How long to cook dumplings is an interesting question! How and how much to cook dumplings with potatoes, cherries, cottage cheese, cabbage.

Those who taste dumplings at least once most often become “fans” of this dish. You can prepare them with with different fillings. Cooking is a simple process, however, in order to cook correctly and tasty, it is useful to know how long to cook dumplings with potatoes, cabbage, cottage cheese, etc.

With potatoes (mushrooms)

    • Salt the water in the pan and put it on fire.
  • Wait for it to boil (this usually takes 5-7 minutes)
  • Place the selected amount of products with potatoes (or potatoes and mushrooms) in a saucepan.
  • Stir to avoid sticking.
  • During the cooking process, stir the mixture with potatoes constantly.
  • After the products with potatoes and mushrooms are in boiling water, you need to wait another 3-5 minutes. If the filling contains more than just potatoes, the cooking time will change. With mushrooms, you should cook for the same amount of time only if they are fried in advance. If they are not prepared, then cooking takes a couple of minutes longer.

Important: it is better to put food in water that is slightly salted. If you oversalt or undersalt, the taste can greatly deteriorate.

With cottage cheese

    • Before the water boils, be sure to salt it.
    • When boiling, place the mixture with cottage cheese in a saucepan.
  • When dumplings with cottage cheese begin to appear on the surface, it is advisable to try one. If they seem ready, then it's time to take them out. If not, wait an extra couple of minutes. (in case they are cooked lazy products with cottage cheese, they must be taken out immediately after boiling).

With cherry

    • Pour in more than half of the liquid in the pan. It needs to be salted.
    • Before boiling, add a teaspoon of oil.
  • When boiling, place the food in a saucepan. It is important not to cover the pan with anything.
  • After 6-8 minutes, turn off the gas.

With cabbage

    • When boiling, throw in the preparations with cabbage. Cooking time depends on whether the filling is fresh.
  • If fresh, then the dish with cabbage needs to be cooked for 5-8 minutes. If the contents are ready, the dish will be ready after 3-6 minutes.

In a slow cooker

In addition to the pan, the dish can also be cooked in a slow cooker. Each filling here is cooked for a different time, so you need to know how long to cook dumplings with cherries, cabbage, mushrooms, and cottage cheese.

  • If you prepare a dish with steamed cabbage, you need to consider whether the filling is processed or not. If you prepare the contents in advance, then steaming will take 7-10 minutes. If it is not processed, you need to cook for 15-17 minutes, regularly tasting and checking if the food is ready.
    • Steam cherries for about 10 minutes. You will often have to taste the food so as not to overcook the dish.
  • Regular and lazy dumplings boiled with cottage cheese the same number time. You need to pour water into the multicooker container, then immerse the workpieces in the device and press the “Steam” function. When setting the time, it is better to choose from 10 to 15 m. If the dough is very thick, it will take a little more time. You can cook lazy products in 2 minutes less.
  • To steam preparations with potatoes, you must first pour water into the container. Cook fresh for 10 m, and frozen for 15. If the filling is with mushrooms, the cooking time does not change.


In addition to steaming and cooking in a pan, you can cook using a microwave. However, this method is mostly used by “lazy” people who do not have time for proper cooking.

    • If you put the filling with potatoes (and mushrooms) in a container, fill them halfway with boiling water. Cover with a microwave-safe lid. At a power of 1000 watts, cook for 60 seconds. Reduce the power to 700 W and continue cooking for another 7 m. Once the specified time has passed, it is not necessary to open the door. It's better to give it time to cool.
  • Products with cottage cheese (regardless regular dumplings or lazy ones, cook at the same time) fill half with water, close with a lid. Setting it to maximum power, continue cooking for 5 minutes. If the dumplings are lazy, then there is no need to fill them with water, just place them on a plate.
  • Place the dumplings with cabbage so that they are slightly peeking out. Cook cabbage preparations for 6 m at maximum power.

It’s not enough to cook the right and tasty ones, it’s much more important to cook them correctly. The duration and technology of cooking should be chosen based on what kind of dough you decide to use in the recipe: fluffy semi-finished products based on yeast or soda should be steamed, while the rest of the dumplings can be cooked perfectly in ordinary boiling water.

How long you need to cook dumplings with cherries and how to do it correctly we will tell you in the following recipes.

How long to cook frozen dumplings with cherries?

Regardless of whether you made the dumplings in advance and store them for future use freezer, or use a purchased semi-finished product, the preparation scheme will remain unchanged.

Any frozen dumplings should not be thawed before cooking. Place a saucepan with a moderate amount of water (at least a liter per serving) over the fire, add a little salt and add the dumplings only after the liquid has boiled.

With active boiling, the dumplings are cooked until they float, and then left for another 4-5 minutes at a lower boil.

Transfer the finished dumplings to a colander, allowing excess water to drain, and then serve immediately.

How many minutes to cook fresh dumplings with cherries?

Despite the fact that it is certainly convenient to use semi-finished products, they are not competitors to fresh dumplings with cherries. The latter cook extremely quickly, the dough in them is much less likely to boil, holds its shape perfectly and retains its elasticity.

Before starting cooking, place over the fire large saucepan and fill it with at least a couple of liters of water (if you intend to cook two servings). After the liquid boils, add some salt and spread it fresh dumplings in portions, stirring constantly to avoid sticking together. Wait for the semi-finished products to boil again and float to the surface. How long to cook cherry dumplings after boiling depends on their size, density and dough composition. For thin dough, a couple of minutes is enough to reach readiness, while thick dough should be cooked for at least 5 minutes. Dumplings hand sculpted Give a couple more minutes of extra time so that the edges of the dough also have time to cook well.

There is an alternative cooking method suitable for small dumplings from thin dough. After the dumplings float to the surface, cover the container with a lid, remove from heat and leave for a couple of minutes. The finished dumplings are discarded as usual, and then mixed with butter and served immediately, hot, so that the dough does not have time to stick together.

How long does it take to steam dumplings with cherries?

When cooking lush dumplings in water airy dough it simply won’t rise, so semi-finished products containing soda and yeast are cooked exclusively by steaming.

For this purpose, you can use either a full-fledged or a multicooker, or simply an oiled colander placed over a pan of boiling water.

Whatever method you choose, first make sure that you do not place the dumplings close to each other. During cooking, the dough will rise noticeably, and therefore dumplings placed closely can easily stick together into a single lump. Dumplings cook noticeably faster over steam; 5-7 minutes will be enough. Place the finished dumplings in a deep container and water melted butter, mix and cover, waiting until the second portion is ready.

You can serve ready-made dumplings with regular butter and sugar, or with a variety of additives: from cream and sour cream to simple berry syrup.

Fans of store-bought semi-finished products only need to carefully read the instructions on the label to understand how long to cook dumplings with potatoes. But for fans of the dish homemade You will have to learn all the subtleties yourself. Despite the fact that the processing time range is quite small - from 3 to 15 minutes, every minute can affect the quality of the final result. Taking into account the fact that today people are increasingly trying to boil dumplings using modern kitchen appliances, the procedure is still growing big amount nuances. To do everything right, you will have to familiarize yourself with all sides of the process.

Basic recommendations for boiling filled dough products

Regardless of whether you need to boil the product with boiled or raw potatoes, with or without mushrooms additional components, you should always remember these rules:

  • To cook dumplings tasty and quickly, you need to use a low and wide container, not a high and narrow one. This will not only have a positive effect on cooking time, because... The water will boil faster, but will also allow you to cook more products in one approach.
  • We use a lot of water so that the elements float freely in it.
  • You need to decide in advance on the number of dumplings, using a simple formula - when floating, the products should fit in one layer.
  • Even if the dough and filling are salted, add salt to the liquid (directly cold water). This will save a few minutes on boiling the medium and prevent the elements from sticking together.

Tip: When trying to tasty boil potato dumplings purchased in a store, you should strictly follow the time recommendations indicated on the package. If you overcook the product even a little, the seams of the product will unravel and the filling will fall out into the broth. It's better to hold it a little longer finished product in a heated tureen so that it reaches the desired state.

  • Dumplings (with mushrooms, raw and prepared potatoes) are immersed only in boiling water. Do not reduce the heat until it boils again, otherwise the mass will begin to sour.

When choosing the type of processing of semi-finished products, you should be based only on your own taste preferences. The time spent preparing and boiling the product is approximately the same.

The traditional version of vareniki dumplings with potatoes - in a saucepan

To carry out the manipulation correctly, you will have to take into account all the points that influence the final result - from the composition of the filling to the size of the products.

  1. Pour water into the pan, add some salt, and put it on the stove. You can add a little vegetable oil, but in this case you will have to add a couple of minutes to the cooking time. As soon as the liquid begins to boil, place the dumplings in it and stir lightly so that the products do not stick together. We continue to stir periodically until the water actively boils again.
  2. A product with pre-boiled filling (including mushrooms) will be ready 4-5 minutes after boiling.
  3. If included raw ingredients Cooking time increases to 7-8 minutes.
  4. The same rules apply to frozen semi-finished products. Moreover, it is strictly forbidden to defrost the components beforehand.

Many housewives today are confident that the floating dumplings are ready and can be removed. In fact, with this approach, people often have to eat half-raw food.

Features of using a multicooker and microwave

Fans of modern gadgets can cook from the most simple dumplings amazing dishes. Especially if their filling is represented not only by potatoes, but also by mushrooms, herbs, pieces of lard and other goodies.

  • Steam in a slow cooker. This approach is especially good when boiling dumplings with already heat-treated filling. Products with raw ingredients may cook unevenly. Pour boiling water to the middle level of the bowl. We place the products in a special basket, which we install on the device. You need to salt the product, then sprinkle it with vegetable oil or lay shavings on top butter. Close the lid and set the “Steam” mode. Fresh product Boil for 10 minutes, frozen - a quarter of an hour.

  • In a slow cooker in water. In the bowl of the device, bring salted water to a boil. Place the ingredients in it, mix, and cover with a lid. To prepare fresh products, 4-5 minutes are enough, for frozen - 6-7 minutes. Product with fresh mushrooms or raw potatoes will be ready no earlier than in 10 minutes.

  • In the microwave. To obtain the desired result, you must correctly alternate the power of the device. Place the dumplings in a heat-resistant bowl with sides and fill two-thirds with water or broth. Cover the container with a lid or plate. First, cook the product at maximum power for a minute. Then reduce it to medium level and cook the semi-finished product for another 7 minutes. After this, there is no need to rush to get the dish. It’s better to let it sit in the chamber for another 5 minutes. If the products turn out to be raw, next time you will need to slightly increase the processing time at medium power.

You should not try to boil dumplings in low-fat sour cream or cream. Timing is difficult to calculate and the results can be unpredictable. Better season it sour cream sauce and greens ready-made dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms, and cracklings and fried onions classic version product without any additives.

Very often, when we cook dumplings, they are overcooked or undercooked. In this case, the main thing is to know how long to cook the dumplings. Cooking dumplings depends on the filling. How long to cook dumplings with potatoes? 7-8 minutes is enough. The cooking time increases in the case of a “raw” dumpling filling, and it also needs time to cook. We also must not forget that if the dumplings are frozen, then after you have thrown them into the water, you must very carefully stir them several times until they float. The cooking time for such dumplings is a couple of minutes longer, since the time period for them to float to the surface of the water increases.

Ukrainian cuisine is very rich in dumpling recipes, but Russian cuisine also has very interesting recipes dumplings. I will tell you one of them.

Recipe for dumplings with raw potatoes and lard

To prepare you will need:

  • Half a kilogram of potatoes, peel, wash, grind into a meat grinder, squeeze out the juice;
  • Lard, cut off the skin (the lard should be dense, preferably from the back or back) cut into small pieces and also grind into a meat grinder;
  • Mix it all together, add salt and pepper to taste. If you like it, you can add a little garlic.

All the filling is ready.

Let's start preparing the dough. It is prepared exactly the same as for ordinary dumplings.

  • Let's take it necessary ingredients: 2-3 cups of flour, half a glass of milk and a third of water, one egg, 1 teaspoon of vegetable oil and 1 one teaspoon of salt;
  • Pour flour into a bowl, make a well in the middle, pour in milk, water and salt;
  • Mix thoroughly;
  • Again, make a small depression in the dough and pour it into it. vegetable oil. Mix thoroughly again. Let the dough rest for 10-15 minutes and you can start sculpting.

We make dumplings with the prepared filling. Pour water and put the pan on the fire. We are waiting for it to boil. Then throw in the dumplings and cook for 10-12 minutes. Best taste These dumplings are served chilled, but they are also delicious hot.

10 months ago

It’s unlikely that anyone can resist a portion of aromatic dumplings with potato filling, sour cream sauce and cracklings. Every housewife probably has her own signature recipe preparing such a treat. But during cooking, troubles can arise: dumplings fall apart or stick together. Today we will talk about how long to cook dumplings with potatoes, and discuss a couple of original recipes.

How long to cook homemade dumplings with potatoes?

As practice shows, culinary specialists prepare dumplings with boiled mashed potatoes. Accordingly, during their preparation we need to take care that the dough is boiled. The cooking time can vary from 5 to 10 minutes. It all depends on the size of the dumplings and the type of filling.

How long should you cook dumplings with potatoes after boiling? 3-5 minutes after re-boiling is enough. The finished dumplings will float to the surface of the liquid.

Advice! To cook dumplings, you need to pour at least 1.5-2 liters of water. Dumplings should be placed in well-boiling water.

How long to cook frozen potato dumplings? There is no need to defrost the dumplings first. In this form they cook a little longer. Increase cooking time by 3 minutes.

How long to cook dumplings with potatoes and mushrooms? If potatoes and mushrooms were previously subjected to heat treatment, then The cooking time for dumplings is 3-5 minutes after boiling again.

Some cooks use raw filling. Of course it's time heat treatment will increase. Let's find out how long to cook dumplings with raw potatoes. After the water boils, the dumplings with raw potato filling are boiled for a quarter of an hour.. It is important that the filling is cooked through.

You can prepare dumplings not only in a saucepan, but also in a slow cooker, double boiler and microwave oven. Their cooking time in modern kitchen gadgets varies from 5 to 30 minutes.

On a note! Steamed dumplings turn out delicious. They are cooked in a double boiler or slow cooker for 5-7 minutes after the water boils.. In a saucepan on a special stand, the dumplings are cooked for the same amount of time.