Jelly from cherry for the winter with bones and no seeds. Recipe with Pectin and Wine Acid

That's time billets for the winter. Though not the end of the season of vegetables and fruits, but it's time to prepare conservation. Now in full swing, such fruits like Cherry Cherodin and many others are kept. This year is a lot, so let's prepare an unusual recipe. It will be a cherry in gelatin.

Using this recipeYou can, how to keep such a cherry all winter, so you can eat directly when they cooked. Well, literally in a day. This recipe is not completely complicated. As you already understood from the name, it is a five-minute one. Before starting cooking cherry Jam five-minute with gelatinFirst you need, of course, know that it will be needed for this recipe.

What you need to cook the cherry in gelatin:

  • Cherry - 500 gr.
  • Sugar - 150 gr.
  • Water - 400 ml.
  • - 1 teaspoon.

Cherry Jam five-minute with gelatin - recipe

At the very beginning of the process of cooking cherries in gelatin, let's wash the cherry. Try to rinse the cherry berries thoroughly. Let the water drain and dry the cherry on the towel.

Prepare gelatin. Practice 1 teaspoon gelatin in any container.

Fill gelatin cold water. Water for pouring gelatin you will need about 2 tablespoons.

In the container in which you will brew a cherry, pour 150g sugar. Cooking best in enameled dishes if you have a small amount of berries. If you have a lot of cherries, then use not enameled dishes.

That and then we will catch 400ml of water.

We will put our saucepan on the stove and babble exactly 5 minutes, well stirring.

During the time the cherry is brewed, gelatin will swell. Try to buy instant gelatin. You can buy sheet gelatin. It is more expensive, but it is colorless and better.

We catch the swollen gelatin in a saucepan with a boiling cherry. Mix everything well. It is necessary that gelatin is completely dissolved. It is necessary to consider that the mixture cannot be brought to a boil. As soon as you see that the mixture begins to drop, immediately remove the pan from the slab.

In prepared in advance, sterilized banks fill the mixture with the cherry. The mixture will be liquid, let it not frighten you.

At this stage, we see that the foam on the top of the jars is still there. Remove the foam with a teaspoon. The main thing to remove all the foam so that the jam does not wake up.

After that, you need to close the jars with covers that previously sterilized.

Leave jars with completely cool. When the jars are cooled, they need to be placed in a cool place. Better if it is either a refrigerator, or a basement, cellar. After you put a five-minute jam, it will be ready in a day. It will completely freeze and become a full jelly. Cherry jam five-minute with gelatin The taste is very pleasant, sour-sweet, cherries remain whole and impregnated with syrup. Jelly itself is very sustainable and pleasant to taste. Enjoy your meal.

Cherry jam five-minute with gelatin. A photo

Fast I. original dessert - Cherry jam with gelatin! This delicacy is suitable for cooking. small portions And for the workpiece on winter. If you are interested in the topic of the harvesting cherry billet, let's get acquainted with the recipes of jam and their subtleties.

Nuances of training

Cherry is one of the few berries that can hide damage. It is impossible to appreciate appearancewhether there is inside the berries of the worm. Therefore, it is better to manually examine each cherry. The process will take place simultaneously with the deepening of the bones from berries. However, if you want to prepare a cherry jam with a bone (with gelatin) and exactly sure that berries are benign, so be it!

Purified from berries or not, they need to be covered with sugar sand. The proportions of the ratio of bookmarks of berries and sugar, respectively:

  • 1:0,7.

These parameters differ from standard jam blanks due to the presence of gelatin.

So, falling asleep with sugar sand berries, waiting for the selection of juice. That is, we retain a saucepan with products by about 15-20 minutes.

Use gelatin

As a gelling substance, except gelatin, Agaraid can act. This is a powder that is mainly used in manufacturing enterprises. And at home we will take gelatin. It's not so difficult to work with him. But it is better to know how to prepare it. Gelatin is produced in two types:

  • in powder;
  • in plates.

It is preferable to use in powder. It is much faster to prepare it, since it instantly swells in the water - you need 5-10 minutes. But the plates will have to wait 20-25 minutes after soaking them in warm water.

So, pour gelatin only in the 1: 4 ratio! It is important! One part gelatin for four parts of water.

After swelling, the mixture should be heated on the stove until the particles are completely dissolved, but not to boiling. If the process comes to the appearance of bubbles of boiling water, the mixture does not have to use. She is already spoiled. The fact is that when boiling binding properties of particles are lost.

Classic recipe for one-component jam

What products are required:

  • sheltered cherries;
  • shelter sugar;
  • packet gelatin.

Cooking process:

  1. Perform primary processing Berries - sorting, washing and drying on paper or any pure kitchen towel.
  2. The next step is completely dependent on your desire. I pull out a bone from berries or do not do it.
  3. Berries shift into a saucepan and fall asleep sugar (if berries with bones, then add 50 ml of boiled or filtered water). We are waiting for a quarter of an hour so that the berries give juice.
  4. In the meantime, soak gelatin in warm water. Remember the proportions - 1: 4! After 10 minutes, we put gelatin on fire and stir. Immediately after dissolution, remove from the slab and flicker. Do not boil! While leave.
  5. Then begin to cook a cherry jam on a moderate fire.
  6. After 25 minutes, the jam remove from the fire. After a couple of seconds, the boiling process ends. Add gelatin. Mix and spill on sterilized banks. We can serve with sterilized lids and remove for cooling somewhere in the corner.

Jam "Cherry in gelatin" is ready for the winter! Store better in the cool room without leakage of temperature.

The second method of cooking

There is another way of cooking delicacy. The difference with the previous option is small. It is only necessary to mix berries with sugar immediately, but first cook sugar syrup. Then add berries to it, then cook, as in the first recipe.

This method is best suited for cherry berries with a bone.

With bones or without?

What is the difference in the preparation of berries to cook a cherry jam with gelatin with bones or without?

In the preparation of jam without bones, you will have to spend some of your free time behind the process of irradiation of these whests. It threatens with accurate splashes spray all over the kitchen and in your face. There is simply such a development of events. Slide the volumetric polyethylene package in the pan food products And in it, pull the bones. Juice will splash in the package and stroke into it. The hostess will have to miss only hands.

The recipe for cherry jams with gelatin provides for highlighting a large amount of juice. And where does it come from if the berries are whole with bones? The answer is simple. Add some water. For 1 kg of berries, 100 g of water is enough.

Additional ingredients

The following ingredients to taste can be added to the cherry jam with gelatin:

  • hammer cinnamon or nutmeg;
  • cognac or liqueur;
  • pieces of other berries or fruits (the cherry is best sweet plum or Alycha).

Great news for chocolate lovers! Cherry jam with gelatin can be cooked with his addition! It is not original than berries. But you need to follow the advice:

  • use only bitter chocolate without any additives (nuts, raisins, pieces of waffle or cookies);
  • before entering into syrup with berries, chocolate should be melt in a water bath;
  • add it to the jam in a few minutes until dessert is ready.

All listed ingredients for additives in jam are very pleasant to the taste and give the necessary "highlight" recipe for cooking. However, the most pleasant product can also spoil cherry dessertIf you do not know the measure. Taste additives We must only emphasize the main taste, and not destroy it.

Prepared jam can always be a chic layer fresh cake or biscuit roll. In winter, you will not have to stand at the slab in the hope of cooking syrup or cream for cake. Just get a jar cherry jam In gelatin - and the task is solved!

Summer is time fresh vegetables and fruit. Hostess are engaged in harvesting and preservation nutrients For a whole year. Positive emotions during tea drinking with fragrant jelly Of the fruits and berries from the garden are provided. The cooking process is so delicious dessert It will not require a lot of time and effort if you clearly follow the recipe and refuse gelatin.

Prepare a delicious jelly from cherry for the winter without gelatin simply. Take:

  • Fresh berries, in the absence of which neither jam, nor compote. Fruits are thoroughly treated (washing, drying, bone removal).
  • Sugar that helps save definished taste Product.
  • Agar-Agar is a natural substitute gelatin, produced from the algae of brown color. Such an additive needs preferred (Soak over the night before applying).
  • Pectin is a substance that is present in the berries in certain quantities and contributes to the removal of toxins from the body. Purchased this additive, zelat substitute, in ordinary stores (implemented as a powder).

How to make cherry jelly for winter without gelatin

Recipes from Cherry for the winter help hostesses to surprise their sweet bowls. The dish is able to also support their health. Learn how to cook cherry Jelly, just. To do this, you will have to get acquainted with the recipe that looks like this:


  • The fruits of the cherry tree - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • pure water - 100 ml;
  • lemon juice - taste;
  • vanillin or vanilla sweetener - to taste.

Phased cooking jelly without gelatin:

  1. Prepare a berry (rinse, dry, separate from the bone).
  2. A juicy pulp to crush to a porridge state and shifting into deep containers.
  3. Add water.
  4. Place gas and cook 5-7 minutes. At this time, it will have to constantly stir the content, to avoid burning.
  5. Cool the resulting mass.
  6. Separate juice (squeeze out or use the sieve).
  7. Add sugar, vanillin, lemon juice to the resulting liquid.
  8. Place on fire and cook, stirring before the manifestation of signs of thickening (20-30 minutes).
  9. The resulting mass is poured into forms, banks and leave cool.

Very simple and fast recipe without cooking

Prepare homemade dessert have to those who love to make themselves useful and delicious product In the cold season. This procedure does not take much time, at most - 1 hour. How to cook the cherry for the winter so that it does not lose their properties? Need to make a dish capable of saving a large number of useful elementsFresh berries. To do this, will have to prepare the following ingredients:

  • cherries - 2 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg.

To make easy to make jelly with cherry, you have to follow next instruction:

  1. Prepare fruits (rinse thoroughly, remove bones, dry).
  2. Grind the product using a blender.
  3. Add sugar.
  4. To stir thoroughly.
  5. The resulting consistency is distributed according to a predetermined dishes and remove into a cool place (basement, pit, refrigerator).

Jewelery jelly from cherry without seeds

For creating so unusual view Parehomas, like jelly from cherries for the winter without gelatin, perfectly suitable sour variety berries, because these fruits are large, fleshy. When cutting, the pulp is easily separated from the bone and gives a large amount of juice. After all, he gives dessert such elegant forms. To prepare jelly jelly from cherry for the winter without gelatin and stones, you will have to prepare the ingredients, including:

  • fresh berry - 1 kg;
  • sugar sand - 1 kg;
  • water - 200 ml;

Step-by-step guide:

  1. Prepare berries (rinse, clean from the bones).
  2. Give berries searcate to remove excess fluid.
  3. Add water, sugar, start heating. Gradually, the syrup will be able to start caramelized during cooking.
  4. Add fruits, cook to boil.
  5. Cool the resulting mass room temperature.
  6. The cooled jam is returned to the stove and boost to "puffs".
  7. The resulting jam is distributed in pure containers.

Cherry in the jelly of red currant

For this kind of dessert, ingredients will be needed:

  • fresh cherry - 1 kg;
  • currant red - 1 kg;
  • water - 350 ml per 1 kg of berries.
  • sugar - 700 g per liter of juice.

Cooking process:

  1. Remove the fruits, twigs and other garbage with cherries and currants.
  2. Rinse them and give a track of water remnants.
  3. Armed with a spoon or a rolling pin for rolling the dough, crush the fruits in a saucepan, add water, put on fire (boiling to juice formation).
  4. Juice strain through a sieve and start boiling.
  5. Add sugar, constantly stirring the mass, removing the foam.
  6. Cook 30 min.
  7. Ready mix Stay in special dishes.

How to cook jelly from frozen cherry

If you deliver fresh fruit There is no possibility, and to enjoy useful dessert I want to buy frozen berries and prepare cherry jelly from them. Make it easy. Have to take:

  • frozen berries - 300 g;
  • water boiled - 600 ml;
  • sugar - 200 g;

Step-by-step guide:

  1. Displays a berry (the use of water for this purpose is prohibited - to avoid the loss of beneficial properties of the fruits).
  2. Squeeze the juice using a blender or a wooden mortar.
  3. The mezu formed after squeezing, pour water and add sugar.
  4. Mix the mixture on fire, bring to a boil.
  5. Cool and decompose on jars.

Cooking recipe for cherry juice

Delicious jelly From the cherry for the winter, the recipe of which is based on the use natural juicewill please any person, and the hostess does not take much time. To create such a masterpiece, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • juice - 0.75 l;
  • pectin - 1 bag;
  • cherry fruits - 20 g

Cooking process:

  • Take a deep container, put a piece of juice and put on fire.
  • Add to the contents of Becin's bowls (this procedure is slow to eliminate the formation of lumps).
  • In the resulting mass pour the remnants of the juice, to cook another 5 minutes.
  • Ready consistency pour into a comfortable shape and remove into a cool place.

Delicious prescription jelly from cherry jam

Most people have a bank with jam. It happens that a little product remains, and he has nowhere to do. What to do in such a situation? You can use the recipe for jams from jam and give your family unforgettable dessert. To embody such an idea, you need to collect the following ingredients:

  • lemon juice - 100 ml;
  • jam - 150 g;
  • pectin - 80 g;
  • sweetener - to taste.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Take a scenery or a deep bowl, combine lemon juice and pectin in it.
  2. From the remains of jam to separate berries from the syrup.
  3. Pour the syrup into a lemon-pectic mixture, start cooking.
  4. Welcome for a minute.
  5. Remove from the stove and pack on banks.

Video from cherry billets for winter

Cherry flavors with winter evenings

Walk through the Cherry Garden will fill you with health and good mood. Spring trees and shrubs are covered with white fragrant colors, and in the summer, green foliage was blooped by berries of all shades of red color - from rich pink to close to black. ethnoscience Uses almost all parts of the cherryEven the cuttings from berries are used to treat. Cherry glue Very love to chew children, and not in vain! Resin contains a lot of useful substances, it possesses antibacterial effect and helps with inflammation of the stomach. In the summer, the bastard constantly eats the gifts of nature, often forgetting them to wash them. It seems that natural instinct encourages them to accept healing adhesive protection against infections.

Cherry fruits are saturated vitamins, minerals and others necessary person elements. They improve the composition of blood, help with diseases hearts, vessels, digestive system and other organs. We should not forget that red color causes a tide of vigor and energy. One only kind of jar with a bright content will remove the winter Handra.

Cherry-five-minute jam

This jam can be prepared from cherries with bones, and it is possible without bones. Short thermal effect Allows you to preserve beneficial features Berry, A. easy execution makes this recipe available even the most inexperienced hostess.


  • Berries - 1 kg,
  • sugar sand - 0.4 kg,
  • water - 0.2 liters.


Cooking the syrup, fall asleep the washed berries without fruits, bring to a boil. Hold on low fire for 5 minutes, not letting boil. Immediately after cooking, lay out in the sterilized banks and roll.

Soft marmalade from cherry

All the sign of solid marmalade in the form of elastic figures. Try to retreat from traditions and cook soft marmalade for sandwiches.


  • Cherry without seeds - 1 kg,
  • sugar sand - 550 g.


Cherry to warm up so that the juice will wipe through the sieve, add sugar sand and boom until the mass of marmalade becomes 1 kg. Descript into sterilized banks and roll.

Cherry in jelly

Original multicolored dessertin which persists taste and Fresh Cherry Aroma.


  • Cherry without seeds - 1 triple bank,
  • sugar sand - 1 kg,
  • gelatin - 70 g,
  • water - 0.5 liters.


Gelatin pour water and leave swell. Cherry pour sugar, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Gelatin heat, not bringing to a boil, wait until it is completely dissolved to pour into boiling berries, then pour into banks and roll. Keep refrigerated.

Cherry without cooking jam

The usual recipe for jam without cooking: grinding fruits with a meat grinder or blender, does not allow to fully save vitamins. If you cook berries metal contact, all useful material Will be in delicacy.


  • Cherry without seeds - 1 kg,
  • sugar sand - 1 kg.


Berries fall asleep sugar and crowd with a wooden pest to complete dissolution sugar sand. Dispatch into banks and store in the refrigerator.

Cherry in Medo

IN celebration It is advisable to file a daily jam to tea, but something special. Original combination of tastes cherry, money and orekhov will please any gourmet.


  • Cherry - 1 kg,
  • honey - 1 kg,
  • water - 200 g,
  • walnuts - 10 pcs.


Remove the bones from the cherry, and put inside each piece of nut. Honey warm with water, stir up to complete dissolution, add berries and cook until the cherry becomes transparency. Warm jam decompose on banks and tie with parchment paper.

After berry billets There was a whole mountain grain. No need to consider them by waste. Rinse and dry the bones, squeeze them into a cloth bag. Received cherry warmer I will help you with many diseases.