Cook sturgeon in the oven. Cooking whole sturgeon in the oven: recipes for spicy baked fish

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Sturgeon or sturgeon is a real work of art and a decoration for any table.

National Russian cuisine offers sturgeon recipes in abundance. But cutting up a carcass and preparing steaks from this type of fish is simply blasphemy. Sturgeon should only be baked whole. How to cook sturgeon, and sturgeon recipes read on.

Cooking “Tsar Fish” and Russian cuisine recipes

In Russia there is the Tsar Cannon and the Tsar Bell, but few people know that we also have the Tsar Fish. And that’s what people call sturgeon. From time immemorial sturgeons have been royal dishes, dishes from them were served exclusively to kings and those close to them.

Today, sturgeon can be bought in a store; although it is an endangered fish species, people have long learned to breed sturgeon in captivity. This fish has that same black caviar.

Remember! Fish for baking must be cut while still alive, since the causative agents of botulism are found in its intestines. Sturgeon cooked in the oven is incomparable stuffed with anything. It goes well with lemon juice. And it’s very tasty in the ear and easy to dry.

But today we are preparing sturgeon baked in best traditions Russian cuisine. It remains only to add that sturgeon does not really like a lot of spices and seasonings. The fewer of them in the recipe, the tastier the dish will be.

Sturgeon recipes or how to cook sturgeon?

Sturgeon in a merchant's style

You need to start by cutting off the head of the fish, taking out the chord and entrails, and cutting off the spines. Let's make cuts at intervals of 3-4 centimeters. Place thin slices of salmon into these cuts.

Video recipe “How to clean and stuff sturgeon and sterlet”:

Then sprinkle the fish with a mixture of salt, sugar and pepper, and pour in lemon juice. After this, place the fish on a baking sheet, greased with oil, after placing finely chopped dill and parsley in it. Then put the pan in the oven for approximately 40-45 minutes.

Transfer the finished sturgeon to an elongated oval dish and carefully cut into slices or portioned pieces. Garnish the fish with sprigs of herbs and sliced ​​lemons and serve immediately. Bon appetit to you and your guests!

Sturgeon Rockefeller style

  1. Clean live large sturgeon and remove entrails.
  2. Rub the inside and outside with butter at room temperature.
  3. Add salt and pepper to taste.
  4. Place small cherry tomatoes or halves of regular tomatoes into the belly.
  5. Layer them with sprigs of dill and parsley.
  6. Place the sturgeon on a baking sheet. Coat the top with sour cream or light mayonnaise.
  7. Bake for about 1 hour.
  8. When serving, garnish with a mesh of mayonnaise, lemon slices, olives and baked tomatoes.

Sturgeon royally

  • The dish is truly royal, because it is baked with with different fillings and served with caviar.
  • Wash and clean the sturgeon as in the recipe above. Marinate for 15 minutes in white table wine or champagne.
  • Then rub with salt and pepper. Grease with a mixture of sour cream and mayonnaise.

Place inside the fish:

  • pitted olives, pieces of salmon or pink salmon, boiled quail eggs, pickled onions and greens.
  • Place the fish on a greased baking sheet and bake until done.
  • To serve, cut into portioned pieces, lay on large dish, decorate with mayonnaise patterns. Place red or black caviar into the patterns.
  • Serve the dish immediately.

Sturgeon baked princely style


  • Sturgeon, the bigger the better
  • ground black pepper
  • thyme and parsley - in very small quantities so as not to interrupt the natural taste and smell of sturgeon
  • lemon juice (squeeze directly onto fish)
  • vegetable oil
  • 100 gr. dry white wine

For decoration: lemon slices, fresh parsley sprigs, mint leaves

Cooking method:

    Carefully gut the sturgeon carcass, rinse it, lightly sprinkle salt on the outside and rub on the inside and leave for about five minutes.

    Rinse the carcass thoroughly in cold running water under the tap, inside and out, dry with a towel and let dry a little more.

    Once again, properly salt the sturgeon carcass outside and inside, pepper, if desired, grate a little with thyme and parsley, lightly sprinkle with lemon juice and grease the outside of the carcass a small amount vegetable oil.

    Place two layers of foil in a suitable-sized baking dish and grease vegetable oil, place the sturgeon carcass on foil, add dry white wine and carefully seal the foil.

    Place the pan with the sturgeon in the preheated oven for 10 minutes, then remove it and carefully open the foil so that you can see the whole sturgeon.

    Lubricate the carcass with a small amount of vegetable oil - this is convenient to do with a brush. Place the sturgeon in the oven to bake until full readiness. Just remember to be careful not to dry out the fish.

    Place the finished sturgeon on a beautiful serving dish and decorate thin slices lemon, sprigs of fresh parsley and a couple of mint leaves. Sturgeon should be cut only with a very sharp knife and served with your favorite fish sauce or with the juice that was released when frying the sturgeon. The recipe is complicated, but it's worth it.

And there is a very simple recipe.

Sturgeon recipe, simply baked

    Rinse the sturgeon well, rub with salt and vegetable oil, place on a greased sheet of foil, close the foil, and bake in the oven.

    After 20-30 minutes, open the foil to evaporate the moisture.

    Bake for another 15 minutes until done. Serve garnished to your liking.

Bon appetit and live beautifully!

And finally, look at a few useful tips and recipes for cooking sturgeon.

Video recipe "Sturgeon in Moscow"


Soft and dense, but at the same time tender sturgeon meat is different incredible taste and almost complete absence small bones. Since ancient times, this has been one of the mandatory and favorite dishes on royal table . Fortunately, such a delicacy is now available to us, simple serfs. I offer you three options for preparing sturgeon - whole, in pieces and in the form of steaks fried in a frying pan.

Kitchenware: cutting board, garlic press, baking sheet, knife, thick thread or skewer, bowl.


Step-by-step preparation

  1. On top of the thick skin, the sturgeon is covered with slippery mucus that needs to be washed off. To do this, rinse it, without cutting it, under a tap with warm water and lightly scrub it with a brush or washcloth with an abrasive surface.
  2. We rip open the belly. We clean the insides and be sure to remove the gills. There is no need to remove the skin, because thanks to it and the spines the fish will look royal on the table. For the same reason we leave the head and fins. After baking, the skin will become soft, and removing it in a plate will not be difficult.
  3. Peel 4-5 medium onions and cut into arbitrary medium-sized pieces or half rings. Pass the peeled head of garlic through a garlic press or finely chop it. Put everything in a bowl.
  4. We cut the zest from three to four lemons, depending on the size. We also cut them into small pieces and place them in a bowl. Season with black and white ground pepper and sprinkle in a couple of teaspoons of salt.
  5. We wash bunches of dill, green onions and parsley under the tap. Chop and put in a bowl. Pour in about a third of a glass of vegetable or olive oil and mix everything together well.
  6. Lightly rub the inside of the fish with salt. Place the onion-lemon mince in it. We sew the belly with a thick thread or fasten it with a skewer. You can fasten it in several places with toothpicks, and to be sure, tie it with thread.
  7. Cut the remaining lemons into rings. We make a pillow from the part on a greased baking sheet and lay out the sturgeon. Lightly salt the skin and place some of the lemons on top of the fish, and leave some for serving.
  8. Place the baking sheet in the oven, preheated to 180-190°, for about 1.5 hours. When half the time has passed, lubricate the skin with oil so that after baking it acquires a beautiful shine.
  9. We take out our beauty, decorate with fresh herbs and the remaining lemon and place it in the very center of the table.

Video recipe

See how tasty and quickly you can cook whole sturgeon in the oven in the video recipe.

Cooking options

A very tasty sturgeon is obtained if it is stuffed with mushrooms and croutons.. To do this, you need to fry 700-800 g of champignons cut into pieces with two or three chopped onions and cool. Cut three to four slices white bread small cubes, dry in a frying pan or in the oven and add to the mushrooms. Salt, pepper and stuff the gutted fish. Tighten with threads, place on a greased baking sheet and bake for 1-1.5 hours.

Cooking time: about an hour.
Number of servings: 4.
Kitchenware: foil, cutting board, baking dish or baking sheet, knife.


Step-by-step preparation

Video recipe

How to cook sturgeon in the oven in pieces, see step by step recipe on video.

Cooking options

  • To receive immediately and delicious fish, and side dish, take potatoes at the rate of two or three pieces per serving.
  • Peel and cut the tubers as you like. As a rule, these are thick straws or slices.
  • Mix potatoes with mayonnaise or sour cream, as well as with salt and spices. You can even add some minced garlic.
  • Separately marinate the sturgeon pieces for 20 minutes in sour cream or mayonnaise sauce with fish spices, salt and squeezed lemon juice.
  • Place the potatoes on a baking sheet lined with foil or in a mold, and sturgeon on top.
  • Bake for 40 minutes at 180-190°.
  • Decorate with parsley sprigs and serve with vegetable salad.

Cooking time: 40 minutes.
Number of servings: 2-3.
Kitchenware: frying pan, knife, spatula, cutting board, bowl or vessel, plate, paper towels.


Sturgeon1 PC.
Lemon1 PC.
Saltof necessity
Parsley, green onionsfor filing
Vegetable oilfor frying
Ground pepper (black and white)taste
Flour1 stack
Butter30-40 g

Step-by-step preparation

  1. First of all, the sturgeon needs to be gutted. To do this, we rip open the belly and take out all the insides. Cut off the fins, head and tail. But we do this in such a way that there is a little pulp left on them, since then it will be possible to cook fish soup from them. Don't forget to remove the gills from the head.
  2. We wash the carcass under the tap. Dry with paper towels and cut into steaks 2-3 centimeters thick.
  3. Salt all the pieces on each side, season with white and black pepper and mix with your hands to distribute the spices over the entire surface. You can add a few other seasonings: dried garlic, white mustard, marjoram, thyme. Leave to marinate for about 20 minutes.
  4. A couple of minutes before frying, sprinkle with juice squeezed from half a lemon.
  5. Pour a glass of flour into a deep bowl. Roll each piece in it on all sides. You can also add some spices to the flour.
  6. Heat the pan well. Pour vegetable oil into the bottom and melt 30-40 g of butter in it. From such a mixture Fried fish it will turn out much tastier.
  7. Place the fish in well-heated oil so that the crust sets immediately. Fry over medium heat for about 4 minutes until golden brown crust and turn it over to the other side. The second side will take a little less time, so after 2-3 minutes it will form beautiful crust, and you can put the steaks on a plate.

What to serve with

The most correct, in my opinion, side dish for fried sturgeon and other fish is mashed potatoes. But you can just cut a couple into slices fresh tomatoes , season with pepper and salt, pour over oil and sprinkle with finely chopped dill. And sprinkle the steaks themselves with chopped green onions and garnish with parsley leaves.

My husband brought me a fish. And the fish is not an ordinary one, but a real sturgeon! I didn’t think for a long time what to do with it, I decided to bake it. I am friends with the oven and really love baking and baking in it. At first, of course, I admired it myself and showed it to my child :)

Then she drove everyone away and got down to serious business. First, I had to gut the fish, because they didn’t do this in the store. The activity, let me tell you, is not the most pleasant... Unfortunately, there was no caviar inside :)

Then you need to thoroughly salt the fish on all sides, including the inside, leave for 5 minutes, then rinse cold water and dry (you can use a paper towel). Next, salt the fish again and pepper to taste. Very tasty if you put fish inside onion, greens, a piece of lemon, Bay leaf. Or, for example, grease with sour cream or mayonnaise. I decided to use only salt and pepper. Place the fish on a double layer of foil, then place on a baking sheet. Lubricate the back of the fish with vegetable or olive oil, you can sprinkle with lemon juice. I really love the fish-lemon combination, but my husband doesn’t like lemon in fish, so I made it without it, without lemon. This is what a prepared sturgeon looks like.

Then wrap the fish tightly in foil and place in an oven preheated to 180-200 degrees.

Forget about sturgeon for 30-40 minutes. Then remove from the oven, open the foil on top, pour in vegetable or olive oil and, in this opened form, put it back in the oven for 10-15 minutes. After turning off the oven, let the fish sit in the oven for a while. I present to you the finished hot sturgeon:
Strong delicious aroma, like other fish breeds, does not come from the finished sturgeon. However, the fish looks very good! And it tastes very tender and pleasant.

Using a sharp knife, carefully cut the finished sturgeon into portions and distribute to those who wish to try the delicacy. You can sprinkle with lemon to suit your taste. Also choose a side dish to suit your taste. I recommend to all. Bon appetit!

Cooking time: PT01H00M 1 h.

To bake whole sturgeon in the oven, you can use any fish: Siberian sturgeon, sterlet, Russian sturgeon, bester. It is better to cook from live or fresh fish weighing up to three kilograms. Whole baked sturgeon is a dish that can decorate the table for the most important celebrations in life.

Cutting sturgeon for baking

In order to remove mucus, pour boiling water from a kettle onto the whole sturgeon and pour cold water over it. The mucus turns white and begins to fall off in pieces. After this, scrape off the remaining mucus from the sturgeon with a knife. We rip open the belly and remove the entrails. Remove the ligature. If you bake sturgeon in the oven with the head on, do not forget to cut out the gills.

Before baking sturgeon in the oven

Rub the sturgeon with a mixture of salt and black pepper. Mix lemon juice with olive oil. Lubricate the sturgeon outside and inside with a brush. If desired, you can place several sprigs of parsley, thyme and thyme in the belly of the sturgeon.

Place baking paper on a baking sheet or grease with olive oil. We lay out the sturgeon diagonally. If the whole sturgeon does not go into the oven, separate the head and place it next to it.

If you don't want the result baked sturgeon with crispy crust, add a few tablespoons of dry white wine and cover the sturgeon in the oven with foil.

For a side dish, cook vegetables in the oven

Clean the pepper and cut into slices. Cut the tomatoes into halves. Peel the potatoes and cut them into pieces depending on size. Small potatoes You can not cut it, but bake it whole in the oven. Place the vegetables on the oven rack.

Sturgeon in the oven

Place the sturgeon in the oven and bake at 180-200 degrees for 30-40 minutes. Together with the sturgeon, we put it in the oven and the grill with vegetables. Line the sturgeon dish with lettuce leaves.

We take the sturgeon out of the oven and carefully transfer it to a plate. Place the vegetables baked in the oven next to them. Decorate the dish with herbs and lemon slices. You can draw patterns on the fish using mayonnaise.

Thus, within an hour we have a dish that can be the main dish at a celebration of any level. The recipe for baking sturgeon in the oven is simple, the main thing is not to overdo it with spices. Bester is the most delicious when baked in the oven.

Sturgeon baked in the oven is completely ready to please your loved ones at the festive table!

Bon appetit to you and your guests!

To prepare this dish, it is best to use only fresh sturgeon. There should be no cuts or bruises on it. If you don’t have the opportunity to buy fresh fish, then take frozen fish. But it is important to defrost it in the fresh air.

Necessary ingredients for cooking

To bake sturgeon in the oven in the best traditions of Russian cuisine, you need to prepare the following set of ingredients:
- sour cream – 200 g;
- butter– 20 g;
- fresh sturgeon – 1 pc.;
- lemon – ½ part;
- olive oil – 10 ml;
- chicken eggs- 4 things.;
- table vinegar – 2 tbsp. l.;
- corn flour – 100 g;
- vegetable oil – 10 ml;
- nutmeg(ground) – 10 g;
- pepper and salt - to taste.

The process of cooking sturgeon in the oven

    You need to start preparing this dish by cutting up the fish. This must be done exclusively with gloves so as not to injure your hands. First, rinse the sturgeon under running water, then place it on cutting board and scrape off the mucus from it with a sharp knife, do this starting from the tail and moving towards the head. Then remove the gills, cut the abdomen and remove the giblets. Then rinse the fish again Special attention focusing on the peritoneum.

    Take large saucepan, fill to the handles with water and bring to a boil. Lower the sturgeon there for literally 2-3 seconds, holding it by the tail. Then immediately pour cold water over the fish. Then skin it, remove the fins on the sides, belly and back. Rub the prepared sturgeon thoroughly with pepper and salt. Transfer it to a container and leave to marinate for 50-60 minutes at room temperature. During this time, the fish will have time to give juice.

    Start preparing the sturgeon sauce. Hard boil the eggs, cool, peel and separate the yolk. Mash it thoroughly with a fork and transfer to a bowl. Add sour cream, melted butter, table vinegar and nutmeg there. Mix everything thoroughly to obtain a homogeneous consistency. Please note that instead of table vinegar you can use rosemary. It will make the fish meat more tender.

    Preheat the oven to 190 degrees. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil and line parchment paper, and place the prepared sturgeon on it. Pour the sauce over the fish and sprinkle cornmeal. Then take half a lemon and squeeze the juice out of it. Drizzle it over the fish and then pour olive oil over it. Send everything to bake for 20 minutes.

    Carefully transfer the finished sturgeon to a plate using wide spatulas. You can decorate the fish fresh vegetables or sprigs of greenery. It is served along with a side dish, which can be boiled potatoes, buckwheat or rice.