Champignons in a frying pan. Fried champignon recipes

How long to fry champignons in a frying pan, fresh until done

In our article we will try to figure out how to fry champignons in a frying pan correctly and for how long until done. Cooking in a frying pan is the most popular method, as this process does not take much time, and the result is very tasty.

But not all housewives know how long to fry the champignons so that they don’t burn and also have time to cook.

This issue can be studied by turning to some culinary sources.

Frying time until done in minutes

Different types and sizes of champignons are fried in different ways. Every housewife must remember these important details and know how long to fry the champignons until done:

  • fresh whole champignons are fried for 12-15 minutes depending on the size of the mushroom;
  • fresh mushrooms cut into pieces are fried for 3-7 minutes;
  • fry canned champignons in a frying pan for 1-2 minutes;
  • Boiled mushrooms are fried until golden brown for 7-10 minutes.

How long to fry fresh champignons?

Fresh fried champignons are used to prepare a variety of dishes:

  • for soup;
  • for pizza;
  • for omelettes;
  • for sandwiches;
  • for sauces;
  • For filling;
  • for salads;
  • for gravy.

How long to fry the champignons in a frying pan depends on whether you are cooking whole or sliced ​​mushrooms. The readiness of the product depends on the golden brown crust; as soon as it appears, the mushrooms can be considered ready. But how many minutes to fry the champignons depends on the size of the pieces; the longer you fry, the tastier and more aromatic the dish will be.

Mushrooms that are cooked in not very thin slices are tastier and smoother; they look beautiful in a salad.

How long to fry fresh champignons for salad depends on the recipe. How many minutes you need to fry the champignons depends on the temperature, usually in a couple of minutes the mushrooms get an even, beautiful golden crust on both sides.

It is important to know how long to fry the champignons until they are ready for cream soup, since this dish is prepared from already fried mushrooms. How many minutes to fry champignons with onions to prepare aromatic soups depends on the size of the pieces, over medium heat until a light golden crust appears and the onions are transparent.

  • How long to fry frozen champignons
  • If you don't know how many minutes to fry the mushrooms in a pan if they are already frozen, it is important to remember: they should only be frying with the lid on so that they cook inside. How long to fry frozen champignons until done? Watch, as soon as a golden brown crust appears, the mushrooms are ready.
  • How long to fry champignons on coals
  • Outdoors, people always cook over charcoal. The cooking time does not differ from how long it takes to fry the champignons in a frying pan and is 10-15 minutes until evenly golden brown.
  • How long to fry canned champignons
  • We have already learned how long to fry raw champignons, but how long to fry canned champignons in a frying pan until done? Is it worth doing this, because this is a completely ready-to-use product. If indicated in the recipe, you can fry them for a couple of minutes, for example for pizza or a warm salad.
  • How long to fry fresh champignons in the oven
  • The most popular recipe depends on whether you are preparing mushrooms with or without filling. The cooking time is not very different from how long it takes to fry champignons in a frying pan with onions, and as soon as the mushrooms turn golden, they are ready. This will take the same amount of time as frying the champignons in a slow cooker, about 10-15 minutes until golden brown.

How many minutes to fry the champignons?

Everything is true - you can eat them raw and they fry quickly, but... there are two French recipes that I can recommend as very tasty.

With the first one, all the mushroom caps are placed on a baking sheet, plates up, a small piece of butter goes into each and the whole thing is baked in the oven; readiness is determined by color. Mushrooms are served as an extra. side dish and salt directly on the plate. Otherwise, they will release juice and shrink when baked.

You can perform all the same actions, but with cheese, such as Swiss.

The second recipe will take a little time, but it's worth it:

The champignons are washed and finely chopped (for this recipe, the smaller the better), the onion is sautéed in butter in a deep frying pan (5 minutes) and champignons, salt and black pepper are added to it. Fry until the moisture has evaporated from the mushrooms. Then add sour cream, red pepper and bring to a boil, but do not boil. You can serve it as an independent dish on plates or toasted bread. I experimented with rice and spaghetti and used mushrooms as a sauce. Delicious!

For 4 people:

  • 1.2 cups onions (finely chopped)
  • 4 tbsp. spoons sl. oils
  • 500 g mushrooms
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 0.25 tsp black pepper
  • 0.5 tsp red pepper
  • a glass of sour cream.

How long to fry mushrooms?

These mushrooms are one of the most delicious and popular. They are grown at home and on special farms: the French became the pioneers in this matter 300 years ago. They are grilled, added to various dishes, salads, dried, pickled and even eaten raw. By the way, champignon is one of the few forest mushrooms that are edible raw.

The time for frying champignons depends on what mushrooms will be used (fresh or frozen), as well as their cutting (fry finely, coarsely chopped or whole). Let's take a closer look at how long to fry the champignons until done:

  • How long to fry fresh champignons in a frying pan? Fresh champignons cut into pieces (slices) are fried for an average of 15 minutes over medium heat (finely chopped champignons in small quantities can be fried in 3-5 minutes).
  • How long to fry frozen champignons in a pan? Frozen champignons must be fried for 10-15 minutes, without first defrosting them.

We'll talk about how long to fry champignons and how to do it correctly.

For frying, it is better to take small mushrooms: they contain less moisture. We wash fresh mushrooms under cold water and boil for 10-15 minutes before frying.

Chop the boiled champignons: separate the caps from the stems and cut both parts of the mushrooms into slices. Place our chopped mushrooms in a heated frying pan with a thick bottom and let the resulting moisture evaporate. When the champignons acquire a golden brown crust, add oil - vegetable oil is possible, but cream is better. Then the mushrooms will turn out very tender, with an unusual, creamy taste. Fry the champignons for 10-15 minutes.

In another frying pan, prepare the dressing: fry finely chopped onion and garlic until a pleasant golden color. Mix the almost finished champignons with the dressing, add salt, spices, and herbs. If desired, you can saute the carrots and add them along with garlic and onions to our dish.

Champignons also turn out very tasty with sour cream. It is added to the mushrooms a few minutes before they are ready, along with the onions. There are many recipes for fried champignons - with lemon juice, ham, breadcrumbs, potatoes and other vegetables. You don’t have to boil the champignons before frying: just rinse them, and so that excess moisture is absorbed, gently wipe with a towel, place in a frying pan with already heated oil and fry for 15 minutes.

When buying champignons, pay attention to their color (it should be white or pinkish) and smell (it should resemble bitter almonds).

The Russian name champignon comes from the French word “mushroom”. At the moment we can buy them in any store: both fresh and canned.

Naturally, the question arises, do I need to fry them and how long will it take?

Fresh champignons are fried for 5 - 10 minutes, no more. Until they acquire a characteristic golden hue. You will see it immediately. And if the mushrooms are frozen, then it will take 20-25 minutes.

You do not need to cook the champignons before frying. If the mushrooms are clean, washed and grown in good conditions, then they can be eaten even raw. Don't get poisoned.

Canned champignons are already ready to eat. But, if desired, they can be browned in a frying pan for 2 - 3 minutes. In general, almost every recipe indicates the time for how long to fry the champignons.

It depends on the products with which you will cook the mushrooms. This interval can range from three minutes to half an hour. Champignon is the most common mushroom in the world

Having found out how many minutes to fry champignons, we will now consider in more detail the process of preparing them at home.

Mushroom frying recipe

To fry mushrooms, you will need the following ingredients:

  • fresh mushrooms - 500 g (fresh mushrooms are much better suited for frying, both in their form and content),
  • fresh carrots - 2-3 pcs.,
  • onions - 2-3 pcs.,
  • salt,
  • pepper (black or red),
  • greenery

Mushrooms are rich in vegetable protein

1. Before you start frying mushrooms, you should wash fresh mushrooms. Then the mushrooms should be boiled in salted water for 10 minutes.

2. After this, the mushrooms must be drained in a colander and allowed to drain. While the water is draining, you need to finely chop the onions. Carrots - grate on a coarse grater.

3. Place onions in a preheated and oiled frying pan. Fry it for 4-5 minutes. Then add our grated carrots to the onions. Saute the vegetables until they acquire a pleasant and appetizing golden hue.

4. When our vegetable sauté is ready, you should add mushrooms to it. All together you should add salt, add pepper to taste and fry for 10-15 minutes. In this case, the mushrooms must be stirred periodically.

5. Then the gas under the frying pan must be turned off, and fresh herbs should be added to the prepared mushrooms and mixed. The treat is ready!

If you want to surprise your guests or family, try an unusual recipe. Take the risk of experimenting and fry not simple mushrooms, but champignons. This way you will not only surprise your loved ones, but also expand the range of your culinary capabilities.

How to fry champignons

1. First of all, the champignons must be thoroughly washed. If the mushrooms are fresh, it is better to boil them for 10-20 minutes.

2. Then chop the boiled champignons into slices: first the legs, then the mushroom caps. Then place them in a heated frying pan and let the resulting moisture evaporate.

3. After the mushrooms acquire a golden brown crust, add oil. In this case, it is recommended to use butter. Then the mushrooms will turn out unusual and with a delicate taste.

4. Fry the champignons for 7-10 minutes, stirring occasionally. A few minutes before cooking, add salt to the mushrooms.

In addition to the fried mushrooms themselves, fried mushrooms with potatoes can be a very tasty treat for every day and on a family holiday.

Champignons in sour cream sauce

  • 500 g fresh champignons,
  • 2 onions,
  • 2 cm. spoons of flour,
  • 1 glass of sour cream,
  • ‘/2 glasses of water,
  • 3 cm. spoons of fat.

The onion is chopped, fried in fat until golden brown, flour is added and sautéed until yellow. Then pour in water, boil and season with sour cream. Peeled mushrooms are cut and fried in fat, poured with prepared sour cream sauce and baked in the oven.

Mushrooms with potatoes

Most housewives know how many minutes to fry champignons and potatoes until tender, since this dish is quite common in the home kitchen. But you can only answer during the cooking process, observing the product. Pour vegetable oil into the frying pan after it is hot, cook the products themselves separately for 10 minutes, and then add them to the potatoes and continue baking together.

First of all, you need the following components:

  • fresh, boiled mushrooms - 100 - 150 gr. (already fried)
  • potatoes - 600 gr.,
  • salt,
  • vegetable or butter for frying.

Cooking potatoes with mushrooms

1. Mushrooms boiled in salted water should be fried until tender. You need to remember that during the frying process, the volume of the mushrooms may decrease somewhat, so do not wait for them to turn into crackers, but try them as they go. Once you are satisfied with the taste, turn off the gas.

2. Fry the potatoes in a separate frying pan. To do this, peel the potatoes into slices and place them in a heated and oiled frying pan.

3. Potatoes should be fried until golden brown. About five minutes before the potatoes are ready, you need to move the potatoes to the edges of the pan, and pour the chopped onions into the center of the pan and fry them.

4. When the onion becomes slightly transparent, mix it with the potatoes. It should also be noted that it is best to salt the potatoes a little before each stirring. Then the salt will be more evenly distributed.

5. When the potatoes are ready, add the fried mushrooms and stir. Fried potatoes with mushrooms - completely ready!

Champignons with cream

  • 400 g champignon,
  • ‘/2 cups milk sauce,
  • ‘/g glass of cream,
  • 2 cm. spoons of butter,
  • salt pepper.

The champignons are cleaned, washed, chopped, salted and sprinkled with pepper. Pour milk sauce and cream in equal quantities, add butter. In a sealed container, bring to readiness over low heat. Season with lemon juice.

Fried mushrooms

  • 6-8 small champignons,
  • 1 cm. spoon of butter,
  • 2 cm. spoons of cream 30% fat,
  • flour,
  • lemon juice,
  • pepper,
  • salt,
  • greenery.

Mushrooms are washed well, the stems are cut off, the caps are cleared of the film, large ones are cut into slices, and small ones are whole, fried in oil over high heat, salted, peppered, and finely chopped greens are added. When the mushroom caps become soft, pour in thick cream or sour cream and boil, sprinkling with lemon juice. Mushrooms are served with boiled or fried potatoes and rice.

Champignons fried in breadcrumbs

  • 70 g champignons,
  • 50 g butter,
  • 20 g flour,
  • 1 egg,
  • 50 g breadcrumbs.

Wash the champignons and place them in salted or acidified water (citric or acetic acid) for a few minutes so that the mushrooms do not darken. After this, boil in a small amount of water over low heat. Cool. The egg is lightly beaten, each mushroom is rolled in flour, then dipped in egg foam, and then in breadcrumbs and fried in boiling oil. Serve cold.

Fried mushrooms in different variations are one of the most popular European dishes. Porcini mushrooms are used, as well as champignons, oyster mushrooms, honey mushrooms and saffron milk caps. Thus, everyone can choose mushrooms to their taste and prepare an original dish.

In addition, mushrooms provide an opportunity for creativity. And they are combined not only with carrots and onions, but also with zucchini, cauliflower and white cabbage. Mushrooms can also be baked in omelettes. A classic option is sour cream sauce for mushrooms. It is often prepared with garlic.

Another advantage of mushrooms is that they can be served as a hot dish or as a cold appetizer. Such diversity provides scope for creativity for any housewife. So, cooled mushrooms can be served as a snack to uninvited guests.


  • How long to fry pork in a frying pan?
  • How long to cook shrimp boiled frozen unpeeled

Champignons fried with onions are especially popular among many housewives. The nutritional value of these fruiting bodies is equal to meat, which makes mushrooms very healthy and nutritious. A dish of champignons and onions can be served on its own or as a side dish for other treats.

The recipes offered in the article will show how to properly fry champignon mushrooms with the addition of onions and other ingredients, thereby delighting your household with a tasty, satisfying and aromatic delicacy.

If you want to make something special and simple for dinner, cook champignons fried with onions and sour cream. Preparing the dish does not require any effort, because you just need to chop the ingredients and fry them in vegetable oil.

  • 700 g champignons;
  • 5 onions;
  • 200 ml sour cream (any fat content);
  • Vegetable oil;
  • 1 tbsp. l. chopped parsley;
  • Salt and paprika - to taste.

Follow the recipe for cooking fried champignons with onions and sour cream, this will help you complete the process correctly.

Mushrooms are cleaned of contaminants, if any, washed in water and cut into pieces.

Place in a dry hot frying pan and fry until the liquid evaporates.

Pour in 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil and mushrooms are fried until golden brown.

Separately, onion cut into thin half rings is fried in a small amount of oil and mixed with mushrooms in one frying pan.

The whole mass is seasoned to taste, sweet ground paprika is added and mixed thoroughly.

Add sour cream, mix again and simmer for 10 minutes under a closed lid over low heat.

When serving, chopped greens are added to each serving plate.

How to properly fry champignon mushrooms with onions, sour cream and garlic

Champignon mushrooms fried with onions, sour cream and garlic is another simple recipe for preparing a tasty and aromatic dish for a hearty lunch.

  • 1 kg of champignons;
  • 4 onions;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • 5 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • 1 tbsp. sour cream;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • ½ tsp. ground black pepper;
  • A pinch of turmeric will add color to the dish.
  1. Peel the mushrooms, onions and garlic, rinse and cut: fruiting bodies into slices, onions into half rings, finely chop the garlic with a knife.
  2. Pour half the oil into a hot frying pan, add onion and garlic, fry for 5 minutes. with continuous stirring to prevent burning.
  3. In another frying pan, heat the remaining oil and add the mushrooms.
  4. Fry for 15 minutes. over medium heat, stirring with a wooden spoon.
  5. Combine vegetables and mushrooms in one container, add salt, pepper and turmeric.
  6. Stir, pour in sour cream and stir again, cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes.
  7. Let it stand for a while on the switched off stove to infuse and serve.
  8. This dish will go well with cutlets or chops.

Knowing the exact recipe for frying champignons with onions and sour cream, you can prepare such a treat every week to delight family members and friends.

Champignon mushrooms fried with potatoes and onions: recipe with detailed description

To prepare fried champignons with onions and potatoes, you don’t need to have much culinary experience. The dish is prepared quite simply, without much effort, but it will turn out nourishing and tasty, so everyone will like it.

  • 700 g champignons;
  • 500 g potatoes;
  • 3 onions;
  • Salt and ground black pepper;
  • Vegetable oil - for frying;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 tbsp. l. chopped dill.

We prepare champignon mushrooms, fried with potatoes and onions, according to a recipe with a detailed description.

  1. Peel the potatoes, cut into strips, cover with water, leave for 20 minutes. until the starch comes out (during this time, stir the potato straws several times).
  2. Wash the mushrooms, cut into cubes and fry in vegetable oil until golden brown.
  3. Add onion, cut into quarters, stir and fry with mushrooms for another 10 minutes. on low heat.
  4. Add salt to taste, pepper and leave in the pan under a closed lid on the stove turned off.
  5. Remove the potatoes from the water onto a kitchen towel and leave for 10 minutes.
  6. In a separate frying pan, fry the potato strips in hot oil over high heat until golden brown.
  7. Sprinkle finely chopped garlic on top, mix and add mushrooms and onions to the potatoes.
  8. Stir again and fry over medium heat for 7-10 minutes.
  9. At the end of cooking, add the greens, do not stir, cover with a lid and leave on the turned off stove for 5 minutes.

How to cook champignons fried with onions, potatoes and eggplants

The recipe for champignons fried with potatoes, onions and eggplants will help the housewife make a delicious delicacy and set the table for a hearty dinner for the whole family. To reduce the fat content of the dish, it is better to use a frying pan with a non-stick device.

  • 500 g champignons;
  • 1 large eggplant;
  • 3 onions;
  • 2 bell peppers;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • ½ tsp. mixture of ground peppers;
  • Salt;
  • 5 potatoes;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 3 pinches of dry basil;
  • 4-6 sprigs of green parsley.

You can learn how to properly prepare champignons fried with onions, potatoes and eggplants from the following steps.

  1. Wash the eggplants, cut into strips or cubes, add lightly salted water and leave for 20 minutes to remove the bitterness.
  2. Drain the water, rinse the eggplant cubes and squeeze out excess liquid with your hands.
  3. Heat 2 tbsp in a frying pan. l. oil, fry over medium heat for 10 minutes. (stir constantly).
  4. Peel the onion, cut into thin half rings, cut the bell pepper into strips.
  5. First add the onion to the eggplant, fry for 5 minutes, add pepper and fry for 2-3 minutes, transfer to a bowl.
  6. Cut the mushrooms into strips, fry in oil until golden brown and add to the vegetables.
  7. Peel, wash and cut the potatoes into cubes, pour oil into the frying pan, heat and add the potatoes.
  8. Fry until golden brown, without closing the lid, stirring to prevent burning.
  9. Combine vegetables, mushrooms, add basil, salt to taste, pepper, mix.
  10. Cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for 5-7 minutes.
  11. At the end, add finely diced garlic and fresh herbs, mix and serve.

Dish of fried champignons with onions and carrots

Fried champignons with onions and carrots are very tasty. If the carrots are cut into thin strips, the dish will have a rich color and taste.

  • 700 g champignons;
  • 4 onions;
  • 3 carrots;
  • Butter - for frying;
  • Salt;
  • ½ tsp each mushroom seasoning and a mixture of ground peppers.

This step-by-step recipe with photos will help you prepare fried champignons with onions and carrots.

  1. Mushrooms are cleaned, washed in water and cut into strips.
  2. Place in a dry hot frying pan and fry until the liquid evaporates.
  3. Add 1 tbsp. l. butter, mix mushrooms and fry for 10 minutes.
  4. The onion is peeled, cut into quarters and added to the mushrooms.
  5. The whole mass is salted, peppered, seasoning is added, mixed and fried for 5-7 minutes.
  6. In a separate pan, melt 2 tbsp. l. butter, add peeled carrots cut into thin strips.
  7. Fry over medium heat until golden brown and add to mushrooms and onions.
  8. Mix everything thoroughly and simmer under a closed lid on low heat for 5 minutes.
  9. This dish is best served in combination with mashed potatoes.

How to deliciously fry champignons with onions, garlic and cheese in a frying pan

A dish of fried champignons with onions and cheese can really captivate you from the first spoon. Even capricious gourmets will be satisfied with such a treat.

  • 1 kg of mushrooms;
  • 4 onions;
  • 200 g hard cheese;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Salt and spices - to taste.

How to properly fry champignons with onions and cheese in a frying pan is described below:

  1. Peel the mushrooms and boil for 10 minutes. in salted water.
  2. Place on a kitchen towel, leave for 10 minutes, then cut in half or into 4 pieces.
  3. Heat a little vegetable oil in a hot frying pan and fry the mushrooms until golden brown.
  4. Add onion cut into half rings and chopped garlic with a knife to the mushrooms, fry for 10 minutes.
  5. Add salt, sprinkle with spices to taste, mix and sprinkle with a layer of grated cheese on top.
  6. Cover with a lid and simmer over low heat until the cheese melts.

How to cook fresh champignons fried with onions, garlic and mayonnaise

Champignons fried with onions and mayonnaise will perfectly complement any side dish, such as boiled potatoes or mashed potatoes.

  • 800 g fresh champignons;
  • 2 onions;
  • A bunch of green onions;
  • 150 ml mayonnaise;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Salt and ground black pepper;
  • Greens - to taste.

How to properly prepare fresh champignons fried with onions and mayonnaise to make a tasty and satisfying treat?

  1. Peel the mushrooms, rinse and cut into thin strips.
  2. Place in a preheated frying pan, add oil and fry over medium heat until the liquid has evaporated and then lightly browned.
  3. Peel the onion from the top layer, cut into thin half rings and add to the mushrooms.
  4. Add salt, pepper, stir and fry for 10 minutes. on low heat.
  5. Combine mayonnaise with crushed garlic, chopped green onions, salt and whisk.
  6. Pour over the mushrooms and onions, stir and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. with the lid open.
  7. Sprinkle with chopped herbs to taste, cover and leave to steep for 5-7 minutes.

How to cook fried champignons with onions and cream

Mushrooms, onions and cream are a delicious tandem for preparing a delicious dish that no one can resist. Champignons fried with onions and cream will always go well - a light dinner, a hearty lunch, a treat for a festive feast or a simple appetizer.

  • 700 g champignons;
  • 2 red onions;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 100 g leeks;
  • ¼ part lemon;
  • 150 ml cream;
  • 50 ml olive oil;
  • 100 g butter;
  • Salt and ground black pepper;
  • Parsley.

Using the step-by-step recipe, you can learn how to properly cook champignons fried with onions and adding cream.

  1. Pour olive oil into a saucepan, add butter and heat.
  2. Peel the red onion, chop into cubes and fry in oil until golden brown.
  3. Add chopped garlic, fry for 2-3 minutes, add mushrooms cut into strips and leeks.
  4. Fry everything together until cooked, squeeze out lemon juice, add salt and pepper, stir.
  5. Pour in the cream, stir, simmer for 5 minutes. on low heat, turn off the stove.
  6. Chop the parsley, add to the mushrooms with cream, stir.
  7. Serve with boiled potatoes or other side dish.

Frozen champignons fried with onions and potatoes

Frozen champignons fried with onions are in no way inferior to fresh mushrooms in their nutritional value. A dish made from them will perfectly complement pork chops or chicken cutlets.

  • 700 g frozen champignons;
  • 6-8 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 4 onions;
  • 600 g potatoes;
  • Salt and a mixture of ground peppers;
  • A bunch of green dill.

Find out how to deliciously fry champignons with onions from a step-by-step description of the process.

  1. Thaw frozen mushrooms by removing them from the freezer and leaving them on the kitchen counter overnight.
  2. Cut into cubes and squeeze out excess liquid with your hands.
  3. Heat vegetable oil in a deep frying pan, add champignons and fry over medium heat for 15 minutes until the liquid has evaporated.
  4. Chop the peeled onion into cubes and add to the mushrooms, fry for 5 minutes.
  5. Peel the potatoes, wash and cut into thin strips, place in mushrooms and fry over medium heat for 15 minutes.
  6. Salt and pepper with a mixture of peppers, stir, add chopped green dill.
  7. Stir again and fry for another 5-7 minutes. over low heat, with the lid closed.

Dish of canned champignons fried with onions and sour cream

Many housewives experiment and create something new from traditional dishes. Canned champignons fried with onions are a great option to quickly feed hungry family members.

  • 500 g pickled mushrooms;
  • 2 onions;
  • Refined vegetable oil;
  • 3 tbsp. l. sour cream;
  • Parsley and dill.
  1. Place the canned champignons from the jar into a colander, rinse under running water and cut into strips.
  2. Pour 2 tbsp into a heated frying pan. l. oil, add peeled and quartered onion.
  3. Fry until light brown, add mushrooms, cover and fry for 10 minutes.
  4. Open the lid, continue frying for another 10 minutes, add chopped parsley and dill.
  5. Pour in sour cream, stir and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes.

Champignons fried with onions and bell peppers

Champignons fried with onions and peppers make an excellent dish that not only looks beautiful, but also has an amazing taste and aroma. Such products can always be found in any store and prepared for lunch.

  • 700 g champignons;
  • 4 large peppers of different colors;
  • 2 onions;
  • Vegetable oil;
  • Salt.

How to properly cook fried champignon mushrooms with onions and bell peppers?

  1. Peel the pepper from seeds and stems, cut into strips.
  2. Peel the onion, cut into half rings and prepare the mushrooms: cut into cubes.
  3. Place the mushrooms in a dry frying pan, fry until the liquid evaporates and only then pour in 2-3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.
  4. When the mushrooms are slightly browned, add onion half rings and fry until golden brown.
  5. Add pepper strips and fry for 10 minutes. on low heat.
  6. Add salt to taste, mix and leave on the switched off stove under a closed lid for 5-7 minutes.
  7. When serving, you can optionally garnish with chopped herbs to taste.

How to properly fry champignons with onions and chicken (with video)

Fried fresh champignons with onions and chicken is a healthy and satisfying dish for the family. It is very easy and simple to prepare, one might say, a pleasure.

  • 600 g fresh champignons;
  • 500 g chicken (any part without bones);
  • Vegetable oil;
  • 4 cloves of garlic;
  • 3 onions;
  • A pinch of zirra;
  • Salt and ground black pepper;
  • 100 ml sour cream.

The recipe for fried champignon mushrooms with onions and chicken is described below in easy-to-follow steps.

  1. Boil the chicken meat in salted water for 15 minutes, place on a kitchen towel and let drain.
  2. After cleaning, cut the mushrooms into strips and place in a frying pan with 3 tbsp. l. oil and fry for 15 minutes. over medium heat.
  3. Add onion cut into thin rings, chopped garlic with a knife, stir and fry for another 10 minutes.
  4. Cut the meat into cubes, place in a separate frying pan, add 2-3 tbsp. l. oil and fry until golden brown.
  5. Combine with mushrooms and vegetables, salt, pepper and add zirra, mix.
  6. Pour in the sour cream, stir again and simmer on low heat under a closed lid for 10 minutes.

We invite you to watch a video on how to properly fry champignons with onions and chicken.

Champignons fried with onions and chicken liver

In this recipe, which shows how to fry champignon mushrooms with onions and chicken liver, all the ingredients are quite simple and affordable. You can surprise your family or friends invited to a party with the prepared dish, as it turns out very tasty and appetizing.

  • 500 g champignons;
  • 5 onions;
  • 300 g chicken liver;
  • 4 tbsp. l. butter;
  • Salt - to taste.

It is worth saying that the dish is perfect for filling tartlets on a buffet table.

  1. Peel, wash and cut the mushrooms as desired, place in a frying pan with melted butter (take 1 tbsp).
  2. Peel the chicken liver from the film, cut into pieces and fry in 2 tbsp. l. butter.
  3. Peel the onion, cut into cubes, place in a separate frying pan and fry in the remaining oil until golden brown.
  4. Combine all fried ingredients in a blender, add salt to taste, and chop.
  5. Place in a hot frying pan and fry over medium heat for 5-7 minutes, stirring continuously.
  6. You don’t have to grind the food in a blender, but leave it in pieces, only in this case you should add sour cream and simmer for several minutes.

Champignons fried with onions and rice

Champignons fried with onions and rice can be an excellent side dish for main dishes, such as fried or baked meat.

  • 500 g champignons;
  • 2 heads of white onion;
  • ½ tbsp. steamed rice;
  • 1.5 tbsp. meat broth;
  • Salt and a mixture of ground peppers - to taste;
  • Butter.

How to properly fry champignons with onions and rice to get a tasty and satisfying meal for your household for lunch? Use the recipe described below step by step for greater convenience for beginner cooks. Please note that the recipe is for 4 servings.

  1. Rinse the rice several times in cold water, pour in hot meat broth and simmer over low heat until cooked.
  2. Add salt to taste, pepper with a mixture of peppers and stir.
  3. Fry diced white onion in butter until golden brown.
  4. Add peeled and sliced ​​champignons and continue frying for 20 minutes. over low heat.
  5. Combine mushrooms and onions with rice, mix thoroughly, place on a dish and serve.
  6. If desired, you can decorate the rice with mushrooms with green sprigs of basil or parsley.

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Tasty and tender champignons will be an excellent and absolutely safe alternative to wild mushrooms, replenishing the diet of household members with essential amino acids and proteins. Among the various dishes prepared from champignons, fried mushrooms are especially popular, which are very easy to make.

How to prepare champignons for frying

Before cooking mushrooms, they must be washed and chopped. This should be done immediately before cooking, since with prolonged contact with water, the mushrooms darken and take on a not very attractive appearance. It is preferable to use mushrooms of the same size for frying, so they will fry faster. To make the finished fried champignons look beautiful, it is advisable not to separate the stems from the cap when slicing. The cutting looks neat in the form of not too thick straws, shaped like a champignon.

Some housewives prefer not only to wash the champignons, but also to remove the film from their cap, as is done with wild mushrooms, believing that when prepared in this way, the mushrooms turn out to be more tender. But this is a matter of taste

For this you will need: - mushrooms themselves in the desired quantity; - vegetable oil for frying; - salt, black and white pepper.

Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan and place the mushroom pieces on it in one layer. If you lay out the sliced ​​champignons in a thick layer, they will be stewed rather than fried. The top of the mushrooms should be sprinkled with salt and pepper, preferably white pepper, as it gives the champignons a more original taste. As soon as a crust forms on one side of the mushrooms, and this will happen in just a minute or two, you need to turn them over. It turns out that the mushrooms are practically deep-fried, acquiring a golden and crispy crust.

How long to fry champignons and how to diversify the recipe

The duration of cooking mushrooms depends entirely on their quantity, as well as on whether they are fried alone or together with other vegetables. Being laid out in one layer, the champignons are cooked literally instantly, in a couple of minutes. If you fry mushrooms with other vegetables, you should add additional cooking time. So, when frying champignons with onions and carrots, you should first fry the latter, since they take more time to cook, and only after the carrots and onions acquire a golden color, add the mushrooms. This is the easiest way to prepare champignons, which allows you to give them a slightly different taste. In this form they will be a great addition to any side dish. You can also change the classic taste of mushrooms if, after a crust has formed during frying, a few minutes before turning off the heat, squeeze a clove of garlic into the frying pan and mix it with the mushrooms.

Today, fried champignons are one of the popular dishes. These tasty and healthy mushrooms can be easily prepared at home. And there is nothing surprising in the fact that this type of mushroom is a success. They, being a very valuable product, are widely cultivated today in the food industry. They contain a large amount of vitamins, organic acids, proteins, fiber and vitamins. In terms of phosphorus content, mushrooms can be almost 100% equal to fish and seafood. In addition, this product has unique antibacterial and antitumor properties. Regular consumption of mushrooms significantly reduces the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis and also reduces cholesterol levels.

Champignons are very beneficial for the human body; they significantly reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.

Champignons are often used to prepare many delicious and varied dishes. They are eaten stewed, salted, raw and pickled, often added to salads, baked over coals, made into pies or stuffed. But fried champignons go great with pork, vegetables, beef and chicken.

How to cook delicious mushrooms with sour cream?

This dish goes great with absolutely any side dish. Slightly chilled products will be the best appetizer for the holiday table. Fried champignons should be served with buckwheat, mashed potatoes, pasta, and rice. To prepare the dish, take 50 ml of vegetable oil, 1 kg of champignons, 300 ml of sour cream, 3 onions, pepper, salt.

Mushrooms should be thoroughly washed and peeled. Large ones are best cut into 4 pieces, while very small ones should be left whole. The onion must be peeled and chopped. Heat sunflower oil in a frying pan and add champignons. Fry the mushrooms until golden brown and the liquid has evaporated. Covering the pan with a lid is not recommended. Then add the onion and mix thoroughly. Then you need to pepper the champignons, pour sour cream and salt on them. Mix all ingredients and simmer for 15 minutes. Remember that the calorie content of this dish is quite high.

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Recipe for fried champignons with garlic

Every housewife can easily prepare a fragrant and interesting-tasting dish using this recipe.

You should take 500 g of mushrooms, 3 cloves of garlic, ½ teaspoon of dried Italian herbs, sunflower oil, 2 onions, salt, ground pepper. First, you should thoroughly rinse all the products and cut the mushrooms in half. Since they will be cooked with garlic, it needs to be very finely chopped along with the onion and thoroughly fried in a small amount of oil. Then you need to add the main ingredient to this mass and fry it until it reaches a caramel color. This recipe is suitable even for a holiday feast.

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How can you deliciously cook fried mushrooms with cream?

You can reveal the unique taste of the product by using heavy cream. To do this, take 200 ml of homemade cream, 600 g of champignons, salt, 2 onions, ground white pepper, vegetable oil and ground nutmeg.

Before cooking, fresh mushrooms should be thoroughly rinsed under running water. Then you need to peel the mushrooms, finely chop them and fry the champignons in oil until golden brown. Then peel, chop and fry the onion in a separate frying pan. Then put the pre-fried mushrooms there and simmer them for 10 minutes, covering with a lid. Then add nutmeg, cream and white pepper with salt. After 5 minutes of frying, sprinkle the dish with garlic.

This delicacy will go well with stewed cabbage, rice, buckwheat, pasta, pearl barley, white beans or potatoes. Fried champignons with boiled chicken are especially good.

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Recipes for cooking champignons with vegetables

In order to prepare mushrooms with tomatoes, you need to take a small amount of nuts, carrots and garlic, 300 grams of fresh champignons, ground pepper, 1 onion, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 4 tomatoes.

The onion and garlic should be peeled and chopped. Tomatoes need to be washed thoroughly, dried well and finely cut into cubes. The champignons also need to be washed and peeled. Then cut them into pieces and fry with onions and garlic until golden brown. After this, add pepper, tomatoes and salt to the pan. Fry the mushrooms and tomatoes over low heat for 20 minutes. The fully prepared dish can be sprinkled with herbs.

To surprise your guests, you can cook mushrooms with vegetables, which can be served as a hot appetizer, main course, or even a side dish. This dish is 100% suitable for a Lenten menu. Champignons with vegetables turn out nourishing and very tasty. You should take 2 carrots, salt, 500 g of the main ingredient, vegetable oil, 2 onions, pepper.

Fresh carrots and onions should be chopped not too coarsely and fried in vegetable oil for about 5 minutes. The vegetables should be slightly translucent and soft. Then the pre-cooked fried champignons need to be mixed with vegetables until golden brown.