. Every day, the container containing the future delicacy must be shaken so that the berries that are on top can be completely immersed in the juice.

Then the jam needs to be put on the stove and simmered over low heat. Directly during cooking, it is necessary to regularly remove the foam, and before turning off the heat, it is recommended to add a little cinnamon or vanillin. The fully prepared sweet is placed in pre-washed jars. The delicacy for real gourmets should be stored in a dark place.

Beautiful raisins do not lose their unique taste even after processing. Therefore, warm tea with such aromatic delicacies will give you the opportunity to briefly remember summer.

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How to make a delicious sweet from sultanas and nuts?

For many years, raisin grape jam has been extremely popular among those with a sweet tooth. To prepare it you need to take 100 grams of water, 1 kg of ripe grapes, 5 pieces of cherry leaves, 0.5 cups of nuts, 1 packet of vanilla sugar, 1 kg of sugar. Pour water into a clean container, pour in the required amount of sugar and immediately put on fire. In another bowl you need to boil a small amount of water and put green cherry leaves in it.