How many calories are in 100 g of stewed cabbage. Types of dishes with cabbage

As soon as you ask yourself the question: “How many calories are in stewed cabbage?”, be sure to remember that there are close to 100 types of this vegetable in the world. And there are no less recipes for its preparation, for which culinary experts have dubbed cabbage the “queen of vegetables.” And nutritionists support them. True, for a different reason. Cabbage is rich in fiber and vitamins, it is a natural antioxidant, and it is also low in calories. But not in any form.

But only fresh, regardless of the variety. Its calorie content varies from approximately 16 to 42 kcal per 100 g. Calorie content of the most popular types:

  • Brussels sprouts – 33.5 kcal;
  • broccoli – 34 kcal;
  • cauliflower – 28.4 kcal;
  • – 27 kcal;
  • kohlrabi cabbage – 42 kcal;
  • – 16 kcal;
  • red cabbage – 24.1 kcal;
  • savoy cabbage – 28.2 kcal;
  • – 24.9 kcal.

So what's the deal with stewed cabbage? This is a complete independent dish. Therefore, everything here depends not so much on the type and variety of cabbage, but on the components of the dish. After all, not only water and cabbage are used for cooking. You can add anything you like here: fried onions and carrots, meat, broth, spices, etc. The calorie content of vegetables increases due to oil and frying. Meat, as a rule, contains fats, which also increase the energy value of the dish. As a result, the calorie content of fresh cabbage increases by an average of 3 times.

How to calculate the calorie content of stewed cabbage?

  1. To do this, weigh each ingredient separately and calculate its calorie content using the table. For example, for cooking you need 150 g of carrots. According to the table, the energy value of 100 g of carrots is 33 kcal. Then for 150 g it will be: (150*33)/100 = 49.5 kcal.
  2. Now add up the calories of all components and get the total calories.
  3. Separately weigh the container in which the dish is being prepared.
  4. Weigh the finished dish and subtract the weight of the utensil. This way you will know the weight of the finished dish.
  5. All that remains is to divide the total calorie content by the total weight of the finished dish, and you will get the calorie content per 1 gram. To find out the energy value of 100 g of stewed cabbage, multiply this number by 100. If you want to find out the calorie content of one serving of a dish, divide the total calorie content by the number of servings.

Important! Despite the fact that the calorie content of water is zero, be sure to take it into account when calculating your total weight.

Having once calculated the calorie content of stewed cabbage according to the usual recipe, you do not need to do it again every time after the next preparation. The final figure will change slightly even if you do not strictly follow the recipe.

For those who don’t have time to count the calorie content of stewed cabbage, the table shows the average indicators for ready-made dishes.

Name Calorie content per 100 g, kcal
Stewed cabbage with chicken 154,84
Stewed cabbage with beef 158,52
Stewed cabbage with pork 144,53
Stewed cabbage with mushrooms 119,79
Stewed cabbage with carrots 40,00
Stewed cabbage with potatoes 124,99
Stewed Chinese cabbage with ginger 36,76
Stewed cabbage in tomato 99,30
Stewed cabbage with oyster mushrooms 61,15
Stewed cabbage with minced chicken 102,20
  1. Fry the onion with grated carrots until golden brown.
  2. Boil the chicken fillet separately. Pour light broth over the cabbage instead of water. This will give the dish a richer taste.
  3. Divide the boiled fillet into several pieces and add them to the cabbage at the very end of cooking.

This way, you will fry a minimum amount of ingredients, the dish will not be lean, but at the same time it will remain light and low-calorie. Bon appetit!

Stewed cabbage is a dish rich in vitamins and minerals. The calorie content of a cabbage dish depends on the recipe (with meat, potatoes, tomato paste) and the type of product (cauliflower or white cabbage). Due to its composition, the dish has numerous beneficial properties for the body. In addition, the product is low in calories and helps you lose extra pounds. Stewed cabbage has a number of contraindications for consumption, which you should familiarize yourself with before consuming it.

Energy and nutritional value

The calorie content of stewed cabbage per 100 grams is 102.2 kcal. This product also includes:

  • proteins - 2.7 g;
  • fats - 5.9 g;
  • carbohydrates - 10.2 g.

The amount of calories, as well as proteins, fats and carbohydrates contained in stewed cabbage, varies depending on the additional ingredients used in preparing the dish.

Calorie table for stewed cabbage with additives per 100 grams:

The amount of calories depends on the type of cabbage used in preparation (values ​​are given for 100 g of product):

The calorie content of the sauerkraut product, which has been stewed, is 16.6 Kcal, and the nutritional value is 1.3/0.1/3.8 g.

Composition and benefits of stewed cabbage

The vegetable is rich in vitamins and minerals. If it is stewed, the amount of nutritional components decreases, but it is still valuable for the body.

  • retinol - has a beneficial effect on the skin;
  • niacin - normalizes the digestion process;
  • thiamine - improves mood;
  • nicotinic acid - supports liver function;
  • riboflavin - participates in tissue renewal and growth;
  • biotin - keeps sugar within acceptable levels;
  • choline - normalizes the functioning of the nervous system;
  • alpha-tocopherol - slows down cell aging;
  • pantothenic acid - activates the production of adrenal hormones;
  • ascorbic acid - increases immune defense;
  • pyridoxine - promotes the absorption of fats and proteins.

The chemical composition of stewed cabbage dishes is very diverse and includes many useful substances. Among them are the following macroelements and microelements:

Although the listed components that make up stewed cabbage are contained in small quantities, when used systematically they often better compensate for the lack of nutrients than pharmaceutical complexes.

Eating vegetables has a beneficial effect on the following systems of the human body:

  • cardiovascular - reduces the fragility of vascular walls;
  • gastrointestinal - relieves dysbiosis, prevents constipation;
  • urinary - reduces the risk of gallstones;
  • nervous - eliminates depression and anxiety.

If there are no contraindications to taking stewed cabbage, you can eat it every day. To fill the body with the listed beneficial substances, 200 g of the dish is enough. You should not replace main meals with only this food product, because the menu should be varied.

The most healthy is considered to be stewed cabbage made from sauerkraut.

For weight loss

Since eating stewed cabbage improves metabolism, it is commonly taken for weight loss. Eating cabbage dishes normalizes weight.

Stewed cabbage is a low-calorie product and has a low glycemic index, which contributes to a long feeling of fullness.

Due to its high content of insoluble fiber particles, cabbage gently cleanses the intestines. This allows you to lose weight in a short time.

It is safe to diet with this product for no more than 3 days. Such a diet is considered unbalanced, so long-term use will lead to unpleasant consequences in the form of problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

People who watch their figure are usually interested in the calorie content of a product. This article will tell you what raw cabbage has energy value. You will also learn about the calorie content of other types of this vegetable. It is definitely worth mentioning the energy value of stewed cabbage (calories will also be indicated).

Cabbage: what is it?

This vegetable is quite popular among people. Some people prefer white cabbage, while others like Brussels sprouts or Chinese cabbage. It is worth noting that this vegetable is one of the first to be given to infants as complementary foods. This is explained by the fact that cabbage is recognized as a hypoallergenic dish, which contains a large amount of useful substances.

Cabbage is grown in the ground. Depending on the variety, the vegetable may have some preferences. Thus, classic white cabbage is quite picky and grows in almost all regions and conditions.

What are the benefits of cabbage?

How many calories are in cabbage? Most often this question is asked by the fair sex, who love to eat delicious food, but at the same time want to maintain their figure. In addition to its low energy value, this vegetable has many advantages.

Cabbage contains a large amount of vitamin C, which helps restore the body's protective function. The vegetable also boasts a high content of dietary fiber. So, cabbage helps improve digestion and regulate bowel movements. However, it is worth remembering that the product can increase gas formation. If everything is fine with the balance of microorganisms in your intestines, then this phenomenon will not cause you any discomfort. But for babies whose intestinal flora has not yet been formed, such a product can cause considerable pain.

How many calories are in cabbage?

Depending on what type of product you prefer to eat, the energy value of the dish may be different. Of course, fresh vegetables have more vitamins, dietary fiber and fewer calories. Stewed, fried and boiled dishes acquire additional energy value during cooking. Especially if you add additional ingredients. Let's try to figure it out and answer the question of how many calories there are in cabbage.

White vegetable

The most popular cabbage is the white cabbage variety. So, this product can be fried, stewed, pickled, added to salads and boiled. So, how many calories are in cabbage?

Fresh white cabbage, which is not seasoned with anything, has an energy value of 27 kilocalories per 100 grams. If you prepare a salad from this vegetable and season it with mayonnaise, the calorie content of such a dish increases significantly. On average, this type of salad has about 400 kcal per 100 grams. In the case when you want to make a salad, but at the same time reduce the energy value, choose low-fat yogurt or olive oil as a dressing. In this case, the calorie content of the vegetable will range from 50 to 300 calories.

Stewed cabbage has the following calories: per 100 grams of product there are 26 kcal. This suggests that during cooking the energy value decreases. Why is this happening? If you cook cabbage using the method of stewing in a small amount of water, then the juice evaporates from it. Due to this, dietary fiber increases and calorie content decreases. However, when adding oil, carrots, tomatoes and other ingredients, the dish will have an energy value of 70 to 500 calories.

Boiled cabbage (prepared for borscht or cabbage rolls) has an average of 23 calories per 100 grams. Fresh cabbage again loses to this version of the dish. But remember that when you add broth, meat and other ingredients, the energy value increases rapidly.

The calorie content is as follows. The energy value of the dish is about 18 kcal per 100 grams. This reduction is due to the pre-treatment that the product undergoes.

Red cabbage

The second most popular type of this vegetable is In a fresh product you can find about 24 kcal. When preparing salads, the same rule applies: the higher the energy value of the dressing, the higher the calorie content of the final dish.

Marinated cabbage (red cabbage) has very low calorie content. On average, from 100 grams of product you will get about 12 kcal. It is this variety that most housewives use to prepare winter twists.

Cooked red cabbage similarly reduces its energy value. Cabbage stewed according to all the rules contains approximately 20 kcal. If the product was cooked, then its value is 22 calories.

With additional processing and mixing with other ingredients, the energy value always increases.

Chinese cabbage

This type of vegetable is less popular, but it has a more delicate taste than its representatives. Most often used for preparing salads, omelettes and various baked goods. It goes well with seafood. If you want to get a minimum of calories, but maximum pleasure from food, then choose this variety and cook it with squid or shrimp.

The calorie content of Chinese cabbage is 15 kcal. This suggests that this type can be consumed without any restrictions. However, remember the main rule: the more calories in the ingredients that make up the dish, the higher the energy value of Chinese cabbage.


What calories does cauliflower have? Fresh product is not suitable for consumption. Despite this, it is worth saying that it contains about 30 kcal. After heat treatment, the vegetable has an energy value of 27-29 calories.

Cauliflower is the preferred first food. Kids learn this dish very well.


This type of cabbage is consumed raw and processed. However, the second option is more preferable. Thus, raw broccoli contains approximately 28 calories. If you cook the product, you will get an energy value of 23-27 kcal.

This type of vegetable is often added to omelettes and casseroles. In this case, the calorie content increases in proportion to the amount of additional ingredients.

Brussels sprouts

If you cook the Brussels variety of vegetable, then by stewing or boiling you will get the value of about 35 calories.

Brussels sprouts can also be roasted. In this case, the energy value becomes even greater. In such a dish you can find up to 60 calories, given that it was prepared without oil or additional ingredients.

Kohlrabi cabbage

The most rare type of cabbage is the kohlrabi variety. Externally, the vegetable looks more like a radish or turnip. It is practically never used. The only exceptions are the favorite raw foodists.

So, in its original form, the vegetable contains about 42 calories. When heat treated, this type of vegetable practically does not change its energy value. Stewed or boiled kohlrabi contains from 40 to 43 calories per 100 grams.

What type and method of cooking cabbage is the lowest in calories?

Based on all of the above, we can conclude that the most dietary product is stewed or boiled Chinese cabbage. However, such a dish is prepared very rarely. Except for those who know the secrets of this vegetable and watch their figure.

Many nutritionists suggest a person lose weight through a cabbage diet. To do this, you will need a list called “Low Calorie Foods.” A table of these ingredients is presented in this article.

A little summary and conclusion

Now you know how many calories are in this or that. Try each of the options presented and choose the one that suits you best. Also study the table of these presented to your attention below. When preparing dishes, consider not only the taste of the vegetable, but also its energy value.

Try to eat healthy and as healthy as possible. Get all the vitamins and minerals you can from foods. Eat different types of cabbage and always be healthy and slim!

Cabbage is a versatile vegetable that can be perfectly stored for several months. At the same time, when fresh, it retains a lot of vitamins for a long time, so you can’t think of a better basis for a winter side dish.

How to prepare a healthy and tasty dish from white cabbage while maintaining its nutritional value? Of course, simmer!

Stewed cabbage is:

  • very tasty (especially if you don’t skimp on spices);
  • healthy (fiber, vitamins, protein - everything the body needs);
  • affordable, because white cabbage is an inexpensive and popular product;
  • simple - even a novice cook can handle it;
  • It is universal because it is combined with a wide variety of products - from fish and mushrooms to cutlets and sausages.

People on a strict low-calorie diet are certainly concerned about the calorie content of stewed cabbage.

To calculate this indicator, it is not enough to know the number of calories contained in a raw vegetable, since a variety of products are added to the dish for a richer taste. Cabbage is combined with butter (butter or vegetable), tomatoes, sweet peppers, onions, meat - pork, beef, chicken.

Therefore, you can determine as accurately as possible how many calories are contained in stewed cabbage cooked in water - without oil, sour cream, mushrooms and meat, flavored exclusively with carrots, onions and spices (turmeric, bay leaf, parsley, dill, etc.). This exceptionally dietary and easy-to-digest dish boasts an extremely low calorie content - up to 17 kcal per 100 grams.

This means that it can be included even in the strictest diet and cooked at least every day as a low-calorie side dish: unlike the beloved potatoes and pasta, vegetables in water do not pose any threat to your waistline - eat as much as you like!

But not everyone likes the “clean” and slightly boring taste of such a side dish, so sooner or later, for a change, you will want to add something else to it - for example, vegetable oil or a little tomato paste. The taste will undoubtedly become richer, but the calorie content of stewed cabbage in this case will inevitably increase.

How many calories are in stewed cabbage with vegetable oil?

The answer to this question directly depends on the amount of oil you add to the dish. As a rule, oil is used at the first stage of cooking, when you need to lightly fry vegetables and root vegetables - onions, carrots, celery, parsley root. To fully fry 1.5-2 kg of vegetables, about 40 ml of olive, sunflower or any other vegetable oil is required, but this is not much. Adhering to the specified proportion, you will receive a dish containing about 46-47 kcal per hundred grams (if it also contains tomato paste).

Of course, this result cannot be compared with the calorie content of stewed cabbage in water (no more than 17 kcal per 100 grams), so you still have to watch the portion sizes. Even more caution must be exercised when it comes to adding meat. On the one hand, in this way you will get not just a side dish, but a complete and very nutritious second course, so you won’t need to supplement it with a cutlet or sausages; on the other hand, the food will be quite high in calories.

Calorie content of stewed cabbage with chicken pieces

If you are used to saving your personal time, stewing vegetables with meat will save you more than one hour - minimal participation in the process is required, especially if you use a slow cooker, and the result is a universal “two in one” dish - both the meat base and the side dish. When adhering to a diet, it is important to know at least the approximate calorie content of stewed cabbage cooked with meat, so as not to harm your figure.

This indicator directly depends on the type and quantity of meat that you put in the dish: if it is pork, then a hundred grams of the finished dish will contain at least 82 kcal. So it’s better to opt for lean white chicken meat (then the calorie content will be approximately 78 kcal per 100 grams - the difference is not so impressive, but it will be noticeable for a large portion).

By eliminating vegetable oil, you can further reduce the energy value of the dish. Don't limit your imagination; the results of culinary experiments may pleasantly surprise you!

Remember that dishes made from white cabbage enrich the body with vitamins A, E, P and C, help eliminate cholesterol metabolism disorders, prevent early aging and stimulate intestinal motility.

But there are also limitations: if you suffer from gastritis with increased acidity of gastric juice, a tendency to diarrhea or inflammatory bowel diseases, it is better to avoid cabbage, especially fresh cabbage.

Cabbage is invariably present in our diet. There are many options for preparing delicious dishes from this vegetable, which are quite low in calories, but high in vitamins and other useful substances. Stewed cabbage is no exception, the calorie content of which allows it to be classified as a dietary product.

Cabbage in any form is a very healthy product. After all, it contains vitamins and microelements, which are retained in sufficient quantities even during heat treatment. And stewed cabbage has also won a lot of fans because:

  • prepares quickly;
  • does not require the addition of intricate ingredients;
  • does not lose its taste when cold.

Quite often a situation arises when you need to cook something quickly, and in the refrigerator there is a head of cabbage and a head of onion. This is where a proven stewed cabbage recipe comes to the rescue. But people who watch their figure and pedantically count the number of calories they consume may be confused by the question of how many calories are in stewed cabbage, that it is considered a dietary product. We hasten to reassure everyone who has it: on average, about 50-60 calories.

How many calories are in 100 grams of cabbage stewed in different ways?

Everyone knows that the nutritional value of a product depends on how it is prepared. As for cabbage, the calorie content of dishes based on it is quite low, since the vegetable itself has a negative calorie content - 28 calories. That is, the body spends more energy on its processing than it receives. But when stewing, we pour vegetable oil or other fat into the dish - accordingly, the indicator should increase significantly. On the other hand, the vegetable is stewed with the addition of water, which means the fats are diluted. Therefore, stewed cabbage has a quite acceptable calorie content per 100 grams.

The unique aroma and delicate taste of stewed cabbage with vegetable oil puts it on the pedestal of honor as the most popular side dishes for meat and fish dishes. But the caloric value of this option for preparing a vegetable will depend on the amount of not only oil, but also other ingredients, in particular, sausages or meat. On average, when using sunflower oil, the figure will range from 80 to 90 calories.

Those who think that stewed fresh cabbage in oil is too high in calories have the option of reducing this value. All you need to do is stew the vegetable without fat, in water. To give the dish additional flavor nuances, you can add carrots, onions and other vegetables to your taste. The energy value will remain consistently low - about 30 calories.

The classic dish - stewed cabbage with sausages - leaves few people indifferent to its great taste. But in fairness, it is worth noting that this is a much more high-calorie option for preparing cabbage. In this case, the energy value will increase to 130 calories. With chicken, for example, this figure will be less – 100 kcal. Although, of course, it all depends on the fat content of the meat. So with diet sausages the energy value will be less than, for example, if you add sausages with lard to a dish. By the way, there is a little trick: to reduce the number of calories by 5-10 units, you can stew sauerkraut rather than fresh cabbage.

If you have a positive attitude towards mushrooms, then stewed cabbage can be prepared with champignons. The calorie content will be close to the original - 30-35 calories. True, with this method of stewing you cannot do without vegetable oil, otherwise the taste will not be too rich. And with the addition of natural fat, the calorie content will increase.