Saved the recipe for preparing an Armenian dish. Spas - Armenian fermented milk soup

    From such a quantity of products you can cook savior for 4-5 people.

    Armenian spas on matsoni - recipe with photo:

    To prepare spas, you need to rinse and soak the wheat in boiling water overnight. Sometimes it is replaced with blgur or rice, or, in extreme cases, with pearl barley.

    The next day, the swollen wheat will be much softer, and therefore the cooking time will be significantly reduced. In the same water in which the cereal was soaked, it must be put on fire and cooked until all the grains open. Then pour the remaining liquid into a separate container and let cool.

    In the meantime, you can prepare the onion fry. To do this, finely chopped onions are sauteed in a small amount of butter or ghee (half a serving - 25 g) until light golden brown. If you want to make it dietary, then onions and butter can be completely excluded from the recipe.

    Pour flour into the cooled cereal and mix so that there are no lumps left.

    Then add the egg and mix again until smooth.

    Now you need to add matsoni to the wheat and mix. If it is too sour, then add 1-2 tablespoons of sour cream. Matsoni can be replaced with kefir.

    After this, add the onion frying with oil.

    Now you need to dilute the matsoni with water. To do this, you can use the water left after cooking wheat. Supplement the missing volume with chilled boiled water. Depending on the thickness of the matsoni, the amount of added water is adjusted. The spas should not be too liquid. Then you need to put it on medium heat and bring to a boil, stirring frequently. The more the spas heats up, the more often it needs to be stirred so that the matsoni does not curdle. After boiling, continue cooking without stirring over low heat. After 10 minutes, add oil, salt and remove from heat.

    When serving, sprinkle the Armenian soup, spas, with finely chopped fresh cilantro. You can replace it with dried, and also add a little mint.

    The photo recipe for the Armenian spas soup was prepared by Sargsyan Gayane (gayane74) for the women's site.

Step-by-step recipes for Armenian soup “Spas” with kefir and matsoni, sour cream, bulgur, rice

2018-06-30 Marina Vykhodtseva





In 100 grams of the finished dish

2 gr.

3 gr.


6 gr.

60 kcal.

Option 1: Classic Armenian soup “Spas”

Spas is as popular in Armenia as borscht is in Ukraine, and in our country okroshka is. This fermented milk soup is prepared on weekdays and holidays and is served to the most dear guests. It is also believed that the dish has a lot of useful properties, helps sick people get out of bed and protects the immune system. In general, it makes sense to cook it and try it.


  • 1 liter of matsoni;
  • 1 egg;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 1 tbsp. l. flour;
  • 40 g butter;
  • 1 tsp. dry mint;
  • 40 g cilantro;
  • 1 onion;
  • 120 g wheat cereal.

Step-by-step recipe for classic Armenian soup

For real Armenian soup you need dzavar wheat grits. Since it takes a long time to cook, you can soak it overnight. After this, cook until almost soft, but not in the soup, use a separate pan. Strain the wheat groats into a sieve.

Take a saucepan for cooking soup. Break one large egg into it and throw in the flour, add a pinch of salt. Beat well, then add matsoni and stir.

Measure out cold water and add to the matsoni. Under no circumstances do we do it the other way around, otherwise lumps cannot be avoided. If suddenly the matsoni is not very thick, then you can reduce the amount of water a little.

Now add the wheat grits, which are almost ready, and put the soup on the stove. We turn up the heat so that the dish boils quickly, be sure to stir. According to the rules, use a wooden spoon or spatula.

Melt the butter, fry the chopped onion in it until golden brown; there is no need to overcook the vegetable. Checking the soup. If it boils, then add heat and cook under the lid for ten or fifteen minutes, now you need to bring the cereal to complete softness.

Place the fried onion into the soup, stir, add salt, and add crushed dry mint. At the very end, throw in finely chopped cilantro. Under no circumstances should we substitute dill or parsley. Stir and pour the Armenian soup into plates. We immediately serve the dish to the table.

In Armenia, matsoni is called matsun; sometimes the soup is prepared with kefir. In principle, any fermented milk product will do. If it has low fat content, then simply add a couple of spoons of good thick sour cream.

Option 2: Quick recipe for Armenian soup “Spas”

This version of Armenian soup can be made in literally fifteen minutes, as it is prepared with semolina. Incredibly simple and easy recipe. Greens are added according to the list and there really should be a lot of them.


  • 500 ml matsoni;
  • egg;
  • 0.5 tbsp. l. flour;
  • 50 g cilantro;
  • 0.5 tsp. mint;
  • 500 ml water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. semolina;
  • 1 onion;
  • 35 g butter.

How to quickly prepare Spas soup

Beat the egg with flour and matsoni, dilute with water and set to heat. Immediately chop the onion and fry a little in oil.

Add semolina to the boiling liquid, mix and add onion. Boil until boiling, add chopped cilantro along with mint.

Warm the soup over low heat for a minute and turn it off. Pour into plates. As it cools, it will become thicker, this must be taken into account.

Instead of semolina, you can use other small grains, such as rice or wheat. It takes a little longer to cook, but the result will be close to the classic version.

Option 3: Armenian soup “Spas” with rice and kefir

Wheat cereal makes a delicious soup, but it takes a very long time to cook. There is a way to prepare the dish much faster. Here is another famous recipe for Armenian Spas soup, which can be served hot or cold, it all depends on personal preference and the time of year.


  • 0.5 l of kefir;
  • egg;
  • 3 spoons of rice;
  • 20 g cilantro;
  • bulb;
  • 3 tablespoons of oil;
  • spoon of flour;
  • 5 mint leaves;
  • 0.5 liters of water.

How to cook

Pour cold water over the rice and let it sit. Mix the egg with flour and add half a teaspoon of salt. Bring until smooth, add kefir and water and place on the stove. It is important to stir constantly before boiling, lifting the thickening mass from the bottom. Otherwise, the soup will not be homogeneous, lumps and egg clots will appear.

We rinse the rice; by this point it is already swollen. Add to kefir when boiling and immediately turn off the heat. Stir and cook the rice until soft.

Cut a small onion into cubes. It is usually fried in butter, but you can also use vegetable fats. Add to the soup, as soon as the rice is cooked, stir.

Chop mint and cilantro. If you don't have fresh herbs, you can use dried herbs. Pour into the prepared soup. Don't forget to taste for salt at the very end.

In its spicy version, Armenian soup is also very tasty; you can pepper the total mass or add spices individually to the plates.

Option 4: Armenian soup “Spas” with bulgur and sour cream

Another recipe for the Armenian soup “Spas” is made with kefir, but it is prepared with bulgur. This is also a wheat cereal, it cooks relatively quickly and is excellent for a national dish. Since kefir itself is not fatty enough, sour cream will be added to it. We choose a non-acidic product 20-30%.


  • 1 liter of kefir;
  • a glass of sour cream;
  • 500 ml water;
  • 90 g bulgur;
  • 2 onions;
  • 2 tablespoons flour;
  • 50 g butter;
  • large egg;
  • 30 g cilantro.

Step by step recipe

There is no need to cook the cereal separately in this recipe. Just pour boiling water over it, stir and let it swell for half an hour, the bulgur will almost be ready, then pour into a sieve.

If the egg is small, then take a couple of things. Beat with flour and salt, add sour cream, then kefir and water. Add the ingredients in exactly the same order as the liquid increases so that lumps do not appear. It is best to use a whisk for stirring. Place the saucepan with fermented milk products on the stove.

While the soup base is heating, prepare the onions. Just fry in oil. Don’t forget to stir kefir and sour cream often. After boiling, add the bulgur, stir and simmer for ten minutes.

Place the onion in the pan, stir and let the Armenian soup boil again, boil, add salt again if necessary and season with cilantro. Cover and let it brew. Mint is optionally added at the very end of cooking the Armenian soup.

Instead of water, you can dilute fermented milk products with broth, but not fatty and always cold; in general, all ingredients should have approximately the same temperature when mixed.

One of the most popular milk soups in Armenian national cuisine is spas. To prepare it, wheat or wheat cereal - dzavar - and a popular fermented milk product in Transcaucasia - matsoni - are used.

Armenian spas is prepared with a small amount of butter, but remains a low-calorie soup.

The combination of matsoni, wheat and a lot of greens makes this dish very healthy and quite filling. Spas soup perfectly restores the immune system, lowers blood pressure, relieves and prevents hangovers.

  • matsoni – 500 ml;
  • boiled water – 400 ml;
  • wheat – 100 g;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • wheat flour – 1 tbsp. l. without slide;
  • onion – 1 small onion;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • cilantro – 1 large bunch;
  • salt to taste.

From such a quantity of products you can cook savior for 4-5 people.

Armenian spas on matsoni - recipe with photo:

To prepare spas, you need to rinse and soak the wheat in boiling water overnight. Sometimes it is replaced with blgur or rice, or, in extreme cases, with pearl barley.

The next day, the swollen wheat will be much softer, and therefore the cooking time will be significantly reduced. In the same water in which the cereal was soaked, it must be put on fire and cooked until all the grains open. Then pour the remaining liquid into a separate container and let cool.

In the meantime, you can prepare the onion fry. To do this, finely chopped onions are sauteed in a small amount of butter or ghee (half a serving - 25 g) until light golden brown. If you want to make it dietary, then onions and butter can be completely excluded from the recipe.

Pour flour into the cooled cereal and mix so that there are no lumps left.

Then add the egg and mix again until smooth.

Now you need to add matsoni to the wheat and mix. If it is too sour, then add 1-2 tablespoons of sour cream. Matsoni can be replaced with kefir.

After this, add the onion frying with oil.

Now you need to dilute the matsoni with water. To do this, you can use the water left after cooking wheat. Supplement the missing volume with chilled boiled water. Depending on the thickness of the matsoni, the amount of added water is adjusted. The spas should not be too liquid. Then you need to put it on medium heat and bring to a boil, stirring frequently. The more the spas heats up, the more often it needs to be stirred so that the matsoni does not curdle. After boiling, continue cooking without stirring over low heat. After 10 minutes, add oil, salt and remove from heat.

When serving, sprinkle the Armenian soup, spas, with finely chopped fresh cilantro. You can replace it with dried, and also add a little mint.

The photo recipe for the Armenian spas soup was prepared by Sargsyan Gayane (gayane74) for the women's site.

Armenian soup “Spas”

Spas soup is a dish of Armenian cuisine. This soup, prepared on the basis of fermented milk products, has not only excellent taste, but also medicinal properties. In Armenia, this soup is always prepared if someone in the family has a cold or flu. In addition, Spas soup helps relieve stomach or intestinal upset, and so on. There is nothing difficult in preparing this soup. By the way, the soup is low in calories, so even those who are on a diet can safely eat it. Traditionally, Spas soup is made from matsoni, but you can also use kefir for cooking. Only in this case you need to take into account that matsoni is thick and is diluted with water. In the summer heat, the soup can be served cold and then it will become a refreshing dish, and in the cold season it is advisable to serve the soup hot.

Soup “Spas” with wheat and matsoni

Rinse the wheat well, then place it in a saucepan and cover with cold water. Place the pan on the fire. Boil the wheat until tender.

Combine matsoni with sour cream. Add dried mint and thyme, as well as salt, to the resulting mixture. Mix thoroughly.

Cut the peeled onion into small cubes and fry in butter until golden brown.

Pour flour into a bowl or small bowl and add the egg. Mix well until smooth. Add the resulting egg mixture to the matsoni and sour cream. Mix well.

Pour the resulting milk mixture into the pan with the prepared wheat. You need to pour in the mixture slowly, stirring constantly, otherwise the mixture may curdle and the soup will lose its attractive appearance.

Add fried onions. The longer you cook the soup, the thicker it will be. Cooking time depends on how thick you want the soup to be.

The soup can be served hot or cold.

Spas soup with kefir and rice

Rinse the rice thoroughly. It is better to do this several times until the water becomes clear. Boil the rice until done.

Mix flour with egg. Add boiled rice, salt and 200 ml of kefir to this mixture. Mix everything thoroughly until smooth.

In a separate bowl, mix the remaining kefir, sour cream and water. You can use a mixer for good mixing.

Combine both mixtures in a saucepan. Bring the soup to the fire. Do not put the soup on high heat - a little less than medium is best. If not constantly, stir the soup very often until it comes to a boil.

Cook the soup for 2-3 minutes after boiling. The soup will begin to thicken before your eyes.

Peel the onion, chop into cubes and fry in butter. Add fried onions to the soup.

Wash and chop the cilantro. Also add to soup. Serve cold or hot, as you prefer, ladle the soup into bowls.

Cooking Armenian matsoni soup

Yerevan chef Mushegh Nalbandyan moved to Pyatigorsk two years ago. In a small Russian town, everything is different: people speak more quietly, have fun more modestly, and know only one version of Armenian fermented milk soup. saved out of dozens. And with the help of Mushegh, we will tell you about five - for every taste.

“You can just Misha”

There are several restaurants in Kavminvody with rich Armenian cuisine, and each of them likes to boast that they bring products directly from Armenia. The owners of the Kinza restaurant decided to go higher: bring in a chef.

This is how Mushegh (“It’s possible - just Misha”) and his wife and first assistant-technologist Iveta appeared here. They taught all the restaurant’s chefs how to cook intricate Armenian dishes: Avarka Naida, the main specialist in Dagestan khinkal and miracle, and the Chechen master of zhizhig-galnash Tumisha, and other colleagues.

Mushegh had come to work in Russia before: he opened restaurants serving Armenian cuisine in Saratov and Volgograd. He speaks Russian well, albeit with a colorful Caucasian accent, so he adapted easily to the new city. It was difficult only in the first six months, while my wife and teenage daughters remained in Yerevan.

When I lived alone, I spent all my time at work. I’ve never even cooked food at home! And now my wife cooks. At work I am a cook, and at home I am a man. Sometimes I disagree with her: there is an Armenian meat dish - kerusus, translated “Eat and be silent.” I add tomatoes to it, but my wife doesn’t. I can argue with her, but I won’t go to the stove myself,” he says.

Peculiarities of the Armenian temperament

In Armenia, Mushegh says, the restaurant business is much more developed than in Pyatigorsk.

How many restaurants are there in Pyatigorsk? Let it be twenty, thirty. We don't count cafes. But imagine, in Yerevan there is a street with 59 restaurants! There are more than 530 people in the Armenian Chefs Association. We all know each other. It is, of course, more profitable to work here. But even there, with such competition, restaurants make money. “Everyone has their own regular customers,” he explains.

Yerevan and Pyatigorsk also differ in people.

In Armenia, everyone is emotional and loud. The temperament here is also Caucasian, but people are still calmer. The kitchen of any Yerevan restaurant is very noisy. And here if I shout: “Naida! Where’s the thyme?”, she’ll think I’m yelling at her.

The difference in temperament is, of course, manifested in behavior in the restaurant.

In Yerevan, we are used to partying in grand style. I come to a restaurant with three or four friends, I don’t even need a menu. I say right away: “Set the table full: bring more shish kebab, lula kebab, snacks - four or five types... What do you have that’s delicious? Bring this!” Even if we don’t eat even half of it, the table must be full! In Pyatigorsk, such feasts are only on holidays. This has nothing to do with financial capabilities! Armenia is not a rich country.

But Mushegu likes Pyatigorsk: there are many compatriots and beautiful mountains. He has climbed Mashuk more than once, but only by cable car, and he doesn’t want to climb Elbrus.

I travel a little, I like to work: I always have a lot of ideas. Soon we will cook dolma on the grill - this is a new thing for Pyatigorsk.

The cook did not like the mineral waters from local springs: the water is very salty, and also this smell of hydrogen sulfide... But Mushegh found a good tattoo artist and acquired stylish drawings: noticeable inscriptions in Latin on his hands are a life motto, translated: “If there is no road , I’ll pave it.”

I also have an Armenian cross on one shoulder, and an eagle on the other. No, not because of the Pyatigorsk eagle (the sculpture of an eagle is one of the symbols of the city. - Ed.). The Armenian coat of arms depicts an eagle and a lion. Where is the lion? Yes, I am a lion myself!

How to recognize the person of your choice

Spas is a quick fermented milk soup. Cooking time - no more than 30 minutes including preparation of ingredients. In summer, spas is served cold, like okroshka, in winter - hot. Its main ingredient is matsoni, a fermented milk drink that promises Caucasian longevity. And the “highlight” is the greens. And yes, they bring it here from Armenia.

Armenian saved

For some reason, in Russia we have approximately the following picture of the world: the entire Caucasus “the morning after” (a wedding, the birthday of a beloved wife, New Year, Old New Year, or just a warm meeting of friends) certainly eats khash in order to heal. But Khash is not at all alone in turning a person back into a human! This wonderful soup based on matsoni and wheat cereal can make a worthy company for it - or compete with it. They eat it, of course, not only to relieve a hangover. Children are fed spas, it is served at the end of a large meal, so that - in advance! - mitigate the consequences.


  • 500 g matsuna (matsoni)
  • 3–4 tbsp. l. full fat sour cream
  • 1/2 cup dzavar wheat flour
  • 1 egg
  • 3 tbsp. l. flour
  • a small bunch of cilantro and mint for serving

For refueling, optional

  • 2 medium onions
  • 3 tbsp. l. ghee


Step 1

Wash the wheat grits in cold water and place in a sieve. Place the dzavar in a saucepan, add plenty of cold water, bring to a boil, cook until soft, 20–25 minutes. Place on a sieve and let the liquid drain.

Step 2

Beat the egg with the sifted flour and salt. Whisk the matsoni with sour cream in a thick-bottomed saucepan, add the egg mixture and beat until smooth. Add cereal and stir.

Step 3

Dilute the resulting mass with 2–2.5 glasses of cold water (the amount of water depends on the thickness of the matsoni), pouring it in gradually. As a result, the mass in the pan should be neither thick nor too liquid.

Step 4

Place the pan on low heat (if the stove is gas, then on the divider) and bring to a boil, stirring frequently with a whisk. Once the mixture starts to warm up, stir it continuously to prevent it from curdling. When the soup boils, reduce the heat to low and simmer for 15–20 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Step 5

While the soup is cooking, prepare the dressing if desired: chop the onion very finely, heat the oil in a frying pan, add the onion, fry, stirring, until golden brown, 15 minutes.

Step 6

Finely chop the cilantro and mint leaves. Pour the hot spas into plates, season with fried onions and butter, sprinkle with herbs, and serve immediately.

Spas recipe Armenian

In the Europeans’ idea of ​​the Caucasus, in the morning after large or small feasts, representatives of this region “escape” from a hangover by eating fresh khash. But this is a misconception, because the fermented milk soup Spas can compete fairly with the healing qualities of khash. Thanks to the fermented milk drink matsun, spas has the qualities of an excellent remedy for improving digestion. And, of course, it is eaten not only to cure a hangover. Spas is fed to children, it is cooked especially for the sick to speed up recovery, spas is also necessary for intestinal diseases, but in this case it should be cooked only with rice. It is low in calories, but at the same time very filling, has a delicate taste with sourness.

The soup is delicious both warm and cold. When cold, Spas is tasty and very useful in the hot season. It is usually prepared from the national drink matsun and wheat grain dzavar, but rice is also perfect for this soup; it gives Spas a delicate taste and wonderful aroma. To prepare it, housewives use small tricks, which we will tell you about now, and photos of preparing Armenian Spas soup will clearly show you how to cope with the task correctly and tasty.

The story of the soup saved

There are about a dozen recipes for Spas, this is due to the fact that in each locality Spas is prepared according to its own recipe and different herbs are added. Spas or tanapur (from the words tan - a well-known drink made from matsun, and apur - soup) is a unique dish, it warms in the cold, refreshes in the heat, and perfectly satisfies hunger. The history of this dish is as ancient as the Armenian people themselves. The fact is that Spas is for an Armenian, what okroshka is for a Russian, pilaf for an Uzbek, pizza for an Italian, this is an integral part of the culture of the people.

Where did the name of this wonderful soup come from? It is not known exactly, but there is a legend that one day Russian officers, lost in the mountainous area, knocked on the house of a local Armenian, asking to spend the night. Hospitable Armenians invited them into the house and, according to tradition, seated them at the table. There was so little food in the poor man's house that it would have been impossible to cook a full dinner. But the resourceful housewife found a way out of the situation; she prepared a delicious hot soup from the leftover matsun and wheat. The officers enjoyed the prepared soup and said: “You saved us, brother, you saved us!” Since then, the Armenian tanapur soup has another name - Spas.

Soup ingredients

  • Matsun – 500 grams
  • Boiled water – 500 grams
  • Steamed rice – 100 grams
  • Sour cream – 70 grams
  • Flour – 20 grams
  • Chicken egg – 1 pc.
  • Fresh mint – 4 sprigs
  • Cilantro – 2 sprigs
  • Salt – 15 grams

The process of preparing sasa

  1. First, let's take all the necessary ingredients.

Let's prepare the necessary ingredients

For the soup we need rice, which should first be sorted and soaked in cold water to swell.

The egg is the base of the soup, beat well with salt

Add a little flour to the egg

Grind the flour well until the lumps disappear

Add matsoni to the mixture of eggs and flour and stir everything again

Add sour cream and mix again

Add the required amount of boiled water to the soup and bring it to the consistency you need

Place the rice in a colander and let the water drain

Pour the rice into the future soup and place the pan on the fire. Now the soup should be stirred continuously until it boils so that it does not curdle, this will take about 25 minutes

In the meantime, while the soup is boiling, the rice will be ready

Well, that's all, the soup is ready. It can be served slightly cooled and is better served with aromatic fresh cilantro and hot chili peppers.

A lot can be said about the benefits of Spas or tanapura, as the ancient Armenians used to say, because any of its ingredients carries only one benefit for the body. And all together they are healers for humans. The main component in Spas's recipe is matsoni, it contains calcium and protein, as well as essential microelements - iron, phosphorus, it is rich in vitamins K, D, A, PP. Fermented milk matsun is obtained through the fermentation process and brings great benefits to the body thanks to the oxidation process.

Matsoni plays an important role in human digestion and helps to cope with excess weight. Rice has enormous benefits; it contains such important vitamins for humans as K, PP, H, E, vitamin B, as well as boron, calcium, potassium, sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine, and various amino acids.

Another benefit of rice is that it contains virtually no fiber. Rice is very useful for stomach diseases, ulcers and gastritis; due to the enveloping property of rice, it is good for inflammatory diseases. The vitamins contained in rice strengthen the heart muscle, blood vessels, and contribute to the production of energy beneficial to the body. The combination of fermented milk product and rice provides the body with undeniable benefits, helps cope with many ailments, and cleanses the body of waste and toxins. Discover this great dish and always be healthy!

According to legend, in the 19th century, thanks to the Russian Cossacks, the word “bistro” appeared in France. But that's not all! The Cossacks also contributed to the Armenian language: in this country, too, thanks to them, traditional soup tan apur received a new name - saved.

They say that one night Russian Cossacks knocked on an Armenian house in the Kars region (now the territory of Turkey). Cossack regiments were constantly stationed in Transcaucasia in the 19th century after the Russian-Turkish wars. The Cossacks were very hungry and very cold: in winter in this mountainous area there could be frosts down to -30 ° C. According to the immutable laws of hospitality, the host offered the unexpected guests a plate of hot, hearty soup, which has long been prepared in every Armenian home. The Cossacks ate the soup, thanked the owner and said: “You saved us, brother, you just saved us.” Since then, the traditional Armenian soup tan-apur has another name.

“Apur” means “soup” in Armenian, and the word “tan” refers to the fermented milk base of the matsun drink. Matsun in Armenian cuisine is a universal product. To prepare it, milk is heated to +40 °C, the starter is added and kept warm. This produces a healthy product that resembles yogurt or Bulgarian jelly. In villages it was stored in clay jars for about a week. Kamats matsun is also prepared from matsun, which looks like soft cottage cheese. It is eaten in Armenia for breakfast with warm flatbread, honey, nuts, mulberry sauce, or served as a light snack. Butter, karag, is also whipped from matsun. The remaining whey, tan, is drunk or boiled, then squeezed and dried in the sun, obtaining very sour and salty Chorotan cakes. They retain their beneficial and taste properties for a long time. These cakes are prepared for future use so that, if necessary, you can fill them with warm water and get another version of the liquid base for tan-apura.

Gayane Breiova
Native of Yerevan, brand chef Gayane's restaurant and cafe-bar “Panaehali” talks about the special purpose of the soup.

Is tan apur often eaten in Armenia?

At least once a week. This is one of the most popular and healthy homemade soups. Depending on the season, it is served differently: in winter - hot, and in summer - cold.

He something different from other soups?

The consistency is a lot of liquid. Less wheat is added to the summer version of tan apur. Other soups in Armenia are prepared very thick and rich. Sometimes they resemble a stew of meat, vegetables and cereals.

Why doesn't fermented milk matsun curdle when boiling?

A raw egg added to soup does not allow this to happen. As a last resort, tan apur can be cooked without flour, which adds thickness. But the soup won't work without an egg. Each of its ingredients has a special purpose. Flour and dzavar wheat (it looks a little like barley, but tastes different) add richness, sour cream - sweetness, butter - creamy taste, herbs - aroma.

Traditionally, the soup was cooked in a cast iron pot in a tonir oven (this is a hole dug in the ground with walls lined with stones and hot coals at the bottom). Such a stove used to be in every peasant house in Armenia. The famous Armenian lavash, which is usually served with tanapur, is also baked in tonir. And if the pita bread is dry, you can crumble it into soup.

Fermented milk matsun is the basis of tan-apur, to which flour and wheat are necessarily added, the main components of the diet of Armenians since ancient times and another symbol of hospitality. And finally, the egg - also an obligatory ingredient in the soup - was a symbol of the revival of life and prosperity: a fresh egg was broken on the forehead of a bull before plowing, expecting a rich harvest.

Today tan apur is still one of the most favorite Armenian dishes. It warms both the heart and the stomach. After trying the soup, you will definitely want to thank the owners from the bottom of your heart.

Armenian tan-apur (saved soup)


How many servings: 4
Cooking time: 50 minutes
Calorie content per 1 serving: 545 kcal

Wheat dzavar- 200 g
Matsun- 500 ml
Water- 1 l
Egg- 1 PC.
Wheat flour a - 100 g
Cilantro- 100 g
ButterO- 100 g
Sour cream- 2 tbsp. spoons
Salt- ½ tbsp. spoons

1. Wash the wheat and boil for half an hour over low heat. Place matsun and sour cream in an aluminum pan, add raw egg and flour.

2. Mix everything thoroughly. Fill with water at room temperature. Put on the fire and stir continuously so that the soup does not burn.

3. Bring to a boil, add boiled dzavar. Leave for 3-5 minutes over low heat, stirring constantly - this way the mass will not curdle and lumps will not appear. Put butter.

4. Add salt, remove from heat and add finely chopped cilantro. Serve hot or cold.