Top best coffee beans. Coffee beans: rating of the best varieties, types and brands

Currently, the range of bean coffee on store shelves is quite wide and is gradually being replenished with products from new manufacturers. However, the main participants in this segment are still large ones. It is worth noting that they offer not only grain, but also instant and ground products. The best brands are those that are able to offer relatively properly roasted quality coffee.

When choosing bean coffee, pay attention to the packaging of the products. Experts recommend giving preference to grains packed in a bag. It must be hermetically sealed and made of opaque dense material. An additional valve on the packaging will protect the contents from unwanted exposure to oxygen.

Before purchasing coffee, inspect the appearance of the beans. They must be the same size and shape. An oily film and shine indicate that all the oils responsible for the aroma and taste have already been released from the grain. This was most likely due to contact with air. The expected taste and aroma will not be obtained when brewing such coffee.

The closer the roast date is to the purchase date, the better. The first 3-4 weeks after processing the grain will give the richest taste. After 6-7 weeks the aroma will become less intense. The use of grains is not recommended after 12 weeks of storage.

The taste of the drink is largely influenced by the degree of roasting of the beans. To prepare morning coffee, it is good to use lightly processed beans. This “Scandinavian” roasting will give you a delicate and soft taste. “Viennese” or medium roast gives the drink a sweetish taste and enhances the aroma of the beans. “French” or strong processing will give the coffee a certain bitterness. When brewing such grains, the drink turns out velvety and dark.

The best bean coffee varieties

The most popular coffee is Jardin. This manufacturer remains one of the most popular and popular in the coffee bean market. Jardin offers a limited number of coffee beans. Moreover, they have different strengths and different degrees of roasting. It follows from this that you can choose a more suitable and optimal option for any preference.

The Paulig brand is no less popular on the bean coffee market. Careful sorting of beans, high-quality roasting, excellent aroma and taste, and most importantly, the use of only the best Arabica beans. These qualities allow Paulig bean coffee to be in the top sales. It should be noted that this manufacturer offers several varieties, including those in the popular premium segment.

In Russia, Italian Kimbo coffee enjoys well-deserved popularity. It is distinguished by a pronounced aroma without bitterness or sourness and a deep, magnificent taste. High-quality packaging, an abundance of varieties and uniform roasting of beans allow you to preserve the best characteristics of bean coffee. It is thanks to these qualities that Kimbo coffee is an increasingly popular brand.

Gut coffee beans! – another representative of the middle price class. It is made from Robusta and Arabica. Careful selection of varieties allows maintaining the quality of bean coffee at a sufficiently high level. Gut! – a wide range of varieties with different strengths and varying degrees of roasting.

The “Live Coffee” brand should also be noted when talking about bean coffee. Below it is a wide range of single varieties. Many of them are additionally flavored. “Live Coffee” has a very reasonable price, rich aroma and pleasant taste.

Gaggia is another representative of the Russian bean coffee market. This brand appeared in our country relatively recently. But, thanks to its high quality, it is quickly gaining popularity. The Gaggia brand offers only a few varieties of bean coffee. Moreover, each of them has its own special taste and aroma. This is properly roasted, carefully selected coffee.

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To choose good coffee beans, you need to consider several important nuances. The taste of coffee beans is influenced by the country of origin, degree of roasting and blend.

What coffee drinks do you prefer?

First of all, you need to decide whether you want to buy pure and expensive Arabica or a mixture of different varieties of Arabica and cheaper Robusta. Then you need to choose your preferred degree of roast. If you like tart, bitter coffee, opt for a strong roast of beans; if you prefer a softer taste and aroma, choose medium. Of course, the taste of the drink also depends on the country of origin. Central America and Colombia produce light coffee with a distinct but not very intense flavor, which is usually mixed with other varieties. In its pure form, this coffee is suitable for lovers of cappuccino and other soft coffee drinks; it is better not to use these beans for espresso. The same applies to coffee grown in India, as the varieties from this region are incredibly smooth.

Rich, intense coffees grow in the Caribbean and Brazil. Their tart aroma and strong, slightly sweet taste are ideal for espresso. The same can be said about coffee from Kenya, Rwanda, and Tanzania. Coffee grown in these countries is suitable for lovers of a strong, invigorating drink without the addition of cream or milk. These types of coffee are good both on their own and in combination with other varieties.

The most expensive coffee grows in the Hawaiian Islands and New Guinea. These are rare, unusual varieties that will appeal to discerning connoisseurs.

The degree of roasting greatly affects the taste

If you're going to drink your coffee with cream or milk, choose lightly roasted coffee beans. A medium degree of roasting gives the drink a more pronounced aroma and bitter taste. Very few people like deeply roasted coffee, since the resulting drink is very strong and bitter. Strongly roasted beans are preferred by Arabs and French.

Choosing coffee beans is much easier than choosing ground coffee, since it is easy to determine how fresh they are by the smell and appearance of the beans. In addition, freshly ground coffee has a particularly strong aroma and distinct taste.

When purchasing, pay attention to the integrity of the grains; if they are damaged or chipped, it means that the storage and transportation conditions were far from ideal, which can affect the taste and smell of the drink.

Determining the freshness of coffee beans by appearance is quite simple. The freshness of the coffee bean is indicated by its characteristic oily sheen. If the surface is gray and dull, this indicates that the coffee is already quite old. The aroma of coffee beans should not be rancid or sour. Such odors indicate low quality of the product.

Capsule coffee makers have gained amazing popularity due to their ease of use. Last but not least, they owe this to the idea of ​​selling coffee in capsules. No more hassles with dosing or grinding correctly: the small container already contains everything you need, in the right proportions. But the variety of coffee capsules is so great that the question inevitably arises: how to choose the best?

Coffee capsule device

A coffee capsule is a small glass, completely hermetically packaged. It contains a portion of ground and roasted coffee, the rest of the space is filled with inert gas. Typically, a capsule contains from 6 to 10 g of coffee.

The capsule is designed as follows: it is a container in which there are two filters, between which ground coffee is placed. Before use, the coffee maker pierces the capsule at the top and bottom, then delivers steam or hot water under pressure, all of which passes through filters and coffee, and then condenses in the next vessel. This is how you get ready-made espresso or ristretto. All other types of coffee are prepared on the basis of espresso.

Popular coffee capsule manufacturers

Despite the fact that there are many more manufacturers of coffee capsules than will be listed here, it is still very important to talk about the most popular of them: Nespresso (manufactured by Nestle, Switzerland), Cremesso (Delica company, Switzerland), Chicco Doro and Ecaffe ( manufactured by Caffitaly, Italy), Lavazza Blue (also Italy), Jacobs (manufactured by the American company Kraft Foods). These are capsules known for their quality standards.

Before you start choosing capsules, find out which ones are suitable for your coffee maker. Many companies produce coffee makers that only accept their own coffee capsules.

Criterias of choice

The criteria for choosing the best coffee are known, and for a capsule drink they are exactly the same: these are the taste properties of the beans, the manufacturer, expiration date and quality of packaging. In the case of capsule coffee, the only difference is that you most likely won’t be able to choose a manufacturer.

But packaging plays a huge role. Oxygen and moisture are the main enemies for preserving the taste and aromatic properties of coffee. Capsules must be vacuum sealed. When the capsule is properly packaged, the shelf life of coffee is 2 years.

Types of capsule packaging

Aluminum capsules are the most common and are made from aluminum foil. This material helps preserve the taste of coffee and prevents the packaging substance from somehow penetrating into the drink itself and harming human health.

Polymer capsules are an expensive option, since a special type of polymer is required to ensure complete safety for humans. Their advantage is that these capsules can be disposed of without harming the environment.

The combined option occurs, but less frequently. Such capsules have a significant drawback: they cannot be disposed of in the usual way.

Coffee flavors

The pioneer of capsule coffee technology is the Nespresso company, which can offer owners of its coffee machines 19 different types of capsules: several types of espresso, exotic varieties and flavored coffee. Other manufacturers cannot boast of such variety; for example, Cremesso has only 9 types of capsules, and Lavazza Blue has 8.

The service life of a coffee machine directly depends on the choice of coffee. The stores offer a wide range of coffee beans and every coffee machine owner will choose the right ones. Please note that not all varieties can be used in a coffee machine.


Be sure to pay attention to the operation of the coffee machine. If problems are observed during the coffee preparation process, the problem may be due to the wrong coffee selection. Please note that it is not recommended to use flavored coffee in a coffee machine.

If you have a coffee machine with ceramic or metal coffee, you should not buy this type of coffee. The thing is that the flavors released from the grains corrode the plastic of the container. In addition, the grinders of the coffee machine become clogged and rust from using such coffee. The service life of the device is greatly reduced, and the brewing mechanism especially quickly becomes unusable. For similar reasons, avoid beans that have been roasted together and other additives.

When purchasing ground coffee, if you are allowed to use it, you need to pay attention to the grind. You should not choose a fine grind, which can clog the chambers of the brewing mechanism. If the coffee starts to flow in small streams with difficulty, you should replace the grind with a coarser one.

Don't buy beans that are too oily. They are usually found in freshly roasted coffee. Using such grains may cause the coffee grinder burrs to rust. The device may also become clogged with coffee mixture.

For coffee machines that have ceramic grinders, the choice of coffee is of paramount importance, since such grinders are sensitive to the hardness of the beans. If you hear extraneous noise when making coffee or waste coffee is dumped into the tray, you need to buy beans of a different type. Don't forget to pay attention to the grind.

Instant coffee cannot be used in the machine. Buy ground natural coffee, it should be of a special coarse grind. Choose only those coffee beans that are recommended by the coffee machine manufacturers. Usually this coffee is produced by well-known brands that pay attention to the quality of the beans.

Well-known manufacturers guarantee that there are no stones among the coffee beans or other foreign objects. The grain in the package is always of the highest quality. This ensures that the coffee machine will not be damaged by low-quality raw materials.

The manufacturer always writes in the instructions his recommendations on what kind of coffee the consumer should choose for the coffee machine. Read the instructions carefully. It contains a list of coffee producers and recommended varieties. You can always choose the right coffee from the list, find it in the store and enjoy its great taste.

Select the degree of coffee roasting to suit your taste. The coffee machine settings should be as follows: set the grind to coarse when using dark roast coffee. But set the fine grind for low roast coffee.

Choose coffee for coffee machines according to your taste. If you like soft acidity, buy 100% Arabica or blends with a predominance of Arabica. For lovers of bitterness and thick foam, it is better to choose a coffee blend that contains a high content of robusta.


  • How to choose coffee for a coffee machine?
  • What kind of coffee is needed for coffee machines?

Tip 5: What New Year's coffee drinks are in demand?

The New Year is about to come. All restaurants and cafes have prepared New Year's menus to attract customers. What drinks are most in demand among coffee shop visitors?

New Year is the most cozy and atmospheric holiday

Everyone strives to recreate this atmosphere. Someone decorates the Christmas tree, someone hangs garlands. Cafes and restaurants are preparing New Year's menus and drinks. Let's look at the most popular coffee drinks.

  1. Mulled wine. Yes, this is not a coffee drink, but it should be on the menu of every self-respecting restaurant. The aroma of spices and the warmth of the glass bring back childhood memories.
  2. Ginger Latte. If you are the owner of a coffee shop, be sure to buy syrups with the flavors of “Gingerbread Cookies,” “Cinnamon,” and “Gingerbread House.” Once you add them to coffee, it immediately acquires a refined and alluring taste.
  3. Coffee with halva. This season's trend. All lovers of nuts and halva will like it. The coffee will become both sweeter and smoother.
  4. Latte with cloves and honey. Incredibly aromatic and tasty drink. Not all coffee shops have it, which will make you unique.
  5. Christmas coffee is the sweetest, but not cloying drink. It is a mixture of espresso and cocoa/hot chocolate.
  6. You can make a coffee smoothie. It's a combination of banana, espresso and yogurt. It turns out to be an unusual and original recipe, which will also perfectly satisfy your hunger.
  7. Flavored coffee. Add cinnamon to the espresso, top with whipped cream and sprinkle with chocolate chips and nuts.
  8. But where would we be without the classics? Affogato! Yes, it's cold in winter, but everyone loves ice cream. And if you are sitting in a warm place, then why not. Looks very beautiful and tastes divine. The main thing is to buy quality ice cream.

This is just a small list of New Year's coffee drinks. Experiment and you will find your favorite New Year's coffee.

Therefore, it is better to choose the right coffee beans and the necessary equipment for brewing coffee at home. Honestly it's not as difficult as it seems.

How to choose coffee

1. Grain or ground

If you have such a choice, then of course choose grain. This type of coffee retains the taste and aroma of coffee longer. You can buy it at any good coffee shop. They are usually sold from 250 grams to 1 kg. This way you can gradually choose exactly the variety or mixture that you like best. And the barista will help you make a choice by telling you about the type of coffee, its taste and how you will feel after drinking it. For example, he will choose something fruity, or, conversely, sweet and sour, or a little more berry, with notes of chocolate, cherries, and nuts.

2. Information on the packaging

  • Roast date

This is the main criterion when choosing coffee. The bright taste lasts for 1–1.5 months after roasting. Then it begins to fizzle out and after 3 months it becomes “flat”. For the same reason, it is better to buy small packages and not stock up. Coffee roasted less than 2 weeks ago is considered the most delicious. You are very lucky if there is a roasting company in your city. They always have the freshest roasted coffee.

  • Type of coffee

The best is Arabica of the highest category (pros call it “specialty coffee”). These beans have been properly harvested, processed and roasted. The international association Specialty Coffee Association (SCA) monitors quality.

Arabica is sweeter, more aromatic and produces a variety of flavors when brewed. Robusta (the second most popular type of bean) contains 2-3 times more caffeine and does not have a strong taste. It is cheaper than Arabica, but the coffee made from it will be bitter and strong. Blends are often made from these two types - grains are mixed to reduce the cost of the product.

But this does not mean that such blends are always bad. A common combination of 80 to 20, where 20% is Robusta beans, produces excellent tasty coffee.

  • A country

The taste of coffee is influenced by the climate of the country in which it was grown. For example, beans from Latin America have a sweeter taste, while beans from highland Africa have a sour, citrusy flavor. Try different options to see which one is right for you.

  • Roasting

There are three types of roasting: light is typical for specialty coffee and gives a bright, rich taste; medium – a less pronounced taste with a slight bitterness; and dark – this coffee will be bitter. Most often, the latter type of roast is found in ground coffee from well-known manufacturers. It is characterized by a bitter and astringent taste.

  • Taste

Pay attention to how the manufacturer describes the taste and aroma qualities of the grains. This point will help you choose not only high-quality coffee, but also one that suits your taste. Berries, chocolate, raisins – coffee can have many flavors. Some people want to feel the caramel taste in a cup of coffee, while others want to feel the sweetish taste of chocolate.

3. Appearance of grains

The last stage of selection is to look inside the selected coffee. Ask for an open package of the same release to check the grains: there should be no traces of oil on their surface. If it protrudes, the bean is overcooked and the coffee will taste rancid. Also pay attention to the shape of the grain, Arabica has a smooth surface with a curved line, while Robusta has a straight, crisp line and a smaller grain size.

You can also pre-order a cup of coffee of the type you choose. They will cook it for you and you can make sure that you chose exactly what you wanted.

The most delicious coffee can only be prepared from properly roasted high-quality beans of several varieties. They can be purchased as part of blends or as a single variety. At home, you can also learn how to properly roast. But there is not always enough time for such work, so even gourmets often prefer the finished product.

The best varieties of coffee beans

What is the best coffee bean? Every coffee lover has his own views on this concept. Therefore, it is easier to figure out what a good product should be. Coffee is grown in more than 40 countries around the world. But for many decades, the leaders in the market remain Brazil, Guatemala, Colombia, joined by Vietnam, Ethiopia and others.

Arabica is a type of tree whose fruits account for 70% of the total production. It is Arabica that is considered the bearer of real coffee characteristics:

  • rich aroma;
  • thick foam of the finished drink;
  • pleasant taste with slight sourness.

Arabica has dozens of varieties that can give the drink different taste and aroma characteristics. Arabica beans are large and oblong. It is the right combination of different ones that makes the drink harmonious. It has a balanced bitterness, sourness, viscosity, tonic effect and other characteristics.

The best coffees have common characteristics based on the region where they are grown.

  • Coffee beans from Guatemala are of high quality and have a slight spice flavor in the finished drink.
  • Brazilian Santos and Typica are the most common Arabica varieties, which have a neutral taste with nutty notes.
  • Ethiopia supplies Arabica beans that are unique in their taste. It gives the drink a cinnamon flavor with simultaneous berry notes.
  • Coffee beans from Colombia are famous for their amazing lightness and pleasant fruity notes.
  • The Kenyan product is of high quality due to strict government standards. The taste of the drink highlights berry notes and sourness.

Robusta is the second largest produced type of coffee. There are also many varieties within the species. The distinctive feature of the grains is their roundness. The taste of the drink made from robusta is strong, with bitter and tart notes, black with a small amount of foam and a high caffeine content.

This is what natural dried Arabica and Robusta beans look like

In addition to the variety, the taste of the drink is greatly influenced by the degree of roasting. The weaker it is, the more delicate and neutral the taste is. Simplified, all degrees of roasting can be divided into weak, medium and strong.

Coffee beans that have been heat treated for a few seconds have a light nutty color and a light aroma. The drink made from such a product is not distinguished by its strength and exceptionally refined notes. Medium roast is the most popular. The grains have a more intense brown color, small cracks are visible on them and most often there is a light oily coating, which indicates the release of oils and resins on the surface of the grain. It is the result of a medium roast that produces coffee that is better suited for making espresso.

There are not many lovers of a drink made from dark roasted beans in the world. The drink is strong, intensely bitter, and low in acidity. Knowing the characteristic features of the variety and having information about the degrees of roasting, it is easier to choose the optimal product for yourself.

Selection rules

How to choose good coffee beans? Product packaging very rarely provides complete information about coffee. This refers to the composition of the blend, growing regions, dates, strength, and so on. Therefore, gourmets prefer to choose products that are sold by weight. In this case, you can evaluate the quality visually and feel its aroma.

Light shine, uniform color and divine aroma distinguish the best coffee beans

Which coffee beans are best and what to look for?

  • Ideally, all grains should be the same in shape, size and color.
  • There should be no gray coating on them, just a slight oiliness and shine.
  • The aroma should not contain notes of mustiness, obvious bitterness or acidity.
  • Too many cracks in the grain indicate its low quality.
  • Low price. Delicious, high-quality coffee cannot be cheap.

A good product cannot contain any extraneous aromas. It should smell pleasant and make you want to cook it and taste it. If a lover of an invigorating drink has found his leader, he can safely order it on the Internet from the first supplier.

Rating of finished products

There are many brands of coffee beans available on the domestic market. It is usually sold in foil packs with a valve so that the buyer can evaluate the aroma.

Jardine is the owner of the widest range of bean coffee

  • Lavazza is a global brand of the best overall coffee. Offers exclusively high quality Arabica beans from different regions. Supplies unique blends to the market intended for professional and home use.
  • Jardine - offers a whole line of coffee for every taste. In demand in many countries of the world. The blends include grains from Ethiopia, Sumatra, Guatemala, Brazil and other well-known and other producers.
  • Paulig is a popular brand in the domestic and Baltic markets. Presents several varieties of good Arabica coffee of varying degrees of roasting. Mid-priced product.
  • Quimbo is another Italian coffee. Offers blends of several varieties of Arabica and Robusta with varying degrees of strength. High quality product.
  • Malongo - supplies the market with highly roasted Arabica beans to make strong espresso. A French brand known for its unique blends with the harmonious taste of the finished drink.

In the reviews of coffee lovers you can find many others who, in their opinion, are leaders in the coffee market. These are Living Coffee, Jacobs, Good, Jockey, Saeko and others. Professionals prefer to mix single varieties themselves in order to obtain a unique and favorite blend of taste and aroma.

Coffee is one of the most popular drinks around the world. It has a unique taste and aroma and is prepared from coffee beans. The vast majority of people cannot imagine starting the day without this invigorating drink. It is prepared at home, offered in cafes and restaurants, and is also popular in small “to-go” establishments. There are many ways to prepare this invigorating drink. Below we present the most popular of them:

  • in Turk;
  • in French press;
  • in a geyser coffee maker;
  • in an espresso machine.

When prepared using any of these methods, the coffee produced will be different. Everyone chooses the right one based on their taste preferences. For example, in the last two options you can brew a strong, rich drink of small volume. And the first two imply a full cup and a less tart taste. In addition, there are different types of coffee:

  • Ristretto has a volume of only 15 ml and is considered a coffee drink in its classic Italian sense.
  • Espresso has a volume of 30 ml and a very bright taste and aroma without any additives.
  • Cappuccino is espresso and milk heated to 75 degrees with about 1 cm of foam. It has a soft, delicate taste.
  • Latte has the same proportions as the previous type, but differs in the amount of foam (it is 2-3 times more).
  • Americano is the same black coffee in the modern sense. Actually consists of espresso and hot water.

Some people buy coffee on the way to work to cheer them up, others start their morning with a coffee ritual, i.e. preparing it yourself. This could be grinding coffee and then brewing it in a special machine, or adding boiling water to instant beans, which significantly reduces time costs. Now lovers of this drink have the opportunity to choose not only the preparation method, but also the type of coffee (beans, ground or instant) from a variety of options. But not all of them are of high quality. Our rating of the best coffee brands will help you choose a trusted manufacturer of an amazing aromatic drink.

The best brands of coffee beans

Coffee beans are a real find for connoisseurs of this drink. Everything is important here: from the degree of roasting to the growing region. The beans require initial grinding in a special device (coffee grinder), and at the same time they release an amazing aroma, which makes the brewing procedure even more enjoyable. The most popular coffee varieties are the pleasant and mild-tasting Arabica, whose main competitor is the tart and slightly bitter Robusta. They occupy 97% of world production. You can buy coffee beans at any specialty store or hypermarket. Selecting the type, variety, roasting, etc. – this is entirely up to each individual and depends on individual taste preferences. Below we will rank the best coffee bean brands so that you can save time searching for the right product.

5 Carraro

Italian quality coffee beans
Country: Italy
Rating (2019): 4.5

Carraro has been delighting coffee bean connoisseurs for 80 years. The manufacturer, originally from sunny Italy, purchases the best varieties of beans from South America, Guatemala, and Ethiopia and roasts them using a unique technology developed by the company’s founder back in 1896. An interesting fact is that the company was the first to use vacuum packaging in coffee production. Today, Carraro coffee has a refined aroma, sweet aftertaste and fruity taste with sourness. The ideal combination of these three characteristics was achieved through extensive experience and many experiments. A special feature of the brand is its unique blends of coffee beans. For example, Super Bar Gran Crema consists of 7 types of Arabica, and its aftertaste has a chocolate tint.


  • deep taste;
  • excellent reviews;
  • There are types without caffeine;
  • beautiful tin packaging;
  • unique recipe;
  • high quality beans and roasting.


  • not detected.

4 Julius Meinl

The best manufacturing traditions
Country: Austria
Rating (2019): 4.6

Coffee beans from the brand of Austrian origin Julius Meinl are known throughout the world. Every coffee lover will recognize the packaging from Julius Meinl because of the characteristic drawing of a little boy wearing a fez hat on it. The small coffee shop gained rapid popularity due to a unique innovation at that time - the sale of ready-made beans. Roasting according to unique Viennese traditions fills the coffee with a special tart aroma and gives the taste that same sourness. Some varieties have a delicate aftertaste, others have a creamy foam. The manufacturer produces flavored blends with a citrus or caramel tint.


  • the highest quality coffee beans;
  • uniform roasting;
  • grains of ideal size and shape;
  • rich taste;
  • a large assortment;
  • the best equipment and recipes.


  • high price.

3 Jardin

Best price
A country:
Average price: 200 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The Jardin brand is famous for its delicious Arabica beans. Ethiopia, Guatemala, Colombia are some of the most popular growing locations to choose from. Thanks to the presence of 5 different degrees of roasting (from very soft to strong), connoisseurs of real coffee beans can choose their favorite taste with or without sourness. The aroma of Jardin is very bright, because... the company uses only high-quality and properly grown grains, roasted using modern technologies. Depending on the type, coffee is suitable for all preparation methods.


  • real Arabica is used;
  • 5 degrees of roasting;
  • rich taste and aroma;
  • high quality grains;
  • optimal price;
  • the packaging retains freshness for a long time.


  • not detected.

2 Paulig

The optimum ratio of price and quality
A country: Finland (produced in Russia)
Average price: 250 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The famous Finnish manufacturer has been producing coffee beans since 1876. 100% Arabica from Paulig has a rich, tart taste with a slight sour note and a perfect creamy foam. The region where the grains grow is South and Central America. There are several degrees of roasting to choose from, which determine the taste and brightness of the drink. Paulig has a long aftertaste and excellent aroma. Packaging volume – 250 grams. The latest technologies and equipment are used in production.


  • bright taste;
  • rich aroma;
  • pleasant aftertaste;
  • Suitable for several cooking methods.


  • Unevenly roasted grains are found.

1 Lavazza

Best quality
A country: Italy (produced in India, Italy, Brazil, etc.)
Average price: 300 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The most popular Italian manufacturer of high-quality coffee and equipment for its preparation has occupied a leading position in the market for many years. The history of the company goes back more than 100 years. The most delicious Arabica beans are supplied to Lavazza factories from all coffee growing regions. This provides a wide selection of coffee types and tastes. True connoisseurs of this invigorating drink prefer the Italian brand to prepare the best coffee for the whole family. The most popular coffee chains around the world choose beans from Lavazza.


  • wide choice of growing regions;
  • different roasting;
  • reliable vacuum packaging;
  • excellent taste;
  • good foam.


  • not detected.

Best Instant Coffee Brands

Instant or freeze-dried coffee is beans processed using a special technology that do not require cooking. To prepare such a drink, just pour the required amount of boiling water and stir. In Russia, this type is the most popular, because it does not require special skills or equipment. Ease of preparation and minimal time costs make instant coffee especially in demand, so there are more and more manufacturers offering this particular type of drink. But among them there are the most reliable ones, producing high-quality products using modern equipment, and they are listed in our rating.

5 Jacobs

Excellent value for money and quality
Country: USA
Rating (2019): 4.5

Another brand with a century-old history is Jacobs. The company has been selling and producing coffee since 1895. Known all over the world for its instant coffee. It is presented in 5 different types: caffeine-free, rich, classic, Gold - soft roasting of selected varieties, Velor - creamy foam and deep taste. To prepare its product, the company purchases high-quality grains and roasts them according to the best traditions. Jacobs coffee brews quickly and has a pleasant aftertaste and aroma. Belongs to the middle price segment, has good quality.


  • good price;
  • many positive reviews;
  • extensive production experience;
  • high popularity;
  • several types to choose from.


  • not always rich in taste.

4 Nescafe

Most popular, best range
Country: Switzerland
Rating (2019): 4.6

The very first and currently largest producer of instant coffee is Nescafe. Interesting fact: every second, people around the world drink more than 4.5 million cups of Nescafe! The brand has repeatedly become the winner of the most prestigious competitions, for example, the domestic “People's Brand”. A special feature is the large selection of instant coffee. There are more than 10 lines, each of which has its own “zest”. Gold has a high robusta content and strong taste, Crema has the most delicate foam and creamy aroma, Barista is close to brewed coffee.


  • the most popular;
  • several unique collections;
  • good quality;
  • convenient packaging;
  • availability.


  • not detected.

3 Bushido

The best recipe
A country: Japan (made in Switzerland)
Average price: 700 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

The Japanese brand located the production of its coffee in Switzerland and this is not surprising. The technology of this country is famous for its high-quality roasting by hand and in a gentle mode. The traditions of the East are perfectly combined with high European quality. Packing, roasting and other stages of production take place at a Swiss plant. Lovers of natural coffee will appreciate the taste of Bushido. There are several types of instant coffee to choose from, differing in roasting intensity and taste.


  • high quality;
  • compliance with European standards;
  • interesting types of coffee (with different aroma and aftertaste);
  • excellent coffee beans;
  • pleasant rich taste and aroma.


  • high price.

2 Carte Noire

High quality
A country: France (produced in Russia, etc.)
Average price: 500 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Carte Noire instant coffee is made from 100% natural Arabica beans, roasted using the unique “Fire and Ice” technology. Thanks to it, the drink conveys the magical aroma and unforgettable taste of real coffee beans. Growing regions: Brazil and Colombia. The packaging retains freshness for a long time; you can choose from a glass jar or specialized bags. To brew an invigorating drink, just add hot, but not boiling water to two teaspoons of coffee.


  • pleasant taste;
  • easy to prepare;
  • good quality.


  • high price;
  • not rich aroma.


Best Roast
Country: Germany
Average price: 550 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Connoisseurs of real coffee taste, who do not have time to prepare this drink in a machine or Turk, choose EGOISTE. The premium brand produces its product in the best factories in the world. Thanks to the roasting of beans using a unique high-alpine technology in combination with melted glacial water, the taste of coffee is intense and refined. No special skills are required for preparation - just pour the required amount of contents with hot water. The company offers a choice of several types of instant coffee - beans from Kenya, Colombia and other popular regions.


  • bright taste;
  • increased shelf life;
  • correct manufacturing technologies;
  • good grains in the base;
  • natural arabica.


  • high price.

Best Ground Coffee Brands

Ground coffee is something between the first two types. It cannot be diluted with water, but there is no need to waste time grinding it. This drink is prepared in a Turk, machine, French press or coffee maker. The size of the grind determines the possibility of preparing it in one way or another, as well as the taste and strength of the coffee itself. During the manufacturing and packaging process, it is important to follow certain rules to preserve freshness and aroma. Not all manufacturers can boast of this. We've reviewed the best ground coffee brands.

5 Hausbrandt

The best ground coffee recipes
Country: Italy
Rating (2019): 4.5

The Italian coffee company Hausbrandt has been around for over 100 years. During this time, its specialists have developed technologies and recipes that allow them to produce ground coffee with the best taste and aroma. The distinctive feature of the brand is strict quality control at every stage. Grains are purchased from Latin America and Africa. Hausbrandt roasts its coffee long enough at a low temperature to ensure that the beneficial properties of the product are preserved. The assortment is represented by blends with different percentages of Arabica and Robusta, and a combination of varieties. Each drink has its own unique taste.


  • high Italian quality;
  • uniform roasting;
  • unique recipes;
  • strict control over production;
  • preserving the beneficial properties of coffee;
  • convenient packaging.


  • difficult to reach.

4 Jardin

Unique combinations of different varieties
A country: Switzerland (produced in Russia)
Rating (2019): 4.6

Coffee from a joint Swiss-Russian production Jardin has many good characteristics. For example, the beans undergo double roasting using a special “Thermo Two” technology (convection + drum). This allows you to get the deepest taste and rich aroma. Thanks to complete isolation from oxygen during production, coffee retains its freshness for a long time. Each package contains information about the degree of roasting. Made from 100% Kenyan and Colombian Arabica beans. The range of ground coffee includes 4 types: Continental - the mildest taste, medium roast, Espresso Stile Di Milano - created for a coffee machine, has a slight chocolate-almond bitterness, Dessert Cup - rich tart taste from 5 different varieties, All Day Long - enough strong, made from 3 types of Arabica.


  • good combinations of grains of different varieties;
  • you can choose a drink to suit every taste;
  • special roasting technology;
  • excellent reviews.


  • not detected.

3 Kimbo

Best taste
Country: Italy
Average price: 600 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The company, originally from sunny Naples, has been producing coffee blends for about 50 years. Extensive experience and raw materials grown in the right conditions allow us to produce a product of incomparable quality. It uses 100% natural Arabica, which grows only in Latin America. It has a Brazilian rich taste with a not pronounced sourness. The exquisite taste and unique smell of Kimbo ground coffee will not leave anyone indifferent.


  • produced using the oldest Italian technology;
  • special natural taste;
  • you can prepare the perfect espresso.


  • difficult to find on sale;
  • high price.

2 Live Coffee

The widest range
Country Russia
Average price: 250 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

More than 60 varieties of coffee for every taste are presented to your attention by the Russian brand “Live Coffee”. Optimal cost combined with high quality products is a distinctive feature of the company. Natural Arabica beans from Ecuador, Puerto Rico and other countries are roasted according to a special recipe and flavored with natural flavors in some types. Coffee with the aroma of bourbon, chocolate, dark and other roasts awaits you on the shelves of specialized stores or hypermarkets. For people with limited time, there is a special grind for brewing in a cup. Coffee is roasted in Russia, so residents of our country receive a fresh product in the shortest possible time.


  • huge assortment;
  • low price;
  • guaranteed quality.


  • not detected.

1 Illy

Best quality
Country: Italy
Average price: 800 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The Italian company, which has existed for more than 70 years, has won the hearts of true coffee lovers. This brand is offered in high-end restaurants around the world. The manufacturer is responsible for quality, complies with all production standards and constantly improves equipment, which allows the output to be a natural product with preserved beneficial properties and an indescribable smell. Illy ground coffee is available in several varieties: medium and dark roast, with and without caffeine.


  • pleasant fruity notes;
  • have a decaffeinated drink;
  • convenient and reliable packaging in the form of a tin can;
  • excellent quality;
  • pleasant chocolate aftertaste.


  • high price.

The best brands of coffee capsules

Coffee capsules are a modern invention that is already loved by a large number of connoisseurs of this drink. It is tightly compressed ground coffee in a special package designed for one use. It is absolutely airtight and, most importantly, it best preserves the beneficial properties, as well as the taste and aroma of coffee. There are only a few brands that make this product. They make capsules from a variety of materials and add different fillings to them. A special coffee machine is required for use. The main feature of the drink is the speed and ease of preparation. We found out which coffee capsules are the best.

3 Tassimo

Unique cooking technology
Country: USA
Rating (2019): 4.7

Tassimo capsules have a unique T-disc shape designed specifically for the brand's coffee machine. She reads the barcode, uses it to determine the type of drink and starts preparing it. The company produces espresso, latte macchiato, cappuccino and Caffè crema capsules with a special texture and foam. The contents of each package are carefully selected grains, roasted using special technology. Each type of Tassimo coffee is the perfect combination of taste and aroma. Freshly brewed capsule coffee is almost the same as ground coffee.


  • excellent reviews;
  • smart cooking technologies;
  • packaging made of reliable material;
  • good assortment;
  • high quality.


  • high price;
  • suitable for a specific coffee machine.

2 Nescafe

The widest range of flavors
Country: Switzerland
Rating (2019): 4.8

Capsules from the manufacturer Nescafe Dolce Gusto are very different from similar ones. With their help you can prepare not only espresso, but also such famous types as cappuccino and latte. The packages are divided into two parts, one of which contains coffee capsules, and the other milk capsules. Thanks to the latter, your drink will acquire a delicate foam or a pleasant creamy taste. The assortment is complemented by flavored capsules (with caramel, vanilla, etc.). In total, the brand presents more than 20 types of coffee in special packaging. There are special Dolce Gusto devices that have a stylish look and allow you to easily prepare your favorite drink.


  • many different tastes;
  • selected grains;
  • high quality;
  • presence of milk capsules;
  • positive reviews;
  • convenient preparation.


  • high price.

1 Nespresso

The most popular
Country: Switzerland
Rating (2019): 4.9

The Nespresso brand of the famous company Nestle is the most popular today. The manufacturer presents 4 types of capsules, including: Decaffeirato - caffeine-free, Lungo - the deepest taste, larger volume of the finished drink, Pure Origine - premium varieties, Ecspresso - coffee mixtures with various flavors. The brand produces special coffee machines for its capsules. The drink has a rich taste and incredible aroma. It takes 10-15 seconds to make. Many positive reviews indicate the good quality and convenient use of Nespresso capsules.


  • the most popular;
  • big choice;
  • different varieties;
  • deep taste;
  • rich aroma;
  • excellent reviews.


  • requires the use of a specific coffee machine;
  • high price.

A coffee lover turns the creation and consumption of an aromatic drink into a kind of ritual. Coffee makers are not purchased to speed up awakening, but to increase the number of drink recipes. The type and degree of roasting of coffee for a coffee machine is of great importance. By choosing the right ratio of grains of different varieties, you can get high foam, amazing aroma and unique taste.

Ground coffee retains its aroma for only 10 minutes and begins to lose it. Whole bean coffee retains all its qualities unchanged for a year or more if properly stored. With a large number of varieties, on packs of coffee you can see 3 varieties:

  • arabica,
  • robusta,
  • liberica.

Each of them has its own characteristics and popularity.

Oblong grains with an even score on the flat side. The aroma is weak, the foam does not whip up well, but the taste is pronounced and rich, has many shades. The caffeine content is low. The density of the bean depends on the height of the coffee trees. The higher the plantations are located, the denser the coffee berry seed.

Gourmets prefer single-origin coffee beans grown in a specific area. They have a subtle taste of flowers, cocoa, chocolate and others. Arabica coffee's flavor depends on the area where it is grown. For example, “Monsoon Malabar” has almost no sourness.

The sourness is also faintly felt in coffee beans grown in Cuba and the Dominican Republic. It is most strongly felt in Arabica beans from Mexico, Ethiopia and Kenya. Brazilian varieties have a nutty flavor. Coffee from Uganda and Guatemala with a dark chocolate flavor.

Robusta has smaller, more elongated grains. The beans contain 2 times more caffeine than Arabica, and coffee made from them is bitter. Robusta must be added to coffee for all coffee machines to obtain high cream crema and aroma.

Liberica contains almost no caffeine. The grain is almost 2 times larger than Arabica, up to 4 cm in length and 1.5 cm in width. The drink turns out bitter and watery. The aroma surpasses all known varieties. Liberica trees grow north of the equator, reaching a height of 16-18 meters, and only 2% of the soil is suitable for them. Coffee beans are not exported. It is mainly drunk by local residents and used by confectioners. Liberica coffee is used as an additive in blended formulations. A small amount of grains gives a strong aroma.

Arabica coffee with the addition of 10–30% robusta is suitable for coffee machines. This is enough to obtain good foam, strong aroma and mild bitterness.

Degree of roasting of beans

The taste depends on the degree of roasting. The lower the processing temperature, the more sourness, the less bitterness and vice versa. On the package you can see 3 degrees of roasting:

  • light,
  • average,
  • dark.

In fact, there are many more options. Dark French and Italian roasting gives the beans a chocolate color and a buttery sheen. Spanish and Cuban producers process the beans at 250°C and they are similar to coals. This coffee does not have any sourness or other flavor variations, only bitterness and strength.

The most common roast is medium Viennese. Processing temperature 225–230°C. Beans roasted at this temperature are more suitable for coffee machines and are popular among coffee lovers. The taste has a balance of sourness and bitterness, rich with various shades. The drink is quite strong.

All the nuances of the monosort are revealed during light roasting. It has several options from different manufacturers. The popularity rating is topped by:

  • American - 210–220°C;
  • Scandinavian roasting - 200–210°C.

Light American roast is suitable for coffee machines, especially for those who like a sour drink. Scandinavian processing is not very popular, it has a strong sour aftertaste, especially when making espresso.

When purchasing bean coffee, you should pay attention to the integrity of the beans and the absence of chips. The color should be uniform.

A low-quality product is most often masked by dark roasting: grains of different sizes and shapes, without shine, with chips and uneven grooves.

The packaging must have a one-way valve that allows gases to escape and does not allow air to enter the package.

Ground or beans

Coffee makers operate on ground coffee, and some models of coffee machines can be loaded with both raw and ground beans. Which one to prefer and why.

After roasting, coffee, even in high-quality packaging, retains its aroma and taste with all its nuances for an average of 2–3 weeks. After a month it begins to lose its aroma. In coffee that has been sitting for 4-5 months, the coffee lover will not hear some flavors. After 10 months, the coffee will lose a lot of taste. After a year, one can only hope that the lingering caffeine will perk you up. This kind of coffee will not give you pleasure, even if it is beans or freshly ground.

The advantage of coffee machines is that they grind the beans immediately before preparing the drink. Therefore, preference should be given to grains. You can use ground coffee, you just need to look in the instructions for the unit to see which varieties are preferable.

Popular manufacturers

The largest amount of coffee is imported from Brazil. Colombia and Mexico supply inexpensive and high-quality grains. Products from the Hawaiian Islands have an exquisite taste, aroma, and are highly expensive.

What type and grade of coffee is suitable for your beverage preparation equipment is written in the instructions for the unit. The most popular varieties are:

  • Italkafe,
  • Musetti,
  • Malongo,
  • Wintergreen,
  • Bristol,

Positive reviews about these varieties from owners of carob coffee makers and complex coffee machines with cappuccino makers.


Available for all types of coffee machines, including capsule ones. There is grain available, including green. The bulk of products are ground coffee. Mostly medium Viennese and dark Italian roasts are produced.


The Musetti trading house is based in northern Italy. Currently, Viennese roasted coffee beans are produced with different grind sizes. Musetti products are suitable for all types of coffee makers.


French coffee, Arabica 100%. Most of the species are monovarieties. Italian roast. Ground makes up the largest portion of the huge selection of coffees. The grains are collected on plantations of different countries and continents. Suitable for coffee machines.


Popular with lovers of cheap drinks. Sold mainly through online stores and specialized Wintergreen tea and coffee houses. Rather, they are complementary products to various teas, suitable for brewing in Turks and drip coffee makers.


A blend of Arabica and Robusta. A large selection of beans of varying degrees of roasting and ground with different degrees of grinding are intended for making cappuccino. You can choose one suitable for different types of coffee makers and machines.

Italian LavAzza has a composition: pure Arabica and a mixture with Robusta, up to 70% of the latter. A wide selection for different types of machines, there is grain for cappuccino and espresso.

How to understand whether the selected coffee variety is suitable for your machine

You can determine the appropriate coffee based on its degree of grinding and roasting of whole beans using an experimental method. When using ground raw materials, do not use dust or coarse grinding. They are not suitable for coffee machines.

If the stream flows weakly, the coffee is small and does not fit, it clogs the funnel. Grains that are too oily cannot be used in coffee machines, especially those that are flavored or with flavoring additives.

The grains must be the same size. Roast levels for espresso are light to medium. Cappuccino will turn out better when roasted heavily with the addition of robusta.
If, when using a certain type of coffee, it does not turn out to be tasty and aromatic enough, or problems arise in the operation of the machine, it is not suitable for this coffee maker.

Having purchased a new coffee machine, the first thing its owner decides on is the capabilities of the unit and the number of recipes. It is important to immediately find the optimal grind type and type of coffee.

  1. Read the instructions to see which varieties, roast level and grind size are recommended for the machine.
  2. If you want to experiment and create new tastes, buy 100 g of grains of the varieties indicated in the instructions and several with similar characteristics.
  3. Try and observe the condition of the coffee machine.

Hard grains are not suitable for ceramic millstones. It is advisable to avoid dark roast and high-altitude coffee, especially with the addition of liberica.
Shiny grains contain a lot of oils, which accumulate on the millstones, clogging them. They should not be used with a metal coffee grinder.
It is necessary to ensure that the grains are well dried. Moisture causes corrosion on the millstones. It destroys them and ends up in the ground raw materials.

5 best brands of ground and bean coffee

Coffee beans for coffee machines have the following rating according to customer opinions and reviews.

The TastyCoffee monosort is intended for gourmets, connoisseurs of a wide palette of tastes and lovers of a coffee drink with a slight sourness and slight bitterness. Has a medium roast. Suitable for coffee machines.

Italian Carraro beans can also be purchased decaffeinated for brewing in a Turkish coffee pot. Regular grain is suitable for coffee makers and machines. Has different degrees of roasting. Ground is available in tin packaging, which guarantees the preservation of aroma and taste.

Australian Julius Meinl with Viennese roasting of Arabica and Robusta beans guarantees excellent foam and the presence of sourness. Suitable for all types of machines.

The Jardin brand is popular among lovers of not very expensive drinks. In the list of varieties you can find 5 types of roasting. Available in grain and ground.

The LavAzza brand is widely known to lovers of all types of coffee drinks. You can choose any composition, from 100% Arabica to 70% Robusta. According to customer reviews, LavAzza is the best. Everyone chooses ground or grains for themselves. Brews well in Turks, machines and coffee makers. The cost is average, the quality is high.

The choice of coffee is large. The best option for the owner of a coffee machine is to choose bean varieties suitable for the machine and use them to create recipes to suit your taste.

Coffee– a drink that some people cannot imagine their morning without. It allows you to truly wake up and get a good boost of energy before a busy active day. However, you should not drink this drink too often either. There are a huge number of coffee varieties, from which it is not at all easy to choose your favorite.

Let's look at several varieties that will definitely interest lovers of this drink.


Arabica is popular all over the world. The homeland of this variety is Ethiopia. A large number of other coffee varieties are produced through various mutations of Arabica or the cultivation of hybrids. There are also many options for preparing and roasting Arabian coffee beans.

Often, many manufacturers use mixing Arabica and Robusta in various concentrations, which gives coffee all sorts of flavor effects and shades.


Robusta is a very popular type of coffee (20% of world production), and in its popularity it is second only to Arabica. Robusta is a very resistant and productive variety. As tasters note, Robusta is a variety of lower quality compared to Arabica. Therefore, Robusta is mostly used as a budget option on the market. Robusta also contains a large amount of caffeine, but is endowed with a less intense aroma.

Kopi Luwak

Kopi Luwak is produced in the Philippines, Indonesia and India.

Kopi Luwak is one of the most expensive coffees in the world. The cost of this variety reaches $1,500 per 1 kg.

The process of its production is a very interesting, but not entirely appetizing story. Animals - musangs feast on ripe fruits of the coffee tree and, subsequently, excrete coffee beans. The next step is to wash and dry the grains in the sun.

The whole biological process is that the gastric juice of the musang begins to break down the necessary proteins, which helps to obtain the ideal taste.

Kopi Luwak

The production volume of this variety in 1 year does not exceed several kilograms.


Maragogipe is a variety of Arabica and has very large grains. The main sources of production of this variety are Guatemala, Colombia and Mexico. A distinctive feature of this variety is that “Maragodzhip” is very picky about climatic conditions. However, a properly grown variety absorbs the maximum amount of nutrients from the soil. Gradually, the production of Maragodzhipa is being reduced, and soon this type of coffee may become exclusive.


The coffee tastes warm, woody and has a fairly high acidity. There is a slight hint of smokiness and tropical fruits.

Black Tusk

Black Tusk

This coffee is produced in Thailand and is obtained from Arabica beans. The specifics of production are similar to the production of Kopi Luwak grains, and are directly related to the digestive tract of elephants. The cost of this variety reaches $1,100 per 1 kg.

This is the most expensive type of coffee in the world. The drink turns out soft and pleasant, and excess bitterness completely disappears. Because elephants consume various fruits, Black Tusk is rich in various fruity shades. To get 1 kg of this coffee, an elephant needs to eat 33 kg of coffee berries.

Yellow Bourbon

"Yellow Bourbon" is a rare variety of Brazilian Arabica, which is grown on highland plantations in the southern region of the country. The first mention of this variety was in 1859.

Yellow Bourbon

“Yellow Bourbon” stands out for its sweetness combined with a slight bitterness. After a cup of this coffee, a woody-tobacco shade remains, associated with sunny Brazil.


Peaberry is one of the most valuable varieties in the world. The difference between this type is that the Peaberry berry contains only one grain, and as a result, the berry becomes pea-like. The number of berries of this shape is only 5-8 percent of the total harvest. Moreover, such beans appear in any harvest, regardless of the type of coffee and the region of cultivation. Biologists still cannot come to a consensus regarding the appearance of these “peas”.

1 kg of Peaberry costs 15-20 dollars. The relatively high cost is associated with the great rarity of this type of grain.

Peaberry is distinguished by its aroma and pronounced sourness.

The island of Sumatra is the primary source of a wonderful variety of coffee, which has a wonderful rich taste with a mixture of spices (smokiness, spices, caramel, etc.). Coffee has low acidity, but tasters note a heavy aftertaste of this variety. Mandheling is a coffee for everyone, so not everyone may like it.

This variety is quite famous not only in America, but also in Europe. "Blue Mountain" is a fairly tall growing variety. The height of the Blue Mountains is 2.2 km above sea level. This coffee is very balanced in all components and is the optimal solution for those who do not like brightly highlighted spicy tastes.

Blue Mountain is widely popular in Japan, which buys 90 percent of the entire harvest.

Australia. Skybury


This coffee is one of the many varieties of Arabica, but it belongs to the elite varieties. The variety has a low caffeine content and is one of the “light” coffee drinks. However, the aroma and density of Skybury coffee is at a very high level and receives the highest ratings from experts.