Are roasted sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds healthy? How to fry pumpkin seeds in a frying pan.

Autumn - harvest time, including pumpkins. Many people know about its beneficial qualities and taste and are happy to prepare all kinds of dishes from pumpkin. But the insides of the vegetable are most often thrown away. And in vain. Pumpkin seedsAn equally tasty delicacy, with their help your favorite salad or soup will become special.

We invite you to learn how to deliciously fry pumpkin seeds.


  1. Remove the insides of the vegetable along with the seeds and place them in a cup or bowl. You can remove it with a spoon, tongs or just with your hands.
  2. Separate the seeds from the pumpkin pulp. Place the insides in a colander and rinse well with water, using your hands to help the seeds free themselves from the fibers.
  3. Leave the seeds in a colander.
  4. Rinse the seeds again in cold water.
  5. Fill the seeds with water. You can make a saline solution for these purposes. Salt destroys substances contained in pumpkin seeds that can cause stomach upset. And some, in principle, like the seeds in salted form. Pour water (two thirds) into a bowl. Add salt. Dip the seeds in a solution with salt and leave them for 8-48 hours. Then remove the seeds from the saline solution.
  6. Dry the seeds with a paper towel.
  7. Season the seeds. Choose seasonings that you like. You can make your own blendexperiment. We offer several combinations.

Add more salt.

For a cup of seeds, take one tablespoon of oil (olive or vegetable oil is suitable), mix the ingredients well. The oil will hold the seasonings on the seeds. You can use ghee instead of vegetable oil.

Add hot peppers, powdered garlic, or any other savory seasonings you have on hand.

Any seasonings are suitable, for example, seasoning for meat, fish...

You can season the seeds with sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg. Then they will be sweet.

Spread the pumpkin seeds evenly on the oven tray. The seeds should not lie on top of each other, otherwise they will not fry.

How to roast pumpkin seeds? There are several options.

Baking. Preheat the oven to 200 ⁰C. Place the baking sheet with the seeds in the oven. Bake until brown. It will take about 40-55 minutes, stir them every 5-10 minutes otherwise they may burn.

In the microwave. Place the seeds in the microwave for two minutes. Take them out, stir and leave for another minute. Repeat the procedure until the seeds crunch.

How to fry seeds in a frying pan. Place the seeds in a frying pan, turn on the stove and, stirring constantly, fry until brown. Make sure that the seeds do not stick to the bottom of the pan. Cool.

How to fry seeds with salt in a frying pan. The procedure is similar to frying described above. Just before adding the seeds to the frying pan, sprinkle them with salt and other seasonings as desired.


A small toaster grill is also suitable for frying seeds, and will also save electricity. This option is suitable if there are not very many seeds.

If you want to leave a distinct pumpkin flavor in the seeds, don't rinse them with water before roasting. Simply remove the fibers, sprinkle with salt and seasonings and bake.

The seeds contain a large amount of useful microelements and vitamins. To preserve them in full, the seeds need to be washed, then placed on a baking sheet and left to dry naturally. It is good if they are exposed to direct sunlight. The drying process will take several days. After the seeds need to be poured into a glass jar.

When peeling the seeds, leave some of the pulp and fiber behind; they will add a bright, rich pumpkin flavor.

To easily remove the seeds from the pumpkin, do so immediately after cutting it. With a sharp movement of your hand, remove the seeds from the pumpkin. Then there will be almost no need to clean the seeds from fibers.

Pumpkin seeds will bring much more health benefits if you do not put a lot of salt in them, and it is better to avoid it altogether.

Pumpkin seeds are in perfect harmony with pumpkin soup and any vegetable salad, revealing their taste.


During the cooking process, remember that salted pumpkin seeds contain a lot of salt. If you lead a healthy lifestyle or are not allowed to eat a lot of salt, do not salt your seeds.

Keep an eye on it while frying in the oven. Temperatures can reach 250°C and cause fire.

Now it’s hard to believe that such a common vegetable as pumpkin was once considered exotic and was brought from Mexico. But even then, people noticed the beneficial properties of pumpkin pulp and the special properties of its seeds.

Today it is no longer possible to overestimate their usefulness and nutritional value. And if we add to this the healing properties of the seeds for both women and men, then the importance of pumpkin seeds in our lives will only increase.

From this article you will learn:

Amazing properties of pumpkin seeds

They contain a huge amount of vitamins and microelements, which can be divided into three groups:

  • components that are useful to all people, regardless of their gender and age;
  • vitamins and elements useful only for men;
  • substances that are beneficial only to women.

Amazing, isn't it?

The seeds can be eaten raw or roasted in various ways. And it seems very important that during the heat treatment they do not lose their wonderful healing properties.

How to properly prepare pumpkin seeds for roasting

It would seem – what’s so complicated about the simple process of roasting seeds? It turns out that there are little secrets here too, secrets of how to fry correctly without losing nutritional and beneficial properties.

You need to start preparing pumpkin seeds for roasting by washing the pumpkin itself. You shouldn't be surprised by this. On the fruit skin there are millions of microbes and viruses invisible to the naked eye. After washing, you need to thoroughly dry the pumpkin with a towel.

Then it is cut in half. All pulp and seeds are completely scraped out onto a large dish. The seeds are then separated from the pulp and placed in a colander. After this, they are washed, removing the remaining pulp fibers.

Now they need to be dried. To do this, they need to be laid out on a towel and left for 3-5 days (depending on the air temperature). If you plan to eat the seeds raw, you need to dry them longer. If they are not properly dried and stored raw, they may become moldy.

We choose the most optimal type of roasting. They can be fried:

  • in a conventional electric stove oven;
  • on the stove itself in a standard frying pan;
  • in the microwave.

Let's look at each frying method in more detail.

How to fry pumpkin seeds in a frying pan so that their beneficial properties are not lost

To fry using this method, you must first heat the pan. Then place the washed and dried pumpkin seeds on it. You don’t need to put out all the seeds at once. You need to fry them in small batches and arrange them in such a way that they cover the bottom of the pan in an even layer. If you do not follow this rule, then some of the seeds will remain raw, and the other part will simply burn.

They are fried in a frying pan over medium heat. In this case, you need to constantly stir and monitor the degree of readiness. When they are fully fried, they will acquire a light brown color. After this, you need to reduce the heating level of the pan and expect a characteristic crackling sound. This sound is made when the valves of the seeds open.

Place the fried product on a dish and cover with a towel, leaving until it has cooled completely.

Important! Under no circumstances should you leave them to cool in the pan. The heat treatment will not stop immediately and the seeds will lose their beneficial properties.

If you need to get salted fried seeds, then before the roasting process they are placed in salted water for 3-5 hours. Then do all the above steps.

How to roast pumpkin seeds in the oven without losing their beneficial properties

This method is usually used when there are a large number of pumpkin seeds. In addition, if you plan to fry the seeds with different additions, then in this case it is recommended to fry them in the oven.

Before placing the product on a baking sheet, you need to place the dried seeds in a deep dish and add seasonings, salt, vegetable oil, etc. Mix everything thoroughly. They are laid out on a baking sheet in an even layer.

Be sure to preheat the oven. To ensure that the seeds do not lose their usefulness, they are placed in a heated atmosphere. They are fried for 60 minutes at a temperature of 140 0.

Fry in the microwave

This method is the least tedious - it does not require constant observation and presence at the stove. Preparation for frying is standard, described above.

The seeds are laid out on a plate in a thin layer (this is important)!

Place the plate in the microwave oven and fry at full power for a minute. Then you need to take out the seeds and mix them. Fry again at full power for a minute. Repeat operations. Each time you remove it from the microwave, you should taste the product. The frying process itself can last from 2 to 5 minutes.

Cool the finished seeds, as with previous roasting methods.

The calorie content of fried seeds increases in comparison with raw ones and amounts to 600 kcal. The amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates also increases.

Methods for roasting pumpkin seeds at home.

Pumpkin seeds are not only tasty, but also a very healthy delicacy. But unfortunately, if they are not fried correctly, they lose their taste and nutritional properties. If you overexpose them in the oven or in a frying pan, they will begin to taste bitter and become inedible.

In order to avoid getting into such a situation and throwing away a healthy product in the trash, you need to know how to fry it correctly. We’ll talk about how to quickly prepare such a delicacy at home in our article.

Is it necessary and how to wash pumpkin seeds before frying?

Pumpkin seeds can be washed before frying

Some housewives mistakenly believe that pumpkin seeds should not be washed before roasting as this will ruin their taste. In fact, water does not affect the taste of the seeds in any way and certainly does not spoil their beneficial qualities. Moreover, if you consider that they are not taken out of the pumpkin under sterile conditions, then we can assume that they contain a small amount of dust and dirt.

If you roast the seeds you just selected, whether you want it or not, you will have to rinse them with water. If you don’t do this, you simply won’t be able to remove the fibers, which will begin to burn during heat treatment and this will definitely ruin the product. In view of all this, we can definitely say that pumpkin seeds must be washed before frying, preferably under running water.

How to properly fry pumpkin seeds so that they open?

Roast the pumpkin seeds until they open

If you want to get open pumpkin seeds after heat treatment, then you will have to carry out preliminary preparation, which will destroy the strength of the protective shell. To do this, first you will need to soak them in salted water for 2-4 hours. If for some reason you cannot eat salted seeds, then soak them in ordinary water, just increase the time by 2-3 hours. After the seed shells become soft, drain all the liquid and place the mixture in a colander.

When the water runs out, transfer them to a bowl and begin to intensively knead them with your hands. Do not squeeze the seeds too hard, as this will simply break them. After this kind of massage, you can put them under the press for 15-25 minutes. After this time, you can place the healthy product on a baking sheet or frying pan and fry until a pronounced sweetish aroma appears.

How to deliciously fry pumpkin seeds in a frying pan: a simple recipe without salt

If you choose this frying method, remember that a frying pan with a thin bottom is not suitable for it. As practice shows, the product on it begins to burn very quickly, but at the same time the inside remains almost raw.

In view of this, if in the end you want to get perfectly roasted pumpkin seeds, then heat them in a cast iron frying pan or on a Teflon-coated product with a double bottom.


  • Rinse the seeds under running water and dry them slightly at room temperature
  • It will be enough if they just lie on a paper towel for 30-40 minutes.
  • Next, take a frying pan and place it over medium heat.
  • When it is slightly warm, add all the pumpkin seeds.
  • Wait until they dry out even more and start to crackle.
  • As soon as this sound appears, you will need to start stirring them continuously
  • Test the seeds periodically so as not to miss the moment when they reach the desired state
  • Spread the finished product in a thin layer on a cotton towel and let cool completely.

How to deliciously fry pumpkin seeds in a frying pan with salt?

If your goal is seeds with salt, then during frying you can simply salt them, and then bring them to the desired state in the same way as we taught you a little higher. True, this method of frying has one small drawback. In this case, only the shell is salted.

If you want the seeds themselves to be salty, then salt them as follows:

  • Dissolve 50-70 g of salt in 500 ml of water
  • Pour the resulting brine over the seeds and keep them in it for about 4 hours.
  • Drain the brine and dry thoroughly with paper towels
  • Place it in a frying pan with a thick bottom and fry until the color and aroma changes

How many minutes to fry pumpkin seeds in a frying pan, oven, or microwave?

I would like to say right away that not a single cook will tell you exactly how long it takes for pumpkin seeds to roast perfectly. The cooking time will directly depend on the number of seeds, their size, as well as directly on the frying pan, oven and microwave. But for those who will be preparing this delicious product at home for the first time, we will clarify the minimum time at which it can be ready.


  • Heavy-bottomed frying pan - 20 minutes
  • Oven - 40 minutes at 180 degrees
  • Microwave - 5 minutes at maximum power

How to deliciously fry pumpkin seeds with and without salt in the microwave?

Tips for roasting pumpkin seeds in the microwave

Remember, seeds roast very quickly in the microwave. Therefore, if you do not want to overexpose them, then set the timer for just 1 minute, and then check if they have started to click.

As soon as you hear this sound, fry the seeds for only 30 seconds. If you dry them for a longer time, you will probably miss the moment when they are perfectly cooked.


  • Rinse the pumpkin seeds and dry them thoroughly with paper towels.
  • Wipe a flat plate dry and place the seeds on it
  • If you want them to cook evenly, spread them out in a thin layer.
  • Set the power to maximum and the timer to 2 minutes
  • After this time, taste the product, set the timer for 1 minute
  • Once the time is up, taste the pumpkin seeds again.
  • If they are not yet toasted, place them in the oven for another 30 seconds.
  • If they are medium in size, they will be completely cooked during this time.

How to deliciously fry pumpkin seeds with and without salt in the oven?

Tips for roasting pumpkin seeds in the oven

Before you roast pumpkin seeds in the oven, you must decide what product you want to get in the end. If you want to enjoy salted seeds, then soak them in water with salt, then dry them and start roasting them. If you want to prepare the most healthy product for your family, then simply dry them and bring them in the oven to the desired temperature.


  • Preheat the oven to 180 degrees
  • If the seeds are very small, the temperature can be raised to 200 degrees
  • Place the washed and dried seeds in a bowl, add a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil, and mix everything thoroughly
  • If desired, you can add a little of your favorite spices at this stage.
  • Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and place pumpkin seeds on it.
  • Place the pan in the oven for 1 hour
  • Remember to remove the product from the oven every 15 minutes and stir
  • After about 50 minutes you can check to see if the seeds are cooked
  • After the characteristic taste and aroma appear, you can turn off the oven and wait for the product to cool completely.

Video: How to cook delicious PUMPKIN SEEDS?


  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Fresh pumpkin

How to fry pumpkin seeds in a frying pan, step-by-step instructions with photos:

Step 3

Place the dried pumpkin seeds in the pan. The layer of seeds should not be thick.

Step 4

Fry pumpkin seeds over low heat without a lid, stirring constantly, until slightly golden color. This will take approximately 30 minutes. Adjust the degree of roasting of the seeds individually.

Step 5

Immediately after reaching the required degree of frying, remove the frying pan from the heat, and be sure to pour the seeds onto a wide flat object (chopping board, dish) in one layer. Let the seeds cool. In a hot frying pan, the seeds will be overcooked and may become overcooked, but if transferred to another place and quickly cooled, they will remain at the degree of roasting that you like.

We will need:

  • Microwave dishes
  • Colander
  • Wooden spoon


  • Pumpkin seeds

How long to roast pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin has recently become a very popular ingredient in various dishes. Housewives are happy to use pumpkin to make soups, stew, bake, and prepare drinks, jams, and sauces from pumpkin.

After preparing these dishes, there are always seeds left over. Don't rush to throw them away. Rinse thoroughly, dry, and at a convenient moment, fry. Roasted seeds can then be added to soups, salads, baked goods, or simply eaten as a healthy snack.

Roasted pumpkin seeds have a very pleasant taste, which is somewhat similar to the taste of roasted peanuts. In addition to the fact that roasted pumpkin seeds are very tasty, their regular consumption has a great effect on the condition of blood vessels, blood, heart, and skin.

You can roast pumpkin seeds in a frying pan, in the oven or in the microwave. Choose the method that you like best.

How to fry pumpkin seeds in the microwave, step-by-step instructions with photos:

Step 4

Cook at 800 W, turning on the oven for 1 minute and then stirring. The amount of time will depend on the number of seeds and their degree of moisture. Every minute you need to stir the seeds and taste the degree of roasting. Usually the whole process takes 4-5 minutes.

We will need:

  • Baking tray
  • Colander
  • Wooden spoon
  • Parchment paper


  • Pumpkin seeds

How long to roast pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin has recently become a very popular ingredient in various dishes. Housewives are happy to use pumpkin to make soups, stew, bake, and prepare drinks, jams, and sauces from pumpkin.

After preparing these dishes, there are always seeds left over. Don't rush to throw them away. Rinse thoroughly, dry, and at a convenient moment, fry. Roasted seeds can then be added to soups, salads, baked goods, or simply eaten as a healthy snack.

In the oven Roast pumpkin seeds on a baking sheet at 190 degrees.

On a frying pan Fry pumpkin seeds over low heat without a lid.

In the microwave Fry pumpkin seeds at full power.

How to Roast Pumpkin Seeds

Fresh pumpkin seeds - 200 grams
Vegetable oil (preferably olive) - 30 ml
Fine salt - 1 teaspoon
Dried garlic (optional) - half a teaspoon

Recipe for frying pumpkin seeds in a frying pan
1. Place pumpkin seeds on a heated frying pan, poured with oil, in 1 layer.
2. Fry in a frying pan for 20 minutes over low heat without a lid.
3. When frying, pumpkin seeds should be stirred constantly to avoid burning.
4. The product is considered ready when the shell turns golden.
5. Roasted seeds need to be allowed to cool down so that they acquire a special taste and aroma.

Recipe for roasting pumpkin seeds in the oven
1. Rinse the seeds, removing excess pulp and fiber, and dry for 1 hour.
2. Mix pumpkin seeds with oil and salt.
3. Preheat the oven to 140 degrees.
4. Place baking paper on a baking sheet and pumpkin seeds on top in 1 layer.
5. Place the baking sheet with pumpkin seeds on the middle rack of the oven and roast for 1 hour.

Recipe for roasting pumpkin seeds in the microwave
1. Place pumpkin seeds in oil and salt on a plate in an even layer.
2. Place the dish with pumpkin seeds in the microwave and fry for 5 minutes at full power, leave in the microwave to cool for 10 minutes.


How to get pumpkin seeds
1. Cut the pumpkin in half or cut a hole at the top.
2. Scoop out the seeds along with the fibrous pulp, using a tablespoon.
3. Separate the seeds from the fibrous part - it is more convenient to do this with your hands.
4. Place the seeds in a colander and rinse with water, separate the remaining fibers and then drain the water.
5. Spread the seeds on a paper napkin in 1 layer, blot the top with another napkin.
6. Dry the seeds in the oven for several hours, or at room temperature for 7-9 days, or in the sun for 5-6 days.

Dried pumpkin seeds are ready to eat, but can be fried to add flavor and aroma.

The benefits of pumpkin seeds
Pumpkin seeds help reduce the excitability of the nervous system and mitigate the effects of stress.
If you regularly consume pumpkin seeds, heavy metals (cadmium, lead), as well as cholesterol, are removed from the body. Pumpkin seeds help increase the dynamism of the digestive process.

Pumpkin seeds contain:
1) zinc (immunity, hormones, skin and bone health),
2) phosphorus (brain function, nervous system),
3) magnesium (anti-stress, cardiovascular system),
4) iron (metabolic processes in the body)

Calorie content of pumpkin seeds- 700 kcal/100 grams.

Price of pumpkin seeds- from 100 rubles/100 grams (Moscow, June 2017).

Shelf life of pumpkin seeds
Roasted seeds can be stored for 1 week. The seeds are stored unpeeled in a tightly closed container; in the absence of a shell, vegetable fats are oxidized and beneficial properties are lost.

Use of roasted pumpkin seeds in cooking
Pumpkin seeds can be added to fried and stewed vegetable dishes, and to salads of fresh vegetables and herbs. Ground roasted pumpkin seeds should be added to porridge (both hot and cold) or sprinkled on sandwiches.

How to store pumpkin seeds
The seeds are stored unpeeled in a tightly closed container; in the absence of a shell, vegetable fats are oxidized and beneficial properties are lost.

How to choose the right pumpkin seeds
When purchasing pumpkin seeds, you should pay attention to the integrity of the shell. There should be no moisture in the pumpkin seeds, and there should also be no smell.