Lenten salad with pickled mushrooms. Spring protection of garden plants from pests and diseases Lenten salad with champignons

With mushrooms it is suitable for both a snack and a festive table. There is no single and only recipe for this salad, beloved by many people. The article will introduce you, dear culinary readers, to several of the most popular mushroom salad recipes.

Firstly, the lean salad with mushrooms and potatoes deserves special attention. Boil several jacket potatoes, peel them and cut them into small cubes. Finely chop the mushrooms and onions. Add some sauerkraut, salt and pepper the salad. Mix all ingredients until you obtain a homogeneous salad. The finished lean salad with mushrooms is seasoned with a small dose of corn oil.

Secondly, in the summer you can surprise your guests and please your family with a salad made from vegetables. You will need 150 grams, two large tomatoes, two cucumbers, some olives, fresh green onions, garlic and parsley. The products are cut into small cubes (olives into rings) and mixed. The salad is dressed with sunflower or corn oil, salt and black pepper are added to taste.

Thirdly, lovers of vegetarian cuisine in winter can enjoy and treat their family and friends with a light Lenten snack with mushrooms and beans; it is not prepared quickly, but for the sake of this unique taste, you can afford to spend an extra half hour in the kitchen. The salad includes canned (one can), (one hundred grams), walnuts (fifty grams), herbs, salt. To dress the salad, a special sauce is used, the recipe for which you will also read now. First, the mushrooms need to be soaked in milk for a couple of hours. Afterwards, the soaked mushrooms are boiled in brackish water. Cut them into small pieces and mix with canned red beans, after draining the liquid from the can. Add chopped walnuts and stir the salad. For the sauce, combine vegetable oil with vinegar and a teaspoon of mustard, add a pinch of ground pepper. Dress the lean salad with mushrooms with the prepared sauce and sprinkle it with herbs to make it even tastier and more beautiful.

When the next post ends and it’s time for meat and fish delicacies, don’t forget about mushrooms! Celebrate the end of Lent by preparing a delicious Polyanka salad with mushrooms. The ingredients in the salad are laid out in layers. First, place the chopped pickled mushrooms on a large shallow plate. The second layer will be the onion. Next, spread a thin layer of mayonnaise on the salad. The third layer will be potatoes. Grate the potatoes on a coarse grater and carefully place the resulting mass on top of the mayonnaise. Place the next layer of ham, cut into small cubes. This is followed by finely chopped pickled cucumber, after which the salad should again be greased with mayonnaise. Grate the hard-boiled eggs on a fine grater and sprinkle them on the salad. Decorate it with grated cheese and spread mayonnaise on top again. Leave the resulting salad in a cool place for two to three hours. After this you can taste the food.

Another salad with added meat is rustic salad with mushrooms. This salad is also laid out in layers. To prepare it, you need the following products: champignons (half a kilogram), chicken meat (300 grams), 2-3 medium-sized pickles, four hard-boiled eggs, an onion, salt and mayonnaise. The mushrooms are first boiled and then lightly fried in vegetable oil. The products are placed in the salad in the following order: first potatoes, then onions, then cucumbers, champignons and chicken. Each layer is smeared with mayonnaise. The finished salad is sprinkled with grated egg yolks.

Bon appetit!

There is very little time left before winter, and the Nativity Fast is already upon us. Keeping fasts is not so easy; you have to give up dairy and meat foods, as well as eggs, flour baked goods, and so on. For people fasting for the first time, recipes for dishes that do not contain fast food come to the rescue. They are posted on Internet portals or in glossy magazines.

There are many lean salads that contain mushrooms. It’s not for nothing that mushrooms are called lean meat; they improve the taste of dishes and enrich the human body with useful substances.

Lenten salad with mushrooms and beans

This recipe uses soy sauce instead of salt to add a piquant flavor to the salad. All lovers of a slim figure can also safely eat it.

The champignons in this salad are used fresh, they are washed under running water and dried. The onion is cut into half rings. Then place a frying pan on the stove, add the vegetable oil specified in the recipe (in this recipe, sunflower oil is taken) and first fry the onion.

Mushrooms are added there and fried until all the moisture is released from the champignons. At the same time, you need to open the canned beans and pour out the liquid that is not used in the salad. Everyone chooses canned beans according to their own taste, but red beans in tomato sauce are more suitable for this dish in terms of their taste.

Place beans in a deep salad bowl, then add mushrooms fried with onions on top, crumble greens on top and pour soy vinegar over everything. Soy vinegar should be tasted first; if it is too salty, it is better to use 1-2 tablespoons.

Then squeeze one clove of garlic through the garlic press. Those housewives who like to chop garlic, then let them use two or three cloves.

Then mix everything again and leave it in this form for at least ten minutes, only then you can try it.

Salad with champignons and asparagus

Asparagus has a large amount of useful substances and vitamins. It contains potassium, provitamin A, magnesium, and most importantly, the vegetable contains asparagine. This substance reduces blood pressure, dilates blood vessels and removes harmful ammonia from the body.

In cooking, white and green asparagus are used, the stem of which is quite fleshy, and its taste resembles mushrooms, therefore it is highly valued by gourmets. Asparagus is good both as a separate dish and as part of salads.

For this salad you will need:

  • fresh champignons -500 grams;
  • asparagus -500 grams;
  • lemon;
  • wine vinegar -30 grams;
  • sunflower oil - 60 grams;
  • tarragon - half a bunch;
  • parsley - half a bunch;
  • dill - 1/3 bunch.

It takes about thirty minutes to prepare.

Calorie content is 1309 kcal.

First you need to prepare the asparagus. It is washed under water, starting from the middle, the hard parts are removed with a knife, then the asparagus is tied into bunches of ten pieces and boiled in a vertical position in salted water for eight to ten minutes.

As soon as it is cooked, the asparagus should be transferred to a colander and wait until the water drains. At this time, the champignons are prepared. Mushrooms are chopped and stewed in a small amount of water. As soon as the water has evaporated, salt and pepper the mushrooms and squeeze lemon juice on them. Let cool.

Asparagus should be cut into small pieces, add mushrooms, wine vinegar, parsley, tarragon, dill, season with sunflower or, better yet, olive oil. Then put it in the refrigerator for two hours. The salad is ready and can also be used as a snack.

Olivier with mushrooms

Fans of Lenten salads will be pleasantly surprised to see Olivier on the table, which they can safely eat. This salad will use mushrooms instead of meat, and eggs should not be replaced with anything. The salad will still be delicious. Lenten mayonnaise, which is commercially available, is suitable as a dressing.

  • potatoes - 5 tubers;
  • oyster mushrooms - 200 grams;
  • two carrots;
  • fresh cucumber;
  • two pickled cucumbers;
  • onion head;
  • canned green peas - 1 can;
  • greens to taste;
  • salt, pepper to taste;
  • lean mayonnaise -150 grams.

It takes about an hour to prepare the salad, taking into account the time for boiling the potatoes and carrots.

Calorie content - 1020 kcal.

Potatoes and carrots should be washed and boiled in their skins. Chop the oyster mushrooms and fry in sunflower oil. All cucumbers are cut into equal cubes and then mixed with cooled mushrooms. The onion is finely chopped or grated.

Cool the potatoes and carrots, peel and cut into cubes, mix with cucumbers and oyster mushrooms. Add green peas, chopped herbs, salt, pepper and mix with mayonnaise.

The salad is ready, tastes and looks very much like Olivier.

Venezuelan appetizer

First you need to marinate the champignons.

Ingredients for the marinade:

  • champignons -500 grams;
  • apple cider vinegar - 2 tablespoons;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tablespoon;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • peppercorns - 10 pieces;
  • garlic - 6 cloves;
  • vegetable oil - 120 grams;
  • bay leaf - 2 leaves.

It takes 15 minutes to prepare.

Calorie content is 1020 kcal.

To do this, the mushrooms need to be washed, wiped with a paper towel and cut into halves. Pour sunflower oil into a deep bowl, add vinegar, chopped garlic, put a bay leaf, throw in peppercorns.

The next step is to salt the butter, add sugar, stir, add mushrooms and put on fire. As soon as it boils, reduce the heat and cook for another five minutes.

Cool the mushrooms, put them in a jar and put them in the refrigerator for four hours. The mushrooms have a piquant taste and go well in this recipe.

The composition of the lean salad includes:

  • Venezuelan mushrooms - 300 grams;
  • boiled potatoes - 5 tubers;
  • two boiled carrots;
  • boiled beets;
  • green apple;
  • onion head;
  • sunflower oil - 30 grams;
  • lean mayonnaise - 2 tablespoons;
  • fresh cucumber - 2 pieces;
  • half a bunch of cilantro;
  • salt, pepper to taste;

It takes about twenty minutes to prepare the salad.

Calorie content is 1942 kcal.

The onion should be finely chopped and added to the pickled mushrooms. The salad is prepared in layers. First, grate half of the potatoes onto a serving plate, add salt and pepper, and then lay out half of the prepared mushrooms.

The next layer is rubbed on an apple, then some carrots, fresh cucumber, and two-thirds of boiled beets. Each layer is coated with mayonnaise. Then the procedure is repeated. Again potatoes, mushrooms, apple, carrots, cucumber. Everything is smeared with mayonnaise and at the end the beets are grated. The salad is decorated with greens.

Bon appetit!

Cucumbers are the favorite crop of most gardeners, so they grow in our vegetable beds everywhere. But quite often, inexperienced summer residents have many questions about growing them, and, first of all, in open ground. The fact is that cucumbers are very heat-loving plants, and the agricultural technology of this crop in temperate climate zones has its own characteristics. We will tell you everything you need to know about growing cucumbers in open ground in this article.

May days delight with warmth and the opportunity to spend more time on the plots. But the long-awaited month of the arrival of stable warmth cannot boast of a balanced lunar calendar. In May, the periods favorable for working only in an ornamental garden or only in a vegetable garden are quite long, and there are quite a few days suitable for any plants. The lunar calendar for May 2019 requires planning and skillful distribution of planting and sowing times.

Despite the popularity of the popular nickname “bottle palm,” it is very difficult to confuse the genuine hiophorba bottle palm with its relatives. A real indoor giant and quite a rare plant, hyophorba is one of the most elite palm trees. She became famous not only for her special bottle-shaped trunk, but also for her very difficult character. Caring for hyophorba is no more difficult than caring for ordinary indoor palm trees. But the conditions will have to be selected.

Warm salad with funchose, beef and mushrooms is a delicious dish for the lazy. Funchoza - rice or glass noodles - is one of the easiest to prepare among its pasta relatives. Just pour boiling water over the glass noodles and leave for a few minutes, then drain the water. Funchoza does not stick together and does not need to be watered with oil. I advise you to cut long noodles into smaller pieces with scissors so as not to inadvertently snag the entire portion of noodles in one sitting.

Surely, many of you have come across this plant, at least as a component of some cosmetic or food products. It is “disguised” under different names: “jujube”, “unabi”, “jujube”, “Chinese date”, but they are all the same plant. This is the name of a crop that has long been grown in China, and was grown as a medicinal plant. From China it was brought to the Mediterranean countries, and from there jujube began to slowly spread throughout the world.

May chores in the decorative garden are always associated with the need to use every free minute as productively as possible. This month, flower seedlings are planted and seasonal decoration begins. But you shouldn’t forget about shrubs, vines, or trees. Due to the imbalance of the lunar calendar this month, it is better to work with ornamental plants in early and mid-May. But the weather does not always allow you to follow the recommendations.

Why do people move to the countryside and buy dachas? For a variety of reasons, of course, including practical and material ones. But the main idea is still to be closer to nature. The long-awaited summer season has already begun; a lot of work awaits us in the garden. With this material we want to remind you and ourselves that in order for work to be a joy, you must remember to rest. What could be better than relaxing in the fresh air? Just relax in a furnished corner of your own garden.

May brings not only long-awaited warmth, but also no less long-awaited opportunities to plant even heat-loving plants in the beds. This month, seedlings begin to be transferred into the soil, and crops reach their peak. While planting and new crops are being planted, it is important not to forget about other important chores. After all, not only the beds need enhanced care, but also the plants in greenhouses and seedlings, which are beginning to be actively hardened off this month. It is important to form plants in time.

Pie for Easter - a homemade recipe for a simple sponge cake filled with nuts, candied fruits, figs, raisins and other goodies. The white icing that decorates the cake is made from white chocolate and butter, it won't crack, and it tastes like chocolate cream! If you don’t have the time or skills to tinker with yeast dough, then you can prepare this simple holiday baking for the Easter table. I think any novice home pastry chef can master this simple recipe.

Thyme or thyme? Or maybe thyme or Bogorodskaya grass? Which is correct? And it’s correct in every way, because these names “pass” the same plant, more precisely, one genus of plants from the Lamiaceae family. There are many other popular names associated with the amazing property of this subshrub to release large amounts of aromatic substances. The cultivation of thyme and its use in garden design and cooking will be discussed in this article.

Favorite Saintpaulias have not only a special appearance, but also a very specific character. Growing this plant bears little resemblance to classical care for indoor crops. And even the relatives of Uzambara violets from among the Gesnerievs require a slightly different approach. Watering is often called the most “strange” point in caring for violets, which prefer non-standard watering to the classical method. But the approach will also have to be changed when it comes to fertilizing.

Savoy cabbage gratin is a vegetarian recipe for a tasty and healthy meat-free dish that can be prepared during Lent, since no animal products are used in its preparation. Savoy cabbage is a close relative of white cabbage, but it is superior to its “relative” in taste, so dishes with this vegetable always turn out successful. If for some reason you don’t like soy milk, then replace it with plain water.

Currently, thanks to breeders, more than 2000 varieties of large-fruited garden strawberries have been created. The same one that we usually call “strawberries”. Garden strawberries arose as a result of the hybridization of Chilean and Virginia strawberries. Every year, breeders never tire of surprising us with new varieties of this berry. Selection is aimed at obtaining not only productive varieties that are resistant to diseases and pests, but also those with high taste and transportability.

Useful, hardy, unpretentious and easy to grow, marigolds are irreplaceable. These summer gardens have long since moved from city flower beds and classic flower beds to original compositions, decorating beds and potted gardens. Marigolds, with their easily recognizable yellow-orange-brown colors and even more inimitable aromas, today can pleasantly surprise with their diversity. Firstly, among marigolds there are both tall and miniature plants.

Lenten salad with mushrooms is another dish option that is perfect for both the winter diet and the off-season. On fasting days, such a dish is allowed. A Lenten salad with mushrooms can also be prepared for a funeral.

Lenten salad with mushrooms and cucumbers

The recipe is presented on Natalia Vasilenko's YouTube channel.


  1. Fresh champignons - 300 g
  2. Potatoes - 5 pcs. small potatoes
  3. Pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  4. Green peas - 100-150 g
  5. Parsley, dill and onion - 50 g each
  6. Lenten mayonnaise - for dressing 1-2 tbsp. l.

Step 1

Boil the potatoes until tender. Fry the champignons with onions in vegetable oil in a frying pan.

Step 2

Grind all ingredients. Finely chop the greens.

Step 3

For decoration, leave a few whole mushrooms, some green peas and a couple of sprigs of herbs.

Step 4

Combine all ingredients in a large salad bowl. First - potatoes, then mushrooms and peas. Then greens. There is no need to salt the salad, since you added salt when boiling the potatoes, and the rest of the ingredients are quite salty.

Step 5

Season the salad with lean mayonnaise. Mix carefully without crushing the ingredients.

Simple salad with mushrooms

The recipe is presented on Irina Voskresenskaya’s YouTube channel.


  1. Champignons - 300 g
  2. Onions - 1.5 medium sized heads
  3. Salt to taste
  4. Vegetable oil for frying mushrooms - 2 tbsp. l.
  5. Pink onion - 1 small head
  6. Carrots - 1 piece, large
  7. Green onion shoots - 30-50 g
  8. Marinated mushrooms - 2-3 medium-sized pieces
  9. Boiled potatoes - 3-4 small pieces

Step 1

Rinse the mushrooms and dry with paper towels. Boil and cool the carrots.

Step 2

Chop the mushrooms, leave a few for decoration. It is enough to chop them into slices.

Step 3

Fry the mushrooms in a well-heated frying pan in vegetable oil with finely chopped onions. Salt the mushrooms 5-7 minutes after the start of cooking. Cool.

Step 4

Place the cake pan on a large platter. Place the mushrooms in the first layer on the dish. Then add some raw pink onions in a second layer.

Step 5

Cut the boiled carrots into small cubes. Arrange evenly in the next layer in the salad bowl.

Step 6

Finely chop the green onions. Sprinkle evenly over salad.

Step 7

Cut the pickled cucumbers into small cubes. Spread the next layer on the surface of the salad.

Step 8

The last layer in the salad is boiled potatoes. Chop it into small cubes. Distribute evenly over the surface of the salad and coat with lean mayonnaise or sauce. Garnish with whole slices of mushrooms and finely chopped herbs.


In the second recipe, you can dress the salad with either lean mayonnaise or a self-prepared sauce based on olive oil, balsamic vinegar and mustard. You need to prepare it no more than 2-3 tablespoons. As for carrots, they can be grated or cut into cubes. In addition to green onions, you can add parsley and dill to the salad. Now you have recipes for lean salads with mushrooms at your disposal. And you already know how to cook from the previous article.

Lenten salads with champignons will be an excellent addition to the culinary repertoire of those who, while observing fasting, like to eat tasty and varied foods. The main advantage of such salads, in addition to ease of preparation, is that champignons are sold in stores all year round and are quite affordable. Therefore, it is worth considering the most popular recipes, as well as familiarizing yourself with some culinary tricks.

Any lean salad with mushrooms will be an excellent alternative to meat salads during fasting. There are a lot of recipes, so first you should try to cook the most popular dishes.

With beans

Have to take:

  • a can of red beans;
  • 200 – 250 g mushrooms;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 – 3 cloves of garlic;
  • greens to taste;
  • a little sunflower oil for frying;
  • soy sauce for dressing.

Preparing the dish takes about 20 minutes, and the result is always great:

  1. In a frying pan in oil, fry the onion, cut into half rings, until half cooked.
  2. Add washed, peeled and cut into slices or cubes champignons to the onion, then simmer the onion-mushroom mixture until the moisture has completely evaporated.
  3. Drain the liquid from the beans and shake the product out of the jar into a deep cup.
  4. Place the prepared onion-mushroom mixture and chopped herbs on top of the beans.
  5. Add garlic passed through a press.
  6. Season everything with soy sauce and mix well (if you want a mildly spicy salad, add a small amount of garlic).

The dish is ready, it can be transferred to a salad bowl and served.

With asparagus

Fleshy and tender asparagus stalks are considered a delicacy and are highly valued by gourmets, so the combination of mushrooms and asparagus will give the salad an exquisite festive taste. Products you will need:

  • 500 g asparagus;
  • 500 g mushrooms:
  • lemon;
  • fresh parsley, tarragon and dill in small quantities;
  • vegetable oil for frying and dressing;
  • wine vinegar for dressing.

Step-by-step cooking recipe:

  1. First, peel the asparagus and cook it in salted water for 10 minutes.
  2. Place the cooked asparagus in a colander and let the water drain.
  3. We clean and wash the mushrooms, and then simmer them in oil in a frying pan (some sources recommend simmering the product in a small amount of water).
  4. After the moisture has evaporated from the mushrooms, squeeze lemon juice onto them and add salt.
  5. Cut asparagus and greens into small pieces.
  6. We combine all the ingredients, season with a mixture of oil and wine vinegar, and then leave to steep for a couple of hours in the cold (in the refrigerator).

The salad can be placed in a beautiful bowl and served.

Recipe for pickling champignons

Some recipes for champignon salads require the addition of not fresh, but pickled product. You can buy canned mushrooms at the store for this, or you can marinate them yourself.

For the marinade you will need:

  • 0.5 kg of mushrooms;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 1 tsp. salt;
  • several black peppercorns (about 8 - 10 pcs.);
  • 2 tbsp. l. apple or wine vinegar;
  • 100 – 120 g sunflower oil;
  • 5 – 6 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 – 3 bay leaves.

The marinating process is simple and even novice cooks can do it:

  1. Pour oil and vinegar into a saucepan.
  2. Add salt, bay leaf, sugar, pepper and minced or finely chopped garlic.
  3. Wash the mushrooms, peel them, cut them into slices and dry them from excess moisture with a paper towel.
  4. Place the mushrooms in the prepared marinade mixture and put on fire.
  5. After the liquid boils, cook everything for 5 - 7 minutes, and then remove from the stove and leave to cool.
  6. Place the cooled mushroom mass in the cold for 4 – 5 hours.

The marinated product is ready and can be used to prepare salads. Which ones? There are a lot of recipes. For example, a salad with pickled mushrooms and seaweed.

Products you will need:

  • 450 – 500 g boiled long rice;
  • 200 g of seaweed (you can take canned in jars, but culinary experts recommend purchasing it prepared according to Korean recipes in specialized departments of stores);
  • 300 g of champignons pre-cooked in marinade;
  • bulb;
  • carrot;
  • salt, pepper and other spices to taste;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

The step-by-step guide consists of the following steps:

  1. Shred the carrots (it is recommended to use a “Korean” shredder for this).
  2. Fry the carrots in a frying pan until half cooked.
  3. Add onion cut into half rings and mushrooms cut into pieces to the carrots.
  4. Simmer the entire resulting mushroom-vegetable mass until excess moisture evaporates.
  5. Combine rice, frying mixture and seaweed in a deep bowl.
  6. Mix all ingredients, add salt, spices and pepper to taste.

The dish can be placed in a beautiful salad bowl and served.

A few culinary secrets

Recipes for mushroom salads are very diverse, and it is not necessary every time during Lent to carefully flip through the pages of a cookbook or study sites on the Internet in search of a suitable recipe. A few tips from professionals will help make cooking during Lent simple and quick:

  1. Using your favorite recipe for mushroom salad. You can’t eat meat and eggs during Lent, but if you remove eggs from your favorite recipe, replace the meat with champignons and season everything with lean mayonnaise, you will get a delicious dish with a mushroom aroma and taste. The main example of such a replacement is mushroom Olivier, which tastes almost no different from the traditional one. But you can eat it during fasting.
  2. Failure to comply with the rules. An unofficial culinary rule is that the pickled product is added to high-calorie salads (with rice, potatoes, etc.), and fried champignons are best placed in low-calorie dishes. But this rule does not have to be followed: in the preparation of salads, as in the preparation of other dishes, improvisation is always possible. Light salads with pickled mushrooms are delicious and have an original taste.
  3. Possibility of improvisation. Mushrooms go with most foods, so don't be afraid to improvise. Potatoes, beets, rice, cabbage or other ingredients are perfect for mushroom salads. And for dressing it is allowed to use oil, soy sauce or lean mayonnaise, which can be purchased in the store.
  4. Don’t be afraid to add mushroom flavor to your usual lean salads. A vinaigrette or sauerkraut salad will benefit from the addition of mushrooms, but in this case it is recommended to use pickled or canned champignons.