Recipe for rose jam with lactic acid. Rose jam: how to cook rose jam correctly

The rose has always been called the “queen” of all flowers, and it is considered the perfect creation of nature and the ideal of beauty. It has a great history, but our article is about something else. Even in ancient times, rose water and the petals of this flower were used in cooking. The beauties of antiquity took baths with them, every day. Nowadays rose has extensive use both in medicine and in cooking. For example, housewives are very active in preparing jam from rose petals - an excellent delicacy.

Properties of rose petal jam

This jam contains fructose and glucose, as well as sucrose, which help satisfy hunger, as they are good sources of energy and take an active part in the metabolism of carbohydrates. Phenolic acids and flavonoids necessary for the human body are also present in our rose petal jam. The properties of these components determine the benefits of the product.

The first substance stimulates the body, activates metabolic processes and chemical reactions, the second improves blood vessels and, very importantly, makes them elastic and prevents cancer. The sweet contains: pantothenic acid, vitamins B, PP, C and K. Acid and B5 promote the absorption of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. They are the ones who inhibit the formation of wrinkles and the aging process. Vitamin K prevents hemorrhages and bleeding.

The benefits of our rose petal jam

Thanks to its properties and composition, our jam can be used for various diseases and for prevention. If you have problems with the circulatory system, respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, heart function, eat rose petal jam. Its benefits are due in this case to the action of the essential oil, which the petals are rich in. Oils completely retain their desired properties during the cooking process and have a positive effect on the immune and, very important, nervous systems, and have a beneficial effect on the functions of the endocrine glands.

If you eat jam regularly, it will prevent spasms of blood vessels in the human brain, the occurrence of stomach ulcers, and have a beneficial effect on kidney function. It will be of great benefit for stomatitis, sore throat, and colds. Rose petal jam is also indicated for children as an anthelmintic, as well as in the treatment of bronchitis and sore throat. Helps with insomnia and irritability, with depression, has a rejuvenating effect, that is, it is a useful and unique food product.

The first recipe for jam from tea rose petals

Let's get down to the most important thing - mastering the recipes for preparing this unique dish. Easterners collect petals early at dawn. If you try a little and spend time making jam, you can treat yourself and your loved ones with a piece of fragrant summer in winter. Plant a couple of rose bushes at your dacha and then you can not only watch its beautiful, lush flowering, inhale the delicate aroma, but also prepare a little healing and tasty dish every summer. Don’t even think about using store-bought flowers; they are treated with chemicals so that they last a long time and look beautiful. So, let's prepare jam from rose petals. The cooking recipe is as follows.

We will need:

  • 250-300 grams of petals;
  • 0.5 kg granulated sugar;
  • one lemon and 300 ml of clean water.

We pick off the petals we need from the rose buds and weigh them to accurately determine the amount of ingredients. Pour them into a deep bowl and fill with lightly salted cold water. This way we can get rid of the insects living in them. Stir and leave for 5-7 minutes. Rinse in a colander under running water. Place again in the same deep bowl and pour in lemon juice. We rub the petals a little with our hands and go to prepare the syrup. After boiling it, bring it to a boil and pour in the petals. Place on low heat, bring to a boil again, and remove from heat. The syrup has already taken on its color.

Wait for it to cool completely and cook again. This time we’ve been boiling for five minutes. Set aside. We do this a couple more times until the rose petal jam becomes homogeneous. Place in a pre-sterilized jar and roll up. When storing in the refrigerator, you can cover it with a regular plastic lid.

Rose petal jam. Recipe No. 2

We’ll tell you a few more recipes, not as detailed as the previous one, of course, but sufficient so that you can use them to make wonderful jam. We will need the following components:

  • 0.5 kg of rose petals;
  • 1.5 kg granulated sugar;
  • half a lemon and 250 ml of water.

We remove the petals from pink or red roses, removing unnecessary white particles, cut them finely, mix them with half a kilogram of granulated sugar, put them in a bowl and leave them in this form for two days. Then cook syrup from the remaining sugar and clean water, adding lemon juice. Dip the petals, which have been candied for two days, into the hot syrup and cook over low heat until the jam is completely ready. We close it in jars, as in the previous recipe.

The third recipe for making jam

It requires:

  • rose petals - 0.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 2 kg;
  • juice of three lemons;
  • water - three glasses.

Tea rose petal jam is prepared as follows. We cut off the white ends of the petals and throw them away, and pour the petals themselves into a bowl.

Add half a kilogram of sugar, pour in lemon juice and grind everything until we get a homogeneous mass. From water and the remaining sugar sand, cook syrup in the standard way, mix into it the mass prepared earlier, and cook over low heat until ready, that is, until transparent. Place the finished jam into jars.

Recipes No. 4 and No. 5

For the fourth recipe you will need:

  • rose hips or rose petals - 125 grams;
  • granulated sugar - one kilogram;
  • water - two glasses;
  • citric acid - 5-8 grams.

We wash the petals and dip them in boiling sugar syrup, prepared in advance. Cook quickly, in one step, over high heat. Just before the end of cooking, you need to add citric acid. Immediately package the finished jam into jars.

Ingredients for the fifth recipe:

  • tea rose petals - 250 grams;
  • granulated sugar - 200 grams;
  • one gram of citric acid.

We make jam from rose petals. Sprinkle the selected and peeled petals with sugar, add citric acid and leave to infuse for one day.

Then knead the petals with a pestle until a homogeneous mass is obtained and place them in sterilized jars without cooking. Sprinkle sugar on top. Store the jam prepared in this way in the refrigerator.

Rose petal drink

Prepare this drink and always have it ready in the refrigerator. It is made very quickly, not like jam from rose petals. It will always come in handy, as it is no less useful than other preparations. Take two handfuls of selected petals, pour into a three-liter jar, add citric acid (one teaspoon). Fill with boiled hot water and leave in the sun for a day. The result will be a liquid of a beautiful pink color and with the aroma of a rose flower. Strain, add granulated sugar (5-7 tablespoons) and stir. Ready.

Useful properties and methods for making rose jam.

Rose jam is one of the most healthy and fragrant. It is used in the treatment of colds, perfectly strengthens the immune system and helps improve the functioning of the body.

What rose petals are used to make jam?

Not all flowers and buds are suitable for making jam. It is not recommended to use petals collected in industrial conditions. You need to take only homemade varieties that grow in your garden. Any tea varieties are suitable; they have a pleasant aroma.

The color of the buds should be pink or red, then the color of the finished product will be rich. Do not use fallen petals; only half-opened buds are allowed.

Rose petal jam: benefits, medicinal properties

Rose jam is used in the treatment of young children as a folk remedy. It helps speed up recovery and improves the body's resistance to infections.

Benefits of rose jam:

  • Has antibacterial properties. This is a natural antibiotic that prevents the growth of pathogenic microflora in the body
  • Regulates the acid-base balance in the body. Thanks to this, the body does not become sour, that is, the person feels better
  • Prevents free radicals from entering the body. Therefore, a person ages more slowly
  • Improves appetite. Rose jam contains bitterness and glycosides, which stimulate the production of gastric juice
  • Improves capillary permeability. WITH Accordingly, the amount of cholesterol decreases and the risk of developing heart attacks and strokes decreases
  • Improves complexion and gives hair shine. This is possible due to the content of vitamins B and E in the petals.
  • Jam from this flower promotes the dissolution and better absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. Therefore, the deliciousness can also be used if there is a deficiency of calcium and vitamin D. The jam itself does not contain these substances, but helps them to be better absorbed when taken with food
  • Helps get rid of gastritis. This is important during periods of exacerbation of chronic illnesses. During the off-season, be sure to eat rose jam, and you will forget about chronic ailments
  • Increases hemoglobin. The jam contains a little iron, but there are components that interact with it and saturate the blood. Over time, hemoglobin increases
  • Contains many vitamins and minerals, which has a great effect on the immune system

How to make jam from tea rose petals?

There are many recipes for making jam. There are cooking options with and without cooking. In addition, lemon juice is often added to sweetness. Sometimes honey is added instead of sugar. Oranges or lemons are often added. This gives the jam a pleasant aftertaste.


  • 500 g petals
  • 1.5 kg sugar
  • 1/2 part lemon
  • 250 ml water

Recipe for making jam:

  • Prepare 0.5 kg of petals. Rinse them and dry them on a towel
  • Grind with a knife and add 0.5 kg of granulated sugar. Leave for 2 days. During this time, the raw materials will become sugared
  • Pour a glass of water into the pan and add 1 kg of sugar. Pour in the juice of half a lemon and cook until the crystals dissolve. Add the already candied rose petals.
  • Cook until the syrup thickens. This jam can be rolled into sterilized jars

Rose petal jam, recipe without cooking

This recipe is suitable for those who love to eat jam with tea. This dessert can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time and contains a lot of nutrients.


  • 300 g petals
  • 600 g sugar

Jam recipe:

  • It is necessary to sort and wash 300 g of rose petals. Next, dry the raw material and cut off the white part
  • Add 600 g sugar and stir
  • Place the mixture in a jar and close with a nylon lid, store in the refrigerator

How to make jam?

Making jam is not at all difficult. All it takes is a little sugar, rosebuds and time.


  • 500 g of raw materials
  • 1000 g sugar

Jam recipe:

  • Wash the buds and tear off the petals. Dry the raw materials and add sugar. You need 2 times more of it than petals
  • Leave the petals under sugar for 1 day; it is better to mash them with your hands to speed up the release of juice
  • Place on the fire and cook until thickened

From rose petals in a slow cooker

A multicooker is an assistant in any kitchen. She does an excellent job of preparing a large number of dishes. In addition, the time for preparing soups and main courses is reduced. And jam can be made very quickly in a slow cooker.


  • 500 g petals
  • 1 orange
  • 1000 g sugar
  • 180 ml water


  • Sort and rinse 0.5 kg of petals. Dry the raw materials
  • Pour the petals into the slow cooker and add one orange. It must first be ground in a blender.
  • Add 1 kg of sugar and orange puree to the petals. Enter a glass of water (a glass from a multicooker)
  • Close the lid and cook in the “Soup” mode for approximately 1 hour. This brew can be rolled into jars

Rose jam without petals: recipe

Rose jam is made from the petals. The stamens, core and leaves are not used in preparing the dessert. These ingredients will make the jam bitter and kill all the flavor.

Rose petal jam without sugar: recipe

This jam is suitable for diabetics and people who watch their figure.


  • 500 g of raw materials
  • 100 ml water
  • sugar substitute to taste

It is necessary to wash and drain 0.5 kg of rose petals and chop them with a knife. Put on fire and cook with the addition of 100 ml of water. Add sugar substitute and cook some more. This jam is thin, but aromatic and tasty. It is prepared for immediate use. It is not worth storing it.

Rose petal jam with honey: recipe

This brew is called rose honey. The dish has a unique taste and aroma.


  • 0.8 kg of raw materials
  • 500 ml water
  • 500 ml honey


  • Take 800 g of petals and wash them
  • After complete drying, pour 0.5 liters of water and cook for 15-18 minutes. Turn off the heat and let the jam sit
  • Add a half liter jar of honey and put it on the fire again. Cook until thickened
  • This jam can be rolled into jars

Rose petal jam for stomatitis: application

Rose jam is used for many diseases. Thanks to flavonoids, the substance promotes the healing of the mucous membrane. For stomatitis, you need to apply the jam to wounds and ulcers and hold for a while. Well, then you can eat the deliciousness. It is worth noting that the recipe is effective for ulcerative and trophic stomatitis, which recurs.

Rose jam is not only a tasty addition to tea, but also a very useful product that can be used to cure a number of ailments.

VIDEO: Rose jam

Rose petal jam, called "gulbesheker" in Turkish cuisine, is an amazing dessert. This delicacy is not only tasty, but also healthy. In this article we bring to your attention the 5 most popular recipes for preparing this amazing sweet.

Rose petal jam is a very healthy delicacy. It contains vitamins B and K, carotene, potassium, iodine, copper, iron, selenium and many other useful substances.

If you decide to make gulbesheker, remember that it is better to brew it from homemade roses, rather than those purchased from flower shops. Since you will definitely be sure that the roses are safe and no harmful substances were used during their cultivation and storage.

It should also be taken into account that it is recommended to choose for jam. Flowers should have a bright color and a pronounced aroma. And here, in fact, are the jam recipes themselves:

Rose petal jam recipe No. 1

Ingredients: 300 g rose petals; 600 g sugar; 6 glasses of water.

Progress of preparation. We remove the white and yellowed parts of the rose petals, then wash them and then dry them on a towel. Next, sprinkle the petals with 2 tablespoons of sugar, rub them thoroughly with your hands, and pour the released juice into another bowl. Bring the water to a boil, then pour in the remaining sugar. Cook the sugar syrup for 2 minutes, then strain and cool. Next, fill the rose petals with syrup. Bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce the flame to low and cook for 6 minutes, stirring occasionally and skimming off the foam. Add the first juice from the petals to the jam and continue to cook over low heat for another 15 minutes until the syrup thickens. Pour the resulting pink jam into jars.

Rose petal jam recipe No. 2 - cold jam

Ingredients: 300 g rose petals; 600 g sugar.

Progress of preparation. We cut off the white parts on the rose petals. Cover the processed rose petals with sugar and grind thoroughly until the juice begins to release. Now fill the jar tightly with the resulting mass along with the juice and cover it with a plastic lid. We put the jar in a cold place. As a rule, such jam is simply added to tea.

Reader Questions

18 October 2013, 17:25 Hello! My daughter is 21 years old. Her weight is 48 kg, height is 167 cm. Doing fitness. monitors his diet (doesn’t overeat), goes to Charcot’s Shower. How can she eat properly so as not to gain extra cm on her waist and hips (they appear when she treats herself to sweets) And she really wants to be slim, but also treat herself to something delicious)))

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Rose jam recipe No. 3

Ingredients: 100 g rose petals; 1 kg sugar; 1 glass of water; 2 tablespoons lemon juice.

Progress of preparation. We wash the petals and dry them on a towel. We cook sugar syrup from water and sugar, let it boil, then remove the gray film and pour in the rose petals. Next, bring to a boil and leave for 12 hours. After this, bring the syrup with rose petals to a boil again and remove the resulting pinkish film. Continue cooking for 25 minutes, stirring occasionally. After the syrup thickens, add (the syrup becomes brighter). Then cook for 3 minutes and pour the jam into jars and roll up. This jam can be used as a filling for dough products.

Rose petal jam recipe No. 4 - jam without cooking, whipped in a blender

Ingredients: 100 g rose petals; 2 cups sugar; 1 lemon.

Progress of preparation. We wash the petals well and dry them. Place them in a bowl and pour lemon juice over them. Then add sugar and mix thoroughly. Next, leave to infuse for 6 hours, stirring occasionally. Place the resulting pink sugar mass in a blender and beat until smooth. Then put it in a jar and cover with a lid. Dessert is ready. This jam should be stored in the refrigerator.

Recipe for jam from crushed rose petals No. 5

Ingredients: 500 g pink or red rose petals; 1.5 kg sugar; half a lemon; 1 glass of water.

Progress of preparation. We wash the petals, dry them with a towel, and remove the white parts. Finely chop the petals, mix with 500 g of sugar and leave to infuse for 2 days. From the remaining sugar, cook sugar syrup with lemon juice. Dip the already candied petals into hot sugar syrup, then cook over low heat until the syrup thickens.

A little trick: you can add cloves, star anise or mint to the rose petal jam for flavoring.

Eat rose jam and get not only pleasure, but also health benefits. However, do not forget about moderation, because this delicacy contains a lot of sugar.

These stunningly beautiful flowers are perceived only as a decorative element that lasts for several days. Few people understand what can be done from rose petals, excluding simple drying for later use in the bath. For those who want something unusual, professionals advise trying to make jam.

How to make rose petal jam

This exotic dessert was born in the East; in Turkey it is called “gulbesheker”, but very quickly the delicacy fell in love with Western Europe, and later spread throughout the world. The basis was made up of petals of pink and/or red roses of tea varieties, which were boiled with sugar or honey. The richer the color of the flower (natural), the more attractive the finished jam will be.

Before you start preparing it, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic recommendations:

  • Take only garden roses grown on your own plot or window: those sold in salons and shops are carefully treated with chemicals and are often even tinted. This can ruin the look and taste of the dessert, and will also have a negative impact on your health.
  • If you collect the buds yourself, store them in a tightly sealed bag left in the refrigerator, otherwise the aroma will be lost.
  • Make sure that the flower is at the initial stage of opening - the bud should barely bloom. If he has done this completely, it will not be suitable for the workpiece.
  • Before cooking, scald the rose petals with boiling water, and then pour ice water over them. After a few minutes, repeat this step. Afterwards they will need to be dried, and you can prepare the delicacy.

The benefits and harms of rose jam

This flower is not only an ideal gift for a beloved woman or room decoration: it, like any plant, contains a storehouse of useful properties that few people are aware of. There are no contraindications, excluding individual intolerance. Rose petal jam is a delicious, very attractive and very important dessert for the body, capable of:

  • calm the nervous system;
  • eliminate diseases of the digestive tract;
  • heal the mucous membrane of peptic ulcer;
  • quickly give a feeling of fullness due to glucose and sucrose;
  • strengthen the body's defenses;
  • regulate carbohydrate metabolism;
  • relieve spasm of blood vessels in the head;
  • influence the rate of blood clotting;
  • restore proper functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • treat sore throat and stomatitis.

Petal jam recipe

This delicacy is not stored for a long time, so the general preparation technology is very simple, and may even eliminate heat treatment completely. Jars and lids must be sterilized. All rose petal recipes contain a minimal amount of ingredients: mostly sugar, an acidic element (citrus juice or citric acid), and some add pieces of fruit or zest.

Making jam without heat treatment

The simplest and healthiest option, which retains all the vitamins of rose petals. This jam is prepared very quickly and can be stored for several months. Even sterilization is excluded, so there is absolutely no intervention in the form of high temperatures. The list of ingredients is very short:

  • fresh tea rose petals – 450 g;
  • granulated sugar – 900 g.

The process of making cold rose petal jam is as follows:

  1. Disassemble the buds, remove the area adjacent to the sepals from each petal - the white area.
  2. Rinse, using your hands, in any large bowl with water.
  3. Squeeze gently and place on a wire rack to dry.
  4. When the petals have gotten rid of most of the moisture, transfer them to a jar.
  5. Sprinkle with sugar, alternating layers.
  6. Press down by hand or with a pestle to stimulate the release of juice.
  7. Close and store refrigerated.

How to make rose jam with rosehip petals

A classic recipe that produces a very aromatic, very tender dessert. It is recommended to add the finished jam to tea or create cold drinks based on it. Like other sweet berry and fruit preparations, this rose jam is rarely used - the taste is neutral, not everyone likes it. The ingredients are as follows:

  • tea rose petals – 0.4 kg;
  • rosehip flower petals – 0.23 kg;
  • citric acid - a pinch;
  • sugar – 1.2 kg.

Making rose jam:

  1. Sprinkle the washed and dried petals with sugar (about a glass) and place in the shade for an hour.
  2. Add citric acid. Leave for another 5 hours.
  3. Pour the remaining sugar into cold water (210 ml) and bring to a boil. Simmer the syrup over low heat for a quarter of an hour.
  4. Pour the petals into the pan and continue cooking, periodically removing the foam.
  5. When the flower mass settles to the bottom, pour the jam into small jars that have been sterilized. Roll up.

Rose jam with lemon and orange juice

A very popular recipe due to its unusual sweet and sour taste, which makes this delicacy not only an addition to tea - this rose petal jam can be a filling for a cake or pie. Buds with sugar are taken in a 1:2 ratio, the amount of orange and lemon juice is selected individually. Making jam based on rose petals:

  1. Peel the citruses and set aside the peels. Squeeze the juice from the pulp and bring to a boil.
  2. Mash rose petals with sugar with a spoon and pour into hot juice.
  3. Cook for half an hour, then add the chopped crusts.
  4. The dessert is ready when all the ingredients are soft.

Homemade rose jam with honey

The highlight of this delicacy is not only the replacement of sugar, but also the addition of nuts. The classic recipe calls for walnuts, but rose jam is so versatile that you can use almonds, cashews or even pine nuts. The weight of this ingredient is for peeled kernels. The composition of the jam is simple:

  • tea rose petals – 150 g;
  • liquid honey – 90 g;
  • nuts – 50 g;
  • boiling water – 2/3 tbsp.

Making this rose jam is simple:

  1. Crush the nuts in a coffee grinder or by throwing them into a bag and tapping them with a meat mallet.
  2. Prepare the petals and pour boiling water over them and simmer for a quarter of an hour.
  3. After a day, add honey and cook until smooth.
  4. Add nuts and cook for a few minutes.
  5. Pour into jars and roll up carefully.

Berry and fruit jams are familiar to everyone. How about a fragrant treat made from rose petals? It sounds romantic, but in reality it is very tasty and even healthy. The pleasant color of this sweet can even serve as a decoration for dessert.

To prepare several jars you will need the bare minimum of ingredients. It is most convenient to store them in small containers so that you can eat them at one time and not lose the flavor in the refrigerator. It is important to choose homemade roses - and then you can really feel the benefits.

Tea rose petal jam

Cooking time

calorie content per 100 grams

Classic rose jam. This recipe can be found even in old cookery books; it is time-tested.

How to cook:

Tip: for a more homogeneous mass, you can beat the petals with an immersion blender or pass them through a sieve.

It’s worth repeating once again that jam can only be made from homemade roses. If you don’t have it, then you can negotiate with summer residents whom you trust. Typically, such people care for flowers without any chemicals, using natural fertilizer and plant protection.

When buying roses in a store, you can not only not get the unique taste, but even get poisoned from the toxic substances contained in the petals, which are used to treat the buds. It is worth remembering that red and pink roses and tea roses are suitable for jam.

It is worth collecting only half-opened buds. Then the concentration of vitamins and elements in them is maximum. It is also advisable to collect at dawn, along with the morning dew. You need to cut off the bud with a 5-centimeter branch at the bottom to preserve the juice in the flower.

Must be processed on the same day. It is not always necessary to wash flowers; the inside of the petals is clean. But you need to cut off their stalks. They are the white parts on the petal that are attached to the plant itself. They have neither taste nor that delicate structure.

You need to choose only the most fragrant buds. And the smell is felt most strongly at dawn, when the sun has not yet begun to heat everything around. The color of the petals should be very rich.

Roses bloom for only a few days, it is important not to miss the moment. If you were unable to collect enough petals the first time, you can prepare them. To do this, put them in a bag and tie them tightly to preserve the aroma. Store in the refrigerator for no more than three days.

You also need to be very responsible when it comes to sterilizing jars. This is a mandatory process. If you do not wash off all bacteria and germs, they will ruin the preparations in a matter of days. Mold may appear, fermentation may begin, or the jars may even explode.

Only containers that have been well washed with soap need to be sterilized. Next, steam them, as our grandmothers used to do, or you can simply keep them in a warm microwave or oven for ten minutes. In this case, the lids should be doused with boiling water and pulled out immediately before closing. To avoid getting burned, you need to roll it using a towel or a special seaming machine.

Fragrant rose petal jam without cooking

This recipe preserves the maximum benefits of the petals, since they are not heat treated.

What time is it - 6 hours.

What is the calorie content - 300 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse and dry the petals; it’s easier to do this on a napkin;
  2. Then put them in a bowl and pour lemon juice over them, mash them a little with your hands;
  3. Sprinkle all the sugar on top and mix again, then let it sit for six hours. At the same time, sometimes you need to stir;
  4. After this, transfer the entire mass into a blender bowl and blend to obtain a homogeneous mixture;
  5. After this, transfer everything into a clean, cold jar, compact it, and close the lid;
  6. Store in the refrigerator and eat within three months.

Tip: You can use any other citrus juice instead of lemon juice. It is important that it is freshly squeezed.

Spicy rose jam with tartaric acid

Tartaric acid is a drop of magic for this jam. It is this that gives the sweetness its perfect look.

How long is it - 1 hour.

What is the calorie content - 244 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Washed petals need to be dried with a towel;
  2. Pour water into a saucepan and add sugar here;
  3. Place on the fire and cook the syrup. When it boils, you need to remove all the foam, and then pour the petals here;
  4. Stir everything and cook until the thickness suits you;
  5. Pour tartaric acid here. It is this that will give the jam a pleasant red tint. Stir;
  6. Then boil for a maximum of five more minutes and, while the jam is hot, put it into warm jars. Store in a pantry.

Tip: don’t be alarmed if the jam has a green tint at first. If you do not use tartaric acid, the color will later change to brown.

Delicious rose tea jam with lemon

A slight sourness in jam is needed not only to enrich the taste, but also acts as a preservative. This means that the sweetness can be stored much longer.

How long is it - 3 days.

What is the calorie content - 152 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Sort through the petals, removing all spoiled and dry ones, and transfer to a bowl;
  2. Sprinkle half of all the sugar on top of the petals;
  3. Grind the petals and sugar by hand to create moisture - rose juice;
  4. Squeeze all the juice out of the lemon and add it to the rest of the products, mix again;
  5. Leave for four hours in a warm place. To do this, you can simply turn the oven on low and open it, and close the door to the kitchen;
  6. During this period, you need to mix all the components a couple of times;
  7. Next make the syrup. Place the saucepan on the fire, pouring the indicated amount of water and the rest of the sugar into it;
  8. Add the petals to the saucepan along with the released juice;
  9. Stir and heat until all the grains melt. Let it boil, then turn it off and leave to cool;
  10. Then bring to a boil again and let cool again;
  11. The process can take three days, and twice a day you need to warm up the mass and cool it. All the water should evaporate, leaving only the syrup;
  12. Let it boil for the last time, then pour into clean, warm jars. Can be stored in the pantry.

Advice: in order for the citrus to give maximum juice, before using it you need to roll it on the table, pressing firmly with your palm.

Sweet rose jam with honey

This jam is often called “rose honey”. Indeed, the taste of the bee product is there, but its color is changed beyond recognition.

How long is it – 1 day.

What is the calorie content - 117 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Heat the water and pour this boiling water over the washed petals;
  2. Send them to the fire and simmer for fifteen minutes over low heat;
  3. After this, turn off the fire and let the mixture brew at room temperature for 24 hours;
  4. After this, mix the petals with honey, put on the fire again and cook until smooth;
  5. After this, pour the warm mass into small jars. Cover, let cool and store in a cool place.

Tip: this “pink” can be used as a cold prevention. It is enough to eat one or two teaspoons a day.

For this type of jam, you can use not only rose petals, but also petals. Citrus zest, ground or grated apples and other fruits, nut crumbs, and various dried fruits are also often added. It is desirable that the mixture remains as homogeneous as possible.

For a better aroma, just before rolling the jars into the jam, you need to add a couple of drops of rose oil. You can prepare not only jam, but also rose syrup by straining it thoroughly.

So, it’s worth trying to make this delicious jam once – and you may fall in love with it forever! And at the same time improve your health.