Lavash roll - fillings with step-by-step recipes with photos. The most delicious and simple fillings for snacks

Lavash rolls with filling can become a signature dish on every table. This is an excellent appetizer, so if you don’t know how to please your dear guests, we recommend preparing filled rolls.

Before you start making rolls, you need to find out what pita bread is. So, lavash is ordinary bread, but it doesn’t look ordinary (in the form of a thin flatbread). This is a traditional dish for residents of the Middle East, Kazakhstan, Armenia, and Georgia.

It is believed that this dish was first prepared by the Armenians. In Armenian, the word “lavash” literally translates as good food. And it’s hard to disagree with this. It is used to prepare many dishes: marshmallows, pies, chakapuli, and many others.

Lavash dishes are good because they can be eaten both hot and cold. It will be delicious in both the first and second cases. This is a great replacement for boring sandwiches. They can be eaten at any time of the day; by the way, you can experiment with fillings and prepare a completely dietary version of the rolls.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most mouth-watering recipes. You can definitely cook them.

With crab sticks


  • Lavash – 3 leaves
  • Eggs – 3-4pcs
  • Garlic – 3-4 cloves
  • Hard cheese – 200g
  • Crab sticks – 300g
  • Mayonnaise
  • Parsley dill


  1. Boil the eggs until ready. We wait until they cool down.
  2. Grate the hard cheese and do the same with the eggs.
  3. Grind using a blender or finely chop with a knife.
  4. Mix cheese together with garlic.
  5. Grind and mix with grated eggs.
  6. Cut the crab sticks either into strips or into cubes.
  7. Take a leaf of pita bread and grease it with mayonnaise or other sauce. Lay out the crab sticks.
  8. Place another pita bread on top. We also coat it with mayonnaise and sprinkle with cheese and garlic.
  9. Next, place the last pita bread, spread it and lay out the eggs with dill.
  10. Carefully wrap and place in the refrigerator for 1.5 hours.

With salmon

There is nothing tastier than a delicate fish appetizer. It will be a great start to a lunch or dinner party.


  • Lavash – 1 sheet
  • Lightly salted salmon – 400g
  • Hard cheese – 200g
  • Dill, green onions
  • Mayonnaise


  1. Unrolling our lavash
  2. Grind the salmon. Make the pieces the way you want.
  3. Grate the cheese and chop the herbs. Mix everything thoroughly.
  4. Lubricate the pita bread with a thin layer of mayonnaise.
  5. Sprinkle hard cheese on top and lay out pieces of lightly salted salmon.
  6. Roll up the pita bread and place it in the refrigerator or freezer.
  7. We cut it into beautiful pieces, put it on a dish and enjoy the most delicate taste.

With cheese

A passionate fan of different types of cheese will surely love this version of rolls.


  • Lavash – 2 pcs
  • Hard spicy cheese – 200g
  • Processed cheese – 200g
  • Mayonnaise
  • Dill


  1. Processed cheese must be placed in the freezer for 30 minutes. Then grate it on a fine grater.
  2. We also grate hard cheese.
  3. Finely chop the washed greens.
  4. Spread the first pita bread with mayonnaise. Place a layer. On top is the second pita bread.
  5. Grease the pita bread with mayonnaise, sprinkle with hard cheese and herbs.
  6. Roll up the roll.
  7. You can add many different types of cheese, and then your roll will be even tastier.

With Chiken

  • Lavash – 3-4 pcs.
  • Chicken leg – 1 piece
  • Fresh salad - bunch
  • Processed cheese – 250g
  • Onion, dill
  • Tomato – 2 pcs.
  • Garlic – 2 cloves


  1. Grate the melted cheese onto a fine grater. Chop dill and young green onions. Mix everything.
  2. For the base, take two pita breads and put them together. Spread with prepared cheese mixture.
  3. Place washed lettuce leaves. Cover them with the third pita bread.
  4. Let's take it. It can be boiled. Or you can use smoked chicken and then your rolls will be even tastier. Cut the meat into thin strips.
  5. Place the meat on top of the pita bread. Cover with another Armenian bread.
  6. Chop tomatoes and garlic. You can first remove the skin from the tomatoes. Place vegetables on the fourth layer.
  7. We collapse everything. Wrap in cling film or foil and place in the refrigerator.

With canned food

This appetizer will delight you with its taste and inexpensive ingredients. To prepare it, simple products are used, which every housewife probably has in the refrigerator.


  • Lavash – 1-2 pieces
  • Onion – 1 piece
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Canned food – 1 jar
  • Processed cheese – 200g
  • Mayonnaise
  • Dill


  1. We clean and wash the vegetables. Grate the carrots and cut the onion into cubes or half rings.
  2. Separately, fry the carrots and onions in butter.
  3. Open canned food (saury, tuna, sardines) and mash them with a fork.
  4. Processed cheese can be grated or simply allowed to melt so that it is convenient to spread with a knife.
  5. Take lavash and lightly grease it with mayonnaise. Sprinkle with cheese and chopped dill.
  6. Next, distribute the canned food evenly over the entire layer.
  7. The next layer is onions and carrots.
  8. Roll up the roll and leave in the cold for 2 hours.

With mushrooms

This snack option will appeal to vegetarians and those who are watching their figure.


  • Lavash – 2 sheets
  • Fresh mushrooms – 400g
  • Onion – 1 piece
  • Processed cheese – 300g
  • Dill, spices for mushrooms


  1. We clean (if necessary) the mushrooms, wash them well and cut them into small cubes.
  2. We do the same with onions.
  3. Fry mushrooms and onions in butter until tender. Don't forget to salt them and add spices.
  4. Spread melted cheese on the layer. The more cheese, the tastier. Sprinkle it with dill.
  5. Cover with a leaf of lavash and grease with cheese again.
  6. Distribute the mushrooms evenly.
  7. Roll up the roll.
  8. Bon appetit.

As you can see, the filling for a lavash roll can be different. Whatever option you choose, it will still turn out delicious. Moreover, in order to prepare such a snack you do not need to have any supernatural culinary abilities. So experiment and enjoy delicious food.

The words of professionals that you can wrap almost anything in pita bread have long been confirmed by a mass of all kinds of recipes. This unleavened flatbread is ready to “accept into its arms” any filling that more or less holds its shape. And at the same time, the taste of the resulting dish will be really decent. What a long way to go. Even if you wrap yesterday’s banal cutlet in pita bread and keep it in the microwave for a couple of minutes, you can end up having a great breakfast. And if you add a piece of cheese to the cutlet, your breakfast will be not only satisfying, but also quite refined. True, considering the miracles our housewives work with lavash, this approach can be called barbaric. Of course, to create more you will still have to work hard, but in any case it will not take much time.

So let’s talk about what can be wrapped in some of the dishes that we want to present in our review, which have long been firmly established on the pages of the culinary notebooks of our housewives, however, due to their particular popularity, we will still allow ourselves to remind you of the principle of preparing the most best dishes. In addition, we will present several unusual options that not everyone knows about. But first, let's look at a few general questions.

What filling can be wrapped in pita bread?

Of course, the statement that absolutely everything can be wrapped in this fresh layer is somewhat exaggerated. Nevertheless, the choice of fillings is more than diverse. Moreover, sometimes their combinations even cause surprise. Moreover, not only cold appetizers are prepared from lavash. Some cooks wrap minced meat with rice in it and stew it like cabbage rolls, or make pies with other fillings. But still, rolls are considered the most popular. What can you wrap in pita bread when preparing them? Yes, a lot of things. For the everyday table, they make rolls with all kinds of vegetables, cottage cheese, canned fish, ham, meat, cheese, flavoring the filling with all kinds of sauces. For the holidays, they prepare dishes with red fish, caviar, and smoked meats. In general, it’s impossible to list everything. And I must say, all the dishes are not only tasty, but also extremely attractive in appearance. All these rolls are rightfully considered a decoration for any table.

General cooking principles

It is best to use rectangular-shaped pita bread for cooking. As a rule, it is folded lengthwise and not across. If you want to make a roll of impressive thickness, you need to use a multi-layer principle. That is, spread the filling on the sheet, then cover it with a second sheet, spread it again, and then roll it up. After cooking, the roll needs to be kept in a cool place for some time so that the pita bread is soaked and becomes softer. If you need a round shape, the edges of the sheets can be cut in a circle. Well, when preparing the same pancakes, the pita bread is cut into pieces of the required size.

Next, let's look more specifically at what can be wrapped in thin pita bread. The recipe for a roll with crab sticks is at the top of the list of appetizers for many of our cooks, as it is a win-win option and absolutely everyone likes it.

Lavash + crab sticks

You need to take a sheet of pita bread, generously grease it with mayonnaise and sprinkle with your favorite chopped herbs. Cover with a second layer. Coat it with mayonnaise, cover it completely with chopped crab sticks (a pack of three hundred grams will be enough for one roll), cover with another sheet, coat it too and sprinkle with grated cheese. Roll it up, leave it in a warm place for an hour, and then put it in the refrigerator. After a couple of hours, the product can be cut into pieces and served.

Lavash + salmon

A very tasty and incredibly beautiful appetizer. If you don’t know what you can wrap in pita bread when preparing holiday dishes, be sure to choose this option. You really can't go wrong. Since the pieces of fish will fall apart, you need to prepare a special thickener for them. As a rule, grated cheese mixed with mayonnaise is most often used for this. If desired, you can also take soft melted one. A matter of taste. So, as in the first case, coat a sheet of lavash with mayonnaise, sprinkle with herbs, and cover with a second one. Carefully grease its surface with the prepared cheese mixture, tightly place thin pieces of, say, salmon on top (one roll will require four hundred grams of fish), roll it up as tightly as possible. Keep warm for an hour, then you can put it in the refrigerator. Cut into thin pieces, no more than one and a half centimeters thick.

Simple option

What can be wrapped in thin pita bread from simple products? How to quickly make a budget snack? Instead of filling, use the lifesaver of many of our housewives - canned fish. Moreover, almost any kind, in oil, will do.

Grate one carrot, finely chop the onion. Fry the vegetables and leave to cool. Drain all the oil from the fish, transfer it from the jar to another bowl and mash thoroughly with a fork. Then combine with vegetables. Take a sheet of pita bread and grease one half with any soft cheese and the other with mayonnaise. Then spread the fish and vegetables over the pita bread with sauce, and sprinkle the part with the cheese on it with herbs. Start rolling the roll from the edge where the fish lies. This roll will only take an hour to soak. As you can see, it cooks quite quickly, and the ingredients needed for it are very simple.


This is an option that already requires baking. Minced meat is used as a filling, which can be wrapped in pita bread either raw or pre-fried. By and large, this doesn't really matter. The main thing is to prepare it accordingly. That is, salt, pepper and mix with the egg. You also need to fry onions and carrots. Then mix three tablespoons of ketchup and mayonnaise, grease one sheet with this mixture, put the second one on it, and also coat its surface. Place the minced meat on top, cover it with frying and roll the pita bread into a roll. Bake for half an hour in the oven. It is better to serve hot, as pita bread becomes hard quite quickly after baking. However, if necessary, you can heat the roll in the microwave.

Berek cigars

Half a kilogram of cottage cheese should be mixed with two yolks, add finely chopped dill, add salt and stir thoroughly. Those who like it spicier can add finely chopped garlic to the filling. The pita bread needs to be cut into small strips, each 10 centimeters wide. One tablespoon of the filling should be distributed along the edge of the piece, and then rolled into a tube. The resulting products must be fried in vegetable oil until an intense golden hue appears.

In principle, the recipe can be used as a basis for experimentation. What else can be wrapped in thin pita bread to make similar cigars? Yes, too, a lot. Sausage, for example. Or make a filling of grated cheese, boiled egg and green onions. Or you can cut the ham and cheese into thin strips. In general, you can fantasize as you like.


Don't know what you can wrap in pita bread to cook something new and original? Put Mexican filling in it and tell your family it's a burrito. Of course, the residents of this hot country would hardly be able to see in your culinary masterpiece an analogue of a dish from their national cuisine, nevertheless, you will definitely be able to please your relatives. And for the filling, mix three finely chopped tomatoes, two onions, two cucumbers, one hundred and fifty grams of fried mushrooms and ham, one hundred grams of grated cheese and mayonnaise sauce. If desired, you can add parsley to the mixture. Season with salt, wrap in pita bread, folding it into an envelope, spread mayonnaise on top of each, sprinkle with grated cheese and put in the microwave for five minutes.

How about something sweet?

What can you wrap in pita bread to end up with a delicious dessert? You don't need to go far. And spend extra money on groceries too. Take simple apples, but preferably not particularly sour ones. Peel them. However, if you don’t really want to tinker, you can skip this step. Grate the apples on a coarse grater, add cinnamon and a lot of sugar. Stir. Cut the lavash sheet into four pieces, wrap the filling, fold it into an envelope and immediately fry in a frying pan. This way, without much effort and expense, you will get a pretty decent dessert for tea.

Lavash rolls are very simple and tasty snacks for the holiday table. They can be served for Birthdays, New Years, and almost any family holiday when you want variety on a rich table. This simple, tasty dish gained popularity not so long ago, and now takes pride of place among traditional snacks. And it’s no secret that you can make lavash rolls with a huge variety of fillings.

We will tell you several recipes for the most delicious rolls, and you will definitely find one that suits your taste. These snacks will definitely please your guests and delight your loved ones.

The main component of this snack is Armenian thin lavash. It is sold in stores in the bakery section and is almost always easily available. If you wish, it is not difficult to bake it yourself. But, if you don’t have time for that, then a good fresh pita bread from the store will do just fine.

Lavash rolls with red fish (salmon) and cream cheese

To prepare this roll we will need:

  • Armenian thin lavash,
  • lightly salted red fish (salmon, trout, chum salmon) – 200 grams,
  • soft cream cheese (not melted, look for soft cheeses in jars like Almette, Cremette, Violette, Philadelphia, Mascarpone) – 180-200 grams,
  • lemon juice - 1-2 teaspoons, sprinkle over fish.
  • greens to taste,

To prepare lavash rolls with salmon and cream cheese, cut lightly salted salmon into thin slices. The thinner the pieces, the easier it will be to wrap the roll and the neater it will look.

Spread the cream cheese over the pita bread in a thin, even layer. Then, arrange the fish slices, but not close together, but with small intervals. It’s a good idea to alternate the taste of cheese and fish in layers if you put them in a checkerboard pattern.

Lightly sprinkle lemon juice over the salmon to enhance its flavor. A cooking spray is great for this and will help you apply the lemon juice in a thin, even layer.

After this, you can sprinkle the pita bread with cheese and fish with a thin layer of finely chopped herbs. Dill or green onions are great. But I don’t recommend adding too much greenery, as it can overwhelm the delicate taste of the fish and cheese. It’s better to decorate the rolls with herbs on top when serving.

Roll the pita bread into a very tight sausage, wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for at least half an hour. During this time, the lavash will be soaked and become softer.

Remove the roll from the refrigerator right before serving. Once you've unrolled it, slice it into 2-3cm thick slices either crosswise if you want smaller portions, or diagonally for longer, larger pieces.

Arrange beautifully on a plate and garnish with herbs or cherry tomatoes.

Watch also a few videos of how to prepare a snack – pita rolls with red fish.

Bon appetit!

Lavash rolls with crab sticks and melted cheese

For such a delicious roll you will need:

  • Armenian lavash – 1 piece,
  • crab sticks – packaging,
  • processed cheese – 150 grams,
  • mayonnaise – 2-3 tablespoons,
  • greens to taste,

For this roll, it will be useful to prepare the filling in advance, namely, mix it in the form of a salad, this will allow the ingredients to stick better with the sauce and prevent the roll from falling apart later.

Take crab sticks and grate them on a coarse grater. You can also cut it into small strips with a knife. Avoid large thick pieces, they will make the roll lumpy and unsightly, and it will be more difficult to wrap it.

If you use hard processed cheese in briquettes, grate it. If it is soft, then mix it with crab sticks, but reduce the amount of mayonnaise.

Finely chop the greens. Mix crab sticks, cheese, herbs and mayonnaise in a separate bowl until smooth.

Place the pita bread on a clean, dry surface. Spread the resulting filling on it in an even layer. Roll the roll tightly, being careful not to leave any air bubbles. Wrap the finished roll in cling film and put it in the refrigerator to soak. This should take at least half an hour, then the pita bread will not be too dry and the snack will turn out tender.

Before serving, remove the pita bread from the film and cut it into circles 2-3 centimeters thick. Arrange beautifully on a platter and decorate as desired. Rolls with crab sticks and melted cheese are ready! Bon appetit!

Lavash rolls with ham and cheese

To make pita rolls with ham and cheese you will need:

  • thin Armenian roll – 1 piece,
  • ham – 250-300 grams,
  • hard cheese – 250-300 grams,
  • mayonnaise – 3-4 tablespoons,
  • fresh or salted cucumbers as desired - 2-3 pieces,
  • fresh greens.

This roll is prepared very quickly, so all the preliminary preparation will consist of cutting the filling.

There are two ways to arrange the filling.

The first is to cut the cheese and ham into very thin slices. Place two layers of lavash on a sheet of lavash spread with mayonnaise. Place thinly sliced ​​cucumbers on top and sprinkle with herbs. Next, roll the roll tightly. Please note that the thicker you make the slices of cheese and ham, the more difficult it will be to roll and the thicker it will end up.

The second method is to grate the cheese on a coarse grater, cut the ham into thin strips, and chop the cucumbers in the same way as ham. After this, mix cheese, ham and cucumbers with mayonnaise, as for preparing a salad. Then spread the filling over the pita bread in an even layer. Twist the pita bread tightly and put it in the refrigerator to soak, first wrapping it in cling film.

Before serving, cut the roll into circles 2-3 centimeters thick. A delicious appetizer for the holiday table is ready!

Lavash rolls with Korean carrots

For the roll you will need:

  • Korean carrots – 200 grams,
  • hard boiled eggs - 2 pieces,
  • processed cheese – 200 grams,
  • greenery,
  • a little mayonnaise,
  • clove of garlic.

To prepare pita rolls with Korean carrots, prepare the pita bread. Place it on a dry, clean surface. Grate hard-boiled eggs on a coarse grater, mix with melted cheese, finely chopped herbs and chopped garlic. Add mayonnaise. Apply this filling to the pita bread in an even layer. Sprinkle Korean carrots on top. If there are too large pieces, cut them into smaller ones.

Then, roll it tightly and place it in the refrigerator for a while. Don't forget to wrap it in cling film.

You can serve after an hour, cutting into mugs 2-3 centimeters thick.

Lavash rolls with chicken

This is a simple and tasty filling for rolls, which is suitable for both a holiday and a regular lunch. It will require:

  • thin Armenian lavash – 1 piece,
  • boiled chicken breast – 1 piece,
  • hard-boiled eggs - 2-3 pieces,
  • mayonnaise + sour cream in equal proportions - 3-4 tablespoons,
  • garlic – 1-2 cloves.

The chicken for this roll must be boiled in salted water in advance, then cut into thin strips. Hard boil the eggs and grate them on a coarse grater.

Chop the garlic with a knife or in a special crush. Mix eggs, garlic and mayonnaise and sour cream sauce, spread them on the pita bread in an even layer. Place the chicken on top, spreading it over the entire surface. If desired, you can add herbs, such as parsley or green salad leaves.

After this, roll it tightly, wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator. It is advisable to cut this roll before serving.

Without exaggeration, lavash rolls are everyone’s favorites and champions among sandwiches. They best realize the idea of ​​simplicity and versatility. If you beautifully cut a roll with red fish and serve it on a platter with herbs, then you have a festive appetizer. If you roll the rolls with a simpler filling - with crab sticks or sausage - they are an excellent snack for every day.

A selection of recipes for lavash rolls:

How to make lavash roll

What to do with? Yes with anything! To prepare everyday lavash rolls, take what you have on hand, or rather, in the refrigerator. And sometimes there’s just a small piece left of everything! It’s more difficult with holiday rolls, especially if the filling is sophisticated - you should stock up on it in advance.

How to do it? Just. It is enough to evenly spread or spread the filling onto a sheet of lavash and carefully roll it up. Then there are several options for behavior:

  • eat immediately, enjoying and greedy;
  • put it in the refrigerator for an hour or two, and then cut it into beautiful rolls and serve beautifully;
  • Bring to perfection in the oven.

For serving on the holiday table Trim off the unspread edges and only then cut beautifully.

Important: Never freeze a finished lavash roll; it will turn sour when thawed.

There are two ways to prepare rolls: cut the rolled lavash roll and filling into small portions or immediately cut the lavash into ribbons and make rolls out of them. Which one to choose depends on the filling.

What kind of pita bread is used in the recipes? Lavash for rolls should not be thick and fluffy, but thin, sheet-like, like in the picture. It's even possible.

About mayonnaise. Very often, mayonnaise is used in rolls; after storing in the refrigerator, it is recommended to cut the roll with caution, as it becomes soft when soaked in the sauce. Not only can you make lavash at home, but it always tastes better.

Recipes for lavash rolls for every whim

This large selection of recipes from the online magazine “Magical” was compiled with respect for your stomach and tastes. What does it mean? And the fact that everything described here has been tested and approved by personal experience. Both from the point of view of benefit, and from the point of view of the legitimate pleasure that food must provide.

Lavash roll with chicken

A quick-to-prepare roll will help out when the refrigerator is almost empty, there is no time to cook, but you want to eat.

Filling for 1 lavash: hard cheese - 200 g, chicken breast - 1 pc., eggs - 2 pcs., garlic - 1-2 cloves, mayonnaise (or sour cream + mayonnaise).

Preparation. Boil the chicken breast until cooked (you can add salt to the water while cooking). Cool and cut into thin slices.
Cool hard-boiled eggs and peel them. Cut into cubes or mash with a fork.
Grate the cheese coarsely. Add to eggs. Squeeze the garlic into them through a press. Add mayonnaise or mayonnaise and sour cream and stir.
Divide the pita bread into two pieces. Apply the egg-cheese mixture to the first one, spreading it over the entire surface. Place a second piece of pita bread on top and distribute the chicken breast pieces over it.
Roll it up and put it in the refrigerator for at least half an hour.


- roll the rolls very carefully - soaked in mayonnaise, they get soggy and tear;
- use freshly prepared chicken meat, since it is problematic to roll the roll if it is dried out.

Lavash rolls with salmon

Perhaps the most popular option. A savory appetizer that is good on a holiday table, as a breakfast sandwich, or as a picnic snack while the main dishes are being cooked over the fire. You can prepare these lavash rolls in advance.

Ingredients for the roll recipe: lavash - 1 large, lightly salted salmon - 300 grams, fresh cucumber - 1 small, soft cheese (can be curd, processed) - 250 grams, fresh dill - to your taste.

Preparation. Spread the unrolled pita bread with cheese, trying to distribute it evenly.
Cut the fish into thin slices. Place on top of cheese.
Cut the cucumber (you can peel the skin) into thin strips and place on top of the fish.
Crush with finely chopped (or sprigs) dill.
Roll the pita bread into a roll. If you need to serve immediately, cut diagonally into pieces and place on a plate lined with lettuce leaves. You can add cherry tomato halves and cucumber slices.

Advice: do not try to fill the entire surface of the pita bread with salmon, this will not make the dish any tastier, but it may become over-salted.

Lavash with cheese and herbs

You can take a variety of greens: from green onions to spinach, parsley, cilantro, dill, sorrel, arugula. Hard cheese of any kind (preferably the Maasdam type). Lavash with cheese and herbs is good with broth or sausages, a piece of meat or fish.

Ingredients for the roll recipe: lavash - 1 large, greens - 350 grams, grated cheese - 100 g, sour cream - 150 grams, pepper, salt optional.

Preparation. Wash the greens, drain and chop finely.
Place sour cream in a bowl, add herbs, grated cheese, mix well. If the cheese is unsalted, add salt and pepper to taste.
Apply the filling to the pita bread and roll it up. Cut the resulting roll into 2-3 parts. Place on a baking sheet or in a mold greased with vegetable oil and bake in an oven preheated to 200 degrees (this will take 10 minutes). You can bake it under the grill or fry it in a heated frying pan.

Lavash with ham and cheese

Why don’t we make not only lavash rolls, but also a sauce for them. For example, from basil. And serve it separately.

Ingredients for the roll recipe: lavash - 1, ham - 200 grams, lettuce - a bunch, sweet pepper - 1, soft cheese, can be processed, dill - to taste. For the sauce: fresh basil - a bunch, natural yogurt - 150 ml, olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons, feta - 100 grams, garlic - 1 clove, pepper, salt.

Making lavash with ham and cheese. Wash the lettuce leaves and dill thoroughly, dry and chop (dill - finely, lettuce - coarsely).
Wash the pepper, remove the center, cut into long and thin strips.
Cut the ham into thin strips.
Mix dill and cheese thoroughly.
Spread the pita bread evenly with cheese. Place chopped lettuce leaves, then strips of ham and pepper.
Roll it up, wrap it in cling film and put it in the refrigerator for an hour.
Prepare the sauce. Finely chop the basil leaves.
In a small bowl, mash the feta cheese, add the butter and yoghurt, and mix thoroughly. Add finely chopped basil and squeeze out the garlic. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Stir.
Serve sliced ​​roll and sauce.

Lavash, beet and salmon rolls

The mild flavor of cooked beets complements salted salmon perfectly.

Ingredients: lavash - 1, beets - 1 large, salted salmon - 300 grams, soft cream cheese - 300 grams, greens to your taste.

How to make lavash roll. Cut the pita bread into strips of small width (about 20 cm).
Boil the beets, cool, peel and cut into thin slices.
Also cut the salmon into thin slices.
Spread a strip of pita bread with cheese.
Place beets, fish slices and herbs on top.
Roll into rolls and place on a plate.

Advice: Lettuce leaves are perfect for greens.

Rolls of lavash and minced liver

Hearty rolls are quite suitable for breakfast, because they are a delicious hot dish that goes well with coffee.

: lavash - 1, hard cheese - 100 grams, minced liver - 0.5 kg, onion - 1.

Preparation. Finely chop the peeled onion. Fry it lightly over low heat. Add minced liver and fry until done. Cool.
Place the liver mince on the pita bread, spread over the entire surface. Roll into a roll and cut into pieces about 2 cm.
Place small rolls in a pan greased with butter, sprinkle with grated hard cheese and bake until the cheese melts, or until it is slightly baked.
Serve these pita rolls hot. They go great with fresh vegetables or salads made from them.

Advice: You can take minced meat from any liver: beef, chicken, turkey. If you have a whole liver, then grind it in a meat grinder. Do not grind with a blender, it will turn out too fine.

Smoked salmon rolls

Take fish fillets or very carefully remove all bones from the whole fish.

Ingredients for the roll recipe: lavash - 1 large or 2 medium, smoked salmon - 250-300 grams, fresh cucumber - 1, processed cheese - 250 grams, caviar butter - 250 grams, dill - to your taste.

Preparation. Divide a large pita bread in half.
Cut the cucumber into thin slices along the entire vegetable, use a vegetable peeler for this or cut with a sharp thin knife.
Spread caviar butter on one half of the pita bread. Arrange the cucumber slices.
Place the other half of the pita bread on top and spread it with cheese.
Arrange the fish slices. Sprinkle chopped dill on top.
Roll it into a roll and wrap it in cling film. Place in the refrigerator for at least an hour.
Cut into beautiful pieces and serve.

Advice: if the smoked fish is very lightly salted, then instead of a fresh cucumber you can take salted or lightly salted one.

Lavash and vegetable rolls

In summer, when there is an abundance of vegetables, you can make pita rolls with them. Very tasty, although without meat and without fish. Be sure to try it.

Ingredients for the roll recipe: lavash - 1, sweet pepper - 1, eggplant - 1, cucumber - 1, garlic - 1 clove, tomato - 1, greens, dill, basil, onion feathers, pepper, salt, vegetable oil.

Preparation. Wash greens and vegetables thoroughly. Cut the eggplants into thin slices, add salt and leave for 15 minutes to remove the bitterness.
Remove seeds and membranes from the pepper.
Cut the tomato, cucumbers and pepper into thin slices.
Squeeze or grate the garlic finely.
Fry the eggplants in a frying pan with a little oil. Pat them dry with a paper towel before placing them in the pan. Fry until golden brown on both sides.
Cut the pita bread into strips, which are greased with a little garlic.
Place some vegetables and herbs on each strip. Add salt and pepper to taste. Roll into portion rolls and serve immediately. Or place in a frying pan and brown on both sides to make the pita bread crispy.

Adviсe. N Do not pour a lot of oil when frying eggplants - the vegetable absorbs very well and turns out too greasy. If you can’t fry with a minimum amount of oil, place the finished circles on a paper napkin to remove excess.

Lavash and crab sticks rolls

There is never too much fish, especially tasty, wrapped in delicious rolls.

Ingredients for the lavash roll recipe: lavash - 1 large or 3 small, crab sticks - 200 grams, lightly salted salmon - 300 grams, soft cheese - 300 grams, hard cheese - 200 grams, dill, lettuce.

Preparation. Divide the large pita bread into 3 parts.
Cut the fish into thin layers.
Carefully unwrap the crab sticks.
Grate hard cheese.
Spread one part of the pita bread with cheese (take a third of the total amount). Arrange the crab sticks.
Cover with the second part, which is also greased with cheese. Place lettuce leaves on top and sprinkle with grated cheese.
Cover with the third part, spread soft cheese and arrange the fish, sprinkle chopped dill on top.
Roll the pita bread and wrap it in film. Place in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
To serve, place the olives on a plate with the rolls.

Lavash rolls with chicken

Spicy chicken rolls that definitely need sauce. For example, or yogurt with garlic.

Ingredients: lavash - 1, chicken fillet - 300 grams, onion - 200 grams, carrots - 1 small
chicken broth - 100 ml, pepper, cumin, salt, barberry, turmeric, coriander.

How to make a lavash roll. Cut the chicken fillet into thin strips.
Cut the peeled onion into small pieces.
Cut the carrots into thin strips.
Lightly sauté the carrots and onions (only until they become translucent, fry over low heat).
Add the chicken pieces, fry for a couple of minutes and pour in the broth. Simmer until the chicken is done. Cool.
Cut the pita bread into ribbons. Place filling on each and roll up.
Place all the rolls in a greased pan. Pour in a little broth to just cover the bottom of the pan (the broth will prevent the rolls from becoming dry during heat treatment) and bake for 15 minutes at 200 degrees - the pita bread should brown a little.
Serve immediately hot.

Armenian lavash is one of the types of bread, which is a flat, large flat cake of a pale color. It has a bland taste, which allows it to be used as a bread base for most dishes.

Thus, Armenian lavash is used to make rolls with a variety of meat, fish or vegetable fillings, chips, casseroles, lasagna, pies, strudels and other baked goods.

Such recipes can be indispensable for a summer picnic, the arrival of guests, a holiday table, or a quick snack at work. The main thing is to be able to prepare dishes from Armenian lavash at home. This will allow you to vary the ingredients used depending on your own preferences, and will also ensure that the food is safe to eat.

Preparing the filling for pita bread is not difficult, and the process itself takes no more than half an hour. You just need to know the necessary ingredients, and also be able to properly wrap the pita bread in a strong tube.

Delicious fillings for lavash: recipes

Since this type of bread harmonizes wonderfully with various types of fillings, almost every country has its own national dish of lavash. For example, in Armenia it is customary to make shawarma or shawarma based on lavash, and in Mexico it is customary to make a spicy burrito. The cooking process for these dishes is the same, only the fillings used vary.

Recipe 1: Filling for Shawarma pita bread

Shawarma or shawarma is one of the most popular types of snacks for young people in Russia, despite the fact that the birthplace of this dish is eastern countries. The filling for shawarma is prepared based on ingredients such as cheese, vegetables, herbs and meat, after which it is wrapped in Armenian lavash.

To prepare the shawarma filling you will need:

  • chicken fillet – 350 g;
  • white cabbage leaves – 175 g;
  • gherkins – 10 pcs.;
  • fresh tomato – 1 pc.;
  • Korean carrots – 175 g;
  • hard cheese – 225 g;
  • parsley – 10 g;
  • dill – 10 g;
  • garlic – ½ head;
  • mayonnaise – 5 tbsp;
  • sour cream – 3 tbsp;
  • ground red pepper;
  • chicken seasoning;
  • salt;
  • olive oil.

It is recommended to start cooking by preparing the chicken fillet. It must be thoroughly rinsed with water, allowed to dry, placed on a paper towel, and removed from the film of fat. Then salt and season the fillet pieces and grease with olive oil, leave in this position for a quarter of an hour.

In the meantime, you can prepare the shurma sauce. You should peel and wash the garlic and herbs and chop them with a knife. Mix sour cream, mayonnaise, finely chopped herbs and garlic well and leave for a while.

The next step is preparing the vegetables. White cabbage leaves should be washed and finely chopped. The gherkins should also be cut lengthwise into flat pieces. Wash the tomatoes, and it is advisable to cut them at the very end, as they quickly lose their shape.

When the chicken is properly marinated, you can cut it lengthwise into several pieces and start frying. Fry in a small amount of olive oil until the meat is completely cooked and lightly browned.

All that remains is to chop the cheese on a fine grater and chop the tomatoes. And the filling for the pita bread will be ready. Place it on the bread in the following order: sauce, chicken, gherkins, tomato slices, Korean carrots, sauce and cheese again. Wrap in a tight tube and lightly fry in a grooved frying pan.

Recipe 2: Burrito pita filling

Burrito is another dish based on pita bread, which is the most popular and national snack in sunny Mexico. Various ingredients are used for the filling, including any type of meat, vegetables, cheese and legumes. Generally, what makes a real burrito stand out is its savory flavor and aroma.

To prepare this pita filling you will need the following ingredients:

  • Aquatica Color Mix rice mixture – 200 g;
  • chicken fillet – 300 g;
  • lentils - 170 g;
  • sour cream – 115 ml;
  • dill – 3 branches;
  • garlic – ½ head;
  • Iceberg salad - 1 package;
  • hard cheese – 150 g.

First, cook the rice mixture according to the instructions on the back of the package. To do this, place the rice in a pan filled with water. There should be two and a half times more water than rice. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat to low and leave to simmer for another half hour. At the end of cooking, the rice should have absorbed all the liquid.

The chicken fillet must be thoroughly rinsed with water, dried with a paper towel, and the translucent fat film removed with a knife. Finely chop the meat and fry on all sides until lightly browned.

Lentils can be cooked without first soaking them in water. You just need to place it in 500 ml of water and keep it until completely cooked, as a rule, this takes half an hour. It is advisable to salt the lentils at the end of cooking.

Parsley, dill and lettuce should be washed, the latter should be torn into pieces, and the cheese should be grated using a fine grater.

To prepare the sauce, you need to mix together such ingredients as pre-peeled and chopped garlic cloves, salt, sour cream, chopped parsley and dill.

So, the filling for the “Burrito” pita bread is ready, you just need to grease the flatbread with sauce, lay out lettuce, chicken fillet, lentils and rice, and add the sauce again. Then roll the pita bread into a tight roll.

Recipe 3: Filling for Caesar pita bread

This filling for Armenian lavash comes from the Greek salad of the same name, which has gained popularity in many countries in recent years. Its main advantage is the low amount of calories, which is achieved through the use of fresh vegetables, chicken fillet and cream cheese in the recipe.

To make the filling for the famous “Caesar Roll” from Armenian lavash, you should prepare the following ingredients:

  • chicken fillet – 600 g;
  • hard Parmesan cheese – 125 g;
  • cherry tomatoes – 5 pcs;
  • Iceberg salad – 4 leaves;
  • eggs – 2 pcs;
  • white croutons – 1 handful;
  • spices to taste.
  • garlic – ½ head;
  • olive oil – 3 tbsp;
  • lemon juice – 1.5 tbsp;
  • Dijon mustard – 1 tbsp;
  • Worcestershire sauce – 1 tsp.

First, you should break the eggs, separating the whites and yolks from each other. During the cooking process, only the yolks will be needed.

It is important to defrost chicken fillet if it was previously in the freezer, rinse thoroughly with water and cut off the white film of fat with a sharp knife. Then dry thoroughly using a paper towel and cut lengthwise into small flat slices.

If desired, add salt and spices, and place in a heated frying pan.

You need to fry the chicken until it is done, but do not fry it until it gets a thick golden crust.

The color of the fillet upon completion of cooking should be light with small ruddy areas.

While the chicken meat is cooling, you can make the sauce, which will later be used to grease the Armenian lavash. To prepare it, you need to mix egg yolks, olive oil, lemon juice, mustard, salt and peeled and finely chopped garlic cloves in advance. Mix all the listed components until a homogeneous consistency is formed and proceed to the next step.

Rinse the Iceberg lettuce and cherry tomatoes thoroughly with water and remove the stems from the vegetables. Cut the tomatoes into halves or quarters. Lettuce leaves should be torn into large pieces. Slice the cheese thinly.

So, the preparation of the filling for Armenian lavash is completed. All that remains is to cut the bread into portions, brush with sauce and place the ingredients in the following order: lettuce, chicken fillet, slices of cheese, slices of cherry tomatoes. Roll the pita bread into a tight tube and serve for a holiday table or lunch outdoors.

Delicious fillings for lavash roll: recipes

Rolls can often be seen on the holiday table, which is not surprising: they can be made in a hurry, and the variety of fillings makes this dish truly special. The fillings can include any type of meat, fish, legumes, vegetables and even fruits.

Recipe 1: Crab roll filling

The filling for lavash based on crab sticks is one of the most popular on the Russian holiday table. Making crab rolls is very simple, and the process itself takes no more than half an hour.

This recipe will require the following ingredients:

  • crab sticks – 225 g;
  • green onion – 1 bunch;
  • dill – 3 branches;
  • chicken eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • processed cheese – 175 g;
  • mayonnaise – 75 g;
  • salt.

First you need to boil the chicken eggs. Then let them cool, peel them, and grate them using a coarse grater. You need to grind the cheese in the same way.

Crab sticks must be thawed if they were previously in the freezer. Then drain the excess liquid and cut the sticks into small pieces, preferably in the form of cubes.

Wash the dill and chop. Mix all the ingredients with mayonnaise, namely, grated eggs, cheese, cubes of crab sticks and herbs. So, the crab filling for the pita bread is ready.

To prepare the roll, all you have to do is put the assortment on a pepe, roll it into a tube and cut it crosswise into portions. Before serving, it is better to leave the rolls to soak in the sauce.

Recipe 2: Filling for fish roll

For fish rolls, you can use any type of fish, but preferably a low-fat variety. This will make the recipe not only tasty, but also healthy.

To prepare the salmon roll filling you will need:

  • salmon fillet – 175 g;
  • dill – 3 branches;
  • parsley - 3 branches with umbrellas;
  • processed cheese – 175 g.

First you need to thoroughly wash the parsley and dill, dry it using a paper towel. Then chop it properly with a knife. The processed cheese must be softened and mixed well with chopped herbs.

The salmon fillet should be rinsed with cool water and then cooked by frying on both sides in a frying pan. Once the finished fish has cooled, you can cut it into thin slices.

Thus, the preparation of the main components of the filling for the fish roll is completed. You should spread the pita bread with soft cheese and herbs, then lay out the salmon slices and wrap the bread in a roll. Before serving the dish, it is better to leave it in the refrigerator for half an hour, then it will be properly soaked.

Recipe 3: Mushroom roll filling

The mushroom filling for lavash rolls can consist of any mushrooms, and the most popular are champignons. It can also be supplemented with cheese, legumes, potatoes and other vegetables.

To prepare it you will need:

  • champignons – 1 kg;
  • onion – 1 head;
  • olive oil;
  • salt;
  • pepper mixture;
  • hard cheese – 175 g.

You should start cooking by preparing the mushrooms. You need to carefully wash them with cool water, being careful not to damage the shape of the champignons. If their legs are too dirty, it is better to trim them. Then you can cut the mushrooms into small cubes and start frying in a small amount of oil.

While the mushrooms are cooking, you can work on the onions. It needs to be cleaned, rinsed and cut in the same way as champignons. Then you can add chopped onions to the pan with the mushrooms.

In the meantime, you need to move on to the next step - cutting the cheese. It doesn’t matter at all how the cheese is cut, because during the preparation of the rolls it will have time to melt. So, if you wish, you can even use a grater.

The readiness of fried champignons can be seen by their pronounced aroma and color. At the end of cooking, you should season and/or salt them a little, add grated or chopped cheese. Leave on the heat for another couple of minutes until the cheese is completely melted; once this happens, you can remove the pan from the stove.

After the mushroom filling has cooled, all that remains is to put it on the pita bread and wrap it in a roll. The dish must be served in portions.


Lavash fillings are a great opportunity to experiment again and again:

  1. They can consist of anything, namely fish, meat, vegetables, fruits, legumes, various sauces, etc.;
  2. Cooking time often does not exceed an hour;
  3. You can arrange the ingredients depending on your own preferences, so you can even make dietary dishes from pita bread;
  4. These snacks are suitable for any feast, an evening with friends, a school or work lunch, and an outdoor picnic.

Bon appetit and good mood!

The following video clearly shows how to prepare the 5 best fillings for pita bread.