Omelet recipe according to GOST. Calorie, chemical composition and nutritional value

Omelette according to GOST rich in vitamins and minerals such as: vitamin A - 21.1%, vitamin B2 - 18.9%, choline - 34.1%, vitamin B5 - 19.7%, vitamin B12 - 16.3%, vitamin D - 14.7%, vitamin H - 28.5%, vitamin PP - 13.1%, phosphorus - 19.9%, chlorine - 17.4%, cobalt - 68.1%, selenium - 38.5%

Why Omelet is useful according to GOST

  • Vitamin A responsible for normal development, reproductive function, skin and eye health, and maintaining immunity.
  • Vitamin B2 participates in redox reactions, helps to increase the color sensitivity of the visual analyzer and dark adaptation. Insufficient intake of vitamin B2 is accompanied by impaired condition of the skin, mucous membranes, and impaired light and twilight vision.
  • Kholin is part of lecithin, plays a role in the synthesis and metabolism of phospholipids in the liver, is a source of free methyl groups, and acts as a lipotropic factor.
  • Vitamin B5 participates in protein, fat, carbohydrate metabolism, cholesterol metabolism, the synthesis of a number of hormones, hemoglobin, promotes the absorption of amino acids and sugars in the intestines, supports the function of the adrenal cortex. A lack of pantothenic acid can lead to damage to the skin and mucous membranes.
  • Vitamin B12 plays an important role in the metabolism and transformation of amino acids. Folate and vitamin B12 are interconnected vitamins that are involved in hematopoiesis. A lack of vitamin B12 leads to the development of partial or secondary folate deficiency, as well as anemia, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia.
  • Vitamin D maintains homeostasis of calcium and phosphorus, carries out the processes of mineralization of bone tissue. A lack of vitamin D leads to impaired metabolism of calcium and phosphorus in the bones, increased demineralization of bone tissue, which leads to an increased risk of developing osteoporosis.
  • Vitamin H participates in the synthesis of fats, glycogen, amino acid metabolism. Insufficient consumption of this vitamin can lead to disruption of the normal condition of the skin.
  • Vitamin PP participates in redox reactions of energy metabolism. Insufficient vitamin intake is accompanied by disruption of the normal condition of the skin, gastrointestinal tract and nervous system.
  • Phosphorus takes part in many physiological processes, including energy metabolism, regulates acid-base balance, is part of phospholipids, nucleotides and nucleic acids, and is necessary for the mineralization of bones and teeth. Deficiency leads to anorexia, anemia, and rickets.
  • Chlorine necessary for the formation and secretion of hydrochloric acid in the body.
  • Cobalt is part of vitamin B12. Activates enzymes of fatty acid metabolism and folic acid metabolism.
  • Selenium- an essential element of the antioxidant defense system of the human body, has an immunomodulatory effect, participates in the regulation of the action of thyroid hormones. Deficiency leads to Kashin-Beck disease (osteoarthritis with multiple deformities of the joints, spine and limbs), Keshan disease (endemic myocardiopathy), and hereditary thrombasthenia.
still hide

You can see a complete guide to the most useful products in the appendix.

The omelet, which is called classic or according to GOST, is remembered by many from kindergarten and pioneer camp. It was always very tasty, fluffy, with a golden brown crust.

Maybe someone will laugh, but for some reason I remember just such a roll. And then for some reason I loved the pasta that was served in the dining room. You can’t make something like this at home, even now, when you can buy good pasta, and I learned how to cook it myself.
But let's return from childhood and prepare a real omelet for our family and find out the secret of its preparation.

The secret of this preparation is in the exact ratio of milk and eggs. Remember - you need to take exactly 30 ml of milk for one egg. You can measure it like this: the egg is still broken in half, pour the milk into half the shell, then you will never go wrong.


  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • milk – 60 g;
  • salt - a pinch.

Omelette - how to cook

  • Mix the eggs and milk well with a fork or whisk, but do not beat.
  • Season with salt, grease the pan or molds with butter and pour the egg-milk mixture onto it.
  • Bake in the oven at 180-200 degrees for 15-20 minutes until a light golden brown crust appears.
  • When the omelette is browned, turn off the heat and leave the omelette there for another five minutes.

Bon appetit.

eggs – 2 pcs.,
milk – 60 g,
salt - a pinch.

So, the ideal ratio of milk and eggs: for 1 egg 30 ml of milk, you can measure milk with half an egg shell.

Mix the eggs with a fork or whisk with milk and a pinch of salt.

The main secret of the Soviet omelet is not only in proportions! Under no circumstances should the mixture of milk and eggs be beaten!!! Soviet chefs, with their enormous workload, had no time for excesses. Therefore, without knowing it themselves, they discovered the recipe for the “correct” omelet. So, we don’t beat the mixture, but simply stir it well until smooth with a fork or whisk. High shape (4-5 cm) grease with butter and pour the egg mixture into it - height about 3 cm.

Bake in the oven at 180-200 degrees for 15-20 minutes until lightly golden brown. During the baking process, the mass thickens and rises well. After baking, leave the omelet in the oven for a while. Do not worry that after you turn off the oven the omelette will settle - this is normal for this dish. This will not affect the taste in any way.

We take it out, cut it into portions and serve. Bon appetit!

Can be served with milk and bread.

(NB: Bread is a very important and most accessible source of B vitamins and valuable vegetable protein. It serves as a daily supplier of plant fiber. And also, bread is a source of minerals necessary for the body, namely potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iron .)

Everyone remembers this simple but tasty dish from kindergarten and school. But even as an adult, you can enjoy it in hotels and can also easily prepare it at home.

Even a baby or a young wife can master the recipe. For 3 dozen eggs, take 1 liter of milk (and if you are selfish and have only 3 eggs, then 100 ml) + refined oil to grease the baking sheet, and salt to taste. In classical cuisine, butter or ghee is used instead of vegetable oil. But it seems that it is the vegetable that gives the notorious “THAT taste” from distant childhood. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.

Ruthlessly but carefully break the eggs and add milk to them.

Salt and beat...

...until you get a nice and homogeneous mass

Grease the baking sheet with vegetable oil so that our omelette does not burn. And carefully pour the mixture onto a baking sheet, being careful not to spill it on yourself or on the table.

Place the omelette in the oven for 15-20 minutes.

And we get this beauty. There is more of it here, because... you need to feed the entire hotel.

All that remains is to cut into portions

As you can see, nothing burned

Of course, you can add herbs, spices, vegetables, ham to the mixture, and about three minutes before it’s ready, sprinkle the omelette with cheese. But we love the simple, pristine recipe. This omelet is very tasty to eat with black bread, pickles and green peas.

Many thanks to the chef of the eco-hotel “VeLes” Sergei Dmitriev for the recipe!

Now you can easily prepare this omelet at home. But for other joys, be sure to come to “Veles” - it’s very cool there.

How to make an omelet? Even a schoolboy can answer this question. But not every cook knows how to make an omelet in the oven like in kindergarten. With the exception of cooks in kindergarten, but they don’t share their recipes on the Internet.

My friend’s mother works as a cook in a kindergarten, and she kindly shared the recipe for an omelet with milk that they prepare for children. Everything turned out to be very simple: the main thing is the proportion of eggs and milk. No flour and no soda! An omelet in the oven, just like in kindergarten, really turns out the same as in the distant times of the USSR.

This is exactly the kind of omelet they gave us in kindergarten, pioneer camps and sanatoriums! Preparing an omelet like in kindergarten will not take you much time, and to get a fluffy omelet, you need to use exactly 10 eggs; for 5 eggs the omelet is no longer so fluffy.


  • 10 eggs
  • 500 ml. milk
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 50 gr. butter

How to cook an omelet in the oven like in kindergarten:

Mix the eggs with milk in a bowl, add salt and beat with a whisk or mixer.

Experienced chefs claim that this omelette needs to be beaten with a whisk, and not with a mixer, otherwise the omelette in the oven will not turn out like in kindergarten. I can object: nothing like that! I always beat with a mixer, because I don’t have a whisk, and it takes a long time to beat 10 eggs with a fork. The omelette comes out with a bang every time, as you can see in the photo.

Grease the baking dish with butter.

Pour the egg-milk mixture into the mold and place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 20-30 minutes.

After 20 minutes the omelette will begin to set and rise.

We wait until it is completely browned and check that the middle is also dense and “not trembling” - that means our omelet in the oven is ready, just like in kindergarten.

Take a piece of butter and grease the finished omelette.

When the omelette cools, it will fall off, but if you eat it right away, you can enjoy a fluffy and airy omelette, just like in kindergarten.