Beneficial and dangerous properties of other drinks. Rules for drinking white rum

Alcoholic drinks amaze with their variety. Fine wines, sparkling champagne, delicious beer, strong martinis, aromatic liqueurs - all types of liquid delicacies containing ethyl alcohol are impossible to list. A prominent representative of the family of strong drinks is rum. Its distinctive feature is not only its bright taste and aroma, but also its combination with all kinds of dishes and desserts. The main thing that interests the most conscious lovers of rum is whether it benefits the body if it is not abused. Let's try to find out.

Historical reference

The most vivid association that arises in the head of each of us when pronouncing the word “rum” is pirates. It turns out that this is not without reason. Some will say that adventure books are to blame for this, but historians say that in the 17th century, rum was indeed very popular among filibusters. In addition, it was preferred by treasure hunters and ordinary sailors. Over time, this largely harmful habit of captives of the sea and adventure lovers of drinking rum migrated from real life into the action-packed works of famous writers.

Experts call several countries the birthplace of rum: Cuba. Puerto Rico and Jamaica. To this day, this strong drink from these countries is successfully exported to different parts of the world. The secret of making an alcoholic delicacy is known only to its producers and is kept secret today, as it was many centuries ago.

Industrial production of rum was organized for the first time in the same 17th century. It first appeared on the island of Barbados, and specifically on the cane plantations. This was explained by the fact that in the era described, the strong drink was obtained by processing a product of cane sugar production - molasses. Soon, word of the appearance of a new alcoholic delicacy reached the inhabitants of Europe and the American continent. In 1665, the British attacked Jamaica. Apparently, they managed to uncover the secret of the recipe for the local alcoholic drink, because some time after the above event, rum began to be produced on the territory of a European state.

In our country, it began to be produced in the Soviet era. Domestic production of the drink began to function starting from the middle of the last century. To be fair, it was not pure rum, but a tincture, the main components of which were prune juice and rum alcohol. “Soviet rum” - that was the name of the newly made drink - had a bitter taste. Sugar cane was also used as a raw material for its production. It was a very high-quality drink that became an export item.

Product production technology

Today's rum is made, like many centuries ago, from cane molasses. An additional ingredient is cane syrup. These two types of raw materials are combined, after which they are fermented by adding a certain type of yeast microorganisms to the mass, and subjected to distillation. The result is a transparent liquid substance, which is placed in natural oak barrels. The rum is kept in such containers for 3-4 years, keeping the temperature in the room with the barrels within +18+22?C.

After aging the drink, the next step is its blending. This procedure is carried out to give the product a more refined taste and smell. Rum is enriched with fragrant spices, herbs, fruit extracts, caramel is added, and also mixed with clair, water and sugar syrup. The maximum strength of the alcoholic drink reaches 75%.

A little about rum varieties. They are classified into dark, gold, light and flavored. Dark rums have a longer aging period. They are drunk chilled. Amber and golden varieties of the drink are very tasty. They contain chocolate, vanilla and caramel notes. Light rums taste sweet and have a clear texture and are not too strong. For this they are often called silver. Light rum consistently becomes the basis for preparing a variety of cocktails.

Composition and benefits of rum

Taking into account the fact that rum is produced by processing cane sugar and molasses, the following becomes clear: this alcoholic delicacy is rich in carbohydrates. Sugars in rum include maltose, glucose and dextrin. It is clear that it also contains ethyl alcohol. Due to the presence of certain herbal additives in rum, this product is replete with biologically active substances and can probably boast a tiny amount of mineral compounds.

Obviously, a strong drink with a fragrant aroma and bright taste is unlikely to have any special beneficial properties. However, rum still has some health benefits.

Firstly, drinking rum has a beneficial effect on digestion. Under the influence of this drink, the gastrointestinal tract begins to work faster and without any failures.

Secondly, rum helps to calm down and perfectly eliminates the fatigue that has accumulated during the day. Thanks to the strong drink, a person receives a charge of vivacity, strength, and his energy increases.

Thirdly, rum can be used as an excellent warming agent during the cold season. It is especially appropriate when the body is hypothermic.

Fourthly, the tasty and aromatic alcoholic drink has a high level of disinfectant properties. For this reason, pirates and robbers added a little rum to the water, which was not very clean, and it became quite drinkable. In addition, such moisture retained its freshness for a long time.

Use of rum

A hot drink with a bright taste is used by people not only as an alcoholic delicacy. It is actively used in cooking, confectionery production and cosmetics. Rum often becomes a component of dough, all kinds of desserts, and marinades. Sometimes the processes of conservation and flambéing cannot be done without it. Among confectionery products you can often find chocolates with rum filling. This drink is added to tea and coffee for flavoring.

In cosmetology, shampoos and balms for hair, face lotions, and creams for problem and oily skin are enriched with rum. This measure allows you to achieve long-term cleanliness of curls, normalization of the sebaceous glands of the epidermis, and the disappearance of acne.

Harm and contraindications of rum

Drinking rum should be rare and measured. Excessive consumption of this strong drink, as well as any other, leads to the development of alcohol dependence. And the latter is fraught with disruption of brain function, mental disorders, complete loss of willpower, deterioration of the heart, loss of vascular elasticity, degeneration and, as a result, cirrhosis of the liver.

Rum is strictly prohibited for women during pregnancy and lactation, the elderly, children and teenagers. Taking any medications is not compatible with drinking strong drinks. You should also not drink rum before driving a car. The same rule applies if mental work is expected afterwards.

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Rum (English rum) is an alcoholic drink produced by fermentation and distillation of cane molasses and syrup formed as a result of the production of cane sugar. At the exit, the drink has a transparent color, and after aging in wooden barrels it acquires an amber color. The strength of the drink, depending on the variety, can vary from 40 to 75 vol.

A similar drink was first made in ancient China and India more than 1000 years ago.

Modern rum began to be produced by fermentation in the 17th century. in the Caribbean islands, where there were large sugar cane plantations. The first rum was of low quality, and it was mainly prepared by slaves for personal use. The drink acquired further development and improvement of technology with the opening of the first factories for its distillation in 1664 in the territories of the Spanish colonies in America. The drink became so popular that for some time it was used for mutual payments as currency. In Europe it was on the same level as gold. Even after the independence of America, rum did not give up its position.

This drink was also popular among pirates, who saw it as a source of constant income. Rum was also present in the diet of sailors of the British fleet, however, due to its strength and strong alcoholic effect on the body, in 1740 Admiral Edward Vernon issued an order to distribute rum only diluted with water. This mixture was later called grog. Rum has long been considered the drink of the poor. To expand the audience for rum consumption, the Spanish government announced a reward for improving the drink and its manufacturing processes. The result of such experiments was the emergence of light rum, first produced by Don Facundo in 1843.

Due to the complex history of the drink, there is currently no unified classification system for rum. Each producing country has its own standards for the strength of the drink, aging time and blending. There are several unified groups of rum varieties:

  • light, white or silver rum- a sweetish drink with weakly expressed taste characteristics, used mainly for making cocktails;
  • gold or amber rum– a drink aged in oak barrels with the addition of aromatic substances (caramel, spices);
  • dark or black rum– aged in charred oak barrels with aromatic notes of spice, molasses and caramel. It is this type of drink that is most often used in cooking;
  • fruit flavored rum orange, mango, coconut or lemon. Used in preparing tropical cocktails;
  • strong rum- has a strength of about 75 vol., and sometimes higher;
  • premium rum– a drink aged for more than 5 years. This drink is usually consumed in its pure form;
  • rum elixir- a drink that has a sweeter taste, but a lower strength (about 30 vol.) than regular rum. They drink it exclusively in its pure form.

Compared to other drinks, rum does not have a uniform preparation technology. Traditions and methods of its production completely depend on the territorial location of the manufacturer. But four stages are integral regardless of the terrain:

1) Fermentation of molasses. Yeast and water are added to the main ingredient. Depending on what kind of rum will be made at the end, fast (light rum) or slow (strong and dark rum) yeast is added.

2) Distillation. The fermented wort is distilled in copper stills or by vertical distillation.

3) Excerpt. Some countries adhere to the aging standard of at least a year. For this purpose, recycled wooden barrels (after bourbon), fresh charred oak barrels and stainless steel barrels are used. Due to the warm tropical climate of the producing countries, rum matures faster than, for example, in European countries.

4) Blending. To create the appropriate taste, rum of different ages is mixed in certain proportions with the addition of caramel and spices.

Dark rum is most often consumed neat as a digestif. A classic snack option for a drink is an orange slice sprinkled with cinnamon. In addition, rum goes well with cherries, pineapple, melon, papaya, chocolate and coffee. Gold and white varieties are used mainly for making punches and cocktails: Daiquiri, Cuba Libre, Mai Tai, Mahito, Pina Colada.

Useful properties of rum

Rum has a number of beneficial properties. It is used to prepare compresses, tinctures and rinses.

For radiculitis and exacerbation of rheumatism, you can use a compress of heated rum. To do this, you need to moisten a small piece of gauze with rum and apply it to the sore spot. To create a greater warming effect, the gauze should be covered with polyethylene and a warm cloth.

To treat diseases of the upper respiratory tract (whooping cough, bronchitis, sore throat), you can prepare several healing mixtures based on rum. You need to mix crushed garlic (4-5 cloves), finely chopped onion (1 onion) and milk (1 glass). Boil the resulting mixture and add honey (1 tsp), rum (1 tbsp). You need to take the medicine 1 tsp. For sore throat and coughing attacks, it is good to use rum (100 g), mixed with freshly squeezed juice of one lemon. Add honey (2 tsp) there and mix thoroughly. Gargle with the resulting solution and take 1 tbsp orally. l.

For festering wounds, abscesses and skin ulcers, you can use a decoction of calendula (40 g of inflorescences per 300 g of boiling water) with rum (1 tbsp) to wash the affected areas of the skin. To relieve inflammation and heal, you need to chop garlic (2-3 cloves), a small onion (1 pc.) and an aloe leaf. Add 2 tbsp to the resulting mixture. l. rum and apply as a bandage. You need to change the mixture on the wound every 20-30 minutes during the day.

How much does rum cost (average price for 1 liter)?

Moscow and Moscow region.

Such an aromatic alcoholic drink as rum is usually not only consumed as strong alcohol, but also quite often used in the preparation of cocktails, as well as as a flavoring additive in coffee, candies or cakes. In addition, rum is also added to meat marinades (typical for Caribbean cuisine), and is also used to preserve berries and fruits. The calorie content of rum is 220 kcal per hundred grams.

Among other things, many confectioners use the special aromatic properties of rum when preparing rum balls, baba or cakes, and also soak fruits in this drink for later use in cakes. Rum is also perfect for flambéing foods, that is, sprinkling a practically finished dish with a small amount of alcohol and then setting it on fire to evaporate the alcohol. As a result, the culinary creation has an unsurpassed, rather subtle aroma of this noble drink.

Speaking of rum, one cannot fail to mention the numerous cocktails that are made based on this rather strong drink. In addition to rum punch, the Daiquiri and Cuba Libre cocktails have their own history of appearance and popularity not only in the Caribbean, but throughout the world. Then recipes for the Zombie, Mai Tai, Mojito and Pina Colada cocktails appeared. In addition, Jamaica produces a strong liqueur, Tia Maria, which is, of course, based on rum and a special variety.

Types of rum

There are quite a few types of rum, but they all differ in strength, color, flavor and aging. In addition, the quality of this drink directly depends on the place of production, that is, the local population of the region, which is distinguished by the presence of its own traditions in the technology of making rum.

Thus, golden or amber rum has a medium density and is aged in oak barrels, thanks to which it acquires the corresponding color. The taste of this drink clearly contains hints of spices and caramel.

White, light or silver rum is characterized by a strong sweet taste. This clear alcoholic drink is considered an excellent base for preparing numerous cocktails.

Black or dark rum is aged in charred oak barrels, so its taste is very strong, with notes of molasses, spices and caramel. It is this type of rum that is most often used in the preparation of numerous confectionery products.

Premium rum, which belongs to aged varieties (at least five years), is characterized by soft, rich shades of taste and aroma. This drink is consumed in its pure form, just like some refined types of alcohol, which include whiskey.

In addition, there is also strong rum, the alcohol content of which is at least 40 percent, and sometimes more than 75. And the rum elixir, which is well suited for cocktails due to its rich sweet taste, on the contrary, is less strong - only 30 percent alcohol.

Composition of rum

Rum contains molasses and cane sugar, from which a special mash is made. It is subsequently distilled several times, in the process enriching it with various flavoring additives - cinnamon and herbs. However, as in the production of any elite drink, the process of making rum does not tolerate fuss. After final distillation, the clear liquid is not yet considered a full-fledged drink.

And even after aging it for many years in oak barrels, the result is not rum, but real rum alcohol, which is subject to blending, that is, mixing with water, sugar syrup and clar. And only then can the final product be considered the famous pirate drink with a strength of at least 40 degrees.

The benefits of rum

It is difficult to talk about the benefits of rum, given the fact that it is a strong alcoholic drink, but it still has some beneficial properties. In particular, during the times of those same pirates, it was quite often added to drinking water, but not at all to raise morale, but to disinfect the liquid, which significantly extended its shelf life.

Calorie content of rum 220 kcal

Energy value of rum (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bju):

: 0 g (~0 kcal)
: 0 g (~0 kcal)
: 0.1 g (~0 kcal)

Energy ratio (b|w|y): 0%|0%|0%

Product proportions. How many grams?

1 teaspoon contains 7 grams
1 tablespoon contains 18 grams
1 piece contains 700 grams
in 1 glass 250 grams

When we hear the word “rum,” we think of pirates drinking this “cool” strong drink in movies and adventure literature: who hasn’t heard the song “Yo-ho-ho, and a bottle of rum!”?

A little history

Pirates really loved rum, but its history began earlier: historians think that rum was prepared in Ancient China or India. It is now generally accepted that Central America is the birthplace of rum: this honor is disputed by several states - Jamaica, Puerto Rico and Cuba, but the production of rum for industrial purposes began, most likely, in Barbados, in the 17th century. Sugar cane was grown there, and the molasses remaining after processing was “used” for rum; the drink quickly improved and became popular not only among pirates.

Factories for its production were opened in the colonies, and the British, who captured Jamaica in 1665, rated the rum highly, and even managed to learn some secrets: it soon began to be produced in Great Britain. It must be said that these days, countries' producers carefully preserve the secrets of making rum.

And in the 17th-18th centuries, the popularity of the drink equated it to gold: for some time it was used to pay with it like coins - both in Europe and in America.

Light rum was first produced in the 19th century; by that time it had ceased to be a “drink for the poor”, and its production technologies were constantly being improved.

Composition and some varieties of rum

Rum is made from syrup and molasses - products obtained during the production of sugar from cane, by fermentation and distillation. At first the drink is almost clear; it is aged in wooden barrels and turns amber; however, the shades of rum are different, as is its strength - 40-75% vol. (alcohol strength is measured in percent by volume).

Different countries have their own classification of rum - it just so happens that the drink differs in strength and color. Silver and white are light rums with a slightly sweetish taste - they are more often used to make cocktails than to drink in their pure form.

Flavored rums are also used for cocktails in southern countries: orange, lemon, coconut, etc.

Amber or gold rum is also flavored, but with spices or caramel - it is aged in oak barrels.

If the barrels are charred, the rum turns out to be black or dark - this particular variety is often used in cooking. It is customary to drink it with oranges and cinnamon, cherries and coffee, and snack on melon, pineapple and chocolate.

The strongest is rum 75% vol., but drinks with a higher degree are also available. Aged rum is considered to be 5 years old, but the most famous is 8 years old “Bacardi”; There is, although rare, rum aged for more than 20 years. These drinks are usually drunk in their pure form.

Rum elixir, the strength of which “fluctuates” between 30 and 40% vol., is not customary to mix with anything: it is rich and sweet, and additional ingredients can only spoil its amazing taste.

How rum is made

Cooking technology can vary greatly, depending on the traditions and methods adopted in a particular country. But there is also a certain scheme from which not a single manufacturer deviates from calling their product rum. First, molasses is fermented by adding water and yeast: with fast yeast the rum is light, and with slow yeast it is dark and strong.

The drink is aged for at least a year. Barrels can be wooden or stainless steel, but in warm climates it is faster and easier to prepare rum: that is why Latin American countries are its main suppliers.

To get different types of rum, drinks of different ages are blended - mixed, spices, caramel, etc. are added.

The benefits of rum

It would seem that what benefits are we talking about: rum is a strong alcoholic drink, and alcohol is harmful to health - now even “drinkers” agree with this.

But, if you don’t drink rum “for any reason”, to relieve stress, lift your spirits or “to warm up”, it can really be beneficial. Of course, with the help of rum you can relieve stress and warm up, however, if you use it for these purposes, you can quickly “slide” into alcohol addiction.

Another thing is that warming compresses with rum are often more effective than alcohol and vodka: for rheumatism or radiculitis, they help relieve aggravation, reducing not only pain, but also inflammation.

Rum is successfully used to prepare rinses and medicinal infusions; it has an antibacterial effect and improves appetite.

For colds, sore throat and bronchitis, you can take a mixture of rum (30-40 ml), lemon juice and honey 3-4 times a day. You can prepare the mixture for future use, keep it in the refrigerator, and warm it up slightly before use. For 100 ml of rum – juice of a whole lemon and 1-2 tbsp. natural honey. The same remedy is used to gargle for sore throat, pharyngitis, etc.

With the help of rum you can relieve many diseases of the upper respiratory tract and speed up recovery. A glass of milk is boiled with mashed garlic (4-5 cloves) and grated onion, add 1 tsp. honey and 1-2 tbsp. strong rum. You can even give it to children - 1 tsp. 3-4 times a day, and for adults – 1-2 tbsp. But you should consult a doctor, as when using any folk recipes.

Rum is also used for cosmetic purposes - it makes excellent homemade hair and skin care products.

A mask that strengthens the skin of the face is made from rum (1 tbsp), honey (1 tsp), grated cucumber and tomato pulp (1 tsp each) and egg white. Mix the ingredients, beat thoroughly, apply for 15 minutes to cleansed skin of the face and neck; wash off with warm water.

A mixture of rum and burdock oil (1:1) strengthens hair and accelerates its growth. The mixture is applied to the hair roots for an hour, covered with film and a thick towel; wash off with your shampoo.

Cocktails with rum

Marinades, canned food, baked goods, sweets, cakes and other confectionery products are prepared with rum, it is added to tea and coffee, but cocktails are especially loved by gourmets.

An interesting drink with a mild taste is made from milk (1 glass), rum (50 ml), whipped cream and cinnamon (10 g each) and cane sugar (1 tsp). The ingredients are mixed in a blender, poured into a glass, decorated with whipped cream and sprinkled with a pinch of ground nutmeg.

An original cocktail with pain-relieving properties was invented by a bartender from California. Mix black rum and pineapple juice (40 ml each) with orange juice and whipped cream (10 ml each) in a blender. Pour into a ceramic glass, sprinkle with cinnamon and grated nutmeg.

Many people have heard the name “Pina Colada”. Its traditional version, created in Puerto Rico in the mid-20th century, is made from light rum with coconut milk (30 g each) and pineapple juice (15 g). Whisk the ingredients, pour into a large glass with crushed ice and garnish with a slice of pineapple. Like any alcohol, rum is strictly contraindicated under 18 years of age; during pregnancy, breastfeeding and a number of chronic diseases; You cannot combine its use with any medications.

Rum is an alcoholic beverage obtained by distilling cane syrup and molasses. The produced drink requires mandatory aging, thanks to which it acquires strength and an amber color. The strength of rum varies, it can vary from 40 to 75 vol. This difference directly depends on the type of rum and its aging time. In the 19th century, rum gained popularity among sailors, and only in the 20th century did it spread throughout the world.

Of the many varieties of rum, there are three main ones: gold, light and dark. Golden rum is necessarily aged in oak barrels, thanks to which it receives such a hue. This rum usually has a hint of spice and caramel. Light rum is completely clear and has a strong sweet taste. To age dark rum, special burnt oak barrels are prepared. The taste of dark rum is more pronounced, with light hints of molasses and caramel. There is also a premium class rum, the strength of this drink exceeds 75%, and the aging time is more than five years.

Properties of rum

In addition to cane syrup or molasses, yeast and various flavoring additives are added during the production of rum. Depending on these same additives, the chemical composition of the finished product will change to some extent. Rum contains small amounts of minerals, such as glucose, maltose, phosphorus, potassium and dextrin.

In very small quantities, rum contains sodium, copper, zinc, manganese, iron and vitamins B1-2-3-6. When flavoring a drink with fruit, these types of rum may contain slightly more vitamins. A teaspoon contains seven grams of this drink. A tablespoon contains eighteen grams of rum, one glass contains two hundred and fifty grams of the drink, and a bottle contains about seven hundred grams. The calorie content of rum is equal to 221 kilocalories, so rum should not be included in the diet menu.

The benefits of rum

Although rum is an alcoholic drink, it can be beneficial. First of all, it serves as an excellent warming drink, so cold weather is not a problem with it. With the help of rum you can quickly lift your mood, relieve existing fatigue and feel a charge of vigor. Rum also has a beneficial effect on digestion; it is believed that it is best served at the very end of a meal.

Rum works great for treating radiculitis or rheumatism. Compresses with rum will not only relieve pain, but also stop inflammatory processes. This drink also has antibacterial effects. Rum can help increase appetite and relieve nervous tension. It is recommended to drink a small amount of rum for a sore throat, cold or bronchitis. In this case, it is best to mix rum with honey and lemon. This healing mixture will quickly put you on your feet and strengthen your immune system. Other rum-based healing solutions are also prepared.

Use of rum

In addition to being a drink on its own, rum has proven itself well in cooking. It is added to various baked goods and desserts to add flavor. It is used for flambéing, canning, soaking meat and fruits, as well as for preparing marinades. Quite often, rum is added to coffee, sweets, cakes or tea.

And when making many cocktails, you simply cannot do without rum. Rum also became famous in medicine. With its help, you can treat and disinfect wounds, as well as remove pus and dirt from them. Rum has also found its use in cosmetology. Masks with the addition of rum can strengthen hair and stimulate its growth, protect facial skin from harmful effects, smooth out wrinkles and give the skin a smooth and healthy appearance.

The harm of rum

Like all alcoholic drinks, rum is contraindicated for children, pregnant women, people intolerant to alcohol, and also when taking any medications.

It is prohibited to drink rum before driving or while breastfeeding. Under no circumstances should you abuse the drink, otherwise it will cause addiction and severe poisoning. It is not recommended to drink this drink if you have problems with the kidneys and liver.