Dried figs are the fruit of the fig tree. Medicinal properties of the product

Feb 21, 2015

Figs or fig trees are considered one of the oldest cultivated plants. Images of its leaves and fruits were found both in rock paintings and on ancient Greek amphorae.

So ancient history and the popularity of this plant was facilitated by the remarkable properties of its fruits, which have delicious taste and a huge amount of substances beneficial to the human body. Fresh fig tree fruits are quite soft and perishable product, therefore, for its better preservation and transportation, they are dried, obtaining dried figs.

However, to fully enjoy it amazing taste and beneficial properties, you need to choose the best quality product.

Good dried figs range in color from beige to light brown, and all fruits should be the same size and soft in texture. White bloom is not a sign of spoilage; it occurs in the sweetest varieties of fig trees. The taste of figs can change over time - a bitter or salty taste indicates the expiration date of this product.

Nutritional and energy value of dried figs

Like other fruits, figs contain a significant amount of carbohydrates, which largely determine its calorie content. So, the average nutritional value of dried figs looks something like this:

  • Calorie content– approximately 240-255 Kcal per 100 g. product;
  • Carbohydrates(mainly sucrose) – 50-60%;
  • Squirrels – 5-6%;
  • Fats and fatty acids – 1-1,5 %.

In addition to these main components, dried figs contain a number of substances and components that are beneficial to the human body:

  • Sodium– this element is present in fairly large quantities in figs – its content ranges from 0.1 to 1%. As is known, sodium ions play an important role in the constancy of the human internal environment, in the functioning of the nervous system and kidneys.
  • Calcium– also a microelement often found in figs. Participates in the construction of the skeleton and regulates many important processes in the body (blood clotting, contraction of muscle fibers).
  • Potassium– there is much more of this element in some varieties of figs than sodium and calcium combined. Its ions have a calming effect on the heart muscle and regulate the functioning of the nervous and muscular systems.
  • Vitamins– dried figs contain great amount vitamins They contain the most vitamins C (ascorbic acid), B3 (niacin), E (tocopherol), B1 (thiamine) and many others. For this reason, 50 grams of figs per day can significantly contribute to the normal intake of many beneficial substances into the body.
  • Antioxidants– these are specific substances that inhibit uncontrolled oxidative processes in the body. These processes contribute to aging, the occurrence of malignant tumors, and degenerative diseases. Figs (especially those with dark hulls) contain many antioxidants and similar compounds.
  • Fiber and pectins- These are types of carbohydrates that are not digested in the gastrointestinal tract, but swell under the influence of gastric juice. At the same time, due to the fullness of the gastrointestinal tract, a feeling of satiety is formed. In addition, a number of vitamins (K, B6) are formed from these carbohydrates in the large intestine under the influence of microflora. Pectins, among other things, are also capable of absorbing and removing toxic and radioactive substances from the body.

Thanks to such a rich composition, dried fruits Figs have remarkable nutritional and medicinal properties, which most likely became the reason for the ancient and interesting history of this plant.

Useful and medicinal properties of figs

The beneficial properties of figs were known to the ancient Greeks. Nowadays, most nutritionists and medical doctors of other specialties also recommend regularly consuming some amount of this delicacy. For example, the most common recommendations for consuming these fruits are:

  • For heart diseases and of cardio-vascular system . Due to the fact that figs contain a lot of potassium, it normalizes heart function and helps lower blood pressure. Consistent consumption of moderate amounts dried fruits figs reduce the risk of developing an angina attack by more than a third. Second active component, which significantly improves the condition of the cardiovascular system, is the substance ficin. Its main effect is to reduce platelet aggregation, due to which the formation of blood clots is reduced and the destruction of old blood clots and plaques begins.
  • On the digestive system dried figs also have a very beneficial effect. This is primarily due to the content of fiber and pectins. These compounds stimulate intestinal motility and peristalsis, which is why fig fruits are recommended for chronic constipation and to normalize stool. Pectins are actively able to absorb and remove toxins, therefore they help with poisoning of various origins. And the fatty acids and antioxidants contained in the fruits will help restore the liver, the organ that most often suffers from poisoning and intoxication.
  • Dried figs are also called a real natural pharmacy for children, since he is able to help with wide range childhood diseases. It is used for respiratory diseases (tonsillitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, rhinitis), jaundice, anemia, and kidney diseases. Considering that many medications are contraindicated for children, figs can effectively replace them in such a situation.

Dried figs and their benefits for women

Dried fig fruit can benefit women of all ages and a wide variety of problems. Not to mention, the high amount of antioxidants in figs will help slow down aging and keep your skin healthy and youthful-looking for years to come. In addition, dried figs are recommended in the following situations:

  • During pregnancy, a woman needs a large amount of vitamins and microelements, which a variety of fruits can provide her with. However, most of them have allergenic properties, which is fraught with the development of diathesis in a newborn baby. Figs are ideal in this regard - they contain a rich complex of useful substances, but at the same time are absolutely hypoallergenic and do not carry the risk of undesirable consequences.
  • As a rule, most diets do not consider eating figs - supposedly, they are quite high in calories and contain a lot of sugar. However, only a one-sided and unprofessional opinion could give such a verdict to this wonderful food product. Indeed, in addition to sucrose, figs contain a lot of fiber, which creates a feeling of satiety, which ultimately leads to a decrease in the amount of food consumed. In addition, fig carbohydrates are “fast”, burning in the first hours after consumption. It is most ideal for various diets to include several dried figs in breakfast - fast carbohydrates will provide energy until lunch, and fiber will create a feeling of satiety.
  • During the climatic period, due to hormonal imbalances, the risk of developing breast cancer increases. Therefore, at this age, it is recommended to consume several dried figs daily - the antioxidants they contain will significantly reduce the likelihood of developing this serious cancer.

Contraindications to the use of dried figs

The most severe restriction on the consumption of figs is the presence of a disease such as diabetes. The fruits contain a large amount of carbohydrates, the use of which is contraindicated in this pathology.

If there is active inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract (eg, enteritis), you should also avoid using this product.

In the case of a number of metabolic diseases - gout, cholelithiasis and some forms urolithiasis– It is also not recommended to eat large quantities of dried figs, due to the high content of trace elements and oxalic acid salts (oxalates).

Moreover, even absolutely healthy people Some effects from eating these fruits should be taken into account - mainly the activation of peristalsis and the laxative effect caused by it. Therefore, you should not consume more than 6 dried figs a few hours before a trip, important meeting, or work.

Medicinal recipes based on dried figs

In addition to direct consumption, dried figs can be used in the preparation of various medicines. folk recipes. Such techniques make it possible to maximize the use of certain beneficial properties of these fruits.

  • A decoction of dried figs has beneficial properties. To prepare it, grind the figs, pour one tablespoon of the resulting powder into a liter hot water and simmer over low heat for about 10-15 minutes. The resulting decoction should be cooled and taken 100 ml three times a day for sore throats, inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity (pulpitis, stomatitis, glossitis), and exhaustion of the body after serious illnesses. This decoction also has a diaphoretic and antipyretic effect.
  • A similarly prepared decoction will also help with skin diseases such as vitiligo. But for this you need a more concentrated decoction - per liter of boiling water you need to put two tablespoons of crushed dry fig tree fruits.
  • A mixture of figs and raisins actively helps normalize stool during constipation. You need to mix 100 grams of dried figs and raisins, chop, add half a teaspoon each ground ginger And nutmeg. Take a teaspoon of the mixture for constipation.
  • Figs also have immunostimulating properties in children. This is best demonstrated when using syrup from these fruits. Pour 8-10 fruits into a glass of water and boil for half an hour. Then take out the berries and add another glass of water and the same amount of sugar, juice from half a lemon and a teaspoon of ground ginger. Cook until sugar is completely dissolved. Take 1-2 teaspoons of syrup for coughs, colds, problems with appetite and as a preventive measure.
  • So-called fig milk is also good for coughs. To obtain it, pour several dried fruits with cold milk and leave for 20-30 minutes.
  • Some types of kidney stones can also be eliminated by eating figs. You need to pour 500 ml of boiling water over 5-6 fruits and cook for about 10 minutes. Then you need to mash the figs with a spoon until you get a homogeneous paste, which you need to take three times a day after meals. It is important to consult a doctor before starting such treatment - this way you can only get rid of phosphate stones. The use of figs will only aggravate other types of urolithiasis.

Applications of dried figs in other areas

Tasty and nutritious fruits are used not only in cooking and medicine. Their rich chemical composition and remarkable properties allow the use of dried figs in many other areas of activity:

  • Used to rejuvenate the skin and eliminate dryness and flaking. various creams and masks based on fig tree fruits. Recipes have been developed for this purpose using dried figs, milk and almond butter;
  • Also, fig fruits have long been used to nourish brittle and weakened hair;
  • Like other dried fruits, dried figs perfectly absorb moisture from the surrounding air. Therefore, it is sometimes used as an air dehumidifier in food containers.
  • In past years, fig fruits served as a raw material for the extraction of crystalline sugar. Currently, with the widespread availability of cheap beetroot and cane sugar such production came to naught. However, in some areas sugar is still produced from its dried fruits.

Figs are a subtropical deciduous plant that belongs to the genus Ficus of the Mulberry family. Figs have many names - fig, fig tree, fig, fig tree, fig. The plant is native to Caria, a province of Asia Minor. The fig tree is widespread in the Crimea, Central Asia, and the Caucasus; it grows in the Carpathians. The crop is grown in open ground.

Figs are a very healthy fruit, rich in vitamins and minerals. You can use it as fresh, and dried, although in this form it does not look very appetizing. It is not recommended to eat dried fruit people who are on a diet, as it contains a large amount of sugar. In other cases, dried figs are beneficial for people of different ages. It is especially important to use it during pregnancy and lactation, as it helps improve the composition of mother's milk.

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    Dried figs are rich in various vitamins and minerals that the human body needs for normal functioning. The most valuable element in the chemical composition of figs is potassium. The fruit ranks second in terms of the content of this microelement, with nuts in first place. Dried figs contain a small amount of water and 70% sucrose. During the drying process of figs, almost all beneficial substances remain in the same quantities as in fresh fruit.

    The composition of dried fruit is represented by the following substances:

    • vitamin PP;
    • vitamin A;
    • vitamin C;
    • vitamins B2, B1, B9;
    • potassium;
    • iron;
    • magnesium;
    • sodium;
    • calcium;
    • dietary fiber;
    • organic acids;
    • starch;
    • Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids;
    • phytosterol;
    • antioxidants;
    • fats;
    • proteins;
    • tannins.

    Indications for use

    Due to the fact that dried figs have valuable useful substances, it is recommended to use it as an additional remedy during drug treatment various diseases. Therefore, the doctor’s task is to inform the patient about the benefits of the fruit for human body.It is recommended to consume dried figs in the following cases:

    • if the patient has high blood pressure;
    • if a person experiences severe headaches or suffers from insomnia;
    • if there is fragility of bones, nails (lack of calcium);
    • in the prevention of cancer and diabetes;
    • for problems with the respiratory system;
    • with anemia;
    • for constipation, acts as a laxative;
    • for colds;
    • for problems of the genital organs in women.

    Contraindications and harm

    As mentioned above, dried figs carry great benefit for the human body. However, like all exotic fruits, if improperly and excessive consumption it can cause harm to humans, so contraindications must be taken into account. You should absolutely not take the fruit in the following cases:

    • if the patient has diabetes, since figs contain a lot of sugar;
    • if a person suffers from gout, since figs are rich in oxalic acid, which contributes to the exacerbation of attacks;
    • if there are illnesses gastrointestinal tract, since the fruit contains a lot of fiber, which is large quantities may harm the intestines, increasing inflammatory processes;
    • during a diet, since figs are high in calories;
    • before traveling, as the fruit has laxative properties and can spoil the trip with frequent urges to go to the toilet.

    Beneficial features

    Dried fig tree is a record holder for the amount of fiber in its chemical composition. Regular use This product helps improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and gives a feeling of satiety. Figs are also valued for the fact that they contain a large amount of vitamins and microelements that human joints need.

    The benefits of figs are as follows:

    1. 1. Eliminates inflammatory processes.
    2. 2. Helps with constipation.
    3. 3. Used to prevent colds.
    4. 4. Normalizes lung function.
    5. 5. Relieves fatigue and protects the human body from stress.
    6. 6. Has expectorant properties.
    7. 7. Promotes the formation of blood cells.
    8. 8. Quickly heals wounds due to the pectin content.
    9. 9. Promotes the removal of toxins and waste.
    10. 10. Eliminates bad smell in the mouth.
    11. 11. Normalizes the functioning of the kidneys and genitourinary system.
    12. 12. Makes the skin elastic and firm.
    13. 13. Reduces the risk of developing chronic forms of cardiovascular diseases.
    14. 14. Does not allow the development of arterial hypertension.

    Calorie content

    During the process of drying figs, the ratio of substances in the composition changes: the amount of carbohydrates reaches 70%, and the amount of proteins increases by 5%.

    Dried figs - quite high in calories exotic fruit, 100 g of product contains 257 kcal, so people who are on a diet are contraindicated to consume this product.

    It's better for such people to eat fresh figs, since 100 g contains only 49 kcal. It is not recommended to consume figs in dried form in large quantities because they are too sweet and contain a lot of sucrose.

    Benefits for women

    Figs are very important for a woman’s body. Scientists have proven that substances found in dried figs help rejuvenate women. Due to the fact that the chemical composition of the fruit contains a lot of calcium, the condition of the nails improves, they become less brittle, and hair prevents hair loss. The fruits of the fig tree have a beneficial effect on the condition of women during menstruation and facilitate its flow. Fig influences emotional condition, helps relieve pain, used for weight loss.

    Dried fruit should be consumed when planning pregnancy, as it contains a lot folic acid, which is useful for the normal development of the fetus. It relieves severe pain when inflammatory processes genitals.

    If you regularly consume the fruit, you can get rid of varicose veins. It also affects the preservation of the placenta without harming the baby, and fights anemia.

    During pregnancy

    The fruit of the fig tree contains a large number of various vitamins that bring great benefits to the body. expectant mother. In order not to harm the child, it is necessary to consume the fruits correctly. Pregnant women who have diabetes should eat figs with extreme caution, as the dried fruit contains a lot of sugar.

    Dried figs have the following beneficial properties for expectant mothers:

    • the fruit helps in getting rid of severe cough without the use of medications;
    • figs help maintain required quantity vitamins;
    • Prevents you from gaining excess weight;
    • improves blood composition;
    • quickly eliminates colds;
    • eliminates constipation and intestinal disorders.

    When breastfeeding

    Research results useful properties figs have shown that the fruit is very beneficial for education breast milk. Many doctors recommend during the period breastfeeding eat dried figs, as this fruit can help you get rid of excess weight, which appears after the birth of a child. Also, eating the fruit normalizes stool and regulates the balance of salt in a woman’s body. In addition, young mothers who have problems with bowel movements can eat dried figs.

    The health benefits of figs for nursing mothers include:

    • in improving blood flow, increasing vascular tone;
    • in cleansing the body of waste and toxins;
    • in strengthening nervous system;
    • in the formation immune system baby;
    • in improving the quality of milk;
    • in eliminating edema.

    By regularly taking figs, you can avoid the appearance of hemorrhoids, hypertension and varicose veins.

    Benefits for men

    Dried figs have beneficial properties not only for female body, but also for men. The fruit helps improve male potency, prevents the appearance of prostatitis and prevents the development of other diseases associated with the male reproductive system.

    In addition, the benefits of the fruit for the stronger sex are manifested in the following:

    • figs promote better blood circulation;
    • reduces the amount of fat in the abdominal area;
    • reduces blood cholesterol levels;
    • normalizes blood pressure in men;
    • prevents the development of rectal cancer.


    From the berries of the fig tree you can prepare a decoction that maintains strength when the body is exhausted. This decoction also effectively combats hoarseness, stomatitis and sore throat. The product has an antipyretic and diaphoretic effect.


    1. 1. To cook medicinal drink, you must first chop 1 tablespoon of dried figs and then pour 400 ml of hot water into the raw material.
    2. 2. After this, the container with the ingredients should be placed on low heat and left to boil for 10 minutes.
    3. 3. Next, the product must be cooled and squeezed out.
    4. 4. The drink should be consumed 4 times a day, 100 g each.

    In order to get rid of gastritis, kidney disease, whooping cough, dry cough, you need to prepare a recipe for a milk decoction.


    1. 1. To prepare the drink you will need 2 tablespoons of dried figs and 200 g of milk.
    2. 2. Berries must be boiled in milk and consumed 150 g per day.
    3. 3. Before use, the product must be ground into a paste. This paste heals ulcers and accelerates the maturation of abscesses.

    To get rid of kidney stones and reduce pain when urinating, you need to use an aqueous solution of the plant.

    Step by step recipe:

    1. 1. In order to prepare such a remedy, you will need 5 figs and a glass of boiling water.
    2. 2. It is necessary to fill the fruits hot water, place the container with the mixture on water bath and cook for 10 minutes over low heat.

    Fruits should be mashed and eaten in between meals.

The ripened fruits of the Fig tree are very tasty and bring undeniable benefit, but transporting without damaging it is very problematic. In order for the fruits to reach the stores looking ripe, they are picked while still green, so their composition is not so rich. Dried figs are more transportable, the benefits and harms of which are preserved, as in the freshly picked fruit. It can be transported over long distances, stored for a long time and eaten at any time of the year.

Contents of dried fruits

Even after drying, all the benefits are retained; dried figs are one of the products that are still worth eating even after such processing. After drying, we can state the following amounts of vitamins and minerals in the product:

  • 35 mg calcium.
  • 232 mg potassium.
  • 1 milligram sodium.
  • Zinc, selenium, magnesium, manganese, copper, iron - 0.2 - 0.35 milligrams.

The product also contains many vitamin complexes. The variety of vitamins is truly amazing:

  • Vitamin A.
  • Vitamins C, E, K.
  • Riboflavin.
  • Pyridoxine.
  • Pantothenic acid.
  • Folates.
  • Niacin.
  • Thiamine.

Flavonoids, together with polyphenols, are strong antioxidants; they are able to protect the cells of our body from unstable particles and protect the body from aging. Other components of catechins reduce the risk of cancer.

For good health

Looking at the table of vitamins and minerals, the question of how dried figs are beneficial practically disappears. The product has the most beneficial effect on the cardiovascular, muscular, nervous and digestive systems of the human body.

For seasonal flu, bronchitis, tracheitis or a simple cough, the benefits of dried figs will have an antipyretic effect and also provoke sweating. A large number of fiber in the product has a beneficial effect on the digestive system. Dried figs will improve your mood, stimulate mental and physical activity. More useful qualities dried figs:

  • Improved wound healing is possible thanks to high content pectin
  • Everyone knows the benefits of vitamin C, but rutin helps this vitamin to be absorbed effectively.
  • Blood clotting is reduced due to ficin.
  • The product has a laxative effect.

Dried figs and their beneficial properties are also used to relieve hangover syndrome Moreover, it is believed that it has aphrodisiac qualities. The leaves of the Fig tree are used in the manufacture of certain medicines.

Such drugs are used for skin pigmentation disorders, treatment of baldness and bald patches. Others can increase appetite, remove pain from rheumatism, improve the condition skin. The priceless possibilities of the plant are unlimited; doctors often find a new place for it in medicine.

The benefits of dried figs for women

The wide popularity of the product has raised the question of how dried figs are beneficial for women, because many mothers buy the fruits for their children. Due to the presence of folic acid, the product is often recommended when planning pregnancy. Has a beneficial effect on the preservation of the placenta.

The fruit of the fig tree will also be useful during menstruation; it will help relieve pain, elevate your mood and concentrate brain activity. Minerals will be a good protector of hair and nails from external influences and are used in cosmetic products.

What are the benefits of dried figs for men?

The consumption of fig tree fruits by men is associated with its positive effect on potency and auxiliary qualities in the fight against prostatitis and other sexual diseases. There are a number of other favorable qualities for men:

  • Improving reproductive health.
  • Acceleration of blood circulation.
  • Helps lower cholesterol levels.
  • Stimulates the burning of belly fat.

Contraindications and dangers

First of all, before using the product in the treatment or prevention of any diseases, we advise you to consult a doctor. The properties of dried figs will negatively affect people with the following diseases:

  • Obesity.
  • Gout.
  • Diarrhea.
  • Diabetes.
  • Gastritis, ulcers and other acute gastrointestinal diseases.

The effect of the product on gas formation is known, so we do not recommend eating it before a long trip, also for pregnant and nursing mothers. It is not recommended to combine dried figs with other dried fruits; this will further provoke gas formation and bloating.

Folk recipes

Dried fig fruits are used to make jam, decoctions, syrups, and tinctures, combining them with various other products. There are several traditional medicine recipes:

  1. Recipe for gum inflammation respiratory tract, tonsillitis. Boil two pieces of fruit in a glass of milk and water (50/50).
  2. At external damage skin (wounds, scratches, etc.). Soak the dried berries in water and apply to the sore spot.
  3. To enhance potency. Soak 5-7 pieces of fig tree berries in milk overnight and eat them in the morning before breakfast. Continue the procedure every day with short breaks.

Now you know how to use figs correctly, the benefits and harm to the body, as well as all contraindications. Use this miracle of nature for your health.

If something looks unusual, then the attitude towards it is suspicious and distrustful. Figs, growing in subtropical conditions, have a non-standard appearance, and for some they may even cause rejection. Still, you shouldn’t judge by the cover, since the same dried figs, the benefits and harms of which have long been studied, taste very good.

Description of the fruit

It is a pear-shaped fruit with a bright purple tint. It grows on a fig tree, which is also called the common fig tree.

It appeared in our country only in the 18th century, and then it was called fig or wine berry.

Subtropics are the native climate for the fig tree. Figs spread throughout the world from Africa and the Mediterranean. This fruit is also grown in the CIS, but only places such as Georgia, Abkhazia and Azerbaijan are suitable for it.

The first mentions of fig tree fruits go back to the Old Testament and the Bible. Even then, the beneficial properties of figs were already in use. It played a big role in the development of agriculture in Greece, Syria and Egypt. And already in the 16th century, Americans were able to enjoy it.

Beneficial features

Fresh figs are quite difficult to get, as they are stored for only three days. And in order to preserve the beneficial properties of the fruit, it is turned into dried fruits.

Chemical composition of fruits:

  • Omega-3 and Omega-6 acids;
  • potassium, sodium, phosphorus and iron;
  • antioxidants;
  • tanning elements;
  • glucose;
  • fuqin.

One hundred grams of dried figs replenish the body's need for iron and B vitamins by 3-4% daily value. It is effective and useful for a number of diseases as one of the auxiliary elements. For example, with increased blood pressure. It is recommended for use by people experiencing calcium deficiency.

Rich iron content makes the fruit useful as a preventative against anemia. The fruits of the fig tree help get rid of excess cholesterol. They also raise vitality humans, help in weight loss and treatment of gastrointestinal disorders.

Although figs are very high in calories, they can be used in fasting days. The antioxidant effect is strong enough to help the body eliminate toxins effectively and without harmful consequences.

There are several health benefits of dried figs for women. This fruit can be a powerful remedy for varicose veins and painful menstruation. It can be used in cases of sexual dysfunction if permission is obtained from the attending physician.

Baby food

Figs are often one of the main ingredients baby food. You can choose it for your baby’s diet when the child reaches the age of 9 months.

One of the main functions of fruit for a child is to increase appetite. Older children can be given various pastries based on it. What child would refuse sweets for dessert? Everyone eats pies and buns with great pleasure.

Use in folk medicine

Small balls of dried figs and raisins are an old folk laxative. The two ingredients are mixed in equal proportions, and then add half a teaspoon of nutmeg and ginger. The mixture should be stored in the refrigerator. It not only helps with the stomach, but is also very tasty.

WITH fish soup - fig tree fruit - good medicine for coughs and colds. To prepare it, you will need milk and 4 dried fruit. They are thrown into boiling liquid and cooked with the lid closed for about 20 minutes. After this, the mixture is divided into several servings, which must be taken throughout the day.

You can also take the medicine in syrup form. It is made with water, and for a small course 8 fruits are enough. They are placed in a saucepan, boiled for 20 minutes, then taken out and new water is added. Then pour a glass of sugar in there and stir until it dissolves. You can consume 1-2 tablespoons of this syrup per day.

Click item No. 2.2 - a complete set of competent combinations for a healthy menu.

And don't forget to check the selection rules quality dried fruits- point No. 4.

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Composition and calorie content

Calorie content and glycemic index about 250 kcal per 100 grams and an average GI = 47-55, comparable to fresh cranberries, persimmons and kiwis.

The chemical composition is largely the same fresh fruits, but in different concentrations. Dried figs, compared to fresh ones, contain about 3 times more sugars and 4-5 times more dietary fiber. This makes it an advantageous participant in nutrition for at least two purposes - stable intestinal function and rapid delivery of glucose to the brain and muscles.

Estimate nutritional value Convenient infographics will help you with dried figs:

Benefits for the body

Fiber being the leader in dietary fiber content among popular dried fruits ( up to 10% of dry weight!), figs do an excellent job of toning the intestines and are useful for hypotonic constipation. Today this is the most common problem with cleansing - due to the lack of a split diet and physical inactivity.

Vitamin neuroprotectors group B. Among them, the most interesting is B1, which is extremely important for most functions of the nervous system and cannot be synthesized in the body.

Potassium is one of the basic minerals for preservation water-salt balance, rhythmic heart function and healthy bone and muscle mass.

Magnesium is the most valuable element for the body, which is involved in many enzymatic reactions, including the formation of ATP. Harmony in the functioning of the nervous system, in the condition of the heart and blood vessels, in stable intestinal motility and bile outflow - everywhere there is a direct merit of magnesium.

Calcium is a mineral that is needed daily to maintain skeletal bone density. Some other mineral salts, including phosphorus (up to 5%). Figs also contain some iron, although in non-heme form it is poorly absorbed, which is worth understanding for yourself once and for all when you are excited about the presence of iron in plant foods.

What antioxidants are there in dried figs?

Vitamin C in dried figs almost none remains, however the right technology dry fruits contain a whole range of bioflavonoids and polyphenols with antioxidant activity. Catechins and epicatechins - to protect the body from the proliferation of cancer cells. Rutin - to strengthen blood vessels. Syringic and gallic acids - for the harmony of intestinal microflora, including due to the bactericidal effect on opportunistic microorganisms.

What are the benefits of dried figs for women?

When exploring this issue, one cannot ignore the topics of weight loss and pregnancy. High calorie content and an abundance of sugars are not suitable for protein diets. However, in the composition balanced nutrition figs will be a good help.

If, when losing weight, you adhere to fractional meals with calorie counting, That the best place for a sweet snack every other day (!) - second breakfast (until 12:00):

  • It’s convenient to take figs with you to work and not look like a “black sheep” by replacing sweets with them when snacking in the office;
  • Sugars, B vitamins, magnesium and fiber will ensure quick thinking, stability of emotions and stable intestinal motility;
  • An adequate limit is 3 dry fruits (about 80 grams), which can be included even in a sharply reduced daily caloric intake.

During pregnancy, against the background of general health and normal weight, you can use up to 4 fruits per day, 3-5 times a week.

How to eat and what to combine with

The best time to eat with figs is the first half of the day.

Dried figs, like all dried fruits, are not a product that you should get carried away with, eating a dozen of them every day.

At the same time, it is quite easy to benefit from figs without harming the body. Let's take a closer look at the beneficial combinations.

For good absorption of vitamin C and strengthening of vascular walls

Add soaked figs to winter salads with shredded cabbage, carrots and an apple, or eat 1/2 grapefruit and 2-3 dried fruits at the beginning of breakfast.

To obtain a beneficial complex of pectins, vitamin D and calcium

Add chopped soaked figs to the cottage cheese or beat the curd mixture in a blender.

How to diversify healthy diet with figs:

  • We are mastering a simple nut-fig paste - for spreading on biscuits or plates from fresh apples: nuts + figs in equal proportions and a little lemon juice. This paste is an excellent base for homemade sweets or a layer in no-bake cakes.
  • Add to muesli and porridge after cooking on fire. large cuts dried fruit. It adds spice delicate cereals- oatmeal and rice.
  • In a smoothie for a blender, figs can easily replace a sweet banana and make friends with any ingredients.
  • From meat dishes Best suited for poultry and lamb - in sauces and stuffing when stuffing. However, we take into account: during heat treatment, some valuable substances are lost, including the destruction of coarse fibers.

Dried fruit mixture recipe for heart

A high concentration of sugars, potassium and vitamin C - complete health for the heart and blood vessels, normalization of immunity and stress resistance.

How to prepare: mix soaked dried fruits in equal proportions. To choose from - dried apricots, figs, raisins, prunes. Add walnuts, honey, lemon juice and blend in a blender until smooth.

Additional ingredients: citrus zest, other nuts. If you are allergic to honey, use a third more of the sweetest dried fruits - figs and dates.

How to use

We eat 2 teaspoons up to 3 times a day on an empty stomach (half an hour before meals).

Possible harm and contraindications

Absolute contraindications:

  • Diabetes mellitus type 1;
  • Acute pancreatitis;
  • Ulcerative pathologies of the stomach and intestines;
  • Chronic renal failure.

Strictly limit (2-3 pieces at a time, every other day):

  • At diabetes mellitus type 2 and obesity;
  • For pathologies of pregnancy;
  • For acute diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract.

The potential harm of dried fruits is also determined by the unsightly nuances of production. We have collected tips on how to avoid these pitfalls below.

How to choose correctly

Unfortunately, dried figs are not without the “charms” of industrial processing. Sulfur dioxide, unsanitary conditions, smoking liquid smoke, boiling water with caustic soda, gasoline burners and almost “harmless” against this background treatment with glycerin and cheap oil - for the “selling beauty of the product.” Alas, technologies harmful to health await us at any dried fruit counter.

How to choose quality figs from the mountain of “pig in a poke”?
  • Color and surface: light beige fig without shine. Let's assume a matte sugar coating.
  • Shape, size and texture : slightly flattened fruits, approximately equal in size, amenable to finger pressure when testing for softness.
  • We smell and taste, which is why we go to the market. The norm is a sweet, rich, noticeably crunchy taste and no gasoline smell. The figs are chewed without titanic effort. If the taste is salty, sour, damp, the product is spoiled. At the same time, we take into account that unwashed dried fruits pose a risk of intestinal infection. Grab a bottle of water!
  • When purchasing in a supermarket, we first study and rely on the brand.
  • If there is a special need for environmental friendliness, we buy from online stores: they are not cheap trade marks from small producers whose owners are enthusiasts of healthy lifestyle or alternative nutrition systems.

How to remove sulfur dioxide from dried fruits?

  • Soak thoroughly - in cold (!) water. The first time - for 30 minutes. Then we drain the water a second time - for another 15 minutes, after which we wash it in warm running water, sorting the fruits with our hands one by one. This removes any remaining dirt (pieces of earth, sand, etc.) that may stick to the figs during drying and transportation.

We dry it ourselves instead of buying it

There are two ways to get the benefits of figs without harming your health:

  • We take risks with the purchase, carefully studying the fruits according to the characteristics described above;
  • We dry it ourselves - in an electric dryer. This is especially true for residents of the southern regions, where fresh fruits can be delivered without spoilage.

High quality, tasty, fast and cheaper - these are fair epithets for the results of an electric dryer.

Choosing figs for drying

Any fruit can be dried with benefit. But the ideal variety is still white or honey. Light, golden-skinned, with yellowish flesh, 4-5 cm in diameter (smaller fruits are sweeter). Important nuance good variety- a large number of seeds. The fewer seeds, the worse the variety.

When you decide to purchase a device, you should pay attention to models with a wide temperature range, starting from 33-35 degrees and the most ergonomic square shape of the trays. The relative disadvantages of home drying are the time spent on the process and the one-time investment in purchasing the device. But how much time and money do existing illnesses steal from us - due to dangerous food choices? A rhetorical question for personal reflection.

How to store at home

Dried figs require a cool (0-10 degrees) and dry (!) place. Lay him in glass jar, lined the inside with a thin cotton cloth and close tightly.

A good storage option for good air circulation is hanging canvas bags. Choose it for a batch that you will eat in a couple of months. The disadvantage of this method is that when the temperature rises, pests are easily introduced. You can also use paper bags that prevent insects from entering.

We will be glad if the detailed story about dried figs was informative for you. The benefits of figs are great when we know how to get around potential harm, choose the right culinary combinations and wisely limit the amount of sweet product.

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