Apricot juice for the winter - a sunny drink! Different ways to prepare apricot juice for the winter at home.

Has summer pleased you with the apricot harvest? We need to prepare juice! For aromatic drink you need very little: ripe fruits and good mood. Here you can peek suitable recipe apricot juice for the winter.

Apricot juice for the winter - general principles of preparation

The easiest way to extract juice is using a juicer. It can be manual, electric or steam. You can also prepare the drink by mashing cooked fruits. The drink is often diluted with water. Sugar, citric acid, various flavor additives. Apricot juice is often prepared with the addition of other fruits, such as apples and citruses.

Sterility is our everything!

Since the juice is heat-treated, apricots do not need to be dried after washing. But after cooking, sterility is required. Not allowed to get into the drink raw water, specks and other debris. Pour juice only into clean and dry jars.

How to sterilize containers:

Above the ferry;

In the oven;

IN microwave oven.

Once upon a time, grandmothers fried jars in the sun, but today this method has lost its relevance. The drink is poured only in a boiling state. Screw on with clean, preferably sterile, lids. A special key is used. The workpiece needs to be cooled upside down, then the jars are returned to their natural position.

Apricot juice for the winter with pulp

Ancient recipe apricot juice for the winter, which is prepared without special equipment. All you need is an enamel pan, colander or sieve. The number of fruits is arbitrary. Add sugar to the drink as desired.




1. Wash the apricots and separate them into halves. There is no need to dry fruits. Discard the bones immediately.

2. Place the halves in a large, enameled pan. If you cook the product in an aluminum pan, it will have an unattractive color.

3. Now add water. It is needed so much that the liquid is equal to the fruit, that is, reaches their level.

4. Turn on the stove and start cooking. You can immediately make a big fire.

5. As soon as the foam begins to appear, remove it immediately. It has no use in juice.

6. Boil the fruit until soft. As soon as the apricots begin to disintegrate, remove from heat. Cool the brew.

7. Drain the compote through a colander and set the broth aside for a while.

8. Rub the boiled fruit through a fine colander, but preferably through a sieve. We get rid of the skins.

9. Tender puree, which came out when rubbing, combine with the broth, stir and put on the stove again.

10. Now add sugar to taste.

11. Let the juice simmer for about five minutes, remove the foam. Pour the drink into sterile jars, seal and remove the preparation.

Apricot juice for the winter at home using a juicer

The easiest way to prepare apricot juice for the winter at home. All you need is a suitable juicer that will separate the veins and skins from the liquid. The brand and device don't matter.


5 kg of apricots;

300 grams of sugar.


1. Wash the apricots and remove the seeds.

2. We pass the fruit halves through a juicer.

3. We evaluate waste. Apricots are capricious in this regard and you can end up with a lot of pulp. If this is indeed the case, a lot of waste has come out and it is wet, then we pass it through the juicer again.

4. We combine everything that we managed to extract from the fruit. Pour into a saucepan.

5. Add sugar and place on the stove.

6. As soon as the future drink begins to boil, remove the foam.

7. Let the juice simmer for three minutes, but you can do more if you need a thicker product.

8. Pour, seal and the sunny drink is ready!

Apricot juice for the winter with lemon

A version of very aromatic apricot juice for the winter at home. For 3 liters of squeezed drink you will need only 1 lemon.


3 liters fresh juice;

500 ml water;

150-300 grams of sugar.


1. Wash the apricots and squeeze the juice in any way. The easiest way is to use an electric juicer.

2. Add sugar to the water. How sweeter than apricots, the less it is needed. Let the syrup cook on the stove.

3. Dip the washed lemon into boiling water, then remove the zest with a knife. It is thin, painted in yellow citrus peel. Add the zest to sugar and water.

4. After boiling, let the syrup boil for about five minutes so that the zest releases its aroma into the water. We filter.

5. Cut the peeled lemon and squeeze out all the juice from it, also strain.

6. Now we connect lemon juice, aromatic syrup and prescription apricot juice. It should be 3 liters.

7. Put all this on the stove and cook the drink for a few minutes after boiling. If foam suddenly appears, do not forget to remove it.

8. The juice is ready! Pour, seal tightly, cool upside down.

Spicy apricot juice for the winter at home

The recipe for incredibly aromatic apricot juice, which is prepared with the addition of spices. If you don’t like an ingredient, we simply exclude it. You can also add your favorite additive, as long as it does not conflict with the taste of apricot.


4 liters of juice;

4 star cloves;

1 vanilla pod;

0.5 lemon;

300 grams of sugar;

1 cinnamon stick;

4 mint leaves.


1. Take 700 ml of water, pour it into a saucepan, add sugar and set to cook.

2. Add all the spices to the saucepan; no need to chop anything.

3. Squeeze the lemon juice and immediately pour it into the apricot drink. All that is left, that is, the half with the crust, is thrown into the boiling syrup. Cook it for at least ten minutes.

4. Strain aromatic mixture, pour it into the juice. Stir.

5. Place the pan with the drink on the stove and let it boil. We catch the foam from the surface.

6. Taste the drink. Add sugar or acid if necessary.

7. Boil for about five minutes, pour into sterile containers, seal with treated lids and you can send the juice to the basement.

Apricot juice for the winter with apples

Option is perhaps one of the most popular tastes apricot juice. With apples, the drink turns out to be very pleasant, sour and incredibly aromatic. We extract the juice using any of the available methods; it is better to use an electric device.


5 kg apples;

5 kg of apricots;

700 grams of sugar;

500 ml water.


1. Water can be immediately poured into a large saucepan and placed on low heat.

2. We also immediately pour sugar into the water and let it dissolve.

3. We pass the washed and pitted apricots through a juicer, immediately add the juice in portions to water with sugar, let the drink warm up, we will not lose extra time.

4. We also wash the apples and cut them into pieces, avoiding the cores with seeds. We extract the juice from them and also use a juicer.

5. Apple juice pour into apricot drink.

6. That's it! It remains to boil the drink for about five minutes after boiling. Remember about the foam that needs to be removed.

Apricot juice for the winter at home using a blender

A method for preparing apricot juice for the winter at home for those who have nothing with which to squeeze the drink. You will need a blender, preferably an immersion blender. You can use a combine, but it will take longer.


3 kg apricots;

900 ml water;

200 grams of sugar;

0.5 tsp. citric acid.


1. Rinse the apricots with water. No need to remove the seeds. The fruits must remain intact.

2. Take a large saucepan so that a colander can fit into it. Pour in 2/3 of the water. Put it on the fire and let it boil.

3. Place a saucepan or bucket with cold water nearby, perhaps with ice liquid.

4. Place whole apricots in a colander and lower it into a pan of boiling water for 20 seconds.

5. Then take it out and immerse it in ice water.

6. After a minute, take out the apricots and remove the skin in one motion, immediately discarding the pit. Place the peeled pulp in a bowl.

7. Take a blender and puree the fruit until smooth.

8. Add water to them, add sugar and throw citric acid. You can squeeze juice from fresh citrus.

9. Cook the juice for a few minutes. If desired, the drink can be made even thinner by diluting it with water. But in this case, do not forget to add sugar and acid to preserve pleasant taste. Spill it, put it away for storage.

Apricot juice for the winter through a juicer

Juice cooker – special device to extract juice. It is a three-story structure with a tube.



5-7 spoons of sugar.


1. Pour water into the lower compartment of the juicer. Usually it takes from two to three liters, but it’s better to look at the instructions.

2. Divide the washed apricots into halves and place them in the mesh (topmost) part of the juicer.

3. Sprinkle sugar on top of the apricots to enhance the release of juice.

4. Turn on the fire. Cook the juice.

5. After about 45 minutes, you can remove the clamp from the tube and drain the juice into a sterile container. We cork it.

Apricot pulp from the juicer should not be thrown away. It will make a wonderful puree, which can be used as a filling for pies or on marshmallows.

Apricots go well with different fruits. You can make juices with the addition of pears, peaches, different berries. But you should not add blackberries, otherwise the drink will turn out of blue color.

Any juice will become more aromatic and tastier if you add a little vanilla and cinnamon to it. It is better to use natural pods and sticks. The composition of spices from the bags leaves much to be desired.

To seal juices, you can use not only jars, but also glass bottles with screw caps.

During the cold season, as a rule, there are not enough vitamins and minerals to strengthen immune system. Preparing apricot juice for the winter is an affordable option for those who want to get the maximum amount of nutrients. Long-term heat treatment When cooking apricot jam, it can destroy most of the beneficial substances, so the best option is to prepare nutritious juice. It is enough to know only the basic nuances and features of storage.

The best option for preparing such a drink is using a juicer, but other methods are also used. The main thing in this matter is to comply step-by-step technology production and remember to sterilize dishes. The fruits of the apricot tree can be combined with various other fruits.

The best option would be to use peaches, apples and pears to make juice. However, it is not recommended to add blackberries, since the color of the resulting liquid may not be to everyone's liking.

It would also be a good idea to add vanilla or cinnamon to add flavor and rich taste. For this purpose, it is advisable to purchase natural pods.

How to choose apricots for juice

Fruits for the future drink should be selected with special care. Apricots should not have dark or brown spots, damage or splits.

On a note! Fruits with a smooth surface are juicier.

It is not recommended to buy overripe fruits. If the purchased apricots turn out to be too sweet and do not contain sourness at all, you can add lemon juice when re-boiling the apricot drink.

Recipes for making apricot juice at home

A flavorful drink rich in vitamins and useful material, can be prepared in several ways. So, a person can choose the most convenient option for himself in making a remedy against seasonal vitamin deficiency.

Juice with pulp

Preparing juice with pulp is easy and without special equipment. All you need for this is:

  • suitable container;
  • colander;
  • water;
  • any number of apricots;
  • sugar, if required.

This drink is prepared as follows:

  • Wash the apricots and cut them into halves. Drying of the fruit is not required, and the seeds can be discarded immediately.
  • An enamel container in which to place the fruits is ideal.
  • Pour water over the apricots so that they are completely covered with liquid, that is, at the same level. Turn on high heat.

  • Then foam will appear, which must be removed.
  • Boil the fruit until well soft. If the apricots begin to fall apart, turn off the heat. Then the juice should be cooled.
  • The compote needs to be strained, and boiled fruits Wipe well and remove skins.
  • The pureed mixture should be combined with the broth and turn on the heat. Here, if desired, sugar and other additives are added.
  • The juice should boil for 5 minutes. Then the drink is poured into containers.

Using a juicer

This method is considered the simplest. For preparation you will need the following list of ingredients:

  • approximately 6 kilograms of ripe fruits;
  • 200-250 grams of sugar.

There are a number of steps you should take:

  1. Wash the fruit, remove the seeds, and divide into halves. Place in a juicer.
  2. As a rule, apricot leaves a lot of pulp left. This residue should be evaluated: if there is a lot of cake and it is wet, then it can be re-passed through the device.
  3. Pour the resulting juice into a container, add sugar and put on fire. Let it simmer for no more than three minutes, remove the foam.
  4. Pour the broth and seal.

Apricot juice in a juicer

It is also possible to prepare nectar using a special device. You can take any number of ripe fruits and a few spoons of sugar. Prepare like this:

  1. Fill the lower tier with water (the amount of liquid is specified in the instructions).
  2. Peeled apricots are placed in the uppermost compartment of the juicer. It is recommended to sprinkle the fruit with sugar for better juice release.
  3. Turn on the heat and cook for about 50 minutes.
  4. Then you should release the tube and get apricot juice.

How to make using a blender

If you have nothing to squeeze ripe fruits with, you can use an immersion blender. To do this you need to take next lineup ingredients:

  • 2-3 kilograms of apricot;
  • liter of water;
  • sugar as desired.


  1. Place apricots in boiling water for half a minute, and then immediately transfer to cold water. This is necessary to remove the skin.
  2. Make fruit puree in a blender.
  3. Combine water, sugar and whipped fruits in a container. Cook for a few minutes and then pour into a suitable container.

Apple-orange juice for the winter

Apples and oranges add a slightly sour and pleasant taste to the drink. You can prepare this juice in any available way. You will need to take:

  • 3-4 kilograms of apples;
  • 5 kilograms of apricot;
  • 600 grams of sugar;
  • water.


  1. Place water on low heat, add sugar. While the water is heating, pass the peeled fruits through the juicer.
  2. Add the squeezed juice in portions to the container with liquid.
  3. Wait for it to boil and leave to cook for 5 minutes. The foam is removed periodically.
  4. Pour the mixture into a bowl and seal.

Storage Features

Preservation of apricot drink can be done in ordinary containers and bottles, and closed with metal lids with an elastic band. This way it will be stored throughout the winter. However, we should not forget that before preservation, careful sterilization of all utensils that will be involved in the process is required.

Should be stored in a cool place: cellar, balcony or refrigerator. The main condition is not to place it near batteries or other heating devices.

When the apricot ripening season comes, many of us try to fully enjoy it sunny fruit, and they do it right. Apricots, in addition to being delicious, have the ability to have a beneficial effect on the functioning of our heart, and contain large quantities of carotene (a source of vitamin A), a powerful antioxidant.

Let's eat, enjoy and improve our health! It's good that they exist different varieties apricots and different terms their maturation. Therefore, we have the opportunity to consume these beneficial fruits for almost a month.

But as they say: everything has its beginning and end, and therefore fresh apricots also end. Therefore, we should worry and make supplies for the winter from this sunny berry.

What can you cook? Look, firstly, there are a considerable number of recipes for apricot jam:, and others.

You can also prepare a simple royal drink - apricot juice with pulp for the winter. Delicious-oh-oh!!!

Choose whatever your heart desires, and we will tell you how to make delicious apricot juice.

Taste Info Compotes, juices for the winter


  • Apricots – 1 kg (pitted);
  • Granulated sugar – 200-250 g;
  • Purified water – 200 ml (for cooking only);
  • Purified water - to dilute the thickness (to taste and desire).

From kitchen utensils were involved: a bowl, a colander, a stainless saucepan, a knife, a fork, an immersion blender. From these ingredients we got 1.5 liters of a delicious drink.

How to prepare apricot juice with pulp for the winter at home

Selection of apricots for juice

If you have your apricot trees then try to use their fruits as much as possible. The harder ones will be used for jam, and the softer ones can be used to make juice. There's no point in throwing anything away!

If you do not have such happiness, then you should go to the market. There you can buy something for every taste and budget. Particularly pursue appearance It’s not worth it, the main thing in our business is the taste of the fruit.

And for this you need to try them. We approach it, pick it up, divide it into halves and taste only the pulp. We choose ripe, juicy and preferably sweet ones, those in which the stone is easily separated (otherwise you will be tortured to pick them out).

Yes, and one more point: when choosing, pay attention to the composition of the pulp; if there are hard veins, then it is better not to take such apricots.

Attention: in our recipe we give the weight of apricots already pitted, that is pure product for processing.

Preparing apricots

First of all, we must rinse the purchased apricots well, and for this it is better to place them immediately in a deep container and fill them with water. Our goal is to get clean fruits, and since apricots are covered with a kind of fleecy skin, this is not entirely easy. Therefore, we first soak them in cold water for about five minutes, and then rinse them by placing them in a colander, after which we wash each apricot under running water.

After this procedure, we take a knife in our hands and use it to divide the fruits in half and remove the stone.

How to make apricot juice with pulp for the winter

There are several ways to make apricot juice. For example, you can pass prepared apricots (without seeds) through a juicer, add sugar and water to the resulting mass and boil for 5-7 minutes.

But what to do if you don’t have a juicer? It's simple, use our recipe!

And so: pour into a saucepan specified quantity water, heat to boiling. Load the halves of apricots here, pour them on top granulated sugar.

We put a small fire under the saucepan and wait for the apricots to warm up and begin to release juice. Don't forget to stir the contents of the pan. If the apricots you choose are ripe and juicy, the process of juice release will happen quite quickly.

Our apricots boiled for five minutes.

Let them cook for another two or three minutes and we get this picture. If your apricots are denser, the cooking time will be a little longer.

We want the skin of the fruit to come off easily, since we intend to remove it. Although our apricot juice will contain pulp, the skin, even after boiling, can have a negative effect on us. disservice"and spoil the taste and consistency.

After the apricots have reached the state we need, we can get rid of the peel, which is easily separated and removed using a regular fork.

Then put the saucepan on the fire and begin to boil our juice for 5-7 minutes.

Taste and add hot boiled water. Make it as thick as you like.

All that remains is to bring the juice from the apricots with pulp to a boil and pour into prepared (sterilized jars with lids). Delicious preparation ready for the winter!

So delicious rich drink we succeeded.

Has summer pleased you with the apricot harvest? We need to prepare juice! For an aromatic drink you need very little: ripe fruits and a good mood. Here you can find a suitable recipe for apricot juice for the winter.

Apricot juice for the winter - general principles of preparation

The easiest way to extract juice is using a juicer. It can be manual, electric or steam. You can also prepare the drink by mashing cooked fruits. The drink is often diluted with water. Sugar, citric acid, and various flavoring additives can be added to it. Apricot juice is often prepared with the addition of other fruits, such as apples and citruses.

Sterility is our everything!

Since the juice is heat-treated, apricots do not need to be dried after washing. But after cooking, sterility is required. Raw water, debris and other debris are not allowed to get into the drink. Pour juice only into clean and dry jars.

How to sterilize containers:

Above the ferry;

In the oven;

In the microwave.

Once upon a time, grandmothers fried jars in the sun, but today this method has lost its relevance. The drink is poured only in a boiling state. Screw on with clean, preferably sterile, lids. A special key is used. The workpiece needs to be cooled upside down, then the jars are returned to their natural position.

Apricot juice for the winter with pulp

An ancient recipe for apricot juice for the winter, which is prepared without special equipment. All you need is an enamel pan, colander or sieve. The number of fruits is arbitrary. Add sugar to the drink as desired.




1. Wash the apricots and separate them into halves. There is no need to dry fruits. Discard the bones immediately.

2. Place the halves in a large, enameled pan. If you cook the product in an aluminum pan, it will have an unattractive color.

3. Now add water. It is needed so much that the liquid is equal to the fruit, that is, reaches their level.

4. Turn on the stove and start cooking. You can immediately make a big fire.

5. As soon as the foam begins to appear, remove it immediately. It has no use in juice.

6. Boil the fruit until soft. As soon as the apricots begin to disintegrate, remove from heat. Cool the brew.

7. Drain the compote through a colander and set the broth aside for a while.

8. Rub the boiled fruit through a fine colander, but preferably through a sieve. We get rid of the skins.

9. Combine the tender puree that comes out when rubbing with the broth, stir and put it back on the stove.

10. Now add sugar to taste.

11. Let the juice simmer for about five minutes, remove the foam. Pour the drink into sterile jars, seal and remove the preparation.

Apricot juice for the winter at home using a juicer

The easiest way to prepare apricot juice for the winter at home. All you need is a suitable juicer that will separate the veins and skins from the liquid. The brand and device don't matter.


5 kg of apricots;

300 grams of sugar.


1. Wash the apricots and remove the seeds.

2. We pass the fruit halves through a juicer.

3. We evaluate waste. Apricots are capricious in this regard and you can end up with a lot of pulp. If this is indeed the case, a lot of waste has come out and it is wet, then we pass it through the juicer again.

4. We combine everything that we managed to extract from the fruit. Pour into a saucepan.

5. Add sugar and place on the stove.

6. As soon as the future drink begins to boil, remove the foam.

7. Let the juice simmer for three minutes, but you can do more if you need a thicker product.

8. Pour, seal and the sunny drink is ready!

Apricot juice for the winter with lemon

A version of very aromatic apricot juice for the winter at home. For 3 liters of squeezed drink you will need only 1 lemon.


3 liters of fresh juice;

500 ml water;

150-300 grams of sugar.


1. Wash the apricots and squeeze the juice in any way. The easiest way is to use an electric juicer.

2. Add sugar to the water. The sweeter the apricots, the less it is needed. Let the syrup cook on the stove.

3. Dip the washed lemon into boiling water, then remove the zest with a knife. This is a thin, yellow-colored citrus peel. Add the zest to sugar and water.

4. After boiling, let the syrup boil for about five minutes so that the zest releases its aroma into the water. We filter.

5. Cut the peeled lemon and squeeze out all the juice from it, also strain.

6. Now combine lemon juice, aromatic syrup and prescription apricot juice. It should be 3 liters.

7. Put all this on the stove and cook the drink for a few minutes after boiling. If foam suddenly appears, do not forget to remove it.

8. The juice is ready! Pour, seal tightly, cool upside down.

Spicy apricot juice for the winter at home

The recipe for incredibly aromatic apricot juice, which is prepared with the addition of spices. If you don’t like an ingredient, we simply exclude it. You can also add your favorite additive, as long as it does not conflict with the taste of apricot.


4 liters of juice;

4 star cloves;

1 vanilla pod;

0.5 lemon;

300 grams of sugar;

1 cinnamon stick;

4 mint leaves.


1. Take 700 ml of water, pour it into a saucepan, add sugar and set to cook.

2. Add all the spices to the saucepan; no need to chop anything.

3. Squeeze the lemon juice and immediately pour it into the apricot drink. All that is left, that is, the half with the crust, is thrown into the boiling syrup. Cook it for at least ten minutes.

4. Strain the aromatic mixture and pour it into the juice. Stir.

5. Place the pan with the drink on the stove and let it boil. We catch the foam from the surface.

6. Taste the drink. Add sugar or acid if necessary.

7. Boil for about five minutes, pour into sterile containers, seal with treated lids and you can send the juice to the basement.

Apricot juice for the winter with apples

A variant of perhaps one of the most popular flavors of apricot juice. With apples, the drink turns out to be very pleasant, sour and incredibly aromatic. We extract the juice using any of the available methods; it is better to use an electric device.


5 kg apples;

5 kg of apricots;

700 grams of sugar;

500 ml water.


1. Water can be immediately poured into a large saucepan and placed on low heat.

2. We also immediately pour sugar into the water and let it dissolve.

3. We pass the washed and pitted apricots through a juicer, immediately add the juice in portions to water with sugar, let the drink warm up, let’s not waste extra time.

4. We also wash the apples and cut them into pieces, avoiding the cores with seeds. We extract the juice from them and also use a juicer.

5. Pour apple juice into the apricot drink.

6. That's it! It remains to boil the drink for about five minutes after boiling. Remember about the foam that needs to be removed.

Apricot juice for the winter at home using a blender

A method for preparing apricot juice for the winter at home for those who have nothing with which to squeeze the drink. You will need a blender, preferably an immersion blender. You can use a combine, but it will take longer.


3 kg apricots;

900 ml water;

200 grams of sugar;

0.5 tsp. citric acid.


1. Rinse the apricots with water. No need to remove the seeds. The fruits must remain intact.

2. Take a large saucepan so that a colander can fit into it. Pour in 2/3 of the water. Put it on the fire and let it boil.

3. Place a saucepan or bucket with cold water nearby, perhaps with ice liquid.

4. Place whole apricots in a colander and lower it into a pan of boiling water for 20 seconds.

5. Then take it out and immerse it in ice water.

6. After a minute, take out the apricots and remove the skin in one motion, immediately discarding the pit. Place the peeled pulp in a bowl.

7. Take a blender and puree the fruit until smooth.

8. Add water to them, add sugar and add citric acid. You can squeeze juice from fresh citrus.

9. Cook the juice for a few minutes. If desired, the drink can be made even thinner by diluting it with water. But in this case, do not forget to add sugar and acid to maintain a pleasant taste. Spill it, put it away for storage.

Apricot juice for the winter through a juicer

A juicer is a special device for extracting juice. It is a three-story structure with a tube.



5-7 spoons of sugar.


1. Pour water into the lower compartment of the juicer. Usually it takes from two to three liters, but it’s better to look at the instructions.

2. Divide the washed apricots into halves and place them in the mesh (topmost) part of the juicer.

3. Sprinkle sugar on top of the apricots to enhance the release of juice.

4. Turn on the fire. Cook the juice.

5. After about 45 minutes, you can remove the clamp from the tube and drain the juice into a sterile container. We cork it.

Apricot pulp from the juicer should not be thrown away. It will make a wonderful puree, which can be used as a filling for pies or on marshmallows.

Apricots go well with a variety of fruits. You can make juices with the addition of pears, peaches, and various berries. But you should not add blackberries, otherwise the drink will turn out blue.

Any juice will become more aromatic and tastier if you add a little vanilla and cinnamon to it. It is better to use natural pods and sticks. The composition of spices from the bags leaves much to be desired.

To seal juices, you can use not only jars, but also glass bottles with screw caps.

Step-by-step recipes for apricot juice with pulp for the winter using a juicer, juicer, blender

2018-08-03 Natalia Danchishak





In 100 grams ready-made dish

1 gr.

0 gr.


9 gr.

40 kcal.

Option 1. Classic apricot juice recipe for the winter

Most affordable way making juice without using kitchen appliances. All you need is an enamel pan and a large metal sieve. You can prepare the juice with or without sugar, depending on the sweetness of the fruit.


Step-by-step recipe for apricot juice with pulp for the winter

Wash ripe apricots under running water. Break each fruit and remove the seeds. Place the fruit halves in an enamel pan.

Fill the contents to the top with water. Place on the burner and turn on high heat, bring to a boil. Using a slotted spoon, skim off the foam, reduce the heat and cook the fruit until it begins to break down into fibers.

Remove the boiled fruits from the pan with a colander and rub through a sieve into a separate container. Combine the pulp with fruit decoction and put on fire. Bring the juice to a boil. Add sugar if desired. Pour the finished drink into glass containers, washing and sterilizing them. Seal tightly with lids. Cool under an old jacket.

Only ripe, juicy apricots are used to make juice. Do not throw away fruit seeds; they can be added to jam or simply eaten. It is advisable to dry the apricot halves first.

Option 2. Quick recipe for apricot juice for the winter using a juicer

The fastest and easiest way to prepare apricot juice for the winter. The juicer will separate the pulp from the skin and tough fibers. It will work out a large number of nectar with pulp.


  • ripe apricots - five kg;
  • granulated sugar - to taste.

How to quickly prepare apricot juice for the winter

Wash ripe apricots under running water. Divide the fruits into halves and remove the seeds. Place the fruits on the table and leave for a couple of hours.

Pass the apricot pulp through a juicer. Having driven the fruit once, the pulp is twisted again.

Pour the juice into an enamel pan, place it on the burner and bring to a boil. Be sure to skim off the foam. The thickness of the drink depends on the cooking time. As a rule, boiling for three minutes is sufficient. Wash the jars and sterilize them using any of your usual methods. Pour the juice into the prepared container and seal it tightly with a key.

Boil the juice only in enamel pan. Stainless steel containers are not suitable for this; the drink may oxidize in them. You can roll the juice into glass containers any volume.

Option 3. Apricot juice for the winter in a juicer

Apricot juice prepared in this way is obtained with virtually no pulp. The nectar turns out very sweet, so no sugar is added to it.


  • ripe apricots.

How to cook

The pressure cooker consists of three compartments. Water is poured into the lower pan of the device. Wash the apricots, break each fruit and remove the pits. Place the halves on the compartments with holes, being careful not to leave space between them. Make sure the hose is clamped.

Place the pressure cooker on the burner and turn it on strong fire. Warm the fruit for about an hour. Remove the clamp from the hose. Place a sterilized jar under it. As soon as it is filled with juice, roll it up immediately.

Monitor the water level in the lower pan. Remove the pulp into a separate container. You can make jam or jam from it. Before adding the next batch of fruit, add water to the bottom container and place whole halves of apricots on the compartments with holes.

Option 4. Juice from apricots with pulp for the winter using a blender

It is better to use an immersion blender to make juice. The juice is pulpy, aromatic and tender. Citric acid will perfectly highlight the taste of fruits and add a slight sourness.


  • citric acid - 3 g;
  • regular granulated sugar - a glass;
  • spring water - liter;
  • four kg of ripe apricots.

Step by step recipe

Wash the fruits under running water. Large saucepan fill it two-thirds with water. Place on the burner and turn on high heat, bring to a boil.

Place the apricots in a colander and place it in a pan of boiling water. Leave for 30 seconds. Immediately immerse the fruit in cold water. Remove the skin from the fruit, remove the seeds, breaking the fruit in half.

Place the fruit pulp in a deep container and puree until smooth using an immersion blender. Rearrange apricot puree In an enamel pan, add sugar, add citric acid and pour in water. Stir and place on high heat. Bring to a boil and cook for three minutes. Pour the finished juice into sterilized dry jars and seal with boiled lids.

If you plan to store the juice for a long time, be sure to sterilize the jars and boil the lids. So that the juice retains all the vitamins and useful microelements fruit, do not boil it for a long time.

Option 5. Apricot juice for the winter with apples

Apricot juice can be prepared with the addition of other fruits and berries. The combination with apples, pears or peaches is considered especially successful.


  • regular granulated sugar to taste;
  • ripe apricots - three kilograms;
  • ripe apples - five kilograms.

How to cook

Wash the apples thoroughly. Dry the fruits, peel them and remove the partitions with seeds. Twist the pulp through a juicer.

Wash the ripe apricots. Break each fruit in half and remove the seeds. Grind the fruit pulp in the same way as apples. Combine apple and apricot juice in an enamel saucepan. Add sugar and place the container on the fire. Stir well and bring to a boil. Distribute the juice over the sterilized glass bottles and seal tightly.

You can experiment by adding vanilla or cinnamon to the juice. Fruit pulp can be used to make baking filling or marshmallow. Cool containers with juice by wrapping them in a warm jacket or blanket.

Option 6. Spicy apricot juice for the winter

Add apricot juice spicy note Spices will help. You can adjust their quantity to your taste, or exclude some altogether.


  • lemon;
  • regular granulated sugar - 300 g;
  • spring water - 700 ml;
  • ripe apricots - three kg;
  • four mint leaves;
  • cinnamon stick;
  • clove - four stars;
  • vanilla pod.

Step by step recipe

Wash the apricots, peel them and squeeze them in any way convenient for you.

Pour water into a separate saucepan and add granulated sugar. Wash the lemon, cut into two halves and squeeze the juice out of it. Cut the peel into small pieces. Place everything in a saucepan, add spices and cook the syrup for about ten minutes.

Strain the sweet, spicy liquid through a sieve and add to the apricot juice. Place it on the burner and turn it on medium heat and wait until it boils. Stir the juice constantly, skimming off the foam. Then reduce the heat and simmer for five minutes. Pour over hot drink into jars and seal.

Apricot juice can be extracted in several ways. The pulp is peeled and ground through a sieve, or, after removing the seeds, the fruit is twisted in a meat grinder. To ensure a smooth drink, be sure to strain it through a sieve.