Why does a person drink a lot of tea? How much tea can you drink a day: the benefits and harms of caffeine

You may never be too rich or too thin, but you certainly can drink too much tea.

Doctors at Henry Ford Health System in Detroit saw a 47-year-old woman who suffered from severe pain in her lower back, hips, legs and arms. In addition, all her teeth crumbled and fell out.

Clearly something was happening to her skeletal system. Indeed, an x-ray showed signs of a painful pathology in her spine called skeletal fluorosis.

Doctors took a blood test from her to determine the level of fluoride in her body. As the article states, a liter of blood in a normal healthy person contains less than 0.10 milligrams of fluoride, but this patient's fluoride level was 0.43 mg.

Skeletal fluorosis can affect people who drink water with high levels of fluoride (higher than in parts of the United States where fluoride is specifically added to tap water). According to data provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, people who inhale dust or smoke containing fluoride compounds at work are also at risk.

The Michigan patient was not exposed to any harmful dust or smoke, but she admitted to drinking a lot of black tea.

Research has shown that for most people, black tea is not a source of excess fluoride - typically 1-5 milligrams per liter of tea, although some experts report higher concentrations, reaching up to 9 milligrams per liter of tea. However, it is known that tea drinkers who drink large quantities of it develop skeletal fluorosis.

For example, a 2011 study report published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism reported on a 48-year-old patient who developed fluorosis after drinking at least 4 drinks per day for over 30 years. up to 7.5 liters of orange peco tea leaves. And a 2008 study article published in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research reported on a 49-year-old woman who developed skeletal fluorosis as a result of eating daily food since she was 12 years old. I drank 7.5 liters of instant tea.

What was different about our patient from Michigan? She told doctors that she had been drinking a large mug of tea every day for the past 17 years. True, this tea was not the kind you usually drink - she brewed 100-150 tea bags in a mug of water (apparently the mug was not a small one).

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Experts say that you can drink black tea during the day in quantities that do not exceed 6 small cups. In this case, the drink should be fresh, not particularly hot. It is recommended to drink black tea as soon as it is brewed. You should not drink food or medicine with this drink, so as not to harm your well-being. Black tea is great for invigorating, it contains a lot of caffeine, it tones and lifts your mood. However, if you abuse black tea for a long time, even very high quality and tasty, you can cause serious harm to your health.

What are the dangers of black tea?

The habit of constantly drinking a lot of strong brewed black tea has a negative impact on the condition of your teeth. This drink eats into the enamel, destroys and damages it, and makes the teeth yellowish. Getting rid of tea stains on your teeth can be very difficult.

Black tea contains a large amount of caffeine, which irritates the nervous system. The drink helps to cheer you up, but at the same time it can cause increased nervousness and cause an excited state. It is not recommended to drink black tea before bed; it can cause difficulty falling asleep and can cause insomnia. In addition, this drink releases hidden energy, which gradually leads to a complete loss of strength and the development of chronic fatigue syndrome.

People who have a tendency to high blood pressure should drink black tea during the day with caution. Black tea can trigger the development of hypertension; it puts a strain on the heart, causing it to work harder. Some people, after a cup of black tea, may experience palpitations, tremors in the body, tremors in the limbs, headaches, and lack of oxygen.

Doctors prohibit drinking black tea for people diagnosed with atherosclerosis. The drink has a negative effect on blood vessels and can cause blood clots.

Can a pregnant woman keep black tea in her diet? There is no strict prohibition on drinking this drink, especially if a pregnant woman drinks some black tea of ​​weak consistency. However, we must remember that black tea can increase toxicosis and negatively affect the development of the fetus. Doctors note that women who drank a lot of black tea during pregnancy give birth to low-weight babies.

This drink contains a lot of tannins. They affect the process of food digestion. For diarrhea, black tea normalizes digestion. However, people prone to irregular bowel movements and constipation should try to exclude black tea from their diet. Or drink a weak brewed drink. Also, people who have stomach problems should not drink a lot of black tea. Black tea greatly increases acidity, which can lead to the development of gastritis or even ulcers.

Black tea of ​​any brand contains a certain amount of fluoride. This component, if too much of it enters the human body, has a negative effect on bones and kidneys, and can provoke the development of painful conditions. Due to the presence of fluoride, black tea is also harmful to the thyroid gland.

The drink is a diuretic, which does not always have a positive effect on health. Because of this property, not only does there be an increased load on the kidneys, but also beneficial substances are washed out of the body. Black tea removes magnesium from the human body in large quantities. And this element is extremely important for the proper functioning of the nervous system.

At elevated body temperatures, doctors do not recommend drinking a lot of pure black tea, especially in combination with medications that relieve fever. The drink easily removes medicinal components from the body and neutralizes the work of antipyretic drugs. In addition, black tea contains an element such as theophylline, which can further increase the body temperature of a sick person.

Today we will talk about those cases when drinking tea is harmful. We will give answers to popular questions from site visitors about the dangers of tea, and also dispel popular questions about it.

Any tea, like any product, can be of high quality or low quality. If you take a low-quality product, there is no point in talking about the benefits for your body. Therefore, we are talking about high-quality tea, and not tea dust in a bag, which is sold in most stores.

Is it true that drinking long-steeped tea is harmful?

Yes, there is some truth in this.
It is known that tea leaves contain >100 different compounds that are absolutely harmless to human health. But it is recommended to drink freshly brewed tea (after steeping the tea for 4-8 minutes, depending on the type and type of tea). "Why?" - you ask.

It is important to know that long-term brewing destroys vitamins that are beneficial to the body and health, such as vitamin B and C. If tea is infused on a stove or thermos, then chemical reactions and processes occur that change the taste of the tea, as well as its aroma and color (it often becomes cloudy when cooled).

Long-infused strong tea is not recommended for people who have problems with the nervous and cardiovascular systems. This tea has a large amount of caffeine. It is also dangerous for people who suffer from diseases such as gout and uric acid diathesis due to the increased amount of a substance such as guanine.

There is little guanine in freshly brewed teas, since it dissolves very poorly and slowly in water. So you shouldn't drink yesterday's tea!

Is it harmful to drink tea and coffee at night?

Drinking water at night if you want is not harmful. But you should not drink strong coffee or tea. It is better to drink weak tea or dairy products in small quantities. If you drink a lot of liquids at night, your stomach will stretch and you will begin to overeat over time.

Remember that at night your body should rest, and not digest the drink you have taken, engage your kidneys and strain your heart.

So drinking tea in the evenings shouldn’t get carried away and become a habit!

Is it harmful to drink tea after meals?

It's harmful! Caffeine, which is in tea, inhibits the normal absorption of food by the body. It is better to drink small sips of water in small quantities than tea or coffee!

Is it possible to take medications and medications with tea?
No! You need to take medications with water, not tea or coffee, as many people do.

Simple rules for drinking tea:

  • It is not recommended to drink tea on an empty stomach, or before or immediately after meals. It is better to drink tea 25-40 minutes after eating food.
  • It is recommended to drink tea at 50-65°C. Very hot and harmful to drink!
  • Strong tea can cause problems with your sleep and be the main cause of headaches.

Is it harmful to drink tea often, what consequences can this lead to?

    The norm of tea per day is 4-5 glasses. If it is more, then it is already harmful to health. In addition to the additional burden on the blood vessels and the heart, excessive tea can cause vision problems, since vitamin D is poorly absorbed in the body due to excess tea, and a deficiency of vitamins, especially vitamin D, leads to vision deterioration.

    If you drink 5-10 cups, which are 200-100 milliliters, then there is nothing wrong with that.

    But if you drink, take 250-500 ml mugs. then it becomes harmful to the body.

    Of course there is an effect on the body, but not as harmful as you might think.

    Drinking a lot of tea is harmful, especially at one time, since a lot of liquid can cause swelling and frequent urination. In addition, consuming tea in excess can lead to insomnia, irritability, and nervous overexcitability. It's best to limit yourself to 3-4 cups a day and drink real tea, not bagged powder.

    It is best to drink green tea, but strong black tea is not recommended at night - you will not fall asleep. In general, a person needs to drink about two liters of liquid a day, so drinking fresh tea is not harmful, but overeating a lot of tea sandwiches or sweets is harmful.

    In everything you need to know moderation, because even the most useful things in large quantities become harmful. Tea in small quantities is beneficial for blood vessels. In large quantities it puts a strain on the same blood vessels and kidneys. I think you should limit yourself to 3-5 cups a day.

    One of my friends is involved in tea professionally; for some time he worked in a tea club, so he knows a lot about tea. So he says that tannin and caffeine in tea are not found in the same form as in coffee and other caffeine-containing drinks. Firstly, in other proportions (much smaller), and secondly, in a different form (in the form of enzymes, if I’m not mistaken). Therefore, it is practically not harmful to the body. But the benefits of tea are much greater. For example, green tea is an excellent antioxidant. However, everything is good in moderation, and I still wouldn’t get too carried away with something even very useful.

    In fact, drinking too much tea is harmful. Let's not forget that tea contains caffeine. Too much of it can make you more irritable, cause insomnia or headaches. In addition to caffeine, one should not forget about another substance contained in tea - tannin. In large quantities, tannin binds vitamins that enter our body from other foods, thereby depleting it, making it weaker and more vulnerable to disease.

    And finally, drinking too much tea does not have a positive effect on the circulatory system. This puts a lot of stress on the blood vessels and increases the heart rate.

    In everything you need to know when to stop.

    In my opinion, there is no harm from tea, except good. If you use it correctly, and not like some people, they leave the leaves to rot in the teapot for almost two days, until the whole teapot is drunk, and they drink cold red (which is supposedly black) tea, and dilute it with water to such an extent that there is nothing from the tea There will be no color left, and that is deathly pale.

    There is a lot of caffeine in tea, so watch your health. What else? Should you run to the toilet more often? So, depending on what kind of mugs...

    I don’t know about black tea, but drinking a lot of green tea is harmful. I was convinced of this myself. For a long time I drank 8-10 cups of green tea a day, which resulted in low ferritin, which led to significant hair loss, fragility, as well as problems with nails (well, these are most likely minor superficial changes that happen to the body - it’s scary to imagine). For three months I took iron supplements, ferritin rose to 130, then I included iron-rich foods in my diet. I was able to recover only after a year and a half.

    In general, I read that tea does not allow calcium to be absorbed normally.

  • There are moments in drinking tea when it practically becomes poison. If you look carefully, you can conclude that drinking too much tea is, after all, harmful. Well, for example:

    • Harmful drink tea right away after waking up, on an empty stomach. Doctors say that it reduces the amount of bile and acid in the stomach, and helps suppress the secretion of gastric juice. The same applies to drinking tea. immediately after eating. It should take about half an hour.
    • It is forbidden drink very hot tea. The optimal temperature is 56 degrees, no more. Hot is harmful to the mucous membrane and scars can form in the stomach.
    • Tea Not recommended too much brew for a long time, since this destroys all the vitamins in nm,

Interestingly, both black and green tea are made from the same plant. The difference lies in the processing method. However, the effects of green and black tea on the body differ in many aspects, although they are similar in many ways. Black tea goes through a longer processing chain. Ultimately, many useful substances are lost. This is why experts consider green tea a healthier drink.

It is worth noting that green and black teas contain large quantities of bioactive substances that can have both negative and positive effects on the human body. Of course, first of all we are talking about caffeine and theophylline. In addition, many types of tea contain essential oils, which do not behave well during the brewing process.

The benefits and harms of tea

Among the beneficial properties of both green and black tea, one can note its abilities. It effectively relieves fatigue, normalizes the nervous and digestive systems, heals blood vessels, activates metabolism, and has a beneficial effect on cardiac activity.

Tea has a beneficial effect on cells, effectively slowing down their aging, thereby prolonging life. It is worth noting that it is tea leaves that have the ability to provide the much-needed rejuvenation effect.

It is known that tea contains tannin, which destroys a large number of bacteria, thereby preventing diseases such as enteritis, sore throat, stomatitis and intestinal infections.

Despite the numerous advantages of both black and green tea, we should not forget about the dangers of this drink.

Too hot tea can burn the internal organs of the body. Due to the powerful stimulation of the stomach and esophagus, painful changes in these organs may begin.

Tea should be drunk fresh. Otherwise, it is worth remembering that already 20-30 minutes after brewing it, the process of oxidation of aromatic components, essential oils, lipids, and phenol begins.

If you drink black tea for a long time and often, your teeth enamel may turn yellow. And green tea often destroys the enamel on your teeth.

Strongly brewed tea contains large amounts of caffeine and theine, so it can cause insomnia or severe headaches. In addition, strong tea negatively affects cardiac activity.