Rapeseed honey - composition, beneficial and medicinal properties, application. Rapeseed honey: benefits and harms, effects on different body systems

What is the difference rapeseed honey from Canada and Russia, if you don’t take into account that the first is often used to make cream? The answer is in the text, as well as a couple of recipes and a method for adding it to coffee.

Rapeseed is an annual plant, and rapeseed honey is of low grade. It crystallizes in 20 days if stored in honeycombs, and in 7-10 days if stored in a container. This variety is characterized by two properties: low humidity, almost a record for flower varieties, and pollen content. Rapeseed is adapted to self-pollination, and pollen is produced in large quantities. One gram of bee product contains 6-8 thousand grains.

Origin and GEO

Rapeseed could be obtained as a hybrid of garden cabbage and rapeseed. It was known before our era, and appeared in England, Holland or one of the Mediterranean countries.

Bee product not whipped

The attitude towards rapeseed, or repack, was negative - the plant was considered a weed. There is no wild rapeseed, and cultivated varieties have appeared recently.

Remained in question medicinal properties rapeseed that has undergone genetic modification.

Features of the bee product

If the beekeeper begins treatment late, drug residues are found in the honey. The same applies to pesticides - crops cannot be treated before flowering. However, one cannot rely on the honesty of agronomists. Therefore, honey from rapeseed is obtained in a special way: collection begins only after the fields have been processed. For this purpose, the apiary is made nomadic.

Useful material

Rapeseed nectar is of little value. What does not apply to bee product, which is called “live honey”. It's all about the high concentration of pollen, amounting to 7500 grains per gram.

Pollen grain

On average, the number of flower varieties is 3000. Rapeseed pollen contains 23-26% proteins and 7% fats, and what its grain looks like is shown above.

Honey has a high ash content (0.62%) and unique composition microelements. But for the most part beneficial features due to vitamin C content.

Chemical composition

When they see that the product has begun to crystallize, it is stirred. But you don’t need to do this - the consistency will become like jelly.

During sugaring, that is, during crystallization, the chemical composition does not change.

Calorie content

Characteristic for rapeseed variety high calorie content– 328 Kcal/100 g. Honey collected in Britain will be even more nutritious – up to 333 Kcal/100 g.

Bee product from Britain

The glycemic index is 64. For comparison: white acacia honey is 32, fireweed honey is 90.

The calorie content of Russian meadow herbs exceeds 400 Kcal/100 g.

The nutritional value

For flower honey the typical protein content will be 0.3%. The rapeseed variety has a higher concentration:

  • Proteins – 0.8%;
  • Carbohydrates – 81.5%, of which glucose – 51% or higher!
  • Fats – less than 0.1%;
  • The rest is minerals and water.

It was said above that properties include fast crystallization. This is due to both low humidity and high content glucose.

Fructose can be contained in an amount half as much as glucose.

Vitamins and minerals

Rapeseed honey contains vitamins A, E, K and C, as well as B vitamins. The leader in content, of course, is vitamin C.


By mass fraction In terms of minerals, this variety is not superior to others. But in terms of the composition of micro- and macroelements, it has no analogues.

The concentration of potassium, sodium, calcium and phosphorus will be very high. Magnesium and zinc are also an integral part of the mineral composition.

Appearance and taste

Liquid honey will be light yellow. After crystallization, the color will become beige, possibly with a greenish tint. And the consistency will be thick, without visible crystals.

Color before and after

The smell is present only 2-3 days after pumping. And if we talk about taste, a cloying sweetness is noticeable, and that’s all.

A slight bitterness in the aftertaste is a sign of unmodified varieties.

What's on the counter?

White honey is a cream. But if the product is not whipped, then it will be candied. A greasy consistency is a sign of mixing. This is done when dividing into factions.

Naturalness check

Something white is added to the counterfeit. Tests require a solution.

You can add to the aqueous solution medical alcohol. The white sediment is dextrins released by molasses.

Due to the low diastase content, starch is not added.

Differences from other varieties

Having purchased honey, you can weigh it - the density is 1.43-1.44 kg/l. Its color is beige, cream, but its main property is its green or pearlescent tint.

Two different shades

It will be acceptable light aroma rapeseed or cabbage. The rationale is stated above.

A bitter aftertaste is a clear, but not obligatory, sign of a rapeseed variety.


The variety does not belong to the elite. The price does not depend on the shade and taste. Other properties:

  • Density – 1.43-1.44 kg/l;
  • Diastase number – 17;
  • Glucose content – ​​from 51%;
  • Honey plant productivity – 50 kg per 1 ha;
  • The weight gain of the hives is up to 8 kg per day.

The variety is characterized by low humidity and the presence of sucrose, as well as ash content and dextrin content.

Spring rape blooms in June-July, in Altai - in August.

Areas of application

Rapeseed honey, the benefits and harms of which are not 100% clear, treats diseases according to folk recipes. In cosmetology it is used to cleanse the skin.

Whipped cream

Taste qualities are average. And honey is used as a raw material for cream.

In Canada, bees collect up to 50% of their honey from rapeseed.

White cream - on video

Application in medicine

Pure honey serves as a remedy for excess tanning. When treating acute respiratory infections, it is added to milk. Another specialization is gastrointestinal treatment. 1 tsp honey is added to warm water.

What diseases does rapeseed honey treat?

The variety is more suitable for cosmetology. About food use:

  • acute respiratory infections, flu - warm milk+ 1 tsp. honey, after meals;
  • Gastrointestinal tract (ulcer, gastritis) – boiled water (warm), before meals;
  • Liver, kidneys, heart and blood vessels - the same.

When treating the heart, the heart muscle is strengthened and the coronary arteries are dilated.

Mix with cold boiled water perfectly tones.

Rapeseed as a honey plant

In 1928, Professor I. J. Dyce invented the whipping technology. And we tested it on honey obtained from rapeseed nectar.

There were two reasons:

  • Cream honey was prepared to be sweetened with berries, etc.;
  • Weed rape and seed rape make up 50% of Canada's melliferous raw materials.

This honey was supplied to Russia from Belarus for a long time.

Currently, 12 varieties are known:

  • Coramboza (spring);
  • Rossica, Italica (winter crops), etc.

In the 20th century there were no GMOs yet, but non-bitter varieties had already appeared. They were brought out in the 80s. And now in Russia, rapeseed is sown tens of times more than buckwheat.


Rapeseed blooms for 27-30 days. Period:

  • Until June 15 – for winter varieties;
  • June-July – for spring crops;
  • In August, rapeseed blooms in Altai.

Spring varieties are inferior in productivity. Characteristics of winter crops – 50 kg per ha.

Apiary calculation: 1 hive per 2 hectares. If they do more, the problem of pollination is solved. And the distance to the honey plant should not exceed 0.2 km.


There should not be this honey in the combs left in the hive for the winter. The reason is high ash content. If the “excess honey plant” has not been eliminated, it is advised not to do ventilation. Let the hives be damp.

Someone managed to keep bees on rapeseed honey in winter for 6 months!

Benefits and harms

The benefit is the ability to fight intoxication, normalize hemoglobin and cholesterol.

GMO rapeseed

The harm is due to the high glucose content, as well as the emergence of GMO varieties. Disadvantages:

  • It is poorly soluble in water (we need a temperature of 35-45 °C), but flakes do not form, like buckwheat honey;
  • Cannot be blended.

Laxative recipe: 1 tbsp. honey per glass of warm water on an empty stomach.

The product of this variety can be added to warm coffee.


Light honey is contraindicated in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. Children under three years of age are not given any natural honey. Other contraindications:

  • Hay fever (pollen allergy);
  • For cold mixtures - gastritis with high acidity.

For diabetes, consumption is kept to a minimum: rapeseed nectar contains a lot of glucose.

It is better to coordinate the preparation of any medications and mixtures with your doctor.

Storage Features

GOST specifies how to store honey, but not cream:

  • In a tightly sealed glass container;
  • T = 5-20 °C.

There are reviews that say that the best range would be 5-10 or 15-20 °C. So crystallization proceeds more slowly.

Disintegration into factions

The shelf life according to GOST is 1 year from the date of packaging.

Whipped cream does not crystallize. And it can be stored under the same conditions as honey. The expiration date is indicated on the label.

Bees extract rapeseed honey from a honey-bearing food plant - rapeseed. Yellow and small rapeseed flowers contain a lot of pollen, so beekeepers not only receive a large amount of honey from the plant, but also store healthy pollen for feeding bee colonies.

In Russia, rapeseed also blooms in damp, cool weather, from the last days of May to the end of June. In Ukraine, honey is collected from April to May. Spring rape blooms in August, so beekeepers have the opportunity to get a second honey harvest. In one day, bees can bring 8 kg of honey from a hectare of weed wasteland, and 80 or 100 kg from a hectare of sown field.

Quality indicators of rapeseed honey

Rapeseed honey is unique in its high content of the element Boron, which stabilizes the functioning of the thyroid glands. In addition, honey from rapeseed nectar accelerates the regeneration of any human bones and tissues.

The color of fresh rapeseed honey is slightly yellow or white, transparent, the aroma is faint floral, delicate, very pleasant. Its taste is tart, sweet, slightly cloying, reminiscent of mustard. Crystallized rapeseed honey has a creamy whitish color, or with a gray tint.

It contains more than 50% glucose, 17-19% water, up to 82% invert sugars, and more than 7% dextrins. It is characterized by a low mineral content and a high number and quantity of biological active elements. Contains very important enzymes and vitamins, especially a lot of ascorbic acid.

Honey does not melt in the mouth, is poorly soluble in water, and its consistency is very thick. It crystallizes incredibly quickly, forming large white crystals right in the combs, so beekeepers try to pump it out no later than 24 hours after filling the combs. Crystallization in jars occurs after 3–4 weeks.

Honey when not proper storage may turn sour quickly. It is recommended to keep it in the dark, without access to air or light.

Rapeseed honey for your home medicine cabinet

Honey from rapeseed nectar can significantly alleviate toxicosis in pregnant women. A spoonful of honey will relieve nausea. It does not cause allergic reactions.

Honey is a wonderful remedy for strengthening immune system, it tones and increases a person’s mental and physical abilities.

For thyroid diseases, hormonal disorders, including menopause, the use of honey will certainly alleviate the painful condition.

With the help of honey, it is possible to increase potency in men; it is also used for complex treatment infertility in women.

Ointments containing rapeseed honey are successfully used to heal diabetic infected ulcers. In most cases, honey heals wounds much faster than artificial antibiotics.

Honey from rapeseed nectar is used to smear bleeding gums, wounds on skin, since it can stimulate the rapid regeneration of damaged tissues and accelerates the growth of new ones. For the purpose of rejuvenation, it is used in cosmetology centers.

Honey is used to treat the gastrointestinal tract; it can heal ulcers and restore the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines. It is used to get rid of enteritis, gastritis, constipation.

Rapeseed honey helps with heart and vascular problems: hypotension and hypertension. With dystrophy of the heart muscle, heart attack. The benefits of honey in restoring the elasticity of smooth cardiac muscles have been proven. It should be taken for speedy healing of bones in cases of fractures.

Rapeseed honey solves the problems of liver and enzymatic failure, as well as the spleen, it improves the function of restoring hematopoiesis.

Pollen, which is a huge number collected by bees, inevitably ends up in honey, enhancing its healing effect. In addition, it is very useful for bees.

How to choose quality honey

To avoid buying a counterfeit product, you should purchase rapeseed honey from friends or beekeepers. Typically, real beekeepers sell not only honey, but also other products: beebread, pollen, propolis, royal jelly.

You cannot take honey that is sold or stored in metal containers. This honey can cause poisoning.

Among the many honey varieties one of the most unusual and alarming already long time considered rapeseed. After all, people are accustomed to perceiving the herbaceous plant from which nectar is collected only as feed for livestock and crops used for production. vegetable oil. Probably, the time has come to change stereotypes somewhat and consider rapeseed as a good honey plant that provides useful benefits. tasty remedy treatment and nutrition.


Unfortunately, many beekeepers and beekeepers to this day are not eager to set up bee houses near boundless fields, covered with a yellow blanket of flowers that give a dizzying sweet aroma. The fact is that they mistakenly classify rapeseed beekeeping product as low-grade and one that will not find its consumer. But experienced beekeepers believe that, by and large, it does not matter whether bees carry nectar from forest edges or from agricultural fields. The main thing is that the honey turns out tasty.

So who is right and whose opinion is wrong. Let's take a closer look at all the advantages and disadvantages of rapeseed and its honey:

  • rapeseed belongs to the cabbage family, which is why it does not cause significant harm to anyone;
  • it is widely cultivated, as a result, the flowering fields of rapeseed are truly endless;
  • From bright yellow flowers (flowering period from late spring to early summer), bees can collect at least 8 kg of fragrant nectar per day.
  • In addition, rapeseed in the fields blooms at the end of summer and beginning of autumn, which gives a late harvest.

As you can see, the plant is useful in all respects. Naturally, nectar from rapeseed will definitely turn into honey and will be characterized by:

  • general bright yellow color with small inclusions of a whitish tint;
  • a special aroma that has a tart, sugary-sweet aftertaste;
  • very thick structure (often honey crystallizes while still in the honeycomb, which is bad for bees, so beekeepers avoid placing hives near rapeseed fields);
  • “sugaring” after 3 weeks, which, in principle, does not affect the beneficial properties in any way;
  • slight bitterness after drying and a fine-grained white structure;
  • unpleasant property of rapid souring, which is why its storage should be under constant control and only in glass containers, this is a big minus;
  • poor dissolution in water.

But since rapeseed fields are truly “rivers of honey,” for commercial production large apiaries are placed near the rapeseed. Therefore, it is worth noting the fact that almost all European supermarkets fill their “honey shelves” with this particular rapeseed honey product, giving it the names May, spring or Pioneer honey. But such nectar will only cause harm to bees, because honey crystallizes quite quickly even in hives. And under no circumstances should you allow rapeseed honey to get into wintering frames; bee colonies will die. That’s why beekeepers don’t like it when rapeseed blooms near the apiary in the fall, since when the nests have already been collected for the winter and rapeseed nectar getting into the frames will only cause harm during the wintering of the bees.


Based on numerous studies, scientists confidently claim that rapeseed honey is not much different from the usual flower honey in its chemical composition, although it has some individual characteristics. Thus, rapeseed honey contains:

  • 0.8 g of protein fractions;
  • almost 82 g of carbohydrates, represented by glucose and fructose;
  • necessary enzymes, for example, dexins;
  • extremely small amount of water (up to 17 g);
  • vitamins from group B - riboflavin, pantothenic, folic and nicotinic acids, pyridoxine;
  • ascorbic acid (or vitamin C);
  • such minerals, like calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, sodium.

The total calorie content is usually calculated at 305–330 calories per 100 g of product. At the same time, the used/w/w ratio is 0.8/0/81.5 g due to the complete absence of fat.


In most literary sources, rapeseed honey is classified as a low-value food product. This is unfair, this honey has a number of benefits for human body qualities:

  • with its help you can quickly satisfy your hunger without eating large quantity(it is best to take a small piece of the candied product);
  • It helps athletes restore wasted strength and energy;
  • Having a beneficial effect on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, such honey activates the expectorant effect;
  • As a diaphoretic, it is recommended to use it with warm (not hot) milk to honey product quickly gave away the necessary valuable elements;
  • rapeseed honey is also indispensable for muscle aches during flu and colds (fever, elevated temperature);
  • like any other honey product, it helps stabilize the work nervous system and quality sound sleep;
  • when used externally, honey helps speed up the healing of wounds, burns and ulcers;
  • In cosmetology, rapeseed honey is included in hair-restoring shampoos and facial tonics, eliminating wrinkles and restoring a healthy color to the skin.


Since rapeseed honey crystallizes quickly, it is often heated for sale; if this is done incorrectly, the resulting product is hazardous to health. Watch the video for more details:

We must never forget that any type of honey actually always has some specific contraindications. And rapeseed honey, despite the least possible negative, is still no exception. Therefore, doctors do not recommend it:

  • for early baby food(By general rules It is customary to give honey to children only from the age of three);
  • for allergy sufferers;
  • people diagnosed with diabetes;
  • breastfeeding mothers (there is a risk of causing and provoking a lifelong allergic reaction to honey products in the baby);
  • buy liquid rapeseed honey in the autumn-winter period (it must be crystallized);
    heat the product to 40 degrees (some say up to 60 degrees);
  • use uncontrollably, you can only eat in small doses (for adults - 1 tablespoon per day).

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Honey from rapeseed is not collected everywhere. This is a rather unique honey product that Belarusian beekeepers can boast of. From a square kilometer of flowering rapeseed during its flowering, up to 90 kg of sweet product is obtained. In European countries, rapeseed honey is not a new product. So what are the features of this honey compared to other honey representatives? You can learn everything about rapeseed honey: the benefits and harm it brings to the body by carefully studying this article.

Rapeseed honey is characterized by a light golden color. It is matte, it does not have the transparency that is inherent in ordinary flower honey. Has a sharp pleasant smell, after swallowing, leaves a bitter taste in the mouth. Rapeseed honey crystallizes too quickly. This becomes a problem for beekeepers. To pump out this product you need to act quickly enough. And during storage, complete crystallization occurs within three weeks. Rapeseed honey can ferment and turn sour. Therefore, it must be stored in a dark, cool place. Honey is not suitable for adding to tea. It dissolves very poorly.

Composition and scope of application of rapeseed honey

This honey consists of 2/3 saccharides: glucose – 35%, fructose – 40%. The rest of the volume is occupied by water and some trace elements and minerals. For example, boron, iodine, zinc, potassium, and ferrum can be found in rapeseed honey. Due to the large amount of glucose and fructose, honey tastes very sweet. You only need a little bit of it to saturate the body. It is quickly and easily absorbed.

Pros and cons of rapeseed honey

From positive properties The following can be noted:

  • Due to the peculiar chemical composition, very useful for people with cardiovascular diseases and blood diseases. Indicated for normalization blood pressure, people with coronary heart disease and heart valve dystrophy.
  • The boron content allows honey to be used to treat the nervous system and restore tissues of the entire body. Wide range This type of honey was used in the treatment of internal diseases of the body.
  • Due to its increased sweetness, honey can quickly suppress the feeling of hunger. In many weight loss diets, it is used to falsely saturate the body and reduce appetite. The use of honey for the treatment of obesity gives positive results.
  • Rapeseed honey effectively removes from the body toxic substances and heavy metal salts, which are so rich in people living in areas heavily polluted by industrial emissions.
  • Due to its ability to repair and heal wounds, it is used to treat throat diseases. It is recommended to drink honey with hot milk. For external treatment it is used for burns, wounds and scratches. When appearing in oral cavity ulcers, it is advised to resolve a small amount of honey If diabetics develop ulcers, compresses with rapeseed honey should be made.
  • Honey helps increase hemoglobin levels. Helps pregnant women eliminate nausea that occurs in the morning.
  • Rapeseed product is used to relieve rheumatic pain.
  • Rapeseed honey is also used to care for the delicate skin of the face and hands.
  • Regular consumption of small doses of this honey can boost your immunity. To prevent colds, it is recommended to consume honey with the whole family.
  • Does not cause allergic reactions like other types of honey.

But, like any product, honey has its drawbacks:

  • When overeating, it causes a feeling of nausea.
  • Using in large quantities This type of honey can cause diabetes.
  • When using honey for treatment, do not forget that excessive consumption can harm the body. Take honey in limited quantities and the treatment will be beneficial.

Rapeseed honey is classified as a rare variety. The rapeseed plant is an agricultural crop. It is grown for fattening livestock. During flowering, rapeseed becomes a rich source of nectar. Included rapeseed plant contains essential oil.

Appearance of rapeseed honey

Honey obtained from rapeseed has a sharp aroma and a sugary sweet taste with a slight bitterness. The time for rapeseed to bloom occurs in May and June. If farmers planted more rapeseed in their fields, 60-90 kg of bribes could be collected from one hectare. But the rapid production of rapeseed honey can make it difficult to pump out the honeycomb, so beekeepers must carefully time the extraction of the product.

A distinctive feature of rapeseed honey, in addition to its pungent aroma, is its light tone. For those who have purchased this rare honey, it will be useful to know that it ferments quickly, so you need to store it in a cool place.

Composition of rapeseed honey

The composition of rapeseed honey is as nutritious as other types of honey, it contains a high sucrose, glucose and dextrins. Since this product is easily digestible, it is beneficial for smooth muscle tissue, especially for the heart.

Rapeseed honey is not considered popular, perhaps because it is quite rare variety. In European countries, the situation is the opposite, due to the fact that rapeseed crop is not rare and often grows in the cultivated fields of farmers.

Rapeseed honey is included in many traditional medicine recipes.

This type of honey is very useful to those who are engaged physical labor or actively working in the gym. Rapeseed honey is one of those varieties that helps remove toxins, industrial poisons and others from the body. harmful substances. Therefore, it is simply necessary for residents of industrial areas and large cities.

High boron content in the composition of rapeseed honey is indicative for the use of this type of honey by those suffering from unstable work thyroid gland. Rapeseed honey also promotes the regeneration of bone tissue. For these reasons, it is very advisable to use rapeseed honey for women during menopause and hormonal changes.

Also noticed beneficial effect rapeseed honey for work of the spleen and circulatory system generally. It would not be a bad idea to use this product if you have dysfunctions. and biliary tract. If there is colds, you should start using rapeseed honey with warm drinks, which will have good impact on mucous membrane of the nose and larynx. For dry cough, drinking honey will relieve spasmodic conditions.

Features of rapeseed honey

A significant feature of rapeseed honey is tissue regeneration. Of course, you should not hope that there will be a complete renewal of the body, but an improvement in its functioning will be noticeable, as well as in the treatment of small open wounds on the skin. It would not be amiss to introduce this honey into the diet of those who suffer from intestinal colic and constipation.

Who is most interested in rapeseed honey? Residents of large cities, industrial and industrial areas, as well as women experiencing hormonal changes in the body.