Schnapps is a German fruit moonshine. Schnapps – description with photo of the drink; its types and properties; benefit and harm; cooking at home; how to drink correctly; cocktail recipes

Schnapps has been produced in Germany since the beginning of the 16th century, and is very popular and widespread in its homeland, which is why Schnapps is often called the national German drink. It was first used as medicine from all diseases.

In the Middle Ages, it was even credited with rejuvenating properties. But soon the population began to value it as a drink for pleasure and an intoxicant.

There are more than thirty main types of schnapps, and the varieties cannot be counted: each manufacturer has a unique recipe and production conditions, so they say that no two schnapps are absolutely identical. The classic German schnapps is cherry, the label of which says Kirschwasser, literally “cherry water”.

It is commonly called schnapps strong alcohol resulting from double distillation natural raw materials - mash. The mash used is either fruit or grain. Adding spices and herbs is also acceptable.

A special feature of schnapps is that no artificial yeast or sugar is used in its preparation. Main fruit ingredients this German drink are considered apples, peaches, pears, raspberries, plums and cherries. Moonshine is also made from wheat, herbs and even potatoes.

The best fruits for schnapps are wild fruits. According to experts, such raw materials imbue the finished product with a unique aroma that “cultivated” fruits do not have.

Schnapps is a group of drinks that includes more than three dozen various types drinks. The difference is made precisely by the base used for preparation.

History of the drink

Origin strong alcohol attributed not only to Germany, but also to Austria. Schnapps appeared in these two countries almost simultaneously, so the question of its origin still remains open.

However, lovers of strong drinks are still inclined to the German roots of the drink, since there is much more of it on the shelves of European stores today. Austrian schnapps is more difficult to find - it is rarely exported.

Production technology

Regardless of which raw material was chosen, the main ingredient of schnapps will be the alcohol distilled from this raw material.

Distinctive feature quality drink is related not only to finished product, but also to raw materials. Responsible producers prefer choose your own fruits for your product. It is also practiced to wash fruits by hand.

Depending on the recipe, the seeds can be removed from the fruit, or they can remain for the fermentation period. Fermentation occurs over several months. After this, the resulting product - mash - distilled twice. The drink is aged either in glass bottles, or in classic oak barrels.

The second option, as in the case of fruit selection, is an indicator highest quality. In any case, the main characteristic of German schnapps is absence from its composition dyes and sugar syrup.

Schnaps varieties

The schnapps drink includes great amount species. Almost all fruits growing in the drink’s homeland are used for preparation.

The most popular varieties:

It is noteworthy that in every region of the country - your favorite varieties. This depends on the fruits grown in a particular area and on local traditions.

For example, cherry schnapps has been the most popular for many years in a row. The mountainous regions of the Black Forest are even famous for their own tradition regarding this type of moonshine. Before serving, it is customary to generously drizzle any cake with cherry drink.

Upper Bavaria, on the contrary, is famous for its raspberry moonshine . To produce this variety, 3 to 4 tons of berries are grown annually.

Apple schnapps is made either from one type of apple or in combination with other varieties. In most cases, products grown specifically for the preparation of alcohol are used.

Peach schnapps is no less popular than cherry or apple schnapps. Light moonshine from peaches is often added as alcoholic component of cocktails. Thanks to delicate taste, it perfectly complements juices and other types of drinks.

Interesting fact related to pear schnapps. In Germany there is a tradition of serving the drink With whole pear in a bottle. Such a “trick” seems impossible. Is it simple in practice? although it requires some effort. In May, pear trees are tied to the branches empty bottles, into the neck of which the ovary of the fetus is lowered. Over time, the fruit ripens, right inside the container. After ripening, the branch is cut off, and the pear inside is washed and filled with vodka from the same fruit.

How to drink schnapps

At first glance, schnapps may seem like the most a regular drink. However, even this type of drink has its own rules of consumption. Algorithm for how to drink properly in German:

Homemade schnapps recipe

To taste the German alcoholic traditions, it is not necessary to buy schnapps. You can prepare it at home just as well.

There are many recipes on the Internet, for example, every German knows how to make apricot vodka.

To prepare apricot schnapps, follow the instructions:

  • For German vodka you will need 10 kilograms ripe apricots and 8 liters of water.
  • Apricots are not washed to preserve the natural yeast found on the skin.
  • The fruits must be kneaded with your hands until mushy and pour three liters of water.
  • Transfer the puree into a can and cover the neck with gauze.
  • After 3-4 days at room temperature The first signs of fermentation will begin to appear: smell and foam on the surface.
  • Next, add 6 liters of water and install a water seal.
  • The container is left at room temperature and left for 20 to 50 days.
  • When sediment appears at the bottom, and the mash loses its sweetness and becomes simply bitter, the liquid is distilled through the still on a moonshine still. When the strength drops below 30%, the process is completed.
  • After measuring the strength, dilute the liquid to 20% and re-distill it.
  • The first 10% of the amount of alcohol in the drink is collected separately - this part is unsuitable for consumption.
  • The distillate begins to be collected when the strength in the stream drops to 45%.
  • Received. as a result German vodka diluted to a strength of 38 to 45%. Store in glass bottles. To ensure optimal strength and taste, it is recommended to keep the bottles in a dark room for several days.

Attention, TODAY only!

Contrary to popular belief, Germans don't only drink beer. Schnapps has been and remains one of the most popular strong alcoholic drinks in Germany.

The Austrians do not lag behind their neighbors, who also make and drink this moonshine with pleasure. In fact, German and Austrian drinks do not differ in anything except the place of production.

Schnapps is the collective name for a whole group of strong alcoholic drinks that are prepared from fruit, less commonly grain mash, by double distillation method. The peculiarity of this national drink is that sugar and yeast are not used in its production.

There are several questions about schnapps that most often interest alcohol lovers. How many degrees is it? How to drink correctly? How to make it yourself at home?

The traditional strength of schnapps is 39-40 degrees. Let's look at everything else in more detail.

How to drink schnapps?

First of all, it should be said that the methods of consuming fruit and cereal schnapps are different. What makes them related is the utensils they use. This moonshine is drunk from small glasses or shot glasses. Portions are tiny, 25-30 ml.

Correct serving temperature fruit schnapps is 17-20 °C. Before drinking a glass, take a deep breath of the fruity aroma of the drink. Then drink in one gulp to the bottom.

Cereal varieties of schnapps are served straight from the refrigerator. They do not have any interesting smell, so they are poured and drunk without any prelude.

There is another one interesting option. A piece of the fruit from which it is made is placed in a glass of moonshine. Before enjoying schnapps, remove the fruit from the stack and deeply inhale its aroma. Then drink and snack on this fruit slice.

Finally, for those who like something heavier, you can use the method that is actively used in Hanover, Bremen and Hamburg. In these cities, it is customary not to have schnapps as a snack, but to drink it with unfiltered white beer.

If you need a snack, use traditional sausages and sausages. In addition, herring goes well with this moonshine.

How to cook at home?

To date, the Germans and Austrians have come up with more than 35 schnapps recipes. They make it from literally anything that grows and has the required starch or sugar content. Of course, we will not consider all schnapps recipes. Let's focus only on the most popular ones.

In addition, the main thing is to understand the principle. After this, you can experiment a lot at home, changing the initial raw materials for the mash.

In our opinion, they are of greatest interest fruit types schnapps. The main secret of its production is simple. The final taste of moonshine depends on the quality of the fruits used. It should also be remembered that traditional recipes do not involve the use of sugar or yeast.

Recipe 1. Peach schnapps

  • ripe peaches – 5 kg;
  • clean water – 4 liters.
  1. Remove the pits from the peaches and mash them. This must be done by hand. The output should be a homogeneous mass.
  2. We transfer our peach mass into a fermentation container, add 1.5 liters of water and mix thoroughly.
  3. The neck of the container is tied with gauze. After this, put it in a warm and dark place for four days.
  4. When foamy bubbles and a characteristic beer aroma appear, pour the remaining water into the container. Stir.
  5. Use a water seal or rubber glove. The temperature of the place in which the mash will ripen should be 27-28 °C. Typically the fermentation process takes 27-40 days. We will be able to understand that it has ended when the mash stops releasing gas.
  6. Let's move on to distillation in a moonshine still. The first 100-120 ml of the product should be poured out. They are called pervak ​​or "heads" and contain acetone and other harmful substances. Next comes the “body” of schnapps, which is our goal. Once the strength of the product drops below 38 degrees, we stop distillation. These are already “tails”, which also cannot be consumed.
  7. We dilute the entire collected distillate with water in a ratio of 50:50 and re-distill it. The first 90-100 ml will be heads, which again pour out.
  8. Peach schnapps is ready. All that remains is to pour it into a glass container, seal it with a lid and leave in a cool place for 4-5 days. After this, it can be bottled and tasted.

Using a similar technology, apricot, raspberry, pear and apple schnapps are prepared at home. We recommend that you try to prepare all the varieties and, after tasting, decide which drink you like best. Your humble servant liked the raspberry schnapps the most.

Also, all connoisseurs of strong homemade alcohol will definitely enjoy homemade plum brandy.

Recipe 2. Peppermint schnapps.

We will need the following ingredients:

  • fresh mint - 35-40 sheets;
  • cloves – 15 buds;
  • dill seeds – 10 grams;
  • anise – 10 grams;
  • undiluted ethanol– 0.5 liters.

Correct sequence of actions.

  1. Place all ingredients in glass jar and fill with alcohol.
  2. After this, seal the jar and leave for a month in a dark and warm room.
  3. Dilute the tincture clean water in a 1:1 ratio. Pour into the moonshine still and carry out the first distillation. Dilute again equally with water. Carry out a second distillation.

Moonshine with mint is ready. Enjoy your tasting!

Which one should I buy?

If you don’t want to distill schnapps yourself at home, you can buy it at the store. Below we bring to your attention a list of the main manufacturers whose drinks can be purchased in our country if desired.

  • Kammer-Kirsch (Kammer-Kirsch);
  • Schladerer (Shladerer);
  • Markus Wieser (Markus Wieser);
  • Bauer (Bauer);
  • Hans Reisetbauer (Hans Reisetbauer);
  • Marille (Marille);
  • Rochelt (Rochelt);
  • Williams (Williams).

Many have heard about the German nation’s love for alcoholic beverages. It’s absolutely true that in Germany they really adore them and know how to do them perfectly. The recipes for many drinks go back to ancient times, and their ingredients are natural and natural. These include schnapps, which is very vaguely reminiscent of Slavic vodka or moonshine.

What kind of alcoholic drink is schnapps?

Schnapps is the general name for alcoholic drinks whose strength is 30-45 degrees. They are obtained by distilling natural mash: grain, vegetable, fruit. The main conditions for the preparation of raw materials is the absence of granulated sugar and artificial yeast.

Often schnapps is alcoholic drink transparent color, with a pronounced taste and smell of the original product. Depending on the crop used, there are more than three dozen industrial species. But there is an opinion that there are essentially twice as many varieties of schnapps.

Schnapps is considered a German alcoholic drink, although, according to historical research, its production began in the 15th century in neighboring Austria.

After some time, the Germans also began to prepare schnapps and popularized it. Interesting fact: this alcohol was used in the 16th-17th centuries as a medicine that cures all ailments and has a rejuvenating effect. Indeed, the properties worth attention, and if they are combined with pleasant taste, then it becomes clear why schnapps acquired such fame.

Depending on the original product, schnapps comes in several main types, followed by division into more specific ones: fruit, berry, vegetable, herbal and cereal. The raw materials give the alcohol a special flavor, the palette of which varies from sweet to bitter.

The most common fruit schnapps is apple schnapps, which is preferably made from a mixture of a wide variety of apple varieties, while only the Williams variety is considered suitable for a pear drink. Peach schnapps is very popular and is the main ingredient in many cocktails.

Berry schnapps are rightfully considered the most delicious and have special aromatic and taste properties.

Perhaps the most famous is cherry schnapps, called Kirschwasser in Germany. It is used in the preparation of the exquisite Black Forest cherry dessert, which has its roots in Baden-Württemberg. And raspberry schnapps has become widespread and recognized in Bavaria.

In the mountains of Bavaria you can find schnapps infused with herbs. Eg, mint drink with the addition of ready-made alcohol, which is then diluted with water to an acceptable strength, usually 20 degrees, and driven through a moonshine still. Vanilla schnapps is prepared using the same principle. Juniper schnapps, which has a magnificent spruce aroma, is considered a real delicacy.

Aged potato schnapps traditionally has a bitter taste and is similar to regular moonshine. Among grain distillates, corn and wheat are famous.

Rules of use

They drink schnapps in small portions 20-30 milliliters. In order for the aroma of the original product to be noticeable, the drink must be drunk chilled.

The degree of cooling depends on what raw materials the schnapps was made from. If it is made from fruits and berries, then the drink is cooled to 16-20°, and if it is made from cereals, then the drink should be cooler. You can snack on a glass of fruit, Bavarian sausages or sausages. More about German cuisine.

In the first variant of drinking, schnapps is savored by drinking in small sips to enjoy the aftertaste, similar to expensive cognac. Otherwise, it is proposed to put a piece of the fruit from which the drink is made into a whiskey glass, pouring schnapps on top. The fruit is taken out, the glass is drunk and a slice of alcohol is eaten.

To reduce the number of degrees, alcohol is diluted with still water or an appropriate fruit juice. Can be cooked different combinations with schnapps, adding lemonade or champagne. This drink will have a light taste and sparkling consistency.

The most exciting way to consume schnapps, but at the same time extreme, is to prepare schnappsbier, that is, a mixture of schnapps and beer. It is also suggested to drink schnapps, immediately washing it down with a certain type of beer. Many people do not risk drinking such a “killer” mixture, preferring light cocktails.

How much does schnapps cost in Germany?

Depending on the type of schnapps and the brand of the manufacturer, prices for schnapps vary on average from 15 to 50 € per bottle. One bottle contains 0.7 or 0.5 liters of alcoholic beverage.

The cheapest is apple schnapps, which costs 10-15 €. Prices for other berries and fruit drinks very diverse.

High quality pear schnapps, unique feature which is the presence of ripe, juicy fruit pears right inside the bottle, costs from 20 €.

The most expensive are cereal schnapps, which are considered premium drinks. The price for them, accordingly, will be twice as high. Delicacy alcoholic drinks, such as nut and cinnamon, are also considered expensive. The cost of one bottle of a rare variety of schnapps will be 45-50 €.

How to make schnapps yourself

Schnapps is a drink that can easily be made at home by choosing affordable product, available or to suit your taste preferences.

Potato schnapps

Potato drink is quite simple to make. It is considered the oldest variety, which was invented back in the 15th century. Among the main ingredients: a kilogram of potatoes, half a liter of water, the enzymes amylosubtilin and glucavamorin, as well as wine yeast, which are added at home to activate fermentation.

First, we select high-quality potatoes, which we wash and chop with a blender, meat grinder or grater. Pour the resulting slurry hot water, boiling for an hour. After removing from the heat, cool the container with the potato mixture to 70°, then add amylosubtilin.

Next, you need to maintain the above temperature and stir the contents of the container for half an hour. Then add glucavamorin to the unfermented broth and leave for an hour until the starch is sugared. Now you can cool everything to 30° and add yeast.

When the mash is ripe, we distill it, separating the first fraction, the so-called head, and dilute the resulting distillate to 12-15% alcohol content. The last stage preparation is to purify the liquid using a filter.

Fruit homemade schnapps

German vodka with fruity notes can be prepared in one step universal recipe. Thus, you can distill apricot, apple, strawberry and many other types of drink. Let's look at the preparation process in detail using plum schnapps as an example.

Let's take it ripe plums and clean water, in a ratio of 1:1. That is, for 10 kilograms of drainage there are 10 liters of water. It is worth noting that I do not wash the plums, just peel them from the pits and puree them. Next, pour the plum mass into a large container and pour 3 liters of water into it, cover with gauze and leave in a warm place for three days.

With the appearance of the first signs of fermentation (excretion sour smell and foam, hissing) pour the remaining 5-7 liters of liquid into the container. The amount of water varies depending on the natural sugar content of the fruit. Dilute the mash to a liquid state. Next, install a water seal on the neck of the container, placing it in a dark, warm place for 20-50 days.

When the fermentation process is over, a sign of which is the cessation of the formation of bubbles, we run the mash through the moonshine still for the first time, ending the collection of the product when the strength of the released liquid drops to 30 degrees. After this stage we determine the share pure alcohol, again measure the strength of the resulting drink, and then dilute it with water to 20 percent.

We distill the diluted liquid again, removing the primary distillate, stopping the collection of distillate at a strength of 45 degrees. Plum schnapps is almost ready, all that remains is to dilute it with clean water to 35-45 degrees, pour it into bottles and leave it in a cool place for several days so that the taste of the alcohol stabilizes.

The best brands of schnapps

Among the most proven and high-quality brands of schnapps are: Dirker, Bauer, Hans Reisetbauer, Williams Birnen, Ziegler, Lantenhammer, Kammer-Kirsch, Wieser and Schladerer.

You can buy real schnapps in German online stores, directly in markets or specialized stores where they sell alcohol.

There are also alcoholic drinks that contain certain type schnapps. A similar well-known alcohol is Schwartzhog, known as boar liqueur, because the bright label depicts this particular animal. The drink contains bitter orange distillate, a mixture of herbal, fruit and nut extracts.

While in Germany, you can try schnapps in any drinking place: restaurant, cafe or pub, enjoying the splendor and variety of tastes. Some establishments often use a unique recipe, which gives each type of schnapps a unique flavor. The bars offer numerous cocktails with schnapps. For example, peach schnapps, due to its delicate taste, is used to prepare Blue Margarita and Sex on the Beach long drinks.


Schnapps – famous drink Germany – amazes visitors to German-speaking countries with its wide variety and choice. It is not at all surprising that tourists have a desire to savor it to the fullest and try everything at once. But still, do not forget that schnapps belongs to the group of strong alcohol, so you should not drink it excessively.

How schnapps is made: Video

German schnapps - what is it? Schnapps is a drink for big and friendly company. According to the preparation technology, it is similar to moonshine, but with some differences.

The drink first appeared in Germany and Austria. The local population used it as a cure for all diseases and as a rejuvenating infusion. After some time, it gained fame as an alcoholic drink. The debate continues about whose drink is schnapps. The center of its production is the Austrian Tyrol, but the Germans made schnapps popular throughout the world.

German schnapps is a drink that is made from fruits (cherries, apples, pears, raspberries, peaches, plums), wheat, and sometimes even potatoes. It is obtained by double straining the mash from fruits or grains. Schnapps does not contain yeast or sugar. It is the wild fruits that give it its special taste and unique smell. The taste of the drink is similar to fruit or cereal moonshine, but with a much brighter aroma.

Drink schnapps in small portions and chilled. First, put a piece of the fruit from which the drink is made into a glass, then inhale the aroma and drink the tincture. They snack on fruit, meat, sausages and sometimes herring. Some people recommend drinking schnapps unfiltered beer, but this will lead to severe intoxication, since schnapps itself contains a large number of alcohol. It is better to drink it with water or juice.

How to prepare schnapps drink?

The drink can be prepared in different ways, but there is a recipe for German schnapps with an unusual, slightly bitter taste. In order to get it, you will need:

  • 12 clove buds;
  • 30 mint leaves;
  • 1 cup dried wormwood;
  • 6 g dill seeds;
  • 8 g anise;
  • 500 ml alcohol.

All herbs should be put in a jar, filled with alcohol and sealed, and sent to a dark place for a month. After this period, dilute with water and distill twice. After this, the drink can be served. After trying this tincture, you will understand what kind of drink it is - schnapps. Looking into

The variety of alcoholic drinks today is unusually wide. This assortment includes drinks that are well-known to everyone, such as vodka, wine, cognac, and there are also little-known alcoholic drinks, for example, schnapps.

But often such little-known products are in no way inferior to their more expensive counterparts.

What drink is called schnapps in Germany, recipes for its preparation and rules for use are described below.

This is not just the name of any one alcoholic drink.

  • Today, schnapps is considered a whole group of various alcoholic drinks.
  • They are made by double distillation, and the main raw materials for production are a variety of grains, as well as herbs and fruits.
  • Most often, schnapps is made from cherries, peaches, pears, apples or potatoes.

Masters of the production of such alcoholic beverages say that the raw materials that grow in the region are best suited for their production. wild conditions. It is this that flavors the finished alcohol and has the best effect on its taste.

Reference! Schladerer is one of the most famous brands premium schnapps.

How many degrees?

These alcoholic drinks belong to the category of strong alcohol.

In classic German schnapps the amount of alcohol can reach 40 percent of the total volume; the lowest alcohol schnapps has a strength of 38 degrees.

Important! IN modern world Recently the so-called American schnapps has appeared. The strength of this drink is no more than 25 revolutions, but essentially it is just a cocktail made from schnapps and a variety of fruit liqueurs. Such alcoholic drinks have nothing in common with classic schnapps.

How to drink correctly?

Before serving, make sure the schnapps is at the right temperature. It should be in the range from 16 to 20 revolutions.

Such drinks are served in small glasses, up to 30 ml, like any other strong alcohol.

Before drinking, you should definitely inhale the alcoholic aromas of alcohol and only then drink the contents of the glass in one gulp. This consumption allows you to fully enjoy the taste and aroma of the selected alcohol.

Important! If schnapps is made on the basis cereal crops, then serve it to the table by first cooling it to a temperature of no more than 8 degrees above zero.

The best snack options are:

  1. Fruits.
  2. Sausages and wieners.
  3. Smoked or salted herring.

You can drink this alcohol a little differently. A small slice of fruit, which is necessarily included in schnapps, is placed at the bottom of the glass. Then they sniff the drink, take out the fruit, drink the schnapps and eat the prepared slice.

Making a German drink at home

But to get to know this German alcohol better, you don’t have to go to Germany or visit expensive drinking establishments.

At home, you can easily prepare various types of schnapps with your own hands, which will be no worse than their industrial counterparts.


This drink is prepared from just two ingredients:

  1. fruits of the same name,
  2. purified drinking water.

No sugar or yeast is used here. The preparation process takes about two months, but the result obtained is worth the time investment.


  • ripe peaches – 5 kg;
  • water – 5 liters.

You should not wash fruits before use, as bacteria living on the surface of their skin will cause necessary process fermentation. All that is necessary is to thoroughly knead them with your hands until smooth and remove the seeds.

The further sequence of actions will be as follows:

  1. Transfer the resulting puree into a container and add half the total volume of water, cover with gauze and leave for 3 days to ferment.
  2. Then add the remaining water to the container and place the container in a warm room under a water seal for 3 to 5 weeks.
  3. After the specified time, strain the mash, drain it from the sediment and distill it twice through a moonshine still.
  4. Measure the strength of the resulting schnapps and dilute it with water to the required concentration.
  5. Pour into an airtight container and place in the refrigerator for 5 days.

If moonshine still no, then the prepared peaches are poured with vodka in a volume similar to the volume of water and left in a dark, warm place for 60 days.

Then filter through cheesecloth, pour into an airtight container and leave to infuse for another 28 days. Then cool and serve.


Needs to be placed in a jar 12 clove buds, thirty mint leaves, 6 g anise seeds, 8 g dill seeds And 1 cup dried wormwood. Fill it all up 0.5 l of high-quality alcohol with a strength of 95 rpm.

Leave for one month in a dark and warm place. Every five days the contents of the container must be shaken well.

After the specified holding period, the liquid should be filtered and distilled twice, then cooled and can be served.


This alcoholic drink is very aromatic and refreshing. To prepare it, you should use sweet, ripe varieties of pears with sugar pulp.

The sweeter and more aromatic the raw material, the richer and more delicious the finished drink will be.


  1. Pears must be cleaned of dirt and finely chopped with a knife; seeds and seed chambers must be removed. Place the prepared raw materials in a container and fill with half the volume of all water. Place in a warm and dark place for 3 days.
  2. Then the remaining liquid is added to the container and the fermentation mixture is placed under the water seal.
  3. When the fermentation process is completed, the mash is distilled twice through the distillate.
  4. The first and last 10% of the liquid are thrown away because they contain too much fusel oil.
  5. The resulting pear. The distillation process is stopped when the strength of the drink at the outlet reaches 45 degrees.

Before serving pear schnapps, it should be left to steep for at least 3 days in a cool and dark place.

Watch the video recipe for making pear schnapps at home:


This type of alcoholic drink is considered one of the most famous and accessible. It can be prepared at any time of the year.

  1. Washed and peeled apples (10 kg) without seeds should either be finely chopped with a knife or crushed with a blender.
  2. Place the puree and an enamel container with a volume of at least 15 liters. And pour 5 liters of water, cover with a thin cloth on top. And send it to a dark and warm place for several days.
  3. When foam begins to actively appear on the surface of the liquid, add another 3 liters of water to the container and place the mixture under the water seal.
  4. When the fermentation process is complete, schnapps is prepared in the same way as a pear drink of this type.

Using the same analogy, you can make schnapps from any other fruits and plants.

The finished alcoholic drink is tasty, aromatic, and most importantly completely natural. It is worth understanding that the more sour the fruits used for the mash, the more sour the finished drink will be.

In addition, in fruits that are too sour, there may not be enough sugar for fermentation, so you need to choose the most ripe and fresh fruits.