The best cafes in Prague. The best cafes in Prague

You won’t believe it, but we actually beat the best beer bars in Prague, every single one! It was difficult, but what can you do for the sake of dear readers. Beer in the Czech Republic is excellent and inexpensive, and also not very strong, so even the best beer restaurants in Prague can be visited every day without the risk of getting drunk and going broke. We did just that and today we present to you the TOP 10 beer bars in Prague, which includes both large restaurants and small but atmospheric bars. Sit back, the article turned out to be long and sincere, like a conversation in a Prague pub over a glass of Pilsner.

Oh, it’s not an easy job to write an article after the Behemoth pub!

How was this rating compiled?

It’s no secret that the Internet is full of ratings of the best beer bars in Prague. And even more so, it’s no secret that many of them (though not all) are written as carbon copies based on reviews and other articles. What did we do? We previously studied the ratings of “The Best Beers in Prague” in Russian, English and Czech and compiled our own list of one and a half dozen establishments that most often take prizes or simply receive excellent reviews from visitors. Then we took our list and (hic!) walked around all these pubs with a camera and a notepad so as not to forget anything. We’ve been to Prague more than once or twice; we have plenty of time, so we didn’t run from one pub to another, but allocated a full evening for each of them. Wherein we tried to evaluate not only the taste, but also the atmosphere in these establishments. This is how our rating “The Best Beers in Prague” came into being. So let's drink to the fact that our list of TOP 10 beer bars in Prague will help you enjoy incomparable Czech beer without a headache! You still have to go to the pub tomorrow. And the day after tomorrow too.

P.S.: we will not list prices in beer bars in Prague, because the cost may change, but our rating of “The Best Beers in Prague” is eternal. Instead, after describing each pub, we will provide a link to its official website, where you can always find out the current prices for beer and food. For those establishments that have not yet acquired a website, here is a photo of the menu.

We also note that we liked absolutely all the establishments that were included in our rating of “The Best Beers in Prague”, and all of them are worthy of your attention. It was very difficult to distribute them in places. We remind you that everything in this world is subjective and your rating of the best beer restaurants and bars in Prague may be completely different.

And of course, Prague would not be Prague if it did not have excursions with a “beer” twist. Therefore, you can test the best beer bars in Prague not only on your own with the help of our guide, but also on an excursion in the company of a professional drinking guide:

The best beer bars in Prague: the most objective rating from

10th place: U Kalicha (“At the Bowl”)

Perhaps the two most famous beer pubs in Prague are “At the Golden Tiger” and “At the Chalice”. In the first, Vaclav Havel and Bill Clinton drank beer, in the second - the good soldier Švejk himself. However, on the restaurant’s website it honestly says that Schweik was more interested not in the beer hall, but in the brothel located around the corner (by the way, the red lights of this establishment had a picturesque view from the windows of one of the apartments we rented in Prague). After communicating with the ladies, Schweik (or whoever was his prototype) dropped in to the Chalice to regain his strength. That's why The beer hall “U Chasha” is often called “U Shvejk”, and also simply transliterate from Latin to Cyrillic - “At Kalich”. Which is not so far from the truth, given the not entirely ideal state of health of the gallant soldier.

But you won’t be full of legends. As for the beer itself, it’s quite decent, but not the best we drank in Prague. Doubting our taste, we took a second mug - this time a light one - again we were not impressed and went to the good old and trusted Fleck. Even the menu in Russian did not deter us.

Oh yes, the fried cheese at Kalicha’s is simply incomparable. But somehow we didn’t come for the cheese.

You may ask: why did we then include this place in our rating of “The Best Beers in Prague that you need to visit?” I think it’s very worth going to the U Chalsha pub, and not just for the beer. Still, this is not just a restaurant, but a real attraction with a literary twist.

  • Prices at the restaurant "U Chashi"(menu in Russian)
  • (our review)

On the façade of the restaurant there are two signs: “At the Chalice” and “At Schweik’s”.

At the entrance to the establishment you are greeted by the brave soldier Schweik himself.

The best beer bars in Prague: What we liked most about the U Chalice pub was the fried cheese and the massive chandeliers in the ceiling.

The Švejk beer hall in Prague is decorated with quotes from Jaroslav Hasek and other smart people.

9th place: Lokál U Bílé kuželky (“At the white pin”)

And immediately a short summary of “White Skittles”. The beer is excellent. The atmosphere is absent. Therefore, only ninth place.

This famous Lesser Country pub is often called simply “Lokal”, which, if desired, can be translated as “Local pub” or “Beerhouse where locals go”. It is located in a beautiful (are there others in Prague?) alley a couple of hundred meters from the Charles Bridge. The atmosphere here, I would say, is not quite familiar to beer pubs in Prague and rather resembles a neat canteen. Smooth white walls hung with letters, a pyramid of clean mugs on the bar counter, photographs and paintings depicting scenes from the life of the restaurant, valiant knights and, for some reason, Michael Jackson create too strict an atmosphere that does not allow you to relax before the third mug.

But if you came here not to grumble about the interior, like some, but to enjoy beer, you will undoubtedly like it. They serve light Pilsner Urquell and dark Kozel, as well as useless something marked non alcoholic. There is no menu in Russian and the staff does not speak Russian, but Kozel is a Kozel, the main thing is to put the emphasis correctly.

A small Russian-Czech dictionary. Delicious beer - Plzenske pivo. Tasteless beer - Klinske pivo.

The local "At the White Skittle" is located in the same building as the hotel of the same name. Perhaps that's why it's too academic for a Prague beer garden.

8th place: Novoměstský pivovar (“Novoměstský brewer”)

Do not order pork knuckle (boar's knee) at Novomestsky brewer! Maybe everything has changed here since our visit, but we absolutely did not like the traditional Czech snack here. And this despite the fact that we visited the Novomestsky brewer even before we visited Ferdinand and U Fleku, where they prepare the best knuckle in the world.

Otherwise, our reviews about this beer are only the most positive. Delicious unfiltered beer with Žatec hops, an interesting ambiance of a real brewhouse, ten beautifully decorated halls, a convenient location near Wenceslas and Charles Square. And generally speaking, Novomestsky Brewery is not just a restaurant, but a small brewery, and underground (in the good sense of the word): the local halls and workshops go three floors underground. Here you can not only have a drink and a snack, but also take a tour of a real Czech brewery - of course, with a tasting. Options and prices for excursions, as well as the menu, are on the official website.

  • Website of the Novomestsky Pivovar restaurant(in Russian)

7th place: U Zlateho Tygra (“At the Golden Tiger”)

At the Golden Tiger is a legendary Prague beer hall, located exactly halfway between Old Town Square and Charles Bridge. Opens at 15:00, we were only a minute late for the opening, but by that time the beer hall was already filled to capacity. There were only two seats left free, which we took. But what two places! However, more on that later.

“At the Golden Tiger” is a purebred Prague beer house, come here not only for the incomparable Pilsen nectar, but also for the unique atmosphere. There is nothing to breathe here and nowhere to sit, because of the noise curtain here you need to talk three tones higher than usual, and the density of people of all nationalities and skin colors here is three times higher than on the Charles Bridge on a July evening. And for all this hell - at most two waiters and a virtuoso bartender of the eightieth level, with all their skill they still do not have time to serve everyone on time, and therefore are angry as hell. You already like it, don't you?

And when we were leaving the Golden Tiger, I inadvertently looked back and then lightning struck me: I came last to the pub, and I got the most criminal place?! An overly politicized Russian tourist would hang himself to sit on my chair for even a minute! It turned out that I was laughing at the Czechs eating raw minced meat in the same place where in 1994, Czech President Vaclav Havel drank beer with US President Bill Clinton! Then the writer Bohumil Hrabal, who happened to be a regular at the establishment, sat down with them, and they drank again, and again... In general, the beer hall “At the Golden Tiger” is famous not only for its beer, but also for the fact that two famous politicians were once stabbed here by the collar, and one famous writer did this almost every day.

  • Prices for beer and food at the Golden Tiger(in English)

The Golden Tiger pub is tucked away on such a narrow and beautiful street that we could barely insert the logo of our site without damaging the landscape.

The best beer bars in Prague not only have top-notch beer, but also top-notch bartenders. On tap at the “Golden Tiger” there is an experienced beer master, but even he cannot always cope with such an influx of visitors.

See the photo on the wall? This is Clinton shaking hands with Hrabal, in the middle is Havel. Do you see the empty chairs under the photo? We were just sitting on them. You may be jealous, but we wouldn't.

But in this photo, friends, there is a really cool guy. When a football player parachutes a penalty kick into the center of the goal, it is called a Panenka kick. It was first performed by Czechoslovakia national team midfielder Antonin Panenka, whose photo hangs on the wall. This kick brought his team European gold in 1976.

6th place: U Hrocha (“At the Behemoth”)

Yes, “Behemoth” does not have a centuries-old history. Yes, this is not a restaurant, but rather a pub or a small, not to say cozy, cafe with several tables. Yes, they serve only one type of beer (the incomparable Pilsner Urquell at 40 CZK per glass). Yes, the walls here are shabby and in some places covered with all sorts of nonsense. And yes, it is noisy and there is nowhere to sit. But it's great here!

There is such a hackneyed expression “an atmosphere that cannot be expressed in words.” So we won’t even try to convey it. Just come to the bar “U Behemoth” (“U Grokh”) and you will understand everything yourself. But it’s better to come early - as already said, there is not much space here and in the late afternoon there will be no free tables (as well as window sills and chairs at the bar counter). Verified. It is believed that the regulars of the U Behemoth brewery are proletarians from all countries, as well as the Prague intelligentsia and teachers of educational institutions in Hradcany and Mala Strana. Therefore, you can come here even just to listen to smart conversations about science (talking about politics is prohibited here, as a sign above the bar warns). And it doesn’t matter that you don’t understand Czech: it’s still nice to be in the company of smart people.

Just don’t lean on the pork knuckle here: Behemoth, as you know, has no waist :) And there’s no website either, by the way. Photo of the menu is just below.

The Behemoth Beer House is hidden on a quiet, beautiful street not far from Prague Castle.

Members of the sect of hippopotamus worshipers are in a religious frenzy.

The menu of the restaurant "U Begemota" is not posted on the Internet. It's hanging on the wall!

5th place: Polo

Let us start our magnificent five with a small lyrical digression. Sometimes you can come across the opinion that the best beer houses in Prague are not located on tourist trails, but are hidden in the back streets of the working-class districts of Zizkov and Vinohrady. There are, they say, special beer houses in Prague that are not for tourists; old-timers and connoisseurs only go there, and in the center there is consumer goods for naive foreigners. This is not entirely true. The best beer bars in Prague are both in the center and on the outskirts, and in world-famous establishments we have always met more Czechs than tourists. But the beer in almost all Prague restaurants is excellent, and it is not surprising that local residents value cozy restaurants close to home more. Why go to the center and jostle among the stuffy crowd when there is also delicious, inexpensive beer nearby, as well as always a free table and warm company?

However, we also have no right to ignore the Zizkov region. Moreover, one of our favorite establishments with the simple name Polo is located there. After our first trip to Prague, we generally considered it the best restaurant on planet Earth. Not a single Prague beer map or guidebook will direct you to Polo. This is a true beer hall for locals, many of whom represent Prague's informal youth aged 18 to 80. The speakers play real rock (not pop, like in the Hard Rock Café), and the walls are hung with portraits of legendary musicians who have never been here. But the main thing is that this restaurant serves the most amazing pork ribs in Prague, which are served with outrageously delicious tank beer. In our family it is forbidden to remember “Polo” on an empty stomach.

And it was here that we became acquainted with the magical drink, because of which the folk trail to the best beer pubs in Prague will never grow overgrown. As if it were yesterday, I remember a wonderful moment: plump mugs, flavored with fluffy foam, appeared in front of us. Having carefully tasted the bright, bitter Pilsner Urquell, we bravely ordered a kilogram portion of pork ribs with chili and honey. The weight did not bother us at all: we were sure that the promised kilogram would contain 800 grams of bones without meat. And then they bring us a huge wooden round plate, on which lies half a pork belly, as if it had just been cut from a pig. There is a lot of meat, everything is juicy and appetizing. The ribs were different, part of them (about a quarter) consisted of cartilage - just right for beer. There were two small bowls - with horseradish and mustard - and also a side dish in the form of cabbage and red capsicum. As soon as you tried it, a real fire started burning in your mouth!

When we were putting out the pepper fire in our mouth, we especially appreciated the bitterness of the tank beer. Which in those minutes was almost not felt. Then we ordered another 0.5 beer and another 0.5. The beer was good, and if we left Polo drunk, it was only from pleasure.

  • Polo restaurant menu(in English)

Many Czechs believe that the best beer bars in Prague should be found in Žižkov. We found one of them - the amazing Polo restaurant!

4th place: Ferdinanda (“Ferdinanda”)

Ferdinanda is not one, but two brasserie restaurants in Prague. The first is located in Novo Mesto, the second in Mala Strana. We began to study the reviews and were surprised to see that the Novomestsky restaurant was more often criticized, while the Malostranskaya restaurant was praised. We went there, and we were right, since this particular establishment took an honorable fourth place in our ranking of “The Best Beers in Prague.”

Ferdinanda is a very fun place in Mala Strana at the foot of Petrin Hill. It’s a nice thing to come down here after a walk to one of them and reward yourself with a portion of aromatic beer, the most tender shank and peculiar Czech humor. The menu alone is worth it! Some talking pigs, hungry mice, pot-bellied drunkards, drunkenly cursing the European Union... But The main thing here is the beer “Seven Bullets” (Sedm Kulí), the calling card of this establishment. Here, too, the masters of black humor did their best: that is how many bullets were fired at the unfortunate Archduke Franz Ferdinand in 1914, which is why the First World War broke out. But be that as it may, the dark, slightly bitter beer “Seven Bullets” is simply divine. It is considered almost the most delicious in the entire Czech Republic, and it is brewed in the small town of Benesov, next to which was the castle of the murdered Archduke.

  • Ferdinand's restaurant website(in English-Czech)
  • (our reviews)

In addition to the magical beer, Ferdinand serves no less wonderful pork knuckle.

Some walls in Ferdinand are plastered, others are trimmed with rough stone, which gives the restaurant a special charm.

3rd place: Pivovarský dům(“Brewing House”)

This aristocratic establishment, a stone's throw from Charles Square, opened almost yesterday - in 1998 - but has already managed to gain an excellent reputation among locals and tourists. The restaurant has a brewery that creates several types of exclusive and very tasty beer., from classic light and dark to exotic ones like cherry, nettle and even banana. You can try all this pampering at one time by ordering a “beer carousel” - they will bring you a wooden turntable with small glasses with different types of beer. We liked the nettle one the most. And you?

The Brewery House is not just a pub, but a real restaurant in the best sense of the word. There is no smoking or yelling here, the most exquisite dishes of Czech cuisine are prepared here, the waiters here speak Russian, families and children come here. There is also a very beautiful interior, exquisitely decorated with antique rubbish, and in the middle of the hall there are beer cauldrons in which a delicious drink is prepared. By the way, one of the varieties is called Russian Imperial Stout - a clear nod to our tourists, of whom there seem to be the most of them here.

  • Prices at the Pivovarsky Dom restaurant(in Russian)
  • (our review)

2nd place: U Fleků (“U Fleku”)

The Prague brasserie U Fleku is a real Hofbrauhaus with a Czech accent. This is a large restaurant with large rooms, large tables, large portions and large trays filled with beer mugs filled to the brim. The waiters walk around the hall with these trays, and as soon as you empty your mug, they immediately throw in a new one. They only serve one type of beer, but what kind! Black as a southern night, rich as mercury in the laboratory of a Prague alchemist, tasty as... Like beer in the U Fleku restaurant! Local brewers are proud of this divine drink with a hint of caramel and have kept its recipe a closely guarded secret for centuries. By the way, The U Fleku beer hall is considered the oldest in Prague, it opened in 1499!

To make your trip to the U Fleku beer hall a real celebration, an accordion player will entertain guests in each room. A cheerful musician walks from table to table, listens to conversations and, catching notes of a familiar language, hurries to please the guests with his native melody. A man with an accordion entertained us with “Moscow Evenings” (how did he know where we were registered?) and “Katyusha”; for the English-speaking guests, Yesterday burst out and, it seems, something from early Marilyn Manson. The accordion player accepts the tip with joyful surprise, as if for the first time in his life, further fueling the cauldron of general fun.

“God gave us beer and pork knuckle, and the devil gave us compote and vegetarianism!” A wise monk's instructions to tourists, depicted on the wall of the U Fleku brewery.

1st place: Zlý časy (“Hard Times”)

Yes, we are not original and we are not afraid of it. Foreign tourists and Prague old-timers, academics and street cleaners, sophisticated gourmets and bitter drinkers - many of them agree that the Evil Hours is the best beer hall in Prague. We wanted to stand out and put something more original in the first place in the ranking of “Best Beers in Prague”... But as soon as we came here, we immediately understood everything. I’m sorry, Fleck, and you, too, forgive Ferdinand and the Brewery House (and you, Kalich, don’t have to forgive, we don’t care). You are beautiful, no doubt about it, but you can’t argue with the facts: the best beer hall in this part of the Galaxy is hidden in the non-tourist district of Prague 4, in a clumsy building with crumbling plaster under a strange sign in the form of a stupid clock.

Quite an angry watch, it must be said. And the atmosphere here matches it. There are no waitresses flitting around here and no musicians playing. Here you can gloomily throw yourself out of grief and cheerfully celebrate the happiest event in your life. “Evil Hours” is an ideal symbiosis of a common pub and a good restaurant, where every detail says one thing: they came here to drink beer. Oh yes, about beer. By my count, Hard Times offers about a million (give or take) beers. There is draft, bottled, local and foreign food from German brouhaus, Belgian monasteries and generally from all over the planet. But The main pride of the “Evil Hours” is carefully selected exclusive masterpieces from small Czech breweries. We took a variety of beers here - light, dark, red, wheat, and some other - and were terribly pleased every time. Sorry, we won’t recommend anything, because the assortment here changes very often. Just come to the best beer hall in Prague, feel free to order any beer and enjoy. And if you don't like it, we'll give you your money back!

This building has clearly fallen on hard times.

The best beer bars in Prague on the map

This is how our rating of the best beer bars in Prague turned out. We hope it helps you plan your own itinerary around the beer capital of the world! When you return, share your opinion: which bars and restaurants did you like the most, and which ones, on the contrary, disappointed you? We look forward to your feedback on the best beer bars in Prague, and may hard times pass you by!

Prague is the European beer and tourist capital. When planning a trip to an unfamiliar country, study the morals, customs, and taboos. This will save you from awkward situations, help you plan your voyage, calculate your budget and your own strength.

The Michelin Red Guide has selected three restaurants as the best in the Czech Republic:

  1. La Degustation Bohême Bourgeoise,

  2. Alcron,

  3. Field.

Located in the heart of Prague, close to popular tourist sites, these are high-status establishments with their own philosophy. Traditional seasonal dishes made from farm products are served here, with a signature twist. Local grape snails, half-forgotten rutabaga and, of course, beer add local flavor.

Restaurants that have not “reached the stars” are noted by the Michelin Guide. Seven restaurants in Prague received the Bib Gourmand award:

  1. Maso a Kobliha,

  2. Restaurant Eska,

  3. Sansho,

  4. Divinis,

  5. Na Kopci,

  6. Aureole

  7. Sa Sa Zu.

These establishments are united by impeccable cuisine and reasonable prices.

Closer to the center of Prague does not mean more expensive. You can have lunch or dinner in the Old Town at a reasonable price, and then come across an expensive establishment on the outskirts of the capital.

Rating of the best restaurants of national cuisine from Sputnik8

1. Na Kopci

The family restaurant, awarded the Michelin Bib Gourmand in 2015, offers signature dishes using local, seasonal ingredients. It's not easy to find a restaurant located on a hill among private villas, but it's worth it. It is better not to take a car, but to walk. And although you will have to walk uphill, you can admire the views of Prague. The ideology of the establishment is “haute cuisine for reasonable money.” The lunch menu will cost approximately 5 euros per serving. The prices are attractive, the food is wonderful, the service is friendly, and there is a wide selection of Czech wines. They say that the most delicious tartare (tatarak) in Prague is prepared here.

It is based on fresh ground beef. You need to mix a lot of garlic, onions and spices yourself and spread them on garlic croutons.

2. Crystal Bistro

The downtown gastrobar specializes in quickly preparing and serving traditional, simple dishes using local farm produce. Due to the abundance of customers, sometimes you have to wait a long time for an order. Residents and guests of Prague are sure that the burgers here are delicious.

3. Kavárna Nový Svět

A small café-pastry shop in the center of Prague Castle offers generous portions of delicious coffee, coziness and a children's playground. In summer, the cafe area expands to include an open terrace. This place is suitable for both business and romantic meetings. Recommended: coffee and cakes.

4. U Kroka

European, traditional Czech and Central European cuisine. Located 25 minutes walk from the center, on a quiet, shady street. They offer a wide selection of national cuisine, the best beer, especially unfiltered beer, fast and high-quality service. They say that even by Prague standards the food here is extremely tasty, and the chef’s duck is simply incomparable. Large portions at an affordable price.

There is almost always a line at the entrance. Book a table in advance (website: Try dark beer, goulash with dumplings, and tenderloin medallions.

5. Czech Slovak Restaurant Lounge Bar

The bar's calling card is game dishes: stews and pates. The beer selection is small, but it is very tasty beer. Moderate prices by European standards and excellent service earned the establishment an honorable second place. The hall is small, only 6 tables, and therefore it is better to reserve seats in advance. The wine list includes Czech wines and refreshing cider. As a souvenir, you can buy a bottle of organic grape juice (about 9 euros).

6. Restaurant Pepř a Sůl

A small authentic restaurant located off the tourist trail, but worth finding. There will most likely be no vacancies in the evenings and on weekends. Therefore, make your reservations in advance. One of the few places where it is impossible to make a mistake when choosing a dish. His visit leaves a pleasant aftertaste; you want to come back here again.

7. V Zatisi

Elegant restaurant serving classic European and traditional cuisine. According to visitors' reviews, this is an establishment for those who are tired of pork knuckle and beer. Prices here are above average, which is quite justified for a status establishment. Large selection of wines, exquisite Czech cuisine with a slightly French accent. An ideal restaurant for lovers of silence, solitude and the modest charm of the bourgeoisie.

8. U Modre Kachnicky II

This is a restaurant serving European and national cuisine; it has something to offer adherents of vegetarian and gluten-free diets. Authentic interior reproducing the atmosphere of the 30s, live piano music. But the main things here are delicious food, a rich wine list, level of service, slightly above average prices and large portions. The average cost of dinner for three people is 80-85 euros – excluding the cost of wine. Visitors are advised to try local duck, soups and desserts. The signature dish is fallow deer fillet with lingonberry sauce. If you are planning dinner after 19.00 or on a weekend, it is better to book a table in advance.

9. U Bulinu

Cafe serving Eastern European and national cuisine. The outwardly inconspicuous restaurant is loved by local residents and guests of the city. The secret of success is reasonable prices, polite staff, cozy interior and fast service. Large portions of poultry and rabbit dishes, beer or cider - everything is good and of high quality.

10. U Magistra Kelly

A small tavern next to the German embassy. European and national food is prepared and served here; even a vegetarian can be deliciously fed. Traditional boar's knee, grilled camembert, and salad with goat cheese are washed down with beer, the choice of which, although not great, is the best (according to the staff) beer. Whether you agree with their opinion or not is up to you. A miracle tincture made from local herbs, Tatra Tea 72%, will help a chilled tourist warm up on a cold evening. The restaurant is located in the Mala Strana district - one of the oldest and most beautiful areas of the city.

11. Naše maso

A small and cozy restaurant with its own philosophy. Its essence is this: meat, a lot of meat. Winner of "Traveller's Choice™ 2017". The interior is interesting, despite the compactness of the room. But the best thing about it, of course, is the meat: tartare, filet mignon, ribeye, beef sandwich. The only drawback is the lack of free seats. The format of the establishment is interesting: The dishes can be eaten not only on the spot, but also bought to take away. Or you can buy semi-finished products and “bring them to mind” in a familiar environment. The recommended dish is tartare.

12. St. Martin

Positioned as an establishment of national cuisine. A cozy cafe is located in the city center. A small place where they know how to serve delicious food in an interesting way. Meat and poultry dishes, desserts and baked goods. It is advisable to reserve a table in advance. Dinner with a glass of Czech and dessert will cost an average of 28-30 euros. Beer is a little cheaper than everywhere else. Desserts include cheesecake and chocolate fondant. For two desserts and two pots of tea, get ready to pay 11 euros.

13. Restaurace Pod Vysehradem

A small and especially warm restaurant where vegetarians can be catered for. Pleasant service, cozy atmosphere, cheese fries, boar's knee, desserts, draft Budweiser at reasonable prices. Bank cards are accepted for payment. You can have a substantial lunch after walking around Visegrad. A full traditional lunch for 3 people will be inexpensive - an average of 22 euros. Prague residents love this place - the chef will be able to surprise you with an unusual dish, such as steak with lingonberry sauce and whipped cream.

14. Rilke Restaurant

Perhaps someone will find the establishment a little pretentious, but if you take a closer look, the atmosphere of the 30s will slowly envelop you. Little by little you understand: sometimes it’s worth stopping, getting a taste of life, enjoying a leisurely conversation and delicious food. Particularly recommended: game dishes, cream soup with wild mushrooms, grilled goat cheese with lingonberry sauce. Jazz plays quietly, good service, food and wine - everything is very Czech, like in black and white retro films.

15. Restaurant U Modre kachnicky

“Sizaya Utka” is a restaurant serving Eastern European and Czech cuisine, with a vegetarian and gluten-free menu. This interestingly decorated establishment is not cheap - it is one of the calling cards of Prague. Duck is mainly prepared here: baked, fried, and served with foie gras. A large selection of traditional meat and game dishes, delicious desserts. They don't serve beer here, but they do offer an extensive wine list, including Czech ones. Dinner for three adults will cost approximately 91 euros.

16. Cyst stul

A cozy small restaurant serving international, European and national cuisine, serving tasty and understandable food at a reasonable price. Residents of Prague and tourists fell in love with it for the service and attentiveness of the staff.

17. U Mlynare

A cafe where you can leisurely enjoy Czech and Eastern European dishes. Located in a quiet courtyard, away from the bustle of the city. Nearby are tourist centers: the historical district of Hradcany and the Letný hills.

18. Restaurace MINCOVNA

Large restaurant in the very center of the city on Old Town Square. European and Czech cuisine and desserts are served here. Average prices (a glass of beer costs about 1.8 euros), good service. Overall, solid and tasty. You will be fed even after 22.00.

19. Pivovarsky club

The underground bar/pub will offer the largest beer menu in Europe. Some of its varieties are unique, such as blueberry beer or Belgian cherry Kasteel. Of the 6 varieties on tap, the local brand Štěpán (Štěpán) is especially loved by visitors. The quality of the food is not inferior to the drinks. Particularly recommended is “Pečená vepřová žebírka v medu”, where the taste of baked pork ribs and honey merge into one.

20. Kozlovna Apropos

A cozy tavern is located not far from Staroměstské náměstí. Prices are very reasonable. They serve traditional soup in bread and simple main courses. Large portions of food, fresh beer, and the level of service have earned the establishment popularity among locals and tourists.

The chain of fast food restaurants Potrefená husa deserves special attention, where a budget tourist or student can have a snack and drink Staropramen beer in a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere.

And after exploring all the most delicious establishments in the city, we highly recommend that you visit. On our website their selection is so wide that everyone will find entertainment to their liking.

What is a gourmet restaurant? This definition is intended to include the following criteria:

Moreover, the cuisine can be different, although there are lovers, for example, of Mediterranean or Asian cuisine, French and Italian, or maybe even fusion, or connoisseurs of traditional Czech cuisine.

Connoisseurs pay great attention to matching wines with the dishes that appear on the menu.

What about Prague's gourmet restaurants? First of all, there are such restaurants in Prague, and in quite sufficient quantities. There are a large share of Italian and French restaurants of this kind, and Asian cuisine is finding its way to the Czech capital.

The best restaurants in Prague are usually located in the city center, in picturesque places and ancient buildings, former monasteries or on the embankment. Restaurant guests, accustomed to looking for perfection in everything, simply need a beautiful view outside the window, or the rustle of centuries-old trees on the terrace, when the smell of exquisite dishes mixes with the aroma of night flowers. Prague has restaurants with Michelin stars, and many of them are on our list.

The list of such restaurants in Prague is large, but we limited ourselves to only the most remarkable ones, which simply cannot help but please discerning clients, and the rating of Prague restaurants in our case, unlike all official ones, is determined by the visitors themselves. In such restaurants you can simply while away the evening, relax and unwind; you can celebrate some event; They are perfect for a romantic dinner by candlelight. By the way, this list can be expanded.

Prague is hospitable, it is waiting for you, and its best restaurants are at your service. Here they are.

- a luxurious restaurant located in a former Augustinian monastery, one of the most beautiful in Prague. Visitors note professional service and excellent food. Prices are, however, higher than usual.

Italian restaurant in Prague, in the former Jewish Quarter. Visitors tend to believe that this is the best place in the capital where you can find real Italian food. And to go with it are the best varieties of Italian wines.

– a truly haute cuisine restaurant where you can treat yourself to exquisite masterpieces. It is famous for its excellent sommelier and selected wines, mainly French.

- Brickworks. It has the best view of the Vltava and Charles Bridge, and in the summer there is a large veranda. The cuisine is European, the prices are reasonable, all the dishes are perfectly prepared - the customers are happy.

– one of four popular Prague restaurants of the Kampa Group, with a picturesque view of the river. A place simply intended for a romantic evening, by candlelight, or, if in the summer, on the open terrace. Known for high prices.

– a high-class oyster bar. Many visitors do not expect to find an oyster bar of this level in Prague, which is far from warm seas. They praise the staff, the service, and, of course, the oysters.

- in a vaulted Gothic cellar. Visitors note the huge selection of wines, which the sommelier helps to navigate, high quality food and professional service. The atmosphere of the basement vaults adds a special charm to the meal.

– George prime steak restaurant. There is complete unanimity among customers in praising the steaks. To the point of recognizing them as “the best steaks of your life.” The restaurant chef has personally received numerous accolades for his deep understanding of the properties of meat.

– a first-class restaurant in a castle, hotel, in the Czech countryside. It is small, but it has a special elegance. It provides quality Czech and international cuisine, accompanied by an excellent wine cellar.

– an Asian restaurant with a unique interior. There is a lot of noise and movement, bright colors - there is a nightclub nearby. Cuisine, from the point of view of an unaccustomed European, is a combination of incompatible things, but at the same time it is distinguished by a unique harmony of taste.

– Fish market. An expensive fish restaurant in Prague, in a quiet courtyard, in the very center of the capital of the Czech Republic. Seafood and fresh fish dishes are prepared perfectly. There is a good selection of matching wines.

– restaurant at the Paris Hotel. It has a successful design in the Art Nouveau style; visitors enjoy the cozy atmosphere. The cuisine is decent, the service is at the proper level.

- an Asian restaurant in Prague, with a huge Buddha statue in the middle of the room. The lounge is classic and the food is absolutely excellent. There is a hookah, excellent cocktails, and an extraordinary atmosphere in the hall. Therefore, you should book tables, otherwise you won’t be able to get into the restaurant.

– a wonderful, comfortable restaurant, with good cuisine, a pleasant atmosphere and a beautiful interior. One of the best Italian restaurants in Prague, and in the summer, if you sit outside at a table, you have a view of the High Synagogue, the bustle of people, and the beautiful street of branded stores - Paris.

– a good Italian restaurant in Prague, not one of the tourist ones. Everything is homemade, very tasty and cozy, and not very expensive. In addition, Old Town Square is very close.

– a restaurant of oriental cuisine adapted to European tastes, at the Mandarin Oriental hotel. The design is unique, slightly ascetic, strict. The dishes are excellent, the wine list is rich, but the prices are quite high.

- French restaurant in Prague, in the Municipal House. The spirit of the Art Nouveau style is completely preserved, the interior makes an impression on customers. The cuisine is French, there are both signature dishes and traditional ones, and there is a virtuoso pianist.

– a panoramic gastronomic restaurant, famous for its terrace and extraordinary landscape views. However, it pleasantly surprises you with a rich assortment of beer and deliciously prepared dishes.

– uncrowded, quiet, conducive to rest and quiet time. It’s convenient to come here with children, there are toys, and a children’s table is provided. The food is well prepared, beautifully presented, and prices are reasonable.

– a restaurant of Thai and other Asian cuisine, with a pleasant, relaxing atmosphere. The dishes are interesting, there are special offers. The service is rated mixed, but the politeness of the staff is noted.

At the Four Seasons Hotel, 300 meters from Charles Bridge - right in the tourist center of Prague. The quality of the food is high, and this is not surprising, since the restaurant is listed in the Michelin guide. There is also a children's menu with a good selection of dishes.

– a restaurant for true gourmets, awarded a Michelin star. Located in the center of Prague, there are only 24 places, so reservations are required. The dishes are beyond praise, an excellent sommelier and a rich wine list.

A large number of restaurants, cafes and pubs in Prague can satisfy all tourists. At the same time, prices here are much lower than in other capital cities of Europe. Lunch for two people will cost on average from 15 to 50 euros, the differences in cost are due to the location of such a restaurant. The closer it is to the central square of the city (Old Town Square), the higher the price of the dishes will be.

Read in this article

  • You can have an inexpensive lunch on weekdays if the restaurant has a sign “denní nabídka”. A three-course business lunch will cost up to 150 CZK.
  • It is necessary to pay attention to the volume of the dish served. Portions in the Czech Republic are quite large. Take, for example, “Boar’s Knee,” which weighs 1.5 kg!
  • By the cost of beer you can judge the price segment of the entire restaurant. If the price of one glass is 35-40 CZK, then such an establishment will not be a budget option.
  • The menu, compiled in Russian, also indicates considerable upcoming costs. This move is designed exclusively for tourists who are able to overpay for their lunch.

List of the best and yet inexpensive restaurants

There are a large number of establishments that serve delicious food. But if you single out restaurants that have an ideal ratio of price, quality and comfort, then you should pay attention to the following:

"U Dvou Koček"

This Czech restaurant is located at Uhelný trh, 10, not far from Wenceslas Square. Here for 250 CZK you can order traditional Czech cold cuts, consisting of smoked pork, roast duck, vegetables and tender veal. This dish is called “Česká bašta” and one serving is enough for 3-4 people. The famous "Boar's Knee", which weighs from 1 to 1.5 kg, has the same cost.

“At Two Cats” is famous for its beer, which has been brewed here since the end of the 17th century, as well as for its variety of cuisine and hospitality. The premises have several rooms: a bar, a beer hall, a restaurant and a “cat room”. Here, the entire interior contains elements of these animals, even some dishes and beer are reminiscent of cats.

  • White cat;
  • Tabby cat;
  • Black cat;
  • Pilsner;
  • Master of the semi-dark.

Moreover, the first three varieties are brewed at our own brewery. For a glass of this drink you will have to pay about 80 CZK (for 0.5 l).

"U Bansethů"

This inexpensive restaurant is located on Táborská street, 389/49. It is famous for its beer, which in 2010 was awarded the title “Best Beer in the Capital”. He was also mentioned by Jaroslav Hasek (writer and journalist) in his famous book “The Adventures of the Good Soldier Švejk”, so one table is always reserved just for him.

The establishment consists of several halls, both for smoking and non-smoking visitors. Their furnishings are somewhat different in design, but the main thing is that they evoke warmth and comfort. Starting at lunchtime, “Reserved” signs appear on the tables, indicating the great popularity of this restaurant. The restaurant itself has a summer terrace that invites everyone to relax.

From the menu you can order delicious goulash, which will cost you only 90 CZK, or a traditional Czech dish: dumplings with cracklings. Its cost is slightly lower - 80 CZK. “Goulash from Doushi” will not leave anyone indifferent - a dish that is prepared exclusively according to the author’s recipe. The menu itself is printed daily to show waiters which items are currently available.

The establishment's opening hours start from 11 a.m. to midnight.

"V Cipu"

There are two such restaurants, one is located near the Mustek metro station on the street of the same name, and the second is located on Michalska Street. Here you can have a delicious and cheap lunch/dinner in Prague and at the same time enjoy all the delights of local cuisine. The menu itself cannot boast of a wide range, but traditional Czech dishes, as well as appetizers and salads, are prepared here very tasty and at an affordable price. For example, a 0.5 kg portion of pork ribs will cost up to 100 CZK.

Spacious rooms allow even large groups to relax here, celebrating birthdays and corporate events. As for the design, classics prevail here, which provides a comfortable and cozy environment for visitors of any age.


The restaurant is located at: st. Šafaříkova, 785/1. Few tourists come here, so it is an ideal location for those who want to experience the local atmosphere of Prague and its people. The outdoor summer terrace allows you to enjoy the excellent views of the city.

For 150-160 CZK you can order “Buffalo Wings” here, as well as other meat and fish dishes of local cuisine. The restaurant opens from 11:30 until midnight.


There are two such restaurants in Prague: one on the street. Karmelitska, 18, second – st. Opletalova. The establishment is not always calm and cozy, since there are often live broadcasts of football matches. Fans of this sport can have a pleasant time in the company of Czech fans, large TV screens, intoxicating beer and delicious food.

The prices here are quite reasonable. For a good portion of beef goulash and a side dish you need to pay no more than 130 CZK, a salad (300 g) costs 80 CZK. A boar's knee weighing 1.9 kg will cost 335 crowns. A glass of brewed beer will cost up to 35 CZK. Its most popular varieties are:

  • "Pomegranate". It is recommended to combine it with pickled hermelin.
  • "7 bullets";
  • "Ferdinand" and others.

In general, popular inexpensive restaurants in Prague can boast not only of their affordable pricing policy, but also of a cozy atmosphere, delicious cuisine, attentive staff and other advantages. They are happy to host tourists from anywhere in the world and give an unforgettable experience of local dishes and drinks!

Photo: Food in Prague. Traditional Hermelin cheese in a Prague kolkovna (click to enlarge)

This article contains information about the best restaurants and pubs in Prague. Addresses and websites of restaurants, descriptions of the best places for breakfast, lunch or dinner in Prague. The best cafes and restaurants in Prague, beer restaurants, restaurants with Czech cuisine, premium restaurants, budget cafes, pizzerias, fast food, sushi bars, steak and burger houses, vegetarian cafes and other restaurants in European, American, African and Asian countries.

Every day, millions of tourists enjoy walks through the mysterious Prague. But what kind of walks can there be on an empty stomach? Prague is a tourist center, so there are countless places for a snack or a full lunch or dinner. It all depends on the availability of time, budget and gastronomic preferences.


1. You should be careful when choosing a place to eat food, as you may accidentally eat low-quality tourist food.

2. If you are lured into a restaurant by some acting tricks or tricks for tourists, it is better to pass by. Most likely, the staff wants to divert your attention from the low level of service and tasteless food. We are looking for a place to eat, not a circus show.

3. Choose places where locals dine, not crowds of tourists.

4. If you want to eat cheaper, leave or move further away from the center of Prague. And the farther the better

So, let's go.

Since we're talking about Prague, I'll start with traditional Czech cuisine. Not trying national Czech food means not fully visiting the Czech Republic.

Czech cuisine is quite heavy and satisfying, but at the same time very specific and tasty.

Czech restaurants in Prague.


One of the most famous restaurant chains in Prague. All addresses are listed on the website. Choose a pinnacle that is close in location. The site is in Russian.

Photo: Meeting with friends at “KOLKOVNA CELNICE” (click to enlarge)

“Pivovarský klub”.

Non-smoking restaurant. Fire-roasted meat is top class. The restaurant has two hundred types of, right?

Photo: Brewery Club, Prague (click to enlarge)

Address: Křižíkova 17


Center of Prague. An abundance of various snacks to go with beer. In summer there is a terrace. From there you have a magnificent view of the Old Town Square. Russian site with prices.

Photo: Restaurant terrace (click to enlarge)

Address: Staroměstské náměstí 19.

The best beer bars in Prague. Breweries in Prague.

“Novoměstský pivovar”.

The beer hall is located in the very center of Prague. The beer is brewed right in front of you, so you can watch the entire brewing process. The brewery has as many as thirteen halls, with the most interesting interior designs. This excursion will appeal to true beer lovers. Russian website with menu and prices.

Photo: “Novoměstský pivovar”, Prague (click to enlarge)

“Potrefená Husa Na verandách.”

The brewery is located right in the building of the famous Staropramen beer factory. The choice of beer is widest. The restaurant has several rooms.

Photo: “Na verandách”, Prague (click to enlarge)

Address: Nádražní 43/84, Prague 5

“Klášterní pivovar Strahov.”

A unique place for those who want to try real Czech beer. Even more interesting is that the brewery is located on the territory of the Strahov Monastery. The prices in the pub are quite high, but the beer is really worth it. There is a non-smoking room and a summer terrace.

Photo: “Klášterní pivovar Strahov”, Prague (click to enlarge)

Address: Strahovské nádvoří 301, Prague 1

“U tří růží.”

The brewery consists of three floors and is located in the heart of Prague, close to the Old Town Square. The prices in the restaurant are inflated due to the good location of the pub.

Photo: “U tří růží”, Prague (click to enlarge)

U Medvídků.

If you are not afraid to get drunk, try to taste the strongest beer in the world. The beer hall is located in a historical building, next to the hotel, so you can spend the night there right away, if necessary. The folk orchestra will brighten up your beer drinking and play pleasant music for you. The building also has a beer souvenir shop.

Photo: “U Medvídků”, Prague (click to enlarge)

Address: Na Perštýně 345/7, Prague 1

The best premium restaurants in Prague.

“V Zátiší.”

The restaurant has existed for almost twenty-five years and is considered one of the best in Prague. The restaurant offers dishes of both Czech and international cuisine. The rich interior is executed perfectly, down to the smallest detail. The quality of the food is undoubtedly excellent.

Photo: Hall of the restaurant “In Zatishye” (click to enlarge)

Address: Praha 1, 110 00, Betlémské nám. / Liliova 1


An exclusive establishment with a high level of service and the uniqueness of excellent, international dishes. In the summer, the restaurant has a terrace, which offers a delightful view of Prague Castle.
On Sundays there is live jazz.

Photo: Magical setting (click to enlarge)

Photo: View of Prague Castle (click to enlarge)

Address: Smetanovo nábř. 18, Praha 1, 110 00


Chic restaurant overlooking Charles Bridge. Stunning and non-standard presentation of dishes. International cuisine of the highest level.

Photo: Original design of the hall (click to enlarge)

Photo: View of Charles Bridge (click to enlarge)

Address: Novotného lávka 9, Prague 1, 110 00

International cuisine.

"Terrace at Hotel U Prince".

One of my favorite restaurants in Prague. This is a whole restaurant and hotel complex. European cuisine, live music in the evenings, a pub in the basement where you can dance and listen to the piano. The complex has banquet halls worthy of the rooms. The terrace offers a breathtaking view of the Old Town Square. Year-round, heated terraces: one right on the square, and the second on the roof.

Photo: Eating lobster “U Prince”. He was really good. Feel free to order (click to enlarge)

Photo: Upper terrace (click to enlarge)

Address; Staroměstské náměstí 29, Prague 1, 110 00

"The Pind". Indian restaurant in Prague.

Considered the best Indian restaurant in all of Prague. Oriental spices give dishes an unforgettable taste. The establishment serves amazing lamb, anyone who likes it.

Photo: Indian restaurant in Prague (click to enlarge)

"Cantina" Mexican restaurant in Prague.

To get into this cheerful restaurant, you will have to reserve a table. The restaurant is so crowded that it is almost impossible to find empty seats. And after making a reservation, be sure to enjoy dinner accompanied by fiery Spanish music.

Photo: Mexican restaurant, Prague (click to enlarge)

"La Casa Argentina". Argentine restaurant in Prague.

This is a unique place with a beautiful interior. The restaurant serves the best steaks in town. Live music and dancers in national costumes will never let you forget this evening. The prices are true, above average, but the visit is worth it.

Photo: Very nice ambience and design (click to enlarge)

Address: Dlouhá 35/730 | Praha 1, 110 00

"Trattoria Cicala" Italian restaurant in Prague.

Once you enter this restaurant, you will forget that you are in the Czech Republic. Everything is imbued with the atmosphere of Italy. And Italians, as everyone knows, have a wonderful ability to cook and pleasantly surprise. The dishes and wines are amazing. Don't be surprised if you meet a world-class star here.

Photo: Typical Italian design style (click to enlarge)

Sushi, Japanese cuisine.

In Prague, Japanese cuisine is not cheap, since the Czech Republic is landlocked. But there are quite good restaurants in Prague. I suggest visiting these places:

Hanabi Sushi House.

This Japanese restaurant is considered one of the best in Prague. Variety of dishes, nice staff, clean.

Photo: Sushi in Prague (click to enlarge)

Address: Petrská 11, 110 00 Praha 1

“Mr. Sushi.”

The restaurant delivers dishes to your home or office. And if you want to take a walk, the establishment is located in the very center of Prague.

Photo: Such a cute place (click to enlarge)

Address: Malá Štupartská 3, Praha 1, 110 00

Vegetarian restaurants in Prague.


This Indian vegetarian restaurant has an Indian chef. Delicious food, reasonable prices.

Photo: Democratic (click to enlarge)

Address: Pechlatova 25/104 Praha 5, Radlice


A vegetarian restaurant serving food from around the world. Various combinations of products, wide selection of dishes.

Photo: Nice and calm restaurant for vegans (click to enlarge)

Address: Boršov 2/280, Prague 1 – Staré Město

Steaks and burgers.

Crazy Cow Steakhouse.

Do you want to suddenly move to America? So this is where you come. The restaurant offers good and varied burgers, steaks and more. A nice place that I would like to visit many more times. Verified.

Photo: Cow chairs (click to enlarge)

Address: Dlouhá 8 Praha 1 110 00

"Hard Rock Cafe"

In this restaurant, you will have to pay above average. But the incomparable burgers are definitely worth the money. The chain of restaurants is scattered all over the world and there is also a branch in Prague. There's beauty inside.

Photo: I want to come back! (click to enlarge)

Address: Dům U Rotta, Malé náměstí 3, Prague 1, 110 00

“Dish – fine burger bistro.”

Eating inexpensively in Prague is also possible. For example, in this place you can save a lot. Convenient location in the heart of the capital, reasonable prices, even burgers for vegetarians.

Photo: Cheap and cheerful (click to enlarge)

Address: Římská 29, Prague 2

Pizzerias in Prague.


I love this place. The restaurant has a very cozy and homely atmosphere. They serve authentic Italian pizza and excellent red wine. Nice, smiling staff.

Photo: Restaurant “Giovanni”. The interior is romantic. (click to enlarge)

Address: Kožná 11, 110 00 Prague 1


A decent chain of Italian pizzerias in Prague. Reasonable prices, dishes for every taste. You can select the restaurant closest to you on the website.

Photo: Colosseum pizzeria chain (click to enlarge)


"Pizza Einstein"

A chain of pizzerias for those who want to eat tasty, quickly and cheaply.

Photo: Bistro “EINSTEIN” (click to enlarge)

Address: Seifertova 595, Prague 3

I hope the information will be useful for Prague travelers. And I, as usual, wish everyone unforgettable impressions, bright emotions and that dreams come true.

Stay with us, ask questions and share your feelings.