Foods with medicinal properties. How to cook pumpkin: heat treatment methods


Part of a healthy diet includes natural foods, which play a significant role in the healthy functioning of our body. There are a huge variety of such products, but some of them have particularly beneficial properties and help get rid of diseases.

1. Cherries

These berries have many beneficial properties. Firstly, they contain a large amount of useful substances and quite few calories. Some of these substances help fight inflammation and cancer. Quercetin And ellagic acid, which can be found in cherries, as studies have shown, can inhibit the growth of tumors and also cause cancer cells to self-destruct, while healthy cells of the body are unharmed! Cherries also have antiviral and antibacterial properties.

Anthocyanin, another substance found in cherries, lowers uric acid levels in the blood, thereby reducing the risk of gout. Researchers also believe that anthocyanin prevents the development of colon cancer, reduces inflammation and relieves pain. Regular consumption of cherries helps reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

In Chinese medicine They are well aware of the beneficial properties of cherries and use these berries as a cure for gout, arthritis and rheumatism. Due to their high iron content, cherries are also used to combat anemia. Plus, cherries are very tasty.

How many? During cherry ripening season, set a goal to eat a serving a day. The berries can also be frozen for the winter. Frozen cherries retain 100 percent of all their beneficial properties and are a good addition to fruit smoothies, yoghurts and oatmeal.

2. Beans

Beans are a wonderful product. It lowers cholesterol, regulates blood sugar and insulin production, helps the digestive system and protects against cancer. Beans contain vital nutrients - fiber, proteins and antioxidants.

Phytochemicals, contained in beans, protect cells from cancer, preventing their formation, and slow down the growth of tumors. Researchers from Harvard School of Public Health report that women who eat two servings of beans each week have a 24 percent reduced risk of developing breast cancer. Studies have also shown that beans can reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and colon cancer.

Beans contain many antioxidants that help fight disease. In terms of antioxidant content, red beans, small beans, and pinto beans with spots lead the way. You can also find amino acid in this product tryptophan, which helps control appetite, promotes good sleep and improves mood. Many bean varieties are also rich folate, which plays an important role in heart health. Also, depending on the variety, you get the potassium, magnesium and vitamins B1, B2, K that your body needs. Other legumes, such as soybeans, also contain healthy omega-3 fatty acids.

In Chinese medicine Various types of beans are used to treat alcoholism, food poisoning, edema, high blood pressure, diarrhea, laryngitis, kidney stones, rheumatism and other diseases.

How many? It is enough to eat 2 servings of beans per week.

3. Kiwi

This small fruit contains a huge amount of vitamin C - twice as much as oranges, it also has more fiber than apples, and it is ahead of bananas in potassium content. Unique Blend phytosupplements, vitamins and minerals that can be found in kiwi help protect against heart disease, stroke, cancer and respiratory diseases. The natural properties of kiwi to thin the blood do not cause side effects, unlike aspirin, and also protect blood vessels from blood clots, lower cholesterol levels and lower blood pressure.

Kiwi is often prescribed as a dietary product to fight cancer and heart disease. In Chinese medicine it is used to heal wounds and ulcers.

How many? You can eat 1-2 fruits daily. Kiwi contains enzymes that are activated when the fruit is peeled and cut. The pulp becomes very soft, so when preparing fruit salads it is better to add kiwi to them last. The riper the kiwi, the more antioxidants it contains.

4. Watercress salad

Watercress is not only rich in nutrients, but it also contains no calories, has 4 times more calcium than 2 percent milk, more vitamin C than oranges and more iron than spinach. This plant is also high in vitamins A and K and is rich in antioxidants.

The nutrients in watercress protect against cancer and macular degeneration, help strengthen the immune system, and support bone health. Iron helps red blood cells carry oxygen to body tissues and provides energy. Phytochemicals fight cancer in three ways: they kill cancer cells, block carcinogens, and protect healthy cells from them. They also prevent the development of stomach and lung cancer and reduce the risk of developing other types of cancer.

In Chinese medicine Watercress is used to get rid of tumors, improve vision in the dark, and stimulate bile production (this helps improve digestion). It is used as a medicine for jaundice, urinary problems, sore throat, mumps and bad breath.

How many? If possible, eat watercress every day. In some regions it is readily available in spring and summer. It can also be grown hydroponically in greenhouses. It is best to eat salad raw.

5. Spinach

You may already know that spinach is very healthy, but why exactly? Spinach protects the body from eye diseases and vision loss, it is also good for the brain, protects against bowel, prostate and breast cancer, heart disease, stroke and dementia, lowers blood pressure, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and strengthens bones. Spinach contains a lot of useful substances: vitamins K, A and C, folate, magnesium and iron.

Carotenoid, contained in spinach, kills prostate cancer cells and prevents their growth. Folate reduces the risk of developing various types of cancer. Vitamin C and beta carotene protects against intestinal cancer, fights inflammation, improves brain function, especially in older people. Vitamin K strengthens bones by helping calcium function in the body.

How many? Spinach can be eaten every day raw or slightly scalded. It can be easily obtained in spring and summer, but it is also grown in winter in greenhouses.

6. Onion

Onions don't have a good reputation because of their smell. It contains enzymes that cope well with cancer, reduces the risk of developing prostate and stomach cancer, and coronary heart disease. Onion contains sulfides, which help lower blood pressure and cholesterol, prevents the loss of calcium and other minerals, thereby strengthening bones.

Onions have antioxidant properties, reduce inflammation, and help relieve allergy symptoms. Onions contain large amounts of vitamin C, which helps fight colds and flu. The anti-inflammatory properties of onions also fight pain and swelling associated with joint rheumatism. Onions contain a lot of sulfur, it has antibiotic properties and protects against viruses. If you eat a lot of fatty and sweet foods, onions will help cleanse your arteries and prevent the growth of viruses, fungi and other pathogenic bacteria.

How many? One onion per day is enough to have a positive effect on the body. All types of onions are healthy, but the healthiest are shallots and yellow onions. It is best to eat onions raw, but even when cooked they will not lose all their properties. Onions should be stored at room temperature. If chopping onions irritates your eyes too much, you can freeze them first.

7. Carrots

Carrots contain a large amount of antioxidants carotenoids. These substances help protect against post-menopausal breast cancer, as well as cancer of the bladder, cervix, bowel, pharynx and esophagus. If the diet lacks carotenoids, chronic diseases, heart disease and various types of cancer are very likely. Researchers say eating even one carrot a day can cut your risk of lung cancer in half. Carrots also help protect against kidney and ovarian cancer. The beneficial substances in carrots help fight cardiovascular diseases, strengthen the immune system, and help maintain healthy intestines, eyes and ears.

Carrots are high in calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, fiber and vitamins C and A. Alpha carotene prevents the formation of tumors. In Chinese medicine Carrots are used to treat rheumatism, kidney stones, tumors, indigestion, diarrhea, poor night vision, ear infections and pain, deafness, skin lesions, urinary tract infections, cough and constipation.

How many? Carrots can be eaten every day and are available all year round. It can be cooked, added to meat dishes, or eaten raw. When cooked, coarse fibers soften and beneficial substances are more easily absorbed. Before storing in the refrigerator, remove the leaves and dry the root vegetable.

8. Cabbage

Cabbage is very rich in vitamins K and C. Just one cup of shredded cabbage contains 91 percent of the recommended daily value of vitamin K, 50 percent of vitamin C, and is also very rich in fiber, magnesium, vitamin B6, folate and other nutrients. Moreover, a glass of cabbage contains only 33 kcal. Kale has 11 percent more vitamin C than oranges.

Cabbage also contains a high percentage of antioxidants sulforaphanes, which not only fight free radicals before they can destroy DNA, but also stimulate the production of enzymes that rid the body of carcinogens. Scientists believe that these properties of cruciferous vegetables help reduce the risk of developing cancer (lung, colon, breast, ovarian and bladder cancer) and are more effective than any other plant.

Cabbage strengthens bones, reduces allergic reactions and inflammatory processes, and also helps improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. You can extract cabbage juice, which helps treat stomach ulcers due to its high content. glutamine. Cabbage also promotes heart and vascular health, as it prevents the formation of blood clots. In Chinese medicine Cabbage is used to treat constipation, colds, whooping cough, depression and irritability, and ulcers. If you eat cabbage and make compresses from it, cabbage is good for treating bedsores, varicose veins and arthritis.

How many? The more kaput you eat, the greater the benefits. A study in Poland found that eating at least 4 servings of kale per week reduced the risk of breast cancer by 72 percent in adulthood, compared with 1 serving of kale. Sauerkraut is even healthier, since it not only retains all its beneficial properties, but also contains strong probiotics, which improve intestinal function. The outer leaves of cabbage contain three times more calcium than the inner leaves. Red cabbage is considered the healthiest; it contains 7 times more vitamin C and 4 times more polyphenols than white cabbage.

9. Broccoli

It is unlikely that you will be able to find a healthier product than broccoli. One cup of steamed broccoli contains more than 200 percent the daily value of vitamin C (more than oranges), about the same amount of vitamin K and half the value of vitamin A. Broccoli is also high in folate, fiber, sulfur, iron, B vitamins and other beneficial substances. Broccoli has more protein than meat and is also rich in phytonutrients.

Phytochemicals Broccoli helps fight cancer by neutralizing carcinogens and helping eliminate them from the body, and also helps fight tumors caused by chemical carcinogens. Research has shown that these beneficial substances protect against lung and esophageal cancer, as well as many other types of cancer.

Herbal supplements help fight prostate, stomach, skin, breast and uterine cancer. Research shows that broccoli helps reduce the risk of heart disease by 20 percent. In Chinese medicine it is used to treat inflammation of the eyes.

How many? If you eat a small portion of broccoli every day, your body will be very grateful. If you don't really like the taste, you can make it a goal to eat broccoli at least occasionally. Like most vegetables, broccoli can be eaten raw or properly cooked. During heat treatment, some of the beneficial anti-cancer properties are lost, but when steamed, the maximum amount of these substances can be preserved. You can get broccoli all year round or freeze it for the winter.

Scientists say that potatoes are a very healthy product. But you need to eat it in moderation and cook it correctly in order to preserve the beneficial properties of potatoes.

A kilogram of boiled peeled potatoes supplies the body with 20% proteins, 40% carbohydrates, 60% vitamins B1 and PP, 30% vitamin B2, as well as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and calcium.

Therefore, medicine highly values ​​the medicinal properties of potatoes.

Potato juice has long been used to treat stomach and duodenal ulcers. And potassium, which potatoes are rich in, is simply necessary for patients with heart and kidney diseases. The starch of this wonderful natural gift is also used for medicinal purposes. Thus, it is used as an enveloping, anti-inflammatory agent for gastrointestinal diseases. Even with severe forms of poisoning, you can eat boiled potatoes.

The following tricks will help you preserve all of the listed vitamins and microelements as much as possible when cooking potatoes:

  1. Cut the skins off the potatoes as thin as possible, or even better, bake them or boil them in their skins.
  2. Boil the potatoes by steaming or in a minimal amount of water.
  3. Never store already peeled potatoes in water.
  4. It is more useful to put potatoes in already boiled and salted water.
  5. Do not keep peeled and cut potatoes in cold water, otherwise after an hour they will lose 13% of vitamin C and 5% of vitamin B.

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Many housewives are concerned about the question during the cooking process: “How to prepare food without losing its beneficial properties and vitamins?”

We comply with the following rules

Cooking in a saucepan. It is known that during the heat treatment of vegetables and fruits, a significant part of their vitamins and microelements is lost. For example, carrots and spinach lose about 70% of vitamin E during cooking, cabbage, rich in folic acid, loses almost half of it, and beans and green peas lose 40% of their vitamin E. Almost 70% of vitamin C is destroyed during cooking. And yet, if you do not neglect simple recommendations, then large losses of vitamins and nutrients during cooking can be avoided.

First you need to understand that vegetables prepared for cooking must be completely covered with water. The lid of the pan must be tightly closed to prevent oxygen from entering, which destroys vitamin C (during the high temperature).

Add a mixture of frozen vegetables to the soup, then plunge them into boiling water without defrosting. The less vegetables are in water, the more benefits they will provide. Therefore, they should be placed not at the beginning of cooking, but at the end.

You should not put all the products in at the same time, since their readiness time is different for everyone. For example, meat takes longer to cook (about an hour) than vegetables.

In a steamer. This method of heat treatment is considered the healthiest and most gentle for preserving the beneficial properties of products, since the cooking process takes place at a temperature of about 100 degrees C. A distinctive feature of this cooking procedure is that with minimal heat treatment, the vitamins and beneficial properties of the product are preserved almost completely. 4 times than when boiling.

The advantage of a double boiler is that the meat, fish or vegetables cooked in it are especially juicy, since the juice released does not boil away, and a large amount of fat is not released - the food is cooked in its own juice.

Roasting. This method of culinary preparation of products helps to lose less nutrients by about 30% than during the cooking process.

“Healthy” roasting– this is when finely chopped products are fried for no more than 5 minutes. Deep-frying is considered “harmful” due to the large amount of oil. With all this, you need to remember that with each deep frying you need to use fresh vegetable oil, without bringing it to the point of “smoking”.

It has been established that when the same portion of oil is used for too long and too often to prepare this type of frying, carcinogens are formed, which can cause the occurrence of malignant tumors. It has been noticed that these dangerous substances are afraid of sour marinades. Therefore, if you have a desire to grill meat, then soak it thoroughly in wine, vinegar or lemon juice, not forgetting to soak it in spices.

Biochemical scientists have found that the use of spices, which are natural antioxidants, helps reduce the level of carcinogens in fried foods. Ground dried ginger or cumin added to fresh minced meat helps reduce the release of carcinogens by 40%. Used in classical European cuisines, rosemary extract accompanying fried lamb reduces this harmful substance by 70%.

Freezing. The best way to preserve vitamins completely. In order not to subsequently lose the beneficial properties of the product, you should not wash frozen vegetables and fruits, as this will wash out a significant part of them. Scientists have determined that frozen vegetables (fruits) retain more beneficial properties if they were processed a few hours after they were collected. By comparing the nutritional value of frozen foods and imported fresh foods, you can see that frozen foods are far superior to their competitors.

Canning. This method allows you to almost completely preserve all the microelements and vitamins contained in vegetables and fruits. Some canned foods are healthier than fresh ones. Thus, in sauerkraut, due to the fermentation process, lactic acid bacteria are released, allowing almost all vitamins to be preserved.

Pickled apples will also be much healthier. In the open air, after a couple of weeks, almost a third of vitamin C is lost, but soaked apples retain this vitamin completely.

You should, of course, remember that you should not overuse pickles and marinades. Canned food contains a lot of salt and vinegar, which are contraindicated for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastritis, peptic ulcers and hypertension.

Since ancient times, honey has been valued all over the world not only for its wonderful sweet taste and aroma, but also for the beneficial properties that this delicacy has. The beneficial properties of honey are due to its composition: it contains vitamins B, PP, K, E, A, C, carotenes, folic and pantothenic acid.

Honey is rich in various macro- and microelements that are so necessary for our body: zinc, boron, chlorine, nickel, titanium, lithium and others. Due to its chemical composition, honey has anti-inflammatory properties, improves digestion, prevents premature aging, improves blood properties, and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of various body systems.

Honey is used in both folk and traditional medicine: the properties of this healthy and tasty product contribute to the treatment and prevention of many ailments. Honey has a calming effect: a few spoons of honey at night will help you fall asleep faster.

Unfortunately, many of the healing qualities of the product are lost if used and stored incorrectly, and in some cases it can cause harm to the body.

Thus, the traditional method of treating colds using hot milk and honey is not very effective. The fact is that the bactericidal properties of honey are lost when heated even to 40 degrees. Therefore, it is so important not to heat this product, but to store and use it at room temperature: otherwise, you will get a rather tasty, but not very healthy product.

To preserve all the beneficial properties in the summer, it is advisable to store it in the refrigerator. When storing honey, it is important not only to maintain the correct temperature. The product’s enzymes, which help normalize digestion and have high antimicrobial properties, are real sissies: they are destroyed when exposed to sunlight, even indirect ones.

Therefore, honey should be stored in a dark place, preferably in an opaque container. Enameled metal utensils or clay pots are perfect for this purpose. A glass jar is also suitable if you plan to store it in the refrigerator, closet or cellar, where the delicacy is not exposed to excessive light. It is important that the honey storage container does not contain zinc, copper, tin or lead: when honey interacts with these substances, compounds harmful to the body appear.

The main source of vitamins for us will always be vegetables and fruits. And if in the summer it is not a problem to saturate your body with vitamins, then in the winter vitamin deficiency awaits us. Not everyone has access to live vitamins in winter. Fruits and vegetables become more expensive, sometimes several times. Therefore, there is a great demand for frozen vegetables. Many people are now arguing about the usefulness of “freezing”. Mostly people are interested in: Do frozen vegetables retain their beneficial properties? How useful are they as a source of vitamins? Is it possible to fully replace fresh vegetables with frozen ones without losing quality? How to choose the right quality “frozen vitamins”? Let's try to understand this issue.

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Photo gallery: Do frozen vegetables retain their beneficial properties?

Opponents of the use of preservatives of various kinds unequivocally state: fresh vegetables and fruits are much healthier than any frozen ones. And they are right! If you have your own garden and vegetable garden, then this is where the most useful gifts of nature grow. But if you are a city resident buying vegetables in a store. This statement is not so categorical. It is worth considering the conditions of transportation and storage of these products. Often the conditions are such that they reduce the beneficial qualities to nothing.

How is the freshness of vegetables and fruits determined? It is determined by the amount of vitamin C in the product. This vitamin is so fragile that after a couple of days of storage its amount drops significantly. For example, broccoli and asparagus lose up to 80% of vitamin C after two days of storage, and spinach - up to 75%.

Today, deep freezing of vegetables, fruits and berries is the only 100% natural option for canning. It allows you not to lose the taste and beneficial properties of products. The time between picking vegetables and freezing is very short, so frozen vegetables and berries are a healthy product.

How is freezing done?

The main principle of quick freezing of vegetables and fruits is to reduce the temperature of the product from its surface to the core. The juice of vegetables and fruits at a certain point turns into tiny ice crystals. Modern technologies can quickly bring the temperature inside the fetus to the desired -18 degrees. This temperature is the same throughout the entire freezing process. Therefore, in the cells of the fruit, ice crystals are formed uniformly, without disturbing the structure of plant fibers. The faster vegetables are frozen, the less damage to the fibers. Such vegetables and fruits retain almost all their beneficial properties, not differing much in the degree of usefulness from freshly picked ones.

If the freezing was not quick, then the ice crystals increased, destroying the structure of the fiber and, as it were, dehydrating the fruit. Such vegetables are no good after defrosting. Therefore, it is not recommended to defrost vegetables and fruits in advance.

If the package says “Instant freezing”, then it is a healthy product. You can safely buy these “frozen vitamins.”

Any fresh fruit will benefit most from its consumption when it is first picked. These are seasonal products. Then they are frozen. This means that by choosing a “fresh” vegetable instead of a frozen one, we get fewer vitamins.

Another objection that opponents of frozen vegetables have is its price. Frozen vegetables are more expensive than fresh ones. Especially when compared with prices during the harvest. But in winter, this difference is no longer so noticeable. Frozen vegetables have no waste and are washed and cut. This saves us money and time.

There is an opinion that dyes are added to frozen vegetables and fruits. But their color is actually so vibrant because they are steamed or boiled before freezing to preserve color and nutrients.

Thanks to deep freezing technology, we can enjoy the gifts of nature all year round.

Who benefits from this?

    For city residents who do not have their own vegetable gardens and orchards. City dwellers suffer from a lack of vitamins even in the summer, and even more so in the winter.

    For those who are on a diet. In 5-10 minutes you can prepare a healthy dish.

    People with weakened immune systems. After all, these vegetables are processed before freezing, and the remaining bacteria are killed by cold.

    For those who have no time to waste time fiddling around the stove: businessmen, students, young mothers. And everyone who just doesn’t like cooking.

    And also for those who love to cook and create culinary masterpieces. After all, such vegetables can be added to stews, casseroles, soups, meat dishes, vegetable pilafs and other culinary delights.

    For vegetarians. Nowadays it is very fashionable to be vegetarians, but in our climatic conditions it is very difficult to get the right amount of nutrients for the body.

How to choose frozen vegetables?

    Try to buy products from well-known manufacturers.

    Be sure to read the preparation method and shelf life on the packaging.

    Vegetables should crumble in the package. If there are frozen lumps there, it means they have already been defrosted.

Now you know whether frozen vegetables retain their beneficial properties.