How long does it take to cook potatoes for mashed potatoes? Mashed potatoes - the best recipes

Made from potatoes quickly and tasty? This question is often of interest to those who want to pamper their loved ones with a tasty and satisfying lunch. It is worth noting that today there are many options for how to prepare such a side dish. Today we will look at just a few ways that can be used to serve a dish to a regular dinner or holiday table. However, I still want to start with the classic method.

Delicious and airy mashed potatoes (mashed potatoes): recipe

To make such a hearty side dish, you need to purchase the following ingredients:

  • medium potato tubers - 6-9 pcs.;
  • fresh fat milk - 1.5 cups;
  • non-rancid butter - 60 g;
  • large chicken egg - 1 or 2 pcs. (optional);
  • ground - a few pinches (add to taste).

Preparing the main ingredients

If you follow all the requirements for preparing the presented side dish, you will definitely get tasty and tender crumpled potatoes. Puree with milk and butter is a classic option for creating such a dish. But before you begin to directly crush boiled vegetables, they should be well processed.

To do this, you need to peel all purchased tubers and cut them in half. You should also pour fresh full-fat milk into a separate metal bowl and add butter. These ingredients must be brought to a boil so that the cooking fat is completely melted. It is recommended to carry out this procedure only after the potatoes have been boiled. After all, it is advisable to add milk dressing to vegetables while it is hot.

Heat treatment and puree preparation

How to make mashed potatoes? To do this, fill a deep pan with water (halfway), add table salt to it and bring to a boil over high heat. After this, carefully place the peeled vegetables into the hot liquid. Next, you need to wait for the water to boil again, and then stir the tubers with a spoon (so as not to stick to the bottom), close the lid, turn the heat to minimum and cook in this state for about 25-30 minutes.

After the specified time has passed, the liquid must be completely drained, and break a chicken egg into the remaining hot vegetables and thoroughly crush everything into an airy puree. During this procedure, be sure to pour boiled milk with melted butter into the potatoes and add a pinch of allspice. As a result of these actions, you should get a soft and airy puree without a single lump.

Proper serving of potato side dish to the table

Now you know how to make mashed potatoes according to the classic recipe. This side dish should be served hot along with fried chicken, sausages, cutlets, goulash, gravy and other ingredients.

How to properly prepare mashed potatoes (mashed potatoes) in a slow cooker?

Making such a side dish in a modern kitchen device is no more difficult than on the stove. However, this dish turns out much tastier. After all, to prepare it, you should use a special mode, where vegetables are slowly stewed with a minimum amount of water. Moreover, it is recommended to additionally add aromatic spices and garlic to such a dish.

So, for preparation we will need:

  • small potato tubers - 6-9 pcs.;
  • fresh full-fat milk - 1.5 cups;
  • butter - 60 g;
  • large chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • coarse table salt - ½ large spoon (add to taste);
  • ground allspice - a few pinches (add to taste)
  • refined olive oil - 2 large spoons;
  • fresh garlic cloves - 2 large pieces;
  • fresh parsley - a few sprigs;
  • coriander, saffron - a couple of pinches;
  • Parmesan cheese - 50 g.

Food preparation

Before making mashed potatoes, you should take small tubers, peel them and leave them in cold water for a while. Next, you need to grate fresh garlic cloves, mix them with refined olive oil, as well as ground allspice, saffron and coriander. After this, you need to separately grind the Parmesan cheese and mix the milk with butter and bring them to a boil.

Heat treatment of the dish

Peeled potato tubers must be placed in the bowl of the device, and then pour a little water (1-1.5 cups) into them, season with salt and turn on the stewing mode for 30 minutes. After this time, you need to drain the excess liquid from the container, and then put in the garlic-spicy mixture, grated cheese, break a chicken egg and pour in boiled milk and butter. Next, all the ingredients must be thoroughly crushed into an airy puree. As a result, you will receive a fragrant and very tasty side dish that can be served with any meat product, gravy or sausages.

Other ways to prepare mashed potatoes

How to cook potatoes deliciously? Puree from such a hearty and starchy vegetable can be made using different ingredients. Let's look at some original methods in more detail.

Helpful information

Recently it has become very fashionable to use a blender. We do not recommend using this kitchen device to prepare such a side dish. Indeed, under the influence of high speeds, starch, thoroughly mixed with a chicken egg, butter and milk, becomes more sticky, as a result of which the puree is transformed into a viscous dough, not much like a second course.

What could be simpler than mashed potatoes? It would seem that this is one of the most banal dishes of our traditional cuisine and everyone can make it (like the no less traditional Olivier). And this is true - with one amendment. Not everyone knows how to make it tasty. What do you need to pay attention to to ensure your mashed potatoes really succeed?

1. Choose yellowish-colored potatoes for making mashed potatoes: they boil better.

2. To add flavor to the potatoes, you can add a clove of garlic, a whole onion, or a small whole carrot to the pan while cooking.

3. Don't skimp on whipping the puree. It is not enough to just crush the potatoes, you need to actually beat them - then there will be no lumps in them and that same creaminess will appear.

4. The taste of the puree will be more delicate if you add a couple of tablespoons of mayonnaise, sour cream, unsweetened yogurt or processed cheese.

5. The puree will be more flexible if you add a raw egg to the crushed potatoes and beat well.

6. First of all, potatoes need to be cooked. Sometimes problems in the form of small lumps are precisely the result of undercooked potatoes. Checking for doneness is very simple - if a knife or fork pierces the potato without any resistance, then it is, without a doubt, already cooked. To speed up the cooking of mashed potatoes, you can cut them into smaller pieces rather than boil them whole.

7. Don't skimp on butter. Its presence makes the puree tender, helps achieve a creamy consistency and gives a light creamy taste. The main sign of “stolovsky” mashed potatoes is wateriness, which indicates the absence of fat in it. And butter (and normal butter, with a fat content of about 80%, and not margarine, coquettishly called low-fat butter) is the best thing you can add to puree. Of course, there are situations when it is simply not at hand or it is absolutely forbidden to use it. Then you can forcefully replace the butter with vegetable oil, always refined oil, alone or in combination with finely chopped onions and fried until golden brown. This will make the mashed potatoes significantly more edible. But let's get back to the butter. For 0.5 kg of potatoes you will need 50-100 grams.

8. Presence of liquid. You have two options - either do not completely drain the water in which the potatoes were boiled, or add milk. Liquid is again required to add creaminess - otherwise the potatoes will fall apart into crumbs. Adding milk is not an acquired taste. In my opinion, it adds a certain aftertaste that slightly spoils the impression of the puree, and in addition, exposes the dish to the danger of rapid souring.

9. Do not add cold milk - the puree will turn gray.

10. When the potatoes are cooked, drain the water and return the pan (with the potatoes, but without water) to the heat. Keep covered over low heat for 2-3 minutes, shaking the pan from time to time. This way, the absorbed water will evaporate from the potatoes and they will become more crumbly.

11. Puree goes well with the following additives and spices: white pepper, baked garlic, fried onions, fried mushrooms, chives, parsley, dill, mustard, grated Parmesan, thyme, rosemary.

12. If you need to reduce calories, in addition to replacing milk with potato broth, you can replace half the potatoes with another well-cooked vegetable with a mild taste: turnips, kohlrabi, parsnips, Jerusalem artichoke.

And finally,"Bride's Pie" - simple but very tasty!

The resulting pie is golden brown, tender, satisfying and very tasty with a delicate filling of mashed potatoes, chicken and eggs... Let's cook...

Ingredients for the dough:

  • eggs - 3 pcs
  • sour cream (the fat content of sour cream is not important) - 250 ml (I took 50g)
  • mayonnaise - 250 ml (I took 200g)
  • flour - 250 ml
  • baking powder for dough - 1 tbsp. spoon

Filling ingredients:

  • mashed potatoes - 200 g
  • boiled chicken fillet - 200 g
  • boiled eggs - 3 pcs

Preparation of the dough:
Break 3 eggs into a bowl.

add sour cream and mayonnaise.

Mix everything thoroughly and add baking powder.

Add flour in small portions, mixing thoroughly until smooth.

The dough should not be thick, the consistency of sour cream.

Preparing the filling:

Cut the boiled eggs into small cubes.

We also chop the chicken fillet finely.

Mix mashed potatoes, eggs and meat.

The filling can be completely different to suit your taste. This pie is just as tasty with mushrooms, cabbage, fish and any other filling.

If your pan is not detachable, then it is better to lay parchment or baking foil on the bottom. Grease the mold with vegetable oil.

Pour half of the dough into the mold.

Spread the filling evenly on top of the dough.

Pour the rest of the dough into the mold over the filling.

The cake is baked at a temperature of 180 degrees, 20 - 30 minutes. Check readiness with a toothpick; if the cake is ready, the toothpick will be completely dry.

The baked pie will have a very beautiful golden brown crust. The pie is delicious both hot and cold.

And one more recipe, although this is not puree, but also delicious Garlic potatoes....

We take 5 potatoes. Wash thoroughly.
Place it in a saucepan. Then add water so that the potatoes are slightly covered. Cook until done. Drain the water.

Making garlic butter:

  • 100 g soft butter
  • 5 tbsp. grated Parmesan
  • 1 tbsp. sour cream
  • 3 garlic cloves, peeled and crushed
  • 3 tbsp. finely chopped parsley

Mix everything, season with ground pepper and, if necessary, salt.
Cut the potatoes lengthwise and place on a greased baking sheet. Spread garlic butter on each potato and place in an oven preheated to 250 g.
Cooking time 10-15 minutes. Bon appetit!

How to make mashed potatoes? It would seem that there is nothing complicated: the tubers are boiled and then pounded. But a truly tasty dish will only turn out if you take into account a few important details.

Who doesn't love mashed potatoes? This is a wonderful side dish for fish and meat, as well as an independent vegetarian dish - a frequent guest on the tables of each of us. It is prepared even for the youngest children as their first food... one might say that we have warm feelings for potatoes from the cradle. But since fried slices are not the most dietary food, mashed potatoes are often prepared - it is healthier, especially if the potatoes are cooked according to all the rules.

Everyone knows that excessive heat treatment of foods deprives them of their beneficial properties. This rule also applies to potatoes: during cooking, B vitamins from the tuber pass into the water - and then you drain it, sending the nutrients down the drain. Because When preparing mashed potatoes, the main thing is to minimize the loss of vitamins. This article is devoted to how this is done.

Stage 1: Cleaning and Cooking

First, put a pan of water on the fire, and only after that start cleaning the tubers. Choose potatoes that are large enough - about the size of your fist, not too young. For cleaning, it is most convenient to use a special knife in the shape of a spatula with a slit: the peel is separated very thinly and neatly.

The layer of pulp just under the skin contains a huge amount of vitamins - much more than the core. Therefore, cutting off the skin thicker than necessary is an unreasonable extravagance. So, you have peeled the tubers: divide them in half with a knife. There is no point in cutting potatoes smaller for mashed potatoes if we want to preserve their nutritional value to the maximum. We throw the pieces into boiling water as soon as we prepare them for cooking, without letting them turn blue. This is precisely why we set the water to heat up in advance, to prevent the release of starch.

Make a medium fire. Add salt in a proportion of 10 grams for every liter of water. You can also use spices - bay leaf and allspice. While the potatoes are boiling, there is no need to touch them: just make sure that the water does not boil away. Leave a gap between the lid and the pan. When a tempting aroma floats through the kitchen, pierce one of the tubers with a knife: if the tip passes through the potato easily, then it’s time to remove the pan from the heat and drain the water into a separate container.

Stage 2

And now the most interesting thing - we will grind the puree. The best tool for this purpose is a good old masher, a device with a round perforated disk on one side and a handle on the other. Mashed potatoes prepared using a blender are a sticky mess that is not suitable for food. High technologies are not always better than household utensils that have been proven over centuries - so arm yourself with a masher and...

No, here's one more thing you need to do before mashing the potatoes: heat up some milk or cream. If you pour them into puree while cold, the dish will take on an unpleasant grayish tint. Some housewives add a lightly beaten raw egg instead. In this case, the taste turns out to be somewhat specific, for everyone. Therefore, if you are not sure that you will like it, do not experiment, but rather take milk. If there is no milk, the water in which the potatoes were boiled will do. Remember, we drained it not into the sink, but into a separate container? We did this precisely because it can still be used.

Stage 3: final

The final stage of preparing mashed potatoes is coming: first, mash them dry, then gradually add milk or water, continuing to grind. How much liquid is needed for the ideal consistency - decide for yourself. Some people like thicker purees, others the opposite. Now add butter or homemade sour cream (store-bought sour cream is not suitable, its fat content is insufficient for dressing the puree). Don't skimp: the more fat the potatoes absorb, the fluffier they will become. When the piece melts, stir our dish with a spoon, and from that moment we consider it completely ready. Get out the plates, please come to the table!

How long to cook potatoes for mashed potatoes?

It is important to know exactly how long to cook the potatoes for mashing, so as not to keep them on the fire more than required. Half an hour is enough to achieve optimal results.

30 minutes is how long it takes to boil potatoes for mashed potatoes. After this time, it is checked for readiness using a knife to make sure that it is already soft.

If you are wondering what to add to the puree, try one of two wonderful fish dishes to choose from:

- Fried fish

- smoked fish

What's a substitute for the usual potato and chicken dish?

Almost everyone thinks they know how to boil potatoes and mash them correctly. But this dish is tasty and beautiful only for those who know a few secrets. We will look at technology that allows you to prepare airy, white, tender puree, and not a sticky starchy mass of a depressing brown color. The whole process will take 30-40 minutes. First, let's look at the nuances of preparing mashed potatoes, which it is advisable to think through in advance.

Variety and type. Varieties with the maximum starch content are suitable for cooking; they usually have yellow flesh. Unfortunately, stores very rarely indicate the name of the variety, so you have to determine the starch content by eye. To do this, cut the potato into two even parts and begin to rub the cut points against each other. If after a couple of seconds the slices stick together, it means there is enough starch in the potatoes to make the mashed potatoes crumbly.

Old large potatoes are preferable to young and small ones (again due to their starch content).

Refueling. Most often, milk (cream) or butter is added to mashed potatoes. If for some reason these ingredients are not suitable, they are replaced with unsweetened yogurt, potato broth or vegetable oil.

The dressing must be warm, otherwise the flesh will turn black and become hard. Also, if there is not enough liquid, the creamy consistency will not work; the potatoes will fall apart into crumbs.

The most delicious is mashed potatoes with butter (without milk) in a ratio of 4:1 (four parts potatoes, one part butter). Naturally, the dish will be very high in calories, but for the sake of excellent taste, you can halve the portion. Another option to make the puree more tender is to replace the milk with heavy cream.

Mashed potatoes with butter are the most delicious, but very high in calories

How long to cook potatoes for mashed potatoes. The time depends on the container, the amount of water and the power of the stove. You need to cook the potatoes until they become soft (it will be easy to pierce with a knife or fork). This usually takes 10-20 minutes (no longer). You shouldn’t overcook the puree either, since the pulp breaks up into separate parts, which noticeably spoils the taste of the dish. When the potatoes are ready, the water stops making noise.

Spices and additives. Ready mashed potatoes can be seasoned with nutmeg, ground black pepper or herbs. During cooking, bay leaves, onions (whole peeled), a couple of cloves of uncrushed garlic or peppercorns are also added to the potatoes.

After cooking with spices, you need to let the potatoes stand in water for 1-2 minutes, then they will better absorb the aroma.

How to mash potatoes. The best way is a special masher made of stainless steel or aluminum; wooden tools are also suitable; sometimes a strainer is also used. Once the milk (another dressing) is added, the mashed potatoes can be pureed with a hand mixer, but not in a blender, otherwise the dish will turn into a nasty glue-like mass.

Ingredients for the classic recipe:

  • potatoes – 1 kg;
  • water – 1.5 liters;
  • milk (cream 10%) – 200 ml;
  • butter – 30 grams;
  • salt, pepper, other spices - to taste.

One kilogram of potatoes (about 5-8 tubers) can feed a company of 4-5 people.

How to make mashed potatoes

1. Peel the potatoes, cut into equal pieces, preferably 60-80 grams each. If the pulp is cut unequally, then during cooking some of the pieces will be overcooked, while others will remain raw.

Check that there are no “eyes” left that will spoil the taste of the puree.

2. Immediately place the cut potatoes in cold water, otherwise they will darken when exposed to air.

You cannot keep the pulp in cold water for a long time (more than 20-30 minutes), otherwise a lot of starch will come out of it and the puree will be tasteless.

3. Boil water in a separate pan (amount from the recipe).

4. Place the potatoes in boiling water. With this method of cooking (not in cold water, but in boiling water), vitamins and nutrients are preserved in the pulp. The water should cover the potato layer by 1-2 cm.

5. Reduce the heat on the stove and cover the pan with a lid, leaving enough space for steam to escape. Periodically remove the white foam from the surface.

After 10-20 minutes, the flesh will be easily pierced with a fork or knife, and the noise from the water in the pan will subside, which means the boiled potatoes are ready.

6. Boil milk, add butter into it, stir until smooth. If you add cold milk, the puree will turn black.

7. Drain the water (preferably all) from the boiled potatoes. Place the pan with the boiled potatoes on the stove again, turn on the minimum power and evaporate the remaining moisture until the flesh turns white, the main thing is not to burn.

Due to the evaporation of water, the pulp will absorb more milk and butter, resulting in a softer and softer mashed potato.

8. Mash the potatoes with a masher (preferably not wooden, but stainless steel) until smooth or pass through a fine sieve. There should be no lumps left.

9. Pour warm milk and butter into the boiled potatoes. Add salt, pepper and other seasonings. Beat the finished puree with your hands (with a mixer).

Do not use a blender or food processor, otherwise the puree will become sticky and very dense!

10. Divide the finished dish into portions and serve hot (you can sprinkle with herbs).

If you need the mashed potatoes to sit for a while and not cool down, then wrap the pan with it in a towel and then cover it with an old blanket or other thick fabric. After heating cold boiled potatoes, their taste is much worse than freshly cooked ones.

Potatoes, in all the variety of ways to prepare them, are used as a side dish very, very often. The delicious potato dish is especially popular among adults and children. This dish is quite simple, but not everyone gets an appetizing result anyway.

What is the secret of such a side dish? How to make delicious mashed potatoes?

A few important secrets

To make the side dish tender, airy and beautiful, you need to take into account some subtleties. For example, pay attention to The most delicious mashed potatoes will come from large old tubers of a starch-rich variety that boils well. When peeling them, try to cut the peel as thin as possible. It is best to use a vegetable peeler for such purposes. Before you can prepare delicious mashed potatoes, it is important to cook them properly. Cut the peeled tubers into approximately equal pieces. They should not be too small; large potatoes can be cut into four parts, and small ones - in half. It will be tastier if the milk and butter were heated before whipping. Finally, you need the right cooking tool. The secret to making delicious mashed potatoes is using a wooden spoon. A regular masher makes the side dish denser, since there is no air left in the product. Beating the puree with a spoon or mixer will give you a much lighter and fluffier texture. Please note that when whipping with a blender, the puree also turns out to be not quite classic; it becomes viscous and sticky.

If you like this texture, try adding boiled carrots and onions to the side dish, it will be more appetizing.

To make a side dish for four, take nine hundred grams of potatoes. Boil with salt, this will take about twenty-five minutes. Make sure that the tubers are completely cooked, otherwise the puree will turn out with lumps. Cover the cooked potatoes with a towel to absorb excess steam. After four minutes, add fifty grams of butter, a few tablespoons of milk and a couple of tablespoons of low-fat sour cream. Beat the mixture with a mixer, gradually increasing the speed. You will get a classic side dish, airy and tender.

Now that you know how to make delicious mashed potatoes, you can experiment. For example, try adding fresh herbs or mustard, a little pesto, grated cheese, green peas, wasabi, saffron, green onions, roasted garlic. Alternatively, you can fry onions and add them for a great combination. To make a low-calorie side dish, replace the butter with soft cheese. In order to diversify the types of puree, you can also mash it with a spoon, leaving small pieces. The texture of this side dish is completely different; some people like it even more than usual. This dish is much more interesting than ordinary boiled potatoes and no more complicated than classic mashed potatoes.