Young nettle salad: benefits and harms. The benefits of nettle for the body and how to use it

Greetings to all readers of my blog, as well as all lovers of a healthy lifestyle and healthy eating. The time is coming for gourmets of nettle gastronomy and cosmetology. Find out the benefits of nettle and what its medicinal properties are!

Not everything is gold...

Delicate emerald nettle leaves burn at the slightest contact. But this, most likely, is only a protection of beauty and usefulness from those hungry for food and health. People have long appreciated the benefits of this herb: proteins, vitamins, fats and carbohydrates - everything is in this weed. And the only downside is the burning sensation. It was this property of the plant that gave it its name translated from Latin.

In addition to the popular uses of history, it is known that nettle fibers were used in the production of silk fabrics. After all, Elsa from “Wild Swans” also picked nettles in the cemetery and knitted life-saving shirts for her brothers.

Areas of modern use:

  1. Medicine.
  2. Cosmetology.
  3. Dermatology.
  4. Gastronomy.
  5. Textile industry.
  6. Floriculture (prevention of powdery mildew and control of aphids).
  7. Cattle breeding (livestock feed).

We, Russians, have the opportunity to enjoy this gift of nature everywhere, although in Europe it is already grown in specially created conditions. The healing and nutritional properties of green leaves have gained recognition from millions. Early nettle is a storehouse of vitamins.

Types of nettles

The time has come for vegetable gardens, rivers and forests. And everywhere you can see the familiar leaf of the most evil weed. More than 50 species of this plant are known, but only a few of them are widely used: dioecious, stinging and angustifolia.

Stinging nettle is Mother Nature's most complete multivitamin. This perennial is distinguished by its large size (up to 170 cm) and ubiquity; this plant does not grow only in Australia and the Arctic. It begins its life in May and blooms until autumn.

Narrow-leaved nettle is the sister of its dioecious relative, living in Eastern Siberia and the Far East. It is also a perennial plant, but is characterized by long narrow leaves.

Stinging nettle is the shorter sister of its dioecious cousin. It is more pungent, which homeopathic doctors consider a more effective treatment factor.


It is difficult to find another plant so beneficial for the human body. Nettle can be used internally and externally, dried, frozen and fresh. For centuries, it has deservedly held the title of the main blood purifier. Thanks to a number of vitamins, ligins and cellulose polysaccharides, it effectively helps eliminate toxins. The high content of formic acid helps to increase hemoglobin units and improves blood clotting, therefore it is widely used in gynecology. May leaves are especially useful, rich in vitamin content and delicate taste.

A high percentage of chlorophyll (up to 5%) makes this “thorn” the best tonic, strengthening and restorative agent in the green pharmacy.


Nettle-based decoctions, infusions, and teas are prepared that will help with a variety of problems:

  1. To treat cough or a decoction of the seeds, which are easily torn from the top of the stem, is recommended.
  2. A decoction of nettle roots is suitable for external treatment of joints.
  3. An infusion of leaves is useful for vitamin deficiency, urticaria, headaches, stomach and duodenal ulcers, anemia and anemia. Consultation with a doctor is required, as there are contraindications.
  4. For female diseases associated with bleeding, juice from fresh grass leaves helps.
  5. The decoction can relieve inflammation of the gums and prevent the formation of tartar.
  6. For allergies, it is recommended to use an infusion, tea internally, or lotions and compresses made from powdered dried leaves externally.

When to collect nettles for treatment? In May-June, when she is full of vitality for her growth and your health. It is better to collect seeds during flowering time, from August to October, when the catkins at the top of the stem ripen. The roots should be dug in the fall, starting in September. May nettle is considered the most useful for consumption. Dried nettle retains all vitamins, so it can be stored for the winter.


People with high blood pressure, i.e. Hypertensive patients and heart patients are advised to refrain from consuming and using nettle. Also, emerald medicine is contraindicated in pregnant women. A history of kidney disease requires mandatory consultation with a doctor regarding the use of nettle.

The range of problems that nettle helps to solve allows us to conclude that treatment of children is undesirable without prior consultation with a doctor and unless absolutely necessary. Although history says that naughty children were whipped with nettles to drive out evil spirits. During the war, food made from nettle leaves was a very healthy and common dish. It was prepared for both adults and children.

Cosmetology and dermatology

Nettle juice can be a good help for people with problem skin. They are used to wash and wipe difficult areas of the skin. In addition, rinsing with a decoction of the plant is effective for hair in order to combat acne or dandruff.

The plant can help women with the first gray hair; it will help restore the natural color of the hair. If you make a lotion (50 g of herb, 100 ml of vodka, after infusing for a day, add 100 ml of water), you can wipe problem areas daily and help reduce acne. Frozen nettle juice and infusion cubes are the best tonic for women. They have a beneficial effect on the skin, making it elastic.

For the strong half of humanity

The reader may get the impression that nettle is only beneficial for women. This opinion is wrong. The powerful stinging nettle root contains a compound that helps raise testosterone levels in men. Therefore, the extract from the root is often used by bodybuilders to emphasize the masculinity of the figure.

This multifunctional herb will help cure stage I-II prostate adenoma. The ability to increase the secretion and outflow of bile increases the diuretic potential of nettle-based drinks.

An infusion of nettle, chamomile, St. John's wort and knotweed root will help both sexes against hair loss and in the treatment of seborrhea.

Bon appetit

In early spring or a hot summer day, a bunch of nettles will demonstrate to your loved ones not only your courage in fighting weeds, but also your commitment to a healthy lifestyle. Young nettle is the best prevention of spring vitamin deficiency. It is difficult to find a healthier food than the one that includes nettle leaves.

The most popular dishes have always been green soup and borscht. Vitamin snack oil will be an original and healthy decoration for breakfast. The pleasant green color will make every salad appetizing. The main thing is not to forget to pour boiling water over the freshly picked leaves so that the food does not burn the hungry guest.

Nettle tea is famous for its particular benefits. It is recommended for people with poor blood clotting, but should not exceed 2-3 glasses per day.

Who would have thought how useful nettle is, what medicinal properties it has? Everything new is well forgotten old. And everything that’s really useful is natural. If you see the benefits of nettle, subscribe to blog updates and share this article with your friends. Until new discoveries.

The beginning of May is the time to help the body, weakened over the long winter, replenish the lack of vitamins and nutrients; in this article we will recall forgotten recipes for nettle dishes. Let's discuss their benefits, find out who should not eat nettles, how to select and prepare raw materials for use.

Stinging nettle is a herbaceous perennial plant. People call it sting, sting. Distributed everywhere, growing near housing, near roads and vacant lots, in shady places and in gardens. This is not a simple weed, but a multivitamin plant that can be used for food purposes from early spring until October.

This weed has been eaten since ancient times. She saved from hunger in wartime and in lean years. The plant has not only healing life-giving powers, but also nutritional properties. They used it as an independent product and to enrich other dishes.

What are the benefits of nettle (Urtica dioica L.)

Nettle's content of vitamins and microelements is not inferior to berries and fruits. It surpasses many legumes in protein content. It is high in fiber, which promotes normal bowel function and creates a feeling of fullness.

Urtica dioica juice is a good aid in losing weight. Since its calorie content is only 24 kcal and there is almost no carbohydrates, it is ideal for dietary nutrition.
To understand the benefits of nettle, let’s find out its composition. The herb is rich in vitamins:

  • retinol (vit A)
  • nicotinic acid (vit PP)
  • thiamine (vit B1)
  • ascorbic acid (vit C)
  • riboflavin (vit B2)

It contains a lot of minerals - Ca, Mg, K, Na, Fe, P, J, selenium. The herb drives bile well, increases resistance to bacteria and viruses, and immunity. Stimulates the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins, accelerates the flow of energy processes.

This is not a complete list of the beneficial properties of the plant, and they are preserved in culinary products. That is why it is so popular among lovers of a healthy lifestyle.

Who would not be interested in recipes for nettle dishes, contraindications

Despite the obvious benefits, nettle recipes are not suitable for everyone. You should not eat it:

  1. pregnant women
  2. suffering from thrombophlebitis
  3. patients with hypertension

Because it increases blood clotting, and in addition can provoke premature birth. It is also contraindicated for kidney disease. People with allergies will also have to pass by the stream.

You can start harvesting nettles for culinary purposes from May until late autumn. It is better to do this in environmentally friendly places. Away from roads and industrial facilities. Otherwise, instead of benefit, we will gain harm.

You can collect grass at the edges of forests, along river banks and in your gardens. You should choose a healthy plant:

  • leaves should be free of foreign inclusions, evenly colored; withered leaves will also be of no use
  • the stem should be strong, densely leafy
  • It is necessary to collect nettles at the growth stage of up to 20 cm, it contains a higher content of useful substances
  • The optimal collection time is morning, after rain and dew has dried.

Cut the grass with a sharp knife. A short time after cutting, the stinging sensation goes away and the leaves can be separated from the stem.

How to prepare nettles for use

Before use, sort the plant and rinse under running water. A distinctive feature of the sting is that it is covered with stinging, brittle hairs, so wear rubber gloves.

To get rid of this heat, rinse it with hot water or soak it in boiling water for a few minutes before cooking. Then let the water drain and lay it on a towel to dry. After this simple procedure, the stinging sensation will disappear.

Experienced housewives have long learned to use nettle in cooking. Each has its own set of delicious recipes.

These are all kinds of soups, salads, main courses. They use it as a filling for pies, dumplings, and dumplings. Pilaf and porridge are cooked and added to sauces.

They make purees and juices from it, and brew it as a delicious tea. It is fermented and frozen for the winter. They make butter for sandwiches from it. You can make hair oil, but that’s another, non-culinary story.

First meal

Soups made from nettles are especially tasty. It gives them a subtle sourness and delicate aroma. You can prepare soups with meat or broth. Or it can be made without meat, which will especially appeal to vegetarians.

First courses are prepared for one serving, because after heating they lose their taste and attractiveness.

Nettle soup “Spring”

We already know where and how to collect raw materials, so let’s move directly to the recipe. To prepare you will need:

  • bunch of string – 300 grams
  • 3 small potatoes
  • onion, 1 carrot
  • water or broth
  • dill, parsley optional

Cook the potatoes until done. Add onions and carrots pre-fried in oil. If you cooked it without meat, you can add rice or pearl barley, the soup will turn out even tastier and more satisfying. Even at the beginning of cooking, you can add 100 grams of cheese. 5 minutes before readiness, add nettles and salt. When serving, add an egg.

Fresh nettle cabbage soup

Cabbage soup made from May nettle herb is very useful if you prepare it skillfully. They can also be cooked with or without meat. We will need:

  • bunch of sting 300-500 grams
  • potato
  • onion, dill, parsley
  • 1 onion
  • salt, lemon juice, pepper to taste
  • egg 1, carrot 1
  • butter

In a saucepan in butter, fry the chopped onions and carrots, as you are used to. Add the potatoes cut into strips and simmer for 5 minutes. Pour broth over the stewed vegetables and cook for 10 minutes. And after the vegetables are ready, add chopped greens and nettles.
Add lemon juice, pepper, salt to taste and cook for another 3 minutes. When serving, add finely chopped egg and sour cream.

Second courses

You can prepare a large number of main dishes from nettles. These are purees, pilaf, snacks and much more.

Spicy nettle with rice

Prepare the string, wash it, chop it. Pour boiling water over it and let the water drain. Keep it on a hot frying pan for 2 minutes. Add oil, herbs, pepper and rice. Pour in water and cook over low heat until done. You will need:

  • bunch of nettle grass 500 grams
  • butter 40-50 grams
  • parsley, pepper
  • rice 200 grams
  • flour 15 grams

Finally, add flour diluted with cold water and bring to a boil. Simmer for another 5 minutes. Add minced garlic if desired.

Scrambled eggs nettle

Make scrambled eggs with nettles for breakfast very quickly. To do this, prepare:

  1. onion 1 head
  2. bunch of nettles
  3. celery or parsley
  4. egg - two pieces
  5. sweet pepper, salt

Fry the onion in a hot frying pan, add chopped nettles and other greens. Mix everything and simmer for 7-8 minutes. Beat in the eggs and simmer until done.

Green sauce

Nettle sauces are suitable for potato, meat and fish dishes or pasta. Take:

  • nettle leaves 400 grams
  • 20 grams of flour
  • butter 40-50 grams
  • glass of sour cream

Grind fresh leaves scalded with boiling water in a meat grinder. Simmer in butter. Add flour diluted with a small amount of water, simmer until thickened. Pour in sour cream and simmer for 5 minutes. Add mustard, it will be even tastier.

And how many nettle salads can you come up with? It all depends on how filling you want it to be and what you have in the fridge. It is important to remember that only young leaves and shoots are suitable for salad. Young tops have more vitamins and nutrients.

Nettle and bean salad

This salad is suitable for those who lead an active lifestyle and play sports. Beans and nettles complement each other. Thanks to the enzymes contained in nettle leaves, bean vegetable protein is easier to digest. For the salad you will need:

  1. nettle 100 gr.
  2. bunch of green onions
  3. vegetable oil, olive
  4. boiled or canned beans
  5. lemon juice, a little salt

Prepare the sting as usual by tearing it with your hands. Chop the onion. Add beans, sprinkle with lemon juice. Pour in the oil.
The salad turns out to be satisfying and easily digestible. The feeling of hunger does not come for a long time. Suitable for those who want to lose weight.

Salad "Ordinary"

For the salad you will need:

  • fresh nettle leaves
  • onion, parsley, dill
  • vegetable or olive oil
  • salt pepper

Pour boiling water over nettle leaves. Chop everything and mix in a bowl. Season with oil, salt and pepper to taste. You can add radishes, nuts, garlic, cheese, egg. In a word, improvise!

Filling for pies, dumplings and butter for sandwiches

Few housewives make pies filled with nettles, but in vain. It is easy to prepare.

Green filling

Chop fresh shoots and leaves, scalded with boiling water. Add boiled rice and chopped eggs, salt and butter.

Green sandwich butter

Sandwiches with nettle oil will be useful for breakfast. Take butter, mix with finely chopped nettle leaves. To enhance the taste, add grated horseradish or garlic.

And what drinks are made from this weedy grass! A real storehouse of vitamins and microelements.

Green kefir

To help your intestines after a busy winter, prepare this drink. Take finely chopped nettle leaves and shoots, parsley, dill, dandelion and spinach in equal proportions. Add 500 ml cold kefir and blend in a blender. Add some salt.
First, pour boiling water over the nettles and dandelions, adding a small amount of salt, to get rid of the bitterness.

Nettle juice

To prepare multivitamin juice, take young nettle shoots and leaves. Rinse, pass through a juicer, add salt to taste. Sterilize the juice for 15 minutes at 70º, it will become suitable for winter storage. To prepare you will need:

  1. 1 kg. finished plant raw materials
  2. 1000 ml. cold water, salt

Add water, salt to the juice squeezed out through a juicer, and set to sterilize.

Tea tonic

Nettle tea can be drunk all year round. In spring and summer from fresh, in winter from dry grass. To do this, brew 25 grams of boiling water. fresh or dry leaves. Leave for 5 minutes. Drink warm. Don't forget about contraindications.

Preparation for the winter

In spring and summer, you need to have time to prepare nettles for the winter. Everyone knows how to dry raw materials. And we will freeze and marinate.

1. Frozen nettle retains all the benefits of the plant. Young spring leaves are suitable for this. They are thoroughly washed, dried, and cut. Spread in a thin layer on cling film and wrap. And they are sent to the freezer.

2. Pickled nettle is another method of preparation. In winter, it is added to any dishes. The tops of young shoots are collected for pickling. Wash in hot water. Pack tightly into sterile ½ liter. banks. Pour boiling water over and sit for 10-12 minutes.
Next, drain the water into a saucepan, add 9% vinegar, salt and sugar, and boil. Pour brine over nettle leaves and shoots. Roll up the lids. Send “under a fur coat” for 1 hour. That's it, the supply of vitamins for the winter is ready.

Well, some tips for preparing nettles. To make the cooking process enjoyable and the result pleasing:

  1. Nettle cannot be cooked for a long time, as this will destroy the most valuable substances, so add it 3 minutes before it is ready
  2. If you finely tear the nettle leaves and stems with your hands, you will be able to preserve vit A as much as possible
  3. in May, fresh young nettle leaves are used, and in summer, leaves and young shoots are used, cutting off their tops by 10 - 15 centimeters
  4. Nettle should be cooked in enamel or heat-resistant glass containers; it is not advisable to use metal containers (copper or aluminum) for this purpose.
  5. To prepare first courses, you should not pour boiling water over the plant; it is better to use gloves to cut it
  6. It is advisable to salt the dish at the end of cooking, or better before serving

By following these simple tips, you will prepare a lot of delicious, vitamin-rich food.
I suggest watching a video about the benefits of nettles:

So we remembered forgotten recipes for nettle dishes. We discussed their benefits, learned who should not eat nettles, and how to select and prepare raw materials for use.

Don't miss the moment, treat yourself to nettle dishes now, prepare it for future use and be healthy!

Many of us, considering nettle a stinging and absolutely useless weed, bypass it, without even thinking about its medicinal properties and the enormous value that the plant has in folk medicine. Since ancient times, healers have used the roots, stems and leaves of nettle to treat a whole range of diseases, making decoctions, tinctures, teas based on them, or using them fresh.

Nettles were also used as food. In cooking, the plant has found its use in the preparation of first courses - soups, cabbage soup, borscht, salads, sauces, as well as baked goods - the nettle filling turns out to be very tender and juicy and adds piquancy to any pie or bun. The versatile grass also served as a raw material for the production of fabrics, ropes and cords.

Of course, now, even knowing about the beneficial properties of nettle, not everyone will collect this miracle plant. In case of urgent need, you can buy dried nettle leaves at any pharmacy. There you can also purchase various medicines based on pungent herbs. Therefore, we will not go into detail about how to choose, pick and store it correctly, but will look in more detail at issues such as the benefits of nettle and why in some cases it can be harmful.

Medicinal herb - composition

Possessing a rich vitamin and mineral composition, which Mother Nature endowed nettle with, the plant helps the body cope with various inflammatory processes occurring in the body and replenish the deficiency of substances required to maintain its normal functioning. In addition to the fact that nettle is a source of calcium, manganese, aluminum, phosphorus, sulfur, selenium, zinc, iron, barium and other elements, it contains:

  • vitamins B, E, C, K, U;
  • tannins;
  • pantothenic acid;
  • folic acid;
  • acetic acid;
  • caffeic acid;
  • formic acid,
  • gallic acid;
  • phytoncides;
  • chlorophyll;
  • histamine;
  • lycopene;
  • betaine.

Young greens and nettle leaves contain more vitamin C than lemon, and the amount of carotene is not inferior to carrots, sea buckthorn and sorrel. It is worth noting that the unique medicinal properties of nettle are not lost during heat treatment, and dry grass is considered a real natural first aid kit.

Range of applications

It is difficult to overestimate the benefits of nettle. It is used in medicine and in cosmetology, and even nutritionists draw the attention of those who want to lose weight to this herb - with the maximum content of vitamins and microelements, the product is absolutely calorie-free (about 40 kcal per 100 g)! By including bright green cabbage soup made from young nettles in your spring diet, you will not only charge your body with energy, but also easily get rid of the extra pounds accumulated over the winter.

Harm and contraindications

Most people believe that the main harm of nettle is its burning properties. The burn is caused by white hairs covering the plant, which, upon contact with the skin, release a caustic substance that causes redness and severe itching. You can smooth out unpleasant sensations by wiping the inflamed area with a solution of 9% apple cider vinegar and water in a 1:1 ratio or menovazine.

Eating fresh herbs without prior cooking can also lead to burns. When preparing salads, the greens should be thoroughly scalded with boiling water, otherwise the harm to internal organs, including the stomach or esophagus, will be enormous.

Plants collected along roads and dusty roadsides are also contraindicated for ingestion. They have no medicinal properties. In addition, they absorb all the dirt, heavy metal salts and other harmful substances from the atmosphere, thereby making possible health consequences unpredictable.

In rare cases, nettle can cause allergies. Although, basically, there are contraindications for the use of decoctions. Herbal teas, including those with the addition of nettle, are not so concentrated and therefore quite harmless.

Nettle can cause serious harm to the body of a pregnant woman, causing miscarriage or premature contractions. At the same time, the plant, known for its vasoconstrictor and tonic properties, on the contrary, will help to recover during the postpartum period. It will reduce labor bleeding, prevent anemia and return the uterus to tone. There are no contraindications during lactation.

Those who take medications for insomnia or antidepressants should not abuse nettle. It is known that weed with an obstinate character suppresses the activity of the central nervous system and enhances the effect of these drugs.

There are also contraindications when taking nettle tea or decoction simultaneously with anticoagulants - drugs that increase blood clotting. Nettle has also been proven to be harmful for varicose veins, atherosclerosis and thrombophlebitis: it thickens the blood and can lead to the formation of blood clots.

As you can see, there are restrictions on the use of nettle, and there are quite a lot of them. Therefore, before starting a course of healing, it is advisable to visit your doctor, and in some cases, a gynecologist and consult with him about the possible consequences. If the recommended dosage is followed, the plant will not cause harm.

If there are no contraindications, feel free to use fresh or dried herbs to prepare medicinal teas and vitamin drinks, because the benefit of nettle is that it easily replaces a bunch of expensive medicines, tablets and cosmetics and, in fact, is a unique natural multivitamin complex.

Video about the benefits and harms of nettles

We often come across various tips and recipes that contain nettle.

This plant is truly rich in beneficial properties, however, like any herb, it should be consumed wisely without risking harm to your health.

It is for this reason that we offer this article, where we will consider the beneficial properties, as well as its use in maintaining male and female health.

Many people know that nettle has many healing properties.

It has been known as a medicinal herb since ancient times and to this day it is used both in folk medicine and in pharmacology.

A little information about the plant

Nettle is a herbaceous plant that grows everywhere in our latitudes.

It has branched rhizomes and a powerful root.

It grows from sixty to two hundred centimeters.

The entire length of the plant is covered with stinging hairs.

The stem of these plants is elongated.

Full, herbaceous stem.

The two most common types are stinging nettle and stinging nettle.

Stinging nettle reaches its largest size.

Most often it grows near dwellings, in vacant lots, in forest belts and on river banks.

The leaves of the plant are rich green in color, with long petioles, equilateral, entire-opposite.

Stinging nettle is similar in appearance to stinging nettle, but there are small hairs on the leaves of this nettle.

The hair of this plant consists of small cells.

It is visible to the naked eye on the surface of the leaf.

At the thin upper end, the hair contains silicon salts.

At the tip of the hair the sheath is very thin.

When it is touched, the head breaks off, and then thin cells pierce the skin and the entire contents are poured into the wound.

Her burn is unpleasant, although not dangerous.

True, there are tropical species of nettle, the burn of which is life-threatening.

About fifty species of this plant are found throughout the world.

They choose the more temperate zones of the Northern or Southern Hemispheres.

It can grow on soils with poor fertilizer and in alder forests, under fences and near roads.

Most often, she chooses soil that is rich in organic fertilizers.

Beneficial features

The real leader in the number of medicinal properties that are universally recognized is nettle.

This burning herb is a real find of nature, because its benefits are unique.

However, you need to use it with caution, because it has the ability to strongly thicken the blood.

This plant should not be consumed by people with high blood pressure.

Despite this, nettle is still a storehouse of useful qualities that are so necessary for people’s lives.

Since ancient times, stinging nettle has been used in herbal medicine, as it has extremely beneficial properties for the human body.

It contains a huge chemical set of microelements.

For example, vitamin K - it has a very good effect on blood clotting and also has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Also, this plant contains a lot of calcium in the form of carbonate; it does not have a negative effect on the kidneys, even if consumed in large quantities.

It contains very useful formic acid, some flavonoids and tannins.

Nettle is also known as a substance that quickly removes toxins from the human body.

This is due to the content of cellulose, polysaccharides, lignins and vitamins B, C, E and K.

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This plant contains Beta-carotene, which has a positive effect on vision and strengthening the body from the inside.

For people suffering from chronic diseases, atherosclerosis, tuberculosis - it is very useful.

If a person has reduced immunity, then this useful plant stimulates the metabolism and carbohydrates in the body.

It effectively treats problems associated with digestion, increased gas formation, and nausea.

Nettle has a beneficial effect on mucous surfaces.

So it is used in the treatment of the throat, in the treatment of hemorrhoids, nosebleeds and pain in the mouth.

Useful qualities of leaves

The main properties of nettle leaves are their richness in vitamins and their ability to improve blood circulation.

There are some vitamins B, E, iron salts, flavonoids, coumarins, chlorophyll.

For allergies, asthma, urticaria and other allergic dermatitis, the leaves of this plant were used as a medicinal and homeopathic remedy to relieve irritations.

Nettle for men

Nettle has long been known to have beneficial properties for maintaining male strength.

The seeds of this plant are used for these purposes.

They should be brewed and drunk as tea in the morning and evening, but only half an hour before meals.

You can also use tea made from dried nettle leaves for prostate adenoma, which has beneficial properties, but only at the first and second stages.

You need to take two tablespoons of dry leaves, and you can also use the roots of this plant, which also have beneficial properties.

You need to take this drink in the morning and evening for one and a half to two months.

Benefits of nettle for hair

Nettle is one of the most popular plants for hair today, as it has beneficial properties.

The use of this plant is the best way to strengthen them, as well as protect them from hair loss and other diseases.

There are many ways to use nettle for hair.

If you use it correctly, then you can get rid of hair loss, oiliness, dandruff and brittle hair.

It has good antiseptic, strengthening and anti-inflammatory properties.

It contains a lot of nutritional elements that can give our hair strength and shine.

It can be used in any form, such as masks, shampoos, and can also be taken orally.

If you dry it, it will not lose its medicinal properties.

Thanks to this, nettle can be used all year round.

If we often use decoctions and masks from this useful plant, we can improve and restore damaged hair and improve its color.

Nettle contains many beneficial elements and minerals that our hair really needs.

Our grandmothers always used nettle, and their hair was long, thick and healthy.

One can only envy them.

It can be used in decoctions and tinctures, as our grandmothers did, or in shampoos and masks.

An excellent aid for better hair growth is nettle oil.

It can be used both as a balm and as a mask.

Now there are a very large number of masks from this wonderful plant that will help us get rid of many hair diseases.

People who are inclined towards folk remedies believe that if you rinse your hair with nettle since childhood, then you won’t be afraid of dandruff, excessive fragility and severe hair loss.

Most of us can no longer use this chance, but it’s never too late to start.

Rinsing your hair with nettle is not a difficult job, and it is accessible to everyone.

After this procedure, the hair looks well-groomed and combs better.

The use of nettle in gynecology

The beneficial properties of nettle in gynecology have been used since ancient times for menstruation, because this plant reduces bleeding and also normalizes the cycle.

The main element for blood clotting is vitamin K, which is also responsible for these processes during the cycle.

It is prescribed for painful and prolonged periods; it is recommended to use decoctions based on this plant.

After all, it increases the level of hemoglobin and platelets in the blood.

This product has another advantage - it perfectly cleanses the blood.

You can also drink its juice diluted with water to stimulate lactation.

Contraindications to the use of this plant

Like any drug or substance, nettle has both beneficial properties and contraindications.

Patients who have thick blood, thrombophlebitis and varicose veins should not take this plant, as this can subsequently lead to blood clots.

You should not use nettle-based preparations if you have kidney disease, or if you suffer from atherosclerosis or hypertension.

Nettle has many beneficial properties, but its contraindications must also be taken into account.

Before taking decoctions from this plant, you need to be diagnosed by a doctor.

It is forbidden to take it during pregnancy, because it can stimulate the uterus to premature birth.

It is also prohibited to use it on tumors.

Before you decide to take nettle or nettle infusions, be sure to talk to your doctor and herbalist.

Any remedy may have its contraindications, no matter whether it is nettle or another medicinal plant.

Remember that any medicine can be poisonous.

Nettle is a universal herbal remedy that is used in a variety of areas of human activity, from pharmacology to cosmetology and herbal medicine.

However, it should be used with caution, using the best properties of the plant.

Reviews about this plant

Some reviews from our readers about the beneficial properties of nettle:

At the dacha, I always wash my hair with nettles

Larisa, Moscow

I start collecting nettles at the beginning of summer, they are still young. I also use it as a hair rinse.

Nadezhda, Samara

In this video, they will tell you and show you why nettle is so valuable

In ancient Rus', diarrhea has long been treated with the help of nettle.

After all, there were no medicines then; only medicinal herbs saved our ancestors.

Nettle grass was crushed and dry nettle powder was consumed along with bread. This is how they got rid of dysentery and diarrhea.

Bactericidal properties have also been discovered for a very long time.

Russian healers already in the 17th century advised treating fresh wounds with raw nettle leaves.

Old wounds, fistulas and ulcers were treated with nettle juice.

Boils were treated similarly.

Healers advised applying lotions to boils and making baths from an infusion of dry nettle leaves. At the same time, the infusion was prescribed to be taken orally. This infusion cleansed the blood well.

Although a lot of time has passed since those times, nettle has not yet been forgotten for its medicinal properties.

It has found its application in modern medicine. Doctors advise using it now.

Many people have probably heard that nettle leaves are great for treating and strengthening hair.

For such purposes, you need to prepare an infusion.

3 tablespoons of herbs are poured with 1 glass of boiling water. The nettle infusion should stand. After washing your hair, it is useful to rinse your hair with this infusion. For a better effect, you can rub the same infusion into the roots of your hair 2-3 times a week.

An infusion of nettle leaves and burdock root is also useful. Take 1 tablespoon of the mixture and pour a glass of boiling water. After washing your hair, moisten your hair with this infusion.

Vitamin nettle tea

Grind the dry leaves of the plant 1 part, add dry rowan berries 7 parts. Take 1 tablespoon of the mixture and pour a glass of boiling water. Boil for 10 minutes over low heat. Place the broth in a thermos and leave to infuse for 4 hours. Strain and drink half a glass 3 times a day.

You can make many different recipes from nettles. I love this healing mixture.

Fresh nettles need to be washed, dried and passed through a meat grinder. Honey is added to it in the same proportion. Place in a dark place for 14 days, room temperature. Don't forget to stir occasionally. As soon as the mixture is infused, it needs to be heated in a water bath. The mixture should be liquid; there is no need to bring it to a boil. The resulting mixture must be filtered through cheesecloth and the leaves squeezed out. The mixture should be stored in the refrigerator. Take a teaspoon during the day, several times a day, preferably dissolving it. In total, one liter jar of the drug is needed for the course of treatment.

This mixture has the healing property of purifying the blood, and pure blood gives our body energy and strength, and supplies it with oxygen.

As you can see, in this case, the burning beauty is the first assistant.

Try making yourself a medicinal drink that also contains nettle.

Take 3 tablespoons of nettle leaves, 3 tablespoons of rose hips and 1 tablespoon of raisins. Pour the herbal mixture with 2 cups of boiling water, simmer over low heat for ten minutes, leave for 4 hours in a dark place. You will get a dose for the day. You need to drink 1/2 glass 4 times a day.

This collection of herbs to cleanse the body will supply you with vitamins and improve your blood formula.

Due to the fact that this drink contains many microelements and vitamins, it is an excellent anti-inflammatory and tonic remedy.

Good for the skin.

By using this composition, you will soon notice changes that have occurred not only on the face, but also on the skin. You can drink this tea for 2 weeks.

Nettle contraindications

For people with thick blood, nettle preparations are contraindicated.

It should not be used by patients with varicose veins or thrombophlebitis.

Nettle preparations are also prohibited for pregnant women; they can cause contractions and premature birth.

Nettle is considered a weed. We are fighting it in our summer cottages and gardens. Sometimes it forms entire thickets.

Try to use its beneficial properties for health benefits. Prepare its leaves.

Young nettles for making cabbage soup and salads should be collected only in early spring.

To prepare medicines, leaves are collected from flowering plants almost all summer.

Nettles are cut down and allowed to wither, so they will lose their pungency. Only after this is it dried in the open air or under canopies.

After drying, the leaves can be easily removed from the shoots.

As you can see, nettle can also find a worthy place for its properties.

Probably nothing is superfluous in nature.

All plants created by nature can find their worthy use.

Have I convinced you that nettle is not just a weed? I think yes.

Indeed, for the medicinal properties of nettle, it can be considered an excellent medicinal plant.

In conclusion, watch a useful and good video about nettles. There you will find many interesting and useful tips on using nettles.

Be healthy and happy!

Stinging nettle: chemical composition

In addition to the aforementioned vitamin C, nettle contains vitamins B, K, E, PP. It is rich in flavonoids, minerals, and trace elements. Including chromium, copper, iron salts, manganese, vanadium, sulfur, potassium. It contains coumarins, histamine, nicotine, acetylcholine, phenolcarboxylic acids, phytoncides, starch, essential oil and many other useful substances.

Young nettle leaves are especially rich in chlorophyll - up to 5 percent. This makes it an excellent tonic and general strengthening agent. In salads, cocktails, soups, pies, decoctions and infusions - nettle is good in any form. Even in the bathhouse, as a broom. You just need to know about its properties and use this wonderful natural gift to your advantage.

Pharmacological properties of nettle

Extracts, infusions, juice, decoctions, powder from nettle leaves, roots and seeds have a wide range of healing properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • hemostatic;
  • general strengthening, tonic, improving carbohydrate metabolism;
  • antiseptic;
  • wound healing;
  • diuretic;
  • choleretic;
  • expectorant;
  • mild laxative;
  • vitamin;
  • antiallergic;
  • anticonvulsant and antifever agent.

Nettle: range of applications

Nettle preparations are widely used in scientific and folk medicine for various pathological conditions and painful symptoms:

  • Hypovitaminosis;
  • Uterine, renal, pulmonary, hemorrhoidal and intestinal bleeding;
  • Atherosclerosis;
  • Anemia;
  • Cholecystitis, kidney stone disease;
  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum;
  • For the treatment of purulent ulcers and wounds;
  • To normalize the menstrual cycle;
  • Furunculosis, lichen, acne;
  • Tuberculosis, respiratory diseases;
  • Dysentery, constipation;
  • Muscle pain, gout, rheumatism;
  • Uterine fibroids;
  • Diabetes;
  • For tonsillitis, bleeding gums.

This impressive list does not limit the possibilities of using medicinal products prepared on the basis of nettle raw materials.

Nettle - contraindications

  1. Nettle should not be used for bleeding caused by cysts, polyps, or other tumors of the appendages and uterus.
  2. Pregnant women should not take nettle preparations as they may cause premature contractions.
  3. Not recommended for increased blood clotting, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins.

Use of nettle, useful recipes

The scope of use of nettle is not limited to medicinal and prophylactic purposes. It is appreciated by both culinary specialists and cosmetologists.

Nettle infusion with vodka

Used to improve heart function, as a tonic, blood purifier. They rub it on sore spots for radiculitis and muscle pain. To prepare it you will need:

  • Vodka or diluted alcohol – 0.5 l;
  • Young nettle – 200 g.


  1. Place crushed nettles in a glass bottle or jar and add vodka.
  2. Leave in the light for 24 hours, then put in a dark place for a week.
  3. Strain and store in a glass container in a dark place.

This infusion is taken one teaspoon in the morning before meals and in the evening before bed.

Nettle decoctions, nettle tea

Decoctions are used for poor blood clotting, bleeding, to increase lactation and potency. Externally – used for compresses. An excellent product for rinsing hair, giving it volume and shine.

Decoctions of the roots are used to cleanse the blood for skin rashes, acne, furunculosis, and helminthic infestations.

You can make tea from nettle seeds or leaves, which is useful for increasing potency, rheumatism, liver diseases, diabetes, enterocolitis and gastritis. effective for allergies. Helps speed up metabolic processes and reduce weight. Therefore, it can be an excellent addition to diets. In addition, it is able to raise the overall tone of the body and improve mood. This tea is prepared in the same way as regular tea, at the rate of three tablespoons of dry herbs to two glasses of boiling water. It is recommended to drink it half an hour before meals - a glass.

You can enhance the beneficial properties of nettle tea by adding lingonberries and rose hips to it. To prepare it you need to take:

  • Chopped rose hips - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • Crushed lingonberries - 2 tablespoons;
  • Dried nettle - 3 tablespoons.


  1. Place the components in a large teapot or other glass or porcelain container, pour three cups of boiling water.
  2. Cover the container with a lid, wrap it up and let it brew for three hours.
  3. Strain the mixture and drink a glass half an hour before meals.

This wonderful vitamin drink will help you quickly recover from an illness, fill your body with vigor, and nourish it with vitality.

Nettle, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which were discussed in this article, is very good for health. It is useful to be friends with nettles all year round. Drink vitamin tea to tone up. And get treatment if the need arises.

  • November 21

Contraindications for use - it is not recommended for use by people who have very thick blood, with varicose veins and thrombophlebitis, and pregnant women (the tone of the uterus increases).

The use of nettle. Herbal medicine uses the entire plant, including the roots.

How to brew nettles? When brewing nettle, you need to know some subtleties so as not to destroy all the vitamins. I often brew nettle for myself and my daughters. Very simple and good for our health.

If you take whole leaves, you need to take 4 leaves per person, add a glass of raw water, cover the pan with a lid, bring to a boil over low heat, and immediately turn off the heat. Wait until the leaf steams, this is about 30 minutes, and immediately drink this decoction 10-15 minutes before meals in 3 doses. For those who work, you can drink this decoction in the morning and evening. It is recommended to eat the leaves.

Nettle juice for the treatment of vitamin deficiency.

The juice is made from young nettles. It needs to be put through a meat grinder, squeezed through cheesecloth. This juice can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days. Take 1 tablespoon for adults on an empty stomach, 1 teaspoon for children, wash down with water.

Uses of nettle for general strengthening of the body, to improve blood composition.

Nettle decoction. Pour 2 tablespoons of nettle into 1 cup of boiling water. Let sit for about 15 minutes. Take a glass 3 times a day.

Here is another universal recipe for using nettles. Pour 1 tablespoon of nettle with a glass of boiling water, cover, let it brew for an hour, strain everything. Take a tablespoon half an hour before meals 3 times a day.

Using nettle to reduce blood pressure.

Pass the nettles through a meat grinder and squeeze out the juice through cheesecloth. Add a little kefir and honey. Drink a tablespoon 3 times a day. (recipe can be seen in the video)

Nettle honey.

Collect 3 kg of nettles. Wash everything, dry it, put it through a meat grinder, squeeze out about 300 grams of nettle juice, add honey, about a half-liter jar, take a tablespoon. This honey rejuvenates the body, reduces blood pressure, and improves the functioning of the pancreas.

Vitamin tea from nettle.

Dry nettle, rose hips, dry carrots, currant leaves, lingonberries. Take everything one tablespoon at a time. Pour boiling water over it and leave in a thermos. Drink instead of tea. You can add honey. Cleanses the body, blood vessels, this tea is good for the liver and kidneys.

All recipes can be viewed in the video.

Nettle decoction in cosmetology.

Nettle decoction rubbed into the scalp prevents the formation of dandruff. Brew nettle and use the decoction after washing your hair.

There is another recipe for strengthening hair using nettle. Pour 100 grams of nettle (collect when its seeds appear) with 0.5 liters of water, boil for half an hour, let cool, squeeze, add an equal amount of table vinegar. Rinse your hair with this decoction every day before going to bed.

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Use of nettle in cooking.

Nettle salad. Wash young nettle leaves, chop, lightly pound with a mortar, add green onions, parsley and dill. Spices and salt to taste. Season with olive oil.

Nettle soup.

Add potatoes to vegetable or meat broth, cook until tender, add chopped nettle leaves, sorrel, let simmer for a minute and remove from heat. Serve with sour cream, sprinkle with herbs. Add salt and pepper to taste. This soup is often served with an egg. Can be whisked into soup or served separately.

Cottage cheese with nettles. Finely chop the nettle. Lightly add salt, mash a little and add cottage cheese.

I wish you all good health, take advantage of what nature gives us. And finally, my heartfelt gift to you. This has already become a tradition. Moreover, it’s so nice that in the comments many people note not only the article, but also the music. Thank you.

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People try to avoid nettles because touching them is painful and causes itching for a long time. However, this plant has a number of beneficial properties for the human body. Since ancient times, it has been used as a remedy to treat a number of diseases, because it contains a large amount of valuable vitamins and minerals. In addition to preparing medicines, nettle is also used for food - salads are made from it, soups are prepared, and eaten fresh. Read about the benefits of nettle soup in our material.

Chemical composition and nutritional value

Nettle is a perennial herbaceous plant, which has about 50 species. In our latitudes, the two most common are: dioecious and stinging.

This herb can grow up to 2 m in height, with an average stem reaching 60 cm. It is known for the fact that touching its foliage burns human skin. This happens because the nettle leaves have hairs that contain formic acid. This way the plant protected itself from animals eating the grass.

Did you know? The nettle eating championship has been held in England for over 20 years. In the same country, wine is made from the herbal plant. To make three liters of alcoholic drink, you need to collect 40 kg of leaves.

Nettle is a storehouse of beneficial vitamins and minerals. We propose to take a closer look at its diverse chemical composition.

Among the vitamins it contains:

  • beta-carotene - 7-10 mg per 100 g;
  • - 0.1 mg;
  • - 0.07 mg;
  • - 10 mg;
  • - 3.4-4 mg.

Nettle contains the following micro- and macroelements:

  • Fe (iron) - 41 mg per 100 g;
  • Cu (copper) - 1.3 mg;
  • - 8.2 mg;
  • B (boron) - 4.3 mg;
  • Ti (titanium) - 2.7 mg;
  • - 0.03 mg.
In addition, the plant is rich in chlorophyll, sugars, tannins, phytoncides, organic acids, and porphyrins.

Thanks to such valuable components, the burning herb is credited with a number of beneficial effects:

  • hemostatic;
  • choleretic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • general tonic.

Here are some other benefits of nettle for the human body:

  • establishing carbohydrate and protein metabolism;
  • respiratory systems;
  • prevention and treatment of anemia;
  • acceleration of regeneration of the mucous membranes of the digestive organs;
  • increased digestion;
  • improvement of metabolism;
  • removal of harmful substances from the body.

Did you know? The “bites” of nettles, which grow in our latitudes, are harmless. But in New Zealand there grows a nettle tree, touching which you can die.

The nutritional value of this herbaceous plant is as follows:

  • proteins - 1.5 g per 100 g of product (1.5% of the human daily requirement);
  • fat - 0.4 g (1%);
  • carbohydrates - 5 g (3%).
If we consider the nutritional value of nettle soup made from the following ingredients: fresh nettle (300 g), onion (100 g), flour (30 g), butter (25 g), egg (50 g), herbs (50 g), water (1 l), then 100 grams of it will be contains 31.4 kcal. The recommended serving of 398 g contains 122.1 kcal. This soup recipe is included in the recommendations of some weight loss diets.

Cooked with chicken broth with chicken fillet (400 g), potatoes (0.5 kg), onions (75 g), carrots (75 g), herbs (40 g) and vegetable oil (17 g), nettle soup (150 g) will be less calorie , its nutritional value will be 29.5 kcal per 100 g. The calorie content of a 251 g serving will be 74.1 kcal.

What are the benefits of soup

In this section we will try to figure out what the benefits of nettle soup are and whether it can cause harm.

Did you know? In the Land of the Rising Sun, nettles in combination with silk were used to make expensive samurai armor, shields and bow strings.

Firstly, The first dish is definitely recommended to be included in the menu in the winter and spring; it will help you easily skip this stage, replenishing the body with missing valuable components. After all, nettle leaves are practically a multivitamin concentrate. A body saturated with vitamins will find it easier to fight viruses and bacteria. This means that his defenses will be strengthened.

Secondly, Nettle soup is recommended for people prone to high blood sugar. There is evidence that the herb has the ability to lower its level.

For those who have minor kidney problems, the diuretic properties of nettle soup will also come in handy. However, if a person is diagnosed with sand or stones, this dish can be eaten only after consultation with the attending physician.

During periods of stress and nervous tension, it is also good to enjoy soup, because it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system.

A nettle dish will definitely help cleanse the blood. However, the main thing here is not to overdo it with it, since it has the properties of thickening it.

Soup can be on the table of almost all people, with the exception of those for whom nettle is contraindicated. Pediatricians advise children to be given nettle soup starting at the age of three. It should be introduced gradually, paying attention to the reaction of the child’s body.

Raw materials for soup can be collected in April-May, as well as throughout the summer. Only the top is used for cooking. During collection, protect your hands with gloves. It is better to grow it yourself or purchase it from trusted people, since grass grown in contaminated areas will only cause harm, not benefit.

Important! Soup should be prepared only from young shoots. Only under this condition will the benefit from it be maximum. In addition, you need to choose plants that grew in environmentally friendly areas.

Nettle soup can be prepared in many ways. There are several recipes on the Internet that use water, vegetable, meat, and chicken broth as a basis. You can prepare regular liquid soup, or you can diversify the menu with puree soup.

Possible harm and contraindications

Like any plant that has medicinal properties, nettle has contraindications.

Since the herb has a diuretic effect, medicines and dishes containing it should not be in the diet of people suffering from urolithiasis or other kidney diseases.

Nettle is included in the list of herbs that are taboo for pregnant women. The plant can increase the contractile activity of the uterus, which can lead to premature termination of pregnancy.

But nursing mothers are recommended to enjoy nettle soup. After all, nettle will contribute to the speedy return of the uterus to its previous parameters. In this case, strengthening the contractions of the reproductive organ will come in handy.

Children under three years of age are prohibited from eating nettle dishes.

So, nettle is a valuable medicinal and food herb. Products for traditional medicine and cosmetology are prepared from its leaves. It is one of the components of several pharmacological drugs, in particular those prescribed for burns and wounds, gastrointestinal problems, prostatitis, as a diuretic and tonic. Soups, cabbage soup, borscht are made from nettles, and vitamin-rich salads are made.

Important! Raw materials for culinary dishes and medicines cannot be collected along roads, landfills, garbage sites, or in urban areas, since the plant can absorb harmful environmental elements. Before use, you need to wash it and pour boiling water over it, and then lightly knead it in your hands.

The dishes are often used for dietary purposes, as they are vitamin-rich and low-calorie. Since nettle, along with its beneficial properties, also has a number of contraindications for use, food with it, as one of the ingredients, cannot be consumed by everyone. Before regularly eating this product, you need to study the list of contraindications.