Useful properties of baked apples. Baked apples are harmful to the body

Apples are the most affordable fruit that can be purchased in stores at any time of the year. They are used to prepare various desserts, which are considered dietary and very healthy. Baked ones are very popular because they are easy to prepare and both adults and children like the taste.

The benefits and harms of baked apples in the oven

It is important to note that foods cooked in the oven retain a lot of useful substances, and also reduce energy value. Many doctors and nutritionists recommend including this in your menu. similar dishes to maintain health. You can even arrange fasting days on baked apples.

Benefits of baked apples in the oven:

  1. The composition includes many vitamins and minerals that promote better absorption of carbohydrates. Thanks to this, it is possible to normalize cholesterol levels in the blood and significantly reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis.
  2. Contains a lot of potassium, which is important for normal functioning of cardio-vascular system and skeletal muscles.
  3. The benefits of baked apples in the oven are due to the presence of calcium, which is important for the formation of bone tissue.
  4. This dish boasts a high content of ascorbic acid, which has a positive effect on the condition of blood vessels, and it also significantly strengthens the immune system.
  5. The enormous benefits are due to the presence of pectins, which cleanse the intestines and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. They are recommended to eat if you have constipation.
  6. The calorie content of baked apples in the oven is small, so per 100 g there are only 47 kcal. That is why this dish can be safely included in your diet for people who want to lose weight or are watching their weight. It is important to consider that if you use sugar and other ingredients, the calorie content of the dish increases.
  7. They have a diuretic effect and help cleanse the body of toxins. They are often recommended for use by people who live in areas with polluted air.
  8. Baked apple in the oven - perfect dish for a child, since even doctors recommend introducing it into complementary foods starting from seven months.
  9. People with gastritis are allowed to eat increased acidity, because they do not contain so many acids that irritate the mucous membranes.
  10. Are considered the perfect dessert to maintain beauty, because they help tighten the skin and get rid of small wrinkles.
  11. They have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver and kidneys, and they also normalize metabolism.

It is important to note that baked apples can also cause harm to the body. They can cause allergies or cause intestinal upset. That is why it is not recommended to eat them large quantities. People with gastritis, ulcers and high stomach acidity should treat fruits with caution.

How to cook dietary baked apples in the oven?

Preparing fruits is very simple and even a novice cook can handle it.



We wash the fruit thoroughly and carefully cut off the “lid” where the tail is located. The next step is to remove the core with seeds. Grease any mold or baking sheet with a small amount of oil and place the apples in it with the hole facing up. Put some honey inside and cover with a lid. Cook in an oven preheated to 200 degrees until soft. After that, sprinkle with cinnamon and powder to taste. The calorie content of the dish is 97 kcal. You can bake apples with carrots, berries and various spices, which help improve and diversify the taste.

The benefits and harms of baked apples - this topic is of concern primarily to lovers unique dessert. The sweet aroma, well known from childhood, has a lot of fans of different age categories. Easy to prepare, endowed with enormous benefits for humans, it suits the taste of even the most demanding gourmets. It is difficult to overestimate its nutritional and beneficial properties.

But there is also the opposite opinion of doctors who doubt the full effectiveness of this product. Opponents say there is no therapeutic effect and indicate the harm caused apple treat. However, the widespread prevalence of this dish in various variations and the lack of deterioration do not support the position of the hype lovers.

Fresh apples available all year round. Regardless of the season, they will always be found on supermarket shelves. But please note that foreign fruits do not have such benefits. The beautiful external gloss of imports is quite deceptive. Imported apples require chemical treatment to increase shelf life. It protects the fetus from harmful microorganisms that cause rotting. It is difficult not to lose its attractiveness during long-term transportation. Therefore, foreign fruits undergo heat treatment with wax to add shine. This is the reason for the loss useful properties apples

Feel free to give preference to domestic apples. Grown in own garden with minimal use of pesticides, they contain much more healing vitamins. Fruits bought at the market may lose appearance, but they will please affordable price and juicy pulp.

Composition and benefits of baked apples

It’s not for nothing that they talk about this delicacy - a real storehouse of health. It is difficult to find a similar fruit endowed with the same healing composition. Not only doctors, but also nutritionists recommend consuming them regularly. They actively use dessert in weight loss methods. Eating baked apples will replace your entire vitamin and mineral complex. They contain potassium, zinc, manganese, vitamins A, E, C, PP, H, group of vitamins B1, B2, B6 and pectin. With such unique composition Vitamin deficiency is not scary.

Benefits of baked apples:

  1. Anyone who has experienced a lack of iron in the body should eat baked apples. This will protect against anemia and help in the fight against anemia or dysfunction of the cardiovascular system. Two pieces of sweet delicacy are enough to not feel the need for this microelement.
  2. Apples themselves do not have direct antimicrobial qualities. But they are capable of producing elements that strengthen the immune system. Stimulates protective functions to combat colds. To do this, treat yourself to a variety of fresh, baked apples and juices.
  3. The value of the fruit is high due to its vitamin C content - 9 mg. It adds a unique sourness and relieves inflammation, helps strengthen blood vessels and destruction of viruses.
  4. Baked apples contain various antioxidants that help fight skin aging and hinder the development oncological diseases. Thanks to them, metabolism is stabilized, which ensures proper regeneration of cells and prevents mutation into cancer.
  5. Pectin, which is part of baked apples, will protect you from toxic substances and will take part in the removal of cholesterol. Vitamin B together with pectin will give the skin freshness and start the process of natural rejuvenation.
  6. Vitamin A contained in baked apples will protect vision from age-related changes and eye infections. By baking apples with liver, you can maintain visual acuity for a long time.
  7. The content of calcium and potassium normalizes the functioning of the heart muscle, maintains vascular tone, and brings it back to normal arterial pressure. Calcium, even in small quantities, has a positive effect on the condition of hair, nails and joints. If you have a significant deficiency of this microelement, it is recommended to supplement your diet with foods containing calcium. Special vitamin complexes will effectively and quickly fill the deficiency.

Baked apples are most popular due to their use in dietetics. This is facilitated by the tangible results of the diet without significant financial expenses. Apples can normalize digestive system thanks to great content vegetable fiber. Due to the saturation with fiber, hunger subsides for a long time. It frees the intestinal walls from toxins. But remember that before using the diet, medical consultation is necessary. Each body is individual and has its own contraindications.

Baked apples: indications

Particular attention in the article should be paid to the benefits of baked apples. It is a mistake to assume that during baking apples lose useful characteristics. In fact, a small part of them is lost. After thermal exposure, be it frying, baking, sterilization or drying, apples retain a significant portion of vitamins and microelements. Only chemical exposure can destroy useful qualities.

  1. Efficiency of the set apple diets And fasting days proven in practice. The effectiveness of this method is justified by the rapid weight loss and its further stability. Improved well-being and lack of discomfort in the intestines ensure the comfort of fasting days on baked apples. To do this, add 2-3 baked fruits to the menu.
  2. Helps improve performance and improve reproductive function folic acid, riboflavin, tocopherol. For getting daily norm drink 2 glasses during the day apple juice and eat 3 baked apples.
  3. To avoid harming yourself, eat sweet and ripe varieties of apples if you have high stomach acidity. If your situation is the opposite, then sour varieties will do. It is recommended to eat baked apples without peel during the treatment of gastritis and pancreatitis. To remove excess acid from apples, you can bake them with honey.
  4. Sour apples large quantities allowed to use even with diabetes mellitus, so they contain about two mg of iodine and have a low glycemic level. Endocrinologists warn that fruits should be baked without sugar. Otherwise, you will cause damage with such a product.
  5. Fresh apples have a less pronounced effect on intestinal function. If fruits are baked before consumption, they will gently cleanse the intestines of fecal stagnation, eliminate inflammation and remove toxins. This will not harm the stomach, and irritation and constipation will be eliminated.
  6. Baked apples have a positive effect on liver function. Not being a medicine, they contribute to its natural restoration. If desired, you can completely restore its functionality. But baked apples alone are not enough for this. You should give up alcohol and reduce harmful foods in your diet.
  7. Baked apples will help get rid of swelling, normalize kidney function, and help remove fine sand. This will significantly improve your well-being.
  8. Apple is healthy in general. Both the pulp and the peel contain nutrients. But according to some indicators, the peel bypasses the composition of the pulp. It contains a higher percentage of elements that slow down the development of malignant cells and helps fight diabetes. Only the peel that has been subjected to chemical treatment. Peel it off boldly and enjoy the pulp.

To obtain maximum benefit, help yourself to the “apple complex”. Eat fresh, baked apples or in juice form alternately, and get the expected effect.

Harm from baked apples

A lot of time, effort and energy was spent on research unique properties. The conclusion is clear: baked apples do not cause harm, but fill the body with energy and strength. Feel free to include a delicacy with various additives. Regular consumption of apples in any form will help avoid many health problems.

The claim that baked apples are harmful is absolutely false. But it is worth pointing out the existing contraindications. It is recommended to avoid baked apples:

  1. If you have an allergic reaction to this fruit.
  2. If duodenal disease or stomach ulcers are in the acute stage.
  3. If you are suffering from urolithiasis(due to minor diuretic effect).

Video: how to bake apples in the oven

The properties of a dish are largely determined by how it was prepared. Heat treatment, indeed, significantly affects the benefits and unpleasant qualities of the product. Baking is considered one of the best options cooking, since it allows you to preserve all the beneficial substances, and also makes it possible to give food an amazing taste. Apples, properly cooked in the oven, are the very dish where benefit and pleasure are combined. It’s very easy to make them in the oven, but the delicacy comes out endowed with many beneficial properties.

Chemical composition of apples

First of all, those who want to lose weight will appreciate the quality of such a dish. The fact is that the baked dish contains a minimum of calories. They are at a level of only about 50 kcal per 100 g. However, for the most part these calories are formed simple sugars, so you still shouldn’t overuse the product. When cooking in the oven, as noted, you can preserve almost all the beneficial qualities of apples. This dish contains vitaminsA, C, E, PP, group vitaminsB, iron, great amount potassium Accordingly, the benefits turn out to be very great if they are used correctly.

But for what reason are baked fruits so popular? The fact is that not everyone likes the taste of fresh apples. In addition, they are not always properly absorbed by the body. Because of this, baking in the oven is very popular and is practiced by many housewives.

Benefits and positive effects

Now it’s worth taking a closer look at what beneficial properties are observed in apples of this kind. Apples provide excellent support for the body, not to mention how delicious they are. It will be possible to describe the benefits as follows.

  1. Improve digestion and protect against the development of dysbiosis. It is recommended to consume this dish for people suffering from problems with intestinal microflora.
  2. Have a positive effect on blood composition. This is also a beneficial property, which is due to the presence of significant amounts of potassium and iron.
  3. Maintain immunity for high level. Thanks to this feature, in the cold season you can protect the body from various diseases without putting in significant effort.
  4. They have a diuretic effect. In general, the effect in this case is not too great. But apples still help cleanse the kidneys.
  5. With the help of oven-cooked treats, you can get rid of constipation. By systematically consuming this dish, you can also cope with chronic constipation, which do not allow many people to live normally.
  6. Allows you to defeat inflammatory processes occurring in the gastrointestinal tract. It is especially useful to eat a baked dish for cholecystitis. But other diseases accompanied by inflammation can also be defeated in this case.
  7. Rids the body of toxins. Apples remove harmful toxins from the body, which can potentially lead to certain diseases.
  8. Due to the presence of large amounts of potassium, the product can also be used to strengthen the cardiovascular system. They make blood vessels stronger and reduce the risk of heart attack and other pathological conditions.
  9. To some extent they help reduce the risk of developing tumors. Their general anti-inflammatory effect also extends to cancer tumors. In addition, the product also contains antioxidants.
  10. It is believed that apples help the liver and kidneys function better. Therefore, they can be consumed to maintain the health of these organs.
  11. If systematically added to the diet baked dishes, it turns out to support skin in a good condition. This will reduce the risk of early wrinkles.
  12. Apples speed up metabolism. Because of this property, they are recommended to be used for weight loss purposes.

Such an extensive list of beneficial properties, unfortunately, is associated with certain potential harm. It will also have to be examined in advance so that consuming the fruit turns out to be the safest. What aspects are important here?

Potential Harm

If you cook it correctly, there will most likely be no harm. Unfortunately, too often apples are either prepared incorrectly or consumed incorrectly. In addition, sometimes this delicacy is prepared with the addition of not the most useful components. Because of them, the body can also be subjected to negative impacts. Therefore, it is important to combine apples and other ingredients in the most responsible way. Otherwise, there is a danger that harm of the following nature will appear.

  1. Increase in body weight. If you consume the product in large quantities, it will in any case lead to accumulation excess weight. And baked fruits are no exception. Therefore, it is important that they are consumed in reasonable quantities. Otherwise, the formation of excess fat cannot be avoided.
  2. Allergic reaction. It can appear both on the apples themselves and on other ingredients that are used when baking them. Therefore, it is important to add only those products that are likely to be normally accepted by the body.
  3. Stomach upset. Sometimes they cause such an effect. To avoid diarrhea, you need to strictly limit the amount of food you consume.

As you can see, possible harm not too big. And it is possible to protect yourself from this harm, taking into account the most banal precautions. Almost everyone can enjoy the qualities of baked and properly served apples if they are careful about their consumption. Above it was clearly demonstrated how useful this product can be if it is prepared correctly.

Deciding to enjoy juicy fruits with the arrival of autumn, strengthen the body in winter cold or to prevent spring vitamin deficiency, we always remember apples. And this is correct, because since time immemorial we have associated apples with health and beauty, strength and longevity.

According to many experts, there is nothing healthier than fresh apples, which contain a unique vitamin and mineral complex. However, some scientists claim that baked apples, which change consistency during baking and acquire a characteristic sweetness, are not only not inferior, but even superior fresh fruits by level of usefulness. Is it really? Who should eat this more often? wonderful dish, and who should stay away from baked apples? We will talk about all this in this article.

Valuable composition

It seems surprising, but small heat treatment does not harm these delicious fruits at all and allows you to preserve absolutely all valuable vitamins and minerals.

For example, baked apples contain B vitamins, a lot of vitamins C, E, PP and H. In terms of mineral composition, baked apples have no equal among fruits! It contains sodium and iron, phosphorus and copper, potassium and calcium, as well as manganese and iodine. The apple is a generous source of indigestible dietary fiber, contains pectins, tannins, organic acids and tannins.

According to nutritionists, by eating just 2 baked apples a day, you can compensate for the lack of almost all nutrients in the body! Amazing, isn't it? At the same time, the calorie content of baked apples is very low and amounts to only 66 kcal per 100 g of product.

What are the benefits of baked apples?

Having studied extraordinarily useful composition This unpretentious product is worth looking at the benefits it brings to the body.

1. Strengthens the heart and maintains the elasticity of blood vessels thanks to high content potassium and magnesium. Reduces the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood and cleanses blood vessels from cholesterol plaques. This fruit prevents blood clots and saves our body from hypertension, atherosclerosis and many other cardiovascular diseases.

2. Improves metabolic processes in the body, promoting more active absorption of nutrients. And thanks to the diuretic properties of this product, it perfectly cleanses the body of metabolic products and promotes weight loss.

3. Saturates the body with useful substances, preventing vitamin deficiency, strengthening the immune system and helping to restore health after illnesses.

4. Activation of metabolic processes and the ability of baked apples to cleanse the body no worse than purchased sorbents is a real godsend for people who want to lose weight or are looking for a way to control their own weight. Daily use such a product, subject to compliance with the basic dietary recommendations will allow you to lose at least 3 kg net weight per month!

4. Due to the high iron content, it increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood and prevents the development of anemia. It is enough to eat one baked fruit a day so that literally after 2 weeks the unpleasant symptoms of anemia disappear irrevocably.

5. Strengthens the skeletal system, promoting the growth of skeletal bones in children and adolescents, as well as strengthening skeletal system in old age. Regular consumption of baked apples is an excellent prevention of osteoporosis.

6. Thanks to its high vitamin A content, this product helps strengthen teeth, maintain healthy gums and maintain visual acuity.

7. The healing properties of this product deserve special mention. Eating baked apples helps improve tissue metabolism, which means that when eating such a dish, the healing of wounds and burns, as well as the tightening of postoperative sutures, occurs much faster. Apples with nuts are especially useful in this regard.

8. Baked fruits are useful for colds, especially if you have a dry cough. Baked apples help thin and remove mucus, especially if consumed with lemon juice and honey.

9. Many will be surprised, but if you eat one baked apple a day, in just 2 months you can achieve amazing success in the fight against stress. People who are constantly irritated and nervous, have trouble falling asleep and often wake up at night simply need to add this product to their diet.

10. Baked apple actively inhibits substances that provoke inflammatory processes and allergic manifestations in the body. In this plan this dish can be considered as a natural anti-inflammatory medicine and a safe antihistamine.

11. This fruit perfectly rejuvenates the body. With its regular use, regeneration processes are launched in cells, thanks to which they are more quickly renewed. This is especially noticeable in appearance, because people who constantly consume baked apples look much younger than their peers, and their skin remains firm and elastic until old age.

12. Normalizes the acid-base balance in the body (pH), preventing alkalization and oxidative processes. According to scientists, it is this property of the product that largely protects the body from the appearance of cancer tumors. The flavonoid quercetin, which is also present in baked apples, also prevents uncontrolled cell division.

13. Removes oxalic acid from the body, preventing the formation of “stones” in the kidneys, gall or bladder.

15. Helps treat gastritis with high acidity and peptic ulcer stomach. If fresh apples In case of such diseases, it is advisable to remove them from the diet, then baked fruits become an excellent way to solve the problem.

Indications for consumption of baked apples:

  • overweight and obesity;
  • diabetes;
  • pancreatitis;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • decreased immunity and vitamin deficiency;
  • gastrointestinal diseases (in the absence of exacerbation);
  • syndrome chronic fatigue, depression and fatigue;
  • childhood, pregnancy and lactation, old age;
  • restoration of the body after surgery and illness;
  • living in environmentally polluted areas.

How to bake apples: the best recipes

On the Internet you can find many of the most variety of recipes baked apples, both whole and with various fillings. And bake these delicious fruits You can do it in the oven, or you can use a microwave or slow cooker for this. Let's consider the most popular recipes preparations.

Apples baked with honey in the oven


  • apples – 4 pcs;
  • honey – 8 tsp;
  • sunflower oil – 2 tbsp;
  • cinnamon - to taste.

Rinse the fruit and peel the peel with a brush. Carefully make a circular cut around the stem and remove the core using a dessert spoon. Try not to pierce the apple all the way through. Turn the oven on to 180°C and while it is preheating, line a baking tray with wax paper and grease the surface with oil. Place the fruit on a baking sheet with the holes facing up, and then place 2 tsp in each niche. honey The main thing is that the honey does not spill over the edges. Place the baking sheet with apples in the preheated oven for 10–12 minutes. After removing the delicacy from the oven, sprinkle cinnamon on the apples and honey and serve them to the table.

Apples baked with cottage cheese in the microwave


  • apples – 2 pcs;
  • cottage cheese – 120 g;
  • honey – 2 tsp;
  • butter – 2 small cubes;
  • raisins – 1 handful:
  • cinnamon or powdered sugar - to taste.

Soak the raisins for 10 minutes, then drain in a colander and let the dried fruit dry. Rinse the apples and brush them, thereby removing any remaining wax. Using a sharp knife, cut out the core of the apple from the stem side. Mix cottage cheese with raisins and honey, and then fill the cavities of each apple with this filling. To make the dish even tastier, place a cube on top of the apple. butter. Place the fruit in the bottom of a microwave-safe dish, then place the dish in the microwave and turn it on at 800 W for 5 minutes. Sprinkle the finished apples powdered sugar or cinnamon. The dish can be served to your guests.

Apples with lemon zest, baked in the oven


  • apple – 6 pcs;
  • orange – 1 half;
  • lemon – 1 piece;
  • raisins – 3 tbsp;
  • sugar – 4 tbsp;
  • butter – 10 g;
  • cinnamon – 1 tsp.

Set the oven to preheat to 180°C. In a glass bowl, mix the filling for the dish - soaked and dried raisins, lemon zest, juice of half an orange, sugar and cinnamon. After washing the apples, cut out the core along with the seeds, being careful not to pierce the fruit through. Place the fruit on the bottom of the oiled baking sheet with the niches facing up. Place 2 tsp in each niche. our filling, and a piece of butter on top. Send the dish to bake in the oven for about half an hour and you can delight the guests of your home with amazingly delicious apples.

Whole baked apples


  • apples – 4 pcs;
  • water – approximately 100 ml.

Rinse the fruits under running water with a brush. Turn on the oven to warm up to 180°C. Place the apples on the bottom of a baking sheet lined with wax paper and fill them with water so that it covers the fruit by about 1 cm. Place the pan with the apples in the oven to bake for 30 minutes. The dish is ready!

Apples with sugar and raspberries, baked in the oven


  • apples – 6 pcs;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp;
  • frozen raspberries – 5-6 years.

Rinse the apples thoroughly and dry them. Cut the fruit into halves and remove the core from each. Thread the apple halves onto skewers and place on a baking sheet lined with wax paper. Preheat the oven to 200°C and, placing a baking sheet in there, bake the apples for literally 10 minutes. After removing the baked fruits on skewers, place them on a plate, sprinkle sugar on top and lay out a few raspberries. Bon appetit!

Apple slices baked in a slow cooker


  • apples – 6 pcs;
  • honey – 3-4 tsp;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp;
  • ground nuts – 2 tsp;
  • cinnamon – 1 pinch.

Wash the fruit and cut it in half and remove the core. Cut the fruits into pieces, sprinkle them with cinnamon sugar and leave for 10 minutes to soak. After placing the apple slices in a bowl, place it in the multicooker and, turning on the “Baking” mode, leave for 20 minutes. Ready dish fill in fresh honey and sprinkle with ground nuts. This dish is best served with whipped cream.

Baked apples during pregnancy and breastfeeding

For expectant mothers and new mothers, this wonderful product is simply irreplaceable, and here's why.

2. relieves symptoms of toxicosis no worse medicines, which means it is a real godsend for pregnant women in the first third of pregnancy;

3. thanks to the diuretic properties of the product, it reduces swelling, which is especially important in the third trimester of pregnancy;

4. relieves expectant mothers from digestive problems, in particular, normalizes stool and eliminates heartburn.

Nursing mothers will also appreciate this delicacy. The variety of beneficial substances in baked apples will help restore the body after childbirth and improve the condition of the skin and hair. Besides regular use This product will promote lactation and prevent the development of mastitis. Finally, new mothers can enjoy baked apples without fear of allergic reactions in their infants.

Harm and contraindications

If you bake apples grown in your own backyard and are confident in their absolute safety, such a baked product will not cause harm to the body. Even allergic reactions, which sometimes cause fresh apples, should not be expected from baked fruits.

A real health hazard is posed by the beautiful, glossy fruits that arrive on the shelves of our supermarkets from abroad. Such apples are usually treated with wax, giving them a presentable appearance and significantly increasing the shelf life of the product. Such apples, even baked, can cause a lot of harm. healthy body, and for people with diabetes, pancreatitis and gastritis, their use is fraught with health problems. Before consumption, such fruits must be thoroughly washed with soap and running water.

This product should not be used during exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases, as well as during prolonged constipation.

In any case, when enjoying baked apples, you need to know when to stop, because overuse of this product will cause bloating and discomfort in the stomach, and in severe cases, diarrhea, dizziness, nausea and vomiting. That is why one or two tasty and aromatic apples a day are exactly what you need for health and good mood!

The benefits of which have been proven by many experts, they are one of the most adored delicacies for both little sweet tooths and adults. This dessert is well absorbed by the body, saturating it with useful substances and cleansing it of harmful toxins.

Well, who didn’t love baked apples as a child? Their benefits are no less than those of fresh fruit, and even has its advantages. Which? Interesting? Read on!

The benefits of the above delicacy

This fruit is unique in its properties. It is he who is very often found on the table of almost every housewife. Baked apples are different not only juicy taste, but they also bring great benefit for a person and his health. They are eaten raw and made into jam and compotes.

What are the benefits of baked apples? In the time of our grandmothers, this fruit was actively used to treat a variety of disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, including diarrhea and constipation. It was also used to improve gastric motility and as a preventive measure for urolithiasis.

Baked apples perfectly normalize carbohydrate metabolism, increase immunity and have antioxidant properties.

Fruits prepared in this way are beneficial for different categories of people:

  • those who comply dietary method nutrition, as they saturate the body with vitamins and promote weight loss;
  • those who suffer from excess cholesterol in the blood (baked apples prevent the development of atherosclerosis);
  • women after heavy menstrual bleeding (restores blood remarkably).

In addition, baked apples are a mild laxative and diuretic. They cleanse the body of toxins and other impurities and have a bactericidal effect in the stomach. Also, these fruits have a positive effect on the functioning of the kidneys and liver.

Benefits of baked apples:

  • this method of preparing fruits does not affect the content of nutrients in them;
  • reduce the load on teeth;
  • is delicious and healthy dessert, which is great for both little sweet tooths and adults.

Scientists note that baked apples have the ability to reduce a person’s weight. After all, they contain quite a large amount of potassium, which is a sodium antagonist. The latter contributes to the accumulation of excess fluid in the subcutaneous fat layer. Therefore, baked apples have a trigger mechanism for eliminating fat deposits.

Composition of baked apples

This fruit contains many nutrients and beneficial substances. This:

  • vitamins B, H, retinol, ascorbic acid, niacin (responsible for youth and human health);
  • potassium, magnesium, iron (strengthen the heart and its system).

Baked apples, the benefits of which are determined precisely by their composition, help increase hemoglobin and prevent the development of vitamin deficiency.

Harm from baked apples

These fruits bring only benefits to the human body. Scientists have conducted a lot of research, trying to identify at least the slightest harm from baked apples, but they couldn’t prove anything.

Experts note that science currently knows nothing about negative impact on the body of the above delicacy. Therefore, we can safely and confidently say that the benefits of this product, undoubtedly large, you need to eat it regularly, and then many health problems can be avoided.

Baked apples with cottage cheese

This recipe calls for preparing enough delicious dessert. We need the following ingredients:

  • several apples;
  • approximately 100 gr. fresh cottage cheese;
  • 2-3 tablespoons of sour cream;
  • a handful of raisins;
  • a few pinches of sugar.

The apples must be thoroughly washed and cored.

The next step is preparing the curd filling. To do this, steam a handful of raisins. Mash the curd with a fork, add sour cream and a few pinches of sugar.

Stuffing apples curd filling, put them in a deep mold, into which we add half a finger of water.

This magnificent dessert should be baked at 180 degrees.

Baked apples with cinnamon

Dessert prepared according to this recipe is often called Japanese. Baked apples with cinnamon appeal to both capricious people with poor appetite and spoiled gourmets. To prepare them you need to take the following products, available to every housewife:

  • several apples;
  • butter;
  • about 30 gr. powdered sugar;
  • a pinch of ground cinnamon.

The apples must be washed thoroughly, divided into two halves and the core removed. Then they are placed on a baking sheet. Place a little butter in the middle, sprinkle with powdered sugar and cinnamon.

Then place it in the oven. Bake the above dessert for at least a quarter of an hour at moderate temperature.

How to bake these fruits in a slow cooker?

To prepare baked apples in a slow cooker you need to take:

  • 2 apples;
  • about 3 tablespoons of honey;
  • two handfuls of walnuts;
  • a tablespoon of butter;
  • half a banana;
  • a handful of raisins;
  • a pinch of powdered sugar;
  • watermelon seeds for decoration.

Wash the apples and select the core. Grind the nuts in a blender, add honey, banana, raisins and butter. Fill the apple with this mixture.

Grease the bottom of the multicooker with a little butter. It is recommended to bake such fruits for about 30 minutes, selecting the “Baking” program. Baked apples in a slow cooker turn out very tender and juicy.

This dessert is served at the table, sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Baked apples, the benefits of which are undoubtedly great, are a tasty and nutritious dessert. It’s not at all difficult to prepare: even a novice housewife can handle this task.