Seasonal fruits and vegetables: selection rules and seasonality calendar. Seasonal fruits and vegetables - what are they?

Has it ever happened to you that you buy some fruit or vegetable, and it is completely tasteless or, on the contrary, spoiled? The mood is bad, the body also did not receive vitamins, the money was spent. The thing is that out-of-season products very often appear on the shelves of our stores and markets.

Even when buying strawberries in the summer, the month plays a big role, because those grown in greenhouses have a completely different taste and are more processed with chemicals. To please yourself and your loved ones with tasty, ripe and useful fruits, you need to know what time to buy certain fruits and vegetables. The editors of “Super Chef!” will tell you about this today.

When is the best time to buy fruit?

Nowadays there is a great opportunity to enjoy fresh vegetables and fruits all year round. Plant products are brought to us from almost all over the world. However, you should know where vegetables and fruits come from in order to decide whether they are worth buying.

If you buy this juicy berry from gardeners at the market, then it is in the last days of May and throughout June that you should do this. In July, it is usually either overripe and rotten, or in a greenhouse. Yes, and she is rather dry at this time.
Imported strawberries can be found in supermarkets throughout the year. In March-April you can buy berries brought from Spain or Portugal; from February to April strawberries from the USA are sold, but you understand that they are shipped while still green, because transportation takes long time. Almost all year round there are strawberries from Egypt and Ethiopia on the shelves, but their taste is very different from European ones.

It seems they don't even disappear from the shelves. Oranges brought from Mediterranean countries, especially Spain, are considered the most delicious. Early varieties begin to ripen in November. The season lasts until mid-April. From February to July, fruits from Turkey and Egypt go on sale, but again, we note that their taste is no longer the same - they are not sweet and have a thick peel.
From July to the end of February, South African and Peruvian oranges are traded. They ripen on the road; in addition, the fruits are treated with special means so that they retain their elasticity and do not spoil for a long time while waiting for transportation. There are quite a few useful substances left in them.

The season of the most delicious and healthy domestic apples begins in August and lasts until October. However, these fruits can be stored for a long time, so you can safely buy them until February. During the rest of the year, fruits are supplied from New Zealand and Argentina. Apples taste good and have beneficial properties. These fruits can be safely called multi-seasonal.

The benefits of persimmon for the body are undeniable. Besides, it is very tasty. The persimmon season begins in October and ends in early November. It is brought mainly from Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan. Separately, it is worth noting the Spanish persimmon. It is usually picked ripe and quickly brought to market. However, it can be stored on the shelves for no more than a week - then it begins to deteriorate.

If you see the Haas variety on the shelf, you can buy it without hesitation. Its season lasts all year round, only the supplying countries change. But we usually sell fruits of the “ardit” and “fuerte” varieties, which are sent while still green. That’s why it’s advised that after buying an avocado, keep it on the windowsill for a couple of days to ensure it’s fully ripe.

And on a salad, and on pizza, and on a sandwich... Tomatoes can complement any dish. Domestic tomatoes are sold from late May to early October. At any time of the year you can find Azerbaijani tomatoes on the shelves - they are very good quality. In March-April, delicious fruits arrive from Italy, but they are quite expensive. More a budget option- tomatoes from Turkey. They can be found from December to March. Now they need to be washed thoroughly.

Domestic cucumbers are sold during the same period as tomatoes. The rest of the year they are imported. They do not pose any particular health hazard. But pay attention to long cucumbers from China. They have a grassy flavor rather than a cucumber flavor. These cucumbers contain a lot of nitrates, so it is advisable to peel them, especially if a child will eat the dish with them.

We have given examples of the most common fruits and vegetables on our shelves. But always keep in mind information about the time of year and country of delivery. It is clear that root vegetables such as carrots or potatoes grow here and can be bought all year round; they also tend to be stored for a long time. But watermelons and melons can be ripe and healthy only in the second half of July and August.

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“Russian diet” – healthy and tasty! Cabbage with chanterelles, spelled porridge with sea buckthorn and root vegetables, squash with porcini mushrooms, sorrel ice cream and pumpkin pancakes– this book contains modern healthy dishes prepared exclusively from local vegetables and herbs. After all, parsnips and rutabaga are the same old-timers of the Russian garden as pumpkin and turnips. You will take a fresh look at the Russian vegetable garden and our gastronomy in general. Fascinating "biographies" garden plants from a historian of Russian cuisine finally convinces us of the diversity of our native Lenten and festive table. Your friends will be crazy about the fluffy ones carrot cutlets And fried eggplant with stewed meat oxtails.

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Debunking myths about diets, healthy eating and food addiction.

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You know you're eating too much, but if you reduce your portion, you won't feel full;

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Sometimes you really want to eat something harmful that you usually don’t eat, and later you, of course, regret it;

Sugar, caffeine and/or nicotine are important sources of energy for you

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Everyone knows that we eat to live. We get pleasure from the meal, and the body - nutrients. Right?

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The classification of products and the rules for their combination are in this book.

Its author at one time was a typical housewife who did not pay attention to any combinations of products. She collected the classic bouquet of ailments before paying close attention to what and how she ate. As a result, I developed my own system separate power supply, based on this system, she opened a restaurant, tested her postulates on satisfied clients and presented them here.

Enjoy your meal!

Who is this book for?

For everyone who wants to get in shape, find healthy image life and recharge your batteries for new achievements.

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For anyone who wants to switch to a plant-based diet and learn more about it.

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Who hasn't been in such a situation? You buy luxurious-looking oranges (strawberries, avocados), try them, and they taste absolutely impossible. Either the variety is wrong, or the country of origin, or it’s not the season. “The latter is especially important,” says Natalya Fadeeva, Ph.D., nutritionist-endocrinologist at the Center for Family Dietetics “MEDEP”. — All fruits and vegetables are best purchased when fully ripe and not stored for long. Such fruits are not only very tasty, they also contain the most vitamins. Whereas in the quantities lying in the warehouse useful substances decreases. And in greenhouse fruits and vegetables, harmful ones can even accumulate, since for the growth of such products in large quantities chemical stimulants are used.”

However, today we have the opportunity to enjoy seasonal fruits grown in the region all year round. open ground. Plant products are brought to Russia from almost all over the world, when the harvest is being harvested on one continent, and the beds are just being sown on another. You just need to know where and when they are coming from best fruits and vegetables. We asked about this from Andrey Kolchevnikov, category manager at Azbuka Vkusa.

Fruits and vegetables: when and what to buy

Oranges.“Oranges brought from Mediterranean countries, primarily from Spain, are considered the most delicious,” says Andrei Kolchevnikov. — Early varieties begin to ripen In November . The season lasts until the end of April . With the onset of winter, red, so-called blood oranges, grown in Italy, with excellent taste. From February to July, fruits exported from Egypt and Turkey go on sale. But in terms of their consumer qualities they are significantly inferior to European ones. So be sure to ask the seller where the goods come from.” Mediterranean ones are being replaced by South African and Peruvian ones - they are traded from July to the end of December . Such fruits are often picked green. They ripen already on the road, which does not have the best effect on the taste and nutritional properties.

Apples. The season of the most delicious and fresh begins in August . At this time, early varieties of fruit from local producers arrive on the shelves of our stores. Apple season in stores lasts on average until the end of February . « During the winter months The main suppliers of good quality fruit are the countries of the southern hemisphere, primarily New Zealand, Chile and Argentina,” says Andrey Kolchevnikov. — It should be noted that with the advent of smart fresh technology, it has become possible to preserve apples for a long time, without losing their consumer qualities. Thus, these fruits can be considered multi-seasonal .

Persimmon. Her season begins in October and ends late January - early February . At this time, it comes to us mainly from Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan, as well as from Turkey and the Balkan countries. “Spanish is very good,” says Andrey Kolchevnikov. “Its fruits are large, bright orange, very sweet and not astringent at all, since they are picked when they are already ripe.”

Strawberry. Almost everything sold in Russia is imported. Even in spring and summer. “The fact is that the berries grown by domestic producers are completely unsuitable for long-term storage and transportation,” says Andrey Kolchevnikov. — Strawberry season starts in March-April . It was at this time that the berries begin to be collected in Spain, Greece, and Portugal. European strawberries can be found in stores up to until the end of October : usually this is late varieties, brought to us from Poland. From February to April American strawberries, which are grown in California and Florida, are also sold. It tastes excellent, but is rarely found in our supermarkets.” In other months (almost all year round), there are berries from Ethiopia, Tanzania, and Egypt on the shelves. It tastes noticeably inferior to the European one.

Avocado."The most delicious avocado the “Haas” variety is considered, and it doesn’t matter where it comes from, says Andrey Kolchevnikov. Its season lasts all year round, only the countries change - Israel, Brazil, Mexico, South Africa. This variety is the best-selling in the world. But in our country, unfortunately, it is poorly represented. We prefer unripe avocados and varieties that are more patient with storage, for example, “Pinkerton”, “Ettinger”, “Ardit”, “Fuerte”. They are not bad, but as a rule, they arrive on our shelves very unripe."

Tomatoes. These vegetables are also multi-seasonal. " In any season On the shelves of our supermarkets you can find Azerbaijani tomatoes, which are considered one of the best,” says Andrey Kolchevnikov. - A in March-April We sell tomatoes from Italy, which are also very tasty. And roads! A more budget option is fruits exported from Turkey or Israel. They are for sale from December to March .

Compose seasonal calendar and all year round enjoy the most delicious berries, vegetables and fruits!

Features of seasonal nutrition

When planning your meals with the onset of cold weather, keep in mind that our energy exchange and metabolism increase. This allows us to better digest more complex and solid foods, such as root vegetables, grains, including those containing gluten, nuts, seeds and legumes. These foods are rich in vitamins and minerals, contain more fat and protein, which helps us to better tolerate low temperatures. Include fermented vegetables in your area to maintain optimal microflora in your body - sauerkraut, beets, cucumbers, kombucha.

October November

By the first frost, summer residents and farmers collect the last harvest - cabbage, late berries - rowan, viburnum, lingonberry, cranberry and others. These products have been ripening on the branch all summer and, as a rule, have the richest nutrient composition to maintain health.

  • Vegetables:

bell pepper,
rutabaga (turnips),
All types of cabbage,
curly cabbage(kale),
chicory root,
bulb onions,
oat root (saltbeard),
parsnip (root),
celery (root and stems),
sweet potato(sweet potato),
Jerusalem artichoke (Mexico),

  • Fruits and berries:

Avocado (Israel, Mexico),

bananas (Africa),
pomegranates (Türkiye, Azerbaijan),
kiwi (China, Türkiye),
lemons, limes (CIS, China, Türkiye),
tangerines (Türkiye),
sea ​​​​buckthorn,
olives (Tunisia, Türkiye),
rose hip,

  • Cereals:

pseudocereals (buckwheat, sesame);

cereals (ancient, not subjected to selection, GMO - quinoa, amaranth, wild rice and others);

pulses (peas, beans, chickpeas, soybeans, vetch, lentils, beans, peanuts).

The best seasonal recipes

In October, give preference to cream soups made from seasonal root vegetables - pumpkin, zucchini, carrots - seasoned with aromatic warming spices (turmeric, coriander, pepper), salads with sesame or olive oil and topping of nuts and seeds, smoothie with avocado baked in coconut oil, vegetables, homemade bread sourdough or from sprouted grains, fermented vegetables, seasonal fruits and berries - apples, pomegranates, pears, late berries - fresh or baked (for example, apples with walnuts, pie with viburnum).


  • Vegetables

The leading place in the first winter month is occupied by cabbage: Savoy, cauliflower, Iceberg, and especially Brussels sprouts and white cabbage. A recent 2011 study from the Institute of Public Health found that Brussels sprouts contains antioxidants that stop DNA damage and cancer. Back in December, you should pay attention to sweet potatoes and potatoes; this month they are one of the most valuable sources of fiber, vitamin A and C. If you don’t grow them yourself in the summer, then it’s best to buy them in December. Remember the crispy turnips, rutabaga, green onions, pumpkin, artichokes and beets. Don't forget about tomatoes either. This season, their budget version from Israel and a juicier version from Italy appear on the shelves.

  • Fruits and berries

Pomegranate, grapefruit, pear, cranberries, apples (especially the Bramley variety) and bananas. If in the summer our choice falls on slightly beaten, small apples from local orchards, then in the winter we are deprived of this pleasure. Make sure they are imported from countries in the southern hemisphere. This could be Chile, Argentina, New Zealand. The main thing is not to buy vegetables and fruits from Holland, they have the same frosts there as in Russia.


  • Vegetables

You will be surprised, but carrots get the well-deserved medal of antioxidant vegetable in January. The so-called “carotene citadel”, absolutely necessary in winter period our skin, mucous membranes and vision. Along with carrots, the January record holders are also Brussels sprouts and White cabbage, pumpkin and onion. Last - best help immunity in the depths of winter. It has virtually no calories, but a lot of vitamin C and oils, which, as shown in an Indian experiment by the Central Food Technological Research Institute, reduces the level of “bad” LBL cholesterol and increases the level of “good” HDL.

  • Fruits and berries

January is the month when you can say goodbye to cranberries. When buying other berries, make sure they come from Ethiopia, Egypt or Tanzania. But the citrus fruits that ripen in December are joined by oranges, lemons and tangerines. The most delicious are Sicilian “blood” oranges. Ideally, of course, they should be from Italy, otherwise what kind of Sicilian are they? Egyptian fruits are not inferior to them in juiciness. Scientists William Clay and Christine Economos wrote about the beneficial effects of citrus fruits on the human body in their study under the promising title "More than Vitamin C." Indeed, citrus fruits can reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease, Pankerson's disease, Crohn's disease, cataracts and other less significant diseases.


  • Vegetables

It's a time of acute, and not very spicy. Leeks come to the rescue in such uncertain times, savoy cabbage and celery. They are February vitamin kings. Celery root has particular benefits this month. Yes, he is not very nice to look at, but he is one of the most hearty vegetables during the season of “constant hunger”, plus you can make excellent pancakes from it. A couple of these toasted cakes, and your body is again charged with phosphorus, which is so necessary for teeth and bones. Stephen Ehrlich, a specialist at the University of Maryland Medical Center, is confident that phosphorus is the second most essential mineral for any living organism.

  • Fruits and berries

At the beginning of February, the ripening of persimmons ends, so in order to eat them for future use in the winter, it is best to replace desserts with this fruit. And buy fruits brought from Azerbaijan, Uzbekistan, Spain, Turkey and the Balkan countries. From there they bring persimmons, usually already ripe, brightly colored orange color. This month you can treat yourself to strawberries, but only if they are from the States (Florida or California).

Among dried fruits and nuts in winter, it is best to give preference to chestnuts, dates and pumpkin seeds. The latter can be made yourself from the seeds of a good nutmeg pumpkin. Just remove the pulp, wash the seeds and leave them to dry on a thick cloth.

  • When choosing fruits and vegetables, give preference to seasonal products.
  • Vegetables grown in open ground are both healthier and safer than greenhouse vegetables.
  • They are less likely to have increased concentrations of pesticides or nitrates.
  • However, conscientious manufacturer will carefully monitor the concentration of hazardous substances and in recent years more and more high-quality Russian greenhouse products have appeared (for example, Mirinda cucumbers or Uzbek tomatoes)
  • Fruits and vegetables that are brought from other countries may be picked unripe and ripen during the journey, which reduces their nutritional value.
  • Some products are brought to the Russian Federation year-round thanks to technologies that allow them to preserve taste and nutritional values during transport (for example, from South America, southern countries).
  • In the summer, products are brought mainly from Russia (Rostov, Krasnodar) (vegetables, berries, some fruits) and CIS countries (Uzbekistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan - fruits, berries, some vegetables)
  • May-conditional start summer season: the first fruits and berries from southern countries appear: Uzbek cherries, apricots, Azerbaijani cherry plum etc.
  • The summer season lasts approximately until October (dates vary each year depending on the weather).
  • At the beginning of the “season”, products are expensive, but later, when the season becomes widespread, prices go down.
  • From November the “winter” season begins: products are brought from far abroad (Peru, Chile, Morocco), a lot of greenhouse vegetables and last year’s autumn vegetables.
  • Long-term storage of vegetables leads to loss of vitamins and minerals. At the end of winter, give preference to frozen and imported products rather than long-stored autumn vegetables - they contain more nutrients.
  • Fresh vegetables appear from the first days of April.

What products are in season now?


  • Cherry: this year appeared on the 1st of May, the 1st batch was from Tajikistan, now from Uzbekistan. Taste is better Every day it gets sweeter. The season is until August, but the most delicious ones are until the end of July
  • Apricots: now from Uzbekistan, appeared in mid-May, taste better every day. Season~until the end of July. The most aromatic, delicate variety of apricots is the Armenian “Shalakh”. During the season, producers change: first Uzbek, then Armenian and Azerbaijani
  • Strawberries: strawberries appear in December, first in greenhouses, from the end of April in soil. The most delicious now are from Greece: large, sweet. In May you can find Crimean strawberries, but they are inferior in taste to Greek ones, not so sweet. The Russian strawberry season begins ~in June (Rostov, Krasnodar), but the season lasts a short time, 3 weeks
  • Strawberries: Russian - from mid-June. The season is very short, 2-3 weeks
  • Peaches, nectarines, flat peaches: appeared in early May, now from Chile. In July they will be from the CIS countries. Particularly tasty and juicy peaches are from Armenia, their season is September-early October
  • Gooseberries, cherries: Russian ~ from mid-June. Season ~ to August
  • Watermelon can be found almost all year round: May - from Iran, end of July - Uzbek, Dagestan. The best and most delicious - Astrakhan ~ in August-September, but not every year is successful
  • Uzbek melon “Torpedo” is the most delicious, season June - October


  • Cucumbers, carrots, beets: from the 1st of May - Lukhovitsk cucumbers (Russia). Season until September (the most delicious). First days of April - young vegetables: carrots and beets with tops
  • Cabbage: from mid-April (first from Macedonia, then from Uzbekistan, then Russian), season - all summer
  • Tomatoes: delicious in the first days of May pink tomatoes from Azerbaijan, they will be there all summer. From Rostov in mid-May, delicious “Paradise” and “Bull’s Heart” appear, they will be there all summer.

Have time to enjoy delicious products!

pictures from