Braise pork ribs in the oven. Pork ribs in the oven

Pork ribs, the recipe for which you can choose from the selection below, are surprisingly tasty, tender and simply melt in your mouth. A successful marinade will speed up the cooking process and make the meat fibers on the bone even softer. You can prepare the dish in the company of vegetables, or bake it yourself with or without sauce.

Pork ribs recipe in the oven

Heat treatment with dry heat in the oven is the best way to get the amazing taste of food without standing at the stove for a long time. Next, you will learn how to cook pork ribs in the oven correctly and feed your family or guests a delicious lunch or dinner without much hassle. The proposed recipes will help realize the idea of ​​a win-win combination of meat and potatoes and bake them in a marinade.

Pork ribs with potatoes

To make pork ribs in the oven, a simple recipe for which will allow you to get a self-sufficient hearty meal with a side dish, you should supplement the meat portions with potato slices. The basic variation can be diversified by adding other vegetables, mushrooms, herbs, and also expand the flavor palette using aromatic herbs and spices.


  • ribs – 950 g;
  • potatoes – 950 g;
  • onion – 120 g;
  • garlic cloves – 4 pcs.;
  • lemon juice – 25 ml;
  • sour cream – 60 g;
  • basil, oregano, coriander, thyme, paprika - a pinch;
  • seasonings, salt, pepper.


  1. The ribs are cut into portions, sprinkled with lemon juice, sprinkled with spices, garlic, salt and left for several hours.
  2. Potatoes are peeled, cut into circles or slices, crushed with aromatic herbs, flavored with sour cream and salt.
  3. Fill the oiled form with potatoes, distribute onion half rings and ribs on top.
  4. Bake the dish under a sheet of foil at 230 degrees for an hour and a half and another quarter of an hour without it.

Pork ribs in foil

Pork ribs, the recipe for which is described below, amaze with their appetizing appearance and simply masterpiece taste. Foil used at the main stage of cooking and proper pre-marination will help achieve softness, and the absence of a golden brown crust at the end of baking the food.


  • ribs – 950 g;
  • tomato juice – 120 ml;
  • onion – 120 g;
  • garlic cloves – 4 pcs.;
  • liquid honey – 20 g;
  • mustard – 20 g;
  • oil – 40 ml;
  • water – 120 ml;
  • a mixture of peppers, hops-suneli, salt.


  1. First prepare the marinade for pork ribs. Combine honey, tomato juice, oil, water, mustard, grated garlic, finely chopped onions, suneli hops in a bowl, add some salt and stir.
  2. The ribs, cut into portions, are poured with a spicy mixture, rubbed well and left on the refrigerator shelf for at least two hours.
  3. Place the ingredients on a sheet of foil on a baking sheet or in a mold, cover with the sheet on top and seal.
  4. Cook baked pork ribs at 220 degrees for one hour, then turn off the edges of the foil and allow the delicacy to brown.

Pork ribs Canadian style

Pork ribs in soy sauce have a lot of different interpretations, but the Canadian version of the dish is something extraordinary! The amazing sauce that accompanies the meat and the indescribable taste sensations after tasting the food simply drive you crazy and encourage you to cook it again and again. Try to design such a gastronomic invention, and it will become one of your favorites.


  • ribs – 950 g;
  • soy sauce – 80 ml;
  • applesauce – 120 g;
  • ketchup – 120 g;
  • cane sugar – 90 g;
  • lemon juice – 30 ml;
  • paprika, cinnamon, black pepper, dried garlic – 5 g each;
  • salt.


  1. The Canadian pork ribs recipe is very simple. The ribs, cut into portions, are combined in a bowl with the remaining ingredients, stirred thoroughly and left for several hours.
  2. Bake the dish on a baking sheet under a piece of foil for an hour and a half at 220 degrees, basting with juices from time to time.

Pork ribs in a frying pan

Do not lose popularity over time. With the right approach, their taste is in no way inferior to products made in the oven, and the golden brown crust is beyond competition. Next, you will learn how to deliciously cook pork ribs in a frying pan so that they not only delight you with their golden brown color and amazing aroma, but also turn out soft.

Pork ribs in sweet and sour sauce

Thanks to a balanced marinade mixture, fried delicious pork ribs will be as soft as if they had been stewed for a long time under a lid in a cauldron. If desired, you can replace the honey in the recipe with regular or brown sugar and use additional spices, based on your preferences.


  • ribs – 950 g;
  • honey – 100 g;
  • lemon juice – 40 ml;
  • soy sauce – 20 ml;
  • mustard – 20 g;
  • ketchup – 70 g;
  • vegetable oil – 90 ml;
  • water – 50 ml;
  • a mixture of five peppers, salt.


  1. Prepared ribs are seasoned in a bowl with a mixture of the remaining ingredients, mixed in advance and mixed well.
  2. After a few hours of marinating, you can start frying.
  3. According to the recipe, pork ribs are cooked in a frying pan over medium heat, pouring the remaining marinade into the pan from time to time and turning over.

Pork ribs stew

Stewed pork ribs with vegetables are an excellent option for a hearty and nutritious meal for your everyday menu. By varying the composition of the vegetable mix and spices, you can change the taste characteristics beyond recognition, each time getting new impressions from the meal.


  • ribs – 650 g;
  • potatoes – 650 g;
  • bell peppers – 140 g;
  • onions, carrots and green beans - 120 g each;
  • tomato paste – 40 g;
  • butter – 60 g;
  • broth – 100 ml;
  • laurel, mixture of peppers, salt, herbs.


  1. The ribs are browned in melted butter in a cauldron.
  2. Add carrot shavings and onion half rings and cook, stirring, a little longer.
  3. Throw in the bell peppers and potato cubes, pour in the broth, add the paste, salt, spices and simmer the contents until the ingredients are soft without stirring.
  4. The dish is served with chopped herbs.

Pilaf with pork ribs

You already know how to cook pork ribs with vegetables yourself. This option is even more interesting and tempting. Pork ribs, the recipe for which will be outlined below, will accompany the rice and become the key to success when preparing delicious and rich pilaf.


  • ribs – 950 g;
  • rice – 260 g;
  • garlic heads – 2-3 pcs.;
  • onions, carrots – 260 g each;
  • vegetable fat – 120 g;
  • water – 520 ml;
  • spices for pilaf, salt.


  1. The ribs are fried in hot oil.
  2. Add a little water and cook the meat until softened and moisture evaporates.
  3. Separately, fry onion half rings and carrot sticks and place in a cauldron.
  4. Add seasonings, add washed rice, pour in boiling water, throw in whole garlic heads and cook the food, without covering the vessel, over moderate heat until almost all the liquid is absorbed.
  5. Cover the container, wrap it up and let it evaporate for about thirty minutes.

Pork Ribs Soup

Rich, aromatic with pork ribs worthy of the highest praise. This hot dish cannot be called dietary, but it is definitely filling, nutritious and warming in winter frosts. Pork ribs can be taken either fresh or smoked, which will transform the taste characteristics of the soup for the better.

Ribs in the oven are a real delicacy that any housewife can cook. In general, ribs refers to the top part of the animal's brisket, which consists of bones, meat and a small amount of fat. It is in this part that the meat is especially tender and tasty.

To make the ribs flavorful and soft, the meat is pre-marinated. For this, all kinds of spices, herbs and various sauces are used. Lemon juice, soy sauce, mustard, tomato paste, and olive oil are often used as marinade ingredients. If desired, add basil, thyme, rosemary, and chopped garlic.

There are many options for preparing ribs. The two most popular are stewing and baking. And if the first one is more suitable for a weekday dinner, then the second one is ideal for a holiday table. The process is very simple. Prepared ribs (pre-washed, chopped and marinated) are placed in a mold and baked in the oven, sometimes the meat is wrapped in foil. The ribs in the sleeve turn out to be very juicy. Often, before baking, the ribs are pre-fried in a pan, then finished in the oven. Or they are first boiled and then baked in the oven with the addition of vegetables and various sauces.

As a side dish, french fries or boiled potatoes are prepared, and crumbly rice is made. The dish is complemented with tkemali, ketchup or other tomato sauces, and sprinkled with aromatic herbs.

Only at first glance it seems that only an experienced housewife can prepare this luxurious dish. In fact, any novice cook can master its preparation. The main thing to remember is an important secret: to ensure that the meat is juicy and not over-cooked, cover the pan with a sheet of food foil, and remove it 20 minutes before it’s ready - the result will pleasantly surprise you. You can use any other spices.


  • pork ribs - 1 kg;
  • soy sauce - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • salt pepper;
  • mustard - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • tomato paste - 2 tsp;
  • curry - 1 tsp;
  • ground paprika, thyme, rosemary - ½ tsp each;
  • greens - optional.

Cooking method:

  1. We wash the pork ribs and dry them with paper napkins. Cut 2-3 ribs into pieces.
  2. Let's make the marinade. Pass the garlic through a press and transfer it to a separate bowl.
  3. Add mustard, tomato paste, soy sauce, salt, curry, thyme, rosemary and paprika. Mix the mass well.
  4. Coat the meat generously with marinade, put it in the refrigerator for several hours, or overnight.
  5. We place the marinated ribs in a sleeve, fasten the edges, and make several punctures in the polyethylene.
  6. Place the package on a baking sheet. Bake in a preheated oven (180°C) for about an hour.
  7. Then carefully cut the bag, leave the meat in the oven for another 10-20 minutes until golden brown.
  8. Serve with your favorite side dish, such as boiled potatoes or vegetable salad. Sprinkle the finished dish well with herbs.

Interesting from the network

An original dish with a spicy aroma. The sweetish taste of lamb is successfully emphasized by the orange-lemon marinade. Serve roasted vegetables, such as eggplant and bell peppers, as a side dish. For a successful dish, choose the right ribs. It is advisable to buy meat from a young animal: it has virtually no odor and is light in color. If it has an unpleasant aroma and a bright red tint, then it is better to refuse the purchase.


  • lamb ribs - 1 kg;
  • red hot pepper - ½ pod;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • black pepper, salt;
  • orange - 3 pcs.;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • dried basil - 1 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Let's prepare the marinade. Squeeze the juice of oranges and lemon into a separate bowl.
  2. Add oil, crushed red pepper, grated lemon zest, salt, pressed garlic and dried basil. Mix the mass.
  3. We wash the ribs, dry them, cut them into sections of 3-4 pieces, and place them in the prepared marinade. Leave in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
  4. Place the meat on a baking sheet greased with oil.
  5. Bake in a preheated oven (180°C) for about 50 minutes. We check the degree of readiness of the meat by piercing it - clear juice should flow out.
  6. Place the finished ribs on a plate and garnish with orange slices, herbs and fresh vegetables if desired. Serve hot.

Many people think that beef ribs are too tough, but you can easily prepare tender and juicy meat in your own kitchen. The secret of the recipe is that the ribs are simmered in the oven for a long time at a low temperature (this is how softness is achieved), and then fried under the grill (this is how a golden brown crust is obtained). The original tomato sauce adds a pleasant note to the dish.


  • beef ribs - 1 kg;
  • vegetable oil - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • salt - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • chili powder - 1 tsp;
  • black pepper - ½ tsp;
  • cayenne pepper, paprika, thyme - 1/3 tsp each;
  • garlic - 4 cloves.

Tomato sauce:

  • ketchup - 1 tbsp.;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • apple cider vinegar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • black pepper, salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Let's prepare the marinade. Place the garlic, passed through a press, into a separate bowl, add all the spices, salt, and vegetable oil. Mix well.
  2. We wash the ribs, remove the thick film, and cut into pieces.
  3. Rub the meat generously with marinade, put it in a plastic container with a lid, and leave it in the refrigerator overnight.
  4. Preheat the oven to 110 ° C. Wrap the ribs in several layers of foil, check that there are no holes through which the juice can leak.
  5. Place the ribs in foil on a baking sheet. Bake for about 3 hours. During this time, the meat will become juicy and soft. The finished meat should easily separate from the bones.
  6. Open the foil and generously coat the ribs with tomato sauce.
  7. Turn on the grill mode or increase the oven temperature to 220 ° C and bake the ribs for another 10-15 minutes until they are golden brown.
  8. Serve the dish hot with your favorite side dish.

Juicy meat with a golden brown crust and tender potatoes - what could be better? A special secret of the dish: the potatoes will turn out tender and crumbly if you grease them with sour cream in advance; lovers of fatty foods can use mayonnaise. If desired, replace the pork ribs with beef or lamb. Choose spices at your discretion.


  • pork ribs - 1 kg;
  • potatoes - 1 kg;
  • paprika - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • sour cream - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • pepper, salt, herbs.

Cooking method:

  1. We wash the ribs and cut them.
  2. In a separate bowl, mix the oil, garlic, salt, pepper, and paprika.
  3. Generously rub the ribs with the resulting mixture and leave to marinate for an hour.
  4. Peel the potatoes, cut them into large slices, add salt, a little pepper (you can add spices, for example, for potatoes), sour cream. Mix well.
  5. Grease the pan with oil, lay out the potatoes, and place the marinated ribs on top. Cover the form with foil.
  6. Bake in the oven (180°C) for about 40 minutes.
  7. Then remove the foil and cook for another 15 minutes.
  8. Serve hot, garnish with herbs.

Now you know how to cook ribs in the oven according to a recipe with a photo. Bon appetit!

Tastyly cooked ribs will be an excellent main course of any holiday table and will diversify your diet on weekdays. By changing the composition of spices, marinade, adding various additional ingredients, it is easy to create a new dish each time. The suggested recipes are simple, but if you still have questions about how to deliciously cook ribs in the oven, pay attention to the advice of experienced chefs:
  • The rich, specific aroma of lamb can be “overpowered.” To do this, the meat is marinated for several hours in a mixture of lemon juice, vegetable oil, thyme and rosemary. Or in a mixture of vegetable oil and chopped garlic.
  • To add flavor to your lamb, use thyme, rosemary, cumin, chili or mustard when cooking the ribs. Don't forget to add fresh herbs to the finished dish.
  • Choose your pork ribs wisely. It is best to buy meat from a young animal, as evidenced by the light color of the pork and a thin layer of fat. There should be no stains on the surface, the product itself should have a pleasant, slightly sweet aroma.
  • Ribs are very difficult to cut yourself, so when purchasing, ask the butcher to cut the product into pieces 20 cm in length. This will make the cooking process much easier.
  • If you purchase frozen ribs, you should defrost them properly. To do this, place the meat on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator and leave until completely defrosted. The process is quite long, but this way the ribs will not turn out hard and dry after heat treatment.
  • It is best to marinate the ribs for several hours, ideally leaving the meat overnight. During baking, the meat can be basted with the remaining marinade.

Well-cooked pork ribs in the oven, a dish that, despite its apparent complexity, is actually very simple. A large piece of meat with ribs, baked in the oven or stove, will become the central meat dish of a good holiday feast. If you bake potatoes at the same time as meat, you will get an excellent side dish.

Of course, the best and most delicious thing that can be prepared from a pig is hard to argue with. I know several people who are ready to start a fight over this. However, from pork - the most popular type of meat, you can prepare thousands of dishes, from a simple fried dish, baked in the oven, to complex folk dishes: from pork, or quite exotic.

Usually, in retail chains or at bazaars, pork ribs are not sold one at a time. Most often, the ribs are chopped into several pieces with a fairly large amount of meat and fat. If the ribs are chopped long enough, 1-2 rib bones with meat are enough for one serving. Pork ribs in the oven or stove are prepared as a whole piece with small cuts in thick places. And only after cooking is finished, the ribs are cut into portions.

Pork ribs in the oven are prepared by baking. Recently, quite often, it is recommended to bake meat in a “sleeve”. Frankly, I don’t like this method at all. The meat in the sleeve is essentially cooked in an abundance of steam, and even if the sleeve is then cut, the top and very thin layer is baked. In addition, the meat in the sleeve loses most of its internal “juice”. The exception is, which is marinated for a long time before baking and cooked in foil or a dough crust.

Baking meat in a “sleeve”, however, is an almost guaranteed cooking option, in terms of cooking the meat, and not burning it or undercooking it. With this method of cooking there is simply no room for error. But in terms of taste, pork ribs in the oven, prepared by conventional baking, are much tastier.

Pork ribs, when exposed to dry heat, retain all the meat juice inside and, as a result, become juicy and soft. The formation of a fried (baked) crust on the surface of the meat allows the meat to bake in its own juices. With this cooking method, you can add coarsely chopped potatoes directly to the baking sheet and get a baked side dish.

Pork ribs in the oven. Recipe

Ingredients (2 servings)

  • Pork ribs with meat 600 g
  • Garlic 1 head
  • Potatoes 3-4 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil (for lubrication) 1-2 tsp.
  • Salt, coriander, black or multi-colored pepper, allspice, thyme, savory taste
  1. We will prepare pork ribs in the oven by baking a prepared piece of meat without using marinating or additional casing (sleeve, foil, dough). It is better to choose ribs cut with long bones and a “block” of 4-6 pieces. The ribs should have plenty of meat and some pork fat.

    Pork ribs with meat

  2. Mix 0.5 tsp in a mortar. rock salt, 1-2 peas of allspice and 0.5 tsp. black (multi-colored) peppercorns, dry thyme and coriander peas. Roughly grind the spices.

    Mix spices in a mortar and grind

  3. Wash a whole piece of pork meat with ribs and dry with napkins. Peel a small head of garlic, cut each clove lengthwise into several pieces. Stuff the meat on the ribs with garlic, piercing the pork with a sharp knife and inserting the garlic into the puncture. Then sprinkle the prepared spice mixture over the pork. If there is a lot of meat on the ribs, it is worth making small cuts in the thickest places.

    Stuff pork ribs with garlic and rub with spices

  4. Cover the pork ribs with a plate and refrigerate for 1.5-2 hours for “dry” marinating. Then wipe the pork ribs with a napkin to remove large particles of spices, and coat the entire piece of meat with a small amount of vegetable oil to create a film of fat. Grease a baking dish with a little fat and place the pork ribs. It is better to place it on the rib bones themselves so that the meat is at the top. Then the contact area of ​​the meat with the bottom of the mold will be minimal.
  5. Place the pork ribs in the oven preheated to 220 degrees. It will take quite a long time to heat a large piece of meat. When the meat is heated and a baked crust begins to form on the surface of the meat, the fat will begin to render from the pork. Periodically, you need to baste the meat with the resulting fat.

    Place the pork ribs in the oven

  6. From the moment the crust begins to form, the pork will cook in the oven for up to 1 hour. Peel the potatoes and cut them into large slices - cut each potato into 6-8 pieces. Place the chopped potatoes in a bowl, add salt and sprinkle with 1-2 pinches of dry potato, then stir. After 10 minutes, when the salt has dissolved, pour 1 tsp over the potatoes. vegetable oil (or fat from the baking dish) and stir.

    Peel and prepare potatoes

  7. Place the prepared potatoes around the pork, which has already begun to bake. Continue baking the pork ribs in the oven along with the potatoes. The baking time for potatoes in the oven is slightly longer than the time for frying or boiling, and can be more than 30 minutes. You should check the readiness of the potato slices by piercing them with the tip of a knife. At the same time, you need to turn or stir the potatoes so that the slices are evenly fried and do not burn.

    Place the prepared potatoes around the pork

  8. When the potato wedges are completely done, they can be removed from the baking dish, but the pork ribs can take longer to cook.

    Bake pork ribs until done

  9. When the pork ribs are completely cooked, they can be served. The meat must be cut along the intercostal spaces so that there is one rib in each long piece of meat.
  10. Place pork on large plates, adding savory baked potatoes. Baste the meat and potatoes with any fat that has accumulated during cooking.

Pork ribs in the oven are a truly magnificent, incredibly tasty dish that can compete with a variety of delicacies on the holiday table or decorate a quiet family dinner.

Most often, housewives cook ribs according to one or two favorite recipes, without even suspecting that there are a lot of cooking options. Many of the most delicious and attractive recipes can be found below.

You can diversify pork dishes not only thanks to accompanying ingredients, but also with the help of various marinades. If you love a beautiful, appetizing crust, then you should give preference to recipes using honey.

Marinade is the basis for creating a culinary masterpiece, so it is very important to choose the right spices and other ingredients. Table vinegar is most often used; it makes the meat more tender and allows the spices to reveal their best notes. Products such as soy sauce, lemon juice, and wine are not inferior to vinegar.

How long to marinate pork ribs for baking in the oven? The question is valid because the taste, softness and texture of meat directly depends on this process. Pork is a fatty, soft product, so rarely does anyone marinate it for a long time (12-24 hours).

The rhythm of life of many people does not allow them to devote a large amount of time to preparing food, so many cooks marinate pork meat for 1-2 hours. In fact, even such a short period of time is enough for the product to be saturated with the marinade and absorb the brightest notes.

However, the best time is from 4 to 6 hours. During this period, the pork will definitely be soaked and absorb all the best aromas of herbs and spices.

You can find information about which spices are best suited to pork meat in the “helpful tips” section.

What ingredients do you use to make the perfect marinade for oven-baked pork ribs?

The basis for creating a culinary masterpiece is properly selected spices. You will never spoil pork if you use: garlic, rosemary, cloves, pepper.

Important: during baking, periodically baste with the juice released from the meat and the remaining marinade. This way you will achieve amazing taste and aroma.

A classic recipe for cooking pork ribs in the oven.

This dish will delight lovers of meat dishes and will decorate any table. The recipe does not require much energy or time. Required set of ingredients:

  • Pork ribs – 700 grams;
  • Sour cream – 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Mayonnaise – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Onion – 1 pc.;
  • Garlic – 2-3 cloves;
  • Spices for barbecue.

To prepare the marinade, you need to combine mayonnaise, sour cream, crushed garlic and spices.

Rinse the meat very well in cold water, carefully check to see if there are any bone fragments left. Then cut the pork into portions and marinate for 1-2 hours.

Heat a non-stick frying pan on the stove, fry the pieces on each side so that it barely “grabs” a light crust. With this treatment before baking, you will get a very juicy, tasty dish.

Chop the onion into half rings and place ½ of it on the bottom of the baking dish. Place the meat in a mold, add salt and sprinkle the remaining onion on top, cover with foil. Place the container in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 20 minutes, then remove the foil and cook the dish for another 15-20 minutes.

After the time has passed, check the doneness of the ribs. Prick the pulp with a fork or toothpick - if clear juice flows out, then the dish is ready, if pink, then leave to cook for a few more minutes. If the juice does not flow out, then the meat may have been overcooked and it is too dry. Therefore, when cooking, consider the capabilities of your stove and the amount of food being baked.

This delicacy is best served with a side dish of boiled potatoes, as well as fresh vegetables and herbs. Bon appetit!

Pork in an unusual blackberry marinade.

Often we want to try our hand at preparing new, extraordinary, non-standard dishes. For lovers of culinary experiments, we present a recipe for cooking pork ribs in the oven in blackberry-honey sauce.

  • Pork ribs – 0.5 kg;
  • Blackberries – 200 grams;
  • Sugar – 2 teaspoons;
  • Honey – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Red table wine – 100 ml;
  • Salt to taste.

Both frozen and fresh berries are suitable for this recipe. Blackberries can be rubbed through a sieve to remove the seeds.

Preparing the marinade: pour wine into a saucepan, add berries, sugar, salt. Cook the sauce over low heat until about half of the liquid has evaporated, then add honey, mix thoroughly and remove from heat.

Divide the pork into portions and rinse thoroughly in cold water.

Place the ribs in a deep baking dish and pour the blackberry sauce over them. Bake in the oven at t=180-190 C for 40-50 minutes.

It is recommended to serve boiled rice and potatoes as a side dish.

Pork ribs with potatoes and spicy sauce.

When various holidays approach, we always want to surprise our friends and family with something; sometimes we want to please our family with a new dish for dinner. It would seem that treats with potatoes are not so festive, but on the contrary – everyday. Pork ribs with potatoes in the oven can be prepared very tasty, and most importantly atypical, thanks to a special spicy sauce with tomatoes and spices.


  • Pork ribs – 1 kg;
  • Butter – 50 grams;
  • New potatoes - 10-15 medium-sized tubers.

For the marinade:

  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • Lemon – 1 pc.;
  • Pepper mixture;
  • Basil;
  • Coriander;
  • Caraway;
  • Salt.

For the sauce:

  • Chili pepper – 1 pc.;
  • Garlic – 4 cloves;
  • Tomato – 2 pcs.;
  • Olive oil – 100 ml;
  • Soy sauce – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • 1 onion;
  • Dill, parsley;
  • Salt.

Wash the meat in cool water, cut into large portions. In a small bowl, combine pressed garlic, lemon juice, spices and salt. Coat the meat with the resulting mixture and put it in the cold to marinate. It is advisable to keep the pork in the marinade for longer than 8-12 hours to obtain the most delicate texture and best taste. But 2-3 hours will also be enough.

Prepare the main component – ​​the sauce. Grind onions, tomatoes, garlic, chili peppers, and herbs in a blender. Heat olive oil and soy sauce in a frying pan, add a mixture of chopped vegetables to them, fry over medium heat for about 5-7 minutes

Peel the potatoes and wash in running water. Can be cut into halves or left whole.

Grease a baking dish with melted butter, arrange the potatoes and marinated ribs. Place the vegetable mixture on the meat and brush the potatoes with olive oil. Cover the pan with foil; it is advisable to make several holes with a knife or fork.

Bake in the oven at 200 degrees for about 1 hour, then remove the foil and place the container with the dish in the oven for another 10-15 minutes until everything browns and acquires a beautiful, appetizing crust. When serving, garnish with finely chopped herbs.

Delicious pork with a great crust.

Pork ribs in the oven in soy sauce with the addition of honey always come out with an amazing, appetizing crust. To prepare you will need:

  • Pork ribs – 1 kg;
  • Honey – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Mustard (liquid) – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Soy sauce – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Potatoes – 1 kg;
  • Pepper mixture, salt.

Divide the pork into pieces and rinse under cold water.

Pieces of meat must be kept for 3 hours in a marinade, which is prepared by mixing honey, mustard, soy mustard sauce, spices, and chopped onion rings.

Grease the bottom of the baking dish with vegetable fat, lay out the potatoes, cut into slices, add salt to taste. Place the marinated ribs on top of the potatoes and place the container in the oven for 1 hour 20 minutes to bake at a temperature of 180-190 degrees.

Juicy meat in tomato marinade.

Thanks to a special marinade using tomato juice, the dish is obtained with a very rich, bright, unique taste. Can be served as a separate independent dish, or with a side dish or salad of fresh vegetables. List of ingredients:

  • Pork ribs – 1 kg;
  • Tomato juice – 200 ml;
  • Basil – 1 teaspoon;
  • Coriander – 1 teaspoon;
  • 1 large onion;
  • Cognac – 50 ml;
  • Honey – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Salt pepper.

Divide the meat into small pieces and rinse in cool water. Chop the onion into half rings, place in a deep bowl, and add salt.

Squeeze the onion with your hands to extract as much juice as possible, then add all the remaining ingredients from the list. Marinate the ribs in the resulting sauce and refrigerate for 2-3 hours.

Place the meat on a baking sheet with high edges and cook in the oven at t-200C for 45-50 minutes.

Not everyone likes the sweetish taste of meat that is formed when honey is added. In this case, you don’t have to use honey; the taste of the dish will not deteriorate at all. It will be more spicy and piquant.

Pork baked in beer in German style.

This recipe is unique in its own way, as beer imparts its malt aroma to the meat. The hop ingredient in this recipe can be used either light or dark.

It is better to take draft beer that is not pasteurized, which gives the dish a special taste.

  • Pork ribs – 0.7 kg;
  • Onion – 1 pc.;
  • Garlic – 2 cloves;
  • Beer – 150 ml;
  • Spices for meat;
  • Salt.

Cut the ribs into small pieces, wash in water, set aside to dry a little. Then thoroughly rub the meat with spices and place in a deep cast-iron roasting pan.

Cut the onion into large slices and place around the ribs. Add garlic, passed through a press. We send the form with the preparation to the oven, heated to 200 degrees, for 15 minutes.

After this, pour in the beer, add water so that the meat is completely immersed in the liquid. Reduce the baking temperature to 180 degrees, simmer the dish for one and a half hours.

Pork ribs in the oven - a simple recipe.

There's nothing easier than cooking dinner up your sleeve. All you need to do is pre-process the food, put it in plastic and put it in the oven. Pork with potatoes is a very nutritious, satisfying dish that will delight you and your loved ones with its delicate, soft aroma.

  • Pork ribs – 700 grams;
  • Potatoes – 10-12 pcs.;
  • Carrot – 1 pc.;
  • Onion – 1 pc.;
  • Fresh greens;
  • Spices, salt to taste.

Peel the potatoes and cut into large slices. You can first boil it in boiling water until half cooked, since it takes a little longer to cook in the oven than pork. This way the food will bake evenly.

The ribs should first be washed and divided into small pieces.

Ribs should always be thoroughly washed under running water and checked for any remaining bone fragments.

Cut the carrots into slices, chop the onion with a knife, finely chop the greens. Place all the ingredients in a sleeve and secure the clips tightly around the edges of the bag. Bake in the oven for 40-45 minutes at 180 degrees.
If the potatoes have not been previously cooked, the baking time should be increased by 20-30 minutes. Also, initially add 2-3 tablespoons of vegetable oil to the bag and mix everything by shaking the sleeve with all the contents. All this must be done so as not to dry out the dish, since the cooking time is increased.

Dishes using pork are very diverse; don’t be afraid to change marinades and spices. Every time you use one or another marinade, you can get a completely new, interesting taste.

It is important to choose good quality meat; it should be fresh and have a pleasant smell. The ribs should be pinkish in color, with a small layer.

There are countless marinades for pork meat; the most popular and most suitable are sauces based on honey, soy sauce, sour cream, and tomato paste. These can also be berry sauces (above you could see the recipe based on blackberry sauce), fruit sauces - based on orange and pomegranate juice.

Don't know what to surprise your beloved husband for the holiday? Can’t imagine how to win his commitment and also benefit the family budget? We will provide you with top recipes for “ribs in the oven” that will truly surprise you. Everyone will come running to their scent, even children. Barbecue, baked, tender with an appetizing crust on the outside and spicy-juicy in the middle. An ideal snack for alcoholic drinks and the signature dish of any feast. We have selected for you the most original recipes with an unusual design and a large assortment of different marinades.

Today you will learn how to prepare this dish. What to add so that the meat has an appetizing crispy crust, but remains tender and juicy in the middle. Cook with us, and everything on your holiday table is guaranteed to be delicious.

According to tradition, any holiday table should have a lot of luxurious dishes, and pork ribs are the best choice for this. Nourishing, luxurious looking and not too expensive. And now we’ll look at how to cook them quickly and without any effort.

Recipe for ribs "Spindle"


1 hour


1 hour

Total time

2 hrs

Dish: Main Course

Cuisine: American

Serving: 4 people

Calories: 1000 kcal


  • 500 g smoked pork ribs
  • 350 g pork
  • 350 g beef
  • 1 piece egg
  • 1 piece onion
  • 1 tbsp. l. refined sunflower oil
  • 3 g dry yeast
  • 260 g flour


    Prepare a baking sheet, cover it with parchment. We transfer the pieces, but before that we grease them with a raw egg. Leave the spindles on the table so that they rise a little

Baked ribs with crispy crust and barbecue sauce

The secret of this dish lies in the marinade. The BBQ marinade pairs perfectly with the flavors of the ribs, making this dish special in its own way. It looks great. That spicy campfire flavor comes from the roasted tomato sauce. The most tender meat, no excess fat at all, very juicy.


1.5 – 2 kg pork ribs;

For the marinade:

  • 4 things. tomato;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1 onion;
  • 4 tbsp. l. soy sauce;
  • 1/2 cup dry red wine;
  • Ground black pepper, salt - to taste;
  • 2 tbsp. l. refined sunflower oil;
  • 1.5 tbsp. fresh orange juice (6 pcs).
  • 1/2 tsp. chili pepper.


  • We have to juice their fresh oranges. You can get juice without much effort, without using a juicer, using one glass. Take a deep container and place an inverted glass in the center. Mode: orange into two halves and place one part on a glass, skin side up. We press on the skin of the orange, thereby pressing it to the front side into the bottom of the glass. Press in a circular motion. Repeat the steps with each half of 6 oranges.
  • Let's start with tomatoes. Cut the tomato into 4 parts, cut out the middle with the grains. Now you need to fry them to get the effect of cooking over a fire.
  • Heat a frying pan on the stove, pour in oil. Once the oil is hot, add the tomatoes. Fry for 2 minutes. Stir constantly!
  • Take a container and a sieve. We transfer the already soft quarters of tomatoes to a sieve and squeeze the juice into a container. Discard the remaining pulp.
  • Finely chop one onion.
  • Take a container of orange juice. Add soy sauce, sugar and grated tomatoes to it. Add half a glass of wine to the marinade. Take a whisk and mix well so that there are no lumps left. Add spices to your taste, but be careful: the marinade is easy to oversalt because we use soy sauce. Therefore, we recommend adding a little salt. Add 2 tablespoons of oil and half a tsp. chili pepper. Beat even more strongly with a broom. You should get a brown-yellow emulsion. We throw a bow.

Let's continue cooking

  • We take the strip of ribs out of the refrigerator. We cut the meat between the bones so that there are 3-4 bones in one piece. We rinse with water and wipe the resulting pieces of meat with a napkin. Dip each piece into the marinade and massage well. Leave the pieces in the marinade for 5 minutes.
  • Now you need to put the meat under pressure. Take a three-liter bottle and fill it with water. Place a plate on top of the container with the marinade and meat, which will be slightly smaller in size than the diameter of the container with the marinade. Lightly press down the plate and place a jar of water on top. Very carefully put it all in this form in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
  • The ribs have already been marinated; they will be baked. Preheat the oven to 160.
  • Place the foil on a baking sheet, coat it with vegetable oil and transfer the marinated ribs onto it. Sprinkle them with a little sugar. For flavor, add rosemary to the baking sheet between the ribs. Place the dish in the oven for 45 minutes.
  • After 30 minutes, check the ribs for doneness.

You need to pierce the meat with a toothpick and look at the color of the juice that flows out of the hole. If the dish is ready, clear juice will flow out, if reddish juice flows out, leave it in the oven for another 5-10 minutes.


Spindle ribs

This dish is a combination of smoked ribs with incredibly tasty minced meat made from beef and pork, baked in dough. In some way it is a delicacy.


  • 500 g smoked pork ribs;
  • 350 g pigbys;
  • 350 g beef;
  • 15 g salt;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 tbsp. l. refined sunflower oil;
  • 3 g dry yeast;
  • 260 g flour.

Let's start creating

  • The first step is to knead the yeast dough. Take 10 tbsp. l. flour with a slide, pour into a deep container, add some salt and add 1/2 tsp. dry yeast. Take 125 g of water and add it to the dough. We begin to knead it with our hands. Tear the dough and add a spoonful of sunflower oil to make the dough elastic and tender. Cover with a lid and let it rise for 10 minutes.
  • We take the meat for minced meat from the refrigerator. We cut the pork and beef meat into small pieces so that we can quickly put it into a meat grinder.
  • Cut the onion into quarters. We also put it into the meat grinder with the minced meat and mix. Salt and pepper.
  • We take out the smoked ribs. We cut one thing at a time. We also cut in the middle so that the bone does not remain bare.
  • If you have short bones, sharpen the bone on one side, cutting the meat by about 3 cm. Finely chop the cut meat and send it to mince. It gives off a smoky flavor.
  • You need to beat off the minced meat. In a bowl, lift a piece of minced meat at a small height and throw it in its original place. Actions must be careful so that the meat does not scatter all over the table. In this way we will expel excess air, and the minced meat will bind faster. We repeat the steps 5-6 times.
  • Wet our hands with water. We take 2 tbsp in our hands. l. minced meat, form a flattened cutlet. Place a rib in the middle from one end and a second rib from the other end. Combine the minced meat. Repeat the same steps with the remaining ribs.
  • The dough has already settled. Roll it out on a board using a rolling pin to a thickness of 0.5 cm.
  • Coat the tip of the knife with flour so that the dough does not stick, and cut long strips 1 cm thick, maximum 15 mm. These strips will act as threads holding the minced meat and ribs together. We stretch the threads a little in length.
  • We take a spindle and wrap it in a circle with threads. It is advisable to wrap it so that the minced meat is not visible.
  • Prepare a baking sheet, cover it with parchment. We transfer the pieces, but before that we grease them with a raw egg. Leave the spindles on the table to rise a little.
  • Place in the oven for 30 minutes at 160.
  • We take it out and enjoy the taste.

Stuffed ribs

By the name you can determine what is special about this dish, and we will stuff the ribs with grapes. With the help of grape sauce you will plunge into the world of French cuisine. Blue grapes are perfect for this dish. It has a nutmeg flavor, and together with meat it is a real delicacy.

We will need:

  • Pork ribs 1 kg;
  • Dark grapes 300 g;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 pcs. shallots;
  • 25 g flour;
  • 40 g butter;
  • 9 sprigs of parsley;
  • Basil;
  • 13 g salt;
  • 6 g ground pepper;
  • Dry red wine 500 ml;
  • 30 ml refined sunflower oil;
  • 175 ml water.

Let's move on to the step-by-step recipe

  • Turn on the oven to preheat at 180.
  • Remove the sheet of ribs from the refrigerator. Turn the seeds over and make cuts along the sheet 2 cm wide, not all the way.

  • Slice the garlic.
  • Take parsley sprigs and basil. We tear off the leaves and crush them with our hands so that they release their juice and give off aroma.
  • Sprinkle ribs with 1 tsp. salt and 1/2 tsp. pepper
  • Take grapes and separate the berries from the branches.
  • Divide in half and remove the seeds. Half slice mode. If the grapes are small, simply cut them in half.
  • We used half of the available grapes with which we will stuff it.

  • From the second half of the remaining grapes we will prepare an incredibly delicious French wine and grape sauce. Cut the grapes into slices.
  • Place basil and parsley leaves and two sliced ​​slices of garlic into the cuts on the ribs sheet.

  • Take a culinary thread 1 meter long. Fold it in half. We do this so that the grapes do not fall out. Carefully wrap the meat lengthwise several times and tie it in a knot.

  • Transfer the meat to a baking sheet and cover with foil.

Let's continue cooking

  • Place in the oven preheated to 180.
  • After 20 minutes, pull out the meat. During this time we can prepare the sauce. Take a saucepan. Pour 30 ml or 1.5 tbsp into it. l. sunflower oil.
  • Peel two shallots and cut into 1 cm cubes. Cut 4 sprigs of parsley.
  • Place the onion in hot oil for 7 minutes and add 500 ml of red wine, 175 ml of water. Throw the sliced ​​grapes into the saucepan and leave the sauce to simmer for 10 minutes. It should evaporate a little.
  • After 10 minutes, the sauce will evaporate by half, but do not remove it from the heat yet. By this time, the ribs will have been in the oven for 20 minutes. We take them out and remove the foil, put them back in the oven for 40 minutes.
  • We continue to work with the sauce. Take 40 g of butter and grate it into a bowl.
  • Pour 1 tbsp into a container with grated oil. l. flour and mix. Add one spoon at a time to the sauce and stir constantly. This will thicken the sauce and prevent flour lumps from forming. Add chopped parsley, salt and pepper. The sauce is ready.
  • Pour the sauce into a gravy boat.
  • When the time comes, remove the ribs from the oven. Carefully remove the thread.

Cut the pieces of meat into portions, pour over the sauce.

Baked ribs in parchment with barbecue sauce

An original snack for a friendly company. The result is an unusual combination of sweet and sour in one dish. The peculiarity of this dish lies in its method of preparation. The ribs are baked in parchment.

We will use:

  • 1.5 kg pork ribs;
  • 2 pcs. Luke;
  • 2 pcs. lemon;
  • 5 sprigs of cilantro;
  • 2 pcs. bay leaf;
  • 2 sprigs of parsley;
  • 2 sprigs of cumin;
  • 50 g flour;
  • 50 g butter?
  • 150 g tomato paste;
  • 100 ml red wine vinegar;
  • 150 ml dry white wine;
  • 40 ml soy sauce;
  • 116 g sugar;
  • 25 g salt;
  • 30 g mustard powder;
  • 14 g paprika;
  • 3 g crushed red hot pepper;
  • 9 g black pepper, crushed.

Let's move on to cooking:

  • We will marinate 1.5 kg of meat in whole pieces. Sprinkle a sheet of ribs with 10g salt and 6g ground black pepper. Rub in the spices well, leave to marinate for 3 hours, or put in the refrigerator.
  • Turn on the oven at 170.
  • We take approximately 5 pieces. onions for the onion pad. We clean and cut into half rings no more than 3 mm thick.
  • The required amount of time has passed, the meat can be pulled out. It has released juice from the salt and pepper, now it needs to be dried, for this we will use paper napkins. They will instantly absorb excess moisture. Wrap a sheet of meat in a napkin and press down with your hands.
  • Take a large baking sheet and two sheets of parchment. Pour 1/4 chopped onion onto a sheet of parchment, sprinkle with tsp. sugar, put meat on top of sweet onions. It doesn’t matter which side you put it on – ribs up or down, since we put another quarter of the onion on top of the meat. Wrap the meat in parchment paper, twist the edges, slightly open the middle and place it on a baking sheet. Place in the oven for 1.5 hours and bake at 170 degrees.
  • When there are 10 minutes left before the ribs are ready in the oven, start preparing the barbecue sauce to use while hot.
  • Take a deep bowl. Pour 100 g of sugar into it, add 100 mm of red wine vinegar. Stir until the sugar dissolves. Add tomato paste and stir until the mixture is smooth. Add a little soy sauce with seasonings and salt. Mix everything thoroughly, the sauce is ready.
  • Let's get the ribs. In the oven, increase the temperature to 220. Take 2 lemons, cut into circles 2 mm thick.
  • Remove the onion from the meat and place it in a separate plate.
  • Take another, clean baking sheet and cover it with parchment. Place lemon slices in one line and place the meat pulled out of the parchment without onions on them.

Continue cooking

  • Cover the ribs with sauce on all sides.
  • Place the pan in the oven for 15 minutes.
  • Now we have time to prepare another sauce from the baked onions that we took from the meat. Place a saucepan and add 1/4 of the butter into it. While the oil is heating up, we need to prepare the bouquet garni. We take 2 bay leaves, parsley, thyme and tie it all with food thread. Add 2 tablespoons of flour to the butter. Pour in 0.75 cups of dry white wine, bouquet garni, baked onion, salt and pepper. We are waiting for it to boil.
  • The sauce is ready, all you have to do is remove the bouquet garni from the saucepan. Remove the ribs from the oven.
  • Grind 5 sprigs of cilantro.
  • We take out the plates. Pour the onion sauce in a path, put chopped pieces of meat on top and sprinkle with chopped cilantro.

"Apple Basket"

A festive crown of ribs stuffed with several layers of filling. The secret of the dish is that the name implies a large number of apples, but we will only use one. Potato apples are in perfect harmony with meat and champignons. You won't be able to stop thanks to the juicy filling and the combination of many spices. The crispy crust and tender meat inside will amaze you. Of course, if you prepare everything correctly, based on our advice.

To prepare this dish we will need:

  • Pork ribs 1.5 kg;
  • Pork shoulder 600 g;
  • Onion 2 pcs.;
  • Garlic 6 cloves;
  • Bell pepper 2 pcs.;
  • Champignons 600 g;
  • Potatoes 1.5 kg;
  • Sour apple 1 pc.;
  • Eggs 3 pcs.;
  • Salt 50 g;
  • Ground black pepper 9 g;
  • 6 g paprika;
  • Stewed mint 3 g;
  • Dried basil 2 g;
  • Dried rosemary 3 g;
  • Chalked coriander 3 g;
  • Nutmeg 2 g;
  • Breadcrumbs 250 g;
  • Cloves 15 pcs.;
  • Refined sunflower oil 40 ml;
  • Vodka 100 ml.