How long does freshly squeezed juice last: shelf life of fresh juices. How long does opened juice last in the refrigerator?

Hello, friends!

It turns out that beet juice it is a drink with high biological value.

Its benefits have been proven in scientific experiments and have long been adopted by nutritionists.

I suggest you take a closer look at this wonderful and, importantly, very affordable product.

From this article you will learn:

Beet juice - Useful properties and applications

Biological certificate and chemical composition

Beetroot belongs to the genus of herbaceous perennial plants of the amaranth family. It is distinguished by a spherical or elongated shape of a fleshy and juicy root.

The plant develops slightly oblong leaves, the so-called tops, which, by the way, are edible while they are young. During the flowering period, almost imperceptible spike-shaped inflorescences are formed.

The average weight of one fruit reaches 200–300 g.

The root vegetable is rich in monosaccharides and disaccharides, ash and dietary fiber.

If we consider the vitamin composition, it is very rich in vitamins E, PP, pyridoxine, folic acid, thiamine, riboflavin, vitamin B5, C.

The list of micro- and macroelements is no less rich: magnesium, calcium, potassium, atrium, sulfur, chlorine, phosphorus, zinc, iron, iodine, manganese, copper.

The root vegetable is unique in that it contains such rare trace elements as rubidium, vanadium, boron, and molybdenum.

Getting beet juice and its benefits for the body

Beetroot extract is easy to make at home using a standard electric juicer.

Using the product as part of complex cocktails improves the functioning of the endocrine, cardiovascular, and digestive systems.

The benefits of the drink are indispensable for the overall health of the body and the prevention of vitamin deficiency during the off-season.

Representatives of the medical community claim that this product is effective in treating hypertension and can be included in the diet of hypertensive patients.

In case of serious cancer, it helps support the body after chemotherapy courses. .

During pregnancy, juice enriches the body with folic acid, which is important for the proper development of the fetus, especially in the early stages.

If we consider a child’s diet, it can be safely enriched with beet juice, starting from ½ tsp. per day, but for children over three years old. Children should not be given more than 2 tsp. such a drink per day, and then in the absence of an allergic response.

Beneficial properties of beet juice for our body

The beneficial effects of beet squeeze on the human body are very extensive:

  • Purification and improvement of blood composition by increasing the content of red blood cells.
  • Mild analgesic effect - the juice softens or eliminates pain.
  • Deep cleansing of all systems and organs due to the excretion of toxic substances.
  • Improving digestive functions, drinking is simply necessary for the liver - it helps restore hepatocytes.
  • Stabilization of metabolism.
  • High concentrations of lipotropics make vegetable drinking effective for weight loss. Treatment of first and second degree obesity involves the use of this drink.
  • The active components tone the blood vessels, which helps normalize blood pressure. This property is especially important for people suffering from hypertension.
  • Gradual stimulation of the functions of the lymphatic system.
  • Dropping juice into the nose helps prevent...
  • Increasing immune potential, resistance to viral and bacterial infections.
  • Reducing the level of bad cholesterol, which is important for coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis.
  • Persons suffering from hypothyroidism and thyroid hormone deficiency should drink the drink to improve their health.
  • Regular consumption of freshly squeezed juice improves complexion.

Applications of beet juice

The daily intake should not exceed 50 ml - after all, everything is good in moderation.

If beetroot is used for the first time, the permissible amount is 20 ml, which corresponds to 1 tbsp, because it is very important to look at the body’s reaction.

Beet juice recipe

I’ll tell you in a little more detail how to make a delicious drink. To avoid mistakes, you can follow this recipe:

  • Using a juicer, 20 ml of beet juice is obtained.
  • Leave uncovered in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
  • When the time is up, squeeze out 200 ml of carrot juice, mix it with beet juice and consume it outside of meals.

The duration of taking beet juice is usually 14 days, after which you should take a break.

When the body gets used to the biologically active components of the juice, the dosage is gradually increased, reaching 50 ml per day. This is the highest norm - it is recommended to split it into two parts (morning and evening).

In addition to vegetable additives, it goes well with fermented milk crops, for example, kefir, fermented baked milk, tan, and yogurt.

How to make juice yourself?

At home, the easiest way to prepare a healing drink is in a juicer. To do this, the pre-cleaned root crop is cut and processed.

If you don’t have a juicer at home, you can grate the vegetable on a fine grater. The resulting mass is placed in several layers of gauze, from where it is easy to squeeze out the juice.

How to store beet juice?

The best place for storage is the refrigerator. This is where the freshly squeezed product is placed to settle.

Its properties gain maximum strength at this time.

Storage time should not exceed 12 hours. With each subsequent hour, the drink loses some of its beneficial properties.

The storage container can be anything, but not aluminum.

Beneficial properties of beet juice - video

Contraindications to the use of beet juice

Due to high concentrations of biologically active components, it has a number of contraindications for use.

So, it is better to refrain from using it if you have kidney or bladder stones, acute or chronic renal failure, or heartburn.

Oxalic acid contained in the juice can be harmful for people with low blood pressure, people with chronic diarrhea, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, and diabetes.

All contraindications are not strict. If the intake of beet juice is agreed upon with the attending physician, it can be consumed as food, but in strictly dosed doses.

I hope this article will bring health benefits to many people.

Alena Yasneva was with you, see you again!!!

Everyone has heard about the benefits of freshly squeezed juices. Fresh juice is made using a juicer or the old-fashioned way - by squeezing grated fruit or vegetables through clean gauze. Like any food product, fresh juice has its own shelf life. The answer to the question of how long freshly squeezed juice can be stored directly depends on the fruit from which it is prepared. Different fresh juices must be stored for different times and require special conditions.

How to use it correctly

Fruit pomace often contains a lot of sugar, which is bad for you. Therefore, it is recommended to dilute them with water in a 1:1 ratio. It is recommended to drink acidic liquids (orange, lemon and others) through a straw to protect tooth enamel from destruction.

The best time to enjoy a vitamin drink is between meals. Many juices (especially sour ones) should absolutely not be drunk on an empty stomach, so as not to provoke diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. After a glass of juice, eat food 30–40 minutes later.

Nutritionists advise drinking only 200 ml of fresh juice daily.

It is advisable to add a few drops of olive oil and cream to carrot juice - these components will help the vitamins be better absorbed by the body.

Storage rules

Freshly squeezed juice can be kept in the refrigerator, tightly closed with a lid. The shelf life of this drink is 24 hours. It is believed that the maximum benefit from home-made nectar can be obtained in the first 10 to 30 minutes after pressing. There is an exception to this rule - beet juice, which will have to be refrigerated for some time before use.

If you plan to take freshly squeezed juice on a picnic or a long walk, you will have to take care of having a thermal bag and a portable refrigerator.

To extend the life of fresh juice, add a few drops of lemon.

Apple fresh

The apple drink can be stored for only 4 hours in a cold place. The vitamins in this product are destroyed extremely quickly and the taste quickly changes. To extend the shelf life to 60 minutes, add lemon juice to the drink. In addition to increasing storage time, the described technique allows the drink not to darken due to its high iron content.


Freshly squeezed orange drink retains its properties for 48 hours. It is extremely important to store the orange liquid in a tightly closed glass container on the refrigerator shelf.


Despite the fact that lemon is considered a natural preservative, lemon juice cannot be stored for longer than 3 days in the refrigerator. At room temperature, fresh juice spoils after a few hours. Frozen lemon drink retains its benefits for six months.


Fresh carrots are useful for almost all people. But the huge disadvantage of this drink is that it is extremely poorly stored - it is not kept in air for more than 30 minutes. It needs to be squeezed out exactly in the volume that a person can drink right away. Being in the cold does not affect the shelf life.


This variety is not stored for more than 48 hours. Before use, fresh juice must be kept in the refrigerator for 40 minutes - harmful compounds will evaporate.


Celandine is a herb that is used to treat certain skin ailments. Its juice is not used for food - only externally. For proper effect, the pressed extracts are fermented and then stored for a year in a cold place. This freshly squeezed juice has the longest shelf life.


Fresh spring birch sap is stored for three days. It is important to keep the drink in a glass container under a tight lid. After 72 hours after receiving the nectar, it should be poured out and not ingested!


The drink squeezed from ripe tomatoes is extremely rich in folic acid and iron. You need to drink it as quickly as possible after preparation. Storage is possible for 12 hours in the refrigerator, placed in a ceramic or glass container.


The drink made from pomegranate seeds is drunk immediately after preparation. Storage deprives it of almost all useful substances.


Juice from the healthiest grapefruit is considered the lowest in calories. It is recommended to keep fresh grapefruit no more than a day in the cold. But it’s better to enjoy the taste immediately after spinning.


Adults and children like grape juice. This vitamin drink can be stored for no more than 12 hours in a cool place.


Many people underestimate the value of squeezing cabbage leaves. It contains all the useful microelements of the vegetable, which are very easily absorbed by the body in liquid form. To improve the taste of cabbage, you can make a mix of cabbage and carrot juice. This drink should not be stored in air for more than 20 minutes.


This type of juice is often mixed with other fresh juices, but it can also be consumed as an independent drink. It is necessary to prepare cucumber juice immediately before use, without subjecting it to long-term storage.


Watermelon juice is stored for no more than 30 minutes, then it loses all its positive qualities. To extend this short period, it is frozen in a sterile container. The frozen product can be stored for 90 days.

Sea buckthorn

The juice from these bright red berries is very sour, so it is usually prepared with sugar. In addition to improving the taste, sugar helps preserve the juice in its original form for several months. The drink is poured into a glass container and kept in a cool, dark place. To increase the shelf life of sea buckthorn extract, you can boil it for 5-10 minutes. As a result, the drink will lose some of its vitamins, but it can be stored for 6 months.


This aromatic fresh juice can be stored in the refrigerator for three whole days. The container must be glass and the lid must be tight. Before pouring juice into a storage container, it must be sterilized by any available method.


This type of juice can be stored for no more than 12 hours in the refrigerator. To extend the shelf life, the following technique is used: The juice is poured into a clean glass bottle, lemon juice is dripped on top, and the lid is immediately closed. The container is put into the refrigerator. This drink has a shelf life of 24 hours.


This fresh green juice is always consumed diluted with water. This drink can be stored refrigerated for 24 hours, but it is better to prepare it once and consume it immediately.


Red fresh can be kept in a cool place for no more than 12 hours. It has a thick consistency, which can be diluted with water acidified with lemon - this will slightly increase the shelf life of the liquid.


Apricot squeeze retains its properties for only a few hours. Prepare the drink for one time only.


The juice made from plums is stored for a day. Choose a glass container with a lid.

It is possible to increase the short shelf life of fresh juices only by canning or freezing. But after these procedures, a completely different product with a different chemical composition is obtained. It is acceptable to store freshly squeezed juice for no longer than a day in the refrigerator, but it is better to prepare the drink for 1 time - immediately when you are ready to drink it. Thus, the body will receive 100% of the benefits from freshly squeezed juice.

Freshly squeezed juices contain a lot of useful substances and minerals, different depending on the product from which it is prepared. Such drinks are very useful for both medicinal and preventive purposes. The consumption of fresh juice is especially recommended for people on a diet or proper nutrition. At the same time, it is not necessary to squeeze fresh juices from vegetables or fruits; you can do this from plants or get a healthy drink from trees. Such pomace should be stored with caution and not for long. Based on this, questions become relevant, for example, how to store birch sap at home or celandine sap?

Answering the question of how long to store freshly squeezed juice, professionals in dietary and therapeutic nutrition loudly insist that this product must be consumed in the first 15-20 minutes after preparation. This is due to the fact that under the influence of air, most vitamins oxidize and disintegrate. Accordingly, the longer the squeeze sits, the less useful it is. In addition, long-term storage can cause fermentation due to the sugar contained in the fresh juice. Based on this, it is recommended to prepare the drink in exactly the quantity needed for one-time use.

How to store freshly squeezed juice? The product from the juicer can be stored in the refrigerator in a glass container with a tightly closed lid. The squeeze will last from several hours to two days, depending on what it was obtained from. Can these drinks be stored at room temperature? In most cases, this depends on the accessory, for example, cabbage squeeze cannot be stored at all, other vegetables can easily stand on the table for a couple of hours, and sweet fruits without a refrigerator will begin to ferment quickly. At the same time, drinks containing a lot of iron will also darken, since the latter oxidizes in air.

Advice! Fresh vegetables or fruits containing a considerable amount of sugar can be preserved longer if you dilute them with a few drops of lemon juice.

To keep drinks fresh longer, canning or freezing methods are suitable. In this case, they will no longer be freshly squeezed and will lose most of their benefits. The first option involves boiling the drink and adding sugar to it as a preservative. The second option involves simply freezing the required amount of pomace.

Various types of fresh juices

Each fresh juice has individual properties and characteristics, which are determined by the product from which it is prepared. Not many people know how long fresh pomace from various derivatives can be stored. Let's see how to store the juice of celandine, apples, carrots and other derivatives?


Apple juice should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 4 hours. The vitamins and minerals in this product are destroyed very quickly, especially iron, due to the oxidation of which the juice changes color. The taste of the fresh juice will also change. However, you can squeeze it for a while to make it a little softer. The storage process should be organized as follows: pour the liquid into a glass or plastic container with a tight lid. It is important to exclude access to oxygen; this approach preserves more vitamins.


Freshly squeezed orange juice retains its properties a little longer. It should also be stored in the refrigerator, as it will quickly ferment in a warm room. Many claim that the shelf life of the drink can reach 12 days; this statement is quite controversial. Professionals do not recommend storing freshly squeezed orange juice for more than 2 days. At the same time, it is better to store it in a glass container and tightly closed.


Lemon juice should be stored in accordance with the recommendations for the fruits described above. This is a tightly closed glass container and refrigerator. Despite the fact that lemon is considered a natural preservative, the juice of this fruit is not recommended to be stored for longer than 3 days. And at room temperature, fresh juice will spoil after a few hours. You can freeze the product by placing it in ice bags. This approach will allow you to store fresh lemon juice for more than six months.


Carrots are a very healthy vegetable, and freshly squeezed carrot juice also has a lot of positive properties. It has a tonic and restorative effect on the body. In addition, it promotes active growth and has a beneficial effect on vision. This product cannot be stored for longer than half an hour, so it must be squeezed strictly in the amount that will be drunk immediately. Even a cooling device will not help preserve fresh juice longer.


How long can beet juice be stored? It is not recommended to do this for more than two days. At the same time, before eating, it is recommended to let the freshly squeezed beet juice sit for about 40 minutes and only then drink it. Fresh juice should be stored in the refrigerator in a tightly closed glass bottle or jar, without access to oxygen. But it’s better not to prepare a lot of the drink for future use, but to drink it exclusively fresh.


This unique plant is famous for its medicinal juice. But celandine juice is not used as food, but for external use in the treatment of dermatological diseases. The juice of this plant requires a special approach to preparation and storage. The jars with the workpiece must be fermented and after that you can store it for 1-2 years in a cool place, for example, in a cellar.


Burdock has long been known as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent. How to store burdock juice depends on its processing. Uncanned and freshly squeezed can be kept exclusively in the refrigerator for no more than three days. Otherwise, it will not only lose its beneficial properties, but may also cause harm to the body. Preserved pomace will last from 8 to 12 months, depending on the preservative.


In the spring, birch sap is actively released and the season for its extraction and harvesting begins. How to store birch sap? By analogy with the previous product, birch drink should not be stored fresh for more than three days. In this case, storage should be carried out strictly in the refrigerator and in glass hermetically sealed jars. To extend the shelf life it is necessary to preserve it.
All of the above tips and recommendations for storing juice apply specifically to freshly squeezed and freshly prepared products. Preservation will help extend the shelf life of each of them, but after it it will be a completely different drink with a different composition and properties.

How long freshly squeezed juice is stored depends on the type of fruit from which it is squeezed and the temperature of the place where the resulting drink is stored. The need to preserve freshly squeezed juice arises if the drink could not be drunk completely.

People often prepare their own juices from fresh vegetables and berries. Thanks to this, almost all vitamins and minerals are preserved in their natural form. Let's consider how to store freshly squeezed juice, what are the expiration dates of various drinks.

How long can juice be stored?

During long-term storage, the quality of any product gradually deteriorates. This also applies to freshly squeezed juices. Doctors recommend that patients drink no more than 750 ml of fresh juice per day (3 times a day, 250 ml). Therefore, you need to prepare no more than 1 glass for each meal.

Sometimes it is necessary to dilute the concentrated drink with water, but there is no need to consume more than the specified volume, since there will be practically no benefit to human health.

If anything remains, for example, 1/5 of the total volume of the drink, then this liquid is most often left for storage in the refrigerator.

Homemade juices have different shelf life. How long can such liquids be stored in the refrigerator? It all depends on the vegetable or fruit from which this or that drink was obtained:

  1. Apple juice darkens when stored in the refrigerator for 5-6 hours. It contains a lot of iron, which oxidizes when exposed to air. To prevent this from happening, it is recommended to add ascorbic acid to the liquid or squeeze 4-5 drops of lemon into the drink.
  2. It is better to drink carrot juice immediately after preparation within 10-15 minutes. But if you get a lot of liquid, then you need to pour the rest into a bottle and close it well. After this, the vessel is taken out into the cold in a dark room or cellar. The juice will last up to 48 hours.
  3. When preparing fresh beetroot, it is kept (infused) for 40-60 minutes before use. After this, the liquid is diluted with water and drunk. Leftovers are stored refrigerated for 2 days.

Some people are interested in whether and how long cabbage juice can be stored. It must be drunk immediately after preparation, as it spoils quickly.

If you make freshly squeezed juice from berries, how long such liquid is stored depends on the type of fruit. For example, raspberry, grape, peach, strawberry and similar berry drinks will quickly ferment if kept warm. In the cold, their storage time increases to 24 hours. To increase the storage period, you can add up to 15 drops of ascorbic acid or lemon per 500 ml of squeezed liquid.

Cherry, currant, pomegranate, lemon, orange and tangerine drinks can be stored in the cold for up to 2 days, since these fruits contain acid, which serves as a preservative.

Under what conditions should the resulting liquid be stored?

If there is a lot of freshly squeezed berry or vegetable juice left, it should be placed in a container with a tight-fitting lid, and then placed in the common chamber of the refrigeration unit or the container should be taken to the cellar (cold room).

The containers used to store liquids must be made of ceramics or glass. It is not recommended to use plastic or metal containers, as they accelerate oxidative processes in the liquid.

The lid of the vessel or stopper (if the drink is poured into a bottle) can be made of plastic. The main thing is that they fit snugly against the walls of the vessel.

You can try to preserve vegetable or berry juice by freezing. Then the liquid is poured into a glass container, but not to the edge of the container. A small air gap remains, which is needed to account for the expansion of the drink’s volume during freezing.

The container is placed in the freezer, and if necessary, removed and the liquid is defrosted for consumption. Although such storage period increases, many vitamins and other useful substances are lost.

Pasteurization can be applied. The squeezed liquid is heated to +85-90°C, and then poured into jars or bottles. The vessels are tightly sealed. Any juice can be stored in this form for 30 days.

If during this period it was not possible to completely drink the prepared berry or vegetable drinks, then sugar is added to them, performing the usual canning. This concentrate can be stored for 12 months. Before use, it is diluted with clean water and drunk as a fruit drink.

Berry, fruit, vegetable juices, as well as their mixtures, contain a huge complex of vitamins, microelements, sugars and other beneficial substances for the human body.

All of them are easily absorbed by our body. Canned, but prepared in compliance with the rules, juices also retain many useful substances, and they can be used in the winter, replenishing the body’s “vitamin pantry”.

Today the site will tell you how to prepare juice, prepare it for future use and store it.

How to make fresh juice

Juice can be obtained from almost all berries, fruits and many vegetables and spices. With the help of modern juicers, you will get the maximum amount of juice from fruits and cake (pulp), which is also a storehouse of useful substances.

Juice preparation technology:

  1. Choose ripe and healthy fruits.
  2. Wash them, remove the stalks and sepals, and dry. Cut large fruits into pieces - this will allow the juice to separate better.
  3. Place the prepared fruits in a juicer and get juice. Don't rush to throw away the pulp. You can pour boiling water over it, let it brew and strain. Then use it to prepare fruit drink, jelly or jelly.

How to store freshly squeezed juices

Freshly squeezed juice (fresh juice) does not last long. It is better to drink the juice immediately or within an hour after preparation, storing it in a clean container with a tightly closed lid in a cool, dry place. Glass jars or bottles of various sizes (from 0.3 liters to 1 liter) with screw caps are perfect for this.