Dough types of preparation methods. Seven types of dough that you should definitely learn how to cook

Dough is the main semi-finished product in the confectionery, bakery, pasta and lamb production, as well as in the production flour dishes with your own hands.

Dough is a mixture that is formed by mixing water, flour, butter, yeast, salt, sugar and other ingredients. The dough contains carbohydrates, proteins, fats, acids, salts and other substances.

Typically, the dough is made from rye flour is made with sourdough bread, and for making flour products from wheat flour The sponge method is most often used.

The main types of dough in cooking include the following:

Unleavened dough - dough without the addition of biological leavening agents, most often used for cooking unleavened flatbread, dumplings, pasties and pizza.

Shortbread dough - used for cooking shortbread cookies, crumbly cakes and various cake bases.

Pancake dough - batter, which is prepared specifically for making pancakes.

Biscuit dough- mainly used for making cakes, pastries and rolls.

Choux pastry - used for making cakes, especially eclairs, as well as for some types of rye-wheat and rye bread, such as Borodinsky.

Yeast dough - most often used in the manufacture of most types of bread, whites and pies.

Puff pastry - used for making samsa, puff pastry and layer cakes.

Butter dough- dough that is prepared with increased content baking: butter, eggs and sugar.

Dough can perhaps be called the most versatile of all products. You can prepare a lot of things from it variety of dishes: starting from bread, pies, pies, pancakes, muffins, cookies and first courses, ending with delicious desserts.

The basis of the dough is flour, which is mainly obtained from legumes and cereal crops. The main ingredients vary depending on the specifics of a particular dish.

Airy, soft and fragrant pastries cannot leave anyone indifferent. But not many people are willing to take the risk of making the dough themselves, although in vain. After all, having mastered just a few fundamental subtleties and secrets, you can transform the cooking process homemade bread, buns and pies into an exciting and very enjoyable activity that will undoubtedly delight you and your household with its amazing results.

In general, in cooking there are about ten main types of dough, among which there are also many subspecies.

Yeast dough is considered to be the most popular in cooking today. It is kneaded from flour, water, yeast and additional ingredients, the composition of which may depend on what exactly you are going to cook.

Yeast dough It can be rich, bread-like, cooked with or without dough. Sponge method recommended for cooking baked goods, A safe way most often used for testing with no big amount muffins.

Probably the most common subtype of yeast dough can be called bread dough, which can be prepared with or without dough.

The main percentage of this dough consists of flour or a mixture of grains and flour. It is mandatory to add water, which is necessary for breeding yeast, and additionally used for baking rye bread. sourdough bread. In accordance with the approved standard and recipe, additional components can be added to the dough: nuts, seeds, dried fruits, spices, etc. - after this, you will receive ready-made rich bread.

Puff pastry It is customary to use it for making cakes, puff pastries, buns and samsa. The invention of this type of test is attributed to Claude Lorrain, a famous French artist. Puff pastry can be either yeast or yeast-free. Along with flour, its main component is butter or margarine.

Getting ready puff pastry by repeated folding and rolling, resulting in alternating layers of fat and dough. To ensure that the dough is properly stratified and the fat is properly frozen, after rolling out each layer, the dough is cooled in the refrigerator. That is why the process of its preparation is considered quite complex, and most importantly, lengthy. The more layers we want to get in the dough, the longer we will have to tinker with it.

However, the result is worth all our efforts, because puff pastry very tasty.

One of the subtypes of puff pastry is phyllo dough, which is widespread in countries such as Türkiye and Greece. It is a thin dough made from water and flour, with the addition of vinegar and olive oil. Instead of vinegar, a strong Turkish alcoholic drink, rakia, can also be used. The main difference between phyllo and puff pastry is that it is crispier and more fragile.

Butter dough is a test where there is a large number of muffins: additional ingredients that add flavor and nutrition to the dough. Depending on the type of baked goods being prepared, the composition of the baked goods may differ slightly from each other.

Baking can be presented in the form of butter, milk and other dairy products, fats, eggs, egg mixture, egg powder, spices, dried fruits, seeds, molasses, honey, sugar and other things. All these additives change the taste, smell, appearance and consistency of the dough. Butter dough can also be made with yeast (suitable for sweet pastries) or yeast-free (usually used for savory baked goods).

One of the most ancient types of dough is unleavened dough . The simplest way to prepare it is to mix flour with water, but not so rarely they also add a little vegetable oil and salt. Ordinary unleavened dough is well suited for dumplings, dumplings, pita bread, flatbreads, many types of pizza and for making matzo.

It is possible that unleavened dough may also contain a little baking - often eggs and milk, however, there will still be much less additional ingredients here than in the rich dough itself.

Shortbread dough in cooking they are used to prepare sweet pastries, confectionery, tartlets, pies. This dough is usually prepared from flour, sugar and butter (or margarine). Eggs, water, spices and baking powder (but not yeast) can also be added here in very small doses.

All ingredients used for cooking shortcrust pastry, must be cooled so as not to lose its plasticity. The ingredients are combined, chopped into crumbs and kneaded into a dough. After hanging shortbread dough goes back into the refrigerator to cool.

Sour dough is a dough containing a large amount of yeast. It is ideal for preparing baked goods such as fried pies, kulebyaki, Rye bread and others bakery products. Sour dough is considered to be a subtype of bread dough.

Choux pastry necessary for preparing Borodino bread, cakes, sometimes it is used for chebureks, dumplings and dumplings. It received this name due to the method of its preparation: flour is brewed or steamed together with water, milk or butter, then the brewed mass is slightly cooled and eggs are added to it.

The prepared viscous mass, as a rule, folds into pastry bag and squeezed onto a baking tray of the required size and shape. When baking inside a product made from choux pastry a void is formed, which is then filled custard or other filling using a pastry syringe.

Pancake dough is a dough used by housewives to bake hearty and nutritious homemade pancakes. Depending on the type of pancakes and taste preferences housewives, the dough can vary significantly in composition. However, its basis is unchanged and the same as that of unleavened dough- it's flour and water.

In addition to the main ingredients, eggs, milk, kefir, sugar, salt, soda, yeast, butter and even a little alcohol can be added. The main guarantee of delicious homemade pancakes is a very liquid and completely homogeneous dough that spreads well in the pan.

Biscuit dough is Italian invention, which is a pastry dough for delicious sweet pastries, which includes flour, eggs and sugar. The main ingredient of this dough is eggs, which are thoroughly beaten together with flour and sugar. To make the dough as fluffy as possible, it is recommended to beat the yolks and whites separately: the yolks together with sugar, and the whites on their own, without any additives.

After this, the flour is mixed with the yolks beaten with sugar, and then the prepared whites are carefully poured in. The dough is poured into a mold greased with butter and baked in an oven preheated to 180-200 degrees. Ready sponge cake can be used as a base for pies, cakes and pastries.

Every self-respecting housewife should know how to prepare dough, and you will find recipes for the main types of dough on culinary portal website!

Dough is an intermediate product that people actively use to obtain very delicious products. If you strictly follow all the rules for preparing dough, you can prepare aromatic and delicious buns, cookies, pies, dumplings, and pasta.

The main ingredient in this culinary process is flour. As a rule, it is obtained from legumes and cereals. There are a large number of dough recipes, each of which is used to make a specific product.

Types of dough

The types and recipes of the dough can be very different. It all depends on what purposes you will use it for. What kind of dough can it be based on its preparation method?

Most often, the following types of baking dough are used in cooking:

  • custard;
  • puff pastry;
  • pie;
  • biscuit;
  • butter.


This product must be used when preparing the following culinary masterpieces:

  • cakes;
  • Borodino bread;
  • dumplings;
  • chebureks.

The dough received this name because of the method of its preparation. In the process, the flour is brewed with oil and water. Afterwards the mixture must cool down before you can put the eggs in it.

The prepared intermediate product must have a viscous mass. Place it in a pastry bag and squeeze out shapes of the given shape and size onto a baking sheet. The dough will form voids during baking. They must be eliminated later with filling using a pastry syringe.


What do you need to prepare the dough? In this case, cooking recipes suggest adding additional components- baking, thanks to which the product becomes tasty and nutritious. Most often, butter, milk, spices, honey, and sugar act as baked goods.

It has a direct impact on the taste, appearance and consistency of the dough. Types of dough and methods of its preparation depend on one component - yeast. If you add them, the product is called yeast dough; if they are absent from the recipe, then it turns out to be yeast-free.

What other flour products are made from dough? Read. Don't know how to make dough for pancakes and pancakes? Details in this article.

To obtain such a product, it is necessary to use yeast. Thanks to them finished goods turn out soft and airy. What methods of preparing dough are there? It can be obtained using a safe and sponge method.

The best recipes for making dough involve using flour first or premium. To check its quality, you need to press on it and if it crunches, then this indicates making the right choice product.

An important component for cooking pie dough are yeast. For these purposes, you can use fast-acting dry shakes.

Any step by step recipe Making yeast dough involves using ingredients that react to form alcohol, acid and carbon dioxide. As a result, the dough acquires a sour smell.


This product is suitable for making pancakes. It may differ in composition, which determines the method of preparing the dough. However, its main components remain flour and water.

In addition, the recipe contains the following ingredients:

  • flour;
  • serum;
  • yeast;
  • granulated sugar;
  • salt;
  • soda;
  • oil;
  • eggs.

The prepared dough should be liquid in consistency. Only then will it be evenly distributed throughout the pan, and the final products will be of the same thickness.


What do you need to prepare the dough? In this process, you cannot do without products such as eggs, sugar and flour. To make the dough fluffy, you can replace flour with starch. If you want to add some flavor to the product, you can add vanillin, bitter almonds, or orange zest.

This test version differs from others in that ready-made semi-finished products can be frozen. If all the rules are followed, it is possible to obtain air and light base for cakes, pastries, pies, rolls. If you combine the finished product with fruit, cream, and nuts, you get a beautiful and tasty confectionery product.


A quick way to prepare puff pastry requires the following ingredients:

By adding acid, you can achieve swelling of the adhesive protein present in the flour. As a result, the dough will be elastic. You can add a little cognac to make the pies tender and crumbly. The quality of the resulting product directly depends on the mixing temperature, so the entire culinary process should take place in a cool place.

The process of obtaining a test is very painstaking work. What is another word for making dough? This question could be answered this way: this is a process into which every housewife puts her love, effort, soul and abilities. Only if these conditions are met can you get a tasty and beautiful-looking confectionery product.

Baked goods are food products that use different technologies. additional ingredients. It comes in large sizes: rolls and loaves. There are also smaller ones: cookies, muffins, pies and cakes.

Distinctive features of the products

As a rule, everyone has high calorie content. These products are quickly and easily absorbed by the body. Baked treats are always something tasty and aromatic, causing an increased appetite. The most important element In the preparation of any baked goods, flour is used. No flour - no baking. Already to a certain type and type of flour, different fats are added (vegetable oil, butter, margarine). Eggs and yeast are also common ingredients in baking. Sugar is present in many Additional products can include sweet ingredients: honey, chocolate, fruit, jam, condensed milk and sour cream. May be unsweetened additional products for baking: meat, cottage cheese, mushrooms and different vegetables, fish.

What types of baked goods are there?

There is a wide range of types of dough and baked goods made from it. Products are divided into several groups. Belonging to the corresponding group indicates from which ingredients the product is prepared.

Yeast products

The most popular is baking using yeast. Any product that contains at least a little yeast automatically becomes a yeast product. It doesn’t matter what ingredients were added during the dough kneading process. Yeast may be familiar to everyone regular bread. and cheesecakes with cottage cheese also belong to this category. Even pancakes mixed with pancake dough, will become yeasty when you add this element to the dough. As you can see, types of yeast baked goods occupy the largest segment of baked products.

Other popular types of dough

  • The dough can be shortbread. Shortbread dough is prepared on the basis of fats (butter, margarine) with the addition of special baking powder and powdered sugar.
  • Pies from curd dough They contain a very small amount of flour, but cottage cheese or mascarpone is the main ingredient. Curd dough, like products made from it, can be sweet or salty.
  • All types of baked goods (photo provided below in the article) made from puff pastry look appetizing and taste appropriate. They can also be sweet: with jam, jam, powdered sugar. Or they can be unsweetened. These are puff pastry products that can be filled with mushrooms, fish and bacon and cheese.

  • The dough for making pastries and cakes is most often biscuit or butter. Very sweet and high in calories. And it's always delicious.
  • Pancake dough - for different types pancakes and pancakes. It also has a variety of flavors - from sweet to saltier. And the fillings for pancakes, accordingly, are selected according to the taste of the dough. The pancakes themselves are considered originally Slavic ritual dish. The love for pancakes in our people lives on a genetic level. In addition, this is a fairly economical and versatile type of baking.

Despite the fact that there are many different and tasty flour-based products, each dough product has its admirers. At the end of the article, we offer you a couple simple options preparing different types of baked goods. You can prepare them without much time and financial investment.

Biscuit for tea

Biscuit - favorite treat English. A simple dry sponge cake is traditionally included in British fife-o-clock. You need to take the following products:

  • four fresh eggs;
  • one hundred twenty grams of sugar;
  • one hundred twenty grams of flour (highest grade).

Baking the product:

  1. The first step is to heat the oven to two hundred degrees.
  2. Take two bowls and separate chicken eggs for whites and yolks.
  3. Beat the yolks with 2/3 of the total amount of sugar. Beat until you get a fluffy light mass without any added sugar. Homogeneous egg mixture should “reach” for the whisk.
  4. Now beat the whites into a very stable foam. When the bowl is turned over, such foam should remain as it is - in the bowl. Only after such verification in protein foam You can add the rest of the sugar. Continue beating until the meringue is white, firm and shiny.
  5. Sift the flour and add it to the yolk mixture. Gently, without sudden movements, mix the future biscuit.
  6. After the flour, whipped whites are added to the biscuit dough and also gently mixed with the dough.
  7. Grease the mold with oil and sprinkle it with a little flour.
  8. Send the dough into the mold and place it in hot oven.
  9. Never open the oven while baking biscuits. The heated air will quickly leave the oven, and the sponge cake will turn out flat and not very beautiful.
  10. When twenty minutes have passed, use a wooden skewer to pierce the product in the middle. If the skewer remains dry, the sponge cake is baked. Let it sit in the turned off oven for ten minutes.
  11. After the specified time, you can remove the biscuit and cool it on a wire rack.

This type of baking is good served with tea, coffee, cocoa and milk. It will be appropriate everywhere. If you cut the biscuit crosswise and grease the cut with any jam or cream, and then cover the entire product with cream, you will get a wonderful light biscuit cake

Curd dough and cupcakes made from it

Bake from curd dough tender cupcakes. Products needed for cupcakes:

  • one hundred grams of cottage cheese;
  • one hundred grams of flour;
  • fifty grams of butter or margarine;
  • one egg;
  • eighty grams of sugar;
  • a teaspoon of baking powder.

If this amount of ingredients seems insufficient to you, multiply them by two.

Cupcake preparation technology:

  1. Mix cottage cheese with egg.
  2. Add sugar to the resulting mass. Add melted butter.
  3. Mix all these ingredients with a whisk or fork. We stir, trying to grind the cottage cheese into smaller particles.
  4. Mix the flour with baking powder and add it to the curd-egg emulsion. The result curd dough has a creamy structure.
  5. Immediately pour the dough into small muffin tins. Before doing this, grease the molds with vegetable oil. Each one only needs to be filled 2/3 full. This is explained by the fact that the products will increase in volume during baking. Place the molds in the oven and turn it on.
  6. Cupcakes are baked at temperatures from one hundred and seventy to two hundred degrees until done. The readiness of the products is determined by examining the crust. As soon as the cupcakes acquire a light brown tint, the products can be removed.

Of course, all types of baking cannot be covered in one article. A lot of them. And in every part of the planet they bake something different according to unique recipes. Cook with pleasure, but remember that such a hobby can affect your figure.

Soft, airy, aromatic pastries can leave few people indifferent.But not everyone takes the risk of cooking it at home. And completely in vain! After all, knowing a few basic secrets and subtleties, you can turn the process of making buns, cakes and pies into a most exciting activity.

There are at least 7 types of dough that you should definitely try to make yourself. We talk about the secrets and subtleties of delicious and delicious baked goods and share basic recipes - your family will be happy!

Pizza dough

Try making delicious and aromatic pizza on a thin, crispy crust - you will be surprised how easy it is. But first, remember a few basic rules:
  1. Be sure to sift the flour - this will saturate it with oxygen and make the dough soft and airy.
  2. For the dough, use only high-quality yeast, otherwise the dough will not rise well and will have an unpleasant beer smell.
  3. Yeast dough does not tolerate drafts, so carefully close all doors and windows.
  4. For cooking, use cold, but not ice water - this will keep the dough soft and elastic.
  5. The pizza dough should not be rolled out, but gently stretched with your hands from the middle to the edges.
  6. Make the edges of the cake a little thicker for the sides.
  7. To prevent the dough from sticking to the mold, grease it with vegetable oil and lightly sprinkle with flour.


  • Water 2/3 cup
  • Dry yeast 1 tsp.
  • Wheat flour 2 cups
  • Salt 1 tsp.
  • Olive oil 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour warm water over the yeast and stir well so that there are no lumps left.
  2. Add flour, salt and diluted yeast to a bowl. Knead the dough.
  3. Transfer the dough to a dry, floured surface and knead, adding flour as needed, for about 10 minutes until the dough is soft and elastic.
  4. Grease the dough on all sides olive oil and place in a clean large bowl.
  5. Cover with cling film and place in a warm, draft-free place for 1.5 hours - the dough should approximately double in size.
  6. Knead the dough with your fists, divide into 2 equal parts and form into balls.
  7. Place the dough balls on a floured surface, cover with cling film and let rest for 60 minutes.
  8. Using your hands, stretch the dough to the desired thickness. Place the filling and place in an oven preheated to 180-200 degrees for about 10 minutes.

Puff pastry

Puff pastry is versatile. It serves as an excellent basis for both pastries and cakes, as well as for pies and pies with unsweetened meat or vegetable filling. Preparing this dough is not difficult, but there are several subtleties that must be taken into account:

  1. Salt, vinegar and citric acid affect the quality, elasticity and taste of the dough. Therefore, strictly adhere to the quantity specified in the recipe.
  2. Milk improves the taste of the dough, but reduces its elasticity. Therefore, dilute the milk with water in a 1:1 ratio.
  3. The butter for the dough should be chilled, not frozen - hard pieces will tear the dough rather than interfere with it.
  4. The more times you roll out the dough, the more layers it will have.
  5. Roll out the dough with even pressure, away from you. Do not go beyond the edges of the dough so as not to damage the structure of the layers.
  6. Before putting the dough in the oven, make cuts on its surface to help steam escape.
  7. Bake puff pastry products at a temperature of at least 220 degrees. At a lower temperature, the layers will not rise, and at a high temperature, the baked goods will burn.


  • Flour 300 g
  • Butter 150 g
  • Milk (diluted with water) 2–3 tbsp. l.
  • Vinegar 1 tsp.
  • Egg 1 pc.
  • Salt 1 pinch

Cooking method:

  1. Sprinkle 150 grams of flour onto a dry, clean surface. Make a well in the center, break an egg into it, add vinegar, milk and salt.
  2. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and knead the dough until bubbles form.
  3. Cut the butter into small pieces and add the remaining flour to it. Mix everything and knead the dough. There is no need to knead the dough for a long time.
  4. Roll out the first dough into a thin layer, place the dough with butter in the middle and wrap it in the form of an envelope.
  5. Roll out the dough away from you, sprinkle it with flour, fold it into thirds and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  6. Roll out the dough 4 more times, after each rolling, fold the dough into thirds and let it cool for 10 minutes.
  7. Divide the dough into parts, fill with filling.
  8. Bake in an oven preheated to 220 degrees.

Shortbread dough

Shortbread dough is a real find for lovers of sweet pastries. Crumbly cookies, baskets with cream or fruit pies- you can delight your family with new desserts every weekend if you use our tips:

  1. The butter for making the dough should be chilled, but not frozen.
  2. For cooking, use cold, but not ice water.
  3. Do not skimp on butter when preparing the dough - its friability depends on it.
  4. The butter should not be mixed into the flour, but rather ground together with it until it becomes crumbly.
  5. Do not knead the dough for too long, otherwise the butter will melt and the dough will not be crumbly.
  6. To make the dough more tasty and crumbly, replace the sugar in its composition with powdered sugar.


  • Wheat flour 2 cups
  • Sugar 1/2 cup
  • Butter 150 g
  • Salt 1 pinch
  • Vanillin to taste

Cooking method:

  1. Mix sugar, salt, vanillin and flour.
  2. Cut the cooled butter into cubes and add to the mixture.
  3. Grind everything to the consistency of bread crumbs.
  4. Gradually add liquid and quickly but smoothly knead the dough. The kitchen should be cool so that the butter does not have time to melt.
  5. Form the dough into a ball.
  6. Wrap in cling film and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
  7. Roll out the cake, cut into the desired shapes and place on a baking sheet.
  8. Bake at a temperature of 180-200 degrees.

Dough for dumplings

Dumplings - traditional Russian dish, and being able to cook them is a matter of honor for every housewife. If you don’t yet have proprietary cooking secrets dumpling dough, use our basic recipe. And at the same time, remember a few rules:

  1. Flour for the dough must be sifted.
  2. You need to knead the dough around the circumference in one direction.
  3. After kneading, the dough should be allowed to “rest” under a clean towel for 30 minutes.
  4. The thickness of the dough layer should be no more than 1–2 millimeters.


  • Wheat flour 500 g
  • Egg 2 pcs.
  • Water 200 ml
  • Salt 0.5 tsp.
  • Vegetable oil 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Sift the flour through a sieve.
  2. Make a depression in the resulting slide and pour a mixture of water, eggs and salt into it in a thin stream.
  3. Gradually knead the dough around the circumference, in one direction. At the same time, constantly take the flour from the edges to the middle. The longer you knead the dough, the more elastic it will be.
  4. Let the finished dough rest for at least 30 minutes.
  5. Roll out a thin layer of dough, cut out the blanks with a glass, fill them with filling and make dumplings.
  6. Cook in boiling salted water for 10-15 minutes.

Biscuit dough

  1. All ingredients for the biscuit and the container in which they will be mixed must be at the same, cool temperature.
  2. To saturate the flour with oxygen, it must be sifted several times.
  3. Carefully separate the whites from the yolks - this affects the quality of the protein mass. The whites must be chilled when whipping.
  4. The ingredients should not be mixed for long, otherwise you will destroy the air bubbles with which the biscuit mixture is saturated.
  5. The oven must be preheated to 180 degrees. If the dough has to wait for the oven to heat up, the crust will not be fluffy.
  6. The oven door must not be opened during the first 20-25 minutes of baking, otherwise the biscuit will settle.


  • Wheat flour 180
  • Sugar 150 g
  • Eggs 4 pcs.
  • Vanilla to taste

Cooking method:

  1. Separate the whites from the yolks.
  2. Beat the egg whites at the lowest mixer speed, gradually adding sugar and vanilla, 1 teaspoon at a time.
  3. Then, without stopping whisking, add the pre-beaten yolks 1 spoon at a time.
  4. Sift the flour several times.
  5. Add the flour to the bowl with the whites, gently stirring with a spoon from bottom to top.
  6. Pour the finished dough into a mold with high sides, previously lined with baking paper.
  7. Send the biscuit to bake in an oven preheated to 190–200 degrees for 20–25 minutes.

Choux pastry

Another type of dough, the preparation of which is worth mastering perfectly. Choux pastry is used to make a variety of delicious baked goods- profiteroles, eclairs and even cakes. Before you start the cooking process, remember these simple rules:
  1. Be sure to sift the flour, otherwise the dough will turn out with lumps.
  2. Pour the flour into the pan in a gentle stream - to do this, use a sheet of paper folded in half.
  3. Add eggs to already cooked dough, cooled to room temperature.
  4. Eggs should be at room temperature.
  5. Do not use a mixer to mix, otherwise the dough will be too liquid.
  6. Turn on the oven at the same time as you start preparing the dough. By the time the products are placed in the oven, it should be preheated to 200 degrees.
  7. To prevent finished products from becoming damp, cover them with paper napkins - they absorb moisture.

Dough is perhaps the most versatile of all products. You can use it to prepare anything you want: from first courses and bread to delicious desserts, not to mention numerous pies and pies, pancakes, rolls, muffins and cookies...

It would seem that it could be simpler than kneading the dough: just take flour, add water to it, mix - and you're done! This is exactly the method that people used in ancient times. The wheat grains, ground and then mixed with water, turned into a sticky mass, which was possible to eat raw, but, if we assume, not at all pleasant.

Everything changed when a person began to experiment with such dough - boil pieces of it in water or spread it in a thin layer on hot stones and bake the first flat cakes. Revolutionary in the history of cooking was the discovery of a method for preparing yeast dough - bread from such dough was soft, fluffy, easy to chew and remarkably digestible.

Millennia have passed, since then man has learned many culinary tricks, and still, tasty and nutritious products made from a wide variety of dough types are popular and universally loved.

The list of dough products is infinitely large and sometimes it seems that you can easily get lost in all this variety of bread, buns, pies, cakes, pastries, gingerbreads, cookies, muffins, cheesecakes, dumplings, pancakes, pancakes, dumplings, dumplings, kulebyak, kurniks and other chebureks... But, if you look closely, in all this diversity you can see a clear and accessible classification of the dough according to its types and purpose.

In this article, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the main types of test in more detail and finally understand everything.

If you look broadly, then absolutely all types of dough can be divided into just 2 large groups:

  • yeast (sour) And
  • yeast-free (fresh).

From all types of dough you can prepare a variety of

  • culinary products(These include: independent dishes, for example, dumplings, ravioli, dumplings, bread, pancakes, pancakes and pancakes, as well as flour side dishes - noodles, dumplings, pasta) ,
  • flour products(these are pies and pies, kulebyaki, pies, kurniks, cheesecakes, samsa, pasties, pizza),
  • confectionery(all kinds of cakes, pastries, cookies, muffins, gingerbreads, waffles).

Further classification can be carried out according to the content of its main components in the dough and the method of loosening the dough. In separate articles I talked about this in detail.

Yeast dough.For this test the main components are , liquid (water, milk, kefir, whey and others), yeast (fresh or dry), eggs, fats (butter or margarine, vegetable oil), sugar and salt in various proportions to the total mass of flour provided for in the recipe.

The simplest, most inconvenient yeast dough consists only of flour, liquid and yeast. Yeast dough can also be rich, and the amount of baking (sugar, fat, dairy products, eggs) in the dough can be insignificant, or it can be significant. The more baking is added to the dough, the less liquid is added to it and the more yeast is taken. Since the presence of baking affects, experienced cooks choose the method of preparing yeast dough accordingly.

Yeast dough is prepared using the straight and sponge method.

  • Safe waypreparation involves the complete absence or insignificant content of baking in yeast dough. The dough using this method is kneaded in one step: yeast and a small amount of sugar are diluted in a warm liquid (water or milk); Mix salt, remaining sugar and eggs (if provided for in the recipe) separately. Add yeast dissolved in warm liquid to the sifted flour, add the remaining ingredients and begin kneading the dough. At the end of the kneading, add the fats specified in the recipe (vegetable oil or butter, margarine). The dough is left in a warm place to ferment for 3-4 hours. During the fermentation process, the dough is kneaded 2-3 times - this enriches the dough with oxygen and partially frees it from the formed carbon dioxide. The fermented dough increases in volume several times.
  • Sponge methodprepare yeast dough, which involves the presence of a high amount of baked goods in its composition. As you remember, the presence of a large amount of baked goods, containing a lot of fat and sugar, contributes to the insufficient development of the processes occurring during dough formation and slows down the process of loosening the dough. In thick butter dough, unfavorable conditions for fermentation are created, since a high concentration of sugar and fat inhibits the vital activity of yeast cells, fermentation proceeds sluggishly and gluten is formed Bad quality. Therefore, sponge yeast dough is prepared in 2 stages: first, ordinary liquid yeast dough is kneaded, consisting of part of the flour, liquid (water or milk) and yeast. This is the dough. The dough is left to ferment in a warm place for 2-3 hours, and then the rest of the liquid, flour, eggs, salt and sugar, which are suggested by the recipe, are added to it. The dough is kneaded again, and at the end of the kneading, softened butter or margarine is added to it. The dough is again left to ferment in a warm place for about 2 hours and during this time kneaded 1-2 times.

Yeast dough can be prepared liquid and thick. Liquid yeast dough is used to make pancakes (not to be confused with products made from unleavened batter). Thick yeast dough is used for all kinds of flour products, which are prepared with or without filling.

Unleavened dough, perhaps the oldest of all known to man types of dough. The simplest option for preparing unleavened dough involves the presence of only flour and water. Flour and liquid make up 95-98% of the total mass of ingredients for unleavened dough, the remaining 2-5% of the mass can be fats, dairy products, eggs and sugar. Today there are many variations of unleavened dough - it can be either simple or rich. The main difference between unleavened dough and yeast dough is that it does not undergo biological leavening processes, so such dough and products made from it turn out to be very dense in texture.

  • Simple unleavened doughIt is prepared as follows: water, a small amount of vegetable oil and salt are gradually added to the sifted flour, after which the dough is thoroughly kneaded and left alone for a while so that it becomes elastic (a high-quality gluten frame is formed in the dough), after which you can begin cutting.
  • Sweet unleavened dough.For cooking butter dough use a little butter and sugar, but add more liquid and dairy products (for example, sour cream, kefir) to the main ingredients. As a rule, leavening agents for this dough are: baking soda, less often - baking powder. The dough is prepared as follows: margarine or butter is softened to a plastic state, sugar and eggs are dissolved separately in liquid (water or milk) and mixed thoroughly. If the dough is kneaded with sour cream or kefir, then the lactic acid contained in them interacts with soda and the release of gas immediately begins, which increases when heated. If the test does not include dairy products, then food acids are added to it or baking powder is used. Sometimes unleavened dough is prepared without baking powder, but such dough is only suitable for baking in the form of thin sheets. Butter dough can be prepared sweet (for some types of sweet pies, cheesecakes, juicy with cottage cheese) and unsweetened (for simple pies and kulebyak).

Unleavened dough can be very stiff and thick if it is used to make dumplings, dumplings, homemade noodles. Medium-thick unleavened dough is kneaded for flatbreads, some types of pies and pies. And liquid unleavened dough is prepared for everyone’s loved ones thin pancakes, waffles or batter (batter is a liquid unleavened dough into which food is dipped before frying). By the way, in order for products made from liquid unleavened dough to be airy and voluminous (especially waffles and pancakes), it can be loosened mechanically by adding not whole eggs, but beaten separately from the yolks egg whites.

Here is such a huge variety of simple unleavened dough.

To other types yeast-free dough refers to dough that is used to make confectionery products.

First of all, this is well known to all cooks. This is a dense, stiff dough that contains wheat flour, a large amount of butter or margarine and sugar (powdered sugar). The presence of a large amount of butter, sugar and the absence of liquid in the dough contribute to the production of crumbly products (hence the name of the dough - shortbread). Classic recipe shortcrust pastry consists of 1 part sugar, 2 parts butter and 3 parts flour. In modern variations, it is possible to add eggs to the shortcrust pastry recipe (usually only yolks, since they give the shortcrust pastry softness and friability, and the egg white, which is approximately 85% water, will make the dough more dense and elastic), liquid (no more 15% relative to the main ingredients), spices, as well as chemical leavening agents. Due to the low liquid content, the starch gelatinization of wheat flour is not completely completed, and after sugar is added to the shortcrust pastry, the liquid content will further decrease. The function of fats, added in large quantities to shortbread dough, is to envelop and separate the starch granules of wheat flour, which will prevent them from sticking together and prevent the dough mass from being compressed. In addition, fats prevent the active development of the gluten network during dough formation, as a result of which shortbread dough will turn out crumbly.

To prepare shortbread dough, mix butter, sugar (and eggs, if necessary), then add flour and mix all the products into crumbs, then gently knead the butter-flour crumbs with your hands until a homogeneous dough is obtained. Shortbread dough cannot be kneaded for a long time, otherwise it will lose its plasticity, since the development of the gluten network will be active (as much as possible in the presence of a large amount of fat), and the dough risks becoming tough. After the dough is ready, it needs to be wrapped in cling film and leave in a cool place for 30-60 minutes. During this time, the liquid present in the dough will be distributed inside the kneaded dough and will evenly hold the already swollen starch grains of wheat flour, which will determine the structure of the future baked product. The chilled dough can be easily rolled out into a thin layer and all kinds of shapes can be cut out of it. If the baked goods must be thicker than 1 centimeter, it is advisable to add baking powder to it when kneading the shortbread dough.

Shortbread dough can be sweet (this dough is widely used for making cookies, cakes, pastries) and not sweet. Unsweetened shortcrust pastry is often used to make tartlets and open pies, which can be filled with not only sweet, but also savory fillings.

Deserves special attention and special love from culinary experts around the world biscuit dough. It is incredibly tasty, fluffy, tender, light, airy dough, which requires a particularly reverent attitude. Biscuit dough consists of only 3 main components: eggs, sugar and flour. Biscuit dough is prepared by mechanical loosening, when during intensive beating the dough is saturated with air in the form of small bubbles, enveloped in films of particles of the whipped product, and increases in volume. You need to work quickly with the biscuit dough so that no air bubbles escape from it. The biscuit dough is very tender and does not tolerate long-term storage, so you need to prepare it immediately before use.

Depending on the cooking method, a distinction is made between warm sponge cake (also called basic) and boucher sponge cake.

  • Basic sponge cakeCan be prepared cold or heated. In order to prepare the main sponge cake using the cold method, beat whole eggs with sugar until the volume of the whipped mass increases by 2-2.5 times. Then flour is gradually added to the egg-sugar mass and mixed carefully. For cooking biscuit dough Using the heated method, whole eggs are ground with sugar, while stirring, heating this mixture in a water bath to a temperature of 45-50˚C. Then the resulting mixture is cooled slightly, beaten and flour is added to it. It is recommended to replace part of the flour for biscuit dough, which is prepared by heating, with starch. This will make the future baked product more loose and crumbly. Sponge dough prepared using the basic method is ideal for making cakes, rolls and sliced ​​pastries. As a rule, the baked sponge cake is “aged” for at least 8 hours to thicken the texture before further confectionery finishing.
  • Biscuit boucherPrepare this way: carefully separate the egg whites from the yolks, then beat the whites until stiff thick foam no added sugar. Beat with sugar separately egg yolks, mix with flour, and then add beaten egg whites to this mixture. No starch is added to biscuit dough prepared using the boucher method, and the dough itself is thicker. This biscuit dough is used to make some types of cookies, continuous cakes and rolls.

The most popular type of biscuit dough is the so-called butter sponge cake, or sponge cake with butter. This dough is prepared according to the basic method of preparing sponge dough, by first whipping chilled butter and sugar until creamy, and then adding eggs and flour to this mixture. Some types of cakes and most types of muffins are usually prepared from butter sponge dough.

Another popular and interesting view dough used in cooking - . This dough contains butter or margarine, liquid (water or milk), flour, salt and a large number of eggs. Preparing choux pastry involves brewing flour and then combining it with eggs. No raising agents or sugar are added to the choux pastry. Choux pastry is a fairly moist and plastic semi-finished product, and when flour is brewed, it becomes even more dense, so during baking, water vapor inside the baked goods cannot escape and form air voids. This dough is a unique phenomenon, since products made from it go perfectly with absolutely various fillings, both sweet and not sweet.

Deserves special attention gingerbread dough. First types gingerbread dough were a simple mixture of rye flour and honey (honey was used in amounts up to 50% of the main ingredients) and berry juice. Such products were called honey bread. But when they started adding to the recipe different kinds spices, called “bouquet” (cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, ginger, nutmeg, anise, mint), then gingerbread became gingerbread: “gingerbread” means a baked confectionery product with a lot of spices in the dough.

Modern gingerbread dough consists of flour, liquid, sugar, molasses (or invert syrup), honey, eggs, butter or margarine, salt; Some recipes use a chemical leavening agent. On the basis of gingerbread dough, such well-known products as milk or sugar cakes and honey cakes are prepared.

Gingerbread dough is prepared in two main ways: raw and choux.

  • Raw methodinvolves the sequential combination of sugar (or sugar syrup), liquid, honey, molasses or invert syrup and eggs. These ingredients are thoroughly mixed, after which butter or margarine and spices are added, mixed again and at the final stage, flour is added, after which the dough is kneaded.
  • Brew methodconsists in adding sugar, molasses or honey to the liquid specified in the recipe, heating it to a temperature of 70-75˚C and mixing thoroughly until the sugar is completely dissolved. Then add flour to the resulting syrup and mix thoroughly. This is how the flour is brewed. The resulting flour mixture is cooled by greasing it with vegetable oil. When the flour brew has cooled to a temperature of 25-27˚C, add the rest of the products provided for in the recipe (eggs, butter or margarine, spices, baking powder) and mix thoroughly for quite a long time until a homogeneous consistency.

That, in principle, is all that can be said about the main types of test. All other types of dough known to us are derivatives of the main ones and differ in the ratio of ingredients, kneading techniques and processing methods.

For example, puff pastry prepared from yeast and unleavened dough using a special technology. The essence of this technology is that you first knead ordinary yeast or unleavened dough, after which it is rolled out thinly and alternated with layers of prepared fat (usually butter, less often high-quality margarine). Another feature of preparing puff pastry is adding to the main ingredients small quantity food acid(usually lemon). The stack of layers of dough and fat is folded and re-rolled repeatedly until the puff pastry is considered ready. Making puff pastry is a very complex and time-consuming process, but the result, as always, is worth it.

Based on classic puff pastry, a recipe for the so-called quick puff pastry. In the recipe for quick puff pastry, to save time, the dough is kneaded directly from chilled butter, flour and ice water, bypassing the cooling steps between folding and rolling together ready dough and fat. The texture of this quick puff pastry is not as soft and crumbly and it does not rise as evenly or high when baked, but it is convenient to use when saving time is paramount, or when the rise and delicacy of the puff pastry are not of paramount importance in the finished baked product.

Some types of crumbly dough are prepared on the basis of shortcrust pastry: unsweetened shortbread dough, chopped dough or dough sugar. The composition of all these types of dough, based on the basic recipe for shortcrust pastry, is simple: flour, butter or margarine, a little liquid, salt, and, if necessary, sugar or powdered sugar. But different ratios of these ingredients, as well as different kneading techniques, make it possible to obtain various types of dough with unique tastes, texture and properties. If you take the same set of ingredients and combine them different ways, That ready dough will vary in texture. It is important to know, understand and correctly use the technique of kneading all types of crumbly dough.

There are mainly 3 methods of kneading crumbly dough:

  • cream method (sablé).The method involves whipping butter (room temperature) with sugar until creamy. After which the remaining ingredients are added to the dough. The dough mixed in this way is very tender and loose, perfect for making cookies, cake layers and pastries, open pies with a light filling. Using this method, butter sponge cake (or so-called cake dough) is also kneaded.
  • Italian way.This is not the most common way to knead crumbly dough, but it is quite simple and convenient. Its difference lies in the fact that chilled butter is ground with flour into fine crumbs, after which the remaining ingredients specified in the recipe are added to the dough. The crumbly dough mixed using this technology is the most durable, it is convenient to use for open or closed pies with heavy filling.
  • chopped dough method.The name of this method of kneading crumbly dough quite accurately defines the technology for combining the ingredients: flour is “chopped” with chilled butter until crumbs form, then liquid is added to it. The whole “trick” of this kneading method is that products from this dough are not only crumbly, but also slightly layered. But the layering will depend on the size of the butter-flour crumb, which is formed at the beginning of kneading the dough: if the crumb is very small, then the dough will look like shortbread, and if the crumb is large (the size of a bean), the layering of the dough will be more pronounced. It turns out especially interesting if you combine small and large butter and flour crumbs in the dough.

Another popular look test - stretch dough- is an ordinary unleavened dough, thoroughly kneaded and carefully stretched to an incredibly thin state, such that “you can read a newspaper” through its layer. Pull dough got its name precisely because of the method of formation, and its success pull test The ability to form high-quality gluten directly depends on the choice of wheat flour.

Punch dough can be divided into 2 main categories:

  • phyllo dough. This type of dough is kneaded from flour and water (the amount of water is about 40% of the total mass of flour) with the addition of a small amount of food acid, salt and vegetable oil. The dough is kneaded very thoroughly so that high-quality gluten develops, and then left to “rest” for quite a long time, usually overnight. The finished dough is divided into small pieces and rolled out, sprinkled with starch, into very thin sheets, no more than 0.1 mm thick.
  • strudel dough. This dough is moister than the filo dough described above. The amount of water in this type of stretch dough ranges from 55% to 70% of the total mass of flour. Fats are added to strudel dough in small quantities, but you can often find whole egg. The strudel dough is thoroughly kneaded, rested, then rolled out thinly, rested again and then gradually stretched into a large thin layer.

In some recipes, phyllo dough and strudel dough successfully replace each other.

Well, as part of the article about the main types of test, I talked about everything I wanted to talk about and, I hope, I didn’t miss or forget anything. Detailed recipes and a detailed description of the technology for preparing all types of dough that were described in this article, as well as recipes using all types of dough, you will definitely find on the pages of my blog.

so as not to miss all the delicious things!