How long to cook quail. How and how long to boil quail eggs

How long to cook quails

Quail meat is a dietary product and a storehouse of vitamins, amino acids and mineral compounds. Such meat is practically devoid of fat and is healthy for everyone, especially children and the elderly. Quail meat cooks very quickly. It takes 20-30 minutes for it to cook.

Boiled quail meat is very tender and tasty in itself, and does not require additional spices when cooking. Boiled quail is served with broth, soup, and can also be served with couscous, rice, vegetables, and buckwheat.

It is very important not to overcook quail meat when cooking. Quail, which has been beautifully compacted before cooking, will also look beautiful when served. When cooking quails, consider some nuances:

Before cooking, rinse the bird well, secure the wings and legs nicely;

Boil the quails in lightly salted water without spices;

Cook the quails, covered, over low heat;

Keep an eye on the cooking time. It should not exceed 20-30 minutes. Overcooked meat becomes tasteless.

Quail egg yolks are much healthier than chicken eggs. They are rich in potassium, vitamin A, magnesium and iron. The spotted product is included in children's menus to reduce the likelihood of anemia and diseases of the nervous system, normalize the child's digestion and strengthen the immune system. Quail protein is well digestible, but is recommended for children aged 1–2 years. A healthy supplement intended for a child is boiled. Fried and pickled foods are bad for an unformed stomach.

Method for babies

The baby is introduced to a nutritious and natural product at 7–8 months. Pediatricians recommend limiting yourself to yolks. Babies at this age are still breastfed or bottle-fed. Formulas and mother's milk fully satisfy the child's body's need for amino acids and building materials necessary for the development of the muscular system.

Quail protein does not bring any benefit to the small consumer. But it can cause rashes and diarrhea. And although an allergy to quail products is a rare occurrence, it is better not to risk the child’s health.

The spotted egg must be hard-boiled before use. The baby's stomach does not accept liquid yolk well. The additive causes bloating, colic and diarrhea.

How to choose the right raw materials

A child’s reaction to quail complementary foods depends on the quality of the product. You can buy eggs by hand only from good friends who comply with all sanitary requirements. But it’s better to go to the nearest supermarket and carefully examine the packaging and shell:

  1. The shiny surface warns that the expiration date is about to expire. Fresh eggs are matte.
  2. The packaging must be intact, without dents, torn edges or other damage.
  3. If there are cracks in the shell, there is a high probability that germs or infections have entered the quail product. Contaminated raw materials should not be given to a child.

Disinfectant solutions

The spotted workpiece must be disinfected before cooking. You should not trust claims that quails do not suffer from salmonellosis. Bacteria may appear on the shell during packaging or transportation.

To protect the baby's health, the mother should prepare a solution of boiled water and hand soap. The eggs are transferred to a sieve and dipped in liquid for 3-4 minutes. This time is enough to destroy germs. You should not rub the shell with your hands or a brush. It is very fragile and can crack from any mechanical impact.

The disinfected workpiece is washed under the tap. Running water will wash away the remaining soap solution so that the chemical components are not absorbed into the white and yolk during heat treatment.

If the mother does not want the baby's food to come into contact with chemicals, they are replaced with regular soda. For 2 glasses of water take 1 tbsp. l. dry component and stir until the additive dissolves. Spotted workpieces are immersed in a disinfectant solution for 10 minutes and then rinsed.


Quail eggs for babies are cooked in two ways:

  1. Workpieces with shells that have cracked during washing are placed in a small saucepan and filled with cold water. The liquid must cover the product completely so that the raw materials are cooked evenly. Place the container on the stove with the heat turned on at maximum. Gradual heating reduces the risk that the shell will burst and water will get into the white. When the eggs begin to boil, reduce the power. At minimum temperature, the workpiece is cooked for 5 to 7 minutes.
  2. If the shell is not damaged, first bring the water to a boil. Add 20 g of salt to the cooking liquid and stir. And then carefully lower the spotted product with a spoon or small strainer. Timed for 5-6 minutes.

The finished eggs are filtered and immediately filled with ice water. Due to the sharp temperature change, the shell will be easily separated from the protein.

All that remains for mom is to clean the quail product and extract the yolk. For the first complementary feeding, use 10 or 12 parts of the vitamin preparation. Grind the component with a fork and add a little milk or mixture, bringing the dish to a creamy consistency.

If the baby does not like the taste of complementary foods, the yolk can be added to porridge. Buckwheat or rice is ground with egg, but oil, salt or spices cannot be added. The baby will love the option of yolk and semolina porridge. The finished cereal is whipped with the quail stock to form a fluffy mass similar to a soufflé.

Eggs go well with vegetable purees and light soups. Boiled yolks are also added to minced meat for meatballs, cutlets and other meat or fish dishes.

Methods for children from 3 to 7 years old

From the age of one, children also try protein. Mom gives the baby half or a whole hard-boiled egg three times a week along with porridge, vegetable puree or salad. Some fans of a raw food diet try to feed their child quail products that have not undergone heat treatment. But the dish is contraindicated for a child under 7 years of age. We must not forget that a child’s stomach perceives raw food differently than an adult. The baby may experience diarrhea and bloating.

From 3–4 years old, children are given soft-boiled quail eggs. They are prepared in the same way as hard-boiled, only kept in water for 2-3 minutes.

If a mother wants to please her baby with something unusual and healthy, she can prepare a nutritious omelette. Children 2–3 years old will love the fruit and vegetable option:

  1. Apples, peeled and hard in the middle, are cut into small cubes and sautéed in butter with grated carrots. The puree is brought to half-preparedness and pureed with a blender to obtain a homogeneous mass.
  2. Place the fruit and vegetable paste in a slow cooker. Grease the bowl with a small piece of butter.
  3. 4 quail eggs, beaten with 150 ml of milk, are poured on top of the mixture.
  4. Simmer for 15–20 minutes, turning on the “Baking” mode. There is no need to add sugar or salt.

For breakfast, a 2-3 year old child can prepare a quick omelet. You will need:

  • a glass of milk or water;
  • quail eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil – 1 tsp;
  • a pinch of salt.

The method of preparing a dietary children's dish is simple:

  1. Bring the liquid to a boil in a saucepan.
  2. Beat eggs with vegetable oil, you can replace them with melted butter.
  3. The fluffy mass is poured into hot milk or water, covered with a lid for 2-3 minutes.
  4. The finished omelette is pulled out with a slotted spoon to drain off any excess liquid.

A dish of quail eggs is served with porridge or vegetables. A schoolchild will also enjoy such a hearty and tasty breakfast.

Children 6–7 years old and older are given eggs boiled without shells. Thanks to this method, the white turns out tender and airy, and the yolk retains the maximum amount of nutrients. You will need a small bowl or pan into which about 1.5 cups of water is poured. Lightly add salt to the base and bring to a boil.

The quail egg is washed under the tap and the shell is carefully broken. The contents are poured into a clean and dry bowl. Stir the boiling water vigorously with a spoon or fork to form a funnel. The raw material is quickly poured into it and cooked until tender.

Quail eggs should appear in a child’s diet at least 2-3 times a week. The spotted product improves well-being, improves children's immunity and mood. Children are given boiled eggs and omelettes, soups, porridges and meatballs with ground yolks. The main thing is not to overuse vitamin supplements, because food is beneficial only when the mother knows when to stop.

Video: how to hard-boil quail eggs

Quail eggs have long been known as a healthy and nutritious product. However, for quite a long time they were not available to everyone. Now you can buy this delicacy both in stores and from private farmers. The main thing is to choose a product that has passed the necessary veterinary control and is fresh. This product has no contraindications, and they can be consumed by children, allergy sufferers and people with diseases for which eggs from other birds are contraindicated.

Cooking time

There is absolutely nothing complicated about boiling eggs. At least that's what it seems at first glance. However, cooking, like any technology, has its own characteristics. If they are violated, the result will be very unsatisfactory. Do not think that preparing a quail product is very different from a regular chicken product.

You can boil eggs either hard-boiled or soft-boiled. Of course, doctors strongly advise eating only hard-boiled products. This is due to the fact that in this case it will not be possible to catch the unpleasant disease salmonellosis.

Only in this case will they be completely harmless, and there is no need to fear unpleasant consequences.

The most useful are considered to be fresh ones, which were collected a maximum of 10 days ago. The freshness of eggs is especially important when children eat them.

For them, you can only cook those that were collected no more than 7 days ago.

The easiest way to cook quail eggs is to boil them in a saucepan. The process begins with the preparation of the product itself. To do this, you need to take it out of the refrigerator so that the temperature becomes as close to room temperature as possible. If you want to cook it correctly, it is advisable to rinse the eggs under running water before cooking. Some housewives recommend washing them even with soda.

When all the preparatory work is ready, you can start choosing a pan. It is highly desirable that its size allows the eggs to lie tightly in it. This is necessary to avoid loosening of the fragile product. Pour water into the pan and place it on the stove. As for water, it should be poured so much that the product is only slightly covered.

Quail eggs should be lowered only after the water has boiled. Moreover, before doing this, it is advisable to turn down the fire.

You need to carefully lower each egg into the water using a tablespoon. It is recommended to do this one at a time.

After the water boils again, be sure to note the time. In order for the product to be hard-cooked, at least 4 minutes must pass. You shouldn’t overcook it any longer, otherwise you’ll end up with a dish with a blue center, which will be overcooked and not very edible.

When the required time has passed, remove the pan from the heat and drain the hot water. It is recommended to pour the boiled product with cold water. After cooling, you can peel it and eat it.

Soft-boiled eggs are cooked almost the same way. The only thing is that the cooking time after boiling water is reduced to two minutes. This is the time that is considered ideal to obtain a tender and soft product with a rich taste. As a result, the inside of the testicle turns out to be liquid; only the upper film is set.

Due to the fact that the quail product is cooked quickly, it practically does not lose any nutrients. At the same time, even if there were microbes on it, they are destroyed by boiling water.

It is important not only to cook a soft-boiled egg correctly, but also to eat it. To do this, you need to partially remove the shell from the wide side, and then, using a spoon, carefully and slowly eat the white and yolk.

Boiled quail yolk and white are suitable for Caesar salad. Moreover, they will emphasize the entire taste of the salad and make it more nutritious. They need to be cooked in the same way as hard-boiled, for 4 minutes. The only thing is that you shouldn’t try to make the water boil too much. A recipe with such a delicacy will allow you to diversify your diet and at the same time saturate the body with various beneficial substances.

Gourmets can try another cooking method - poached eggs. It consists of placing a pan of water on the fire. Quail eggs are prepared in advance, as for regular boiling.

After boiling, add a tablespoon of salt and 10 g of vinegar into the water. Then break the egg into boiling water and cook for about 2 minutes until done. The best way to remove it is with a slotted spoon. Many people may like this method, as it allows you not to suffer for a long time, but in the end you can prepare an original dish.

Another convenient way to cook quail eggs in a slow cooker. Of course, not everyone has this device. However, it has already been appreciated by many housewives. After all, you can cook an egg in it in any way, even “in a bag.” Moreover, you can even choose the cooking method: in water or steamed.

It is most convenient to cook using steam. To do this, you need to place the prepared eggs in a steam basket, and pour water into the thicket to the level of the lower mark. The container is then placed and the device is closed. All that remains is to activate the special steaming program and note the time. To obtain a soft-boiled product, three minutes is enough, “in a bag” - from 4 to 5 minutes, hard-boiled - from 9 to 10 minutes.

How to boil?

Boiling eggs can be done in a variety of ways. Even in the microwave, despite many years of prohibitions and warnings, it turns out that you can boil an egg and very successfully. Of course, it is best to cook a quail egg, taking into account a number of nuances. This will make the dish not only tasty, but also healthy and nutritious.

In the microwave

One of the fastest ways to cook eggs in the microwave. Of course, you need to cook carefully so that the quail eggs do not explode. There are no special secrets here. You just need to take a pan that is suitable for cooking in a microwave oven, preferably one with a lid.

The egg, which must be at room temperature, must be placed in a container and filled with lightly salted water. Before putting the pan in the microwave, you need to cover it with a lid. Now you can set the timer for 2-3 minutes, and the power for 400-500 W.

Practice shows that it is not only possible, but also necessary to cook even products with fragile shells in the microwave. After all, it’s easy, fast and convenient.

There is no need to constantly monitor the process. After the egg is cooked, you should remember to cool it so that it is easy to peel.

For children

A quail egg helps diversify children's diet. Its benefits and nutritional value are undeniable for the child’s body. Introducing such a product into the diet begins at six months. At first, only the yolk is given, and only after a year is the entire egg given, along with the white.

The huge advantage of such eggs is that they are hypoallergenic, so they are suitable for all children. You can only give a hard-boiled egg. Before cooking, the product should be washed using a soft brush, soap and water.

There is no need to add salt to the water in which the egg will be boiled.

Immerse the egg in water only after it boils. This is necessary so that as much nutrients and beneficial substances as possible remain in the product. You need to boil the eggs for 4 minutes. This will keep them as soft as possible. Before giving it to your child, the yolk should be thoroughly mashed with a fork.

At first, the child is given 1/4 of the yolk, but gradually increased to a whole yolk. At the age of more than a year, children can be given soft-boiled quail product, as well as in the form of scrambled eggs.

It is worth remembering that a child should not eat more than 4 eggs per day.

How to peel?

For many, peeling eggs is a very unpleasant and lengthy process. In this process, quails are no different from chickens. To make cleaning a little easier, you should follow a few rules.

One of them is that after readiness the product must be placed in cold water. It is rapid cooling that promotes better shell cleaning.

To clean the egg well, after boiling you can also put it in a solution of water and vinegar, which are taken in a ratio of 1 to 1. It needs to be kept in the solution for about three hours.

As a result, the shell will dissolve and you just need to remove the film. This method can be used if you need to peel a large number of eggs.

A slightly less effective method of cleaning eggs is to roll them with the palm of your hand on a flat surface with light pressure. Thus, the shell cracks and then divides into several parts.

Preparing quail eggs is a simple process, but it is important to choose a fresh product for this. The first thing you can use to determine the shelf life is the weight of the egg. Despite its small size, the egg should not be too light. Fresh quail eggs weigh on average 12-15 g.

You can also determine the freshness of eggs by their appearance. A good product has a rough shell that does not shine. Maybe eggs with a smooth and shiny surface look prettier, but you can’t eat them, because they are definitely stale.

Another way to determine freshness is to shake the eggs.

If they are fresh, the sound will not be too light. In addition, there should not be a feeling that something is rolling around inside.

Experienced housewives determine the freshness of eggs by how they behave in water. If they float during cooking, they are unsuitable for eating. However, it happens that the eggs are really fresh, but still float during cooking. Then the problem may be that the water is too salty. After all, salt increases the density of water, and the product is able to float to the surface.

It should be remembered that quail eggs are stored only in the refrigerator.

The maximum storage period is 40 days at temperatures from 0 to +20 degrees and 60 days at temperatures from 0 to +15 degrees. Boiled ones can only be stored for no more than two days.

If the shells on the eggs burst during cooking, it means they were placed in boiling water immediately after refrigeration. To avoid this, it is better to warm them to room temperature first.

To give the quail product a beautiful shape, you can pierce them on the blunt side with a needle before cooking. As a result, the air protection will break through, and the protein will be able to evenly fill the entire space inside the shell.

To learn how to properly cook quail eggs, watch the video below.

Recently, the demand for quail eggs has been gradually increasing. This can be explained by the fact that they contain a low number of calories and are easily digestible. Plus, they are much healthier than chicken eggs. They are also a staple in the diet of people suffering from dysfunction of the digestive system and calcium deficiency. They are also quite suitable for children's diet food. Moreover, this product is protein, so it is also consumed by athletes who constantly engage in heavy physical labor.

Is it possible to eat raw quail eggs?

Indeed, quail eggs are suitable for consumption raw. There is a reasonable explanation for this: quails have a body temperature 10 degrees higher than chickens. Under the influence of this temperature, Salmonella microbes die. Therefore, when a person consumes raw quail eggs, he risks absolutely nothing. At the same time, he is engaged in the prevention of various diseases.

Options for preparing dishes from quail eggs:

  • Soft-boiled cooking takes no more than 2 minutes.
  • Hard boil – for 5 – 6 minutes.
  • Quail egg omelette in a frying pan.

This article will discuss how best to hard-boil quail eggs.

Hard boiling quail eggs

Preparing dishes from quail eggs is somewhat more difficult than from chicken eggs. After all, they have a rather fragile shell. Therefore, to ensure that eggs are not overcooked and their integrity is maintained, certain rules should be followed.

Before you start cooking eggs, you need to rinse them with tap water. This must be done extremely carefully. After this, you need to put a pan of water on the stove and salt it. When the water starts to boil, you need to start carefully immersing the eggs in it. You can do this with a spoon, one at a time. There should be enough water so that the surface of the quail eggs is covered with it.

When immersing the eggs, you need to make sure that they do not hit the bottom of the pan. Boiling hard-boiled eggs lasts 5–6 minutes after boiling. If the dish will be consumed by children, it should be cooked for exactly 5 minutes. After this time, drain the water and let the eggs cool.

There is another way to hard-boil quail eggs. You can immerse the eggs in a pan of cold water and put on fire. Remove them from the heat as soon as the water boils.

Cooking quail eggs in the microwave

This method is convenient because when cooking you do not need to constantly monitor the process. You just have to wait for the eggs to cook. To cook quail eggs in the microwave, you need to take a glass or ceramic container. Place pre-washed quail eggs there. Pour water so that it covers their surface completely. Next, you should put the container in the microwave. Set the power to medium and the timer for 3 minutes.

After cooking the quail eggs, you can place them under cold running water. This will help make peeling the eggs easier.

If you cook quail eggs for about 15 minutes, they will lose all their beneficial properties. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly know how long they are cooked.

The most useful option for consuming this product is in its raw form. But this method should be used only in case of prevention of some disease. If you just want to snack on quail eggs, it’s better to boil or fry them.

Quail eggs are not a very popular product. Therefore, you should always look closely at the manufacturing date of a given product before purchasing it. The shelf life of quail eggs is about 60 days.

When choosing quail eggs in a store, they should not have cracks and they should be fresh.

The weight of five quail eggs is equal to the weight of one chicken egg. However, quail eggs contain much more vitamins. Therefore, they are recommended for daily use by all people suffering from vitamin deficiencies.

Quail eggs can be used to decorate various salads and dishes. This will make them tastier, healthier, and sometimes just more attractive. You can also make mayonnaise from them.

Positive aspects of quail eggs

It is quail eggs that contain the most biologically active substances, compared to the eggs of other birds.

This is an excellent dietary product for everyone. Both for combating excess weight and for vegetarianism.

Any doctor will tell you that quail eggs have a beneficial effect on almost all body systems. For example, in Japan, a law was introduced requiring the daily consumption of 2 raw quail eggs.

Their price is not very expensive. Of course, quail eggs are a little more expensive than chicken eggs, but these are minor things.

They can be consumed from the age of two. This product does not harm children's health at all.

In what cases should it not be used?

This product should not be consumed by people who have difficulty digesting protein in their bodies.

Before you start eating quail eggs, it is advisable to consult a doctor with this question and find out if there are any contraindications.

Abuse in any business is bad. If you overeat quail eggs, you can get an upset digestive system. This sometimes affects weightlifters who, after training, eat 40 quail eggs in one sitting.

Quail eggs contain quite a lot of cholesterol. Four quail eggs contain the daily requirement. So people who have elevated levels should be wary of consuming this product.

If you have various liver diseases, you should also temporarily forget about eating quail eggs.


Quail eggs are an excellent food for people of any age and gender. After all, it is very healthy, and most importantly inexpensive and tasty. Having boiled quail eggs for breakfast or adding them to a salad can significantly improve your diet. Bon appetit!

A special feature of quail eggs is that they can be eaten not only boiled and fried, that is, cooked, but also raw. For a long time it was believed that consumption in its raw form is the most beneficial, in which all the beneficial qualities, vitamins and microelements included in the composition are not lost.

Eating raw quail eggs poses a serious health risk due to the risk of salmonella infection. The recommended option for food consumption, especially for baby food, is a thermally processed dish. If all the rules are followed during the cooking or frying process, then the beneficial properties of the product are not lost, and the risk of developing a serious illness is reduced to zero.

Despite the presence of heat treatment, the risk of contracting salmonella remains when preparing soft-boiled eggs. The duration of temperature exposure is so short that not all bacteria can be destroyed. For baby food, it is better to use soft-boiled ones according to the recipe.

How long should you boil quail eggs?

One of the distinguishing features of quail eggs is their extremely small size and very thin but strong shell. These characteristics determine the short amount of time required for cooking.

The process of preparing a quail egg using the soft-boiled method requires only 1-2 minutes of boiling in boiling water. At the same time, they can be immediately immersed in boiling water, since the shell never cracks compared to less durable chicken shells.

If you plan to cook hard-boiled quail eggs, the cooking time takes 5 minutes.

Depending on how long the culinary process lasted, the consistency, density of the product, the color of the yolk, and its taste properties will change.

How to properly boil a hard-boiled quail egg

The culinary process of preparing a hard-boiled quail egg is similar to a similar method of preparing a chicken egg. However, there are significant differences in this process due to the fragility of the shell and the need to follow the correct algorithm of actions to avoid damage or digestion:

  • When stored in the refrigerator, eggs must be removed some time before the culinary process begins. They will be able to warm up to room temperature and the shell will not be damaged when heated.
  • You don’t need to pour a lot of water into the pan: just enough to cover the eggs in it.
  • You need to be very careful when placing an egg into a container, as it may break if it hits the bottom of the container.

To the question of how long you need to cook after boiling to get a hard-boiled dish, there is a clear answer: 5 minutes. The algorithm of actions is the same for both hard-boiled and soft-boiled cooking:

  1. Wash thoroughly under running warm water;
  2. Place a cooking utensil with water, add salt if desired and bring to a boil;
  3. Carefully place the washed eggs into the container using a spoon and boil them for 5 minutes until cooked;
  4. Pour hot water out of the container and let the dish cool to a comfortable temperature.

During the cooking process, it is important to prevent the dish from overcooking: the whites become rubbery, the yolk darkens, and the beneficial and nutritional properties are reduced.

How to properly boil a soft-boiled quail egg

There are two ways to obtain a quail egg using the soft-boiled method.

The first option involves cooking the product in water that has reached the boiling point. The process and sequence of actions completely repeat the hard-boiled cooking algorithm. The main difference is the cooking time: to get a soft-boiled egg, just cook it over low heat for 1-2 minutes.

The second option is to place it in cold rather than boiling water. The eggs will be ready approximately 2-3 minutes from the start of the cooking process. The disadvantage of this method is the difficulty in determining the exact moment of preparation.

How to properly boil a quail egg for baby food

Quail eggs are recommended for inclusion in a child’s diet due to their high content of beneficial minerals and vitamins. For a number of components (iron, potassium, etc.) the concentration per 100 grams is 4-5 times higher than in chicken. They are also well suited for feeding children due to their hypoallergenicity, which minimizes the possibility of allergies.

For baby food, it is strongly recommended to use eggs that have been subjected to heat treatment. This rule helps prevent the possibility of salmonella disease. You should cook only fresh eggs that were laid no more than 7 days ago.

When cooking food for small children, you should not add salt to the water: it worsens the taste of the finished dish. Salt is not added to the diet for infants: its consumption for infants is very dosed.

The following cooking algorithm is recommended: eggs, thoroughly washed with soap and warm water, are placed in already boiled water and boiled for 5 minutes. You should not include soft-boiled eggs in your children's diet, as there is a risk of illness due to weak heat treatment of the yolk.

To prepare a tasty, beautiful and healthy dish without losing the product during the cooking process, when cooking you should use a number of tricks and useful observations, which are given below.

Only fresh eggs are safe to eat. However, it is not always possible to visually understand how long they have been stored and whether they are suitable for consumption. The degree of freshness can be determined using 5 simple methods.

  1. By expiration date. The easiest and most reliable way. The shelf life of quail eggs is much shorter than that of chicken eggs, and is up to 40 days at temperatures from 0 to 20 degrees and up to 60 days at temperatures from 0 to 15 degrees. The shelf life of a boiled egg should not exceed two days. If quail eggs float during cooking, then they are already expired and should not be eaten.
  2. By weight. An egg that is too light will last a long time, so it is better not to eat it. Weight should not be less than 15 grams
  3. By the shell. A fresh egg's shell is always rough and lacks shine. If it has a smooth shiny surface, then it can no longer be cooked - it is stale.
  4. By sound. When shaking a stale quail egg, light sounds appear and a feeling that something is rolling around inside the shell.
  5. Behavior during cooking. Most housewives know why eggs, both chicken and quail, float when cooked: the product is already stale. Adding salt to the pan increases the density of the water, so too much salt can also cause it to float. However, if you want to protect yourself and your loved ones from consuming a low-quality product, then you should not eat eggs that float while boiling.

It is strictly forbidden to put eggs that have been taken out of the refrigerator and have not had time to warm up into a container with boiling liquid. The temperature difference will cause the shell to burst, the product to spoil, and you may be splashed with boiling water.

In addition to the traditional cooking method (in a saucepan), there are alternative methods:

  • Cook in the microwave: cooking time at power levels from 400 to 500 W is 3 minutes. It is not recommended to overexpose the container with the product to avoid an explosion, and eggs with cracks in the shell should not be cooked in the microwave.
  • Cook in a multicooker: a multicooker allows you to cook a dish using either water or steam. To get a hard-boiled dish, they should be removed from the multicooker after 10 minutes, “in a bag” - after 5 minutes, soft-boiled - after 3 minutes. The cooking process is carried out in the “Steam” mode, the eggs are placed in a steam basket.

Methods for quick and convenient cleaning of boiled quail eggs

The miniature size of eggs makes the procedure for peeling them quite difficult and time-consuming. If you clean it inaccurately, the protein is damaged and does not look aesthetically pleasing. If you peel boiled quail eggs in the same way as chicken eggs, the process will take a lot of time and effort, and the result will not be the best. To make eggs easy to peel, you need either extensive experience in peeling them, or knowledge of the secrets of proper boiling. Then even a child can cope with this process.

You cannot use methods that are applicable to speed up the process of cleaning larger chicken eggs. There are several quick and convenient cleaning options that you can use without the risk of harming the appearance of the product.

  1. After finishing cooking, pour cold water for a few minutes, after which the shell will be removed easier and faster;
  2. After completing the cooking process, soak in a mixture of water and vinegar in a 1:1 ratio for three hours. Vinegar helps dissolve the shell, after which it is enough to rinse it off and remove the film. This method is recommended if you need to peel a lot of eggs.
  3. A less effective way is to roll the boiled egg on a flat horizontal surface, lightly pressing it with your palm. Cracks will appear on the shell and it will split into two parts.

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