Lenten soup recipe made from mushrooms and fish. Various recipes for cabbage soup with mushrooms and fresh cabbage

Shchi is the main first dish of the Slavic peoples. Thanks to the availability of the main components, the preparation of such soup was accessible to all segments of society and was allowed to be served all year round. During fasting in the summer, they cooked cabbage soup with mushrooms and fresh cabbage in vegetable broth, and with sauerkraut in the winter. Cabbage soup in different variations is also popular in other countries. They may be called differently, but the essence does not change.

Basic varieties of dishes

Cabbage soup was cooked by our distant ancestors, who lived several centuries ago. Considering the way of life in those distant times, the presence of mushrooms in the recipe becomes clear. Mushrooms were valued on a par with meat and were harvested in huge quantities.

They were dried, fermented, salted, pickled. They prepared first and second courses from them, and baked pies. And as for mushroom cabbage soup with fresh cabbage, there are also plenty of recipes.

Soup with fresh cabbage

The basis of cabbage soup is vegetables. That is, the soup can be prepared without mushrooms. But mushrooms give a completely different taste to such an ordinary soup. And in the case of the lean version, mushrooms greatly increase nutritional value. A practical substitute for meat. An excellent soup option for lunch would be cabbage soup with champignons and fresh cabbage. This dish will take a little time to prepare; even a novice cook can do it. Recipe for cabbage soup with champignon mushrooms:

Sauté the onions and carrots in vegetable oil for 5-7 minutes, then add the chopped tomatoes and simmer for another 15 minutes. In another pan, fry the champignons. 1 tablespoon of oil is enough.

Boil two liters of water throw in the chopped potatoes and boil for 5-7 minutes. Add chopped fresh cabbage, bay leaves and cook for another 5 minutes. Next, add the fried vegetables and mushrooms, add salt and pepper to taste and cook the cabbage soup until tender. When serving cabbage soup, add a little sour cream and chopped herbs.

Option with boletus

To cook cabbage soup with boletus mushrooms, it will take 3-3.5 hours. No special skills are required. But this soup is worth it. Here is a recipe for cabbage soup with porcini mushrooms:

Take out the boiled chicken and set it aside for now. It will need to be cut and put into the finished soup 5 minutes before the end of cooking.

Add bay leaves to the prepared chicken broth, peppercorns and a whole onion. 10 minutes after boiling, add squeezed and chopped mushrooms. Cook for another 10 minutes and add the cabbage. Next add finely chopped carrots and potatoes. Cook the vegetables until tender and turn off the heat. Before serving, remove the bay leaf and add herbs. Cover and let sit for 5 minutes.

Lenten cabbage soup made from fresh cabbage is a dish that will appeal to those who adhere to vegetarianism in their food or periodically observe fasting. And also fresh lean cabbage soup with beans and mushrooms will definitely appeal to connoisseurs and adherents of national Russian cuisine. The step-by-step recipe will definitely be useful to young housewives and already established chefs, because... The rich dish will fill you up, bringing a lot of benefits to all family members.

The recipe for lean cabbage soup is low-fat, but very rich and aromatic due to the presence of dried mushrooms and beans. These products are rich in natural plant proteins that keep you full for a long time. If someone doesn’t have enough fat content, you can add a spoonful of homemade sour cream.

Ingredients for lean cabbage soup

  • 2 potatoes;
  • 100 g dried wild mushrooms;
  • 200 g cabbage (white cabbage);
  • 1 PC. onions;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 80 g red beans (dry);
  • 1300 ml of drinking water;
  • 10 g fresh dill;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 50 ml vegetable oil;
  • 2 tsp fine salt;
  • 2 pinches of pepper.
  • The process of preparing lean cabbage soup from fresh cabbage

    Let’s start our step-by-step recipe for lean cabbage soup from fresh cabbage with the preliminary preparation of forest products and beans. We measure out the required amount of dried product, fill it with cold water, set aside for a couple of hours so that the product infuses. It is best to soak them in the evening, and until the morning they will acquire the desired structure. How to cook legumes? We carefully sort out the red grains, wash them, and fill them with cold water overnight.

    In the morning, add a fresh portion of water to the beans and boil without salt until almost done.

    We continue preparing the recipe for lean cabbage soup the next day. Boil the soaked mushrooms separately for about half an hour. If only porcini mushrooms are used, then their broth can be used to prepare cabbage soup with beans and mushrooms. Cut the finished mushrooms into medium pieces, but not too small.

    Wash, peel, and cut the potatoes as for regular soup. Fill the vegetables with water and cook on the stove.

    Roasting lean cabbage soup with fresh cabbage

    Delicious lean cabbage soup is obtained by frying vegetables. To prepare it, peel the carrots and onions. Finely chop the vegetables; the root vegetable can be grated on a medium grater. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, place the prepared ingredients there, fry on low heat until the carrots are soft, stirring everything constantly.

    We transfer the contents of the frying pan to the half-cooked potatoes, after 5 minutes we complement the recipe with cabbage soup made from fresh cabbage with mushrooms and red beans (without boiling). Cook the cabbage soup with mushrooms and fresh cabbage for another 10 minutes.

    In the meantime, take a fork, free it from the top leaves, chop it in half, finely chop it. Add the cabbage to the stew, stir, add bay leaves and spices.

    Cabbage soup with fresh cabbage, mix, cover, cook on low heat for a quarter of an hour until all ingredients are ready.

    Wash the greens, dry them, chop them finely, and add them to the stew. The step-by-step recipe with photos ends here, all that remains is to infuse the lean cabbage soup with beans a little and pour into plates. To increase the calorie content of cabbage soup, flavor each serving with a spoonful of sour cream.

    Bon appetit everyone!

    On a note

  • How to cook cabbage soup with fresh mushrooms? Simply chop the washed, peeled champignons, place them after the potatoes and cook until tender. To add flavor, you can use a little dried preparation.
  • Fans of sour cabbage soup can prepare a dish with salted or pickled preparations, and at the end of cooking, pour in a little fresh lemon juice.
  • Dry mushrooms will soak faster if you pour warm water over them. Then they only need to stand for a few hours.
  • Today we will prepare lean cabbage soup with mushrooms.

    I love cabbage soup very much, I love it more than any other soup. To be honest, I can eat them endlessly and get double the pleasure. Because they are not only incredibly tasty, but also very healthy, especially when cooked in vegetable broth.

    Honestly, if in any other soup the broth is very important to me, then in cabbage soup it doesn’t interest me at all. Cabbage soup in water is much lighter, but still just as tasty and rich.

    I never fast or go on diets, but today’s recipe should definitely interest those who fast regularly.

    For a 3-liter pan of ready-made cabbage soup we will need:

    • 400 grams of champignons
    • 1 onion
    • 1 carrot
    • 5 potato tubers
    • half a medium head of cabbage
    • 2 tablespoons lecho
    • 1 tablespoon tomato paste
    • tablespoon Maggi “Spring Greens” seasoning
    • salt to taste
    • vegetable oil for frying vegetables

    So, let's cook lean cabbage soup. Today I will also add champignons to the vegetables, but since these are not really mushrooms for me, we will not cook broth from them. Cut them into small (but not very small), equal-sized pieces:

    At the same time, put a pan of cold water on the fire and wait for it to boil. While we prepare the vegetables.

    Grind the onions and grate the carrots on a coarse grater:

    Cut the pre-washed and peeled potatoes into cubes:

    Shred the cabbage:

    Size doesn’t matter here, everyone does it according to their own taste. Personally, I don’t like very large pieces of vegetables in soup, but there’s no need to chop them too much. God forbid, you don’t keep track, overcook, and the cabbage soup will turn into vegetable porridge.

    Place the potatoes in boiling water, followed by the cabbage:

    Today we have young cabbage, it needs to cook for about fifteen minutes, no more.

    Fry the mushrooms in vegetable oil until golden brown:

    Then add onions and carrots to them (add a little more oil if necessary):

    You can also add sweet bell pepper and tomato, but I make everything much simpler. I add a couple of tablespoons of lecho to our dressing:

    Some people have their own homemade preparations, but I buy it in the store, it’s still much more profitable than using fresh vegetables, especially when it’s not in season. And in lecho, vegetables are already, in principle, ready for consumption, and besides, its use speeds up the process of preparing our cabbage soup.

    Another advantage of using lecho is its tomato filling; it will greatly decorate our dressing both in color and taste. However, I will still add one tablespoon of tomato paste:

    Without it, the cabbage soup will not have that characteristic sourness that I really love.

    Now mix everything and simmer under a closed lid over low heat for about ten minutes. If the dressing turns out to be too thick, you can add a little boiling water to it, but we didn’t need it:

    The potatoes and cabbage are cooked, all that remains is to pour in the prepared vegetable dressing:

    Let the cabbage soup boil, add salt to taste and sprinkle with herbs. Instead of fresh herbs in winter, I often add Maggi seasoning, called “Spring Greens”:

    But do not forget that it contains salt, so use it very carefully, or even better, add salt to the cabbage soup after adding the seasoning.

    Of course, nothing can replace fresh greens, especially when they are fresh from the garden, but I prefer to pour them into a plate just before serving.

    The cabbage soup is ready, you can sit down at the table:

    I assure you, you have never eaten anything tastier! This, of course, is said loudly, I understand that everyone has different tastes and preferences, but the lean cabbage soup with champignons turned out to be so aromatic, so rich and satisfying that it’s simply hard to call them “lenten”.

    And how beautiful they are, they just beg to be photographed and posted on our website!

    More cabbage soup recipes:

    Cabbage soup made from fresh and sauerkraut
    The most delicious version of cabbage soup, when the intense spiciness of sauerkraut and the tenderness of fresh cabbage create an amazing taste! Prepare these cabbage soup, and your loved ones will certainly appreciate them. Detailed recipe and 15 photos.

    Fresh cabbage soup on pork bone
    I love cooking cabbage soup, and I just love eating it (especially from fresh cabbage)! The one who invented cabbage soup is very clever! In addition to being very healthy and incredibly tasty, they are also easy to prepare. And they do not require any special products. Meat and vegetables. Or you can use chicken or mushrooms. And cabbage can be completely different. Read my detailed recipe and 13 photos.

    Sauerkraut cabbage soup on pork ribs
    I love cabbage soup very much, I can eat it all year round, I especially respect cabbage soup made from sauerkraut. I don’t ferment it myself, I buy it at the market. But, probably, we still need to do it, especially since children eat it with great pleasure and in any form. And we don’t need to talk about the benefits of sauerkraut. Read my detailed recipe for making cabbage soup and see 18 photos.

    These are delicious lean cabbage soup from fresh cabbage with wild mushrooms will appeal not only to those who love mushroom dishes, but also to everyone who loves mushroom dishes. This first course option will perfectly diversify your usual menu.

    When the cabbage boils, put it in a saucepan. Wait a little and after boiling, remove the foam, add salt to taste and reduce the heat. Cover the pan with a lid and cook until the potatoes are ready.

    After the vegetables are cooked, put them in a pan with mushrooms, put a few bay leaves in there and then simmer the forest mushroom soup with fresh cabbage for another ten minutes.

    Delicious, aromatic, lean cabbage soup made from fresh cabbage with wild mushrooms is ready. I am sure this dish will not leave anyone indifferent. Serve as desired, with sour cream or, or simply with rye bread on fasting days. Bon appetit!


    • 100 g – any dried forest mushrooms;
    • 5-6 pcs - fresh potatoes;
    • 500-600 g – fresh white cabbage;
    • 1-2 pcs – onion;
    • 1 piece – carrots;
    • ½ piece – bell pepper;
    • Salt, spices, bay leaf - to taste;
    • Vegetable oil for frying.

    How and when did cabbage soup appear in Rus'? The history of this dish begins from the reign of Princess Olga. It was then that the miracle vegetable, cabbage, was brought to Kyiv, and the cooks of the princely retinue were the first to begin preparing cabbage soup. The princely dish was quickly adopted by the less wealthy sections of the population, especially since there were many variations of cabbage soup. Meat, fish, mushroom, vegetable, cabbage soup with mushrooms and fresh cabbage, sturgeon stew with sauerkraut - there are a lot of options! Buckwheat pancakes stuffed with tripe, liver, and fish caviar were always served with a bowl of hot, aromatic gruel. Absolutely delicious!

    During the time of Tsarist Russia, hearty stew was frozen and taken with them on a long journey. This type of food especially saved travelers, coachmen, and hunters on long winter evenings. And the rich class did not disdain meat soup. Lenten cabbage soup with mushrooms was the main dish during fasting days, and dear guests were greeted with meat stew and freshly baked loaf. Modern cuisine has unfairly relegated the recipe for delicious soup with cabbage and mushrooms to a distant shelf. Now cream soups, broths, and light borscht have become fashionable. It's time to restore historical injustice and open a whole book of recipes for making cabbage soup.

    The absence of meat does not in any way reduce the taste of cabbage soup. Properly prepared food will delight loved ones, friends, and relatives. Fresh cabbage soup with mushrooms, or lazy cabbage soup, is made like this:

    • champignons are fried in a hot frying pan, then fried together with chopped white onions, carrots, and sweet peppers;
    • Vegetable broth is being prepared. Chopped vegetables are placed in the pan: potatoes, carrots, onions, parsley root, bay leaf. Cook until the potatoes are soft and crumbly;
    • add cabbage, garlic, roasted vegetables;
    • After 10 - 13 minutes, reduce the heat, add garlic and herbs again, cover the pan, and let it brew for several hours.
    • Lean cabbage soup made from fresh cabbage is ready, served with croutons or pancakes stuffed with mushroom filling.

    Cabbage soup made from fresh cabbage with mushrooms is traditionally seasoned with porcini mushrooms. You can diversify the stew with assorted mushrooms. This soup will be especially good in early autumn, when the forest gives away its riches. Chanterelles, milk mushrooms, boletus, and honey mushrooms will turn a simple soup into a real culinary masterpiece. Cabbage soup with mushrooms and fresh cabbage is seasoned with sour cream, mayonnaise, and heavy cream.

    Lenten cabbage soup from sauerkraut with mushrooms is made in the cold season. This winter recipe will have many asking for more of this delicious soup. Let's prepare it like this:

    1. I wash the sauerkraut, drain the acid, let it cook, add the chopped roots.
    2. Fry mushrooms, carrots, onions, tomatoes in a frying pan. Set aside the vegetable dressing. In a second frying pan, fry the second handful of cabbage in fragrant vegetable oil, pepper, salt, and sprinkle with fresh parsley.
    3. Add potatoes, fresh carrot rings, chopped onion, and peeled tomato to the boiling broth. The result will be a thick vegetable stew.
    4. Season the soup with mushroom dressing, fried cabbage and herbs.
    5. Let it brew, serve with pies, pies, pancakes.

    Cabbage soup with champignons is the most affordable, fastest and easiest option. These mushrooms are available all year round. Lenten cabbage soup with champignons can be varied with pearl barley, buckwheat, and lentils. Porridge will make the dish more satisfying, heavier, and richer.

    Meat soups

    Boyar cabbage soup is a treat for guests. Russian housewives prepared it for more than one hour. The recipe is quite difficult, but the result will exceed all expectations. Cooking step by step:

    1. Pour dried porcini mushrooms with water and leave to soak for 30 – 35 minutes. Boil, squeeze, do not throw out the water. Fry in vegetable oil.
    2. Fry pieces of beef and pork in a hot frying pan with spices. Send the meat to cook in a saucepan over low heat; the cooking time will take about an hour.
    3. Wash the sauerkraut and fry it on a meat crust. After 10 minutes, pour mushroom water, cover with a lid, simmer for 13 - 14 minutes.
    4. Add fresh vegetables to the meat broth: chopped potatoes, carrots, onions, tomatoes, and reduce heat to low. The stew must simmer. A little later, add the mushrooms.
    5. Fry the vegetables, then combine all the seasonings in a saucepan with the broth. Cook for 15 – 16 minutes.
    6. Serve with sour cream, pancakes, croutons.

    Sauerkraut soup may seem too spicy. Acid is removed by thorough washing or prolonged stewing in mushroom broth. Sweeten the tomatoes slightly: this will also help remove the sour taste. The recipe for cabbage soup can be varied by adding basil, cumin, and dried dill.

    Monastery cabbage soup with mushrooms is traditionally made lean, but the recipe with chicken will turn the lean stew into a tender, rich soup. Take a chicken breast, cook for 30 - 36 minutes, cut parsley root, garlic, and celery into the broth. Separately, boil a glass of pearl barley and drain the liquid. Porcini mushrooms should be fried, adding onions, carrots, and tomatoes. Place the meat, grind it with a blender or pass it through a meat grinder, send it back to the pan along with potatoes, fresh onions, and fresh carrot slices. Simmer over low heat for about an hour. Add washed sauerkraut, mushroom and vegetable fry, cook for 20 minutes. At the end of cooking, season with chopped garlic and herbs. Serve sour cabbage soup with mushrooms and poultry with light, lean pancakes without filling. They will replace bread and satisfy any gourmet.

    Recipe in a slow cooker

    Especially for those who do not have the opportunity to stand near the stove for a long time, miracle helpers were invented - multicookers. They will help cook a hearty lunch and a delicious dinner, leaving the woman time for other household chores. Cabbage soup with mushrooms in a slow cooker is prepared unnoticed, because the main process is done by the machine, and the home cook only leads the culinary symphony.

    Cooking cabbage soup with mushrooms and beans. In the “Frying” mode, prepare mushrooms, onions, tomatoes, carrots, and sweet peppers. Place parsley root, washed sauerkraut, a handful of previously soaked beans, potatoes, and fresh, finely chopped vegetables into a bowl. Set the machine to “Soup” mode. Cook for more than an hour, season with crushed lard, garlic, and fresh dill.

    Lenten cabbage soup with beans and mushrooms can be varied with pearl barley and buckwheat porridge. To do this, you should first boil the porridge separately, and then 20 minutes before the end of cooking, add the cereal to a bowl of vegetable broth. For bean soup, porcini mushrooms or an assortment of chanterelles, honey mushrooms, and boletus mushrooms are best suited. A jar of canned red beans will change the taste of cabbage soup for the better. Legumes go straight to sauerkraut, potatoes, and vegetables. This will reduce the cooking time.

    Every housewife should know the little secrets of delicious soup. The dish should be salted at the end of cooking, perhaps 6–7 minutes before it is completely cooked. It is recommended to cut the roots into thin slices. It is better to remove the bay leaf after the base is cooked, otherwise it will give unnecessary bitterness. Vegetables are added twice: first, fresh into the broth, and then the fried version is added to the soup at the end. This bouquet will give the stew a rich flavor. Choose sauerkraut without additives. Cranberries will give extra, unnecessary acid. An apple doesn't go well with beans. Required condition: the soup must be brewed. This is especially true for meat stews.

    Delicious, rich cabbage soup, buckwheat porridge, pancakes with meat, aromatic mint tea - a traditional lunch with the family. It is necessary to pamper your loved ones with such Russian meals as often as possible.