How many days does a boiled egg last? What is the shelf life of eggs under different storage conditions?

Chicken eggs are rich in vitamins, microelements and protein - the composition is highly valued in any diet based on the principles of proper nutrition. The low calorie content justifies the name “dietary”. I wonder what ways to store eggs are that can preserve all the beneficial qualities? I will tell you how long you can store boiled eggs in the refrigerator.

Product storage features

When thinking about how long a boiled egg will last in the refrigerator, it is important to pay attention to some factors. Although heat treatment increases the shelf life of products, the following nuances are extremely important:

  • where the products were purchased;
  • farm-made “straight from the chicken” or store-bought, brought from a poultry farm;
  • under what conditions and at what temperature the product was stored before purchase;
  • how long did the eggs last before purchase?
  • Are there any signs of damage on the shell in the form of cracks and chips?

All this must be taken into account in further use:

  1. If raw eggs were purchased in a supermarket, then the packaging should contain information about expiration dates, and, as a rule, they are stored in a special refrigerated display case.
  2. If the products are rustic, then they may be fresher than store-bought ones, but no one gives any guarantees in this case.

Eggs without damage to the shell (boiled and raw) are stored longer, since there is no possibility of bacteria entering through the shell. The shelf life of broken ones is several times shorter.

Cold storage

It is known that poultry products that have undergone heat treatment or hard-boiled are not only absolutely safe (the possibility of infection with the saltpeter worm is zero), but also last longer. It is preferable to store them in the refrigerator, since this is where the optimal temperature regime is maintained.

What you need to do to extend the shelf life of boiled eggs:

Image Instructions

Step 1

Boil the product until hard-boiled. In this case, the boiling time is at least 10 minutes.

This time is the minimum period at which harmful microorganisms contained on the shell die.

Step 2

Cool the boiled eggs in cold water and then wipe with a dry cloth.

Step 3

When they have cooled, put them in a plastic container or enamel container with a lid and store them deep in the refrigerator.

It is believed that boiled eggs are stored longer if they are not placed in the door.

Since opening and closing the door creates temperature differences, the product spoils faster than if it is placed on a shelf near the back wall.

Step 4

The shelf life of boiled eggs in the refrigerator is no more than 20 days if the temperature is maintained (from +3 to +6 degrees) and provided that they were fresh.

Easter “paints” last longer thanks to a protective layer of paint and vegetable oil to add shine. Even outside the refrigerator, they can last about a week at room temperature.

Storage outside the refrigerator

Boiled eggs can be stored outside the refrigerator, but for obvious reasons their shelf life will be significantly shorter. These eggs are stored at room temperature no higher than 20 °C for a maximum of 3 days. Consuming a product that has been stored longer than this period can lead to food poisoning.

The instructions presented in the table describe ways to store eggs without a refrigerator.

Image Description

Method 1

A product without a damaged shell can last 1-2 days in the open air at a temperature not exceeding 22 degrees.

If there are chips or cracks, it is advisable to eat such products immediately.

Method 2

For better preservation, wrap each egg separately in paper or foil. This way you can avoid product spoilage for up to 3 days.

Method 3

Can eggs be stored outside of the refrigerator? Yes, but under no circumstances put them in a bag - they will inevitably go rotten.

During the first 12 hours, boiled eggs stored at room temperature retain all vitamins and valuable components, so it is advisable to consume them as soon as possible.


Boiled eggs can be stored in the cold for a long time, but now you know that not only - at room temperature this product can also stay fresh for some time.

Finally, let me remind you that fresh products produced by urban poultry farms or private farms can be stored raw in the refrigerator for 20–30 days without loss of taste. A hard-boiled egg will last a little longer, but I will not guarantee its usefulness and safety - the price of ingesting stale products is fraught with serious poisoning.

The video in this article will clearly show how to preserve eggs with your own hands. If you have any questions or comments, let's discuss them in the comments.

Chicken eggs are a popular product, often used in cooking. In order to use them correctly and profitably, you need to learn and remember the shelf life of raw and boiled eggs. Of course, it is better to keep them in the refrigerator, but even without it they can sit for some time. We will tell you how long eggs can be stored outside the refrigerator so that you never get poisoned by them.

How long does a boiled egg last without refrigeration?

How many days boiled eggs last outside the refrigerator depends in part on how they were prepared. On average, they remain fresh for 3-4 days and only if certain conditions and tricks are met.

For example, after preparing a hard-boiled egg for a snack on the road, you should not wrap it in a bag, otherwise it will quickly spoil without refrigeration. Also, boiled eggs that do not have cracks last longer without refrigeration. If the shell is damaged during cooking, eat or use the egg as soon as possible.

How long can Easter eggs be stored outside the refrigerator? In this case, it all depends on the method of decorating them. If they are in an airtight film, they will spoil in 3-4 days, and if the eggs are painted with natural dyes and treated with sunflower oil for shine, they will last up to ten days without refrigeration.

As for soft-boiled eggs, they are stored at room temperature for no more than two days, but peeled eggs without shells will spoil in just a day. We also recommend that you read our useful tips:

  • In the heat without a refrigerator, even hard-boiled eggs will quickly spoil - in about a day.
  • Do not pack eggs in plastic bags, otherwise they will spoil twice as quickly. Use foil or paper.
  • After boiling and cooling the eggs, dry them thoroughly. The moisture remaining on the shell will promote the development of microbes.
  • If, when storing soft-boiled or hard-boiled eggs outside the refrigerator, you notice an unpleasant aroma from them, throw them away without regret.

How to boil eggs so they last longer?

To keep eggs longer without refrigeration, you need to cook and process them properly. As you understand, hard-boiled ones last longer than soft-boiled ones or those in a bag. If you are going to take them on the road, buy only fresh eggs (up to 2-3 weeks from production). When the shell is difficult to separate during cleaning, the eggs are fresh and have been stored for no more than a week.

Heat treatment changes the consistency of the product and disinfects the contents of the shell. The most dangerous microbes and bacteria die if boiled for a long time - up to 7-10 minutes. We do not recommend that you take soft-boiled eggs or in a bag on the road or leave them on the table outside the refrigerator - they will quickly spoil.

If you buy homemade village or farm eggs at the market, rinse them with warm water before cooking for longer storage without refrigeration.

How long can raw eggs be stored without refrigeration?

How many days can raw eggs be stored if there is no refrigerator? For example, in villages, farmers use one old and proven method: eggs are left in cool, dark rooms (usually cellars). At room temperature, raw store-bought eggs will last no more than a week without refrigeration, and homemade eggs will last up to two weeks. But what if you bought them in large quantities and the refrigerator doesn’t fit everything? There is one proven trick.

First of all, rinse the eggs with warm water or wipe with a damp cloth to remove any dirt. Dry the shell thoroughly, and then take a cloth or napkin, moisten it with vegetable oil and brush each egg. This will create an oil film on the surface of the shell, which will protect its contents. Additionally, it is better to wrap each egg in paper or newspaper and leave it in a dry, dark place (preferably ventilated). In this state, the eggs will last up to 1-2 months, depending on the ambient temperature.

These poultry products have become so integral to our diet that most dishes, be it hot dishes, snacks or baked goods, cannot be done without them. And therefore, this food, as a rule, is purchased for future use, but few people think about the shelf life of raw and boiled eggs in the refrigerator and without it. But besides hens, there are other birds who generously give us eggs, and these ellipsoids in the shell already have their own requirements for living conditions.

Egg story

Eggs have been valued by people since the first birds were domesticated. Ancient poultry farmers immediately noted the high nutritional properties of this product, the ease of its production, unpretentiousness in storage, and ease of preparation.

The first “traces” of laying hens were discovered in India; it was there, according to many scientists, that the first poultry farms were established. In the most developed ancient societies - Mesopotamia, Greece, Persia, Arabia and Egypt, rock carvings of chickens date back to the second millennium BC.

However, in the pharaonic lands the cult of poultry farming was so widespread that they even learned to incubate eggs. Only priests were allowed to participate in this important and even by some standards sacred action.

Today everything is much simpler, and on a larger scale. Eggs are an indispensable product in every corner of the world, and especially here, where there are about 300 eggs per capita per year.

Thanks to this demand, laying hens on poultry farms fulfill and even exceed the plan, regularly replenishing the country’s egg “treasury.” But the question is how long eggs can be stored, given the fact that they do not always reach store shelves right away.

Chicken eggs are the most popular poultry product, and it is they, fresh and boiled, that most often end up in our refrigerator with a supply. In order for us to always be confident in the freshness of the product, GOST has determined the expiration date for these products.

For factory-made eggs, according to the regulations of the state standard, there is no one written deadline, since all products are divided into 3 categories, data about which is applied to the shell in the form of markings.

Eggs can be stored this way:

  • dietary no more than 1 week from the date of production,
  • table and chilled - up to 30 days.

In addition, for the storage of this fragile product, certain conditions are provided to extend its shelf life until the deadline.

After purchasing eggs, be sure to place them in the refrigerator. The best place to store eggs is considered to be the bottom shelf closest to the freezer, where the temperature does not rise above +3°C.

Why you shouldn't store eggs on the refrigerator door

Many refrigerator manufacturers equip trays for storing eggs on the doors, but they should not be placed there. So why shouldn't you store eggs on the refrigerator doors?

The thing is that when you open the refrigerator compartment, warm air immediately hits the products located on the doors of the device, displacing the cold. It is precisely because of such unstable “weather” that chicken ellipsoids can quickly become unusable.

Which end down should you store eggs in the refrigerator?

The placement of bird rudiments must be carried out in the grooves of special containers or trays with the end down, which the egg cannot be damaged, that is, narrowed.

The thing is that at the wide base of the chicken oocyte there is an air “corridor”, which, when pressed, can deform the shell and break the tightness of the natural “packaging”.

If the egg supply is so large that there is no space left in the container, then carefully place the eggs in a basket or bowl, the bottom and walls of which are lined with a soft cloth so as not to damage the shell.

Shelf life of boiled eggs

Boiled eggs in their shells can rest peacefully in the open spaces of a refrigerator for 2 weeks, but for those eggs in which a “hole” is found in the shell, the shelf life is reduced to 4 days.

Raw proteins can also be stored in the refrigerator for two days; to do this, they should be sealed in a container and placed deep into the coolest shelf.

What determines the shelf life

Also, do not forget that eggs of different birds have different shelf life.

So, a guinea fowl, for example, has an egg shell that is 1.5 times thicker, 3 times stronger than a chicken egg, and also has a minimal number of pores, which makes it long-lived on refrigerated shelves and more.

Quail “babies” are protected by lysocin, a natural bactericidal substance, thanks to which they can be stored for quite a long time.

How long can eggs be stored without refrigeration? This question has probably been asked by many, especially those who have excellent agriculture and chickens, quails, turkeys, geese and guinea fowl regularly produce a generous “harvest”.

Undoubtedly, for long-term preservation, all avian oocytes require maintenance in a refrigerator. However, even at home, raw eggs can be perfectly preserved in a dry, cool, dark room, where the temperature does not exceed +15 +18 °C and the humidity is 85%.

Shelf life:

  • chicken eggs in shell under such conditions is 4 weeks,
  • quail – 1 month,
  • Caesar's - up to 4 months.

However, unfortunately, boiled eggs are unlikely to be able to repeat the same trick, since the finished product in this form can remain edible for no more than 3 days.

Storage methods without refrigeration

And this immediately begs the question: is it possible to store eggs without refrigeration for a longer time? We will find the answer from our ancestors, who came up with a way to preserve these poultry products from 2 to 12 months.

Preservation with paraffin

The first method is quite simple and very effective. Lubricate each egg with paraffin, melted fat or butter, then place them carefully in a box or basin, sprinkling them in layers with salt or grain.

Then we send the filled container to the cellar or basement, where at a temperature of +15°C, poultry products can be stored for up to 6 months.

Storage in fat

In the old days, eggs were also varnished, dried, placed in ceramic pots and filled with melted fat. Such “canned food” could be stored in an underground or cellar for 1 to 2 years.

Storage in lime

Another option for one-year egg storage requires placing bird rudiments in a solution of slaked lime so that it covers the “bookmark” by 2 cm.

Usually such filled pots were kept in glaciers or in the coldest place of the cellar. However, the method was not in great demand, since lime had an extremely negative effect on the taste of proteins.

Storage table for raw and boiled eggs

Type of eggs Cold storage Storage without refrigeration
Shelf life How to store. Optimal temperature Shelf life
Chicken: Boiled soft-boiled It is best to store boiled eggs in the middle part of the refrigerator compartment, where the temperature varies from +2°C to +4°C Up to 2 days Outside the refrigerator, boiled eggs are stored at room temperature +20°C on a table or in a buffet in a cardboard tray, basket or bowl covered with a cloth napkin. No more than 1 day
Hard-boiled, Easter 2 weeks No more than 3 days
Fresh homemade Eggs should not be stored on the door! The optimal place for storage is the compartment closest to the freezer, where t= + 1°C +3°C. Or in a dry (50% humidity) fresh area at t = 0°C. In an egg tray with the narrow end down, in a basket or container lined with cloth. Up to 4 weeks In a cellar or cool, dark pantry at a temperature of 15°C and a humidity of no more than 85% in a cardboard tray, basket, recessed container or box lined with cloth or sawdust Up to 3 weeks
Raw store-bought Up to 3 weeks Up to 2 weeks
Quail Up to 60 days 30 days
Goose 1-2 weeks No more than 4 days
Ostrich 3 months 1 month
Duck 1-2 weeks No more than 4 days
Turkey Up to 3 weeks Up to 2 weeks
Guinea fowl eggs In any compartment of the refrigerator at a temperature ranging from 0°C to 10°C in a basket, recessed container or egg container. Up to 6 months 2 months

Well, now we’ve figured out how to approach egg storage wisely.

Now, knowing for sure the shelf life of raw and boiled eggs in the refrigerator and without it, you will definitely not let such a valuable product go to waste.

Chicken eggs are a unique product, rich in protein, fats, vitamins and minerals. However, not all housewives know exactly how long boiled eggs can be stored in the refrigerator. These products are indispensable for breakfast or a quick snack, and are also included in many dishes. Many people prefer to cook eggs with a reserve, but it happens that it is not possible to accurately calculate the required quantity. In such a situation, questions arise about the rules and shelf life of boiled eggs. According to SanPiN, the shelf life of boiled eggs is 36 hours.

We summarize the basic information on storing chicken eggs in the table:

Cooking level Shell integrity Storage Shelf life
Hard-boiled Whole Fridge 14-20 days
Hard-boiled Whole Room 2-3 days
Hard-boiled Cracked/No shell Fridge 4 days/12 hours
Hard-boiled Cracked/No shell Room till 12 o'clock
Soft-boiled Whole Fridge 2 days
Soft-boiled Whole Room 12 hours
Soft-boiled Cracked/No shell Fridge up to 8 o'clock
Soft-boiled Cracked/No shell Room up to 8 o'clock

Rules for boiling eggs

The shelf life of boiled eggs directly depends on the method of their preparation. Thus, the duration of heat treatment plays an important role. Cooking for 8-12 minutes not only changes the structure and taste of the product, but also disinfects it, destroying pathogenic microorganisms, including dangerous salmonella.

Eggs in which a liquid yolk remains after boiling (soft-boiled, poached) cannot be stored for long periods of time. Such products should be consumed within 24-48 hours after preparation, even if stored in the refrigerator.

Factors affecting the shelf life of boiled eggs

The shelf life of boiled eggs is influenced by a number of factors. First of all, their freshness. For cooking, choose only those products that have been produced no more than 5 weeks. You can evaluate freshness after cooking. If the shell is difficult to separate from the protein, then the product is fresh. These boiled eggs will last longer.

The second factor is shell integrity. The appearance of cracks before, during or after cooking makes it impossible to preserve the product for a long time. To avoid such trouble, follow these tips:

  • For cooking, select only clean and whole eggs;
  • Before cooking, let the product sit for a while at room temperature. If you put an egg just taken out of the refrigerator into water, there is a high probability of it cracking;
  • After cooking, carefully place the food on a towel, let it dry completely, and then carefully place it in a storage container. Do not throw boiled eggs or place heavy foods on top of them.

If the egg does crack during cooking, use that first. Without a shell or with a damaged shell, the product cannot be stored for long and spoils very quickly. The average shelf life of such an egg is 2-4 days in the refrigerator and no more than 12 hours at room temperature.

How long do boiled eggs last at room temperature?

Boiled eggs can be stored simply in the kitchen (not in the refrigerator) if the room temperature does not exceed +20 ℃. The maximum shelf life is 3 days.

Shelf life of boiled eggs in the refrigerator

You can store boiled eggs in the refrigerator in their shell for the longest time; to do this, follow these recommendations:

  • After cooking, cool the product in cold water and wipe dry. High humidity creates favorable conditions for the growth of bacteria;
  • Place eggs in an airtight glass or plastic container. This will avoid the spread of a specific smell throughout the refrigerator and prevent the eggs from absorbing other aromas;
  • the optimal storage temperature in the refrigerator is +2…4 ℃;
  • Place the container at the back wall of the unit - this is the coolest place. Do not leave eggs in the refrigerator doors; there, due to frequent temperature changes, they will quickly spoil;
  • store the product in the refrigerator for 14-20 days.

Peeled boiled eggs cannot be stored for long periods of time. They can be kept in the refrigerator at +3℃, but the shelf life should not exceed 12 hours after cleaning. Later they can become hazardous to health.

Do not store boiled eggs in plastic as this will speed up their spoilage. If you need to take the product with you on the road, use a container or paper bag.

Soft-boiled eggs can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days from the date of preparation. If possible, they should be eaten immediately to avoid food poisoning. At room temperature, the shelf life of a product with liquid yolk cannot exceed 12 hours, and in case of damage to the shell - 8.

Storing eggs after Easter

The question of preserving boiled eggs in preparation for Easter is relevant. Many people prepare pysanky (decorated Easter eggs) in large quantities, and it is not possible to eat them all during the holiday. If you plan to dye a lot of eggs and want to save them after Easter, choose the freshest possible products and hard-boil them.

Eggs colored with natural dyes can be stored in the refrigerator for 14 days. If chemicals were used for painting, the shelf life is 2 days. Krashenki decorated with thermal film can be stored for no more than 3 days.

The appearance of an unpleasant odor or change in the color of the product indicates its spoilage. In this case, throw away the boiled eggs, even if they have not yet passed the recommended shelf life.

If you want to preserve the freshness of boiled eggs and extend their shelf life, generously coat the shells with sunflower oil or paraffin.

Freezer storage

Boiled eggs are not recommended to be stored in the freezer. When frozen, they lose their taste and benefits. In exceptional cases, only the yolk can be frozen. The shelf life of such a product can be up to 12 months.

Storing boiled quail eggs

How long do quail eggs last in the refrigerator? A product with a whole shell can be kept in a refrigerator for 5-7 days, at room temperature - 10-12 hours. If the hard layer is damaged, the shelf life should not be longer than 3 days in the refrigerator.

You can store boiled eggs for several days if you create optimal conditions for this. Keep food in the refrigerator, closed in a tight container, avoid sudden temperature changes and damage to the integrity of the shell. To avoid having to worry about the shelf life of the product, do not cook eggs for future use and try to eat them fresh.


The shelf life of boiled eggs depends on many factors: freshness, shell integrity and duration of heat treatment. However, the most important role is played by the organization of correct storage conditions. To understand the questions of how and how long you can save boiled eggs, watch the video:

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How long can boiled eggs be stored in the refrigerator?

    They say that a boiled chicken egg can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than four days. But I store them for a maximum of 24 hours, as they then become unpalatable and sometimes acquire an unpleasant taste. I don’t even want to think about what will happen after 4 days.

    A very good question, I’ve thought about it myself more than once. Many sources on the Internet contain information that boiled eggs can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 20 days at a temperature of 2 - 4 degrees Celsius. But if the shell on an egg breaks during cooking, then such an egg will need to be eaten within five days, and the egg should be stored in the refrigerator. The reason is the fact that if the integrity of the shell is damaged, pathogenic bacteria can enter the egg.

    For better preservation, eggs should not be wrapped in a plastic bag.

    You can store boiled eggs for up to 1 week, but why? Cook it and eat it.

    According to SanPin, fresh eggs can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 30 days, and boiled eggs for no more than 4 days.

    The maximum shelf life of hard-boiled chicken eggs in the refrigerator is no more than 3 days. If in a bag or soft-boiled, then no more than a day. After this period, the egg may spoil and if you eat it, you yourself will get sick.

    It is better to store boiled eggs for no more than two to three days. By the way, experts recommend setting the mode in the refrigerator compartment to the minimum, that is, so that the temperature is lower. It will cost a little more electricity, but the freshness of the food will last a little longer.

    You should not store boiled chicken eggs in the refrigerator for a long time. This is not a persimmon; it won’t make the eggs any tastier. All sources write that the optimal storage period for eggs is no more than 4 days. But this doesn’t happen to me - the eggs are used up immediately, at most the next day.

    It all depends on how cooked the egg is. On average, a boiled, unpeeled egg can be stored in the refrigerator for about 4 days. If an egg is cracked, you cannot store it for a long time; it may disappear. It is best eaten immediately.

    Personally, I don’t store boiled eggs in the refrigerator for more than three days and don’t eat them, because I don’t want digestive problems. But I know for sure that eggs can stay in the refrigerator for 5 days and not spoil. The smell of the egg will be completely normal, of course, if the temperature in the refrigerator is appropriate.

    Storing boiled eggs in the refrigerator is the last thing. It is advisable to eat them right away, and not even because they have a shelf life of only 4-5 days, but because cold boiled eggs are not tasty at all. but this is of course up to your taste. By the way, raw eggs are stored for about 30 days.

    Boiled eggs cannot be stored in the refrigerator for very long.

    After all, the egg shell has pores.

    Through these pores moisture and various odors enter and the egg soon becomes unfit for human consumption.

    You can store boiled eggs in the refrigerator for 4 days and no more.

    I believe that no one will give you an exact answer. This largely depends on how they are cooked (hard-boiled or soft-boiled), how long they were stored before cooking, on the size of the eggs, as well as in what mode and on what shelf they were stored in the refrigerator. In any case, I would not recommend storing them for more than a week.

  • Storing boiled eggs in the refrigerator

    Boiled eggs can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 20 days. It is better to wrap them not in polyethylene, but in paper.

    Although, why create such a strategic supply of eggs when you can boil them regularly in small portions.