How much energy does a boiled egg contain? How many calories are in an egg and how to eat them.

A chicken egg is a universal nutritious product available to every person. It is a valuable source of high-quality protein and essential microelements.

Calorie content directly depends on the size of the eggs; one hundred grams of the product contains 158 kilocalories. One medium raw egg contains 70 calories. A large egg has 80 kilocalories, and a very large egg has 90 kilocalories. The calorie content of cooked eggs varies. A fried egg contains 125 kilocalories, assuming that it is cooked in vegetable oil. The calorie content of a hard-boiled egg is 50 kilocalories, and a soft-boiled egg is 70 kcal. The yolk contains three times more calories than the white. The calorie content of a quail egg (this product is becoming quite popular and is often sold in supermarkets) is 16-17 kilocalories. Its weight is about 10 – 12 grams.

Benefits of eggs

Eggs contain vitamins, amino acids, and minerals necessary for the body. This is a nutritious and healthy product. Why is the composition of eggs so useful?

  • content of active vitamin A,
  • vitamin D content (for comparison, eggs are second only to fish oil in the amount of vitamin D),
  • eggs contain vitamins B1, B2, E,
  • The yolk contains large quantities of the vitamin choline,
  • eggs contain 96% of useful minerals (calcium, phosphorus, iodine, copper, iron),
  • cholesterol contained in the yolk is harmless to health because it is balanced by lecithin,
  • The fats contained in the yolk are polyunsaturated by nature, so they will not cause any harm to health.

How can a chicken egg help you lose weight?

Scientists at Louisiana State University have conducted studies that claim that eggs are an essential food for weight loss. The results spoke for themselves: women who ate two boiled eggs for breakfast lost more extra pounds than their competitors who did not consume this product in their diet. Scientists explain this fact in this way: a person’s feeling of hunger subsides for a long period, thanks to the large amount of proteins contained in the egg.

How many eggs should you eat?

According to generally accepted nutritional standards, the average person needs to eat 300 eggs per year. People who suffer from high cholesterol levels in the blood are recommended to eat 2-3 eggs per week, while others can eat 5-6 eggs.

Young children are introduced to the yolk from the age of seven months. A child 2 - 3 years old can eat 2 to 3 yolks per week, a child 4 - 6 years old is recommended to eat 3 eggs per week. When creating your menu, you should take into account that eggs are contained in many products: mayonnaise, baked goods and others.

How to properly boil eggs

Here are some tips on how to properly boil eggs:

Here are three ways to boil eggs:

Who should give up eggs?

Eggs are contraindicated if you have an allergy, cholecystitis or increased intolerance to any component of the protein or yolk. Egg yolks are allowed to be consumed even by infants from the age of seven months.

An egg is such a versatile product that you can use it to prepare a lot of interesting, tasty and healthy dishes. So eggs should definitely be present in your diet.

Bird eggs are a valuable dietary product. When following a diet, especially for weight loss, you need to know how many calories are in an egg. Chicken eggs are very popular because... they are widely available and cheap. Quail is also often consumed. More exotic ones - ostrich, turtle - are included in the menu of expensive restaurants and are not cheap.

Egg composition and nutritional value

Bird eggs are 97% digestible by the human body. The yolk makes up 1/3 (17 g) of the total (50 g). It includes:

  • proteins - 16% (2.7 g);
  • fats - 26.5% (4.51 g);
  • carbohydrates - 3.6% (0.61 g);
  • cholesterol - 0.8% (139 mg).

In the yolk, fats are represented by poly-, mono- and unsaturated fatty acids, incl. Omega-3 (0.06 g) and Omega-6 (1.2 g). The calorie content of a chicken egg mainly depends on the energy value of the yolk (352 kcal/100 g).

It also contains vitamins:

  • B1 (thiamine), B2, B5 (pantothenic acid), B4 (choline); B6, B7 (biotin), B12;
  • folic acid;
  • PP (niacin);
  • beta carotene.

The yolk contains a large number of macro- and microelements, but the main ones are:

  • phosphorus - 192 mg;
  • sulfur - 176 mg;
  • chlorine - 156 mg;
  • potassium - 140 mg;
  • sodium - 134 mg;
  • calcium - 55 mg;
  • iron - 2.5 mg;
  • iodine - 20 mcg;
  • copper - 83 mcg;
  • fluorine - 55 mcg;
  • selenium - 31.7 mcg.

Just 1 egg provides the body's daily requirement for cobalt (10 mcg). Due to this composition and energy value, the yolk is used for nutrition and the formation of various structures of the embryo.

Protein content is poorer:

  • fats - 0.3%;
  • proteins - 12.7%;
  • carbohydrates - 0.7%;
  • water - 85%.

In addition, the protein contains enzymes and B vitamins. Proteins have an antibacterial and bacteriolytic effect on the body.

Egg white, which has 8 times less calories than the yolk, is a source of protein. 100 g of protein contains 11 g of protein, which is much higher than in milk (4 g/100 g) and beef (17 g/100 g) with a low calorie content of the product. The total calorie content of an average-sized egg is 70 kcal, or in terms of 100 g of product its energy value is 158 kcal or 663 J.

Calorie content of fried and boiled chicken eggs

In dietary nutrition, preference is given to soft-boiled product, because... The proteins ovalbumin and ovomucoid, which have an allergenic effect, are denatured during cooking, and the beneficial properties of the yolk are preserved. They differ in energy value depending on the cooking method. Before eating them, you should find out how many calories are in eggs:

  • soft-boiled - 159 kcal per 100 g of product;
  • in a bag - 157 kcal/100 g;
  • hard-boiled - 160 kcal/100 g.

With different types of heat treatment of a product, its energy saturation changes. For example, how many calories are in a fried egg depends on what type of fat is used for cooking. Calorie content per 100 g of product (kcal):

  • with vegetable oil - 170;
  • for cream - 200;
  • lard - 280;
  • omelette (with milk) - 155;
  • without oil - 160.

These figures are approximate, because... it all depends not only on the type, but also on the amount of fat.

How many calories are in quail and other types of eggs?

The calorie content of a product depends on its fat content. Of the types of eggs we are familiar with, the most high-calorie eggs are duck (220 kcal/100 g) and goose (190 kcal/100 g). In contrast to the popular belief that quail eggs are much healthier than chicken eggs due to their low calorie content, it turns out that the energy value of a quail egg (calculated per 100 g of product) is 168 kcal.

The lowest in calories are ostrich eggs - 118 kcal/100 g. And turtle eggs have almost the same amount of calories (155 kcal/100 g) as chicken eggs. The calorie content of egg white in all types of product is significantly (4-8 times) lower than the yolk.

Eggs in dietary nutrition - norm of consumption

Eggs have proven themselves to be a valuable product - high nutritional value with low calorie content. They ensure fat burning, because... Digesting protein requires more energy. Protein provides the building material for the formation of muscle tissue, which is why the product is used in sports nutrition.

Eggs normalize insulin and glucose levels in the blood, surges in which stimulate fat deposits. Useful substances of the product:

  1. They increase testosterone activity, which is especially important in the prevention of prostate diseases.
  2. Prevent cataracts. Oxygen-containing carotenoids - lutein and zeaxanthin - are essential for maintaining the structure of the retina.
  3. Maintains weight by activating metabolism.
  4. Prevents cardiovascular and nervous diseases. Choline (B4) contained in the yolk normalizes cholesterol activity, protects cell membranes from adverse effects, improves the function of nervous tissue, and has antidepressant properties.
  5. Prevents the development of breast cancer. Scientists have proven that eating 2 boiled eggs per day reduces the risk of pathology by 85%.
  6. Compensate for blood loss, incl. with regulations (menstruation), because the yolk contains a large amount of iron.
  7. Rickets is prevented due to the high content of easily digestible vitamin D.
  8. They help the normal course of pregnancy and its planning, because The yolks contain folic acid.
  9. Strengthens bone tissue, hair, nails, teeth. The yolks and shells contain more than 26 minerals, incl. calcium and phosphorus.
  • Children under 7 months are not recommended to eat them, and older ones should eat only the yolk;
  • do not exceed consumption (1-2 pieces per week) for cholecystitis;
  • exclude them for psoriasis and atopic dermatitis.

The calorie content of one egg eaten at breakfast helps you not feel hungry until your next meal and eliminate snacking.

Nutritionists do not insist on eating only boiled eggs. The calorie content of scrambled eggs is reduced by almost half when vegetables and skim milk are added to it.

When following a low-protein diet and during the transition period to vegetarianism, nutritionists advise introducing quail eggs into the diet. They contain more vitamin B 12 than chicken. Only 1-2 pcs. per day helps to get all the nutrients and reduce the calorie content of the dish.

Because This product contains less cholesterol, so it can be consumed even by heart patients and the elderly. The nutrients in the composition increase memory capacity, stimulate cognitive functions, and increase attention. This product is also recommended for men, as it has properties superior to Viagra. But even for preventive and therapeutic purposes, you should not exceed the daily norm, which is limited by nutritionists to 4-5 pieces.

Another property of the product is its ability to remove radionuclides from the body. Thanks to this, quail eggs are included in the diet of children and adults living in areas with high radiation exposure, and patients who have undergone radiation for malignant pathologies. Scientists calculated the daily need for the product (pieces) depending on age (years):

  • 1-3 — 1-2;
  • 3-10 — 2-3;
  • 10-18 — 4;
  • 18-50 — 4-5;
  • from 50 and older - 4-5.

But how healthy are they, how many calories are there in a boiled egg and one cooked differently? All this is of interest to those who are on a diet and not only. Their calorie content and beneficial properties will be discussed in the material.

Calorie content of boiled eggs

100 grams of chicken eggs contain about 160 kcal; on average, one egg weighs about 70 grams. Accordingly, one boiled egg will have a calorie content of 80 kcal, two pieces - 160 kcal, respectively. This number of calories is considered optimal for breakfast, you will also saturate your body with the necessary amount of elements such as:

  • vitamins;
  • carbohydrates;
  • proteins;
  • microelements.

Egg white is good even with a diet, because it is digested almost entirely, and is of great benefit to the body than protein from meat, milk or fish. The calorie content of the product in boiled and raw form is practically the same.

Many people mistakenly believe that these foods are harmful to the body because they contain a lot of cholesterol, but this is not true at all. They contain only up to 2 percent, but there is much more lecithin, so if you eat boiled eggs in the morning, you will not be afraid of atherosclerosis.

A hard-boiled egg can be stored for 10 days. but fresh they are much healthier, so it is best to cook them immediately before eating. It takes about 5 minutes to cook.

Raw foods are considered the healthiest, but no one can guarantee that they will not contain salmonellosis.

Number of calories in yolk and white separately

The calorie content of yolk and white is also different. The yolk contains the most calories, while the white contains three times less calories.

Everyone knows that an egg consists of white and yolk. Thus, the calorie content of protein per 100 grams is only 17 kcal, which is equal to a quarter of the total calorie content. There are almost no fats in protein, it is in it that all beneficial amino acids and B vitamins.

But the calorie content of the yolk is 50 kcal. It contains:

  • proteins;
  • fats;
  • carbohydrates;
  • vitamins A, B, E;
  • manganese;
  • calcium;
  • zinc;
  • iron and other trace elements.

Ingredients of the cooked product

Contrary to common myths about the harmfulness and high calorie content of these products, they are excellent for dietary nutrition when losing weight.

So, they contain a total of 12 types of vitamins. In terms of vitamin D content, eggs are second only to fish oil. It also contains quite a few minerals, for example;

  • phosphorus;
  • copper;
  • calcium;
  • iron.

Calories for other cooking methods

We looked at how many calories are contained in a hard-boiled egg, and below we will consider what its energy value will be if cooked using other methods.

How many calories are in a soft-boiled egg?

If you boil it soft-boiled, its usefulness will be the same, and the calorie content of one piece will be about 70 kcal. This product is completely digested within 2 hours. To cook a soft-boiled egg, you need to cook it for up to 5 minutes. The yolk in it should be semi-liquid, Soft-boiled eggs should only be eaten hot.

Many people like to fry eggs in the morning; of course, the issue of its calorie content remains relevant for some. One fried egg without oil has 110 calories. But their number increases if it is fried in fatty oil.

Therefore, when calculating the number of calories in a fried egg, be sure to take into account not only the egg itself, but also the oil in which you cooked it. As a rule, the calorie content of the finished dish is more than 170 kcal, this figure is more than twice the calorie content of the boiled product. That's why fried foods are not included in the diet for weight loss diets, they are too high in calories.

But if you are watching your figure, but cannot deprive yourself of the pleasure of eating fried eggs for breakfast, fry only the whites, since they contain a minimum of carbohydrates and zero fat.

Omelette and its calorie content

Omelette is one of the most common egg dishes made for breakfast. It's very easy to prepare:

  • beat 2 eggs with milk;
  • Pour the mixture into a frying pan, having previously heated a little oil in it.

The calorie content of the finished dish is 118 kcal; if you prepare an omelet from proteins alone, it will be only 85 kcal. The number of calories increases sharply if you add tomato or cheese to the omelette; with both ingredients it is 342 kcal.

Calorie table for eggs in different forms

Below is a short list of the calorie content of this product in one form or another, indicating its usefulness:

This product is excellent for inclusion not only in a diet for weight loss, but also in therapeutic nutrition, and for the purpose of general health promotion. It has the following useful properties:

Naturally, there are many healthy foods that contain fewer calories than a boiled egg, but it is not only healthy, but also incredibly tasty, especially for breakfast. And if you want to enjoy the taste of this product and double the amount of vitamins you consume, then try quail eggs. But remember that their calorie content is higher than that of chicken and is about 150 kcal per piece.

Boiled eggs are a calorie-rich product, healthy and tasty. Eating 2 pieces for breakfast will keep you feeling full for a long time.

Chicken eggs are the most commonly used food in many diets. In this regard, many people who want to lose weight are wondering: how many kcal are contained in a boiled or fried egg? Having an idea of ​​the calorie content of eggs, you can easily plan your diet using this product.

Composition and nutritional value

Today, there is a lot of disagreement among both doctors and nutritionists regarding the addition of eggs to the diet. Some say that by consuming them you can eat without gaining weight, while others claim that this product is rich in bad cholesterol. Many questions arise about this. Let's try to find answers to them.

Even 15-20 years earlier, nutritionists argued that eggs were harmful due to their composition and the amount of cholesterol they contained. Today, this opinion has changed dramatically. This decision was influenced by a more thorough study of the product’s composition.

The approximate weight of one chicken egg is about 45 grams, and the protein contains:

  • about 87% liquid;
  • 11% protein;
  • only one percent carbohydrates;
  • minerals 1%.

The yolk is slightly different in its constituent indicators:

  • half of the ingredients are water;
  • fats in the amount of 30-31%;
  • 17% protein;
  • 2% minerals.

Interesting fact:

The composition is rich in such useful elements as calcium, phosphorus, iron, as well as potassium, sodium, zinc and selenium.

In addition, it contains many different vitamins of group B, A, D, E, K, Pp. Many nutritionists advise eating two boiled eggs every day in the morning, as they energize, invigorate and, of course, perfectly kill hunger. How many calories are in an egg depends on many factors. What affects this and how to reduce the number of calories?

Video “Egg – benefit or harm?”

A demonstrative video program in which the doctor will dispel all the myths about the benefits and harms of chicken eggs.

How many calories are in one egg?

People who carefully monitor the amount of calories they consume know that this amount is influenced by many factors. The energy value of an egg is directly affected by its weight and method of preparation.

The average energy value of one chicken egg reaches approximately 158 kcal. At the same time, the calorie content per 100 grams may vary, which is influenced by the cooking method. It is worth comparing the calorie content in each type of product and choosing the most suitable and safe option for your figure.

A raw egg

In its raw form, this natural product contains practically no carbohydrates. Thus, only the remaining components, that is, fats and proteins, affect the number of kilocalories. Fats are present in the yolk, and the second components are the basis of the protein.

The average energy value of this product in its raw form is approximately 70 kcal. If this product is subject to heat treatment, then the volume of kilocalories will change accordingly.

Boiled egg

According to gastroenterologists and nutritionists, a boiled egg is the most beneficial for both the figure and the health of the whole body. Experts advise eating this product boiled during breakfast. In this way, a feeling of dampness will come, and the body will be replenished with the necessary vitamins and elements.

One boiled egg contains a lot of boiled protein, which is responsible for the feeling of energy and vigor. The form of preparation is also important, that is, it will be soft-boiled or hard-boiled. Nutritionists give several recommendations that will help make this product not only tasty, but also healthy:

  • Before cooking, rinse the shells with slightly warm water (this will help prevent serious diseases such as salmonellosis);
  • cook in lightly salted water, while the amount of salt should be minimal;
  • do not overcook the product, as this will negatively affect both its taste and beneficial qualities.

The average hard-boiled egg is approximately 55-60 kcal. Soft-boiled - approximately 70 kcal, as in raw form.

How many calories are in a boiled egg depends directly on the way it is prepared. It is better to use the product cooked soft-boiled.


Of course, this product when fried will be more nutritious than raw or boiled. In addition to increasing the amount of fat, this kind of dish can cause other unpleasant symptoms, and is also contraindicated for people with gastritis and other gastrointestinal pathologies.

The energy value is also affected by the frying method:

  • without using oil - 100 kcal;
  • with vegetable oil - 125 kcal.

Among people on a diet, a fairly popular dish is an omelette made from egg whites. There is a myth that the energy value of this dish is minimal. Is it really?

As already mentioned, the calorie content of a fried egg is affected by the frying method (with or without oil). An omelette made from proteins is prepared in vegetable oil, so its calorie content cannot be minimal. On average, 100 grams of such a product contains about 128 kcal, which is not the lowest figure.

Egg powder

Egg powder is also called dry melange. It was invented not so long ago and the main purpose of such a product is as an ingredient for preparing various dishes. Usually fresh raw eggs are used for cooking, but this option is quite expensive.

One kilogram of egg powder (dry melange) can replace approximately 9 dozen eggs. One hundred grams of this product contains an average of 542 kilocalories. If you compare how many calories are in a hard-boiled egg and in such a powder, then it is better not to save money and eat the egg once again or add it to any dish.

Calories in white and yolk separately

The calorie content of white and yolk in an egg also differs. So, there is three times more of it in the yolk than in the white. On average, 100 grams of protein is 17 kcal. It contains a minimum of fat and a maximum amount of amino acids and B vitamins that are beneficial for humans.

The yolk contains 50 kcal, it also contains carbohydrates, fats, manganese, potassium, zinc and so on. Nutritionists recommend not consuming yolk together with other animal fats.

The calorie content of boiled and fried eggs is not the only issue that interests many girls and men who are losing weight. People also often wonder what is the benefit of this product?

Benefits of eggs

This product is used not only in dietary nutrition for weight loss, but also for medicinal purposes. It has an excellent effect on overall health and has excellent strengthening properties for the human body. This natural product also has the following benefits:

  • the substances contained in the composition perfectly protect the optic nerves and prevent the formation of cataracts;
  • components that have a beneficial effect on the circulatory system, strengthen the vascular system;
  • lecithin has strengthening properties for memory, affects the speed of thinking;
  • stimulates the body's immune defense, preventing many diseases;
  • has strengthening properties for bones and teeth;
  • the composition has a beneficial effect on the skin, hair, helps maintain youth;
  • Low-fat composition and relatively low calorie content help you lose weight.

Of course, there are many other foods with similar calorie content. However, it is chicken eggs that are most in demand due to their unusual taste, relatively low cost and the ability to prepare many different dishes based on them.

The greatest benefit will come only from fresh eggs. There are two ways to check this: a fresh egg does not make any sounds when shaken; a fresh egg placed in water immediately sinks; a not fresh egg rises to the top.

Eggs and diet food

Eggs are one of the natural foods included in the list of low-calorie foods. This product is often included in many diets and is often used for medicinal purposes.

Studies have shown that people who eat two boiled eggs every day in the morning, on average, reduce the calorie content of their diet per day by about 300 kilocalories.

Nutritionists recommend consuming this product at least 2-3 times a week; this will help not only lose weight, but also strengthen your body. There are certain diets for weight loss that include a distinct number of eggs per day. Eggs do an excellent job of normalizing metabolism in the body.

Standards of use

If your cholesterol level is normal, you can eat one egg daily. With this dosage, the body will be replenished with the necessary beneficial components. If cholesterol levels are elevated, it is recommended to reduce the amount of product by eating 2-3 units per week.

If we talk about children, then the yolk is introduced into complementary foods around the seventh month of life. And at two or three years old, pediatricians advise children to eat 2-3 yolks for seven days.

Remember that eggs are usually found in many dishes. This is especially true for those who lose weight through diets, calculating the number of calories eaten per day. Thus, eggs are found in mayonnaise, baked goods, cutlets and other popular dishes.

You should not miss the fact that the calorie content of a boiled egg and a fried egg is significantly different. The energy value of a fried egg is much higher, while the amount of useful elements in the composition decreases. Therefore, nutritionists advise giving preference to the boiled type of product.

The number of calories in a chicken egg and in a quail, turkey or goose egg is also different. This is worth paying attention to when creating a daily diet menu.

Video “Pros and cons of the egg diet”

Informational video with a detailed description of the egg diet, its pros and cons.

A chicken egg is an affordable, dietary, simple, tasty, inexpensive product that enjoys...

A chicken egg is an affordable, dietary, simple, tasty, inexpensive product that is very popular among consumers. Scrambled eggs, omelet, croutons - all these dishes are an excellent option for breakfast or dinner. People have been using this product for food since ancient times, so its beneficial properties are well known.

Chicken eggs come in two categories: table and dietary. On sale you can find products with the appropriate markings - C and D. A chicken egg is called dietary in the first 7 days, after it is laid by a chicken, and after a week it is already called a table egg.

In modern cooking, eggs are used everywhere. They are added to baked goods, desserts, first and second courses, salads, snacks, and even some drinks. There are many recipes that contain eggs. This product can not only be boiled in the shell or fried in a frying pan. Eggs can be cooked in the microwave, baked in the oven, and boiled in boiling water without shells.

Chicken eggs are an excellent source of nutrients. They contain healthy proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as vitamins and microelements important for human health. Unlike other protein products, eggs are absorbed by the body by 97-98%. Eggs are included in the diet of people who monitor their health and weight. The product has a unique composition, therefore it has a positive effect on the human condition.

Chicken eggs: description

Chickens are a source of healthy meat and egg producers. They are bred in almost every corner of the globe. People started eating chicken eggs more than 2,000 years ago. Chicken eggs have an oblong shape, and depending on the age, breed, weight and diet of the bird, they can vary in size and color. The product consists of shell, protein and yolk. The color of an egg does not in any way affect its beneficial and nutritional qualities. In eggs, both the white and the yolk are equally healthy. The shell is also widely used in folk medicine and agriculture. In cooking, eggs serve both as a separate dish and as an ingredient for soups, salads, appetizers and other dishes.

Chicken eggs: composition

Eggs have a truly unique composition. They include 12 essential vitamins: A, E, D, PP, H, K, B vitamins, namely B1, B2, B4 and B9 and others. In terms of the amount of vitamin D, egg yolk is second only to fish oil. Chicken eggs contain the following micro- and macroelements: phosphorus, calcium, iron, iodine, cobalt, boron, copper, manganese, sulfur, magnesium, potassium and others. In addition, eggs are rich in essential amino acids.

Chicken egg white contains about 90% water and 10% protein. The yolk is made up of cholesterol and fat. In the total mass, the protein accounts for about 56%, the yolk is 32%, and the shell is 12%.

Egg yolk contains most of the fat, but it consists mainly of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Saturated fatty acids are contained in smaller quantities.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids include:

  • Linolenic acid – 2%;
  • Linoleic acid – 16%.

Monounsaturated fatty acids:

  • Oleic acid – 47%;
  • Palmitoleic acid – 5%.

Saturated fatty acids include:

  • Myristic acid – 1%;
  • Palmitic acid – 23%;
  • Stearic acid – 4%.

Eggs contain 96% of minerals, increased amounts of calcium, iodine, phosphorus, copper, cobalt and iron.

How many calories are in a chicken egg?

The calorie content of a chicken egg is directly related to its size. The calorie content of an average egg is approximately 70 kcal, a large egg will add approximately 80 kcal, and a very large egg will add approximately 90 kcal. So how many calories are in an egg?

Calorie content of eggs is about 150-157 kcal per 100 g. Of which: proteins - 51 kcal, fats - 103 kcal, carbohydrates - 3 kcal.

If you buy large eggs, their calorie content will be higher. A pair of eggs is approximately 120-150 g.

How many calories in 1 egg? One raw egg contains about 70 kcal.

Many people are also interested in: “How many calories are in a fried egg?” The calorie content of a fried egg can reach 350 kcal, depending on the amount of oil. So, for example, if you pour 1 tablespoon of sunflower oil into a frying pan, you will get an additional 152 kcal (1 tablespoon contains 17 g of oil = 152 kcal). If you are using a non-stick pan and adding just a few drops of oil, then there is nothing to worry about. If you pour butter from the heart or make scrambled eggs in lard, then the calorie content of the finished product will be much higher.

So, how many calories are in scrambled eggs from 2 eggs? Let's do simple calculations: 2 medium-sized raw eggs are approximately 120 grams = 188-190 kcal. Add the calorie content of the oil - 1 tablespoon (17 g) = 152 kcal. In total we get 190+152=342 kcal. For those on a low-carb diet, this figure may be too high. If you want to lose weight, then it is better to eat a couple of boiled eggs with vegetables for breakfast.

Calorie content of soft-boiled egg– 95 ​​kcal (for an egg weighing 60 g).

Calorie content of hard-boiled egg– 96 kcal (for an egg weighing 60 g).

Egg white calories(23g piece) – 10 kcal.

Egg yolk calories(20 g piece) – 70 kcal.

Chicken eggs: beneficial properties

Eggs have a unique composition, which is why doctors and nutritionists often talk about their beneficial properties. Overall, it has been proven that:

  • Eating chicken eggs serves as an excellent prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Protects against cataracts and has a beneficial effect on vision;
  • Significantly reduce the risk of developing cancer, including breast cancer;
  • They have a beneficial effect on the digestive system and also help cope with peptic ulcers;
  • Eggs have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the brain, increase mental abilities and improve memory;
  • The product saturates the body with beneficial vitamins and minerals that help strengthen the immune system;
  • They benefit bone tissue, since the vitamin D contained in eggs promotes the absorption of calcium, which is vital for the development of a strong skeleton;
  • Very useful for muscle growth and development, which is due to the fact that egg white is much more effective than milk protein or beef protein;
  • Eggs are an antidepressant, improve mood, and have a positive effect on the nervous system;
  • The product improves the condition of nails, hair and teeth;
  • They are an integral element of the diet of athletes and all people leading an active lifestyle;
  • Eggs contain folic acid, so they are useful not only for women planning a pregnancy, but also for pregnant and lactating women;
  • Eggs are a healthy product for men because they improve sperm quality, which is also important when planning pregnancy;
  • Scientific studies have confirmed that eating a couple of boiled eggs for breakfast helps you lose weight.

Chicken eggs: contraindications and possible risks

The main danger that chicken eggs can pose is the possibility of becoming infected with salmonellosis. Doctors recommend rinsing eggs under warm water, washing your hands thoroughly before preparing food, and not eating raw food. Raw egg lovers risk more than others.

Excessive consumption of eggs puts a lot of stress on the kidneys.

There is an opinion that chicken eggs, namely the yolk, contain an excessive amount of fat and increase cholesterol. In connection with the existing theory, many athletes eat only proteins, fearing the fat from the yolks. However, recent studies have shown that eggs contain a substance - lecithin, which balances the level of “bad” and “good” cholesterol, which makes the product absolutely safe. Thus, it was found that eggs have no effect on increasing “bad” cholesterol, but, on the contrary, are an excellent preventative against atherosclerosis. Therefore, anyone who wants to improve their health and lose weight can eat chicken eggs without fear.

The benefits of a chicken egg are simply colossal. Both the white and the yolk are useful in their own way, and together they represent an almost ideal (from a nutritional point of view) product. Egg white is much healthier than fish, dairy or meat. It is chicken protein that is most easily absorbed by the body and brings continuous benefits. Eating eggs helps strengthen the immune system and speed up recovery from certain diseases.

The yolk is a treasure trove of vitamins and beneficial elements. It contains biotin, lecithin and choline, as well as vitamins A, B and E. In addition, it saturates the human body with phosphorus and iron. Phosphorus, in turn, has an excellent effect on the nervous system and brain function.

Boiled chicken eggs: calorie content, composition, benefits and harm

The parts of a chicken egg differ not only in composition, but also in taste. The white and yolk are often used separately in cooking. Chicken eggs are subjected to various types of heat treatment, and are sometimes used raw. Eggs are usually boiled, fried, or baked. There are also recipes for pickled and stuffed eggs.

In fact, boiled eggs are a food product that has undergone heat treatment and is used as a separate dish or as an ingredient in main dishes, snacks, desserts, etc. Eggs serve as a filling for baked goods, as well as meatloaves, fish casseroles, etc.

Boiled eggs retain all the beneficial vitamins and minerals, so a boiled egg breakfast or snack is a great way to satisfy your hunger. Doctors, nutritionists, and athletes talk about the benefits of eggs.

There are 3 main types of boiled eggs:

  • Boiled egg;
  • Hard boiled egg;
  • Boiled egg “in a bag”.

Chicken eggs can be boiled for a couple of minutes, or you can cook them for 10 minutes. It all depends on what result you want to get. During cooking, you can add salt to the water to prevent the egg from leaking if it cracks during cooking.

  • The soft-boiled egg is cooked for 2-3 minutes.
  • Egg “in a bag” – 5-6 minutes.
  • Hard-boiled egg - up to 10 minutes.

Chicken eggs can be baked in the oven along with cheese and vegetables, you can fry classic scrambled eggs, or you can make a very tasty omelet. In addition, eggnog is made from eggs; they are added to dough, cutlets, and cocktails. Eggs can even be pickled or salted. There are no limits to the flight of fancy. The product goes well with vegetables, herbs, and cheese.

How many eggs can you eat in a week?

No one doubts that eggs are a very healthy product. However, for many years there has been debate among doctors and nutritionists about how many eggs can you eat per week? Some experts say that the optimal amount is 2-3 eggs per week, others say that you can consume up to 5 eggs, and still others advise not to limit yourself at all. Who is right? According to recent studies, eggs do not raise cholesterol levels, so they can be eaten almost every day. People who already have problems with cholesterol should limit their consumption of this product.

For example, bodybuilders, when preparing for competitions, can eat up to a dozen eggs a day, in addition to other foods. In addition, there are several popular diets based on eating 2 to 4 eggs per day.

Older people tend to believe that eggs are a dangerous product and should not be eaten more than twice a week. Modern science refutes these ideas and finds new evidence that frequent consumption of eggs and high cholesterol are in no way interconnected.

A person who leads an active lifestyle and plays sports can eat as many eggs as he wants, but without overeating. It is important to remember that any, even the most healthy product, if consumed excessively, turns into poison. If the cholesterol level is no longer normal, or there are kidney and liver diseases, then it is better to give up eggs or reduce them to 2-4 eggs per week. The norm can only be determined by a doctor after an examination.