Christmas duck recipe step by step. Christmas duck stewed in pieces in the oven

Many people in our family love duck, and I cook it for various holidays and more. As a filling I use buckwheat, bulgur, rice, mushrooms, potatoes or sauerkraut. But on the Christmas table I always stuff it with apples and oranges. Christmas duck meat always turns out unusually juicy, aromatic and very, very tender. It is not difficult to prepare such a duck, and on the table it will be a real queen of dishes - both beautiful and tasty.

Prepare the necessary ingredients to cook duck for Christmas.

Wash the duck thoroughly, remove the pads; if there is internal fat, there is no need to remove it; it will melt out during baking and can be used in another dish, for example, for baking potatoes.

Dry the duck with napkins and carefully, using massage movements, pressing slightly, rub with salt and spices. For spices, I use a mixture of ground coriander, ginger, saffron, black and allspice, basil and oregano. It is necessary to salt and season with spices both outside and inside.

Wash apples and oranges and cut into small slices.

Stuff the belly of the duck tightly.

Then sew it up with thread.

Place the duck in a baking sleeve and add the remaining apples and oranges to it. Tie the edges of the sleeve, place in the mold and place in the oven.

Bake the Christmas duck in the oven for 1.5 hours at 180 degrees.

5 minutes before it is ready, remove the duck, carefully cut the sleeve and brush the surface of the bird with honey and rendered fat.

To check the duck for doneness, you need to make a puncture in the thigh area - clear juice will flow out of it, and the knife will easily and softly enter the meat.

A juicy, tender, aromatic duck is ready to go to the festive table and delight everyone present with both its appearance and taste.

Bon appetit. Cook with love.

On the eve of Christmas, it is customary to set two festive tables. The first, and this is also the table on which there should be Lenten dishes, is set on the evening of January 6th. You can sit down to eat after the first star appears in the sky. The second table is Christmas, set on January 7th. You can serve meat dishes, eggs and milk.

Traditionally, poultry is served on the Christmas table. Those who fasted really missed meat. It is better to break fast gradually, therefore, dietary poultry is suitable for this. If you haven't fasted, then Christmas duck, in any case, is a tasty and nutritious dish that everyone will enjoy.

Christmas duck recipes

A very flavorful and versatile dish. Ingredients you will need: one duck weighing about one and a half kilograms, celery, carrots and leeks (roots for broth), bay leaf, ground pepper and peas, salt, one large orange, anise stars and cinnamon sticks, three tablespoons of cognac and two tablespoons of pomegranate juice This Christmas duck recipe with photo will help you prepare not only the taste, but also the lean bird. The roots need to be washed and chopped. Wash the duck, put it in a pan and cover it with roots on all sides, cover it with spices and add water. Cook for half an hour, then strain the broth. Remove the duck and put it in a separate bowl, then put it in the cold, having previously coated it with marinade. For the marinade, mix pepper, salt, three tablespoons of cognac and pomegranate juice. Wash and peel the orange, divide into slices. Stuff marinated boiled duck into slices and place in a baking sleeve. Tie one end tightly, pour the marinade into the other, add orange peel, anise and cinnamon. Tie the sleeve on the other side. Make a couple of holes on top so that steam can escape freely. Christmas duck in the sleeve according to this recipe takes two and a half hours to prepare. The bird turns out tender with a crispy crust. Duck meat exudes Christmas aromas.

Some recipes for Christmas duck are traditional, for example with apples. This same recipe claims to be original. To prepare, you need to take the duck and rub it with salt and coarse and ground pepper outside and inside. Then also coat thoroughly with honey. Take three quinces and cut into cubes. Stuff the duck with quince and sew up the hole. Then wrap the carcass in three layers of foil and bake on a wire rack for two hours. First on high heat, then on low, and 20 minutes before it’s ready, add heat and set the oven heat to maximum. If you want a very crispy crust, cut the foil before increasing the temperature.

This is interesting! If you want to give the filling a creamy taste, then add a tablespoon of butter to the duck along with the quince.

The bird prepared according to this recipe will have a slightly Chinese influence. To prepare, you will need duck, two apples, about a gram of white grapes, honey, salt and pepper. Rub the inside and outside of the duck with salt and pepper. Cut the apples into slices and stuff the poultry with them, as well as grapes. Place in the oven for thirty minutes. Then open the oven and coat the duck with the fat that it has already released. Roast for another 40 minutes, then reopen and baste with more fat. Next, place the second apple on the baking sheet and bake the bird for another twenty minutes. Now take out the bird and brush it with three tablespoons of honey. Then put it in the oven for another ten minutes so that the bird gets a nice crispy crust.

Another very interesting and festive recipe for how to cook Christmas duck. Among the ingredients you need to have on hand: duck, salt and pepper, marjoram, 400 grams of boiled or baked chestnuts, 300 grams of boiled potatoes, 200 grams of prunes, 100 grams of walnuts, three apples and oranges, one hundred grams of butter and sour cream, 50 grams honey Rub the duck with salt, pepper and marjoram. Marinate for several hours. For the filling, cut the chestnuts and prunes into two parts. Peel and cut apples, oranges and potatoes into cubes, chop nuts. Mix all ingredients with half the butter, add spices. Stuff the marinated duck and sew up the hole. Place the bird in the duckling pot, breast side up, spread the remaining stuffing and butter around it, cover with a lid. Bake covered for about two hours. Then remove the lid and brush the bird with a mixture of honey and sour cream, bake (without the lid) for another 45 minutes.

Some recipes for Christmas duck are very filling; this is one of the most high-calorie and delicious options. To prepare, take duck, 200 grams of minced pork and beef, three tablespoons of butter, half a glass of walnuts, herbs, half a glass of sour cream, spices and a glass of water. Salt and pepper the carcass on all sides. Mix minced meat with herbs and chopped walnuts, sour cream. Stuff the bird and sew up the hole. Melt the butter in a deep frying pan, put the duck in it and put the dish in the oven. Cook until golden brown, baste the carcass every half hour with the fat that the duck secretes into the frying pan.

In this recipe I want to offer one of the options for pre-marinade for duck, prepared according to such a well-known recipe. This method is my experiment. . Further

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Cooking a delicious Christmas duck is a delicate matter that requires preliminary preparation. The carcass must be washed and dried well, do not forget to also remove the glands in the tail and tail. These same glands are responsible for the specific duck odor, and by removing them, you will remove the source. Afterwards the duck must be marinated. Lemon, vinegar and wine are excellent for marinade. How can you bake a duck for Christmas? The classic recipe for Christmas duck advises baking the bird in the oven, placing it on its back. It is better to use a mold with high sides, as they will prevent the juice from spilling out. The bird is placed in the oven with various herbs and vegetables. Celery will perfectly highlight the taste of duck. In addition to vegetables, you can add apples or oranges to the bird. The duck is juicy, rich in flavor and has a wonderfully crispy crust. Once the bird is cooked, you can top it with a delicious glaze, such as a citrus glaze.

Duck with apples is a classic Christmas dish in many European countries, especially Germany and Austria. We, Penza residents, do not yet have such a tradition, but why not try to decorate a beautiful home holiday with such an excellent dish? There are a huge number of recipes for preparing such duck, as this dish is very popular all over the world. We invite you to cook Christmas duck “In secret from around the world.” The name of the dish speaks for itself, as this is a universal recipe that combines all the best traditions of cooking Christmas duck.

Ingredients for preparing Christmas duck “A secret from around the world”:

Duck (preferably gutted) - 1.5 kg
For the broth:
Celery root - 1 piece
Carrot root - 1 piece
Leek root - 1 piece
Parsley root - 1 piece
Bay leaf - 1-2 leaves
Black peppercorns - 0.5 teaspoon
Allspice ground - 1 pinch
Table salt - 0.5 teaspoon
Orange (preferably large) - 1 piece
Anise (stars) - 2-4 pieces
Cinnamon (in sticks) - 1-2 pieces
Cognac - 2-3 tablespoons
Pomegranate sauce - 2 tablespoons

Tablespoon and teaspoon
Cutting board

Cooking Christmas duck “In secret from around the world.”

Step 1: Prepare the duck

First, rinse the gutted duck carcass thoroughly, both outside and inside. Rinse the roots well under running cold water, then peel and wash again. Then cut into fairly large pieces.

Now place the duck in a large pan with a tight bottom, cover it with chopped roots, sprinkle all the spices on top, add a bay leaf. After that, fill it with clean water to the top so that the whole duck is under water, and put it on medium heat to cook. Cook the duck for about half an hour. Then carefully strain the broth into a separate clean container.

Step 2: Prepare the marinade

Remove the duck from the pan and cool slightly. If you do not prepare the dish right away, for example the next day, then cover the duck with a lid and place it in the refrigerator. And if you cook right away, then let’s start preparing the marinade. To do this, mix salt, ground black pepper, cognac and sauce in a separate container. Mix everything thoroughly, coat the duck with marinade, place in a container and cover with a tight lid. Place it in a cool place to marinate for at least 2 hours.

Step 3: Roast the duck

Wash the orange under cold running water, then peel and divide into slices. Stuff the already marinated duck inside with them, then place it in a special baking sleeve. Tie one end of the sleeve tightly and pour in the remaining marinade. Then spread the orange peels over the entire sleeve, add star anise and cinnamon, tie the sleeve on the other side. Using a fork, poke a few holes in the top of the sleeve to allow steam to escape during cooking. Place the sleeve on a baking sheet and send the duck to bake in a preheated oven at 150 degrees. Bake the duck for about 2-3 hours until it is golden brown.

Step 4: Serve the Christmas duck “A secret from around the world”

When the duck is ready, carefully remove it from the sleeve and place it on a flat serving platter. You can serve this dish with baked mushrooms and vegetables with cheese!

Enjoy your meal!

For many centuries, baked game was considered a festive dish, served exclusively on the tables of noble people. Today, this bird can rarely be seen at ceremonial feasts, let alone on ordinary days, but stuffed baked duck for the New Year is the recipe you need.

Therefore, we have prepared for you three options for preparing this delicious dish: with mushrooms, oranges and, for lovers of classic dishes, with apples.

We will bake the duck in the oven, because only in the oven can we achieve that wonderful, deliciously crispy crust. But preparation must begin in advance, and not postpone it until the very last moment. After all, duck is a specific product and requires lengthy preparation, or more precisely, marinating (at least 3 hours).

It is thanks to such a long aging of the carcass in the aromatic composition that the duck meat turns out tender and aromatic.

Marinades for duck

To soak the duck carcass with spices, you can prepare your favorite marinade or choose your favorite from our recipes.

Traditional vinegar marinade

Mix in a common bowl 500 ml of water, 1 tbsp. vinegar essence, salt (1 tbsp), 2 bay leaves, a head of onion chopped into rings and 5 g of powdered black pepper.

If desired, you can also add aromatic herbs to this composition: parsley, dill, celery, etc.

Wine marinade

Squeeze the juice of 1 lemon into 250 ml of the red variety, add 2 tsp. salt, add 2 cloves, a pinch of cinnamon and, if desired, 1 tbsp. honey

Citrus marinade

Place the orange cut into pieces without seeds, but with skin, into the blender bowl. Pour in 40-50 ml of white wine, 40 ml of sunflower or odorless olive oil and 1 tbsp. honey

Mix everything until smooth. After that, add salt to the marinade (½ - 1 tablespoon of coarse salt), pepper to taste, add your favorite spices, lemon juice and herbs if desired.

The duck should be soaked in such a fragrant mixture for about 24 hours in a cool place.

Mayonnaise marinade

Mix 80-100 g of mayonnaise with 1 tbsp. mustard powder, 1-2 tsp. salt, 1 tsp. granulated sugar, 1 tsp. pepper powder, 4-6 chopped garlic cloves and 1 tbsp. table vinegar.

The duck should be marinated in mayonnaise sauce for about a day, periodically turning it over and rubbing the bird with the mixture on all sides.

If you are using wild duck for cooking, then after several hours of marinating, we advise you to rub the carcass, ground to the consistency of porridge, with kiwi pulp for another half an hour or an hour, which will make the texture of the meat even more tender.

But you shouldn’t exceed the marinating time in kiwi if you don’t want to get minced meat instead of meat.

Duck with apples for the New Year's table


  • Gutted duck1 carcass (weighing 1.5-2 kg) + -
  • Paprika - 5-7 g + -
  • - ½ tsp. + -
  • - 1 tbsp. + -
  • Steamed veal (fillet without fat)— 300 g + -
  • Prunes (pitted)— 60 g + -
  • — 50 g + -
  • Sweet apples – ½ kg + -
  • Rum (cognac) - 3 tbsp. + -
  • - 1 tbsp. + -

How to cook New Year's duck with apples

This traditional step-by-step recipe for New Year's duck (along with apples and dried fruits) also includes steamed veal for stuffing. The dish turns out very tasty and original. And it’s quite simple to prepare, although not particularly fast, so we advise you to start cooking at least a couple of days before the holiday.

Gut and marinate the duck

  • We rinse the duck carcass under the tap, if necessary, remove feathers, fluffs, clots and veins, and then place it on a plate to dry.
  • Meanwhile, prepare the aromatic mixture. Mix paprika, black pepper and salt, and then rub the resulting mixture onto the duck inside and out. We put the carcass in a plastic bag and put it in the refrigerator for a day.
  • An hour before cooking, remove the carcass in the bag from the cold and keep it in the room to warm it up.

Making the filling for stuffing the carcass

  • Well, while the duckling is lying in the warmth, we will prepare the filling. Cut the veal fillet into small cubes, add salt, sprinkle with pepper and leave to soak.

  • We wash the dried fruits and then pour boiling water over them. We cut the apples into quarters, cut out the seed core from them, then mix them with dried fruits and veal, sprinkling with rum (2 tbsp).

Stuff the bird with the prepared filling

  • When the duck has warmed up to room temperature, fill its insides with the filling and sew the hole with thick thread. We wrap the ends of the wings and legs with foil so that they do not burn during baking.
  • Place the stuffed duck on a baking sheet and brush the top with a mixture of honey and rum.
  • The Christmas treat should be baked for 2 hours at a temperature of 160-180°C. Periodically, the meat should be topped with fat rendered during the baking process and lubricated with the remaining honey-rum mixture.

The festive hot appetizer will turn out incredibly tasty and appetizing. The delight of the guests will know no bounds, and you yourself will be proud of yourself for being able to cook such a delicious New Year’s duck in the oven.

The recipe with apples, however, is far from the only option for successfully preparing poultry; the dish will be no less tasty if you make it with mushrooms. This culinary technology will be discussed in the next recipe.

Bake the duck treat for 1 hour at 180°C, pouring dry red wine (1 glass) over the bird every 15 minutes. After 60 minutes, turn the carcass back up and cook the dish for another 1 hour, also pouring wine over the duck.

New Year's duck in the oven with oranges

This magical dish, which can easily be prepared at home, will definitely join the list of the best New Year's recipes. Follow the recipe strictly (step by step) - and your reward will be a very tasty duck with a truly Christmas aroma of cinnamon and citrus.


  • Duck (gutted) – carcass weighing 1.5 kg;
  • Carrot – 1 pc.;
  • Leek – 1 pc.;
  • Parsley root – 6 cm;
  • Celery root – 100 g;
  • Bay leaf – 2 pcs.;
  • Peppercorns – 1 tsp;
  • Allspice – 3 pcs.;
  • Salt – 2 tbsp;
  • Orange – 1 large fruit;
  • Cinnamon – 1 stick;
  • Black pepper (ground) – ½ tsp;
  • Cognac – 2 tbsp;
  • Narsharab sauce - 2 tbsp.

How to bake New Year's duck with oranges

  1. Wash the carrots, parsley root and celery, clean them and throw them together with the leeks into a pan, where we also add water and place the duck carcass. Also add salt (1 tbsp), peppers, and bay leaves into the water. Let the duck boil for half an hour.
  2. After 30 minutes, remove the bird from the broth and cool for 10-15 minutes in a cool place, but not in the refrigerator.
  3. Meanwhile, prepare the marinade. Mix “narsharab” sauce with ground pepper, 1 tbsp. salt and 2 tbsp. cognac Rub the resulting mixture inside and outside the bird, wrap it in polyethylene and put it in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.
  4. After the specified time has passed, take an orange and, using a potato peeling knife, thinly cut off the zest from it, without the white layer. Then we clean the pulp from the white skin and divide it into slices.
  5. We stuff the duck carcass into slices and place it in the cooking sleeve. We also distribute the orange zest over the bag, put in a cinnamon stick, tie the bag tightly in a knot, make a couple of punctures in it and put it in the oven.
  6. At a temperature of 140°C, the duck will be baked for 2.5 hours, after which, to obtain a crust, remove the finished carcass from the sleeve and bake at 200°C for another 15 minutes.

New Year's duck prepared using the above-described technologies (choose the recipe at your discretion, depending on what you like best - oranges, apples or mushrooms) will be the best decoration for the holiday table. Tender, aromatic meat will be highly appreciated by even the most severe culinary critics. Experiment - and let your dish conquer everyone with its taste and sophistication.

Have a delicious New Year and Christmas feast!