Stevia in liquid form. Stevia: how to make liquid extract and syrup from sweet grass - secrets of preparing a natural sweetener

All over the world, scientists are trying to obtain the highest quality, safe and effective sugar substitute. Indeed, such a product is in great demand among diabetic patients, people who want to quickly and safely lose weight, athletes and other categories of citizens who adhere to a healthy lifestyle. However, so far the positive results are conditional, and the prospects for development are vague.

For this reason, at this stage of development it is worth paying attention to such an amazing plant as honey stevia. It originally grew in South America and was used by local Indians as a sweetener for dishes and a medicinal element in medicinal preparations. Stevia extract not only gave a sweet taste, but also added strength, and also relieved fatigue, both physical and psychological. Today it is artificially grown in many countries, and above all in Japan.

We offer to buy high quality honey herb extract at the best price.

The assortment includes:

  • liquid stevia extract;
  • dry stevia extract in powder form.

A distinctive feature is the absence of bitter aftertaste.

Taste properties and composition

It’s worth starting with the fact that the extract (stevioside) of this plant is approximately 250-300 times sweeter than the sugar we are used to. This means that you should be as careful as possible with the dosage when consuming it. The flavor bouquet also includes other components that form an additional pleasant aroma. In addition, the stevia leaf extract contains many beneficial substances that have a beneficial effect on health and saturate the body with useful elements and substances, such as: glycosides; amino acids, including essential ones; carotenoids; vitamins of basic and rare groups; alkaloids and many others. All of them together provide us with everything we need. And this fact must be taken into account, especially in the autumn-winter-spring period.

The sweet taste of honey grass is given by glycosides contained in the leaves of the plant.

These substances have varying degrees of sweetness, but some of them, unfortunately, have a bitter taste.

Therefore, sometimes the natural sugar substitute from stevia has an unpleasant bitter aftertaste. This is due to the fact that the extract from which the sweetener is made has not undergone high-quality purification from “bitter” glycosides. Our company offers exceptionally high-quality products with the maximum degree of purification, which brings the taste of the substitute closer to the usual sugar.


  • Glycosides act as the basic compounds that form the sweet taste. They, among other things, also have a number of useful properties: they kill harmful bacteria in the body, reduce sugar levels, which is fundamentally important for diabetics, and improve the resistance of the immune system.
  • The amino acid lysine, which is also present in abundance in stevia. It improves the process of protein and lipid metabolism, stimulates hematopoiesis, and accelerates the healing process of wounds.
  • The amino acid methionine has made the leaves of this plant especially popular in Japan, since it stimulates the body's defense mechanisms against harmful radiation exposure and also promotes the elimination of radionuclides. By the way, in our country this positive property of stevia extract is very relevant in our country.


Research conducted over many years has shown that glycosides combine well with a wide variety of foods or medications. The only contraindication that can limit the intake of this sugar substitute is individual intolerance.

Therapeutic and prophylactic properties

The extract of this plant can be used effectively and beneficially by many citizens, and for preventive purposes.

  • We should start, naturally, with people with diabetes. Stevia not only replaces sweetness, maintaining the usual quality of life, but also significantly reduces blood glucose levels. If you do not have diabetes, but there is a predisposition, then the optimal solution to the problem would be to replace regular refined sugar with stevioside.
  • Almost zero calorie content allows you to actively use this drug when losing weight and playing sports. It fits perfectly into any diet menu.
  • This extract is recommended by specialists for various blood diseases, as it stimulates its formation.

How to use stevia leaf extract

Stevia extract is perfect for use not only in drinks, but also in many dishes, such as cereals, fruit salads, and so on. For various dishes you can use the sweet extract in both dry and liquid form. In addition, glycosides perfectly withstand prolonged exposure to high temperatures. For this reason, it can be used in canning.

Storage conditions

The offered drugs should be stored out of the reach of children, in a dry place, protected from sunlight.

How to order?

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The problem of fighting excess weight worries many people around the world and moves from the category of an aesthetic defect to a serious disease that requires medical intervention. One of the means to combat those unfortunate kilograms is to use the drug "Stevia" instead of regular sugar.

Why is sugar harmful and how can it be replaced?

Scientists agree that sugar can destroy the human body and causes many dangerous diseases, including diabetes, metabolic disorders and, as a result, obesity. The average daily intake of sugar per person is no more than 50 grams, taking into account all sources - tea, juices, sweets, baked goods, chocolate and the like. Unfortunately, people are so addicted to sweets that they violate this norm several times. In Russia, the average consumption of this product per person exceeds 90 grams, and in the USA - over 150 grams. As a result of exposure to sugar, the functions of the insular apparatus of the pancreas are disrupted. In addition, sucrose destroys connective tissue, bones, teeth, and blood vessels in the human body, which leads to diseases such as caries, heart attack, hypertension, stroke, and hyperglycemia. Since this substance is a carbohydrate, when broken down it turns into fat, and when it is in excess, subcutaneous deposits are formed. The peculiarity of this product is that it becomes a kind of drug for people, since when it is consumed, joy hormones are produced - endorphins, and they want sweets again and again. That is why people began to look for a way out of the situation and develop substances that would replace this product. A sweetener based on stevia was also developed.

What is Stevia?

Stevia (a sweetener) is a natural sweetener that is extracted from the honey herb. This plant was originally discovered in Paraguay, but today it is grown in many countries around the world. Stevia is much sweeter than regular sugar, but has virtually zero calories, so it is actively used as a means to combat excess weight. The advantage of this product is that it tastes very pleasant, unlike other sweeteners. Today, Stevia has already become an integral part of the diet for diabetics, as it helps normalize body weight and promotes the production of insulin. This sweetener is considered one of the best in the whole world, as it is healthy and is made only from natural ingredients. Thanks to the widespread distribution of this product, no one has a question about where to buy Stevia sweetener, since it is available for sale in almost any retail store.

Composition of the drug

"Stevia" (a sweetener) is made from a perennial herbaceous plant that has been known for more than 1.5 thousand years. Honey grass grows in bushes, from each of which up to 1200 leaves are collected. It is the leaves that are of particular value. Stevia grows naturally in the northeastern part of Paraguay, but after the discovery of its unique properties, it began to be grown on an industrial scale in many countries with a favorable climate (China, Korea, Japan, USA, Ukraine, Taiwan, Malaysia, Israel) in special plantations. The largest exporter of this herb is China. Stevia is 10-15 times sweeter than sucrose. This is explained by its unusual composition, which includes diterpene glycosides, including stevioside and rebuadiosides. These substances have a persistent sweet taste that lasts much longer than sucrose. In addition, they have an antibacterial effect. The sweetener is extracted from the leaves of the honey herb by extraction, resulting in Stevia (a sweetener) suitable for use in the form of powder. The photos allow you to see what the plant looks like before and after processing.

Therapeutic effect

"Stevia" (a sweetener) contains saponins, which cause a slight foaming effect and have increased surface activity, therefore it is widely used as an expectorant for the treatment of diseases of the lungs and bronchi. This drug improves digestion as it enhances the secretion of glands. It is used as a diuretic. Stevia improves the condition of the skin surface, increasing its elasticity, therefore it is widely used to treat skin diseases. The product helps relieve swelling, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and improves the process of absorption of substances in the body. Thanks to the flavonoids contained in honey herb, which are strong antioxidants, the immune system is activated. In addition, Stevia strengthens the walls of blood vessels, capillaries, normalizes cholesterol levels in the blood, breaks down fatty plaques and blood clots. The drug contains more than 53 different essential oils that suppress viruses, pathogens, have an anti-inflammatory effect, tone the gallbladder, stomach, liver, and intestines.

Beneficial features

"Stevia" (a sweetener) has the following unique properties that distinguish this drug from the general mass of other sweeteners:

  • 150-300 times sweeter than regular sugar;
  • has zero calories;
  • is not a favorable environment (unlike traditional sugar) for the development of bacteria, but, on the contrary, causes an antibacterial effect;
  • normalizes blood glucose levels;
  • dissolves well in water;
  • a small dosage is necessary due to the high level of sweetness;
  • widely used in cooking, as it is not exposed to high temperatures, acids and alkalis;
  • The sweetener is safe for human health. This fact was tested by the Guarani tribe over a 1000 year history of using the plant;
  • is an exclusively natural product.


  • patients with diabetes mellitus;
  • people suffering from overweight and obesity;
  • people with high blood sugar levels;
  • for the treatment of dysfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract, including ulcers, gastritis, decreased levels of enzyme production;
  • for the treatment of viral and infectious diseases;
  • with high blood cholesterol levels;
  • to activate the body's immune forces;
  • for allergic reactions, dermatitis and other skin diseases;
  • for diseases of the kidneys, thyroid and pancreas.

For those who are wondering where to buy the sweetener Stevia, it is important to know that the drug can be found in many places today. Thus, it is sold in retail stores, pharmacies, and retail chains of health products, dietary supplements, and vitamins.

Sweetener "Stevia": contraindications

"Stevia", like any other sweetener, has a number of contraindications. Therefore, you should keep the following information in mind:

  • Before using the drug, you should consult your doctor about the presence of individual intolerance to its individual components;
  • Since Stevia lowers blood pressure, with excessive doses, strong jumps can be observed. Therefore, it is better for people suffering from cardiovascular diseases and blood pressure problems to avoid using a sweetener;
  • With a low blood glucose level and excessive use of Stevia, a hypoglycemic state may occur.

To avoid harm to health, it is important to adhere to a strict dosage.

Stevia for weight loss

Millions of people around the world suffer from excess weight, the cause of which is improper and unhealthy nutrition - the abuse of too sweet, fatty and heavy foods. Therefore, this problem is taking on a global scale. The sweetener "Stevia" in tablets is used by those people who thus seek to give up consuming sugar, which leads to the accumulation of fatty deposits. When using sweeteners, people do not feel deprived of sweets, but the calorie content of dishes is significantly reduced, since Stevia contains almost 0 kcal. The peculiarity of the product is that the substances contained in its composition are much sweeter than sugar, so a small dosage is necessary, moreover, they are not absorbed in the intestines, which only benefits the figure. However, it is worth noting that the side effects of Stevia have not yet been fully studied, so you should not get too carried away with the use and exceed the dosage in order to avoid unforeseen consequences. The sweetener can not only be added to tea or coffee, but also used in cooking.

Use for diabetics

According to the results of a study by a Moscow laboratory, the natural sweetener Stevia, with constant use, reduces the level of glucose and cholesterol in the blood. In addition, this product improves the functioning of the liver, pancreas and acts as an anti-inflammatory agent. The drug can be used in the treatment of joint diseases, which require avoiding the consumption of sugar. Honey grass serves as a means of preventing the development of hypoglycemic conditions that occur with diabetes mellitus. It can be used for diseases of the heart, skin, teeth, disorders of the digestive tract, and atherosclerosis. The sweetener stimulates the adrenal medulla and, with regular use, increases the quality and standard of life. According to research results, Paraguayans who consumed stevia instead of sugar did not have diseases such as excess weight and diabetes. According to statistics, each Paraguayan eats about ten kilograms of honey grass per year.

How to take Stevia and what is the dosage?

Stevia sweetener is sold in various forms - dry leaves, tablets, liquid, tea bags. Dry leaves are brewed into tea. The dosage is 0.5 grams per 1 kilogram of body weight. 0.015 grams of liquid stevia replaces one cube of sugar. When using stevia in tablet form, it is enough to dissolve one piece in 1 glass of drink.

Side effects

The studies carried out made it possible to establish that when taking the natural sweetener “Stevia” there are no side effects or negative effects on the human body, provided that the dosage is observed, even with prolonged use, unlike synthetic sweeteners. If the dosage is violated, rapid heartbeat may also occur. It is not recommended for diabetics to use the sweetener together with additional medications to lower sugar levels.

Sweetener "Stevia": harm or benefit?

There is a lot of debate in the world community about replacing regular sweets with stevia. Opponents of Stevia argue that the human body does not have the enzymes to break down the sugar substitute stevioside, so it removes the substance unchanged. In the intestines, this element breaks down into steviol and glucose. It is believed that steviol is similar in its properties to therefore it can cause hormonal imbalances and reduce sexual activity. However, studies conducted on chickens that were given a stevia solution with a concentration of 5 grams per 100 milliliters instead of water showed that the sweetener does not cause reproductive dysfunction. And those consumers who have already tried the sweetener Stevia also agree with this. Reviews about it confirm that there are no violations in the sexual sphere.

Buyers' opinion

Those who have already used the sweetener are unclear. Thus, some buyers note that the drug has a pleasant taste. Others say it can be slightly bitter, which is not what you're used to after eating regular sugar. Consumers use Stevia not only as an additive in drinks, but also in homemade preparations for the winter, in baked goods, and in making jam. However, difficulties arise with the correct dosage; you have to use a table for a more accurate calculation.

The rapidly developing market of food additives is demanding in terms of product safety for human health. A safe and high-quality raw material is liquid stevia extract, used in dietary nutrition and the production of cosmetics. Initially, this perennial plant grew only in the subtropics of Paraguay and Brazil, but gradually spread to areas of eastern Asia, Georgia, Moldova, and southern Russia. In the northern Russian regions, amateurs grow stevia on windowsills.

First about the disadvantages

The plant has been studied by scientists for several decades. The only drawback of using the herb for food is its specific, slightly bitter aftertaste. To get around this unpleasant consequence, it is enough to buy liquid stevia extract in any flavor: chocolate, raspberry, grape, strawberry, lemon, vanilla. In its production, in addition to flavoring additives, other methods are used to eliminate the “grassy” taste.

The optimal approach is to increase the purity of the product and regulate its quantity when using a sweetener in dietary nutrition and food production. Because of this, the price of liquid stevia extract increases, but at the same time the concentration of “sweetness” of the finished product increases. To sweeten tea, coffee, pastries, desserts, just drop 3-5 drops of 30 ml of liquid stevia extract onto a glass of liquid. The extract is not afraid of high temperatures and does not lose its properties during heat treatment.

The main benefits of the popular dietary supplement:

  • 0 calories;
  • 0 fat;
  • 0 carbohydrates;
  • zero glycemic index.

It has no effect on glucose levels. But it’s better to buy liquid stevia in Moscow with 97% content of rebaudioside (Reb A) - a guarantee of the absence of a bitter aftertaste. A food additive with a purity of 20-40% is slightly inferior in taste. The aftertaste can be called a conditional disadvantage of stevia extract, which is eliminated by the technology of its production. Some consumers successfully consume live leaves of the plant.

The use of a dietary supplement can cause an allergic reaction if the body is hypersensitive to chamomile, dandelion, and other asteraceae.

Advantages of a sweetener

American biologist R. Lustig and his colleagues published a work comparing sugar in its effect on the human body with tobacco and alcohol. They are calling for restrictions on its sale. Due to the abuse of fructose and glucose, fatty liver disease, diabetes, hypertension and other diseases develop.

It is sugar that suppresses leptin and ghrelin - satiety hormones, ensuring systematic overeating. According to other researchers, liquid sweetener stevia is currently the No. 1 sweetener. “Honey grass” allows diabetics and those who simply love sweets to maintain a normal lifestyle without harming their health.

In addition to the hypoglycemic effect, the liquid sweetener stevia:

  • has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system;
  • normalizes intestinal microflora;
  • eliminates inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • prevents the development of caries;
  • reduces appetite;
  • strengthens the immune system.

Some brands already use sweetener in the production of food and drinks, for example, the Coca Cola company.

A dietary supplement is not a drug, so when finding out where to buy liquid stevia, you should be aware of this. But it can be included in treatment complexes for diabetes, obesity, and gastrointestinal diseases. Before use, it is recommended to consult with your doctor and carefully study the manufacturer's instructions. Monitoring the dynamics of changes occurring in the body will help ensure maximum effectiveness of the product.

Stevia is made from a medicinal plant of the same name, which has numerous beneficial properties and is considered the sweetest plant in the whole world. It contains a unique molecular component called stevioside, which gives the plant its extraordinary sweetness.

Stevia is also popularly called honey herb. All this time, the medicinal herb was used to normalize glucose levels in human blood and prevent diabetes. Today, stevia has gained not only popularity, but also widespread use in the food industry.

Features of Stevia sweetener

Stevia is fifteen times sweeter than regular refined sugar, and the extract itself, which contains stevioside, can be 100-300 times sweeter. This feature is used by science to create a natural sweetener.

However, this is not the only thing that makes natural sweetener an ideal option for diabetics. Most sweeteners made from natural and synthetic ingredients have significant disadvantages.

  • The main disadvantage of many sweeteners is the high calorie content of the product, which is harmful to health. Stevia, having stevioside in its composition, is considered a non-calorie sweetener.
  • Many low-calorie synthetic sweeteners have an unpleasant feature. By changing the metabolism of blood sugar, a significant increase in body weight occurs. The natural substitute Stevia does not have such disadvantages, unlike its analogues. Studies have shown that stevioside does not affect glucose metabolism, and even, on the contrary, reduces sugar levels in human blood.

The sweetener in some cases has a pronounced taste of leech grass. However, today there are sweeteners that use stevioside extract.

Stevioside has no taste, is widely used in the food industry, is available as a food additive and is referred to as E960. At the pharmacy, a similar sweetener can be purchased in the form of small brown tablets.

The benefits and harms of the sweetener Stevia

The natural substitute Stevia is now widely used in most countries and has excellent reviews. The sweetener has become especially popular in Japan, where Stevia has been used for more than thirty years, and during all this time no side effects have been identified. Scientists from a sunny country have proven that sweetener does not harm human health. At the same time, Stevia is used here not only as a food additive, but is also added instead of sugar to diet drinks.

Meanwhile, in such countries the USA, Canada and the EU do not officially recognize the sweetener as a sweetener. Here Stevia is sold in the form of dietary supplements. The sweetener is not used in the food industry, despite the fact that it is not harmful to human health. The main reason for this is the lack of research that confirms the safety of Stevia as a natural sweetener. At the same time, these countries are primarily interested in selling synthetic low-calorie substitutes, around which, despite the proven harm of these products, a lot of money is circulating.

The Japanese, in turn, have proven through their research that Stevia does not harm human health. Experts say that today there are few sweeteners with such low toxicity levels. Stevioside extract has undergone numerous toxicity tests, and all studies have shown no adverse effects on the body. As reviews show, the drug does not harm the digestive system, does not increase body weight, and does not change cells and chromosomes.

Stevioside has antibacterial functions, so it can be used to treat small wounds in the form of burns, scratches and bruises. It promotes rapid healing of wounds, rapid blood clotting and getting rid of infection. Stevioside extract is often used in the treatment of acne and fungal infections. Stevioside helps babies get rid of pain when their first teeth erupt, which is confirmed by numerous reviews.

Stevia is used to prevent colds, strengthens the immune system, and serves as an excellent remedy for treating diseased teeth. Stevioside extract is used to prepare Stevia tincture, which is mixed with an antiseptic decoction of calendula and horseradish tincture in a ratio of 1 to 1. The resulting drug is used to rinse the mouth to relieve pain and possible suppuration.

Also, Stevia, in addition to stevioside extract, contains useful minerals, antioxidants, vitamins A, E and C, and essential oils.

With long-term use of dietary supplements, vitamin complexes, or significant consumption of fruits and vegetables, hypervitaminosis or an excess of vitamins in the body can be observed. If a rash develops on the skin or peeling begins, you should consult a doctor.

Sometimes Stevia may not be tolerated by some people due to the individual characteristics of the body. In particular, the sweetener is not recommended for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. And yet, there is simply the most real and natural one, which is considered the best sugar substitute.

Healthy people do not need to use Stevia as a primary dietary supplement. Due to the abundance of sweets in the body, insulin is released. If this condition is maintained continuously, the sensitivity to increases in sugar in the body may decrease. The main thing in this case is to adhere to the norm and not to overdo it with a sweetener.

Use of Stevia in food

The natural sweetener has positive reviews and is widely used in the preparation of drinks and fruit salads where sweetening of the taste is required. Stevia is added to brews instead of sugar and used in baked goods.

In some cases, stevioside may taste bitter. This reason is primarily due to the excess of Stevia, which was added to the product. To get rid of the bitter taste, you need to use less sweetener when cooking. Some types of the stevia plant also have a bitter taste.

To reduce body weight, drinks with the addition of stevioside extract are used, which are drunk on the eve of lunch and dinner in order to reduce appetite and eat less food. Also, drinks with sweetener can be consumed after meals, half an hour after eating.

When losing weight, many people use the following recipe. In the morning, you need to drink a portion of mate tea with the addition of Stevia on an empty stomach, after which you should not eat for about four hours. During lunch and dinner, you must eat exclusively healthy and natural food without flavorings, preservatives or white flour.

Stevia and diabetes

Ten years ago, the sweetener Stevia was recognized as safe for human health and health care allowed the use of the sweetener in food. Stevioside extract has also been recommended as a sugar substitute for people suffering from type 2 diabetes. Including the sweetener is very useful for hypertensive patients.

Studies have shown that Stevia improves the effects of insulin and affects the metabolism of lipids and carbohydrates. In this regard, the sweetener is an excellent sugar replacement option for diabetics, as well as.

When using Stevia, it is important to ensure that the product you purchase does not contain sugar or fructose. It is necessary to use bread units to accurately calculate the required dose of sweets. It must be remembered that even a natural sugar substitute, if used in excess and improperly, can harm human health and increase blood glucose levels.

Purchasing a sweetener

Today you can purchase a natural substitute for Stevia at any pharmacy or online store. The sweetener is sold as stevioside extract in powder, liquid or dried leaves of the medicinal plant.

White powder is added to tea and other types of liquid. However, some disadvantage is that it takes a long time to dissolve in water, so you need to constantly stir the drink.