Seabass in the oven in foil. How to properly cook baked sea bass in the oven: secrets of Mediterranean cuisine

Yesterday I was lucky enough to buy two large sea bass (this fish is also called “sea wolf”, in English - sea bass), which I decided to bake in the oven. It seems to me that fish baked in the oven with vegetables is not only beautiful, tender and juicy, but also much healthier than fried in oil. And it’s easier to prepare! Considering the size of the sea bass I have (700 g each), it is much more convenient to lay them out on a baking sheet than to try to fit them into a frying pan.

Previously, I simply put the fish and vegetables on a baking sheet, put it in the oven at 190-200 C and waited for the moment when the outside of the fish began to become covered with an appetizing golden brown crust. Despite the fact that sea bass is a fairly fatty fish, the result did not always please me. There were times when I clearly dried out the fish. My relatives said that I had no reason to be upset and that the fish was simply wonderful (and perhaps it was so! It seemed wonderful to them!), but you can’t fool yourself. A perfectionist by nature, I couldn’t come to terms with the fact that the result was far from expected and the fish came out “good enough” and not “amazing!”

Not long ago I tried a new method of baking whole fish in the oven and I want to say that it allows you to simultaneously preserve the juiciness of the fish inside and allow it to acquire a golden brown, slightly crispy crust on the outside. And any errors are practically eliminated if you follow the recommendations that I will give below.

The first few times, we believed that the extraordinary tenderness of the fish was not due to the cooking method, but solely to the freshness of the product. Like, yes, this time I was lucky to buy an excellent fish, which did not have to wait long for its buyer on the counter of the fish store. But, when the third, fourth, fifth time the result remained invariably wonderful, it became clear that the freshness of the fish is, of course, a necessary component of a successful final result, but not the only one.

You will need:

Fresh sea bass or sea bream, or whole trout (the quantity depends on the number of eaters and the size of the fish itself, on average 1300-1400 g. whole fish is enough for 4-5 generous servings)
- spices for fish (you can use regular sea salt, but with spices the fish turns out even more flavorful)
- 1 lemon
- 1 fish onion
- 2-3 sweet bell peppers (preferably red/yellow/orange, because green ones lose their bright green color during baking and do not always look appetizing)
- 200 g champignons
- 250 g cherry tomatoes (if you don’t have cherry tomatoes, you can just tomatoes, cut in half)
- 2 onions for garnish

1. First of all, the fish needs to be cleaned by first cutting off all the fins so that you don’t accidentally get hurt during cleaning. Next, the fish should be gutted. There is nothing complicated about this, the main thing is to make sure not to crush the gall bladder, otherwise later the entire belly of the fish will have an unpleasant bitter taste. The easiest way to avoid this is to gut the fish under running cold water. In this case, even if you accidentally crush the gallbladder, the water will wash away the bile and the bare minimum will get onto the inner surface of the fish, which you may not even feel afterwards.

2. Rub the fish prepared for baking with salt.

3. Cut the lemon into half circles and insert into the slits that you will make in the side surface of the fish (on one side will be quite enough, we are doing this more for beauty than for aroma).

4. Cut the onion into rings and fill the belly of the sea bass with them.

5. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil and place the fish on it. Cover the top with foil more tightly and place in an oven preheated to 200 C for 15-18 minutes (the time of the first baking phase depends on the size of the fish, for smaller ones 15 minutes will be enough, for larger ones it will take all 18 or even 20 minutes).

6. While the fish is baking, prepare vegetables for garnish. Peel the peppers from seeds and white internal veins, cut the onions into 6-8 pieces each, cut the champignons in half, simply wash the cherry tomatoes and then place them whole on the branches. Place the prepared vegetables in a bowl, sprinkle with dried or fresh aromatic herbs (thyme, rosemary, basil), pour in olive oil and mix gently.

7. After 15-18 minutes, remove the foil from the fish and place the prepared vegetables on a baking sheet next to it and place under the grill at a temperature of 200-220 C (you need a grill mode in which the top grill is not constantly heated red hot, but it turns on and off, works alternately). Be careful that the vegetables don't start to brown too quickly; if they do, lower the grill temperature and intensity.

8. Bake vegetables and fish for another 12-15 minutes. During this time, the vegetables should soften slightly and begin to brown, and the fish should acquire a crispy, appetizing crust. Since everyone's oven is different, there can be no clear timing recommendations. Pay close attention to how your dish looks. When it starts to look appetizing, feel free to take it out!

This fish has many names: laurel, sea wolf, koikan, sea pike perch, sea bass (from English sea bass), lubina (from Spanish lubina), spigola (from Italian spigola). Distributed in the Atlantic from the African coast of Senegal to Norway, found in the Mediterranean and Black Seas. To answer the question in the article, we suggest preparing you several recipes for fried sea bass.

Recipe for sea bass fried in salt

An incomparable and simple recipe for sea bass, fried with a delicious pepper sauce, onion sets, cream, cheese and brandy.


  • 4 sea bass fillets,
  • 2 spoons of pepper beans,
  • 1/2 small onion
  • 125 ml. meat broth,
  • 200 ml. cream,
  • 1 spoon of grated cheese,
  • Brandy,
  • Olive oil,
  • Salt.

How to fry sea bass in salt
To make the fish tasty, you should start preparing fried sea bass by making the sauce. To do this, place the frying pan on the fire and pour in a little olive oil. When the desired temperature is reached, add chopped onion sets to the frying pan and stir until they become transparent. Then add pepper and fry for a few seconds. Pour in the broth immediately, cook for 7 minutes and add cream and a splash of brandy. Cook over low heat until the sauce has reduced (you need to watch and constantly stir the contents of the pan).
After this time, add the cheese and let it melt. Add salt if necessary. The sauce for the fried sea bass is ready.
In the next step of preparing the fried sea bass recipe, sprinkle the fish on the plate with salt. Place the plate on the fire and leave until the salt changes color.
At the end, serve the sea bass along with the sauce, the dish is ready.

How to cook sea bass in salt video.
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Recipe for fried sea bass with potatoes

Deliciously tasty and soft sea bass fillet in the oven with a fantastic side dish of potatoes cooked in a juicy sauce.


  • 2 large sea bass,
  • 4 medium potatoes,
  • 3 cloves of garlic,
  • 1 hot pepper,
  • 20 grams. flour,
  • 400 ml. water,
  • 7 grams. sweet red pepper,
  • Olive oil,
  • Salt.

How to cook fried sea bass with potatoes
Sea bass, if purchased as a whole fish, clean, cut off the head, separate the spine and prepare four clean pieces of fillet, which we will then fry with potatoes (if you buy ready-made frozen sea bass fillet, cooking is greatly simplified).
When the fish is ready to use, prepare the seasoning: put cloves of garlic, a little salt and hot pepper without seeds, cut into pieces, into a mixer or mortar. Grind and save.
Pour a little olive oil into the bottom of a frying pan or ceramic dish and put on fire, fry without stopping stirring. When the seasoning begins to brown, add flour and lightly fry, immediately add sweet red pepper.
Stir quickly, add water and bring to a boil. Add salt to taste and add already peeled, washed, thinly sliced ​​potatoes and let the potatoes cook until they are soft.
Finally, place the prepared seabass fillet, seasoned with salt, pepper and butter, on the potatoes and place in the oven, heated to 200ºC. Fry the fish and potatoes for 5 minutes on each side, remove from the oven, and serve the fried sea bass.

Oven fried seabass recipe

If you're looking for a grilled fish recipe that will satisfy all your guests, we recommend trying this extraordinary and delicious Oven Seared Sea Bass.


  • 1 large sea bass (1,500 grams approximately),
  • 3 potatoes,
  • 1 onion,
  • 7 cloves of garlic,
  • 1 red pepper,
  • 1 lemon,
  • White wine,
  • Olive oil,
  • Ground black pepper,
  • Salt.

How to cook delicious fried sea bass
Before you start frying the sea bass in the oven, peel the potatoes and cut them into circles. Also chop the onion and cut the garlic cloves into thin slices.
Place the potatoes on a wide baking sheet. Season with salt and oil. Place the pan in the oven preheated to 200ºC for 20 minutes. Then take out a baking sheet and pour the onions onto the potatoes and fish on top (clean well first and season with salt and pepper and lemon slices). Pour in about 1 glass of wine and place the pan back in the oven. Cook for 10 minutes.
Fry the garlic in a frying pan with hot oil. When it is browned, place it on the fish with a small amount of oil (after the specified time). Continue baking for another 5 minutes, or until the fish is to your liking.
Seabass fried in the oven is ready. Buen provecho! Bon appetit!

Continuing our culinary and historical journey through Greece, today we will reveal to you one of the secrets of Greek national cuisine.

The object of our attention will be the fish called “sea bass” in Greece, and to many other peoples it is familiar as the “sea bass” fish.

But first, we will remember the role fish and other seafood played in the life of the ancient Greeks.

A little history

There is such a legend - when God distributed the land among the nations, he accidentally forgot about the Greeks. The Greeks came to God, weeping bitterly and inconsolably, and began to ask the Almighty to have mercy on them and give them at least some piece of land, even if not the best one.

Then the Lord, in order to correct his mistake, gave them that small piece of land that he had left on earth for himself.

Indeed, Greece is a real paradise that has everything: high mountains covered with numerous forests, and fertile valleys with many large and small rivers and lakes.

An excellent subtropical climate allows you to grow a variety of vegetables and fruits, all kinds of cereals, numerous gardens and olive groves on this land.

But the most important wealth inherited by the Greeks is: Aegean, Ionian and Mediterranean, in waters full of fish, so at all times the sea was the most reliable breadwinner for the Greeks.

There is a lot of evidence confirming that fish was one of the main foodstuffs in Ancient Hellas.

For example, one of the students of the ancient Greek philosopher Demonax, who loved sea travel, asked the teacher if he was not afraid to take sea trips, because storms often occur at sea, and the traveler’s ship could sink, and he himself could be eaten by sea fish?

The philosopher answered with a smile: “Throughout my long life I have eaten so many different fish that it would be fair if it, in turn, could someday eat me.”
In Ancient Sparta, bread and olive oil were considered a luxury, but there was always plenty of fish on the table.

The following anecdotal case is described. One day, a Spartan warrior, stopping for the night at an inn, asked the owner to cook him the fish that he had with him. The owner noticed that to cook fish you need oil, and bread should also be served with the finished fish dish.

To which the warrior replied: “If I had butter and bread, I would ask you to cook the fish that bores me.” Indeed, in the period from the 11th to the 8th centuries BC, fish was the food of the poorer sections of the population, as mentioned by the poet Homer in his poem “The Iliad”.

During the heyday of Ancient Greece, the first culinary traditions of preparing and serving fish dishes took shape.

For example, the ancient historian Herodotus said that tuna and sturgeon began to appear in the markets, which were caught off the coast of the Pontus Euxine (Black Sea).

They began to pickle the unknown fish and eat it in this form as food. The dish became a novelty in the Ancient Agora, and only rich Greeks could afford it, since this fish was very expensive.

In his comedy “Hebe’s Dinner Party,” the ancient Greek philosopher and comedian Epicharmus, who was credited with writing a cookbook, among other dishes on the exquisite table of the feasting gods, describes a fish dish prepared as a special delicacy - one part of the huge fish was salted, the other boiled, and the third part is fried. This is high culinary art! Fresh sea fish for such feasts was delivered to the Olympic table by the god of the seas, Poseidon himself, and other gods, who were great gourmets, received special pleasure from it.

Descriptions of culinary recipes can be found in many ancient Greek classical treatises, and nowadays in Greece many cooks restore and carefully preserve these ancient recipes and prepare fish and other dishes according to ancient descriptions.

The fact that in modern Greece there is a chain of restaurants called "Ancient Tastes" speaks for itself.

Here, the best chefs prepare and serve dishes according to restored ancient Greek culinary recipes.

The restaurant menu necessarily contains quotes from ancient treatises with detailed recipe descriptions of each dish. This is done so that visitors do not have doubts about the authenticity of the ancient origin of these recipes.

It is difficult to say whether ancient cooks prepared the fish we call sea bass or sea bass. The ancient Greeks were good fishermen and had excellent knowledge of many types of marine fauna.

Archimedes in one of his treatises says that the Hellenes knew and prepared 116 types of sea fish. In Archimedes' descriptions of sea fish, there is one fish that is very similar to sea bass.

What is sea bass fish?

Seabass, European sea bass, sea bass, laurel - you name it. The fish is silver in color with small black spots on the back and sides.

She is a voracious predator. It feeds on small marine fish, mollusks and plankton. It is found throughout the Mediterranean and Black Seas, as well as in the Atlantic Ocean from Norway to Senegal.

It lives at depths of up to 100 meters, especially in winter, in salty estuaries and coastal lagoons. Occasionally found in rivers. The standard size of the fish is from 40 to 60 centimeters, its weight is 500-700 grams.

In nature, there are also individuals up to one meter in length and weighing up to 12 kilograms. There are scientific suggestions that its life expectancy in natural conditions reaches fifteen years.

This fish is found on the shelves of many European stores, and recently it has been imported to other countries of the world. Sea bass began to be widely bred in artificial conditions for sale since the late 60s of the last century.

In Greece, this fish is bred everywhere, but unlike many large European suppliers, the Greeks grow it in natural sea waters. Among Greek culinary experts, this fish is considered “noble”, so it is loved and prepared in many fish taverns.

Greek housewives also adore it and often spoil their families with fish dishes. Tourists coming on vacation can taste it in any “psarotavern” (fish tavern).
But first, let's talk about the benefits of sea bass fish, and only then how to choose it correctly.

Beneficial features

If we talk about the beneficial properties of this fish, then it is in no way inferior to such luminaries as fish of the salmon family, which is considered one of the main sources of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Moreover, sea bass is one of the record holders for their content. At the same time, the calorie content of this fish is much lower and amounts to only 82 Kcal per 100 grams. It may be higher, but it depends on how it is prepared.

The human body is not able to independently replenish polyunsaturated fatty acids, so products containing Omega-3 are simply necessary for a person, regardless of age.

People whose bodies are deficient in these fatty acids are at risk of developing chronic diseases such as arthritis, arthrosis, thrombophlebitis, coronary heart disease, osteoporosis, psoriasis and many other serious ailments.

The Danish scientist Dyerberg, who discovered Omega-3, conducting his research and studying the diet of people living in different parts of the globe, concluded that people living near seas or oceans and including fish or seafood in their diet are much less likely to suffer from these terrible diseases , and Eskimos and Aleuts almost never get sick from them, due to the fact that they eat mainly fish and seal meat, rich in Omega-3.

In addition, 100 grams of sea bass contain 16.5 grams of protein, which is easily absorbed by the body, and many minerals, such as phosphorus - 202 mg, calcium - 20 mg, iron - 1.1 mg.

Sea bass is rich in proteins, as well as vitamins A, D, E, K, which promote metabolism and play a huge role in the mental and emotional tone of the body.

I remember the “execution” that Soviet children were subjected to. Pediatricians were prescribed to drink fish oil every day as a means of strengthening the children's body and improving brain activity.

My poor mother followed me around the house to give me this healthy product. Nowadays there is no need to “torture” children with such a procedure.

It is enough for any mother to cook fish, such as sea bass, for lunch or dinner at least once a week, and the children, along with the fish, will receive all the polysaturated acids, vitamins and minerals their bodies need.

But before you try it yourself or offer your loved ones, especially children, a dish of this fish, remember a few simple tips for choosing it.

How to choose the right sea bass and where is the best place to buy

1. When choosing fish in a tavern, ask the owner to show it. They will never refuse you this; on the contrary, they will proudly show you a display case with products that are prepared in the tavern.

Attention! Fresh fish inside the display case should be stored on ice, and the display case itself should be a micro-refrigerator.

2. First of all, inspect the fish gills; they should have a pink tint.

3. Then pay attention to the eyes of the fish; they should not be cloudy.

5. Choose medium-sized sea bass, this fish is the most delicious. Most often, in a tavern, the selected fish will be weighed and its cost will be calculated, and you will immediately find out how much you can afford.

The cost of one kilogram of sea bass in a tavern ranges from 26 to 29 euros per 1 kilogram. For home cooking, Greek housewives prefer to buy such fish in a supermarket or fish store, where prices are half the price.

Any buyer can ask for the fish to be gutted and cleaned, but only after weighing it. The cost of one kilogram of sea bass in a supermarket ranges from 8.79 to 9.15 euros.

How to cook sea bass

We have chosen the fish, now we will choose how to prepare it.

Before we begin, I would like to immediately say that sea bass is a fish that can be prepared in different ways: baked in the oven, grilled, you can even simply fry or boil, and any, even a completely inexperienced housewife, will invariably achieve success.

This dish will definitely turn out delicious, and most importantly, it will not take much time to prepare, and you should not heat the sea bass for too long so that the fish does not lose its beneficial properties.

It is important that this fish has very few bones, so it is ideally suited for baby food.

I want to tell you how you can cook sea bass in different ways, just as my mother and grandmother cooked it in our family.

Seabass in the oven

You will need:

  • 4 medium sized fish;
  • 1/3 cup olive oil;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 4 sprigs of rosemary;
  • salt;
  • black pepper;
  • 4 potatoes.

Cooking process

1. Rinse cleaned and well-gutted fish carcasses in cold running water.

2. In a deep bowl, mix oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper.

3. Place the fish on a baking sheet lightly greased with olive oil.

4. Make 2-3 cuts on both sides of the fish so that it is well cooked.

5. Carefully coat the carcasses with our marinade on both sides and always inside them.

6. Place a sprig of rosemary in the belly of each fish. Pour the remaining marinade over the entire fish.

7. Place the potatoes on a baking sheet, after wrapping them in baking paper or an aluminum sheet.

8. Bake in the oven preheated to 180 degrees for 45–50 minutes. Remove the pan from the oven, portion the fish into plates, adding a baked potato to each.

9. Decorate with greens. The dish can be served.

The calorie content of 1 serving of sea bass in the oven is 230 Kcal.

Seabass with fennel, lemon and spices in aluminum foil

This recipe makes 2 servings, you will need:

  • 2 medium sized fish;
  • finely chopped dill approximately 50–70 grams or 1 tablespoon of dill seeds;
  • 1 teaspoon cumin;
  • 1 teaspoon dry mustard;
  • ½ teaspoon turmeric;
  • 1 chopped fennel fruit;
  • 1 large sweet red pepper;
  • 1 lemon, cut into thin slices.

Cooking process

1. Preheat the oven to 200–220 degrees.

2. Mix the spices along with salt and pepper on a separate plate.

3. Rub dry spices over our fish.

4. Take a piece of aluminum paper slightly larger than the size of the baking sheet. Spread it on the surface of the baking sheet and sprinkle the remaining dry spices onto the aluminum sheet.

5. Place the fish on the sheet and coat it with olive oil.

6. Place one slice of chopped lemon into the belly of the fish.

7. Sprinkle the top of the sea bass with herbs. Close the corners of the sheet, making a bag out of it.

8. Bake for 15 minutes in a preheated oven. Remove the dish from the oven.

9. Place the fish on plates, garnishing with lemon slices. You can serve.

The calorie content of 1 serving of fish is only 180 Kcal.

Seabass stuffed on the grill

You will need:

  • 3 medium sized fish;
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil;
  • 5–6 green onions;
  • 2 cloves of chopped garlic;
  • 1 small, finely chopped fennel tuber;
  • 1 teaspoon butter;
  • 4 tablespoons of dried white bread crumbs;
  • 3 tablespoons milk;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • 1 lemon.

Cooking process

1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and set it to grill mode.

2. Wash and dry the fish. Season it with salt and pepper and set aside.

3. Mix breadcrumbs, dill, fennel, garlic and green onions, milk, and softened butter in a deep bowl.

4. Fill the fish bellies with the mixture. We secure the bellies with toothpicks so that the minced meat does not fall out when frying on the grill.

5. Grease the grill grate with olive oil. Place the fish on the grill and fry it for 10 minutes on each side.

6. Remove the fish from the grill with a wide spatula and place on plates.

7. Pour lemon juice on top.

Calorie content of this dish based on a serving of 130 grams. only 118 Kcal.

Bon appetit! Kali orexy!

Ekaterina Aravani shared the secrets of cooking sea bass

Sea bass has practically no small bones, and those that exist are easily separated during heat treatment. This quality makes it convenient for use in cooking. For example, sea bass baked in the oven with spices and vegetables is very popular in Greek and Italian cuisines. Today, even those who live far from the sea and consider seafood a delicacy can afford this fish. Sea bass has become accessible and very easy to prepare. If you follow the clear instructions of experienced chefs, then cooking sea bass in the oven will become an easy task even for a novice housewife.

In addition, sea bass fish in the oven is extremely beneficial for health: the rich deposits of substances necessary for humans in sea bass meat are perfectly preserved in the oven. It is this circumstance that makes it desirable to include sea bass in the diet of every family.

To preserve the moisture and fat content of the fish, you can use foil or a “coat” of salt. Sea bass in the oven in foil turns out to be very tender and aromatic, and sea bass in salt in the oven retains its structure, it turns out less moist, but is well soaked in the salt marinade. Coating with salt, in addition, allows you to avoid cleaning the fish from scales; they will go away along with the salt crust after cooking.

Sea bass with vegetables in the oven is good. For these purposes, you can use any vegetables of your choice, from those that bake well, for example, onions, zucchini, eggplant, peppers. This product is also convenient because not only whole fish, but also seabass fillets in the oven are suitable for the holiday table. To prepare and serve it correctly is a matter of the hostess’s imagination. If you need to urgently prepare and serve a treat for unexpected guests, an excellent solution is sea bass in the oven in foil. The preparation time for such a dish is short, maximum 30 - 40 minutes. And your guests will definitely praise you and say: “What a delicious sea bass!” You can do a lot in the oven, and most importantly, you can calculate the time.

But not only for the holiday, let fish come to your table more often. Sea bass in the oven in foil is a good option for a quick, tasty and very healthy dinner dish for your family. Cook sea bass in the oven, choose recipes at your discretion. And don’t hesitate to learn from experienced chefs, incl. view their photos of finished dishes. Even if you cook sea bass in the oven, a photo will not be superfluous when studying the features of preparing this dish. Although sea bass in the oven is simple, recipes with photos will not hurt you to get started.

For your first dish, choose a simpler recipe for seabass fish in the oven. For example, the dish “sea bass in the oven in foil” - its recipe was created for beginners. It is the question “how to cook sea bass in the oven in foil” that interests housewives more often than others. Next time, cook a more interesting sea bass in the oven; you will probably like the recipe with vegetables. A specific recipe and the features of your kitchen appliances will tell you how long to bake sea bass in the oven.

We think you will find our tips on how to cook sea bass in the oven helpful:

Choose your fish carefully at the store. Fresh fish are distinguished as follows: they have clear eyes and slightly pinkish gills. Try pressing with your finger, if the hole quickly recovers, the fish is fresh.

Frozen fish is defrosted on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, or in the open air for 2 - 3 hours.

After defrosting and cleaning the entrails and scales, the sea bass is washed well and then dried with a paper towel.

Be careful when cleaning sea bass; its fins are very prickly, and the wounds from them are painful and take a long time to heal.

Sea bass meat goes well with spicy and aromatic seasonings. We recommend the so-called "Mediterranean" herbs.

Before serving, the sea bass dish can be slightly “acidified” with lemon juice.

Sea bass is baked in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 30 - 40 minutes, depending on the size of the fish, the method of its preparation, marinating, etc. You can raise the temperature slightly, for example to 200 degrees, then the cooking time will be reduced to 20 - 25 minutes.

It is advisable not to overcook the fish in the oven; it will begin to dry out and lose its delicate and aromatic taste.


Sea bass or sea wolf fish belongs to the premium class fish category, since it has very few bones, and the meat is distinguished by its extraordinary tenderness and delicate taste. In addition, the excellent gastronomic qualities along with the low calorie content of sea bass have long made this fish one of the favorite types of seafood on the table of adherents of proper nutrition.

According to recent studies, the benefits of sea bass for human health lie in the high content of omega-3 fatty acids, which have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. Accordingly, experts recommend consuming this fish as often as possible for people with heart disease, age-related pathologies, arthritis and Alzheimer's disease.

In addition, the benefits of sea bass are also justified for those who are trying to monitor their weight. Thus, due to the low calorie content of sea bass and the presence of a large amount of easily digestible protein, the meat of this fish is easily digested and does not provoke the appearance of extra pounds.

1. Seabass fillet baked Catalan style with escalivada sauce


  • sea ​​bass fillet with skin - 2-3 pcs.
  • butter - 4 tbsp. l.
  • salt - 0.5 tsp.
  • black pepper - 0.25 tsp.
  • red pepper - 0.25 tsp.
  • juice of half a lemon - to taste.

Vegetable sauce escalivada:

  • onion - 1 pc.
  • eggplant - 1 pc.
  • sweet pepper - 2-3 pcs.
  • olive oil - 0.5 cups
  • wine vinegar - 2-3 tsp.
  • salt - to taste

Let's prepare the escalivada sauce. Preheat the oven to 180° C. Cover a baking tray with foil, place whole vegetables in it, lightly pour oil, salt, wrap the foil and place the tray in the oven for 1.5-2 hours.

Cool the vegetables slightly, peel the eggplant and peppers. Cut all the vegetables into cubes, place in a plate, pour over oil and vinegar, mix well. While the fish is cooking, divide the escalivada among serving plates.

Cooking fish. Melt the butter in a frying pan, dry the fillet, season with salt and pepper, and place in the frying pan, skin side down.

Fry the fish over medium heat for about 5 minutes until crispy, then turn over, pour in lemon juice and fry for about 5 minutes until the color changes completely.

Place the finished sea bass on plates with escalada, garnish with fresh herbs and serve hot.

2. Sea bass fillet recipe


  • sea ​​bass fillet – 160 g
  • wheat flour - 5 g
  • salt - 2 g
  • pepper, peas - to taste
  • fennel – 20 g
  • zucchini – 30 g
  • eggplant - 30 g
  • bell pepper - 30 g
  • Cherry tomato – 35 g
  • vegetable oil - 45 ml
  • red wine sauce – 45 ml
  • lemon – 25 g
  • frisee salad - 5 g

Preparation: sea ​​bass fillet - salt and pepper, breaded in flour, grilled on both sides. Then put it in the oven at 180C for 10 minutes. While the sea bass is cooking, prepare a side dish - vegetable ratatouille.

Vegetable ratatouille. Fennel, zucchini, eggplant, bell pepper, cut into large strips, fry in olive oil in a hot frying pan. Season with salt and pepper and remove from the stove. Add a side dish of arugula salad and cherry tomatoes. Place the vegetables in the center, place the prepared sea bass on top, and pour over the Red Wine sauce.

Red wine sauce. Pour red wine into a saucepan, add marinade leaves, sugar and a couple of cloves of garlic, previously crushed, and evaporate by 50%.

3. Sea bass with basil oil and garlic


  • basil - 1 bunch
  • sea ​​bass - 2 pcs.
  • garlic - 5 cloves
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • olive oil – 80 ml
  • pepper (black, peas) - to taste
  • pasta (small) - 200 g
  • Parmesan cheese - 50 g

Preparation: Preheat the oven to 200ᵒC. Remove the zest from the lemon, squeeze out the juice, and chop the pulp coarsely. Grind the zest. Clean the fish, rinse and dry. Make deep slanting cuts along the width of the fish and rub with salt and pepper. Sprinkle lemon juice inside and out.

Wash the basil, dry it and place it in a blender along with the garlic and olive oil (leave 3 basil leaves). Add a generous pinch of salt and whisk until smooth.

Place the fish on a baking sheet or in a heatproof dish, brush with basil oil inside and out (save 2 tablespoons of basil oil for the pasta). Place squeezed lemon pieces in the belly. Bake in a preheated oven for 20 minutes.

Meanwhile, cook the pasta in plenty of salted boiling water. Strain, add lemon zest, cheese and 2 tbsp. basil oil. Finely chop 3 basil leaves and add to the pasta. Stir.

Remove the fish from the oven and transfer to plates. Serve with pasta. Drizzle with remaining basil oil.

4. Sea bass fillet with salad


  • sea ​​bass – 190 g
  • tomatoes - 186 g
    salt - 2 g
  • black pepper (ground) - 1 g
  • vegetable oil - 30 g
  • thyme - 2 sprigs
  • shallots – 20 g
  • basil - 5 g
  • olive oil - 30 g
  • lime – 40 g
  • flatbread - 280 g

Preparation: Cut the sea bass fillet into large pieces, approximately 11 by 6 cm, add salt and pepper. Fry in a frying pan in vegetable oil on both sides.

Cover a baking sheet with parchment, place thyme branches on top and bottom of the fish, and cook in the oven at 180°C for 10-12 minutes.

Prepare the salad. Cut the tomatoes into triangular slices and in half, and the shallots into thin rings. Season with olive oil, salt and pepper. At the very end, add basil to the vegetables.

Cut the flatbread into slices and fry on the stove on both sides so that it remains soft inside.

Place the salad in the center of the plate and hot sea bass on top. Place half a lime and crouton next to the fish, garnish with a sprig of basil and ground pepper.

5. Steamed sea bass with vegetables


  • fish (sea bass) - 1 pc.
  • zucchini - 40 g
  • asparagus – 40 g
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • honey - 1 tbsp. l.
  • soy sauce - 30 g
  • black pepper, salt - to taste
  • leeks - for garnish

Preparation: Cut the zucchini into even cubes. Place asparagus and zucchini in a steamer. Cut the sea bass into fillets. Use tweezers to remove small seeds. Place the fillet in a steamer. Add salt and pepper to taste. Steam for 7 minutes.

Prepare the ingredients for the sauce. Mix all ingredients for the sauce well, adding salt and black pepper.

Place zucchini in the middle of the plate, asparagus across it, and sea bass fillet on top. Drizzle sauce around. Garnish with thinly sliced ​​leeks and herbs.

Bon appetit!