Salted eggplants for the winter. Preparing salted eggplants for the winter

Step 1: prepare the garlic.

Using a knife, peel the garlic and then rinse it lightly under running water. Place the garlic cloves on a cutting board and, using the same sharp tool, cut into thin strips. Transfer the processed garlic to a free plate.

Step 2: prepare the brine.

Pour purified water into the pan and pour salt into it. Using a tablespoon, mix everything thoroughly and place the container on high heat. When the water boils, turn off the burner and set the brine aside to cool to room temperature.

Step 3: prepare the eggplants.

Rinse the eggplants under running water and place on a cutting board. Using a knife, we cut off the tails. Meanwhile, pour plain water into an empty pan and place it on high heat. Attention: Water should fill the container no more than halfway. When the liquid boils, carefully place the eggplants in the pan and cook them for 10 minutes.

The vegetable should become soft, but not overcooked and keep its shape. After the allotted time has passed, turn off the burner, and using kitchen tongs, transfer the eggplants into a sieve or colander and, using oven mitts, drain the hot water into the sink. The eggplants must cool. As soon as this happens, you can move on to the cooking process itself.

Step 4: prepare the salted eggplants.

Using a knife, make small cuts on each eggplant on all sides. After this, insert a garlic straw into each puncture, and immediately place the vegetables on the bottom of an enamel bowl. Attention: We try to compact the eggplants tightly to each other. And now we fill everything with chilled brine and cover it with a free, clean plate.

Be sure to put a weight on top of the dish while it is being salted. Therefore, we pour ordinary water into a three-liter bottle, close the jar tightly with a lid and place it on top of the plate. Place the eggplants in the refrigerator to cook for 1 week. After this period of time, you will feel that spicy aroma of pickles. It will simply be impossible to resist him.

Step 5: Serve the salted eggplants.

After the salted eggplants are ready, use kitchen tongs to place them on a serving dish and cut into portions if desired. These vegetables are obtained both as a snack and as a component for a salad or sandwich. Moderately salty and spicy vegetables just beg to be put into your mouth. If you still have some salted eggplants left (which is unlikely), then you can compact them tightly into a container, close the lid and store them in the refrigerator.

Enjoy your meal!

- Important: there is no need to make a large amount of solution at once, since for 6 eggplants you only need less than one glass of this liquid. Therefore, the recipe indicates the proportions of water to salt.

You need to choose all the eggplants of the same size and always medium, then they will be well salted and moderately spicy.

You can make a very tasty salad from salted eggplants. To do this, you need to cut the vegetable into cubes, chop the onion, add finely chopped herbs if desired, mix all this with vegetable oil and can be served at the dinner table.

For one medium eggplant you need one small clove of garlic.

A wonderful appetizer that can be served both on an everyday and holiday table. How to pickle eggplants? The Land of Soviets will share several recipes for pickling eggplants with its readers.

Salted eggplants stuffed with garlic

Here is one of the simplest recipes for salted eggplants. To prepare them you will need the following ingredients:

  • eggplant
  • garlic cloves according to the number of eggplants
  • 1 liter of water
  • 70 g salt

You can take more or less water and salt for the brine depending on the number of eggplants, the main thing is to maintain the proportions. For pickling, it is best to take small eggplants of approximately the same size.

Place the washed eggplants in a pan of boiling water and cook for about ten minutes. It is very important not to overcook: the eggplants should become soft, but not have time to boil. Drain the water and cool the eggplants. Cut the garlic into thin strips. We make small cuts in the eggplants and insert the garlic into them.

Prepare the brine: dissolve the salt in water, bring the brine to a boil, and then cool. Place the eggplants in an enamel bowl, fill with chilled brine, and put pressure on top. We put the dishes in the refrigerator and wait a week. Before serving, cut the salted eggplants into slices.

Salted eggplants stuffed with vegetables

Before salting, you can stuff the eggplants with vegetables - this will make the appetizer both more satisfying and tastier. To prepare stuffed salted eggplants we will need the following products:

  • eggplants - 5-6 pcs.
  • sweet pepper - 500 g
  • carrots - 500 g
  • onions - 500 g
  • head of garlic
  • parsley and celery
  • salt and pepper

For the brine

  • 1 liter of water
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt

Wash the eggplants and remove the stems. We make a deep longitudinal cut on each eggplant. Place a pan of water on the fire, bring to a boil, add the eggplants and cook for seven minutes. Then we transfer the eggplants into a wide dish, cover with a cutting board, and put pressure on top. Leave for at least an hour.

Meanwhile, prepare the vegetable filling. Peel the carrots and grate them on a coarse grater. Cut the peeled onion into half rings, and the seeded pepper into strips. Peel the garlic and finely chop it or pass it through a press. Wash parsley and celery and chop coarsely. Place the vegetables in a bowl, add the herbs, salt and pepper to taste, and mix.

We put the filling into the cut on the eggplants, pressing with a spoon to stuff the eggplants more tightly. To prevent the filling from falling out, you can tie the eggplants with thread. Place the stuffed eggplants in a glass, ceramic or plastic container for pickling. To prepare the brine, dissolve the salt in cold boiled water and pour the brine over the eggplants. Covering it with a board, put pressure on top and place it in a warm place for about two weeks, and then put it in the cellar or refrigerator.

Pickled eggplants

If you don’t like salted eggplants cooked in regular brine, you can make pickled eggplants in brine with vinegar. Stock up on the following ingredients for cooking:

  • eggplants - 10 kg
  • carrots - 8 kg
  • onions - 1 kg
  • parsnip - 400 g
  • parsley root - 200 g
  • celery root - 200 g
  • hot red pepper - to taste

For the brine

  • water - 6 l
  • coarse salt - 300 g
  • 6% vinegar - 300 ml
  • sugar - 50 g

For pickling, it is best to take ripe eggplants that are not too large in size. Wash the eggplants, cut off the stem and soak in cold salted water for 2-3 hours to remove the bitterness. Then rinse with cold water.

Chop the carrots and parsnips and lightly fry them. Finely chop the parsley and celery roots. We clean the onion and chop it into rings. Mix all the vegetables. We cut the eggplants lengthwise and fill them with the vegetable mixture; you can tie them with thread so that the eggplants do not fall apart.

Prepare the brine. Place the eggplants vertically in a suitable container and fill with brine. Four to five days after fermentation begins, you can transfer them to the cellar. After a month and a half, you can take the first sample.

Bon appetit!

Eggplants can be pickled in two ways. Let's consider both options in detail.

Dry salting eggplants

You will need a large enamel pan or a wooden barrel. Of course, the container must be clean and dry. Sprinkle some salt on the bottom. Now place the prepared eggplants in a layer of several centimeters. If you have trimmed a vegetable, open it like a notebook. Then add salt. You can add layers of chopped garlic, hot pepper and any ground spices. Sprinkle salt on top, the consumption of which will be approximately 1/10 of the mass of eggplants. Place pressure on top. Keep it at room temperature for a day, and then put it in the cold (basement or refrigerator) for a month. Ready.

Salting eggplants using the wet method

Place the prepared eggplants in a large, clean and dry container. Now prepare the brine: for each liter of water, add 3 tablespoons of salt and any spices to taste (1 tablespoon). Bring to a boil and cool. After this, strain the brine through a fine sieve or cheesecloth and completely fill the eggplants. Put oppression. Then, as in the previous version: a day in the heat and a month in the cold. The dish is ready.

It is better to use coarse or medium-sized salt. You can pour a thin layer of vegetable oil on top of the eggplants to prevent mold from forming.

There are many recipes for preparing eggplants in the summer, when the rich lilac-colored fruits are just ripening in the garden beds. But millions of housewives use recipes that allow them to preserve the wealth of invaluable properties of blueberries for the winter. To do this, they are salted, dried, pickled or prepared as a salad.

Classic pickling recipe - eggplants with garlic

The classic recipe is a simple and common option for pickling eggplants for the winter. Salted eggplants can be rolled into jars or stored in a saucepan with a tightly closed lid.


  • Eggplants – 2 kg.
  • Garlic – 2 heads.
  • Greens (optional) – 1 bunch (to taste).

For blanching:

  • Water – 3 l.
  • Salt – 1 tbsp. l.

For the brine:

  • Salt – 2 tbsp. l.
  • Water – 1 l.
  • Bay leaf – 6 pcs.
  • Black pepper - to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the blue ones and separate them from the stalk. Add a tablespoon of salt to a saucepan filled halfway with water and bring the water to a boil. Place the vegetables in a colander and place in boiling water for 3-5 minutes. The main thing is not to overcook it in boiling water.
  2. Cool the blanched blueberries, place them on a wooden board and press a second one on top, squeeze out excess water. It is important to do this carefully so that the eggplants remain intact and presentable.
  3. Cut the eggplant lengthwise, starting from the side where the green tail used to be. Do not cut to the end - leave a couple of centimeters intact on the opposite side.
  4. Prepare the filling. You don’t have to use greens, but if you decide to add parsley, dill or celery, wash them thoroughly and chop them. Finely chop or chop the garlic cloves.
  5. Stuff the eggplants. It is advisable to put as much filling as possible.
  6. Place a bay leaf on the bottom of the pan. You can add black pepper to taste. Place stuffed vegetables on top.
  7. Fill with brine. Prepare it by adding salt to water (2 tablespoons per 1 liter) and boiling until the salt dissolves. Be sure to cool the solution before pouring!
  8. Close the pan tightly with a lid or place a clean plate on top and place a jar of water on it to create pressure. In this state, the dish should lie in a warm place for 2 days at a temperature of about 25 degrees. If the temperature is less than 20 degrees, it will take 3 days, but you should not let it ferment, since we are preparing salted, not pickled eggplants.
  9. Now leave the container for 10 days in a cold place, for example, on a balcony, in a refrigerator or in a cellar.

Video recipe

Pickled eggplants for the winter

A great way to pickle eggplants for the winter. The cooking process is a little similar to the classic method, but there are significant differences. Pickled vegetables, like salted ones, can be rolled into jars or stored in a saucepan with a tightly closed lid.


  • Eggplants – 2 kg.
  • Carrots – 1 kg.
  • Garlic – 1 head.
  • Salt – 6 tbsp. l. for 3 liters of water.
  • Black pepper – 10 peas.
  • Bay leaf – 5 pcs.


  1. Wash the eggplants thoroughly and remove the stems.
  2. Fill a saucepan with water, add about 4 tablespoons of salt, and put in the blue ones. Bring to a boil, then simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. The vegetables should become soft.
  3. Place the ingredients on a cutting board or baking sheet and place at a slight angle so that the water completely drains. We put another board on top, and put a jar of water on it. Leave it under pressure for one day.
  4. Once the day has passed, prepare the marinade. Place 4 liters of water in a saucepan and dissolve 2 tablespoons of salt. After adding black pepper and bay leaves, put the marinade on the fire and bring to a boil, then let it cool to room temperature.
  5. To prepare the filling, grate washed and peeled carrots, add garlic, which we first peel and crush.
  6. Now set the eggplants lengthwise, like hot dog buns, and stuff them with carrots and garlic.
  7. Place the stuffed vegetables tightly in a pan, add the prepared marinade and place under pressure.
  8. After two weeks, you can try the snack. If you want to make a more sour dish, leave it for another two weeks.

Video recipe

When serving, you can drizzle a little butter over the pickles. Prepared eggplants are stored in a cold place for a long time.

Instant marinated eggplants

Unlike pickled and salted vegetables, pickled vegetables cook very quickly, as they do not infuse for a long time. The finished product can be rolled into jars for the winter, or you can immediately eat it.


  • Eggplants – 3 kg.
  • Vinegar 9% - 200 g.
  • Unscented vegetable oil – 200 g.
  • Sugar – 100 g.
  • Salt – 2-3 tbsp. l.
  • Garlic – 3-4 heads.
  • Greens (dill, cilantro, parsley) - to taste.
  • Water – 1 l.


  1. Wash and separate the stems from the eggplants. Cut into half rings and let stand until the bitterness disappears.
  2. Fill a saucepan with water, add sugar, salt and vinegar. When it boils, add chopped vegetables.
  3. Cook for 15 minutes after boiling, then drain in a colander and cool to room temperature.
  4. Chop the greens and garlic and add to the eggplants. Wait a little until the appetizer infuses and acquires the expected taste.

How to prepare eggplant salad for the winter

There are many variations of step-by-step eggplant salad recipes. I propose a way to prepare such a salad for the winter, such as lecho or assorted vegetables.


  • Eggplants – 4-5 kg.
  • Bell pepper – 5 pcs.
  • Chili pepper – 2 pcs.
  • Garlic – 2-3 pcs.
  • Salt - to taste.
  • Sugar - to taste.
  • Vegetable oil – 50-100 ml.
  • Vinegar – 50 ml.


  1. Wash the eggplants, remove the stems and cut into large pieces.
  2. Place the chopped blueberries in a saucepan and add water. Bring to a boil, cook for 5 minutes, pressing the vegetables so that they do not float. Bring to readiness and drain the water.
  3. Peel the bell and chili peppers, remove the seeds and chop. Peel the garlic and divide into cloves.
  4. Grind the garlic, chili and bell pepper in a blender or through a meat grinder. Add vegetable oil and salt, sugar to taste.
  5. Pour the prepared marinade into the boiled eggplants, bring to a boil and cook for 5-10 minutes.
  6. Roll the hot salad into jars, which are then wrapped in something warm and wait to cool. Once cooled, the salad is ready to eat and store for the winter.

  1. I do not recommend peeling eggplants for salting, pickling or pickling. Firstly, vegetables retain their shape better in their peels. Secondly, this way they will not be bitter, but will have an islandy taste.
  2. Choose young eggplants for cooking. They are not as bitter as stale vegetables. In young ones, the stalk should be fresh and bright green in color.
  3. Garlic, parsley and cilantro go best with eggplant. Don't be afraid to add them. These components give it a special taste.

I looked at the best recipes, thanks to which eggplant dishes can be prepared for the winter, preserving the unique taste and beneficial properties. The recipes listed can only serve as foundations for your special dishes. The main thing in cooking is not to be afraid to experiment, because everyone has their own preferences in food: some people like mild taste, while others like it spicy.

Eggplant is one of the seasonal vegetables that many people enjoy. Many different dishes are prepared from it, but in its raw form it is practically unsuitable for food. But even thermally processed blue ones contain a lot of vitamins (15 mg per 100 g of vegetable) and useful elements (potassium, magnesium, phosphorus). Of course, you want to eat such valuable fruits all winter, and salted eggplants are considered one of the most successful ways to prepare them.

Advantages and disadvantages of salted eggplants

Since this vegetable is not eaten raw, zealous housewives try to prepare it in different ways. Each has its own pros and cons.

  • The process of pickling eggplants occurs in a special environment in which beneficial fungi and enzymes are formed. Marinating due to the huge amount of acid kills these enzymes, the same thing happens with fried eggplants due to the high temperature.
  • Pickled and pasteurized vegetables can be stored much longer, unlike salted ones.
  • The presence of acetic acid, which is contained in all marinades, adversely affects the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Fried eggplants absorb a huge amount of oil, which makes them quite high in calories. Salted blue ones can be consumed without harming your figure. This dish can be considered dietary.
  • It is believed that pickled and fried eggplants are richer in taste, but this cannot be said unequivocally, since everyone has different tastes.

How to select and prepare eggplants for pickling

It's no secret that quality ingredients are the key to a tasty and successful dish. In order for salted eggplants to taste excellent, they must first be selected and prepared correctly. Suitable for pickling:

  • medium-sized oval, ovoid or cylindrical fruits;
  • color from light purple to dark purple;
  • the skin is smooth and strong.

Brown spots and wrinkled skin on the blue one indicate that the vegetable is quite old. Gray-green spots on the fruit indicate overripeness.

Large eggplants are not suitable for pickling; in the process they may lose their shape (fall apart). They are best used for cooking caviar or stewing.

Preparing eggplants is quite simple and does not require much effort. It is enough just to wash them thoroughly and cut off the stalk. To get rid of bitterness, boil the whole vegetable in salted boiling water for 5-7 minutes.

Methods for pickling eggplants

Housewives usually use 2 methods of pickling eggplant:

  • sprinkling each layer with salt;
  • using brine.

Both diced and whole vegetables are salted. The fermentation process lasts from 1 to 5 months. First, the eggplants are salted in a warm place, then they are removed to a cooler place.

Quick recipe for pickling eggplants

This method of pickling eggplants is considered quite fast, since after 3 days you can eat the finished product. A big plus of the recipe is the complete absence of vinegar. Fermentation is achieved by the product’s own bacteria.


  • eggplants – 1kg;
  • garlic – 1 head;
  • parsley - half a bunch;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt pepper.


  1. Cut the eggplants lengthwise, but not all the way. So that a kind of pocket is formed.
  2. Boil water and add salt (for 1.5 liters of water - 35 grams of salt).
  3. Place the eggplants in boiling salted water and blanch until the vegetable is completely soft.
  4. Take them out and put them under a press until they cool completely.
  5. While the eggplants are cooling, finely chop the parsley and pass the garlic through a press. Mix.
  6. Coat the cooled blue ones inside with the resulting mixture of garlic and parsley.
  7. Place in an enamel or glass container and leave to ferment for 3 days.
  8. After the designated period, the eggplants can be safely consumed as a snack or pour pre-heated and cooled vegetable oil over the finished dish and store it in a cold place.

Eggplants under pressure

Pickling vegetables under pressure is considered the most delicious, as they ferment in their own juice. To prepare eggplants in this way, dry and wet salting is used.

When dry salting, salt must be used carefully so as not to oversalt. The ideal option is to use 20-30 grams of salt per 1 kg of vegetables. It would also be appropriate to add a little mixture of aromatic greens 50 g per 1 kg of product.

Cooking method:

  1. Washed and randomly chopped eggplants are placed in a large container, sprinkling each layer with herbs and salt.
  2. Leave the prepared vegetables for 12-15 hours, until they release enough juice.
  3. After this, the eggplants are covered with a lid, a plate, ideally a wooden circle on which a weight is placed. The load should not be too heavy. The recommended ratio per 1 kg of raw materials is 100 grams of cargo.
  4. Thus, eggplants are fermented for 10-15 days in a warm place. After which they are removed to a cool place.

Fermentation under pressure also allows for the presence of brine.

  1. For 1 liter of water take 60 grams of salt.
  2. Eggplants can be mixed with herbs and added aromatic roots and garlic.
  3. The first fermentation phase lasts about 3 days at room temperature, then about 40-50 days in a cool environment.

Stuffed salted eggplants

To diversify the taste of eggplants and make the finished dish even healthier, you can stuff them with vegetables. Best suited for stuffing: carrots, cabbage, sweet peppers, celery root, onions. You can use several varieties of vegetables at once.

Salted eggplants with cabbage and carrots


  • eggplants – 10 pcs.;
  • cabbage – 1 small head;
  • carrots – 4 pcs.;
  • onions – 3 pcs.;
  • sweet pepper – 3 pcs.


  1. Boil the eggplants in well-salted water until tender.
  2. Remove the prepared vegetables and cool.
  3. At this time, chop the cabbage, grate the carrots, cut the peppers and onions into half rings.
  4. Fry the vegetables, adding them in the following order:
    • Bell pepper;
    • carrot;
    • cabbage.
  5. After the cabbage is added, cover the pan with a lid and simmer until tender, stirring occasionally. At the end, add salt and add herbs and garlic if desired.
  6. Cut the cooled eggplants lengthwise, leaving a little space at the tip.
  7. Distribute minced vegetables inside.
  8. If desired, you can tie the vegetable with thread.
  9. Place the prepared eggplants in a container, pour pre-heated and cooled vegetable oil and place under pressure.
  10. During the salting process, which usually lasts 5-7 days, you need to drain off the excess brine.
  11. The eggplants are salted in a warm place, after which they are removed from the oil brine and put into the cold.

Usually, any utensil is chosen for pickling eggplants: a large enamel pan or basin, any wide or large containers where pressure can be placed. When the fermentation process is completed, the finished salted vegetables can be transferred to jars that have previously been sterilized.

To avoid the appearance of mold on salted eggplants, place parchment soaked in vodka under the lid of the jar. It is better to store them in the refrigerator or in the cellar. This way eggplants can survive the whole winter.

Salted eggplants are a great appetizer that goes well with almost any dish. Due to their meatiness and rich taste, they can easily replace a piece of meat. Before serving, they should be seasoned with a little oil and enjoy a tasty and healthy dish.