Saffron seasoning as used in cooking. Taste and how the spice looks

Despite the fact that seasoning is used in cooking in very small quantities, the benefits and harms of saffron have become the subject of study not only traditional healers, but also official medicine. There are so many useful properties in the most expensive spice that it is used in medicinal and cosmetic products. Most often, saffron is used in cooking. It has a spicy taste with bitter notes, gives the dish a rich aroma. Read more about the “king" of seasonings in this article.

What does saffron look like and where does it grow

Crocus (or saffron) is a perennial plant belonging to the Iris family. It reaches a height of 10 to 30 cm. The color varies from lilac-violet to yellow-orange.

The plant grows on the southern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, in Spain, France, in Asian countries: in China, India, Japan, as well as in Crimea, Dagestan. You cannot find saffron in the wild. Cultivation is widespread throughout the world, as saffron is a plant that benefits human health, as well as a spice with a bright unique taste.

The plant blooms for only 3 days, in spring or autumn, depending on the species. To prepare the spices, flowers are picked immediately after they are opened. Then stigmas are separated to dry and get a spice. Drying takes no more than 20 minutes, after which the stigmas are immediately placed in sealed glass jars. So they do not have time to lose properties. That is, it is the stigmas of saffron flowers that have medicinal properties that are beneficial to humans.

Saffron production is an expensive process, as usually 3 stigmas are obtained from one flower. For 1 kg of spice, 150 thousand flowers must be processed. On average, from 1 ha of land receive 20 kg of spice. Unfortunately, other parts - roots, leaves, saffron seeds - do not bring benefit to a person.

Spice is sometimes called red gold due to its high cost. In Russia, the average price for 1 g of saffron is from 70 rubles.

The chemical composition and calorie content of saffron

Saffron is a fairly high-calorie spice: 310 calories are contained in 100 g of product. But since less than 1 g of spice is used in cooking, its calories can be completely ignored - there will be no harm to those who lose weight from it.

The b / w ratio is as follows:

  • proteins - 11.43 g;
  • fats - 5.85 g;
  • carbohydrates - 65.37 g;
  • fiber - 3.9 g.

Useful minerals found in the composition of the spice:

  • potassium - 1724 mg (calculated per 100 g);
  • magnesium - 264 mg;
  • phosphorus - 252 mg;
  • sodium - 148 mg;
  • calcium - 111 mg;
  • manganese - 28 mg;
  • iron - 11 mg;
  • selenium - 5 mg;
  • zinc - 1 mg;
  • iron - 0.33 mg.


  • folic acid (vitamin B9);
  • nicotinic acid (vitamin PP);
  • thiamine (vitamin B1);
  • riboflavin (vitamin B2).

Saffron contains an essential oil containing antioxidants.

Since spice is used in scanty amounts, counting on it as a source of healthy minerals and vitamins is not rational.

What is saffron useful for?

The benefits of saffron to the human body are expressed primarily in the general strengthening effect. Useful properties are often used in traditional medicine, as will be discussed below.

Spice has the following effects on the body:

  • soothing;
  • diuretic;
  • choleretic;
  • antispasmodic;
  • weak pain medication.

Those who regularly and moderately add spice to food note such positive changes as:

  • activation of human mental activity;
  • sweating reduction;
  • improved appetite;
  • immunity strengthening;
  • metabolic acceleration;
  • normalization of the digestive process.

Spice is especially useful for women. In particular, with problems with an irregular menstrual cycle. It increases libido, strengthens attempts during childbirth.

Indian medicine Ayurveda considers the spice useful to everyone, without exception.

What diseases does saffron treat?

It is difficult to argue with the presence of medicinal properties in saffron, especially when you consider that it is added to some eye drops. Indeed, due to its properties, it helps older people to normalize visual impairment as a result of muscle degeneration or retinitis pigmentosa.

The benefits for the work of the cardiovascular, nervous systems with the use of restorative tinctures with the content of useful spices are noted.

Thanks to the expectorant effect, the spice even treats cough in children, respiratory diseases.

The benefits of saffron for cancer of the lungs, breast, pancreas, and also some other tumors are being studied. For example, oil contains antioxidants that fight existing cancer cells or their appearance.

Is it possible to give saffron to children

In order to avoid harm to children under 2 years old, and according to some sources up to 3 years old, adding saffron to food is not recommended.

Even after the age of 3, spice supplements in children's food should be scanty, since even an adult is dangerous overdose.

The spice has an effective expectorant property, so children are allowed to use when coughing as a supplement to the treatment prescribed by the doctor.

Attention! Before using the spices for treatment, you must always consult a pediatrician so that you do not inadvertently cause harm to your health.

Is saffron allowed for pregnant and lactating women

It is better for pregnant women to refuse additives of spice to food, since it can cause harm to changes in uterine tone. The worst case result is a miscarriage and miscarriage. In the later stages, premature birth can begin.

There is no ban on the use of spices for nursing women: specific benefits or harms for this condition have not been found. In this case, the product must be carefully introduced into the diet, observing the reaction of the child. If negative consequences are noticed, you should temporarily abandon the spice and check with the doctor whether the spice really became their cause.

Traditional medicine recipes with saffron

Traditional medicine has known the healing properties of saffron for a long time. The scope of its application is extremely wide: from the treatment of diseases of internal organs to the healing of wounds and boils.

It is used both externally in combination with other useful ingredients, and inside as an infusion or with tea. It is necessary to take saffron for medicinal purposes carefully, since an overdose can cause harm.

From kidney stones

The medicinal benefit is to cleanse the kidneys from the harm of stones: saffron helps to crush and remove them from the body.

Most often consumed with honey, melted in a water bath. Reception is carried out for 1 tsp. 2 times a day before meals.

Saffron infusion is also useful. For cooking, take 1 tsp. spices, that is, about 5 threads and pour a glass of boiling water. After half an hour, the drink is filtered. To avoid harm, drink no more than 1 cup of infusion per day. The healing properties of saffron tincture do not end there: this recipe is also useful for treating other diseases.

With a cold

First of all, spice is used for the prevention of colds.

If a person is already sick, tea with spice or as a separate infusion improves overall well-being. The drink is able to reduce heat, eliminate cough due to expectorant properties.

Tea is especially effective in combination with cinnamon, ginger, which also have medicinal properties, helping with colds.

With diseases of the liver and circulatory system

Spice treatment of the liver is common in Asian countries. The benefits of taking saffron tea for disease prevention have been noticed.

The drink also cleanses the circulatory system. It can be replaced with tincture prepared according to a standard recipe.

With eye diseases

In official medicine, saffron is found in eye drops. It is also useful when ingested, helping against eye diseases: both genetic and caused by aging. The disease does not completely disappear, but its development slows down.

Spice is used not only in the form of tincture: the benefits of milk with saffron in the form of tea are known.

Headache and insomnia

With severe headache, lotions with saffron infusion are useful.

With mild pain, as well as in case of insomnia, spice ingestion helps:

  • in the form of infusion;
  • with honey;
  • with warm milk.

It is better to take an hour before bedtime due to the sleeping pills of saffron.

From leg cramps

The use of spice in cramps of the lower extremities is noted.

For general effects on the body, you can take tincture. To do this, pour 1 tbsp. l stigmas 1 cup boiling water. Let it brew. When cool, strain. Take 1 tbsp. l tinctures 2 times a day.

You can also prepare an “ointment”. For this purpose, 3 egg whites are mixed with a little spice. Use immediately after preparation: storage of the mixture leads to the loss of its benefits.

Saffron tea to enhance potency in men

The beneficial properties of saffron for men are invaluable: it is able to increase libido not only in women, but also have a similar effect on the male body. Saffron is sometimes called aphrodisiac seasoning.

To prepare the drink, mix 4 strands of spice and 1 tsp. black tea. The benefits of saffron tea increase with the addition of 20 - 25 g of ginger and a pinch of black pepper. Pour the resulting mixture with a glass of water, boil in a water bath. Then strain.

In case of menstrual irregularities

Ayurveda highly appreciates the beneficial properties of saffron for women, in particular, for the regulation of irregular menstruation.

Saffron infusion helps to call them in case of delays or, conversely, eases the condition during long and heavy periods, bringing them back to normal. Turmeric is also added to the infusion.

With thrush and painful periods

Spice is used as an antispasmodic, reducing pain during menstruation.

With thrush, along with the treatment prescribed by a doctor, you can try the following recipe. Mix 1 tsp. saffron and herbs of the hog uterus. Pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Let it brew for 15 minutes, then strain. Received a healthy drink to drink half a glass every morning.

To stimulate contractions

Pregnant women are forbidden to use spice, as it causes premature contractions. However, if childbirth has already begun, then this spice facilitates the process.

Just add a few strands of saffron to the hot milk and drink it. It is useful to do this at the very beginning of the process or with weak contractions.

Attention! This is a potent remedy, so in other cases during pregnancy you do not need to use it so as not to harm your health - your own and the unborn baby.


Spice has a pronounced diuretic property, therefore it is used to treat cystitis, urolithiasis and other diseases of the urinary tract.

For treatment, take 1 tbsp. l saffron infusion before each meal, but no more than 3 times a day.

Treatment of boils and purulent wounds

With difficult to heal skin lesions with the same infusion, it is useful to make lotions or wet dressings.

The use of saffron in home cosmetology

The benefits of saffron for women are not limited to the boundaries of the kitchen. For example, the use of a mask with saffron for the face is known: it promotes external rejuvenation, helps to cope with acne and age spots. Spice is also used in recipes for hair masks to give shine and a healthy look to curls.

Important! Before applying any mask to the skin, you must first verify the absence of an allergic reaction of any component. To do this, a small amount of the mixture is applied to the inner surface of the elbow. After 15 - 30 minutes there should be no redness, itching. It is so easy to avoid possible harm from the new mask.

Facial Cleansing Mask

Saffron for the face is also useful as a cleansing mask.

To prepare it you will need:

  • ¼ tsp saffron powder;
  • 2 tbsp. l any cosmetic clay suitable for a particular skin type;
  • water in such an amount that the mixture was similar to sour cream in consistency;
  • optionally add 1 to 2 drops of lavender essential oil.

The resulting mask is applied to the face and held for 10-15 minutes: until the clay begins to dry out a little. Then gently rinse with water. Do not rub your face.

Important! Do not wait until the clay has completely dried on the face. In this form, it tightens and dries the skin, that is, instead of a beneficial effect, on the contrary, causes harm.

Facial Acne Mask

For this mask you need:

  • 1 tbsp. l natural yogurt without any additives;
  • ½ tsp lemon juice;
  • 3 to 4 strands of saffron.

The resulting mixture is applied to the face for 10 minutes, then washed off with cool water. The benefit is noticeable after the first application.

Hair Mask

Saffron is often used in hair products. In home recipes less often, as it can often give a coloring effect.

One of the most popular is a mask with henna, since the latter itself is useful for hair. Depending on the length of the curls, the proportions vary in the following limits:

  • 1 - 2 packs of henna;
  • 3-4 tsp saffron.

The mixture is applied over the entire length of the hair for 30 minutes. Then wash off using shampoo and hair balm.

Important! Due to the strong coloring property, a side effect of the mask can be a slight lightening of the hair or coloring in a golden-copper shade.

What dishes add saffron

Spice adds piquancy to products. Therefore, it is used for cooking:

  • meat dishes;
  • fish dishes;
  • seafood;
  • pilaf;
  • creams, sauces;
  • desserts;
  • bakery products (rolls, muffins, cookies, etc.);
  • even drinks.

At the same time, seasoning is added to baking even at the stage of kneading the dough, and in hot dishes - 2 to 5 minutes before being cooked.

The taste and smell of saffron does not reveal immediately, so the pastries are more fragrant the next day. For hot dishes, it is useful to prepare the spice in advance. First, stigmas are fried in a dry frying pan, then they are ground and mixed with a tablespoon of milk or water. Only then add to the dish. So the aroma becomes more saturated, although it is well felt without prior preparation.

Important! It is better not to mix saffron with other spices. This is a strong seasoning that interrupts almost all spices except rosemary, turmeric and cinnamon. At the same time, the aroma itself is original, so the first time a combination of spices may not be like.

The amount of spice depends on the specific recipe, but in any case it is measured with a pinch or several stigmas. It is important not to overdo it, otherwise the dish will have a bitter taste: a large amount of saffron can cause harm to health.

Properties and uses of saffron oil

Saffron essential oil has an intense odor. Its useful properties were discovered:

  • antispasmodic;
  • anti-aging;
  • tonic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • firming;
  • soothing.

Saffron oil is used.

  1. For medicinal purposes. For example, 2 drops of essential oil and 2 to 3 tbsp. l rubbed base to treat rheumatism.
  2. In cosmetology. Especially noted is the use of saffron essential oil for the face. The skin color evens out: it begins to shine from the inside.
  3. To flavor food: pre-mix the spice with any base oil.

Saffron harm and contraindications

The benefits and harms of saffron for the body depend on the amount of spice eaten with food. If this is a small volume, then it only benefits a person. A large portion is likely to be harmful. Sometimes saffron can even cause death.

The negative consequence, most likely, will be poisoning, which is accompanied by symptoms:

  • diarrhea;
  • vomiting
  • nosebleeds;
  • yellowing of the skin or eyes.

If at least one of them is found, an ambulance must be called immediately.

For an adult healthy person, a deadly amount is 10 g. For children, the elderly and people with impaired health, this threshold decreases.

Spice is contraindicated:

  • people with bipolar disorder;
  • in the presence of allergies or intolerance to the product (therefore, use it in small quantities for the first time);
  • with hypertension;
  • if there was a stroke or heart attack before - use with caution.

To avoid harm to the body, you need to monitor the shelf life of saffron, the dosage in the recipe, as well as your own state of health.

What is the difference between saffron and turmeric

Many are mistaken in considering these spices identical. The error is caused by the fact that both spices have the same properties: they color food, are somewhat similar in tone and taste. In addition, in their homeland, in India, turmeric is called Indian saffron. This is where the similarity of products ends. The benefits and harms of saffron for human health can not be compared with the properties of turmeric.

Saffron - an elite spice. He painstakingly assembled and selected, as was written above.

For the production of turmeric, the entire root system of the plant is used, and not just the stigma of flowers. Therefore, the spice is easier to obtain, and its price is much lower. Turmeric is sold in large portions, and saffron - 2-4 g.

Since the cost of saffron is high, when selling spices in the form of a powder, they often cheat and offer cheaper spices. In particular, turmeric. They are similar in color, but turmeric is closer to a yellow or orange hue, and saffron to saturated red and even brown.

How to choose and store saffron

Stigmas or ground powder are sold in stores and markets.

Since the powder is often faked, therefore, in order to have confidence in the benefits of saffron, it is better to buy stigmas and grind them yourself immediately before cooking.

Similar to long threads, saffron stigmas correspond to this description:

  • soft
  • saturated dark red color, sometimes closer to brown or interspersed with yellow threads;
  • sold at a high cost (if low, then it is highly likely that the composition was mixed with cheap spices).

Important! To check the purchased spice, you need to dip a small amount of it in milk or water. A fake will stain the liquid instantly, and a real saffron - within 10 - 15 minutes.

In order not to lose useful properties, saffron should be stored for no more than 2 years in a sealed package in a dry form. The container or packaging is put in a dark place.


The benefits and harms of saffron are regulated by the correct dosage of this product: the less the amount of spice in food, the less likely it is to harm your body. But even a few strands of spice help treat diseases, increase the effectiveness of home cosmetic procedures. The most important thing is to buy a natural product without confusing it with other spices.

Saffronhe Sowing crocus  (Crocus sativus L.)  - perennial tuberous herbaceous plant of the Iris family, or Kasatikov family (Iridaceae). The most expensive spice in the world, which is understandable, because only floral stigmas are used as spices.

The height of saffron is 10-30 cm. Spherical oblate corms are up to 3 cm in diameter, covered with fibrous scales, fibrous roots extend from the lower part. The stem of the plant does not develop. From the top of the bulb leaves and flowers immediately develop. Narrowly linear erect saffron leaves develop during or after flowering.

From one corm, 1-3 large flowers appear in color from light lilac to dark purple and from yellow to orange. Perianth funnel-shaped, regular shape, six-leaved. The pistil of the flower has three tubular orange-red stigmas, which are used as a spice. Fruits - oblong capsules with seeds. The long flowering of saffron is about three days. It blooms in autumn, in September-October, or in spring - depending on the species.

Spice Spread

Evidence from ancient sources says that saffron - one of the oldest known spices. It is mentioned as a valuable medicine and incense in Egyptian medical texts of 1500 BC, in the written sources of the Sumerian civilization, in Chinese medical books of 2600 BC, in the Old Testament. It was used as a means of giving energy and love power, to cure cataracts and as an antidote, and as incense conquering foul odors.

Saffron was presented as a valuable and exquisite gift to high-ranking persons. It was prestigious to wear saffron-colored clothes and shoes.
  The authentic homeland of saffron is unknown, presumably it is India, Asia Minor, Iran. Phoenician merchants brought saffron to Turkey and Greece. However, after the fall of the Roman Empire, saffron was forgotten. In the IX-X century, the trade in saffron was revived by the Arabs, from whom the Arabic name of the plant za ”fran - yellow - took root in the European countries. From the Arabs saffron came to Spain, where its first plantations were laid. Later it began to be cultivated also in France and Italy. Saffron grows also in Greece, Iran, India, Pakistan, China, Japan, Portugal, Transcaucasia, Crimea. In the wild, almost never occurs.

The main suppliers of saffron to the spice market are India, Spain, Iran.

Spice Harvesting

The best saffronkashmiri, which is grown in northern India in the states of Kashmir and Himachal Pradesh with ideal growing conditions for it. Kashmir saffron is dark red, its stigmas are long and have a rich aroma. The stigmas of Indian saffron are traditionally harvested whole, dried under the hot rays of the sun, then sorted by immersion in water. Those stigmas that have sunk to the bottom are considered the highest grade of spice, remaining afloat - the lowest. Kashmir saffron is divided into three varieties: Shahi - the first grade, Mogra - the second and Lachha - the third. However, Kashmir saffron is difficult to grow and is produced in small quantities, so it is less common in the markets and is usually more expensive.

Second in quality - spanish saffron  two varieties: Coupe and Superior. The best and most expensive variety of spice is Coupe, the collection of which uses only the upper, most fragrant and color-rich, red parts of the stigmas, and the lower yellow ones are plucked by hand. The Superior variety is the most widely distributed, the stigmas go all over its preparation, along with the yellow tip of the base, so this is not as strong a spice as the Coupe variety or Kashmiri saffron, but it is also very good. Saffron in Spain is dried on fire in special ovens.

The third on this list is iranian saffron, which is 81% of the world harvest of this spice and is the most inexpensive. More than thirty saffron processing factories operate in Iran, and the export of this spice is one of the most profitable articles of the state.

Saffron is harvested during the flowering period. The total flowering period on the plantation is about a month, the period of mass flowering is 7-15 days, a separate crocus flower is 3 days. Only blooming crocus flowers are removed in dry sunny weather. Then, stigmas are plucked from the collected flowers, of which only 3 pieces are contained in one flower. Stigmas are dried in special dryers for 12 to 30 minutes depending on temperature, or in the open sun, and then stored in sealed containers.

To get 1 kg of saffron, you need to process 100-150 thousand crocus flowers. There are 450-500 stigmas per 1 g of saffron - these are 2 full teaspoons of whole stigmas or 0.5 teaspoons of ground. 1 hectare of saffron plantation in the first year gives 6 kg of spice, in the second - already 20 kg.

Due to the high cost of this spice, saffron has been faked for all ages: mixed with other plants of similar color, diluted with stamens of crocuses that do not have their own smell, covered stigmas with glycerin to increase their weight and volume, replaced stigmas with wild crocuses or even chopped, dyed and flavored paper. For these reasons, do not buy ground saffron. In the Middle Ages, merchants confiscated property from fake saffron and burned goods, and sometimes burned them themselves.

High-quality saffron - these are long intertwined threads of dark red or red-brown color, soft to the touch, and with a strong characteristic smell.

Often in the markets under the name of saffron, its substitutes are offered, which, however, have nothing to do with it. This is turmeric root, also referred to as Indian saffron, safflower flowers, or American or Mexican saffron, as well as marigold flowers, or Imereti saffron.

The chemical composition of spices

Saffron stigmas contain 0.34% of the essential oil consisting of terpene aldehydes forming saffronol, pinene, pineol, cineol, thiamine, include riboflavin, flavonoids, vitamins, glycosides, fatty oils, gum, sugar, calcium and phosphorus salts. The coloring properties of saffron are due to the presence of carotenoids, in particular glycoside crocin, as well as alpha and beta-carotene, lycopene.

Culinary properties and use of spices

Saffron is a very strong spice, and 1 g of spice is enough for you for a long time. Its smell is strong, intoxicating, and the taste is spicy and bitter. For coloring three liters of water, two stigmas of saffron are sufficient. The aroma of saffron is not revealed immediately and does not erode with prolonged cooking. It is better to soak it in warm water or milk, or to make an alcohol tincture, and then add the solution to the dish. The aroma of spices develops within 12-24 hours. Baking saffron the next day will be more fragrant. You can prepare saffron in another way. First, lightly fry the stigmas in a dry frying pan, grind them into powder and pour warm milk for half an hour. Then add this milk to rice dishes or pastries. Saffron powder can be added to the dish without soaking. In any case, saffron powder will go less than whole stigmas.

Saffron is the perfect condiment for dairy dishes, pastries, creams and sweet gravies, ice cream and cream, mousses and jelly. For example, for a portion of custard for a cake, 7–10 saffron stigmas are enough for the cream to acquire an exceptional aroma and golden color.

In the East, saffron is widely used for cooking pilaf, meat and chicken dishes. This spice adds a special touch to sweet pilaf with almonds, cashews and raisins.

Seasoned with saffron fish and seafood dishes, tint clear broths and soup, sauces and soups in Mediterranean cuisine, cauliflower dishes, tomatoes, asparagus, butter and cheese, flavored liqueurs and soft drinks.

Saffron is an excellent condiment for coffee and tea, especially with milk. A cup of tea is enough two saffron stigmas.

The aroma of saffron is so peculiar that, as a rule, it used in dishes on their own, without admixture of other spices, and is not included in the composition of spice mixtures of spices. But if you really want to combine it with something, then it can be cinnamon, basil, thyme, rosemary, cilantro.

Saffron is a very strong spice and is used in minimal quantities. Standards of a bookmark vary depending on types of dishes and flavoring predilections. But in any case, the account goes on a small pinch or a piece amount of stigmas, but not teaspoons. An excess of saffron can make the dish bitter.

Medical Spice Properties

Saffron improves digestion and appetite, tones the body, it is used to strengthen the stomach, heart, liver, respiratory system and nervous system, to cleanse the kidneys, as an analgesic, sedative, anticonvulsant, diuretic, choleretic and diaphoretic. However, saffron cannot be used during pregnancy, as it can cause miscarriage.

Saffron is widely used in the pharmaceutical industry, contains about 300 oriental medicine drugs. Long since the infusion of saffron treated cataracts, and now it is part of eye drops.

Saffron nourishes all the cells of the body, smoothes the skin, improves the complexion, memory, mind, improves mood.

In the East saffron spice  they call it royal, because its spicy taste has been composed of legends and chanted in verse from time immemorial. This seasoning  considered the most expensivebecause it has a lot of positive qualities and is in demand in cooking, medicine and cosmetology.

You are interested in what it looks like  this magic seasoning? Saffron is a fragrant yellow powder. On the site you can find out the useful properties of the spice and its use in culinary art.

Indian Saffron Seasoning: Application

What are indian made ofpowder? The spice is prepared from crocus flowers in the photo. You can see how beautiful this plant is. To create a precious spice requires only 3 stigmas. Features of receipt:

  • The plant is collected only in dry weather.
  • Collection time from 10 to 11 am.
  • In the wild, the plant is not found. Therefore, it is grown only on special plantations.

The most popular varieties - indianand Turkish. In the kitchen of Russia is most often used imeretin  spice.

Saffron seasoning: where to add?

You can add this spice to many dishes, as it is very useful for the human body:

  • Stimulates digestion.
  • It has an analgesic effect.
  • A positive effect on the cardiovascular system.
  • Normalizes the menstrual cycle in women.
  • Fights against cancer cells.
  • Oxygenates the brain.
  • Stimulates tissue regeneration, accelerates the growth of nails and hair.
  • Restores liver cells.
  • Improves metabolism.
  • Eliminates the manifestations of allergies.
  • Effectively fights flatulence.
  • It is used in the treatment of dermatological diseases. Permitted in the form of masks and for oral administration.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system in men disappear - impotence and infertility.
  • It cures hysteria, neuralgia and depression.
  • With the help of the infusion of plants purge the body.

Diseases recede only with regular use of spices. But keep in mind that excessive use of spices can lead to poisoning!

The most expensive seasoning is saffron: what is the price?

If you wish   buyspice then you should be prepared for the fact that price  quite high. This is due to the following factors:

  • The plant is produced only on plantations with special conditions for growing.
  • Crocus grows only 2 weeks.
  • Collect by hand!
  • Three stigmas also come off only with their hands.
  • Special time to harvest.

In retail, you will give $ 10 for a gram of powder, and a wholesale batch of at least 3,000 euros will be released.

Cooking Application

BUT   where  same is addedis this royal spice? AT cooking is applied with such dishes:

  • Meat.
  • A fish.
  • Transparent soups.
  • Pilaf.
  • Vegetables and legumes.
  • Amazingly delicious coffee.
  • Creams for cakes and pies.
  • Delicious pastries.

Some nuances of using spices:

  • It is considered a stimulant of taste, therefore it is added in minimal quantities, otherwise it can spoil the dish.
  • Rules of introduction to the dish - dilute the powder in water, and then pour it into food.
  • It reveals the taste characteristics of the dish.
  • Baking the next day becomes more fragrant.

When using this powder from other spices must be abandoned.

If you have a box of real saffron in your kitchen, you are incredibly lucky, because you have become the owner of real wealth. In the literal and figurative sense. Firstly, the cost of saffron is more expensive than gold, it is the only spice that has not fallen in price over two thousand years, it has remained worth its weight in gold. And secondly, it is a very valuable and useful seasoning in the kitchen. 1 g of saffron contains about 400-450 threads. For cooking one dish, for example, pilau, you will need from 3 to 6 stuff. So it will be enough for a long time. True saffron does not store too long, because its color becomes paler, the flavor is weaker, and the taste is reduced.

Saffron, or as it is called, crocus, is cultivated in India, Greece, France, Italy, Turkey, Pakistan, China, and the USA. But the largest plantations are in Spain, which is the largest supplier of this spice. There are several types of crocus. The most valuable and expensive is considered Kashmir, cultivated in India. It has a dark red color and has a very rich taste. It is followed by a Spanish crocus, which has two varieties - Coupe and Superior. The first is valued more, because only the upper parts of the stigma of the flower, having a darker color and a pronounced taste, are collected. The third place of honor belongs to the Iranian saffron. It is more popular because considered the most inexpensive.

Growing and harvesting saffron is quite laborious. Collect it by hand during flowering, at dawn, until the sun has fully risen. Rip off the flowers, and then the stigmas of the pistils are also manually cut from them. When they dry, they look like thin strings. Continuous mass flowering of crocus is about two weeks, each flower blooms two or three days and dries. The collection is made on the first day of flowering bud. To get a kilo of spices, you need to collect about 150,000 flowers. From one field in one acre it is possible to collect no more than four or five kilograms of saffron. Crocuses grow three to four years in one place, then the plantation needs to be renewed and new bulbs planted.

Saffron - properties

Regular consumption of saffron allows you to maintain the body in good shape, relieves from ailments such as headache, cramps, insomnia, asthma, colds, inflammation. Crocus produces "the hormone of joy" - serotonin. Therefore, it is recommended to take with melancholy, depression, depressed state. Saffron helps to cleanse the kidneys, liver, lymph, reduce hunger, normalizes digestion, increases potency, improves complexion, smoothes the skin. Take it in very small doses. An excess of saffron can lead to poisoning, severe nervous excitement, even death. True for this you need to take two or three grams of spice in its pure form. Crocus is contraindicated in pregnancy, hypertension, diabetes.

Saffron - use in cooking

In cooking, saffron is valued for its amazing taste, no smell and the ability to impart a noble golden color to the dish. This seasoning is an individualist who does not tolerate the presence of neighbors; therefore, it is never used in conjunction with other spices. Its taste and aroma is so rich that it is not required. Saffron is added to the dough, meat, fish, desserts, first and second courses, drinks, milk. The main thing is not to be mistaken with the dosage. Crocus can both enrich and decorate any dish, and irreversibly spoil it, if you put it in excess.

To navigate the value of this saffron, you need to know the market price of gold. So crocus will be more expensive. This saffron is a dark maroon-brown thread, unlike a fake crocus - Imeretinsky, which has an orange or dark yellow color. This saffron powder has a dark red color. Often try to give him turmeric. You can distinguish it by a light yellow color.

Sample recipes with Saffron

Recipe 1: Sausage stewed cabbage


0.5 kg of chicken hearts or ventricles, 1 Bulgarian pepper, a large head of cabbage (2 kg), 2 medium-sized onions, 3 cloves of garlic, salt, 4 tables. lie vegetable oil, 2-3 tea. Saffron leaves (marigold) or 4-5 threads of this crocus.

Cooking method

Each ventricle is cut into three or four pieces and stew for twenty-five minutes in butter in a saucepan over low heat. Stir periodically. While the meat is stewing, cut the vegetables: garlic into slices, onion in half rings, paprika and cabbage into small squares.

Add saffron, onion, pepper and garlic to the finished ventricles or hearts. Fry for five to seven minutes, adding fire. Put cabbage to the meat, pour in a glass of water, salt and simmer over high heat for twenty minutes. Periodically interfere with the contents. When you feel the divine aroma of saffron in about fifteen minutes, you will realize that you have not wasted your time.

Recipe 2: Sausages stewed with saffron

For cooking, you can take any sausages - sausages, wieners, doctor sausage. The ingredients are designed for two servings. This dish is already a side dish. Cooked for dinner or lunch, it will quickly quench your hunger, lift your spirits and deliver a taste delight.


300g sausages, 2-3 saffron strings, 1 large onion, 2 tbsp. vegetable oil, 2 potatoes, garlic cloves, salt, pepper, 50g of fresh or frozen green peas, 200ml broth.

Cooking method

Put crocus threads in a spoonful of warm water and soak them. Chop sausages randomly, fry and put in time in a bowl.

In the same oil, fry the onion, add chopped garlic and hold in the pan for another minute. Put sliced \u200b\u200bpotatoes here, fry for five minutes. Pour in broth, saffron solution and simmer for ten to fifteen minutes. Now it remains to add sausages, peas, pepper, salt and boil for a minute or two.

Recipe 3: Saffron Cookies

Biscuits have amazing rich lemon color and unmatched taste. And most importantly, it is prepared very quickly, which is very important for baking. If real expensive saffron is used, only a few strings will be needed - 4-5. If the cheaper option is Imeretinsky or Alatava crocus, then take ¼ tsp.


powdered sugar - ¾ stack, flour - 1.5 stack., 2 yolks, 4 tablespoons. ghee or butter, tables. spoon of rum or cognac, ¼ saffron.

Cooking method

Add crocus to cognac and stir. Mix the yolks with powdered sugar with a mixer, pour in saffron cognac and beat again. Add flour and add softened butter. Knead the dough. Its consistency should be gentle, not tight. It may even stick slightly to the hands.

Roll the balls from the dough with apricot and put it on a baking sheet. Press each ball with a fork so that it flattens and leaves marks and grooves and bake for seven to ten minutes (180C). Little suns are ready!

  • Saffron has one drawback - it is often faked. To distinguish the original, you must drop a thread or a few grains of crocus in warm water or milk. If the liquid instantly turns yellow, it's a fake. A real saffron needs about ten to fifteen minutes to color the water a golden color and begin to exude a scent.
  • If saffron is added to baking, it is put when kneading dough, in other cases it is added no earlier than four to five minutes before the end of cooking.

The article tells you what dishes add saffron, how to make this spice, what is its flavor and taste. You will learn how to replace saffron, how to choose a seasoning and distinguish it from fakes.

What does saffron look like, taste and smell of seasoning

Saffron is the dried stigmas of the purple crocus seed.. Crocus - bulbous plant without a stem. Flowers and leaves grow from the bulb. Crocus flowers are quite large, have a gentle lilac, sometimes richly purple color. From one bulb grows from 1 to 3 flowers in the shape of a funnel.

Saffron - is the stigma of the crocus seed

For the manufacture of saffron seasoning now do not use wild crocus. He was replaced by specially bred varieties, which have larger flowers and long stigmas. For the first time massively grow saffron started in Spain. In addition to Spain, the main suppliers of saffron are India, Italy and Iran.

Crocus plantations update in 3-4 years. For the production of saffron use not the whole flower, but only the stigma. Crocus has only 3 stigmas, which are collected in a special way in a short time. Growing, harvesting and drying saffron is a very special and time-consuming process.

Saffron is a thread of red-brown or dark red color interspersed with yellow. The spice has a strong original flavor. Saffron taste is bitter, spicy, with a touch of honey.

How to get seasoning saffron

Above, we said that saffron is made of crocus stigmas. Let us tell you how they make fragrant seasoning.

Crocus blooms once a year and only 2-3 days. As soon as the flower opens, it is torn off and the stigma is torn off. After that, the stigmas are dried under the sun, in dryers or on fire. The slightest violation of technology or drying time greatly reduces the quality of the seasoning. It is also important that the weather at the time of collection is warm, dry and windless. Otherwise, the raw materials may deteriorate. As soon as saffron dries completely, it is removed in airtight containers. There are several varieties of saffron, which are determined by its quality.

Saffron, which is grown in Spain, has 2 types:

  1. Coupe. For him collect the most fragrant part stigmas - the top.
  2. Superior For it use whole boxes of saffron, so the flavor and taste of the seasoning is not so bright.

Kashmir saffron grows in northern India. If in Spain saffron is dried in ovens, in India only in the sun. When the saffron is harvested, it is sorted, the stigma is lowered into the water. Those who have sunk to the bottom are considered the highest grade - Shahi.

The largest global supplier of saffron is Iran. Iranian saffron differs from other types of strong coloring effect and inexpensive price.

What dishes add saffron

  Saffron is used in cooking.

Below we consider where to add saffron. Note that saffron does not fit well with other seasonings. Therefore, when cooking and adding saffron, do not add other spices.

Saffron is widely used in cooking.. Add some spice to the dough and it will get a yellowish color and a pleasant aroma. You can add saffron to desserts, creams and alcoholic cocktails. With the same purpose, saffron is used in the manufacture of sausages and cheeses.

The original aroma and flavor of saffron gives rice dishes. Add it to the pilaf, risotto, stew, broth. In European countries, saffron is often added to fish dishes. Saffron is well set off by the taste of vegetables and meat.

How to distinguish a real saffron from a fake

Saffron is one of the most expensive seasonings, because of this it is likely to buy a spice that just looks like it. Let's look at how to find out the real saffron or not.

Marigold or Imeretin saffron are often given for saffron. This spice has a yellow-red color. The stigmas of a high-quality saffron are dark red or red-brown in color, they feel soft to the touch. Pay attention to the price of spices. If you are offered a real saffron to buy cheap, most likely it is a fake.

Also under the guise of saffron they sell safflower petals - “Mexican saffron”. Often it is used for coloring caramel or tea blends. In some countries, it is used instead of saffron.

Another spice that can be sold under the guise of saffron is ground turmeric. It is difficult to distinguish ground saffron from marigold, safflower or turmeric.

To avoid fakes:

  1. Buy saffron only in stigmas.
  2. Pay attention to the shape of the stigma, it should look like a tubule that opens up with a toothed top edge.
  3. Pay attention to the color and smell. Saffron has a bitter-spicy flavor.
  4. Do not forget - saffron can not be cheap.

Where to buy saffron

Buy saffron in specialized stores that can provide you with documents for spice. They must indicate the country of origin. The main countries that supply saffron are Iran, Spain and India. We do not recommend buying saffron in the markets, as the risk of buying a fake is high.

What can replace saffron in dishes

Since it is difficult to buy real saffron and not everyone can afford it, consider what can replace this spice.

Saffron can be replaced by turmeric, it also gives dishes a nice yellowish color and spicy taste. Imereti saffron or dried marigolds can also be a substitute for spices.

For more information about saffron in cooking, see the video:


Saffron has a number of contraindications. Especially carefully choose its dosage. Usually enough 2-4 strings of saffron. In large quantities saffron is poisonous. In large doses, it causes nervous excitement. In the year can not eat more than 1 gram of saffron.


  • pregnancy;
  • high pressure;
  • diabetes;
  • cardiovascular diseases.

What to remember

  1. Saffron is obtained from dried crocus seedlings crocus.
  2. The spice has a strong original flavor and a bitter spicy taste.
  3. The main countries that produce saffron are Iran, Spain, Italy and India.
  4. Saffron is added to meat, vegetable dishes. In cooking, used to make a beautiful color baked goods, added to creams and desserts.
  5. Be careful when buying saffron, as it is often fake. Buy it only in yarns. Pay attention to the stigma shape, color and flavor of the spice.
  6. You can replace saffron in dishes with turmeric, safflower petals or Imereti saffron - marigold petals.
  7. Observe the dosage. Saffron in large quantities is dangerous.
  8. Remember about contraindications.