A recipe for simple and delicious layered salads. The best recipes for puff salads for the holiday

10 recipes - PAYER SALADS FOR THE FEAST TABLE. 1. Salad of canned pink salmon with mushrooms. 2. Tiffany salad. 3. Corrida salad 4. French salad. 5. Layered salad with chicken, mushrooms, corn and pineapple. 6. New Year's salad with smoked breast. 7. Salad with meat and mushrooms. 8. Salad "First Snow". 9. Mushroom Glade salad 10. The most delicious Korean carrot salad. 1. Salad of canned pink salmon with mushrooms.

Ingredients: can of pink salmon (200 g) 3 eggs 2 onions 2 carrots 1 cup of canned mushrooms mayonnaise vegetable oil 6 cloves of garlic Preparation: Lay out the salad in layers: Canned pink salmon (mashed with a fork or spoon). Onion (fry in vegetable oil). Mushrooms Boiled egg whites (grate on a coarse grater, mix with garlic cloves). Carrots (fry in vegetable oil). Soak each layer with mayonnaise. Decorate the top layer with yolks. 2. Tiffany salad

Ingredients: Products for 8-10 servings: Chicken fillet-2 pcs. Eggs-3 pcs. Hard cheese - 100-150 gr. Walnuts-0.5 cups Grapes-300-400 gr. Curry-1-3 teaspoons Mayonnaise Lemon Preparation: Wash the chicken fillet, cut into small pieces, no more than 1 cm. Often after frying, the fillet becomes dry. Therefore, marinate the cut pieces in lemon juice. Squeeze half a lemon and mix well. Leave for at least half an hour. Slice and marinate the chicken fillet. Heat the frying pan thoroughly, the oil should be hot. Quickly fry the fillet. The faster the crust forms, the juicier the meat will remain. As soon as the fillet is browned, add curry and mix thoroughly. Cover with a lid and leave on low heat for five minutes. Let the fillet cool. It is advisable to place the cooled meat in a colander; lemon juice and curry provide liquid; if you do not strain, the salad may spread. Let's start collecting the salad. We lay out the fillet in the form of a bunch of grapes. Lubricate with mayonnaise and sprinkle with chopped nuts. Then rub the eggs, grease with mayonnaise and also sprinkle with nuts. And rub the cheese with the last layer, again grease with mayonnaise and sprinkle with nuts. Now the final touch - so that the grapes lie well, grease the entire surface. We cut the grapes into halves, remove the seeds (if any) and place them in a checkerboard pattern so that they fit better. Place smaller berries towards the end of the bunch. I took two types of grapes, maybe even more. And you can style it with any pattern, there is room for imagination). We decorate with the remaining nuts and insert a twig from a real bunch; you can make a tendril from an onion feather. 3. Salad "Bullfight"

Ingredients: Tomatoes - 3-4 pieces Garlic - 2 cloves Crab sticks - 1 pack Canned corn - 1 can Cheese - 200 grams White bread croutons Mayonnaise Salt Preparation: 1 layer. Tomatoes (3 - 4 pcs.). For this salad we choose good tomatoes, you can take cherry tomatoes (400 grams). Cut into small cubes, add salt, add grated garlic (2 cloves) and drain the juice from the tomato (this is mandatory, we don’t need the bottom wet layer). Place the tomatoes in a mold and coat with a thin layer of mayonnaise. 2nd layer. Chop the crab sticks (1 package) and place them on the tomatoes. Mayonnaise. 3 layer. Canned corn (1 can). Mayonnaise. 4 layer. Cheese (any except hard varieties) – 200 grams Three cheeses, place on corn, grease with mayonnaise and decorate with croutons. 4. French salad

This salad is ready in 15 minutes. Having prepared all the ingredients, I grate them one by one and immediately into the salad bowl. It turns out quickly and very tasty. Ingredients: 2 apples 4 boiled eggs 2 fresh carrots mayonnaise onion cheese Preparation: Lay out the salad in layers. 1 layer - scalded onions (can be without onions), mayonnaise 2 layer - 1 apple, grate on a coarse grater, grease with mayonnaise 3 layer - 2 eggs, grate on a coarse grater, grease with mayonnaise 4 layer - 1 carrot, grate on a fine grater, mayonnaise 5th layer - cheese, grate on a fine grater. Repeat layers: 1 apple, 2 eggs, 1 carrot, cheese. 5. Layered salad with chicken, mushrooms, corn and pineapple

Ingredients: canned pineapples 400 grams canned corn 400 grams pickled mushrooms 350 grams crab sticks 200 grams eggs 5 pieces chicken thighs 3 pieces toffee 3/4 cup mayonnaise sour cream Preparation: This delicious puff salad has its own peculiarity in preparation. Each layer is laid out already mixed in a separate bowl with mayonnaise, sour cream or a mixture of mayonnaise and sour cream. It all depends on the flavor nuances of a particular ingredient. If you want to experience the real taste of this salad, then you should stick to the recipe and do not replace the dressing one with another at your discretion. Cook rice, chicken thighs and eggs separately. Place the ring on a flat dish, and put the first layer in it: rice seasoned with a mixture of mayonnaise and sour cream. Next, lay out a layer of crab stick cubes with one mayonnaise. Place the next layer of canned corn and mayonnaise. Place a meat layer of chicken cubes seasoned with a mixture of sour cream and mayonnaise. Cover the chicken with a layer of pickled mushrooms and sour cream. Place a final layer of grated eggs on them and leave a couple to sprinkle on the sides of the salad. Place the resulting structure in the refrigerator to soak thoroughly overnight. Take out the salad, remove the ring, decorate the top with pieces of pineapple and eggs; if desired, you can complete the composition with sprigs of greenery. 6. New Year's salad with smoked breast

Ingredients: 4.5 small potatoes 5 eggs 1 smoked breast 2.5 small carrots 150 grams of cheese 1 very small head of onion mayonnaise one and a half jars (375 ml) garlic to taste Preparation: Boil potatoes and carrots in salted water, cool, grate. Boil the eggs, peel them and grate them on a large grater. Cut the breast into small cubes, cut the onion very finely. Mix mayonnaise with garlic to taste, but it’s better to have more garlic, it should be well expressed in this salad. Lay out the salad in layers: First layer - Potatoes Second layer - Eggs Third layer - Breast Fourth layer - Onions Fifth layer - Carrots Coat all layers well with mayonnaise, mix the bottom layer with potatoes thoroughly with mayonnaise, otherwise it will crumble. Salt the layer with potatoes and carrots. Grate the cheese on top to make the top fluffy. Decorate as desired. 7. Salad with meat and mushrooms

Ingredients: potatoes fresh mushrooms carrots pork cucumber fresh cheese hard onions Preparation: All ingredients in this salad are used in equal proportions. Cut all the ingredients into cubes, grate the cheese, lay out in layers, greasing each layer thinly with mayonnaise. First layer - boiled potatoes Second layer - fresh mushrooms fried with onions Third layer - boiled carrots Fourth layer - boiled pork Fifth layer - fresh cucumber Sixth layer - grated hard cheese 8. "First Snow" salad

Ingredients: 200 grams of boiled chicken meat 3 boiled eggs 80 grams of cheese 40 grams of walnuts seedless grapes mayonnaise salt to taste Preparation: Cut the boiled chicken meat and boiled eggs into strips, grate the cheese, chop the nuts. Mix each ingredient separately (leave a little cheese for decoration) with mayonnaise and, if desired, add a little salt. The salad is laid out in layers: First layer: boiled chicken Second layer: nuts Third layer: cheese Fourth layer: boiled eggs Sprinkle the edges of the salad with cheese. Place grape halves and cheese snowflakes on top. 9. Salad "Mushroom Glade"

Good afternoon, dear readers!
Today, so that you don’t have to search for a long time on the Internet, we have made a selection puff salads on the festive table, New Year is coming very soon and you need to prepare everything in advance and think about what to serve.
What’s good about puff salads is that they can be prepared in advance; after cooking, they can sit in the refrigerator for a while, soak, and this will only make them tastier.
So, choose!

1. Salad "Little Red Riding Hood"

● Onions,
● chicken breast (smoked or grilled),
● boiled potatoes,
● walnuts,
● boiled carrots,
● boiled eggs,
● hard cheese,
● pomegranate seeds for decoration

The salad is laid in layers and each is coated with mayonnaise:
1st layer - onion, cut into cubes or rings, pour over boiling water to remove bitterness;
2nd layer - potatoes, cut into cubes;
3rd layer - finely chopped chicken breast;
4th layer - walnuts (finely grate or grind in a blender);
5th layer - carrots, cut into cubes;
6th layer - eggs, grate on a coarse grater;
7th layer - hard cheese, grate.
Garnish the top of the salad with pomegranate seeds.

2. Salad “Leshy”

● chicken fillet - 1 pc.,
● onions - 2 pcs.,
● champignons - 400 g,
● eggs - 2 pcs.,
● hard cheese - 100 g,
● shelled walnuts - 0.5 cups,
● mayonnaise - to taste,
● salt, pepper - to taste,
● olives for decoration.

Boil the chicken breast, cut into pieces. Chop the onion and champignons and fry them in a frying pan separately.

Grate eggs and cheese on a coarse grater. Then add nuts, mayonnaise and mix everything well.
Place a bottle or glass in the middle of a flat dish, place the salad around it and press down a little with a spoon so that it does not crumble. Take out the bottle or glass and decorate the salad with herbs and olives.

3. Salad with pickled honey mushrooms

● 1 jar of pickled honey mushrooms
● a bunch of green onions
● 300 g ham
● 3 pcs. boiled potatoes in their jackets
● 3 eggs
● mayonnaise

Take a deep bowl and place in layers:
● 1 layer - pickled mushrooms;
● 2nd layer - green onions;
● 3rd layer - diced ham;
● 4th layer - diced potatoes;
● 5th layer - finely chopped boiled eggs.
Coat all layers with mayonnaise, put the bowl in the refrigerator and turn it over onto another plate before serving.

4.Salad "Women's whim"

Salad in layers, each layer under mayonnaise, salt to taste.
1 layer - grate boiled potatoes
2nd layer - fried honey mushrooms with onions
3rd layer - boiled carrots
4th layer - grated yolk
5 layer - grated cheese
6 layer - protein. Decorate with boiled carrot roses.

5. Chicken Cake Salad

● 2 chicken breasts
● 6 eggs
● 250 g hard cheese
● 1 clove of garlic
● 1 cup walnuts
● 250 g champignons
● 2 onions
● mayonnaise
● vegetable oil

For decoration:
● greens and small tomatoes.

Boil the chicken breasts until tender, add a little salt.
Three eggs on a coarse grater. We reserve two whites for decoration.

We also grate the cheese and garlic and mix them together.
Finely chop the onion and fry together with mushrooms in vegetable oil.

Chop the nuts.
When everything is ready, we begin to assemble and decorate the “cake”, for which we use a mold. If the form is not collapsible, to facilitate subsequent removal of the salad, the form can be lined with film.

Place the prepared ingredients in the mold in layers.

1st layer - finely chopped chicken breasts. Mayonnaise.
2nd layer - walnuts.
3rd layer - grated eggs. Mayonnaise.
4th layer - fried mushrooms with onions.
5th layer - grated cheese with garlic. Mayonnaise.
Cover the top with mayonnaise and sprinkle with grated whites.

This salad cake needs to soak well in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours.

Before serving, remove the “cake” from the mold, place it on a dish and decorate as you wish. In this case, the “cake” is decorated with parsley leaves and cherry tomatoes.

6. Salad "Tenderness"

● prunes
● chicken, pre-boil
● Chinese cabbage
● champignons, cut and fry
● bow
● eggs, boil
● hard cheese
● walnuts
● mayonnaise

Make the salad in layers:
1st layer: finely chop the prunes,
2nd layer: finely chop boiled chicken + mayonnaise,
3rd layer: finely chopped Chinese cabbage + mayonnaise,
4th layer: fried champignons with onions,
5th layer: grate boiled eggs + mayonnaise,
6th layer: grate the cheese,
7th layer: walnuts.
The salad can be decorated as desired

7. Salad ″Golden Rose″

The number of products is arbitrary.
1st layer: cut boiled chicken meat into strips, brush with mayonnaise
2nd layer: cut egg whites into strips, brush with mayonnaise
3rd layer: cut fresh cucumber into strips, spread with mayonnaise
4th layer: grate the cheese on a coarse grater
5th layer: fresh tomatoes cut into cubes
Make a “mesh” of mayonnaise on top and sprinkle with chopped pistachios. Let the salad sit until it soaks in.

8.Salad "Bullfight"

● Tomatoes (3 - 4 pcs.)
● garlic (2 cloves)
● Crab sticks (1 pack)
● Mayonnaise
● Canned corn (1 can)
● Cheese (any, except hard varieties) - 200 gr.

1 layer.
Tomatoes (3 - 4 pcs.). For this salad we choose good tomatoes, you can take cherry tomatoes (400 g). Cut into small cubes, add salt, add grated garlic (2 cloves) and drain the juice from the tomato (this is mandatory, we don’t need the bottom wet layer). Place the tomatoes in a mold and coat with a thin layer of mayonnaise.
2nd layer.
Cut crab sticks (1 pack) and place on tomatoes. Mayonnaise.
3 layer.
Canned corn (1 can). Mayonnaise.
4 layer.
Cheese (any except hard varieties) - 200 gr. Three cheeses, place on corn, grease
mayonnaise and decorate with croutons.

9. Layered salad "Pineapple"

● potatoes - 3 medium
● chicken meat - 1 breast
● eggs – 3 pcs.
● “Russian” type cheese – 100 g
● pickled cucumbers - 4-6 pcs.
● red onion - 1 medium onion
● juice of half a lemon
● marinated champignons
● green onion feathers for decoration
● mayonnaise
● salt
● ground black pepper

Boil potatoes in their skins until tender. Cool, peel, grate on a coarse grater.

Hard-boil the eggs, cool, peel and grate.

Boil the chicken meat, cool and cut into small pieces.

Cut the cucumbers into small cubes.
Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.
Finely chop the onion, pour in lemon juice for 5 minutes, then drain the juice and, if desired, rinse with cold water.
Lay the salad in layers in the form of an oval on a dish, coat each layer with mayonnaise, except for the layers of onion and cucumber
1st layer: potatoes
2nd layer: onion
3rd layer: half chicken meat
4th layer: pickled cucumbers
5th layer: remaining chicken meat
6th layer: cheese
7th layer: eggs
To decorate, cut the champignons into thin slices. Coat the top layer of the salad well with mayonnaise and decorate with slices of mushrooms, laying them in the form of tiles. Make a “pineapple” top from green onion feathers.

10. New Year's salad with a picture of a dog

And in this form you can make any salad in the shape of a dog’s face. Surprise not only your guests and loved ones with a real masterpiece by placing a salad with a picture of a dog on the festive table. In this form, the salad will greatly decorate the New Year's table in the year of the dog.
Have a great mood everyone on the pre-holidays!

Layered salads are a complete work of art. Most often they are prepared on holidays. Each layer must be prepared separately, coated with mayonnaise. Yes, it takes more time, but it's worth it for several reasons.

Firstly, this is, of course, the appearance of the salad. Each layered salad is literally a culinary masterpiece. After all, all its ingredients are selected not only based on taste preferences, but also according to the color scheme. The more contrasting the layers, the tastier the salad will be. Secondly, layered salads are much more satisfying than regular ones, because in them, almost every layer is soaked in sauce.

And finally, puff salads are always tastier than regular ones, primarily because they are very juicy. However, not all housewives manage to make puff salad juicy in moderation. Some, remembering past sad experiences, coat the layers with a thick layer of mayonnaise, which of course spoils the dish. And in order for the salad to be moderately rich, you just need to leave it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

How to cook puff salads - 15 varieties

Yes, no one argues that puff salads are more difficult to prepare than regular ones. But puff salads are much tastier.


  • Chicken fillet - 300 g
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Potatoes -4 pcs.
  • Carrots - 3 pcs.
  • Champignons - 300 g
  • Bulb onions


First of all, you need to prepare the ingredients. Boil carrots, potatoes until tender, hard-boiled eggs, and boil chicken fillet in salted water. Now lay out the salad in layers.

Grate the potatoes onto the bottom of the salad bowl on a coarse grater. Let's coat with mayonnaise.

Next, add the mushrooms. If desired, this layer can also be coated with mayonnaise.

Next you need to grate the carrots on a fine grater and brush with mayonnaise. Next we lay out the fillet, having previously disassembled it into fibers. Place the onion on the fillet, then the eggs, both of which must first be cut into small cubes. Decorate the salad with greens.

Bon appetit.

Layered salad "Carmen"

A very tasty meat salad will delight you both on a festive table and on an everyday one.


  • Chicken fillet - 300 g
  • Ham - 150 g
  • Tomatoes - 250 g
  • Croutons - 100 g
  • Mayonnaise
  • Adjika


All ingredients must be cut into cubes of the same size.

Fry chicken fillet in vegetable oil until golden brown. We also fry the ham in a frying pan until lightly browned. Let's prepare the croutons. Fry the garlic in a small amount of oil. Cut the bread into small cubes, place it on a baking sheet, add salt and pour oil on it. Place in the oven for 10 minutes. Lay out in layers.

  1. 1st layer - chicken.
  2. 2nd layer - tomatoes
  3. 3 layer - ham
  4. 4 layer - tomatoes
  5. 5th layer - crackers.

We coat each layer with sauce: mayonnaise + adjika + garlic.

Bon appetit.

Layered salad "Pechenkin"

Chicken liver is a very filling product. It makes excellent main courses and incredibly tasty salads.


  • Chicken liver: 400 g
  • Pickled cucumbers - 400g
  • Eggs - 4-5 pcs.
  • Carrots - 4 pcs.
  • Onion - 4 pcs.


Boil the liver in salted water and grate on a coarse grater. Cut the cucumbers into small cubes. Boil the carrots. After cooling completely, peel and grate on a coarse grater. Cut the onion into cubes and fry in oil. Boil the eggs, separate the whites from the yolks. Grate the whites on a coarse grater. Now lay out the salad in layers in the following sequence:

  1. Liver
  2. Cucumbers
  3. Carrot
  4. Squirrels

Repeat layers and decorate with yolk.

Bon appetit.

A simple and satisfying salad for those who want to surprise their household with an incredible salad.


  • Crab sticks - 200g
  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Carrots - 3 pcs.
  • Eggs - 5 pcs.


First of all, boil the vegetables and eggs. Then you need to lay out the salad in the following sequence.

  1. 1 layer half grated potatoes
  2. 2 layer finely chopped crab sticks
  3. Boil the third layer of hard-boiled eggs. Separate the whites from the yolks. Grate the whites on a fine grater and place as the next layer. Coat with mayonnaise.
  4. 4 layer. Place the remaining potatoes and coat with mayonnaise.
  5. 5 layer. Grate the boiled carrots on a fine grater. Grease with mayonnaise.
  6. 6 layer. Grated yolk.

Bon appetit.

Layered salad Ryaba chicken

Salads with chicken fillet and prunes are an incredible combination of satiety, taste and beauty.


  • Chicken fillet - 400 g
  • Mushrooms - 200 g
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Prunes -200g
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Cheese - 100 g


Boil the chicken fillet. Boil the eggs hard. Soak prunes in boiling water. Mushrooms must be fried in a small amount of oil. Meanwhile, cut the onion into small pieces and grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Fry carrots and onions in a small amount of oil. Now lay out the salad in layers.

It is necessary to fry carrots and onions in a small amount of oil. So that the salad is not greasy.

  1. Chicken fillet
  2. Mayonnaise
  3. Carrots and onions
  4. Mayonnaise
  5. Mushrooms
  6. Mayonnaise
  7. Prunes
  8. Finely grated cheese

Bon appetit.

Fish salads always have a special place on the holiday table. And all because they always turn out very tasty, tasty and beautiful.


  • Red fish - 200 g
  • Potatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Cheese - 200 g
  • Cucumbers - 1 pc.
  • Mayonnaise


Boil potatoes and eggs and grate on a fine grater. Chop the cucumbers and fish into small cubes. We lay out the salad in layers, coating each one with mayonnaise.

  1. Potato
  2. Fish
  3. Cucumber

Bon appetit.

Layered salad with walnuts

Salads with walnuts always turn out filling and tasty. Pair with chicken breast for an incredible appetizer.


  • Chicken fillet - 400 g
  • Eggs - 5 pcs.
  • Apple - 2 pcs.
  • Hard cheese - 150 g
  • Walnut - 100g
  • Butter.


Boil the chicken fillet. After cooling completely, cut into cubes. Cut the onion into small cubes and fry in oil. Peel the walnut and finely chop it.

Our salad is layered, so it's time to lay out the layers

The first layer will be the chicken.

Fried onions

Peeled and seeded apples must be grated on a coarse grater and placed in the next layer and greased with mayonnaise.

Grate the cheese on a coarse grater and place on top of the apples.

The next layer is oil.

It is necessary to freeze the butter in advance so that it has time to cool.

The next layer is nuts.

Boil the eggs and grate them as a decoration.

Layered salad Drop of water

Why this salad received this name is unknown. But another thing is known: it is tasty, simple and affordable.


  • Can of canned tuna - 1 pc.
  • Rice -150g
  • Cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Lemon - 0.5 pcs.
  • Cheese - 100 g
  • Eggs - 3 pcs


Finely chop the onion and marinate it in lemon juice, then mix with the tuna. Boil the rice. Grate the cucumber on a coarse grater. Boil the eggs hard and grate them on a fine grater. Cheese

also grate it on a fine grater. Place the salad in a salad bowl in layers:

  1. tuna with onions
  2. cucumber
  3. egg.

Spread each layer with mayonnaise.

Layered salad “Yellow Rose”

What could be better than a light salad? Probably nothing! When salad comes as an addition to a hot dish, it is always delicious. This salad is like that, there are no heavy meat ingredients in it.


  • Bulb
  • Carrot
  • Potato
  • Radish
  • Apple


Let's prepare the vegetables. Boil the potatoes in their jackets. Boil the eggs hard.

Meanwhile, remove the peel from the apple and radish. Core the apple. Grate all ingredients on a coarse grater. Peel the onion and chop into small cubes.

This salad is usually served in portions. Therefore, we place a serving ring on the plate and begin laying out the layers.

  1. 1 layer. Potatoes and onions.
  2. 2nd layer. Radish. You can salt it a little.
  3. 3 layer. Carrot.
  4. 4 layer. Apple
  5. 5 layer. Egg.

Spread each layer with mayonnaise. You can decorate the salad with herbs or mayonnaise.

Bon appetit.

Layered salad “emerald luxury”

If you want to cook something very beautiful and tasty, then without a doubt this salad is the best option.


  • Chicken fillet - 400g
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Hard cheese - 100g
  • Tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Kiwi - 3 pcs.


Before you start preparing the salad, let's prepare the ingredients.

Boil the chicken and eggs. Cool and cut into small cubes. Cut the onion into small cubes. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Cut the tomatoes into cubes. Peel the kiwi and cut into cubes. Now you can start laying out the salad.

  1. 1st layer - chicken meat.
  2. 2nd layer - onion.
  3. 3 layer cheese.
  4. 4 layer - fresh tomatoes
  5. 5 layer onion
  6. 6th layer - eggs.

Coat all layers with mayonnaise and decorate the cues.

Layered salads will decorate any table. Moreover, no matter what the content, the puff salad will definitely please those around you.


  • 400 g Chicken fillet
  • 400 g Mushrooms (canned)
  • 150 g Prunes
  • 1 onion
  • 4 eggs
  • 2 pickled cucumbers


The longest step in preparing this salad is boiling the chicken fillet.

In order for the meat to be well cooked, juicy and tasty, you need to cook it for 40-60 minutes in salted water.

So, while the meat is cooking, let's start preparing the other ingredients. The eggs must also be hard boiled. Prunes, if they are dried, must be poured with boiling water for 30 minutes. Peel the onion and chop into small cubes.

Cut the cucumbers into small pieces. After drying, prunes must be cut into strips. After cooling completely, eggs and chicken fillets must be cut into small pieces.

Now you can start laying out the products.

Place the prunes on the dish as the first layer. Next, lay out the mushrooms and coat with mayonnaise. Now it’s the turn of the chicken fillet, we also coat it with mayonnaise. Now cucumbers and eggs. And finally you can start decorating the salad.

Bon appetit.

Layered salad "Naples"

This salad can certainly be classified as original. Despite the fact that it contains no meat ingredients, it is very satisfying.


  • Eggplants - 2 pcs.
  • Tomatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Walnut - 50 g.
  • Garlic - 3 pcs.
  • Hard cheese - 150 g
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.


First of all, remove the peel from the tomato.

In order to easily remove the peel from the tomato, make cuts in the base and pour boiling water for 3 minutes.

Cut the pulp into cubes. Finely chop the walnuts. Boil the eggs and cut into small cubes. Grate the cheese on a fine grater. Use a toothpick to poke holes in the eggplants and place them in the oven for 20 minutes. Then peel and cut into small cubes. Pass the garlic through a press and mix with the eggplants. Now lay out the salad in layers:

  1. Eggplant
  2. Nuts
  3. Mayonnaise
  4. Tomatoes
  5. Mayonnaise

Let the salad soak for an hour in the refrigerator.

Layered salad “Bunch of grapes”

In fact, the name of this salad is not clear. In the case when the salad is laid out in portions, it is called “Tiffany”, but when it is laid out on one dish in the form of a bunch of grapes or simply decorated with grapes, it is called “Bunch of Grapes”.


  • Chicken fillet - 300 g
  • Egg whites - 6 pcs.
  • Hard cheese - 100 g
  • Almonds - 100g
  • Curry - 2 tsp.
  • Grapes - 300 g


Traditionally, we start cooking by boiling chicken fillet. After cooling completely, cut the fillet into cubes and mix with the curry. Then you need to fry the meat with a small amount of oil. The chicken fillet will be the first layer. Place the chicken and cover with mayonnaise. Hard-boiled eggs must be separated from the whites and yolks. We grate the whites on a coarse grater and place them as a second layer. Cover the layer with mayonnaise again. Finely grate the almonds and sprinkle them as a third layer. Before coating the next layer with mayonnaise, grate the cheese on a fine grater. Let's repeat all the layers again. We use grape halves as decoration.

Bon appetit.

Layered salad for “February 23”

An excellent option for a table for a men's holiday. A hearty, tasty and beautiful salad will not leave anyone indifferent.


  • Tongue - 300 g
  • Chicken fillet - 200 g
  • Marinated honey mushrooms - 200g
  • Pickled cucumbers -2 pcs.
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.


Boil the tongue until tender for 2-3 hours. Fry the chicken fillet until golden brown. Boil the eggs. Now let's start chopping all the ingredients. Cut the chicken, tongue and cucumbers into strips. Chop the onion into small cubes. If the onion is very bitter, marinate it. To do this, pour boiling water over the onion, add salt, sugar and vinegar. Grate eggs and carrots on a coarse grater, cheese on a fine grater.

Now let's start laying out the salad.

Place the eggs in the first layer and coat with mayonnaise. Then lay out the tongue, followed by onions, cucumbers and again grease with mayonnaise. The turn came for the chicken breast, which we also grease with mayonnaise. Next are carrots and cheese. Toss with mayonnaise. Place mushrooms on top.

Layered salad “Delight”

Salads with canned food are always tasty and convenient. After all, when guests are on the doorstep, you can prepare a quick and tasty salad.


  • Potatoes - 3 pcs.
  • Eggs - 3 pcs.
  • Carrots - 3 pcs.
  • Hard cheese - 200 g
  • Cod liver - 1 jar


This salad is laid out in layers, which by the way is very convenient.

  1. 1 layer. Boiled potatoes must be peeled and grated on a large flat grater. Then coat with mayonnaise.
  2. 2nd layer. Open the canned liver and carefully place it on the mayonnaise.
  3. 3 layer. Boil the eggs hard. Separate the eggs into whites and yolks. Grate the protein on a coarse grater as its 3rd layer. Let's coat with mayonnaise.
  4. 4 layer. Boil the carrots, peel and grate on a coarse grater. Let's coat with mayonnaise.
  5. 5 layer. Grate the cheese on a fine grater and brush with mayonnaise.
  6. 6 layer. Grind the yolks on a fine grater.

Puff salads are very popular; they are prepared both on weekdays and for the holiday table. A variety of products are used to prepare them; meat and fish are very successfully combined in such salads with vegetables, mushrooms, etc., and the more imagination the hostess shows, the more original and exquisite dishes she produces.

The disadvantage of layered salads is that they are very heavy food, because each layer is coated with mayonnaise, sour cream or other sauce. But such a salad can be considered a full dinner or lunch: you eat a portion and are satisfied for several hours. And then, you can always dress the salad with low-calorie mayonnaise or choose another dressing for it.
The main principles of preparing a good layered salad are the compatibility of products and the use of the optimal amount of mayonnaise or other dressing to coat the layers.
Boil meat and fish intended for making puff salad in salted water until fully cooked. We also boil the vegetables in salted water (if after cooking they are immediately immersed in cold water and kept in it for about 10 minutes, then it will be much easier to remove the peel from them).
In general, boiled vegetables should be cooled before using them in a puff salad, otherwise it will lose its taste and quickly spoil.
It is customary to cut the ingredients for puff salads as finely as possible or grate them.
If the recipe calls for onions in a puff salad, then it is better to marinate it, ideally in lemon juice, then it will be more delicate in taste and aromatic.
Puff salad “PINEAPPLE”

potatoes – 3 medium
chicken meat – 1 breast
eggs – 3 pcs.
cheese type “Russian” – 100 g
pickled cucumbers – 4-6 pcs.
red onion – 1 medium onion
juice of half a lemon
marinated champignons
green onion feathers for decoration
ground black pepper
Boil potatoes in their skins until tender. Cool, peel, grate on a coarse grater. Hard-boil the eggs, cool, peel, grate on a coarse grater. Boil the chicken meat, cool and cut into small pieces. Cut the cucumbers into small cubes. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Finely chop the onion, for 5 minutes pour in lemon juice, then drain the juice and rinse with cold water if desired. Lay the salad in layers in the form of an oval on a dish, coat each layer with mayonnaise, except for the layers of onion and cucumber
1st layer: potatoes
2nd layer: onion
3rd layer: half chicken meat
4th layer: pickled cucumbers
5th layer: remaining chicken meat
6th layer: cheese
7th layer: eggs
To decorate, cut the champignons into thin slices. Coat the top layer of the salad well with mayonnaise and decorate with slices of mushrooms, laying them in the form of tiles. Make a “pineapple” top from green onion feathers.
Mimosa salad"

canned fish (salmon or saury) – 1 can (canned food can be replaced with ~200 g of boiled trout)
boiled carrots – 1-2 pcs
boiled eggs – 4-5 pcs
onion – 1 small onion
salt pepper
dill for garnish
Drain the liquid from the canned fish and mash the canned fish with a fork (take the boiled trout into small pieces or mash it with a fork). Peel the onion and chop finely.
Peel the eggs from the shell, separate the whites from the yolks. Grate the whites and yolks on a coarse grater into separate bowls. Set aside some grated yolks to decorate the salad. Peel the boiled carrots and grate on a coarse grater. Wash the dill and dry it.
Layer in a salad bowl:
1st layer: canned fish (a little pepper and grease with mayonnaise)
2nd layer: onion (a little salt, pepper and a little mayonnaise)
3rd layer: half of the grated whites (salt a little and grease with mayonnaise)
4th layer: grated carrots (slightly salt, pepper and grease with mayonnaise)
5th layer: grated yolks (salt a little and grease with mayonnaise)
6th layer: remaining grated whites (slightly salt and grease with mayonnaise)
Decorate the salad with grated yolks and dill, imitating a mimosa flower. Place the salad in the refrigerator and let it brew.

Chicken fillet (300 g)
Canned corn (400 g)
Eggs (3 pcs.)
Marinated champignons (200 g)
Carrots (200 g)
Olives (optional)
Oval chips
Boil carrots until tender, peel.
Finely chop the chicken fillet.
Fry the fillet in vegetable oil (about 10 minutes), add salt.
Grate the carrots on a fine grater.
Grate the eggs on a fine grater.
Finely chop the mushrooms.
Cut the onion into half rings.
Place the fillet on the bottom of the plate, brush with mayonnaise.
Place carrots and spread with mayonnaise.
Place mushrooms and spread with mayonnaise.
Add onion.
Lay out the eggs, brush with mayonnaise.
Lay out the corn. Stick chips in a circle.

- 200g pickled mushrooms
- 2 medium onions (fry)
- 2 medium potatoes (boil in their jackets)
- 1 raw carrot
- 300 g of any boiled meat (tongue is possible)
- 250 g hard cheese mayonnaise and sour cream (to taste)
1. Finely chop the mushrooms and place in a salad bowl. Chop the onion and fry for a while. oil, let cool and drain the oil.
2. Place on mushrooms (in general, I don’t like fried onions in salads, but in this recipe they are very useful, because the mushrooms are not fried, but marinated and fried onions give the mushrooms a taste)
3. Grease with sauce (sour cream + mayonnaise). Peel the potatoes and grate them on a coarse grater. Spread with sauce
4. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater and grease. Cut the meat into small pieces and place on the carrots, brush with sauce. Grate cheese on top
5. You can decorate with lemon slices and herbs
Very tasty salad!

Chicken breast - 300-400 grams,
champignons – 300 grams,
onions - 1-2 heads,
eggs - 2-3 pcs.,
tomatoes - 2-3 pcs.,
fresh cucumbers – 2-3 pcs.,
green onion – 1 bunch,
hard cheese – 100-150 grams,
1. Boil the chicken breast - chop finely.
2. Cut mushrooms and onions into cubes, fry in vegetable oil, adding butter.
3. Boil eggs, cut into cubes.
4. Layer in layers: chicken breast - sour cream - mushrooms, fried with onions - sour cream - boiled eggs - sour cream.
5. Decoration on top: tomatoes - finely chopped, cucumbers - into strips + dill, cheese - grated, olives.
Layered salad “HOLIDAY”

1st layer: boiled potatoes, grated on a coarse grater
2nd layer: green onions
3rd layer boiled eggs, grated
4th layer: marinated champignons
5th layer: diced ham
6th layer: boiled carrots, grated
7th layer: a little melted cheese from Holland with mayonnaise. I greased all layers with a little mayonnaise. I added a little salt to the vegetables.
Fish snack cake “FISHERMAN’S LUCK”

– slightly salted red fish (trout or salmon) – 500 g
– boiled eggs – 4 pcs.
– boiled rice – 4-5 tbsp. l.
– crab sticks (or shrimp) – 1 package
For cream:
– soft cheese “Philadelphia” – 100 g
– sour cream – 4 tbsp. l.
– mayonnaise – 4 tbsp. l.
– gelatin – 8 g
For decoration:
- greenery
- Red caviar
Preparing the cream. Soak gelatin in 0.5 cups of water for 30-40 minutes to swell and dissolve in a water bath.
While the gelatin cools, combine sour cream, mayonnaise and soft cheese into a homogeneous mass. First, add mayonnaise little by little to the cheese and grind, then add sour cream and stir well.
Then, stirring, pour the gelatin solution, which has cooled to a slight warmth, into the mixture.
The cream is thick, like sour cream.
Grate the yolks, whites and crab sticks separately on a fine grater.
Cover the mold with plastic wrap. Cut the fish into thin strips and place on the bottom and sides of the mold. Lay out the following layers in a mold lined with fish slices:
1) cream,
2) grated yolks,
3) cream,
4) grated crab sticks,
5) cream,
6) grated whites,
7) cream,
8) rice,
9) cream.
Place the mold with the cake in the refrigerator overnight for the gelatin cream to harden. After 8-10 hours, take the mold with the cake out of the refrigerator, cover it with a plate on top and turn it over: the cake falls onto the plate.
Decorate the cake: red caviar on top and greenery around the perimeter.
SNACK CAKE with smoked chicken, prunes and champignons

- smoked chicken – 400 g
- prunes – 100-150 g
- walnuts – 100 g
- carrots – 2 pcs.
- potatoes – 4 pcs.
- eggs – 4 pcs.
- cheese (hard) – 300 g
- champignons – 250 g
- 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil for frying champignons
- salt
- mayonnaise or thick sour cream, salted and flavored with spices
For decoration:
- half a fresh cucumber
- 3 tbsp. l. finely chopped walnuts
- a sprig of parsley
- 1 cranberry
Boil the eggs until tender, cool, peel and grate on a fine grater.
Wash the potatoes and carrots, boil until tender, cool and peel.
Grate the carrots on a coarse grater, cut the potatoes into small cubes.
Wash the champignons, dry, finely chop.
Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, fry the champignons (about 7 minutes), add salt at the end of frying. Cool the fried champignons.
Wash the prunes, dry them well, cut into small cubes (if the prunes are too dry, first pour boiling water over them for 5-10 minutes).
Grate the cheese on a fine grater, cut the smoked chicken into cubes, chop the walnuts.
Lay the salad on a plate in layers:
1. Carrots, add a little salt, grease with mayonnaise (or sour cream)
2. Half cheese
3. Half grated eggs (2 pcs.)
4. Half a potato, add a little salt, spread with mayonnaise
5. Half walnuts
6. Prunes
7. Smoked chicken, mayonnaise
8. Fried champignons
9. Leftover walnuts
10. Remaining potatoes, add a little salt and spread with mayonnaise
11. 2 eggs
12. Leftover cheese
Decorate the cake to your liking or as shown in the photo: cucumber strips, chopped walnuts, parsley leaves and cranberries.
Place the cake in the refrigerator for 4 hours to set and serve.
Layered salad “MY GENERAL”

100 g hard cheese
4 eggs
2 boiled carrots
2 boiled beets
cooked meat
1st layer: finely chop the meat, add garlic, pressed through the garlic, mayonnaise, mix everything.
2nd layer: coarsely grated cheese, mayonnaise.
3rd layer: grate eggs on a coarse grater, mayonnaise.
4th layer: grate carrots on a coarse grater, mayonnaise.
5th layer: grate beets on a coarse grater, mayonnaise.

A large subsection dedicated to puff salads has appeared on our website. For the most part puff salads The dishes are quite heavy, because for juiciness, each layer of ingredients is coated with sauce, most often sour cream or mayonnaise. However, these have an undeniable advantage, since they can be a complete dinner and even lunch for adult family members.

Our website contains only the best and most delicious puff salad recipes, in which vegetable and fish or meat ingredients alternate.

Here you will find a recipe on how to prepare the most popular holiday layered salad Pineapple. This dish looks stunning and tastes wonderful. The salad got its name not only due to the fact that it contains the exotic fruit of the same name, but also due to its design in the form of this fruit. Traditionally, the salad is placed in an oval dish and sprinkled with crushed walnuts on top, and green onions are inserted on one side, imitating pineapple foliage.

Layered salads are not just a healthy and tasty treat, they are works of art. After all, just look at puff salad recipes with photos on our website, and you can choose by their appearance alone which treat to decorate your table with.

The website has a large subsection dedicated to puff salads, so the variety of recipes is very large. You can make a delicious layered chicken salad today and cook it tomorrow.

This section contains puff salads with photos, which can be used to prepare wonderful dishes for a children's party. The combination of products in them is exactly what children like most, and the unusual design will cause indescribable children's delight.

Many housewives cook very often puff chicken salad with mushrooms with different combinations of components. Several recipes for this salad have been published on our website. Moreover, each recipe is supplemented with photographs and a detailed description of how to prepare and beautifully decorate the treat.

Any one looks festive. Even if it consists of only a few components. You can prepare an original and tasty puff crab salad, the recipe for which is published in this subsection.

As a rule, they are very high in calories. Therefore, ladies watching their waistlines will be wary of eating even the most delicious puff salad with mushrooms or chicken, for fear of gaining extra pounds. Especially for them, we have posted a recipe for a puff vegetable salad, which is absolutely calorie-free and very healthy.