Salted mushrooms recipe. Simple recipes for salting mushrooms hot and cold at home for the winter

Fans of “silent hunting” associate autumn mainly with forests, clean air and the opportunity to reap a good harvest. They know many ways to prevent their prey from going to waste, and how to pickle a wide variety of mushrooms, creating a tasty food supply for the winter. Then household members, friends and good acquaintances will be treated to the delicacy.

For pickling, as for food in general, only mushrooms that grow deep in the forest are suitable. It is better to leave specimens near roads, because, thanks to their porous structure, they absorb, like a sponge, toxins, heavy metals that appear due to a large amount of exhaust gases.

It is also better to leave too large, clearly aging mushrooms, whose caps will be full of wormholes, as food for forest inhabitants. After cleaning, there will be almost nothing left of them - it is better to find only a recently sprouted family. It is recommended to go out searching early in the morning, around 5 o’clock. Collected at this time, they will retain their elasticity and will be stored longer.

Is it possible to pickle mushrooms in plastic containers?

It is highly not recommended to use plastic containers for pickling. But if you need to deal with mushrooms immediately, and there is no other free container, you can use barrels or containers designed for hot and cold food. The walls of such containers will withstand for some time the influence of an aggressive environment, which is a strong brine.

Then, at the end of salting, the reserves need to be transferred to wooden, enamel or glass containers.

Preparatory stage of salting

Arriving home, you need to allocate time so that processing begins throughout the day, ideally immediately. If urgent matters await, it is recommended to soak the mushrooms in cool water. This way it will be possible to extend the storage time by 10-12 hours, no more. If the crop is simply put aside until the evening, it will begin to dry out and the worms will become active in it.


The first stage of work is sorting, during which:

  • mushrooms are divided by type;
  • Suspicious specimens are thrown out;
  • spoiled ones are selected;
  • leaves and fragments of twigs are removed.

If the gifts of the forest are not enough, you can pickle a unique assortment by choosing the most suitable recipe for this.


Processing is impossible without the second stage - cleaning the adhering dirt and mucous coating on some types of caps. To do this, just use water, preferably running water. The standing fluid will have to be changed until it becomes completely clean. The least amount of time for cleansing is required for saffron milk caps, which sometimes just need to be wiped.


Peeled mushrooms need to be chopped, especially large specimens. The pieces must be at least approximately the same size so that, in the end, the pickling has the same, excellent taste. Initially, the legs are cut off at a distance of 5 millimeters from the bottom of the cap, then, if desired, the remains are further crushed.


A significant number of mushrooms have a bitter taste, which can be removed by soaking. They are kept in a container with cool water for different times.


  1. Milk mushrooms - about 5 days.
  2. Volnushki – 3 days.
  3. Loading – 2 days.
  4. Gorkushi – 4 days.

The water used for soaking must be changed twice daily. But porcini mushrooms, russula, and saffron milk caps do not need to remove bitterness. They are immersed in salted water for a short time only for the remaining worms to float to the surface.

Methods for pickling mushrooms

Due to its simplicity, pickling mushrooms is popular, which has given rise to a lot of methods. These include quick, hot, cold, dry salting. Recipes have been created for similar processing of not only fresh, but also frozen crops.

Quick salting

For quick pickling, jars are mainly used, the portion size of which simplifies storage options. The method is simple and accessible; to implement it, you need to place the caps on the bottom of the container, then the legs, and cover them, sparingly, with salt. After the liquid appears brown, the delicacy can be consumed.

Quick salting is not used for long-term storage, but the method is excellent for creating a delicacy in the shortest possible time.

Hot method

The hot method is also simple, as it does not require much effort. You need to prepare an enamel pan, into which half a glass of salted water is poured per 1 kilogram of mushrooms, and spices are added. Cooking, with frequent stirring, lasts 10-25 minutes; as soon as the pieces begin to settle and the brine becomes clear, turn off the fire. Hot-cooked delicacies are ready for consumption only after 40-45 days.

Cold way

Mushrooms that do not need to be boiled first can be pickled cold. After soaking, the raw caps are placed, alternating layers no thicker than 5-6 centimeters, with salt in a barrel or large pan.

To improve the taste the following are also used:

  • dill umbrellas;
  • cherry leaves;
  • currant branches;
  • cumin seeds.

A weight is placed on top, the dishes are covered with natural fabric and taken to the utility room.

Dry pickling

The dry salting method is suitable mainly for sweetgrass, saffron milk caps, and sometimes russula. The blanks are placed, sprinkled with coarse salt, in a barrel and pressed down with pressure. The released juice should be enough to cover the mushrooms. It is prohibited to add water; the product with its own spicy flavor does not need aromatic herbs and spices. To create reserves, it is not recommended to buy iodized salt, as it will quickly turn sour.

In a barrel

Mushrooms in a wooden barrel, or even better, one made of oak, are salted in the standard way, using a weight. However, before work, the container needs to be prepared - tarred, and then checked for quality by filling it with water.

Liquid should not leak through the cracks. Also, the barrel must be sterilized by washing it with a brush, dousing it with boiling water or fumigating it with juniper.

Without vinegar

Preferring to use a minimum of auxiliary ingredients, mushroom pickers often refuse to use vinegar. You can replace it with red currants, which is strongly recommended for people with gastrointestinal problems and gourmets. Black currant leaves are prepared for pickling, giving the preparation a pleasant aroma and taste.

Pickling frozen mushrooms

Since mushrooms are frozen only after they are fully prepared, pickling them becomes very simple. Such changes are resorted to if you need free space in the freezer for the holiday. It should be defrosted naturally, without additional heating. As soon as they have drained, you can begin layering (with salt and spices) in glass jars. Products of this kind should be used within 2-3 weeks.

Recipes for pickling mushrooms at home

Pickling mushrooms is considered correct depending on the type. Thanks to it, it will be possible to emphasize the taste and extend the shelf life of the product.

Milk mushrooms

To salt 1 kilogram of breasts using a cold method, you will need several ingredients:

  • 80-100 grams of salt;
  • 3-4 dill umbrellas;
  • 5 black peas and the same amount of allspice;
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic.

You can also add bay leaves based on your own taste. Spruce milk mushrooms are placed in a container, at the bottom of which there is already salt. After filling, it is placed in the refrigerator for 3.5-4 weeks.

Saffron milk caps

Preparing saffron milk caps involves cleaning and removing the stems, since only the caps are used for pickling. For 1 kilogram of raw materials you will need salt and at least 5-7 cloves of garlic. The caps are kept in water for literally 5-10 minutes, then they need to be doused with boiling water and placed in a colander.

While the stock is draining, the garlic needs to be finely chopped. Finally, the ingredients are mixed, placed in containers and hermetically sealed. Salted saffron milk caps are kept cool.

Honey mushrooms

To pickle mushrooms, you will need a standard set of spices and other ingredients according to your own taste: black pepper, bay leaf, dill umbrellas, black currants. Already peeled mushrooms must be kept in salted water, and then tightly placed in layers in a pan and pressed down under pressure. So the mushrooms should stand for 4-5 days, after which the resulting liquid must be poured out.

Oyster mushrooms

Preparing oyster mushrooms is not too different from working with saffron milk caps or honey mushrooms. You also need to remove the hard stems and wash the healthy caps. You will need to blanch the mushrooms for about 6-7 minutes.

During this time, the liquid is prepared again, to which you need to add spices, all the ingredients and salt. After boiling, the brine is filtered, boiled again and used to fill jars with already packed mushrooms. It is allowed to include preparations in the diet after 5-6 days.


If you do not remove the sticky layer on the butter cap, the product will taste unpleasant. And since this type of mushroom only swells from water, it is better to dry it a little before processing, and only then start cleaning it using a cloth or knife.

Salt the butter as follows:

  1. Boil for 20 minutes.
  2. Let it drain using a colander.
  3. Place in layers in a barrel.
  4. Press down with a weight for 1-2 days.

Then the mushrooms can be transferred to a glass container, filled with brine and rolled up. The product is ready for use in the third week.

White mushrooms

Porcini mushrooms for pickling are used whole or chopped. For the brine, you will need a standard set of ingredients, consisting of currant leaves, salt, black pepper, dill, and garlic. Mushrooms are added to already boiling water and boiled for 25-30 minutes. During this time, they need to be stirred and the resulting foam must be carefully removed. Next, the hare can be placed in jars, filled with brine and rolled up.


Chanterelles retain their taste and aroma well after cold salting, preparation for which involves soaking for 24 hours. The brine should be sour and salty, for which a little citric acid is added to the water. Chanterelles are placed in jars in layers; To improve the taste, a little vegetable oil is often poured on top of the pickles.


The bitter taste of gobies is a signal that they need to be soaked before making winter stock. The procedure lasts several days, during which the water must be changed. After some time, the mushrooms can be boiled for 20-25 minutes, cooled and transferred in layers to jars. The salt is poured at the end, just before closing the containers with lids.


Because there are several preparatory steps, working with pigs will require some patience. After soaking the mushrooms for a day, you need to:

  • boil for 6-7 minutes;
  • Rinse;
  • re-boil for 25-30 minutes;
  • rinse again.

Now the workpieces are transferred to salt water, where they are processed for 35 minutes. Then all that remains is to put the pigs in jars, pour them in, and press them down with pressure. These mushrooms must be salted until fully cooked, at least 1.5 months.


Salting of volushki lasts 1.5-2 months, and all this time they need to ensure the temperature in the storage area is 0-10 degrees. Soaking mushrooms takes 2.5-3 days. Otherwise, cold salting does not differ in any special nuances.


The soaking time for barns is limited to three days, then they can be boiled (30 minutes) and the liquid drained. The brine for pouring into jars is prepared separately and is used only after placing the mushrooms that were additionally cooked in it.

Storing salted mushrooms

It is recommended to store mushroom stocks in a cool place, otherwise the product will deteriorate, begin to mold, and “run away.” In some cases, it can still be saved, but the taste will certainly suffer from such manipulations. If the pickles are in suitable conditions, they remain suitable until spring. After the onset of the new mushroom season, it is not recommended to include expired products in the diet. ( 1 ratings, average: 5,00 out of 5)

The arrival of autumn is the most favorite time for all fans of “silent hunting”. Armed with long sticks and baskets, mushroom pickers across the country set out to collect their long-awaited catch - fragrant forest mushrooms. A rich harvest of porcini mushrooms, milk mushrooms, honey mushrooms, chanterelles, boletus mushrooms, saffron milk caps, and red mushrooms allows you not only to eat plenty during the season, but also to stock up on dried and salted preparations for the winter. In particular, simple and tasty recipes for pickling mushrooms at home using hot and cold methods are popular. Such salted preparations are made in small jars, in which they can be stored for more than one winter. You can also pickle “homemade” mushrooms - oyster mushrooms and champignons. Read more about how to pickle mushrooms for the winter with your own hands in step-by-step recipes with photos and videos below.

How to salt milk mushrooms in jars using a hot method - a simple step-by-step recipe for the winter with photos

Pickling mushrooms in jars in a hot way, in particular milk mushrooms, even according to a simple step-by-step recipe for the winter, takes longer and is more difficult than cold. But the taste of mushrooms salted in this way is more intense and rich. Therefore, if you are not afraid of small difficulties, then be sure to master the following simple step-by-step recipe for the winter with a photo of how to pickle milk mushrooms in jars using a hot method.

Necessary ingredients for salting milk mushrooms in jars using the hot method for the winter

  • milk mushrooms
  • dill umbrellas
  • garlic
  • currant leaves
  • Bay leaf

Step-by-step instructions on how to hot salt milk mushrooms in jars for the winter

How to properly pickle wild mushrooms for the winter in jars - a quick and simple recipe step by step

There are many ways to properly pickle wild mushrooms for the winter in jars, but we further offer one of the fastest and easiest options - dry pickling. Unlike salting with water, this method does not require special manipulations. In order to properly pickle wild mushrooms for the winter in jars using a simple and quick recipe, saffron milk caps and russula are best suited.

Necessary ingredients to properly pickle wild mushrooms in jars for the winter using a quick recipe

  • saffron milk caps or russula

Step-by-step instructions on how to properly pickle wild mushrooms in jars for the winter using a simple recipe

  1. If you have saffron milk caps, then for this method of pickling you don’t even have to wash them. It is enough to wipe the mushrooms with a damp soft cloth to remove all excess dirt. But it’s better to wash the russula and be sure to remove the skin from the caps, as it gives off bitterness when salted.
  2. Place a layer of mushrooms (caps down) in a deep container and sprinkle salt on top. For 1 kg of mushrooms you need to take about 40 grams of salt.
  3. We alternate layers of mushrooms and salt until we completely fill the selected container.
  4. Cover the top layer of mushrooms with gauze folded several times. Place a wide plate or lid on top and apply pressure. As a pressure, you can use a full three-liter jar, granite stone, etc.
  5. We leave the mushrooms under pressure for about 3-4 days. When they release enough juice, transfer the prepared salty snack into clean jars along with the brine and seal with nylon lids.

How to pickle boletus mushrooms in jars - a simple recipe for the winter step by step

It is not difficult to pickle boletus mushrooms in jars according to the simple recipe for the winter below. The main thing is to properly prepare the mushrooms for pickling so that they do not give off unnecessary bitterness. Read more about how to pickle boletus mushrooms in jars for the winter in a simple recipe below.

Necessary ingredients to pickle boletus mushrooms for the winter using a simple recipe

  • boletus - 2 kg
  • salt -100 gr.
  • currant leaves
  • dill
  • horseradish leaves
  • garlic
  • carnation
  • Bay leaf

Step-by-step instructions on how to pickle boletus mushrooms in jars using a simple recipe

  1. Before you start pickling, it is very important to properly process the boletus mushrooms. To do this, you first need to soak them in water for a couple of hours, then rinse them thoroughly and remove the top layer from the caps and legs. For pickling for the winter, it is best to take small boletus mushrooms, and large specimens should be cut into small pieces.
  2. Place a layer of dill umbrellas, currant leaves and horseradish on the bottom of the pan. Add finely chopped garlic, a little cloves, and bay leaf. The amount of spices and herbs must be determined by eye.
  3. Place a layer of mushrooms on top of the layer of herbs and spices, sprinkle with coarse non-iodized salt.
  4. Place a layer of herbs and seasonings again, then mushrooms again.
  5. Cover the top layer with cloth or gauze. Cover with a lid of smaller diameter and press down.
  6. Leave the mushrooms under pressure for 3-4 days, then, together with the brine, pack them in sterile jars and close with lids.

How to pickle mushrooms in jars - a simple and tasty recipe for the winter

A simple and tasty recipe for pickling mushrooms in a jar, which you will find below, has a number of important features. It is important to follow all of them, otherwise the ready-made salted trumpets may disappoint you with their taste. The subtleties of how you can pickle mushrooms in jars in a simple and tasty recipe for the winter.

Necessary ingredients, how to pickle volushka mushrooms in a jar according to a delicious recipe

  • waves
  • currant leaves
  • dill umbrellas
  • coarse salt

Step-by-step instructions on how to pickle volushki in jars using a simple and tasty recipe

  1. Before salting, freshly harvested mushrooms must be thoroughly washed and removed from the top layer of skin. Then put the mushrooms in a deep container and cover with cold water for a day. During this time, the water will need to be changed approximately once every 4-5 hours so that the waves do not become sour.
  2. Drain the water and place the mushrooms in a colander.
  3. At the same time, in an enamel pan, bring salted water to a boil and put the mushrooms in it. Boil for 15-20 minutes over medium heat.
  4. Remove the mushrooms from the brine. Place a layer of herbs and spices in a sterile jar, then mushrooms and salt. Fill the jar this way almost to the top.
  5. Cover the mushrooms with a horseradish leaf on top and press with wooden skewers so that the brine rises to the top.
  6. We wrap the neck of the jar with gauze and send it to a cold place for storage.

How to pickle oyster mushrooms at home using a hot method - step-by-step recipe

Oyster mushrooms are one of the most accessible mushrooms for pickling at home, which are equally well prepared both cold and hot. In addition, they do not require special preliminary preparation with soaking and cleaning. Read more about how to hot pickle oyster mushrooms at home in the step-by-step recipe below.

Necessary ingredients for hot pickling oyster mushrooms at home

  • oyster mushrooms
  • garlic
  • Bay leaf
  • carnation
  • black pepper

Step-by-step instructions on how to hot pickle oyster mushrooms at home for the winter

  1. We wash the oyster mushrooms under running water and divide the bunch into individual mushrooms. We cut especially large specimens into small pieces.
  2. Boil the mushrooms in salted water for about 15 minutes after boiling.
  3. Separately, make the brine: for 2 liters of water, 200 grams of coarse salt, spices and herbs to taste. Bring to a boil and boil for literally 5 minutes.
  4. Place oyster mushrooms in sterile jars and fill with hot brine.
  5. Seal with lids and place in a cool place for a week, after which the pickles are ready to eat.

How to pickle porcini mushrooms for the winter in jars using a hot method - a simple step-by-step recipe

Porcini mushrooms are ideal for hot pickling in jars at home. Especially if you use such a simple and tasty recipe as the step-by-step option below. It describes in such an accessible way how to pickle porcini mushrooms in jars using a hot method for the winter that even an inexperienced housewife can handle the recipe.

Necessary ingredients for salting porcini mushrooms in jars for the winter in a hot way

  • porcini mushrooms - 2 kg
  • salt - 4 tbsp. l. with a slide
  • cloves - 2-3 pcs.
  • garlic - 1 head
  • coriander to taste

Step-by-step instructions on how to pickle porcini mushrooms for the winter in jars using the hot method with your own hands

  1. Wash the mushrooms and carefully remove the top layer. Cut into equal sized pieces.
  2. Peel the garlic and cut into thin slices.
  3. Bring salted water to a boil and after 3-5 minutes add chopped porcini mushrooms.
  4. After boiling, remove the foam with a slotted spoon, reduce the heat to medium and cook the mushrooms for 15 minutes.
  5. Approximately 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add spices and, if necessary, increase the amount of salt.
  6. Place the porcini mushrooms in sterile jars, alternating mushroom layers with garlic layers.
  7. Pour the hot brine, strained through cheesecloth, over the mushrooms and leave to cool.
  8. Cover the jars with lids and store in a cool, dark place.

How to pickle milk mushrooms at home in a cold way - step-by-step recipe, video

From the following step-by-step video recipe, you will learn how to pickle mushrooms at home using the cold method, using milk mushrooms as an example. This method is also suitable for pickling champignons, oyster mushrooms, saffron milk caps, porcini mushrooms, and boletus mushrooms. But it is better to prepare honey mushrooms and honey mushrooms for the winter in jars using the hot salting method. Learn more about how you can pickle milk mushrooms at home in a cold way using a simple recipe in the video below.

Almost all types of mushrooms that grow in the forest can be salted. You can salt:

  • Honey mushrooms.
  • Champignon.
  • Gladyshi.
  • Podoreshniks (also known as plantains, seryanki, serushki).
  • Valui.
  • Russula.
  • Chanterelles.
  • Belyanki.
  • Saffron milk caps.
  • Loaders (blackening, white, black and dry).
  • Yellow milk mushrooms (scrapers, yellow waves).
  • Black milk mushrooms (nigella).
  • Milk mushrooms.
  • Butter.
  • Moss mushrooms (Polish, green, red and variegated mushrooms).
  • Boletuses.
  • Boletus mushrooms.
  • White mushrooms.

Tubular mushrooms are considered the best for pickling. The category of the most delicious salted mushrooms includes lacticaria. Tubular mushrooms are incredibly tasty when pickled, but only strong and young ones are used for pickling, otherwise during the cooking process the cap will become tasteless and flabby, and the specific crunch will be lost.

Preparatory stage

The most enjoyable stage of harvesting mushrooms for the winter is going to the forest to get them, putting the mushrooms in jars and sampling the finished products.

The longest and most labor-intensive process is the preparatory stage, which consists of sorting, cleaning and soaking.


It is recommended to sort the mushrooms by type, since different mushrooms have different salting times. Many old recipes call for “joint salting,” but it’s better to process each type differently (they have different cooking and soaking times). You can place the mushrooms in one container for pickling after preliminary preparation.


All mushrooms must be cleaned of dirt, any damage removed and rinsed well with water. It is necessary to wash the middle recesses of the caps quite thoroughly. The stems are separated from the caps of the lamellar type of mushrooms. Using a not very hard toothbrush, remove dirt from the inside between the plates. The skins are removed from the caps of boletus and russula.

Cutting large mushrooms will be easier and more convenient during cleaning.


The type of mushroom that contains milky juice (lacticaria) is soaked. The duration of the procedure depends only on the degree of bitterness (causticity). They often adhere to the following times:

  • Skripitsa, gladysh, podoreshnik, valui, white milk mushrooms, black milk mushrooms - from 2 to 5 days.
  • Volnushki – up to 1-1.5 days.
  • White milk mushrooms – up to 1 day. Some mushroom pickers do not soak small white milk mushrooms at all.
  • Russulas and saffron milk caps do not need to be soaked.

How to pickle mushrooms?

After finishing the cleaning and pre-salting, you can breathe a sigh of relief. The remaining pickling process is quick and easy.

Mushrooms are salted in the following ways: dry, cold and hot.


The dry method is characterized by the least labor intensity and convenience. This method is only suitable for russula and saffron milk caps. Some mushroom pickers use woodgrass, smoothies and nigella mushrooms for dry pickling. These mushrooms have a milky, caustic juice, so you shouldn’t experiment, and you should soak them before salting.

Ryzhiki are mushrooms of the first category. They are tasty without any additional processing, so they are excellent for dry pickling. All types of russula, except hot ones, can be pickled without additional processing.

The method is called dry because it differs from the cold “wet” method in the possibility of not soaking the mushrooms before salting. It is enough to clean them from adhering debris with a soft cloth.

It is necessary to remove the skin from the caps of russula - it gives bitterness.


This method of pickling mushrooms eliminates their heat treatment. The mushrooms are washed and cleaned, the milkweeds are soaked, and then the actual pickling process begins.

At the bottom of the prepared container, you need to place your choice and taste of garlic, dill, bay leaf, etc. It is not recommended to add a lot of spices, so as not to interrupt the taste of the mushrooms.

The mushrooms are laid out in rows on the caps, then they are sprinkled with verified salt (40 - 50 g per 1 kg of mushrooms). After settling all the mushrooms, you need to put a non-synthetic fabric on top, cover it with a circle and press down with pressure.

Under pressure, the mushrooms will secrete juice and settle every 2 to 3 days. Then you can add a new portion on top until they stop settling and the entire container is filled.


This method is relevant for lamellar and tubular mushrooms. Standard preliminary preparation is used; mushrooms should be cleaned and washed. For lamellar species, the stems are cut off, and if the caps are too round, they are cut. Pre-soaking is not necessary for tubular mushrooms. It is important to soak the milkweed before hot salting.

After the preliminary preparation process, the mushrooms must be boiled, which determines the name of the method.

Mushrooms should be placed in salted boiling water (50 g per 1 liter of water) and boiled.

Time is counted from the moment of boiling with mushrooms:

  • Ryzhiki - pour boiling water over 2-3 times.
  • Chanterelles – from 15 to 20 minutes.
  • Valui – from 30 to 35 minutes.
  • Honey mushrooms - from 25 to 30 minutes.
  • Champignons – from 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Loadings and milk mushrooms - from 7 to 10 minutes.
  • Volnushki and russula - from 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Butter mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, porcini mushrooms - from 10 to 15 minutes.

You need to take out the boiled mushrooms and wait until they cool down. Then they are placed in a selected container and sprinkled with salt (2 - 3% of the total mass of mushrooms). Spices and herbs are added as desired. They are filled with the brine in which they were cooked, and garlic and dill are added on top. It is also recommended to pour vegetable oil on top in a 1 cm layer.

How to store?

Salted mushrooms are stored at a temperature range from 0 to +3…+4⁰С. It is necessary to prevent mushrooms from freezing, which can happen when storing preparations on the balcony in city apartments.

If they freeze, the mushrooms will begin to crumble and their taste will be irretrievably lost.. Even a slight increase in temperature is undesirable; mushrooms can become moldy and sour at temperatures of +5...+6⁰С.

Care must be taken to ensure that the mushrooms are always covered with brine. If it evaporates, you must immediately add boiled water.

If mold appears on top, the fabric is replaced with another one. If you want to keep the fabric that is already in use, you need to wash and boil it. The oppression and circle are thoroughly washed and doused with boiling water 2 – 3 times.

To protect mushrooms from mold, you can add sunflower oil to the brine, which should be boiled before adding. This will provide additional protection against the entry of germs and air.

offers you an article about pickling mushrooms . Salted mushrooms are extremely tasty and deservedly enjoy respect on the festive table. But, before you start pickling mushrooms, it is very important to know the basic rules for pickling mushrooms. And, if you want to “live until your golden wedding” and not have health problems when eating mushrooms, then it is very important to know basic rules for mushroom pickers .

Methods for pickling mushrooms:

They salt milk mushrooms, saffron milk caps, chanterelles, greenfinches, nigellas, podgrudki, whites, volnushki, russula, serushki, valui, smoothies, violins, reds, bitters, plump, rows.
Mushrooms are thoroughly washed in clean, cold running water in vats, tubs, bathtubs, and low, wide containers. In case of severe contamination, it should be soaked for 3-4 hours in a 2-3 percent saline solution.
Large mushrooms are cut into pieces according to their diameter so that the maximum length of the pieces does not exceed 4-6 cm.
There are three ways to pickle mushrooms:
dry (for saffron milk caps and russula); cold with preliminary soaking (for milk mushrooms, podgruzdki, volnushki, valuevs, belyankas, violins) and hot with preliminary boiling (for all others).
Hot-salted mushrooms become ready to eat in a few days; they are quite soft and less stable during storage. The advantage of the hot method is not only the speed of processing (the mushrooms are not soaked), but also that the mushrooms immediately, without “shrinking,” fill the container tightly.
Cold canning is longer: 1.5-2 months; In this case, the mushrooms turn out to be hard and have a pleasant crunch when chewed; they are stored very well. To remove bitterness, mushrooms are soaked in clean water, changing it several times. You need to soak in a cool place. The soaking time is different for each mushroom. Milk mushrooms, volnushki, russula are soaked for 5 hours to a day, and valui, black milk mushrooms, bitter mushrooms, and violins are soaked for 3-5 days. More valuable mushrooms are washed thoroughly, not soaked or boiled. To do this, place the mushrooms in cold water overnight so that adherent leaves, stems, moss, etc. come off. In the morning, the mushrooms are sorted out, rinsed thoroughly with clean water and salted.
The amount of salt is recommended from 3.5-4.5% by weight of mushrooms.
It should be remembered that only certain mushrooms are prepared by soaking: russula, milk mushrooms, russula, volushki, etc. But honey mushrooms, valui, svinushki, strings, morels are prepared only using the hot method, because when they are prepared cold, severe poisoning with fatal consequences is possible.
You can salt mushrooms in enamel and glass containers with a wide “neck” so that you can place a mug with a load. But it is best to use tubs or barrels made of hardwood or spruce.
The barrels in which there were mushrooms are washed with warm water using brushes, soaked for 10 - 15 days in clean cold water, changing it every 3 days, and then steamed with soda ash (50 g per 10 liters of water) or juniper.
Salted mushrooms are a ready-made snack and are also widely used in fillings, salads, etc. They can be washed or soaked before use. Well-soaked mushrooms can be fried.
It is possible to process salted mushrooms into pickled ones.
The most favorable temperature for storing salted mushrooms is
from 0 to 4 *C.

Dry pickling of mushrooms:

It is better not to wash the mushrooms before salting, but to thoroughly clean them with a brush and wipe them with a damp nylon cloth. If the mushrooms are washed, then after the water has drained, they are placed with their caps down in layers of 5-6 cm in barrels, ceramic or glass jars and sprinkled with dry salt at the rate of 6% by weight of the mushrooms (or 40 g per 1 kg of mushrooms). Then a free-flowing circle is placed in a container filled with mushrooms, and light pressure is placed on it. After 3-4 days, when the saffron milk caps settle and give juice, add fresh mushrooms and salt. Store in a cellar or refrigerator.

Cold method of pickling mushrooms:

During cold salting, the mushrooms are soaked to remove bitterness. To do this, prepared mushrooms are placed in barrels or barrels with a double lattice bottom and a hole for draining water. Mushrooms are poured with cold water, covered with a clean cloth and a wooden circle so that they do not float. For oppression, they use washed stones from durable flint rocks that do not dissolve in the juice of salted mushrooms. The barrels are placed in a cool place and the water is changed at least 2-3 times a day. Soaking continues for 3-5 days. When the mushroom caps do not break, but bend, stop soaking: the mushrooms are ready for salting.
The soaked mushrooms are placed caps down in layers of 5-6 cm, sprinkling each layer with salt and spices according to the recipe. The bottom of the vessel and the top layer of mushrooms are covered with a large layer of salt according to the recipe. The filled barrel is covered with a circle on which oppression is placed. After 2-3 days, add a new batch of mushrooms, repeating this operation until the mass stops settling and the container is filled to its maximum. Then it is topped up with 6% salt solution and sealed.
There are other methods of salting.
Soak mushrooms (volnushki, russula, milk mushrooms) in cold water for 5-6 hours, just rinse the saffron milk caps. After this, place the mushrooms in rows in enamel or glass containers with their caps down. First add a layer of salt to the bottom of the dish, put black currant leaves, cherries, horseradish, and dill stems. Sprinkle each layer of mushrooms with salt and spices to taste: pepper, garlic, bay leaf.
For 1 kg of mushrooms - 40 -50 g of salt. After salting, cover the mushrooms with blackcurrant, cherry leaves, dill stems, put a clean cloth, a wooden circle and pressure. After 1-2 days, the mushrooms will settle and produce juice. If there is not enough brine, increase the load. If mold appears, the fabric needs to be changed and the load washed. Mushrooms are ready in 30 -40 days. Store in a cool place.
To avoid souring of mushrooms when soaking in hot weather, use salting with preliminary blanching: mushrooms in a colander are placed in boiling water for 3-5 minutes or scalded 2-3 times, then quickly washed with cold water and salted in the same way. Cooked mushrooms by blanching are ready for consumption in 7-10 days.

Hot method of pickling mushrooms:

The hot salting method is also used in the absence of conditions for soaking mushrooms, in hot weather, and also if it is necessary to speed up their processing. You can boil any mushrooms before pickling, but conditionally edible ones are prepared only in this way; the bitterness is removed faster and they acquire elasticity.
1 way. Peeled and washed mushrooms are boiled in lightly salted water. If you have several servings, do not cook them in the same solution, as they will darken and the bitterness will not be completely removed from them.
Boil milk mushrooms, russula, valui, and volushki for 20-30 minutes, rinse in cold water, and place in a sieve. Place in a bowl, sprinkle with salt: 40-50 g per 1 kg of mushrooms. Season with garlic, onion, horseradish, dill, tarragon. Place a weight on top. Store refrigerated. After 6-8 days, the mushrooms are ready and consumed cold.
Method 2. If the quantity is larger, the mushrooms are placed in mesh blanching containers made of stainless steel, or in willow baskets cleared of bark and boiled in salted (2-3% salt) water for 15-20 minutes. Volnushkas and whites are blanched for 5-8 minutes, bitters, valui, skripitsa, which have especially bitter juice, for up to 25 minutes. In this case, be sure to remove the foam. Blanched mushrooms are placed on sieves to drain the water. Then the mushrooms are salted in the same way as with the cold method, adding 6% salt from the weight of the prepared mushrooms. To undergo lactic acid fermentation, salted mushrooms are kept in barrels for at least a month. For 10 kg of salted mushrooms, 650 g of salt, 1 g of pepper and 2 g of bay leaf, 50 g of dill, 20-30 pieces of cloves and blackcurrant leaves are consumed.
Preparation of semi-finished product for further use.
Boil porcini mushrooms, aspen mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, boletus mushrooms, oak mushrooms, butter mushrooms, honey mushrooms until tender for 10-20 minutes (for 1 kg of mushrooms - 1 glass of water and 45-60 g of salt), place in sterilized jars, pour in boiled vegetable oil, tie with paper and Keep refrigerated. These mushrooms are a semi-finished product that can be used later for pickling mushrooms or fried preparations; in soups, fillings.