Programs operating in pressure cooker mode. Vacuum packing machine

A pressure cooker appeared in the kitchens of housewives all over the world a long time ago, but despite the obvious convenience, many do not have one, and some simply do not know how to use a pressure cooker. It will significantly reduce the time required to prepare many products and can turn into tender juicy dish even the most tough meat, cook jellied meat in just an hour and cook frozen vegetables straight from the freezer. You can cook soups, main dishes and even desserts in a pressure cooker. It makes excellent meat, fish, poultry and vegetables. And to understand how to use a pressure cooker, read this article.

Principle of operation

Modern pressure cookers come in two types - a special saucepan that cooks a dish on a regular stove, and an electric free-standing appliance. They both work on the principle of increasing pressure under the lid of the pan, which allows you to cook food faster. Therefore, the most important part of a pressure cooker is the sealed lid with a special valve that first creates pressure and then releases steam from the pan.

At the beginning of the 17th century, French scientist D. Papin noticed that cooking time depended on atmospheric pressure. The higher it is, the higher the boiling point, which means the faster the food cooks. So he came up with a hermetically sealed pan that builds pressure inside. Similar simple pressure cookers Both our mothers and grandmothers used it successfully. There were these on almost every Soviet cuisine, so all housewives knew how to use a pressure cooker.

An important advantage of this cooking method, in addition to speeding up, is that the pressure cooker retains all the important nutritional elements in the food. The secret here is still in the same tightness - without contact with oxygen, food does not oxidize and does not lose its benefits. It also preserves the taste of the food.

To prepare a meal in a pressure cooker, first place the ingredients needed for the recipe in it, then close the lid. Here it is important to place the lid correctly so that it fits tightly to the pan and the valve is in its place. Turn the locking handle 2-2.5 turns, set the adjustable valve to the desired temperature regime and put the pressure cooker on fire. Keep an eye on it, as it is important for you to wait until the liquid boils. When its temperature reaches 100 °C, you will hear a hissing sound and see steam exiting through a special hole. Modern models of pressure cookers are also equipped with sensors that will show you with light or sound that the water has boiled.

From this moment you will begin to count down the time for preparing the dish. But first, reduce the temperature, it should be low.

Once the cooking time is over, you will need to cool the pressure cooker and release the steam. To do this, place the pan under the tap with cold water so that its bottom is also in the water. Be careful not to allow water to enter the valve. Move it to the decompression position. Usually there are 2 such positions - slow and fast release of steam. Start slow. Until you release the steam, the food will remain under pressure and continue to cook. In addition, until the steam is released, pressure remains inside the pan, meaning you will not be able to open the lid.

When it falls, and you will understand this by the cooled walls of the pressure cooker and by the lower position of the pressure indicator, you can open the pressure cooker. Now you know how to use a pressure cooker, the instructions for it will tell you additional modern and convenient functions of notification, timer, and decompression.

We lay down the products

To prepare a dish correctly, you need to know not only how to use a pressure cooker, but also how to cook in it. different products. If you need to pre-fry something, do it directly in the pressure cooker with open lid. Then place all the other ingredients of the dish. If your recipe requires you to add ingredients gradually at regular intervals, you will have to run the pressure cooker under water and release steam each time to open the lid.

Approximate cooking times for some foods in a pressure cooker:

Frozen vegetables

Beans, cabbage, carrot pieces, frozen fish, potato wedges

3-4 minutes

Red beans, cauliflower, small new potatoes, liver, fresh fish

Eggplants, turnips, onions, Bell pepper, large new potatoes, pre-fried beef

Whole young beets, jacket potatoes, frozen poultry, pre-fried lamb and pork, rice

10-15 minutes

Corn on the cob, pre-fried chicken

15-20 minutes

Medium sized chicken, duck

20-30 minutes

Due to the pressure and lack of exposure to oxygen, the flavor of foods cooked in a pressure cooker is much more intense than in a saucepan. Therefore, you need to put half as much aromatic additives and spices into the pressure cooker as when the usual way preparations.

What not to do?

Remember that there is liquid - without it the pressure cooker will not work. Also, you can’t put it on the stove empty. Minimal amount liquids - 2 cups. However, do not fill it more than 2/3 of the pan's volume. It is not recommended to cook in a pressure cooker those products that produce a lot of foam - oatmeal and other grains, milk. If you are boiling meat and need to skim off the foam, boil it first with the lid open. Otherwise, foam will clog the valve.

You cannot use the pressure cooker for other purposes - storing and heating food in it, putting it in the oven or microwave.

Rules of care

To clean the pressure cooker, take it apart and wash the pan with dishwashing liquid or put it in the dishwasher. It is better to wash the seal, valves and other parts separately by hand. Pay special attention to the lid - rinse it carefully under the tap, but do not immerse it completely in water, this may damage the operation of the valves.

Also, before washing the lid in the dishwasher, check the instructions to see if this can be done. If yes, then remove all parts from the lid; they need to be washed by hand.

How to use a multi-pressure cooker?

Multicookers are no surprise today; perhaps, this device is in every kitchen. But few people are familiar with a multicooker with a pressure cooker function. This is a great opportunity to combine two such convenient features into one.

The device follows the design of a conventional pressure cooker - the multicooker has the same valve, which creates pressure inside for accelerated preparation dishes. So you don't have to learn if you already know how to use a pressure cooker. "Redmond", "Scarlet", "Moulinex" - these are the brands that produce the best, reliable and inexpensive pressure cookers. If you decide to get such an assistant, feel free to buy devices under these brands.

You have bought a new pressure cooker and the first question arises, how to use a pressure cooker, what can you cook in a pressure cooker. This is what this article will discuss.

How to use a pressure cooker correctly

Before you start using regular pressure cooker or an electric pressure cooker, you need to carefully study the instructions that come with it and the manufacturer’s recommendations for using the pressure cooker. But there are several general rules, which will be useful for any model of pressure cooker.

The new pressure cooker needs to be rinsed and dried. When using for the first time, especially if the pressure cooker is made of uncoated metal, boil the milk in it without covering it with a lid. Then the metal will not darken or tarnish.

You cannot put the pressure cooker on the fire empty. It should contain at least 250 ml of water, and preferably 500 ml.

The pressure cooker cannot be used for frying foods under pressure; it is designed for cooking. If you need to fry a small amount of vegetables in oil, then you need to do this without closing the lid: save the vegetables in small quantity vegetable or butter, then put all other products and top up required amount liquids. Only then can you close it with a lid and cook under pressure.

When cooking in a pressure cooker, do not fill the water to the brim; there must be room for steam to build up pressure. It is recommended to fill only 2/3 of the pan with water. If you are preparing foods that swell during cooking, fill the pan halfway.

When cooking meat, it is better to first bring to a boil without closing the lid, skim off the foam, and then close the pan. If you immediately close the pressure cooker with a lid, then pour water to half the volume.

The pressure cooker can be used on the stove. You cannot cook in it under pressure in an oven or electric oven.

After cooking a dish in a pressure cooker, you need to remove it or transfer it to another pan, plastic container or other container for food products. It is not recommended to store the prepared dish in a pressure cooker to prevent persistent grease stains or stains from acid and salt from forming on the walls of the pan.

When cooking in a pressure cooker, steam should escape through the valve and not through the lid. If the opposite happens, check:

Is the pressure cooker lid closed properly?

Is the O-ring inserted correctly?

Is the pressure relief valve clogged?

To eliminate the malfunction, the pan must be removed from the heat, the pressure released by opening the valve, or placed in cold water.

You can clean the valve using a wire and rinse it under running water.

After cooking, the pressure cooker should be washed and dried thoroughly. To wash the pressure cooker, you can use any detergent that is suitable for the material from which your pressure cooker is made. You can wash the pressure cooker in the dishwasher if this is permitted by the manufacturer and there are recommendations in the instructions for the pressure cooker. The lid of the pressure cooker should not be washed in the dishwasher, especially if the lid has a control panel and this panel is not removable. Do not wash the sealing ring from the lid.

You can open the pan only when the pressure regulator is in the lowest position, or release steam manually.

I wrote how to choose a pressure cooker

How to cook in a pressure cooker

When preparing soup in a pressure cooker, immediately pour required quantity water or broth. During the cooking process, the loss of liquid is not very large. As soon as it begins to boil, you must immediately reduce the heat.

If you need to add vegetables or other products during the cooking process, you must first remove the pan from the heat and release the steam through the valve or cool the pan under cold water, and then just open the lid.

Frozen foods can be cooked immediately in a pressure cooker, provided they have been processed before freezing, i.e. washed, cleaned, gutted.

To prepare steamed dishes, you need to use a special insert or buy a special basket separately. You can steam meat in a pressure cooker in large pieces, and the vegetables are whole, without cutting them into small pieces.

When preparing a dish, you can add seasonings at once and half as much as when cooking in a regular pan. In a tightly closed pressure cooker, food retains its properties better. own scent and absorb the odors of spices and seasonings well.

After cooking the dish, you need to release the steam immediately. Otherwise, the products may be overcooked. The secret is that after turning off the fire and removing the pan from the hot burner, the cooking process will continue for some time under pressure until the pan cools down naturally.

Modern pressure cookers have a pressure regulator that must be set to slow or fast compression. Or put the pan under cold water.

A natural question will be: at what point should you start counting down cooking in a pressure cooker? The starting point for cooking should be considered when the pressure regulator valve begins to release steam with a characteristic sound. This indicates that the required pressure has been reached and the accelerated cooking process has begun.

What can you cook in a pressure cooker?

Almost all foods can be cooked in a pressure cooker. It is not recommended to cook in a pressure cooker only foods that create a lot of foam and splashes during cooking, and which can clog the valve from the inside. These products include: cereals, pearl barley, millet, semolina, crushed peas, pasta: spaghetti, noodles and others, compotes, especially with increased acidity. In this case, the pressure cooker can be used as a regular saucepan.

Cooking in a pressure cooker takes much less time than in a regular saucepan. You can cook soups, borscht, meat and fish, vegetables, cereals, side dishes, and desserts in it.

Below I will provide a list of products with approximate time cooking in a pressure cooker.

Products Time, min
Jacket potatoes 15
Potatoes, halved 10-12
Potatoes, cut into quarters 4 — 5
Medium young potatoes 8 -10
Small young potatoes 5 — 7
Cabbage 3 — 4
Young carrots 3 — 5
old carrots 6 -9
Sliced ​​carrots 3 -4
Onion (stewed) 8 — 10
Whole young beets 10 — 15
Old large beets 20 — 35
Red beans 5 — 6
Beans 2 — 4
Eggplant 8 — 10
Capsicum 8 — 10
Corn on the cob 15 — 20
Cauliflower 5 — 7
Turnip 10 12
Frozen vegetables 1
Rice 10
Liver 5
Frozen fish 4 — 5
Frozen bird 10 — 12
Beef (pre-fried) 8 — 10
Lamb (pre-fried) 10 — 12
Pork or veal (pre-fried) 12 — 15
Chicken (pre-fried) 15 — 20
Chicken medium 20 — 30
Boiled (steamed) chicken 30 — 35
Duck 20 — 25
Fresh fruits 2 — 5
Peas 10 — 15
Buckwheat 3 — 5
Fresh fish 4 — 6
Dried fruits 15 — 20

As you can see from the table, the cooking time is three to five times less than in a regular saucepan.

How to cook jellied meat in a pressure cooker

I cook jellied meat only in a pressure cooker. To make it tasty and solidified well without gelatin, you need to cook it for at least 6 - 8 hours over low heat. Which modern housewife can he afford to spend so much time preparing, albeit tasty, food? In a pressure cooker, jellied meat can be cooked in 1.5 - 2 hours.

Today we will cook jellied meat from pork knuckle, chicken legs. To make the jellied meat freeze better, add a couple of pig tails.

Wash the meat well. Scrape the shank and tails well with a knife.

Place all the ingredients in the pressure cooker and add water. The water should cover the meat about 3 - 4 cm above.

Before boiling, do not close the pan tightly; you will need to remove the foam and add salt. Once the foam is well removed, add salt and close the lid tightly. From now on I cook the jellied meat for 1.5 - 2 hours. When I put pork legs in jellied meat, it takes two hours. With knuckle - one and a half. You need to salt the jellied meat, as I said in this article, so that the broth is slightly over-salted. After 1.5 - 2 hours, turn off the heat and leave the pan until it cools down a little and you can open the lid. Then we disassemble the jellied meat: separate the meat from the bones, chop the meat and fill it with broth. I add spices and seasonings to taste. I usually add garlic Bay leaf and that's all.

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What Russian doesn't like fast food? Don’t think anything bad, we are not talking about “fast food” that has compromised itself - food that is unanimously considered harmful and incorrect food. Fast food it can be very good if it is cooked in a special pressure cooker. In addition, preparing such food will not require any Herculean efforts from women and huge amount time.

Thanks to the impatient men!

People have always strived to find quick ways to cook food. And in 1679, the French physicist Denis Papin created a hermetically sealed vessel in which, when heated, the pressure increased, and therefore the boiling point increased, and the food cooked faster. True, the first pressure cooker was not very convenient. She represented large saucepan with a tightly screwed cap, and could explode at any moment under high pressure.
This design was improved in 1954 by the American inventor Alfred Vischer. Now the pressure cooker has become similar to a familiar saucepan; valves have appeared on the lid that regulate the working pressure and release steam at the end of cooking, as well as a spare valve and a lid locking system. There is no need to wait for hours until the pan cools down, the steam pressure drops and it can be opened.

A good pot means a good lunch

The main advantage of pressure cookers is the speed of cooking. For example, beets, goulash, pilaf can be cooked in 20–25 minutes, potatoes and peas in 10 minutes, and cauliflower and fish - in 5 minutes. In addition, food cooked in a pressure cooker preserves vitamins better, as well as the taste, aroma and color of the food. What is important is that you can cook food without adding fat and oil.
This is how it is most often prepared in a pressure cooker. Place all the food and spices into the pan at once, pour in the required amount of water, close it with a lid with an o-ring, open the valve and place it on strong fire. As soon as the water boils and steam begins to come out of the valve, turn down the heat. After the required cooking time, remove the pan from the heat, cool it in air or in a container with cold water, then release the remaining steam and open the lid.
Sometimes, after putting food in a pressure cooker and pouring water, wait until the contents boil, remove the foam, then close the lid and continue cooking as described above. Sometimes not all products are prepared at once. For example, first cook the meat, then cool the pressure cooker, open the lid, add the rest of the food and cook for some more time.

Basic rules for cooking in a pressure cooker

Do not put a pressure cooker, closed with a lid, on a fire without water. Minimum amount of liquid for safe work– 2 glasses.
The maximum filling volume of the pressure cooker should not exceed 2/3 of its volume, and when cooking soups, cereals, peas - 1/2 of the volume.
You cannot fry in oil under pressure; you must first fry vegetables or meat in an open pan, add the rest of the ingredients and water, close the lid and cook under pressure.

What is cooked in a pressure cooker?

In this miracle pan you can quickly cook many wonderful and healthy dishes. Each housewife, we are sure, will eventually find her own “signature” recipes for “quick” food. To begin with, we suggest you prepare, for example, such simple dishes.

Bean soup with tomatoes (45 minutes)

Place meat in a pressure cooker ( better piece brisket on the bone) and white beans, add water and cook in a pressure cooker for about 30 minutes after the valve starts hissing. During this time, prepare vegetables: peel and cut potatoes, carrots, onion, tomatoes, celery. When the broth is ready, remove the meat, separate it from the bone, cut it into pieces and put it back into the pan. Add vegetables, bay leaf, salt and pepper (if desired, you can add a spoon garlic sauce). Cover with a lid and cook for about 15 minutes. Serve with fresh herbs and sour cream.

Roast beef and potatoes (30 minutes)

In a pressure cooker, fry the meat, cut into pieces, in butter. Add coarsely chopped potatoes, onion and carrot rings, stir and lightly fry everything. Salt, pepper, add spices to taste, bay leaf. Then pour water into the pan so that it covers the meat and vegetables, close tightly with a lid and simmer for 20 minutes.

Beef kidneys (20 minutes + 10 minutes)

Cut the kidneys large pieces. Melt the butter in a pressure cooker and lightly fry the kidneys in it, add the chopped onion and flour. Stir with a wooden spoon. Pour in sour cream, salt and pepper. Stir again, add mushrooms and add water. Close the pan and simmer the kidneys for 20 minutes. Then remove from heat and do not open the pan for another 10 minutes.

Chicken with beans (25 minutes)

Soak the beans overnight. In the morning, rinse, put in a pressure cooker, add water so that it is 2 cm above the beans. Add Green pepper, cut into pieces, 2 chicken legs, 2 table. spoons olive oil, a couple of cloves of garlic, chopped onions, a little paprika and a couple of bay leaves. Place the pressure cooker on high heat, after the liquid boils, reduce the heat to medium and cook for 25 minutes.

Pork cutlets with potatoes (10 minutes)

Melt the butter in a pressure cooker and brown the cutlets in it. Cut peeled potatoes into wedges. Remove the cutlets, put the potatoes, then top the cutlets, add salt and pepper, and add a little water. Cover and simmer for 10 minutes.

Stewed fish with horseradish (5 + 5 minutes)

Grease the bottom of the pressure cooker with butter, put a thin layer of grated horseradish (you can also use store-bought horseradish table or with lemon). Place pieces on top raw fish(for example, cod, pollock, hake), in 2-3 layers, sprinkling each layer with horseradish. Pour broth mixed with fish over lemon juice and simmer for 5 minutes. After this, remove the pressure cooker from the heat, carefully so as not to mash the fish, drain part of the broth, add sour cream to it, heat to a boil, add flour, boil, pour over the fish. Close the pressure cooker. Simmer for another 5 minutes. Serve sprinkled with herbs.

Potatoes in sour cream (7 minutes)

Grease the bottom of the pressure cooker with butter, put the potatoes cut into strips, add water and salt, close the pan, simmer for 5 minutes. Then open the pan, add sour cream, garlic, dill, pepper (optional), stir, put another piece of butter on top. Close the pan and simmer for another 2 minutes.
Alternatively: instead of sour cream, you can add ketchup or tomato paste, various hot sauces.

Vegetable casserole (7 minutes)

Fry the onion cut into rings in a pressure cooker, put on top layers of coarsely chopped zucchini, then potatoes, then tomatoes. Pour cream over vegetables, salt and pepper. Close the pan and simmer for 7 minutes. Serve, sprinkled with grated cheese and herbs.

Chicken pilaf (15 minutes)

Pour a glass of rice into a saucepan and place under running water, stirring from time to time. At this time, fry the chicken pieces in vegetable oil in a pressure cooker. Then add two chopped large onions, one large grated carrot. Fry everything, add pepper and salt. Then add the drained rice, add water to cover the rice, close the pressure cooker and put it on the fire. After the pressure cooker starts to sizzle, cook over low heat for 15 minutes.

Braised duck (40 minutes)

Fry a small duck (1.5-2 kg) in oil in a frying pan, then put it in a pressure cooker. Add chopped onions and carrots. Add salt, pepper, and spices to taste (you can add half a glass of dry white wine). Add a glass of water, close the pan and simmer the duck for 30 minutes.

The REDMOND RMC-PM380 multi-pressure cooker inherits many of the features of its predecessors. But here we find one new program that will undoubtedly delight culinary lovers. So, meet sous vide. We tell you in detail how to operate a multicooker and, of course, we’ll talk about this mysterious method of cooking.


Good afternoon. Today we will analyze the new model of the multicooker-pressure cooker REDMOND RMC-PM380 in detail and compare it with previous models of the PM series, in particular with the popular model Redmond RMC-PM190, which we have already written about.

The main feature of multicookers is the ability to cook under pressure. This is very convenient for those who like to cook dishes that require long cooking, such as jellied meat or corn. With increased pressure, the boiling point increases and the process proceeds much faster. But you have to pay for everything. In this case, we pay more for such a model than for just a multicooker, and the design of the device becomes more complex and, accordingly, its use becomes more difficult. But for demanding users, Redmond has prepared an interesting surprise: behind the modest “Vacuum” program, there is the possibility of preparing dishes in the slow cooker mode. Thus, this device Amazingly combines the functions of both a pressure cooker and a slow cooker! We will talk about this mode in some detail.

You see in the picture the main element of the pressure cooker - the steam release valve. If the valve is open, then the multicooker operates at atmospheric pressure, but if it is closed, then the pressure will be increased and the multicooker will work like a pressure cooker. It goes without saying that the lid closes hermetically and to open it you need to open the valve and relieve excess pressure. It is recommended to wait 10-15 minutes before opening the valve to avoid hot liquid escaping. This makes cooking difficult complex dishes if you want to add various ingredients during the cooking process. In addition, you need to make sure that the lid is tightly closed.

Otherwise, using the multicooker is quite simple. 14 automatic programs and a time-tested recipe book help us with this.

It's better to see once than to read a hundred times!

The design of the multicooker is budget, Chinese. The cover may have some play. So we recommend checking this before purchasing.
Since the lid fits tightly to the bowl, all condensation falls back into the bowl. This makes it easier to clean the multicooker after use. Pay special attention to the cleanliness of the heating plate, temperature sensor and all these surfaces in general - they get very hot. At the same time, do not forget about the cleanliness of the bowl, especially its bottom. The bottom and heating plate must be in perfect contact. Many people are interested in washing the bowl, lid and all accessories in the dishwasher. The answer is this, and it is true for any multicooker - the responsibility lies with you, so washing should be gentle and not spoil these items.

Let's move on to management.

The panel here is push-button with LED indication. The display is simple and not very informative.

Control Panel
1. Buttons for selecting cooking programs.
2. “Cancel/Reheat” button - enable/disable the function
preheating, interrupting the cooking program, resetting
settings made.
3. “Delay” button — setting the delayed start mode.
4. “Hour” button - set the hour value, decrease the value
5. “Min” button - set the minutes value, increase the value
6. “Time” button—set the cooking time.
7. “Pressure” button - change the level of working pressure in the bowl.
8. “Start” button - switches on the specified cooking mode,
turning on/off auto-heating.

A. Time/temperature value indicator.
B. Cooking time setting mode indicator.
C. Delayed start mode indicator.
D. Sound signal mute indicator.
E. Indicator of operation of the auto-heating and reheating functions.
F. Pressure level indicator in the working chamber First, you need to select one of the multicooker programs - there are 14 of them in total. No buttons have been spared here. Each program has its own separate button (this is convenient and much faster than selecting, for example, with the "Menu" button).

And the first thing we encounter after choosing a program is setting the pressure, cooking time and temperature. Note that the most commonly used values ​​will be set to default.

Setting the pressure level

In the REDMOND RMC-РМ380 multi-pressure cooker, in programs operating in pressure cooker mode, you can change the pressure level from 30 kPa (set by default to 70 kPa.
1. To enter pressure setting mode, press the Pressure button.
2. Set the desired pressure level. When you press the “Min” button, the pressure level increases, and the “Hour” button decreases it. Changes will be indicated by corresponding indicators. When the maximum value is reached, the pressure level setting will continue from the beginning of the range. Since there are only three levels, it is easier to press the hour button and the pressure will take values ​​of 70 kPa at the beginning (red indicator), 50 kPa (orange indicator) and 30 kPa (yellow indicator.
The higher the pressure, the higher the cooking temperature and the faster you will cook everything. On the other hand, the longer you will have to wait until you can open the lid (which is important when adding ingredients during the cooking process)

Setting the cooking time

In the REDMOND RMC-РМ380 multi-pressure cooker, you can independently set the cooking time for each program, except for the “EXPRESS” program. It's good if you are satisfied with the standard values. Otherwise, you will have to sweat.

The change step and the possible range of set times depend on the selected cooking program.
To set the cooking time after selecting the automatic program, press the button
"Time". The hour value on the time indicator will begin to flash. Set the desired hour value by pressing the button
"Hour". Having selected the hour value, press the “Min” button to set the minutes value.
The hours and minutes change independently of each other. To quickly change a value, press and hold the desired button.

Changing the cooking temperature

1.During the cooking program, press the “Hour” or “Min” button. The temperature value indicator on the display will start flashing.
2. Set the desired temperature. To increase, press the “Min” button, to decrease, press the button
"Hour". To quickly change, press and hold the desired button. When the maximum (minimum) value is reached, the setting will continue from the beginning of the range.
3. Do not press any buttons on the control panel for 5 seconds. Changes will be saved automatically.
To protect against overheating, when setting the cooking temperature above 130°C, the maximum program operating time is limited to two hours. If, with subsequent changes, the temperature is set below 130°C, the cooking time will return to the original value minus the time already spent by the program.

The ability to change time and temperature while the program is running is called “MASTERCHEF LITE” by the manufacturer, which means a simplified, budget-friendly “Masterchef” function. But it’s even simpler this way. However, you will not be able to use this feature when delaying the start - only while the program is running.

Delaying the start of the program

The “Delay Start” function allows you to set the time interval after which the cooking program will start running, up to 24 hours in 1-minute increments.
To set the delay start time after selecting the automatic cooking program, press the button
"Delay." The time indicator will display 00:00 and start flashing. When pressing the "Hour" button
the hour value will increase; when you press the “Min” button, the minute value will increase.
The hours and minutes change independently of each other. To quickly change a value, press and hold the desired button. When setting the value to 00:00 after pressing the "Start" button
The cooking program will begin.

The Delay Start function is not available when using the FRY/STORE and EXPRESS programs.
While the Delay Start function is operating, the indicator for the selected program lights up and the indicator appears on the display
, minute-by-minute countdown of the delayed start time and, if the auto-heating function is active, the auto-heating indicator. To see the cooking program running time, press and hold the Delay button. It is not recommended to use the Delay Start function if the recipe contains perishable food(eggs, fresh milk, meat, cheese, etc.).

Maintaining the temperature of prepared dishes (automatic heating)

This function turns on automatically immediately after the end of the cooking program and can maintain the temperature ready-made dish within 70-75°C for up to 12 hours. When automatic heating is active, the indicator lights up
and the display shows a direct countdown of the operating time in this mode.
If necessary, auto-heating can be turned off by pressing and holding the “Cancel/Warm-up” button for a few seconds.
The “Auto Warm” function is not available when using the “VACUUM”, “YOGURT/DOUGH” and “EXPRESS” programs.

Preliminary shutdown of auto-heating

Turning on auto-heating at the end of the cooking program is not always desirable. Taking this into account, the REDMOND RMC-РМ380 multicooker-pressure cooker provides the ability to disable this function in advance during the main cooking program. To do this, press the “Start” button until the “Cancel/Reheat” button indicator goes off. To turn auto-warm back on, press the Start button again (the Cancel/Keep Warm button indicator will light up)

Turning off beeps

To turn off beeps, press and hold the Time button for a few seconds. The display will show SOn. Sound signals can be turned off by pressing the “Min” button. The sound mute indicator will light up and the display will show SOFF. Switching on is carried out in the same way. When you have finished setting, do not press the buttons on the control panel for 5 seconds. Changes will be saved automatically.


The program is designed for cooking rice and various cereals from whole grain cereals.

“STEAM/COOK” program
The program is designed for boiling or steaming meat, fish, poultry, vegetables and multi-ingredient dishes.

The default cooking time in the program is 10 minutes. You can manually set the cooking time in the range from 5 minutes to 2 hours in 1 minute increments. Installed by default high level pressure in the bowl.
To cook in this program, use special container(included).

Recommended steaming times for various foods

Product Weight, g / Quantity, pcs. Water volume, ml Cooking time, min
Pork/beef fillet (1.5-2 cm cubes) 500 800 30/40
Lamb fillet (1.5-2 cm cubes) 500 800 40
Chicken fillet (1.5-2 cm cubes) 500 800 20
Meatballs/cutlets 500 800 25/40
Fish (fillet) 300 800 15
Sea cocktail (fresh frozen) 300 800 5
Manti/khinkali 800 800 25/30
Potatoes (cut into 4 pieces) 500 800 20
Carrots (1.5-2 cm cubes) 500 800 35
Beets (cut into 4 pieces) 500 1500 90
Vegetables (fresh frozen) 500 800 5
Chicken egg 5 pieces 800 10

This general recommendations. Actual time may differ from recommended values ​​depending on properties specific product, as well as on your taste preferences.

Program “STEW/JELLY”
The program is intended for stewing meat, vegetables, seafood, poultry and multi-ingredient dishes, as well as for preparing jellied meat and aspic.

"SUP" program
The program is designed for preparing various meat, fish, vegetable and other types of soups.
The default cooking time in the program is 20 minutes. You can manually set the cooking time in the range from 5 minutes to 4 hours in 1 minute increments. By default, the bowl pressure is set to high.
Before reaching operating parameters, the device will beep. Open the lid of the device and skim the foam from the soup.

Program "LANGING"
The program is designed for simmering meat, preparing shanks and baked milk.
The default cooking time in the program is 1 hour. You can manually set the cooking time in the range of 5 minutes
up to 5 hours in 5 minute increments. By default, the bowl pressure is set to high.

Program "PLOV"
The program is designed to prepare various types pilaf
The default cooking time in the program is 20 minutes. It is possible to manually set the cooking time in the range from
5 minutes to 3 hours in 1 minute increments. By default, the bowl pressure is set to high.


Program "VACUUM"
Using the REDMOND RMC-РМ380 multi-pressure cooker, you can cook foods using sous-vide technology (French for “in a vacuum”). Follow the cooking instructions in the included recipe book.
The default cooking time in the program is 2 hours 30 minutes. You can manually set the cooking time in the range from 5 minutes to 10 hours in 1 minute increments. The auto-warm function is not available when using this program.

BREAD program
The program is designed for baking various types of bread from wheat and rye flour. The program provides a full cooking cycle from proofing the dough to baking. To ensure that the bread bakes evenly, it must be turned over during the baking process after the appliance beeps.
The default cooking time in the program is 3 hours. You can manually set the cooking time in the range from 10 minutes to 4 hours in 5 minute increments. When using this program, the maximum operating time of the auto-warm function is limited to 2 hours.
When adding ingredients, make sure they are below the 1/2 mark on the inside of the bowl.
It should be taken into account that during the first hour of the program the dough is proofed, and then the baking itself takes place. Do not open the lid of the device while the dough is proofing! The quality of the baked product depends on this.
If you set the cooking time to less than 1 hour, after pressing the “Start” button, the baking process will begin.
It is not recommended to use the Delay Start function, as this may affect the quality of baking. Finished product Remove from the pressure cooker immediately after cooking to prevent it from becoming soggy. If this is not possible, you can leave the product in the multicooker-pressure cooker for a short time with auto-heating turned on.

ATTENTION! Use oven mitts to remove bread from the appliance.

"BAKING" program
The program is designed for baking biscuits, casseroles and pies made from yeast dough.
The default cooking time in the program is 40 minutes. You can manually set the cooking time in the range from 10 minutes to 4 hours in 5 minute increments.
You can check the readiness of the biscuit by inserting a wooden stick (toothpick) into it. If you take it out and there is no sticky dough left on it, the sponge cake is ready.
When preparing baked goods, it is recommended to turn off the automatic heating function. Remove the finished product from the pressure cooker immediately after cooking so that it does not become wet. If this is not possible, you can leave the product in the multicooker-pressure cooker for a short time with auto-heating turned on.

“FRY/FRY” program
The program is designed for frying vegetables, meat, fish and poultry, as well as cooking various products deep-fried. The lid of the appliance must remain open while this program is running. When the set cooking temperature is reached, the appliance will beep. The lid of the appliance must remain open while this program is running.

The default cooking time in the program is 18 minutes. You can manually set the cooking time in the range from 5 minutes to 1 hour in 1 minute increments. The delay start function is not available in this program.
Remember that the oil is very hot! To avoid burns, use oven mitts and do not lean over the device.

During frying, to avoid burning the ingredients, we recommend following the instructions in the recipe book and stirring occasionally
contents of the bowl.

When deep-frying, place the basket of food in the already heated oil. Use only refined products for deep frying. vegetable oil. Do not use the same oil to repeatedly deep-fry foods. Before reuse For the FRY/FRY program, allow the appliance to cool completely.

The program is designed for preparing porridge using pasteurized milk low fat.
The default cooking time in the program is 20 minutes. You can manually set the cooking time in the range from 5 minutes to 4 hours in 1 minute increments.
To prepare milk porridges, use pasteurized low-fat milk, when using whole milk dilute it drinking water in a 1:1 ratio. Thoroughly rinse all whole grain cereals (rice, buckwheat, millet, etc.) until the water drained during the process becomes clear. Before cooking, grease the bowl of the appliance with butter.
The properties of milk and cereals may vary depending on the place of origin and manufacturer, which sometimes affects the results of preparation.

With the help of the "YOGURT/DOUGH" program you can prepare delicious and healthy yoghurts at home, and also create the most favorable conditions for proofing the dough.
The default cooking time in the program is 8 hours. You can manually set the cooking time in the range from 10 minutes to 12 hours in 5 minute increments. The auto-warm function is not available in this program.
To prepare yogurts, you can use a special set of jars for REDMOND yogurt RAM-G1 (sold separately).

BABY FOOD program
The REDMOND RMC-РМ380 multi-pressure cooker will help ease the solution of many issues related to feeding and caring for a child. different stages growth and development.
The default cooking time in the program is 10 minutes. You can manually set the cooking time in the range from 5 minutes to 4 hours in 1 minute increments.

EXPRESS program
The program is designed for cooking rice and crumbly porridge on the water. It provides automatic shutdown after the water has completely boiled away. In this program, manual setting of the cooking time and the “Delay Start” and “Auto Warm” functions are not available.


Bowl volume 6l
Power in watts 1000 W
3D heating No
Control push-button
Weight 6.5 kg
Dimensions (cm) 315x315x355 mm
Bowl coating non-stick ceramic


14 programs

In the "Pressure Cooker" mode, the default pressure is 70 kPa (30-70)

1. RICE/GREATS - time: 10 minutes (5 minutes - 2 hours)
2. STEAM/COOKING - time: 10 minutes (5 minutes - 2 hours)
3. STEW/JELLY - time: 20 minutes (5 minutes - 4 hours)
4. SOUP - time: 20 minutes (5 minutes - 4 hours)
5. STEAMING - time: 1 hour (5 minutes - 5 hours)
6. PLOV - time: 20 minutes (5 minutes - 3 hours)

In the "Multi-cooker" mode

1. VACUUM time: 2 hours 30 minutes (5 minutes - 10 hours) temperature 30°C - 160°C
2. BREAD time: 3 hours (10 minutes - 4 hours)
3. BAKING time: 40 min (10 minutes - 4 hours) temperature 30°C - 160°C
4. FRYING/Deep FRYING time: 18 minutes (5 minutes - 1 hour) temperature 30°C - 165°C
5. MILK PORridge time: 20 min (5 minutes -4 hours) temperature 30°C - 160°C
6. YOGURT/DOUGH - time: 8 hours (10 minutes - 12 hours) temperature 40°C? not specified
7. BABY FOOD - time: 10 minutes (5 minutes - 4 hours) temperature 30°C - 160°C
8. EXPRESS quick cooking porridge on the water
Child lock No
Heating temperature 70°C-75°C
Reheat function There is
In all modes, except for preparing yogurt, express and vacuum, the multicooker goes into temperature maintenance mode, which can be canceled.

Sous vide

The manufacturer was embarrassed to explicitly indicate the slow cooker mode in which the famous cooking method is implemented " Sous vide"(Sous vide), the essence of which is slow cooking of dishes at low temperatures and, as a rule, eliminating the possibility of contact of food with water. As a result, this mode is called "Vacuum". Of course, special food-grade plastic bags are often used for this air is pumped out of them. But this mode has nothing to do with cooking dishes at reduced pressure. By the way, to prepare dishes using the Sous Vide method, it is worth purchasing a vacuum sealer. Maybe even from Redmond, if you are a fan of it. Or you don’t have to spend money, but It’s easy to cook in plastic bags. It’s only important that the bags are special - they don’t decompose when high temperature. We wrote in detail about this method of cooking in the article “What will replace a multicooker: sous vide” - we recommend that you look at it too.

The essence of the method is that food is cooked at the optimal temperature for it, which allows us to reduce the breakdown of the proteins we need and preserve useful substances. In addition, the juices remain inside. So the piece of meat (pictured) is best dish, which you can get!



  • Simple controls
  • Compactness
  • Large 6 liter bowl with ceramic coating
  • Large set of automatic programs
  • Can be used as a slow cooker (Sous vide)
  • Possibility of making kefir


  • The workmanship is average Chinese
  • Possible cover play
  • A lot of condensation that gets into the bowl
  • Small temperature range (up to 160 degrees C)


A foodie's dream

A good wife, a slow cooker and a sofa. Well, what else do we men need? In this case, we have a fairly compact multicooker-pressure cooker with a very large bowl of 6 liters. The heater, although 3D is not fashionable these days, is still as much as 1000 watts. So our device will not be dull.

In a multicooker you can cook as if high pressures both at temperatures (pressure cooker mode) and at low temperatures (vacuum program). The last feature was ignored by almost everyone who bought this multicooker, but this is understandable. Indeed, in this case, you need to have additional equipment (vacuumator) and this method will require a lot of time - “We are not gourmets, wife. Let’s quickly eat the swords on the table.” That's exactly how they cook it elite restaurants remains without special attention public.
well and true gourmets and the giants of the culinary spirit simply do not know about such possibilities and buy the KitchenAid 5KMC4244E, which is about 10 times more expensive. (we recommend reading our “KitchenAid 5KMC4244E multicooker - review and testing”).

Of course, Redmond offers many other excellent multicookers. The main thing here is to correctly assess your needs.

This multicooker is quite capable of frying and baking. A temperature range of up to 165 degrees will not allow for normal caramelization of onions; it is far from the optimal baking temperature of 220. So, at the dacha, when the gas runs out, you can indulge.

But I would consider another advantage of the model to be that the minimum temperature here is 30°C! It would seem, what's wrong with that? But the thing is indispensable when preparing kefir!!! The optimal fermentation temperature is 28°C - 30°C (for details, see my article “Yogurt in a Tefal multicooker”). What about matsoni? Every Georgian will tell you that the human body temperature is 37°C. Can you imagine the savings?

Let's return now to the promised comparison with PM190. There are certainly fewer programs here. In the 190th there are already 24 of them. There is no such exotic thing as “Popcorn” here. But there is a wider temperature range and a revolutionary “Vacuum” (Sous-vide) program.

The controls turned out to be simpler - instead of a menu button, there are separate buttons for all programs. On the other hand, adjusting recipes will take a little time. Taking into account the Multichef Light function with temperature control steps of up to 1°C, the possibilities are truly endless.

The weight of the multicooker, however, remains substantial - buyers sometimes complain. And the lid is not always easy to close.

Well, if you need something simpler, look for the Redmond RMC PM 4507. However, this is not the end of the Redmond line of pressure cookers.
But we talk in detail about how to properly cook in a multicooker-pressure cooker in our video articles. In particular, look at Borscht in the Redmond RMC PM4506 multi-pressure cooker

Is there something wrong

Malfunction Possible reasons Remedy
appeared on the display
system message
error: E1-E4
System error, possible failure of the control board or heating element Disconnect the device from the power supply and let it cool down. Close tightly
cover, turn the device on again
The device does not turn on The device is not connected to the mains Make sure that the device is connected to the mains
The electrical outlet is faulty or there is no current in the electrical network
Plug the device into a working outlet and check for voltage in the mains.
The dish takes too long to cook Interruptions in power supply (voltage level is unstable or below normal)

There is a foreign object between the bowl and the heating element.
object or particles (garbage, cereals, pieces of food)

The bowl in the appliance body is installed unevenly

Heating disk is very dirty

Check for stable voltage in the electrical network. If it is unstable or below normal, contact your home service provider.

Disconnect the device from the power supply and let it cool down. Remove foreign object or particles

Place the bowl level, without distortion

Disconnect the device from the power supply and let it cool down. Clean the heating disc

Steam comes out from under the lid of the appliance during cooking. The tightness of the connection between the bowl and the lid of the device is broken

The lid is not closed tightly or a foreign object has fallen under the lid
The bowl is not installed level in the appliance body

The rubber seal on the lid is heavily soiled, deformed or damaged.

Place the bowl level, without distortion

Check for foreign objects (garbage, grains, pieces of food) between the lid and the body of the device and remove them. Always close the lid of the device until it clicks.

Check the condition of the rubber seal on the inner cover

Before answering the question, let's find out for ourselves, what is a pressure cooker in general? By purchasing this item kitchen utensils, let's open, first of all, the instructions for its use. What can we read and understand there? But it turns out that! First of all, a pressure cooker is a real miracle in your kitchen. Very similar to that same pot from a fairy tale, to which you just had to say “pot, cook” and it began to cook delicious and healthy porridge. So is our pressure cooker. It will help you save the time it takes to prepare any dish. Secondly, vegetables that you cook in a pressure cooker will retain much more useful substances than when cooking them in a regular saucepan. And thirdly, if you want to cook porridge in a pressure cooker, then in this pan you will get that magical porridge from a fairytale pot - crumbly and aromatic.

Today's pressure cooker is nothing like its predecessor. It is equipped with a convex valve that regulates the pressure and keeps it at a certain desired level. And when cooking ends, the pressure can be released quite quickly to a level that allows you to open the lid.

What’s also interesting is that a modern pressure cooker is designed in such a way that with the help of a regulator you can easily carry out decompression (pressure reduction), slow or fast. The choice of decompression depends on the type of dish you are preparing. For example, broths confectionery with milk, eggs, cooking dried vegetables, puddings and yeast-based cakes - all this requires a slow decompression. But for meat stew And fish dishes you need a quick decrease in pressure.

And the most important thing in a modern pressure cooker is the elimination of all sorts of unpleasant surprises, as it is equipped with a spare and a whole system of valves on the lid, along its entire circumference, and even with a locking system. That's it!

How should you properly cook food in this miracle pan?

If you are cooking soup and the recipe states that all vegetables should be added at the end of cooking, then remove the pressure cooker from the heat and cool it to cold water and release the steam through the valve, and only then open the lid and throw in the vegetables.

If you need to cook soup for four or six servings, then you should pour the exact amount of water into the pressure cooker. Why? But because in this wonderful pan, the evaporation of liquid is reduced to zero.

It is important to remember that you should reduce the heat under the pressure cooker immediately after the liquid begins to boil in it, since the countdown of the time needed to cook the dish begins from this moment.

If, while preparing a dish, you no longer see drops of liquid in the slot and no longer hear a slight hissing sound, the diagnosis is clear: the valve is dirty. Its cleanliness must be monitored constantly. Therefore, after each cooking, rinse it thoroughly, and if severe contamination occurs, you can use a wire to clean it.

And the last piece of advice: do not leave food stored in a pressure cooker, it can spoil in it and spoil appearance your sorceress, there will be difficult-to-remove stains on the metal. It is better to transfer the food to another container and put it in the refrigerator.

These are the basic rules for cooking in a pressure cooker. They should be remembered and observed so that your kitchen “helper” serves you for a long time and without unpleasant surprises.